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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
: I ;l 1 ii -A'. a- SECTIOIl TWO PAGES 13 TO Li i f ' V X UX II. a o U y LJ i; ) 1 1 H n V .-"w. i. c XS m PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 18C5. THE OLDS, WORTMAN ZV KING STORE. FIFTH,: SIXTH AND-WASHINGTON STS. THE; OLDS, WORTMAN CO. KING STORE L cjj ' Grand Free Exposition and Slaughter Sale of o Another Lively Salt of Beautiful Ribbons Special Monday in "The Ribbon - Shop" First Floor. . '. 95c and 45c Taffeta Ribbons . for 25c A ' great lot of Fine All-Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 4 and 4'A inches wide, . in all . the , best colors and shades; your 35c and 40c .values. Special for tomor row and all week et, the yard . . . .25 , ; Good New From the Underwear Shops ' '.First Floor. : -"; Women's and Children's Knit wear in the best known makes, seasonable weights and newest patterns at interesting prices less than usual for Monday buyers. 1 ' ; : ,' ;- r- Women's $1.25 Vests and t . - ' ' ; Pants 99c, ...:- White Mercerized Vega Silk Long-Sleeve Vests, with Ankle Length Pants to match; regu lar value $1.25. ,. Special, each., t, ... Women's $3.00 Union Suits : .... . uoa - Fine Cashmere Union Suits, open across bust, long sleeves, ankle length, sizes 5 and 6 in white and sizes 4 and 6 in blue ray; regular value $3.00. -pecial, the suit.........2.0O JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S KNIT UNDER WEAR. . Boys Cotton Union Suits 60c Boys' Gray Cotton Fleece-Lined Union Suits, good winter weight, open; value at, suit. 60 Women's Silk and Wool Vests and Tights $1.75. Women's Silk and. Wool Vests,, with tights to match, in white, pink and blue; values at, each .Sl.TS Union JSuis same as above, a good value at, suit. .... .f 3-50 HANDSOME Shirtwaist Fronts ;;; A SALE - A convention of wonderful special values in Daintily Em broidered Shirtwaist Fronts will engage the attention of thous ands of Monday shoppers Read details First Floor. " ; Monday we will place on our counters a' fine lot of Embroid ered Shirtwaist Fronts. Some are in the French embroidery, others; the .open work effect, some imitation hand embroid ery, some in stripes, others in medallion patterns. A gland lot to .select from, generous assort ments. , Prices from 75c each to $3.00 each. They will be sold as follows Special Monday and Tuesday: -, j . ..' 75c values for 4S $1.00 values for 83e $1.25 values for 85e. -$1.50 values for 9S, $2.00 value for f 1.34. . $2.25 values for f 1.50, $250 values for 1.6& and $3.00 values for. ...... . . ..... , ... .-. . . . ... .92.00 As yrro.itep off the monster elevators tomorrow that make the third floor almost axontinuation of the grand main promenades, you may almost imagine yourself at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, or the pottery room at. Tiffany's. We arranged for the remoral-last week of.the entire r, V WELLER EXHIBIT DF ART POTTERY FROM , To this store where it has been arranged in a prominent and spacious section on Third Floor for FREE EXHIBIT to our patrons.. Hundreds of articles, and each se lected with special care for exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. We shall offer the . beautiful pieces for a brief period, starting Monday, to our public at about HALF REGULAR PRICES ! Our intelligent clientele cannot underestimate the importance" of this event to lovers of the beautiful in "art in pottery. Here are the pieces that rival in their superb metallic luster the wares that lie buried in old Pompeii and the tombs of the Ptolemys, the replicas ol the sought for and much admired "Tiffany-ware." Not a hodge-podge' convention of things without a parentage, but an expose of the handsomest most elegant products, of the world's greatest makers the Wellers of Zanesville, Ohio, the largest pottery in the United States and the center of the pottery trade in 'America, noted for their rare and magnificent productions the ONLY modern potters that ever yet attained that peculiar metallic luster for which the pottery of the ancients is famous. 1 Tiffany 8c Co. took the. a connoisseur when in New that vase for $20. There is everv reason whv vou should turn to vour advantage the bnnortunitiM of this CtAa Wnrtman Kncr aU rf th Wllr iihit. That nn nrh liV event will ever be held in Portland again is almost sure certainly not for years. In the monster gathering is ART NOVEAU MATT, JAP BIRDMIAL, EOCEAN DICKENS WARE, DICKENS MATT, Mull's Landscape ware, LOUWELSA flower and figure decorations, AURELIAN flower and animal decorations, Weller matt, Indian and Monk embellishments, Perfect ware, heads and floral decorations and the ' beautiful, matchless metallic lusters. Then comes the magnificent SICARDO WARE, the greatest achievement in, modern pottery:- The world famous" Tiffany & Co. for the first year bought the entire output of -the factory making, this beautiful ware. For holiday, remembrances, anniversaries and presents. There is something suitable for every one. Thousands. of pieces to select' from and every piece a" selected work of art, regular values from .75c to $20. ; Special at HALF. PRICE. ' , . '. " . enure proauct oi tne vveuer pottery in tne sicarao ware :or one year tor tneir xew York-store. The entire line of Weller pottery is represented. . baid who viewed the exhibit as it was being unpacked, picking a lovely vase from out of the collection:! "I saw the exact duplicate of this vase at Tiffany's, York last spring, fell in love with it, bought it and brought it home as a gift to my wife." "What did I pay for it? $75." And we're croine to sell Fins Tissue Toilet Paper Best qual ity, large size, 12-ounce rolls; our ' )0c value,. Special at, the roll.. .. ..Tf Purs White Commercial Envelopes, 25 in package, sizes 5 or 6 inches; our 5c value. Special at, 2 packages.. Box Writing . Paper Plain, white, smooth finish; plain or ruled; our ' 18c value. Special at, the box.... 12 Fine Linen Writing Tablets Note, packet or letter size, ruled; our 25c value. Special at, each ....... l-f Enamel Bsck Playing Cards Finest quality,- red or, blue .-backs;, our 25c value. , Special at, the pack...lT Authentic Styl es in Correct Apparel PORTLAND'S LARGEST. FOREMOST WARDROBE STORES .-i FOR WOMEN GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR, ' This department of this great store rose early in its career to the first prominence. Immediately fashionable women recognized in it a dictatorial center at which the freshest turns of fashion might be seen and -judged. This has been intensely pleasing to us and no effort has been spared to warrant an unflagging continuance of a patronage which has given us s mighty prestige, not only here at home, but abroad. The story today is short but the stocks are long. Our apparel buyer Miss Bernard now in New York, sent us s big shipment by express came yerday containing 53 large bundles of NEW THREE-QUARTER LENGTH COATS. HANDSOME RAINCOATS and SMART. TAILORED SUITS the largest single- shipment ever made a Portland house, made up entirely of women's apparcL THE NEW COATS are of the popular mannish mixed mate rials, in dark, medium and light grays, tans and green mixtures, black, brown and blue both plain tailored and trimmed styles. The assortment is too varied and immense for detailed descrip tion, and our helpers are Still unpacking, checking and rushing the garments into stock as we send this to press. Come in Monday and we them. If you wish to buy suit yourself as to price, the range is wide. w ... T,5 to 8'50 Women's Particularly Strong Lines at $13.50, $15 and $18 50 NEW RAINCOATS Plain tailored and' smartly trimmed in chic, fetching effects,, swell enough for any occasion and made from best water-proofed fabrics a , bigger assortment' than ALL other Portland apparel stores COMBINED can show .at....:...... .....fia.50 to f28.60 kEW TAILORED SUITS amonsr the, prominent' late arrivals ....flS.SO to flT&.00 Jet-Headed Pins Best quality, 100 pins tn cube. Special sale price, cube. i. 4 Shell Color Side or Back Combs Ex tra quality, smooth finish, plain; our 50c value. Special at. each..35e Chamois Skins, natural color, medium size; our 30c value. Special. each.20e Whisk Brooms Double stitched, me dium size; our 18c value" Special . . at each...... .10 PLAN NOW FOR THE FESTAL THANKS GIVING BOARD. v ' Monday Specials in the Linen and Domestic Aisles Shoe Chat : Exclusive Styles, S Special Prices - , 'STYLISH FOOTWEAR FOR THE MEN AND WOMEN.. ' ' In the "Boote Shoppe." ' ' , A SPECIAL SHOP FOR THE CHILDREN. Sixth Street Annex First Floor. SHOES FOR MEN High art in shoemaking exploited in our ex clusive makes. , The reputation of our Shoe Store wilt be materially added to this season. Ours is a progressive house. Because we have ' won the trade of Portland's dressy women by combining exquisite lines . of beauty in shoes just suited to the feminine foot, and priced those , shoes at figures that made the values matchless.. We don't intend to v rest, on our laurels. We're after, the men's trade, ALL of it. We've , railed in the skill of. famous craftsmen to our aid, among them the i "Hurleys" famous as Massachusetts' best shoemakers, outfitters to the feet of all bwclldom in the east VVe ve secured their shoes for ort- ' '' . land's foremost Shoe Store, and we control their sale locally. , They are here in all the plain and fancy leathers, stylish shapes and newest lasts. The price is very reasonable for strictly high-grade goods. , Price, the pair...i...........f 6.00 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES SPECIAL- MONDAY WOMEN'S I3J0 SHOES FOR $2J Women's Patent Colt Boots. Goodyear sewed good styles our $3.50 values.' Special for two days only at, the pair.,. ..j....f2.29 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES of Dongola kid. with patent tips, plump uppers and stout soles; lace style Misses' Shoes with low heels Children's with-spring heels Sizes llVi to 2, our $2.00 value Special atthe pair....... fl.39 Sizes 8 to 11, our $1.5Q value Special at,,the pair ..::.......fl.l9 BOYS' SHOES Here in box calf, lace style; with stout soles; reliable in every way made for this climate and will stand the test Boys' sizes, 2 to 6, our $2.50 value Special at, the pair. .......................... fl.80 ti...' -: lit. y " im f.. o l .u. :' - - on' Dtjy BiK,, .-'j i'j uur v7cnui si, uie luir. ..... .. ......-....... Boys' sizes, 8 to 13, our $1.75 value Special at, the pair. '. . J. , ..S1.39 First Floor. ' Richardson's Fine Satin Damask Table Sets in new designs for round, oval and square tables, also new linens for shirtwaists, fancy . work and handkerchiefs in all grades. V HEMSTITCHED DRAWNWORK SQUARES. Size 27x27 inches Special at, each.. .....38 Size 30x30 inches Special at, each ,43f ? . LINEN TOWELING. A lot of Linen Toweling. Special at, the yard 10f li and X2y,t . I 30c BATH TOWELS 23c " Largo Size Brown Bath Towels, hemmed, g?od quality; regular value 30c. Special, each . . ,23f 'New line of -Wool Moreens for skirts. New Plaids for waists and dresses. V f NEW FLANNELETTES AT 10c YARD. Thousands of yards of New Flannelettes, in handsome floral", Persian and striped .effects. Special at, the yard......... lOfV -NEW DRESS GINGHAMS 10c YARD. A line of New Dress Ginghams, in plaids, checks, stripes, plain colors and fancy raised effects. Special at, the yard lOe AN ENGAQING MALE QUARTETTE OF .-; STRONO TONED k Specials for Men Buyers UNDERWEAR NIGHTGOWNS . HALF-HOSE 'KERCHIEFS it f02 SALE Furnishings Special Monday la The Haberdasher!" . Sixth Street Annex First Floor. MEN'S 75c UNDER WEAR 63c Men's Wool Under wear in natural gray, winter weight; regular value 75c Special, the garment. or the suit...... f 1.25 MEN'S $1.00 OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS 69 CENTS. i Men's Outing Flannel Gowns, in cream color with pin stripe, extra good quality; regular value $1.00. Spe cial, each 69e i MENS MEN'S 20c HOSE 12 CENTS.- Men's Fine Wool Hose in natural gray; regular' value 20c Special at.. ........ 2 pair 2Se MEN'S 50c SILK HANDKERCHIEFS 35c A line of Men's Pretty Silk Handkerchiefs, with fancy colored borders; regular value 50c - Special, each S5f Pretty Jewelry Nov elties For Less Than Usual Prices in Monday's Special Sales ;;: . ' SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR " . COLLAR BUTTON SETS 10c. ' Four Collar Buttons on card one front, one back and two buttons for sleeves buttons arc made with good rolled gold,, plate fronts and celluloid backs; s good 15c value. ' Special at, the card ........ ............. ..10f ...... , " '.'.'' '-.. " 59c FOR JEWELED COLLARS WORTH"73c Jeweled Collars, with cut ""amethyst . sets, on metal links; regular length; our 75c value. Special at, each...., S9e JEWELED COLLARS same- as above but wider; our regular $1.00 value. Special at, each. . .:,,..................... Te 35c COLLAR SUPPORTERS FOR SSe. We are showing a large variety of styles in - Collar Supporters the newest and most prac tical contrivance for holding ladies' lace collars in place some very pretty ones, . made of J, mother-of-pearl, will be on sale tomorrow;, a good 35c value.' Special sale price... ...25' 35c DRESS PINS FOR 23c ' 1 A line of Pretty Dress Pins, gold, filled, with rich, rose gold finish: well made and a good value at 35c for set of three pins. -; Special sale price, the set ...................22 25c PEARL BEAD NECKCHAINS lie Pearl Bead Neckchains, suitable for little girls , round snd corn7shaped beads, strung on strong linen thread with metal catch f our ' 25c value. Special at, each ............. ..15 Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding, with brush edge, in black, navy, brown, etc.; our 12c value. Special at, the yard. ........... . i . .8e Shell or Amber Hair Pins plain or crimped, smooth finish; 1 dozen on card; our 25c value, Special at, the card... . . ........ .1T Cold Cream In large size 8-ounce jars; s pure, white, delicate, perfumed toilet cream; our 39c value. Spe cial at, the jar :-.2Se Japanese Tooth Brushes, medium sizes; our 15c value. Extra special at, each. . . . . . . . . ; Bf Ladles' Nickel-Plated Shears or Scis sors, best quality, guaranteed; our 90e and $1.00 values. Special aty the pair. . .... s .. , ; 63f 8pedal Sale Monday of -.LADIES' ; Collar and : Cuff Sets ' , First. Floor. .. Dainty Collar and Cuff Sets, some embroidered on ecru snd "white strim, some of linen em broidered in colors snd some of pique embroidered in colors; values to 75c. Special sale m price, the set. ST Hosiery " STIRRINQ SALE THAT STARTS TOMORROW V In the Women's and ; Children's Stocking Shop , First Floor. Four prominent special values we have arranged for four days'' selling. Women's Cotton Hose 17c Black Cotton Fleece-Lined Hose,, seamless. Special 17e ,a pair or three pair for.. ,,Mf Women's 75c Hose? 55c Black Cashmere Hose, fine qual ity, full ' shaped and finished, double T soles, extra sizes for stout women," 8J4, 9 and 9 only J regular value 75c. . Special, the pair...........B5eV Women's 35c Hose 25c Medium-Weight Black Lisle Hose, finished foot, double sols; regular value 35c Special, 1 1 the. pair....... .....2Se Children's Black Cotton Hose 25c Children's Black Cotton Fine Ribbed Hose, fleece lined; value at, th e pair 2B And Now a Chance to Buy the. Wanted Indian Blankets Under price Read of a Great Special . . Sale of . Indian Blankets r-FOR MONDAY Home-Furnishing -Stores . Fourth Floor. ( : : ' lfndian Blankets. ,' Regular 5.50 value. Spe- ' cial, each , 14. SO Regular $6.50 value, Spe cial, each... ..... ......... 25.00 Regular $7.50 value. Spe cial, each ............... . f 6.00 $7 JO Navajo Blankets SOS. AM-Wool Navaio Blankets.' in pretty ligh colorings;, regular value $7.50. Special. - '. each .',..V.9S An Interesting Sale of Beautiful Skirts . A featire arrahged special for Monday among the surpassing shows of Women's Dainty Ur dermuslins Annex Second Floor. Read detail. -Women's $3.50 and 13.75 Canv v brie Underskirts $2.67. Fine White Cambric Skirts, elaborately trimmed with four rows of deep Valenciennes lace Insertion and edging, cluster of fine tucks and dnt ruffle, also others with deep flounce cf I lish eyelet embroidery - ' ' beautiful des"is; $JS0 and $33. . each.. ... THE OLDS, WORTMAN KING STORE THE, "DIFFERENT STORE THE OLDS, WORTH AN GV KII