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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUEIIAL, PORTLAND. ' CUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER: S3. 1SC3, ,13 ! ' t. SEEK DIVORCE AT OREGON CITY It Two Mors Actions for Separa tion Beun Iri "Circuit ; Court by Wives. ANNUAL CRANCE FAIR - V " CLOSES AT MILWAUKIE judge Ryan Inaugurated Session of Juvenile Court on Complaint of ; ". Garbage Man That , Youtha Shy ' Stones at Him. i rSneeUl- Dianstck to Tks JosreaU ' Oregon City; Oct. II. Two suits for divorce ware filed today In the circuit court May N. Mooney sees separation from Patay J. Mooney. The Mooneys were married at Portland In May. 104. and atnt live In Multnomah county. The plaintiff ailet-ea that her husband baa habitually called her rile names, has refused to support her snd has stead fastly refused to work. Ha has com "peled her to do the household work without means end she has had to pick tip boards -snd bits of wood for fuel. Amanda Taker has ssked for a di vorce from John H. yager. The Yagers ; were married in Colorado and presum ably live there yet. The complaint al leges thst the defendant deserted his , wife two years ago and she; asks thst she be allowed to resume her maiden name of Amanda Gustavison. . ' . DANCE CLOSES GRANGE . FAIR AT MILWAUKIE '' (Special Diepatrtj to The Joeraalt ' . Oregon City, - Oct. II. The annual " (range fair cloaed this evening at Mil- waukle with a dance-In Woodmen's hslL The exhibits constated of fruits, poultry, vegetables, fancy work, -school exhibits. etc The committee on swards is com posed of Oeorge P. Lent, Mrs. Francisco, or uorvallla. snd Captain J. T. Apperson. of Oregon City. Friday night an address was made by W. K. Newell,' of DUley, president of the State Horticultural So ciety. A vocal solo was given uy Mrs. Kva Bcott. . Hasel DrlscolL Mary Duffr. Helen- Jackson. Hattle Keck snd other 4 young women gave readings and reclta tlons. Miss Osll Lourhlln spoke on! suffrage and the Mllwaukle band con- - iriDuieo excellent music-. The baby show . wss a big feature. . Prises were awarded to Opal Dowllng. Francis McCarthy Baby CurnetL Mildred Murray. Flovd McCann and Mildred Mullen. The prises were souvenir spoons; jwiforr iegue 'at l. P. ' Epworth laaeue tt I II . m. Services m the Presbyteriaa church Sabbath morning.' In the evening the congregation is requested to attend the anion service at the sieinoaisi cnurcn. Sabbath school st 10 o'clock. : Xa realle- OomPB. - '' J' ' (livlil DtaoatrS te The Joenul. Oregon City, Oct. 11. Judge Thomaai F. Ryan of the county court inaugurated a session of Juvsnile court this morning, The subject was Charlie Toole, who was one ef a gang of lsds wr.o are said to have thrown stones st Kerbech. the gar bage man and bone collector. The com plainant aays the boys shy missiles at him to such sn extent that hut life Is rendered burdensome. They even held him up when he was on his .way to church. A hslf dosen boys are Involved. but wharlle was the only .one who--had the misfortune to get caught. Charlie was released on probation. , . J.-. : Sled Sfataral Death. (Special IMapatrh to The Journal.) ' Oregon City, Oct. tl. Coroner Hu man summoned a jury this morning st Wiloonvllla whleh held sn inquest over the' body of ,W. C Lichtenthaler, who waa found dead In his cabin two miles from the village, this morning. The jury decided that the man came to his death from .tatural causes. Lichten thaler was a bachelor and waa 6S years old. He lived ane In a cabin and was regarded by his neighbors as being a very peculiar nan. -,. - t Xmfsjst Boa Dies. (Special Dispatch to Ta JoersaLI ' f Oregon City. Oct. II. Walden Hyatt, the two-year-old son of MUlnrd Hyatt, died at his parents' home at Willamette t a o'clock this morning. The funeral will be held from the residence 8unday afternoon st I o'clock. - ; .," tooal sad VersonaL,. ,' .'..' (Special Dlspateh te The Journal.) ' Oregon City, Oct. II. H. A. Williams, publisher of the Estacada News, Is In the city today, ; Jacob oerber or Logan was in Oregon City today. . , Mrs. Imogen mraing Hrodle went to Portland this afternoon and gave a re- FAT FOLKS ISO Iba ST peases ; Za the Churches. . Special Dlapetrh to The Journals Oregon City, Oct. II. Methodist Epis copal church Rev. B. F. Rowland, pre siding elder of the East Portland dis trict, will preach at 10:46 a. m. and afterward administer the sacrament of the Lord s-Supper. In the evening a mass meeting of all the Toung People' societies of the city will be held. An address will be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Sharp.' Sunday school at f:48 a. m.. 24JT lba MBS. B. WILUaVS. MS Bill cot t Sq., Baftale, assyw M. IM av. less ia weight XjosS la wast bos la waist 10 Inches boss ia kips iaeaes This picture elves yea sa Idea ef my appear' aaee before asd after sr redactloa br Dr Bnrder. Mr kmltb la perfect. I mkt eojorea better be. US la mf Iff, not a -wrinkle to be era. wqj catrj jwr nnwi (ongar wkea relief la at band I Dr. Snjdar iraaraateaa bla treataMst te M serfeetly sarsileaa la every particular. Ka eseraiee. Be it.r.lna. ee deteniloa fro at Seal, aeas, ae wrinkles or Slecemforta. Dr. Snrder has bate a eperlallat la the sacceaaral treat Miit mt aoealtr for the seat SS Tears, and baa the ofiqaalteed endoneBHHit ef the SMdlcal fra ternity, a eeosMK tauing au ssesc n mm. Write today. ; O. W. P. SNYDER. M. D. ia aaareaam Bias-.. Sixth and asoirlsoa SJUeets. Vortlaaa. Oregoa. cltal ts Mrs Walter . Reed's claas In vocal music, '. - The Porosna grangirof New Era will hold ita annual fair in the Orange hill at New Era next Saturday. Extensive preparations sre being made for the Rev TS. B- Bollinger has returned home from Forest Orove.. where ha at tended the state oonventlon of the Con gregational church. 5 ' Wudge Winuro Oallowsy ,csme horn, last night from Albany, where ,h has Ln holding a term of circuit court. . wr rranted this ifSSo-Tti. Charles .HMJMI- Bertha P. Zimmerimi i -to J. R. Wsllter snd Miss Myrtle B. Tsy lor of Oregon City.' . ' vtuiria. who haa been spending a month st PortUnd. returned home today. - . , . WOMAN THROWN FROM - " HORSE AND INJURED ; ... i , (Special Dlanatch to The Joornal.) Oresham. Or, Oct. II Mrs. Emerson, who ! Housekeeper for Charles Chase st Sandy, on Wednesday rode a spirited horse without saddle to tne , postoince for the mall. - When starting on the re turn trip the horse, now headed fof home ' started to run. Being without saddle, the woman was unable to man age the horse or stay on bla back. ( She slid off but -tried to hold the horse by the bridle. She wss dragged some dis tance and kicked In the side of the head, breaking her Jaw snd rendering her un conscious for several hours. While hei injuries were severe snd painful they were fortunately not serious, snd Mrs. Emerson Is on the wsy to a speedy re covery. .!...-';,"""" ..",.. BOYS FIND STOLEN MINING CERTIFICATES V .Snarlal Dispatch to The Joerntl.t Sookane. Wash.. Oct II. B. J. Brown recovered a large amount of his stolen mining stock today, the. certificates being found by a schoolboy. - They con sisted of 11,160 shares of Belcher snd 11.000 shsres of Oold Tradera but 2,000 shares of Oregon ts. still missing be sides many receipts. The papers were tsken "nearly two months ago from Brown's room. The box containing the papers were found by schoolboys, who contemplsted making a bonfire, but changed Jnelr mlnda It is supposed the robber expected to find money and being disappointed hid. the box. MAN RUN OVER BY. TRAIN DIES OF HIS INJURIES " " (Special Dlapatcb te The Journal. Pendleton, Or.j Oct II. J. O. Lamb, a section foreman at Cayase station on the O. R. ac N. Una. who was run over by a freight train yesterday and had both legs cut off. died st noon today- st St Anthony's . hospital here. Lemb leaves a family of several children. After Many Years Of KlghEiputitlsn r -t We wouldn't risk It " " ; - : by saying TOLU-ri Would Cure Coughs and Colds unless -we were mighty sure. ,.Si Now, would we? '' ' It's 50 cents a Bottle Woodard-Clar'te czzzzzzzzszz: $1 Per Week For SO weeks, with -opportunity to se cure 30 suit at ISO. Meetings every Wednesday evening. Investigate -' ;' . Johnston Suit Club 504 Washlnfifoo Street - J. E. LYONS, 741 Johnson street, se cured the 130 suit in the J. H. Johnston Suit club, (04 Wsshlngton street, Wed nesday evening. October 18. - Hotel Baton Corner Harrises and Wast taxh Streets. NEW Basdaoasely farnlaaed, elcgaattr eestpeet, rapraof. Bts Blnstae walk from heart et shopping and baalneae dlatrtct. all larre, slry, oatslde roonu, steaa baa ted. eleetrte Hshts, trljhoae In aecb a partisan I. ete. Larte efacee. loanaing. sawklns. arrltlag, ladles reception parhm. Hsswa las as red by sull ar telephone. , Vrlvate ssialias meats trains and ataaants. .. Rooms $I.OO to $S.OO at Daf Special Bates te ComnMrcUl htea. mi, ktAs SAToa. ' ' (yerswrly ef Hotel Redpsta, Spcanna.) YIN KIN Ll'M CHINESE RESTAURANT 81 Second Street Coraer Oak Chop Suey and Noodle Tea and Cake V-V 4 . a j. i a jnnnnnnannar- Four Hs36dt Tfcay Uit Store Open Till t p. nv Sea Display Today In ' a Coupla of Our Fifth Street Windows. New In thai history of mcrchandiainf in Portland has any etore but ours offered a , Sunburst Petticoat for 76 f .-. , . A No house in this city beirts to come op to our assortment of Ladies' . Coats. ' Saturday evening 80 brand new exclusive : style . gar ments were finished and placed in stock many of them you can see ia our windows today. Remember, we own. operate and maintain ... a manufacturing plant for the making of. ' Ladies' Garments, and have the real man- v tailors to fit you. The garments you purchase -in our1 store will be handled in an expert man ner. You will find no such equipment else where as we maintain at our etore. We have a splendid line of Silk Petticoats. Dress Skirtay- ctcn etc ';-';.'-". Special Prices on Coats and Suits Wl he announced In Monday's papers snd by diaplay cards In our eight - large display windows. - '" SJ. M. .' r .,' j d " Fifth and Alder v$to. I . .1 I . 'X. J I I 2m wmm. st. BetweenTaylorand&Jmon ' ,'.' 1 ' '.-..'. Unprecedented Sale of Painte, Varnishes, Stains and Qruslies Fire is the cause of this eruption in the Portland market, and as the insurance companies have paid us the damages incurred, we are permitting our friends to reap "the benefits of their Severe losses. '.. ... $50,000 WORTH OF PAINTS, ENAMELS, STAINS, VARNISH AND BRUSHES WERE DAM AGED BY FIRE ON THE NIGHT OF OCTOBER 3 These goods did not burn in many cases were not even scorched but all were soaked by. water. The cans are somewhat rusty and the labels slightly defaced, but the contents are every whit as" '. good as they day they were shipped from the factory. WE HAVEN'T THE TIME TO REPAIR THE DAMAGE! ' WE DO NOT WANT TO DO IT! . We want you to come and take the me-'; I v chandise away, as we must have room for our new stock now being shipped from the ACME WHITE LEAD & COLOR WORKS of Detroit, Mich., the largest paint and varnish factory in the world. , 25 to 50 Cents on the Dollar Is the Price We Have Put on These Damaged Goods ! This is a figure that will surely move the stock. It cannot help it, and if you are contemplating painting your buildings this year, or if you intend to do it next year, you cannot afford to miss this . .'T ' great sale of high grade goods. Every package has the "ACME QUALITY" trade mark, for years the standard of excellence in paint manufacture. . You know the kind of goods you are buying. -; ' v-":' JUST A FEW OF THE GOOD THINGS TO DE HAD AT THIS SALE .... NEW ERA PAINT "c 1 A certificate of purity attached to every gallon ,1 can ; former price $1.75 per gallon, gj GRANITE FLOOR PAINT . The kind that stays on your floor; f AA . . . former price $1.75 per gallon. Now. ej)lUU CRESOLENE SHINGLE STAIN ' i Wears well, won't fade; former price $1.25 per gallon. Now.....'. iJL NEAL'S INTERIOR ENAMEL - .; '.That smooth finish, so easy to' keep clean; for 'mer price $2.50 per gallon. - . : 4j f" NOW.. ................ ............. sPlsaWtJ DAVIES' VARNO-LAC : - -Makei your pine floor look like' mahogany; for- -Now NEAL'S BATHTUB ENAMEL . Transforms the old line tub to porce- Cr ; lain; former price quart $1.40. Now... It) v NEAL'S, ALUMINUM ENAMEL ' For steam pipes,, radiators, gas ranges, (Ifl r....7U etc. ; former price quart $1.85. - Now. NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT The Old Original; former price, quart ' A fn 76c. Now s. 4Uv . ; A proportionate reduction in alL sized packages ON SALE MONDAY AT B:00 A. M. and every day thereafter until, the ",'.,..., r-... . , . ,' ' entire stock is disposed of. , . L sPT ; or -. i . r in Go . y ' a