TUB OREGON DAILY ' JOUIUlAlJ. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, 'oCTOSR 81. 1805. SOLD 1I1S. FRIEND FOR $2,500 ' Cunliffe's Whereabouts Betrayed " by Booh Companion for , , Stated Sum of Money. ninety thousand of f Loot now recovered Package of Ten Thousand Got Through the Arrest of Express Robber's Friend Currency Pound in Package in Possession of Butler. .' (Journal Special BarTlm.) i Pittsburg. Fa.. 0t. 11 Ninety tlioua- , and dollars of the 3101,0011 stolen by .dward O. Cunltffe from the Adams Express company her on October 9 has been recovered despite the prisoner's assertion that 20.000 had been de stroyed by htm. The. authorttlea now believe the remaining 310,000 will eventually be found. ----- 7 The recovery of a package containing nearly 110.000 waa brought about through the arreat of a friend of Cun liffa'a. George Eiaenman.. After hla ar reat It developed that - ha had given a packago to another friend of bU a but ler In the home, of a prominent family of Black Rock. Eiaenman waa taken there and the package, demanded of the butler who waa Ignorant of Its value until It waa opened by the officials. , It now developa that Cunllffe's arreat waa brought about through the treach , ery of a, former friend nd acquaintance, James Mlaaltt. Cunllffe arid Mlaaltt -had been boon companions In Bristol. Last Tueaday while Cunllffe waa stand' lag in the Tremont hotel barroom Mia- , silt came In and recognised htm. C'un- llffe endeavored .to convince Mlssttt, , that he wan mistaken and that they had never met before. ' " Mlaaltt after leaving the' hotel In quired the amount of the- reward for Cunllffe's capture and the following morning went to New York and con ferred with the Plnkerton agency, fie retimed to tell the whereabouts of Cun ..llffe until a written agreement waa given him promising him 12,600 when . Cunltffe was taken Into custody, should hla story prove true. Cunllffe's arrest followed and Mlasitt received the 12.600 . reward. . WHAT A MVZ Many People In Portland Learning to Appreciate What a blessing It la. 8ought" after by thouaand.' , . ' . Portland la finding It out. Many a miserable man la happy now. , Nights of unrest, days of trouble. . Any Itching akin disease means this. Itching J-.les mean It. .' - " Rciema ljust as bad, .gad Just as bad to cur. :'( '.' ' ' ' But Doah's Ointment rellevea at once, and cures all Itchiness of the skin. , A blessing to a suffering publlft Here's Portland proof to- bail" Jir statement. ieV Mrs. U C. Heldleback. wife of U C. Heidleback. carpenter, ! living at 125 Fourth afreet, says: - "In my experience Doan's ointment la the beat remedy I ever used for the complaints it is guar anteed to care. It brought me almost Immediate relief more than I ever ex pected for I had been annoyed for a year or more with uciung nemorrnoiaa, which, although not serious, were very annoying. Iv heard about Donna Olnt. nient and got a box at a drug store. Its use gave me the highest opinion of such an effective remedy." ' For snle by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo. N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Xanb and take no other. PEI1SUIII1S 110 MWW Diphtheria Prevalent ; In Some X Suburbs arid Threatens Several Others. VAULTS AND CESSPOOLS ABOUND IN DISTRICT St Johns Prepares to Take Immedi ate Action to Relieve Situation but . City Districts Without Sewers Must Await Action of Council. Wife Sues for Divorce. (Special DlepaNto Tb Journal.) Eugene, Or.. Oct Jl. Mrs. Iila M. ' " Edy has sued Walter Edy, In the Lane county circuit court, for divorce. Hhe alleges that her husband at various tlmea has knocked her down, dragged her serosa the room and otherwise abused her. He served 30 days. In the j f (Jbnty jail not long ago for beating her. They have a J -year-old" daughter whose -custody -he (plaintiff asks for. They were-married th ""Eugene December 29, 101. - -.' STRIKE WINE SAUCE FROM DINING CAR MEN W. C. T. U. Delegates Have Pullman-Removed From Train Because of Cigar Smoke. V (Journal Special Service. - - -Colorado Springs, Col.." Oct 21. Five hundred Women's Christian Tempo ranae union delegates, who spent the day in thrs city en route to the national con vention at Voh Angeles," had stricken from the dining car menu the wine sauce marked thereon, and at Creston, Iowa, while on their , way to Colorado Spring the Pullman -..sleeper waa de tached from the first section . of 10 coaches and another substituted because soma ungullant man smoked a cigar In the coach. The troubles of the delegates were not over after their arrival In this city. Two colored delegates from Michigan, prob ably the only two In the entire conven tion of 1,000 members, were refused ac commodation at the Alia Vista .hotel. the. Women's Christian Temperance at the hostflrlea of thl city MA(GAZ m for JVOVEMVE'R . Another Article by . Mr. ROOSEVELT A Wolf Hunt in Oklahoma - Fully Illustrated from Photographs by Alexander Lambert, M.D., and.W. Sloan Simpson.- - .The beginning of The Tides of Barriegat The new serial by F.HOPKINSON SMITH Illustrated by George Wright.. , The best story he has ever written. Letters . Diaries of George Bancroft Stirring descriptions of the "Frentrf Revolution of ', 1848 and pen pictures of many of the great men of the time, c -. .-. .' , - - --. "- " " . The End of The House of Mirth By EDITH WHARTON ' liV ihe District Ey nelson llovd Describing the work of the district political boss and his part in winning elections. , ;. Illustrated by'E. B. Child. sl Ai Impressionist's New York. By H. G. D WIGHT With remarkable illustrations by Walter Jack Duncan. Reproduced in colors. ' . . , 1 - - -. ... ; The Hope for Labor Unions " By J. LAURENCE LAUGHLIN A timely discussion of present conditions and sug- ' geiitions toward a settlement of all labor troubles. . Short Stories y By Eleanor Stuevrt George S. Chappell. Elsie . . 5inm&.ster. Illustrations by F. C. Yohn. Ceortfe Wrhl, E. B. Child, John Sloan, A. B. Wenzell May Wilson Preston. ' ; NOW IS THE TINE TO SUBSCRIBE 1 Trie $3.00 a or. ?5c. a Jiumhtr. Charles Scrlbnor's Sons, New York The eaa aide office of The Journal la Is the tone ef 1. M. C. Miller, 3WU Itaat Murrtaua atreat. , Ttleiiaaae Eaat S7b. Sanitary conditions In the peninsular suburba are pronounced bad by resident physiclana there, and though 'some measures of relief have been taken by most or the families of this crowing district the situation will not te really a safe one until a thorough system of sewers has been built, both In 8U Johns and I'nlveralty Park.' 8t. Johns haa eacaped an epidemic be cause of a campaign that haa been waged there by buatness men and doc tors. In which-the private cltlsen waa urged to use lime and other disinfect ants before the need of such action waB shown by-an Tpldemte. The, town has no sewera, and private cesspools, open uljand pits do service tn both the losldeiwe and bualness districts. Bt. Johns. However, has a health officer who sees that no refuse la allowed to decay on the surface, and that private vaults are properly attended. Ills activity, the use of lime,' and the fact that most of Bt Johns Is newly settled so that the soU baa not as yet become saturated with aewage, has prevented an epi demic. The council fears, however, that next year conditions will be much worse and steps have been taken to build. a large eewei-Tn Philadelphia' atreet run ning from Jersey - street to the river snd large enough to drain the business district and the most thickly settled portion of the residence part of town. Plans for this' sewer have been pre pared by the city engineer, the cost es timated, and bids will be asked. In University Park conditions are less hopeful and aa the region must wait until the city council takes action the residents have little recourse. Diphtheria haa been common during the summer and was prevalent also last sea son. Doctors who have Investigated aay that the vaults of the peninsula have been In use so long,, and so many of them have been built, that the gravel substratum ia permeated with sewage until the whole tract on which Ports mouth and University Park la built is Infected with disease germs and can union headquarters, and at the other Un, fce cleBn.ed. by the eatabllshment local hotelB, the color line beJngdrawn lf tnoroasn ,ewer system. The por ous nature of the soil will aid the dis trict, once sewers are built, as a few heavy ralna will remove the germs and cleanse the earth, once the sewage la cut off. ' IMPROVEMENTS DON'T HELP 44 Please Smile Look Pleasant" When a woman ayi "I Cm racked with pain," the word "racked "recalls the days when they stretched the tender bodies of women on the rack with roue and pulley until the very Joints cracked. Fancy an attendant saying; to the tor. tnred woman, "Pleas smile and loo pleasant" , M . ,4. . And yet the woman "racked with pain," Is expected to smile through her agony and to make home happy, bha can t do It. It Is against Nature, .V,,nr',f' speaking, the racking pains of Ill-health such as headache, backacha and "bearing-down pains "are minted to dorwige menta or disorders of the organs dis tinctly feminine. When this condition U removed the general health Is restored, and with health comes back the smile of happiness. , ' Any woman may regain her health at home without offensive questionings or examinations by the use of Dr. Plorce s Favorite Prescription. Hick women may consult Dr. Phrce, by letter, free ot charge. ,Kuch letters are treated as sacredly confidential. It afford me pleasure to relate tne won ...I l. HuulllHlMUL Mil rlally your 'FaTorlteTrwicripilon.'" writes I s 11 utu is nrrr aswwuaw wv derful merits of your great tneillclne tmptf rlally rour 'FaTorlte Proscription.' - writes U Box 283. "My wife has been using It for ome time paM, bavins suffered severely with hearlns-down- Dalna. K'blng in back. nd msnyivtuer complalnU peculiar to women. Hbe-waa very wean, rouiu oui any heavy work or washing but can do all kinds ot work now. Phe Is soon to become a mother but we do not fear the relt (as beretoforet, all due to your wonder-worker, 'r'avorite Preiicrlpthn.; , .. " Your Pleasant fellets are also wortfc many tlme their prli-e. I have urd then for blllouKnens and stomach trouble, and have found tbem to he all that you claim. They are my tunstant companions one iusmj. always aev Olven away. ' The People's Common Sense Medical Ad vlwr is sent free on receipt ot stamps to pay expense of mailing nlv. 1 he book con tains 1008 pages, over 700 Illus trations ad several colored plates, bend 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-bound book, or 81 attains for the cloth hound. Address Dr. B. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. T. IrSS CARIi OF THANKS Bt. Johns Olttasna stay Irew Street la Worse Tfcata Old. A number of Bt. Johns cltlsens are saying things about the council and ctty engineer because of the Improvement of Philadelphia street Those living on this thoroughfare, which ia one of the main streets of the town, petitioned for the highway's improvement by grading, building of walks and 4 partial macad amising. New that the wark Is done and the council wishes to collect for the Improvement, the property owners ss sert that the condition of ths street is worse than It waa before, and that the grading, which was done with a view to making the climb easier, has Instead resulted In a "Jump-oft" that makes the street almost valueless. While th matter-was being discussed It waa men tioned that when Jersey street was Im proved a blunder was made by the en gineer that resulted In several of the property-owners being left three feet higher than their neighbors snd that the grade had to be reestablished sev eral times before a level was approxi mated. .. . MOTHER' CLUB MEETS." Brooklyn, Orgaalaatlom Begins Star School Season With Zlectlon. The first Mothers' club meeting of the new school year waa held in Brook lyn yesterday and the reports of the officers showed the club to be In pros perous circumstances. Retiring presi dent, Mrs. F. J. Wells, reported on the work of the year. Mrs. Thomaa Luke, past treasurer, showed that nearly $100 had been spent In Improving th school grounds snd furnishing th rooms, and the reports of other officers told of the growth the club had experienced during the year. , The following were elected officers: Mrs. Thomaa Luke, presi dent! Mrs. D. T. ftherrett. vice-president; Mrs. Samuel Older, secretary; Mrs. Buchanan, treasurer. 'The club has for Its object the promotion of th Interests of the Brooklyn school, the securing of perfect understanding between parents nd teachers- and In general th im provement of the suburb.' At the monthly meeting in November-plans for the coming year will be outlined and som special work taken up. ' WOULD BUY WATER SYSTEM. Bstaeada Council rTpars to lawn Bonds and Vttrehaa nan. Estacada believes that It has reached the eta ire of growth that' warrants th town purchasing a' water plant and run ning It for the benefit of the citizens. The council at a meeting this week passed resolutions preparatory to the purchasing' of the plant, at present owned by the Oregon Water Power com pany. - Bonds for 110.000 will be Issued by the municipality and I. 600 will b expended In. purchasing the plant, th remainder or tne money being uaea in enlarging snd Improving It. Th coun cil plans to do away with th present pumping plant and to make th aystem a aravlty on, water being taken from I I la spilug nil Tne hillside and brought through a large main to th distributing station. HELD UP BY" POLICE. . Tired TSatr-tor Delay KDf u Boor Wall Coadncto Bxplalaa. riv carlcade of sleepy theatre-goers from . th east side were delayed about midnight last night by half a dosen sturdy policemen who held up traffic on Second street while a conductor . was haled Into the chiefs office. Conductor Thomas of a. Lower Alblna car earlier In the evening ejected a. psesenger who had becom abualva-and' mad himself Th following 4f on of th' many In dorsements that have come to our notice regarding the success with which Pro fessor J.- Friedman, th well-known ex pert masseur, B26 Chamber of Commerce building, treats his patients. Portland, Or.. Sept 11, 1906.--Prof. J. Friedman Dear Sir;. Gladly yielding to your request for a short testimonial, I beg to say that for the past 10 years I had been a great sufferer, from rheuma tism. I had tried all kinds of medicine and medical treatment, had tried hot springs here and In Europe, but never got any cure or lasting relief. On Janu ary last r commenced taking treatment from you. I was then so sick that I waa unable to sleep. I wss a totsl cripple, out of shape, and -li pain con stantly. 1 After a week of your cupping and massage snd general treatment I no ticed a great Improvement, - which, - by keeping to your treatment haa resulted In what I call a cornplete cure. For the past fv months I have never had any pain, the first experience of th kind for me In 10 years. 1 most heartily ree ommand your treatment to U. martyrs to rheumatism. Tours very truly, J. CHRISTEN8EN, O. K. Coffee House, 161 First street. generally unpleasant to the women on th car and the conductor. In putting th man off Thomas managed to break a window with the fellow' head and th belligerent waa more or lss damaged. A couple of trips later, aa the L car was buszlng along Second street, it was stopped before the police station snd half a dosen policemen conducted Thomas before the night captain, the man who had been put off having ap peared and lodged a complaint It took nearly half an hour to tin tangle the difficulty and meanwhile Woodlawn cars came and stopped where the L car waa blocking 'th track: St. Johns contributed a double load. Upper AiDina noa some more people - who wanted to go home, and another L car wandered along and stopped. It was nearly 1 o'clock when the various cars reached the end of their lines and the last tired passenger found his front gate. SAYS PATRIOTS TODAY ARE STEEPED IN WHISKEY --- (Journal flnerlal Service.) Spokane, Wash.. Oct 21. Rev. James Edmonds of Portland created a sensa tion In an addreas delivered before th Washington and North Idaho Baptlat convention in this city last night. In the course ox his remarks he said: "An educational, conscience would revolutionize our present method of teaching patriotism by means of martial songs and parades. To shoulder a gtin and go out and shoot somebody Is now held to be th acm of patriotism. "And w hold up veterans who com back and dissipate themselves with drink and riotous living aa the model of patriotism when they march In proces- slon. . My -father was. a soldier. in th civil war, but th day has gone past when I will ' hurrah for a parade ot veterans steeped In tobacco and whis key." ' HAYJ Kmmpm You Looking Young Always wstures youthful eolof tn gray or n-a nair. ntope aalr railing. ixwiiiTtlJ ni.a Sauaiiiir. . tlfb-claaa llr f rower dressing, saeplog balr soft gin?. Ioiarl ant Does sot nll skis or liars. Tbla Oreat Hair rood.aMed brRARFIXaBOAP, btalt Sralp, kills daodmlf germs, amps liming, pninmH aaesrowis. ..jusrae ove. sotth, Iraaclst;. Take Bathing without rmr ilndtHr.. Frsa Snin flffor ferSHe.Cak wvup viibl HARFIA SOAP. IfO. this, rake to any ef following drag (lata, as, art tor. bottle Hairkealib and jr cake R arena MVillcated: Sna. both for tor.; regalar price T&c. or srat br 1'hllo Bar Co.. Newark. M. I., piepeld, for SOe. and tbla adv. rrea snap set given byfrartiets wttheaf tbla estlre adv. and SOe, for lialrsealta. Nasi..... Address WOODABS, CX.ABZB gj CO Vewtt ; aa Waaistom ma. , sV . 1 HAWAIIAN U UT jr-" rrrT n j i i i 1 ir i r i y jr-" mt :im v-waHmr'mm-r' j 4 ;K ;. ' '? -' n -y --,',; ' :::. v. . V- is- ?r'r' n j ;f 4 j, ... , e., ' - i , n " -v , ssa-stfia I' ai'"ls A TYPICAU HOME OF THE NATIVES OP HAWAII . HERE IS THE WAY THEY STAND Votes received up to Friday evening inThe Jottrnal'' Hawaiian Trip CONDITIONS Of The Journal v Hawaiian Tonr CONTEST- intST Any yoang lady ever IS year ef as may be nominated at say tint a blanks provided by Tb Journal, with the Monrs.rn.nt of two wall-ksows citlsaas. ot the dlatrict Id which aia resides. SZOOVD Three ladges sgreesbl to the different eandJdatss shall be selected to orftrlally ansoane the winner la each dkv - trtct"OM yosng lady to be Tehtses fresi arb dlatrict. TKIXS As 'la ethw eleetlons, each dls. trlrt.ahall vote separately. Tbe vote via one cannot affect ths other. - blatter neon. erly concerning the district will 'je settled 1 by the wishes ef tb maorltj. Tbe wta. aer shall have tb rtgbt to aasM a proxy, lf nnabla to attand beraelf... , " TOIXaTH Voting will eMnaMoes Thar, day. Aoimat 1, 106. 'and dose Batsrdar. Dmmbci SO, at S o'clock p. av. Oonpoas nest ba voted wlthla sevea day after Isaaa. Conpona pat from the Dally Joarnil winnt be ssatly trimmed. All eon pone, whrther single or apertil. most bear tb same ef tb cssdtdat ba be voted '- DIBTKICT 0. I. Mlaa Minnie S. Plillllna. dennty rlerk rlrnilt court ... Mlaa Kallle Madlaan.. olils. Wurtman A King atore ... .Mlaa Hadle Wlnlerniantle, flty ly Worksr.Tr-.vsr:". ...nwa j.nra Haiy. hii ran Kalafl atreel.. ToUI Vot. .....VJ.IW -rrrrrrrft.ns- M.im 4.1.4-CI "Mlaa lirvlibra Knrth. trlndione otierarnr Portland Imtel .....3A,7-T Mlaa Until Lee. rndnraml tr Pnlvraieil Tradra Council S4,; hllaa IV-a Wianm. 210 East Thlrtl.lU atreat ...2T.H47 allaa llrnrlella Wlnklenian, 407 Kaal (Wk atraet .j,..... ........... .i7. 1114 Mlaa Marsaret Hinltli. MM Williams arenue -.vvr;.. r; .".'.'. ..,.. ........... .3.1.473 ,Sal K.lllh Bern, 2411 Rtark alrn-t ...l!4.8t.-, Mlaa tura Iierhralilre, mno Water atrvet ..2I.H4H Mlaa Ihifibla Olaun. UN Ivy alrvet. 23.0M.I Mlaa Alrena llitrn, Orrann Cify ......21,1. Mlaa Klaa Grleael. NMS Eaat TUirty-flnit etrret itl .OK7 . Mlaa Iiu. jr litmkl. telephone operator Oregon hotel .llt.HI Mlaa Elra llurlberti Mt. Jotma... ,.......,..........'.......... 1H. Mlaa (lenevle.e Holmi. olda. ' Wortman A King store .' 1H.4 Mlaa Nrllle Munrer. (MM Kalrlrb street 1.7I , Mlaa t'ora Jolly. 133 Klrat atra.t.. .................v....................... ......IU,7JI Mlaa Oeora-la Mnk, 22N Hurnaldr atreet 13.712 Mlaa Marlon Lenhr. Wnndard. Clark drug atore 12.MI Mlaa Cornelia Barker, 8NH Orand arrano ....10..10S . Mlaa Hurae Hmldlrk. Orernn City S.ll (Voting 1'lace, tXMipn Urpartnient. Journal Office.) . SMTKICT VO. . "'7" '': Mlaa Katie Nash. Iji Grande, Ore arm Miss Mollle IToehatel. La tlrande. (re-ne , . I Voting I'lare, J Grande, Alelnlievk A Blerer Confertloiiery.) . Mlaa Acnes Fletcher. Pendleton. Oregon. , Mlaa Pearl Harris. Pendleton. Oregon. Mlaa Uraee Ilawka. Pendleton. Oregua . . .M.07O ...&. Nl ...SI.3IW rrl.t.Mn.1- ..13.81-Tri .. 4.UZ1 OOUrOKS All OTTXa A FOIXOWtt - yTTTH Single eoapons, est from ths dally paper, are good for on. vote. . Babsertptlos to the Evening Journal and Bnnday Morning Joarnal, three months, tl.SS. s special ' con no n of 150 votes (paid la advance). Bnbscrtptloa to Ir.nlng snd Bnnday Morn ing Journal els montha. M.T5, a special coupon of 350 vote (paid In Bdrsaes). Bub. scrlptlon to the Kvenln snd Sunday Morn ing Journal IS montha, IT.50, a .pedal coupon of too votes (paid sdvaaea). Bnbscrlptloa to ths Evening and Sunday Morning Journal, three months by null, $1.90, s a pedal eon poo of 10 votes (paid n advance).- - frabsertrtton to tbe Evening snd Sunday Morning Journal by mall slg months, 13.78, s special coupon of tSO votes (paid In advance). Subscription to tba Evening snd Bnnday Morning Joarnal by mall It montha. $7.00. a special coupon ef TOO votes (paid la advance). Semi-Weekly . JoornaL S1.B0 a gear, apodal eoasoa f let vote (paid la advaace). SIXTB Ooopona sbonld be ..voted, st the besdqnanrs nearest yon or, mailed to the coupon department of Th Joarnal, or at any point sained below. Totes will be counted Mondaya, Wednesdays snd Frldsra snd tba totals saaouaeed to ths publle the following day. Any candidate withdrawing from the eon teat cannot bsv her votes coasted for as. . other. . : ' ' ' BZAsaxrAKnmi asd totiho fiaozbi yirvt Dirtrlet Mnltnemah and Clackamas rountlea. Toting place, Coupoa Departmest f Tba Joarnal offlce. - Saooad IHatrtot Dnloa. r Cms tills " and Wallowa eoontlas. , Third XHrtrlot Waaeb. gt,,rni.s. flllllam. Morrow, . Wheeler and Crook eoontlas. , Tenrth "SlatHet Baker, Grant. ' Barney and Malheur counties. ' Fifth Watrlet Colombia and Clatso counties. Oregon: Klickitat. Cowl Its. Clark., Pacific, Wahkiakum and Bkamanls counties, Washington. - . Birth Dlstrio Mario. Una and tan contlas. seventh Slatriet--Waahtngto. Tillamook. TainliUl., Bontos. Polk snd Lincoln counties. EtgMh Ttfrtrlot Doarta. Coos, Carry, Josepbln. Jaeksoa, Klamath asd Lak eoantles. - , Any information regarding con ditions of the Hawaiian tout1 should h arMresserl to the manager of th Contest Department of The journal. n . ..., Mattel -Jthnoa. Pendleton. Oregon . I Voting Place. Pendleton.' nnrk A MoComae' Drug store.) Mlas Mlllan B. O'llarra. Athena. Oregon .., .....,.,..... l.TS Voting Place. Athena, Delf Bros.' Btore.)T- Mine Ivy McCalllater. Walla Walla Waahlngtun ., .-..- 31 Mlaa l.nella Harr. Walla Walla. Waahlnaion IH7' Mlaa May Callahan, Walla Walla. Washington 1M Mlaa Ilattle Brown, Walla Walla, Waaliliigtoa ...... v. , lit Mlaa Hoxy Yonng, Walla Walla. Waaulngton ' ..,. .....-.:,'. J.. Ill) (Voting Place, Walla, Walla, Washington Book Store.) , ' ' ' BIBTAICT WO. I. : -- - Mlaa Etntlle Croaaen. Tbe Dalles. Oregoa , .JO. n't! x Miss t.ncllle Crate, The Dalles. Oregon ......19.87 (Voting Place. The lallea. Kecovler'a Office.). . . , . Miss Stella RIHiardsnn, Hood River, Oregon Mlaa I .a nra Cramer, Hood Rlrer. Oregn (Voting Place. Hood Hirer, Wrliclit's Btore.) - , Mlas Florence (Jeorge, Arlington, 4lregon...". (Voting Place, Arlington. Braham'e Coafertlonery.) Miss tlertrude Khannon. Condon. Oregon (Voting Place, Condon. Jackson A Heralbrook's Btore.) Miss tlertrude Husrn, PrtaevlUe, Oregm ' . - DIBTEICT HO. 4. -Mlas TTattle lUrton." Baker Ctty. Oregoa i.......................,.....l4.H12 Mlas P.lliel Parker. Baker City. Oregon... ' VJLXIZ ' Mlaa tier trade Tic. Baker City. Oregon ...ll.4: Mlaa Mrrtle Brattoa, Raker City, Oregon , ....I ..10.WX) I Voting Place. Baker City. Lerlnger' Drug Btore.) Mlas Clara Bwaln. Bnrne. Oregon 14.4W (Voting Place, Burn. Welcome Pharmacy.) Mlaa Rrrie Mae King, Ontario, tlregoe. ........... ,TT-rT.r."T7... 1. 22 Mlaa Dalay Batterary, Vale. Oregon.. r,i S.10I) - - DIBTBICT B0. i. Miss Florence Ilesvren, Vancouver. Waehlngton .30.04 (Voting Place, Vancouver. IS Main Htreei.) : li ...1T. .j,I3.0ttt ...11.4.KI ... L32 .:,r,t'-"i" Miss Amelia Wllllsms. Ketao. WaaMiigton (Voting Place, Kelao Confectl.si.-ry.) Mlaa Krflherlne (risw. Kalania, Waatilnetos .. (Voting Place. Kalama. Coffer a Htore.) Mlaa Mary Berge, Home valley. waMiingtoa Mlas Eather. Anderaon. Aatorla. Oregon (Voting Place, Aatoiia. Owl Drug Ktore.)' Mlas Dalay Watklna, Ht. Helen. Oregon (Voting Place. Bt. Helena. Orar'e Btore.) . Mlaa Oertrude Randall. Caatle Ruck. Wnehlngtiw , 1 .ilia OraVe WMglit. Castle Rock. Waablngton ' (Veiling Place. Caatle Hock. Andci ' Drug Store.) Miss Alice Perrr, Rslnler. Oregon (Voting Place, Rainier. Krledburg's Confectionery.) , . . Mlas Annie Perrlne. Clatakanle. Oregon..-.. m-. . . i r. (Vottag Place, cutakanls, kMmnMns A Ce.'s More.) . . 9ISTBICT 0. . " Mlas Madge Battee, Kngene. Oregon . Mlaa Emma Moffett. Kiigcue. Oregoa Mlas "tells Bran. Eugene. Oregon (Voting Place, Eugene, Hall's Drug Store.) Mis Blanche Brown, Salem, Oregoa.. Mlas Mary Dsvldaoa. Balem. Oregon.... Mis I.. Belle Darby. Halem, Oregoa Mlaa Minnie Ireton, Hale in, Oregon Mlas Pearl Shelley. Halem. Oregon .". Mlaa Minnie Achenoacb. Halem, Oregon.. 1 Mlas Nettle Beddekoop. Halem. Oregon... .J...jL,.,. (Voting Place. Halem, Uaea' Ding Store.) - -Mlaa l.ney Morcron, Woodbnrn, Oregtio Mlas Myrtle Traak, Wooilhurn, Oragon Voting Place, Woo, I burn. Beehee A Whitman' Htore.) Mlas Mamie Blair, Cottage lire.' Oregon .' - Mlaa Effle Stewart, Cottage drove. Oregon Mian Lliale Veatch. Cottage tic-ore. Orean (Voting Place. Cottage Grove, (.ill's Confectionery.) Mlaa Katliryn Oarvls. Hllrerton, Oregon (Voting run, Hllrerton. Brook's Drug Store.) . . " Mlas Maggie Chamtstra. Atuaar. Oregon. Mlaa Pearl Savage. Aloaify, Oregon .v , Ml Alice lcke. Albany. Ore . :..r.... (Voting Place. Allwnr. Kawson'a Drug Store.) Mlaa Addle Hlmiisnn, Lelianoo, Oregon (Voting Place, Lebanon. ottoo a more, r Mlaa Namla (lleey, Aurora.' Oregon ., .Mlaa Pay Cooler. Brownsville, Oregon....... . , SIBTEIOT VO. T. Mlaa Bertha Courtemanche. McMlnnvllle, Oregon (Voting Place. McMlnnvllle. liouattr's Htor.) Mia Haael Kennedy, l-afayette. Oreg.m .. I Voting Place. Ifaj.tte. Poatoffice.) f . Mlas Minnie Roy, Dallaa, Oregm (Voting Pliice, Dallaa, Htaat'a Coofertkmery.r . Mlaa Cora Hpaiigle, Dayton. Oregon .v.... (Voting Place, Dayton. lUrrla' Drug Htore.) . Mlaa Marie I teller. Illllalairu, Oregon Mlas Bote B. Bow aer. Illllalioro, Oregon , (Voting Place. Hlllalairo. Hchnlmerlre'S Store.) Hiss Mrrtle Biltler, Poreat drove. OregiMi (Voting Place. Forest drove. I .a loarse's Store.) . ,, .. Miss Olive Hlrattoo, Newherg, Oregon (Voting Plsce, Newherg. Calwell Co.'s Drug Store.) - Mlaa I. Milan Whater. Pbllonialh. Oregon Mlas Rotate C, Holabelnier. Beaverron, Oregm (Voting Place, Beaverton, Thomaa Thing Confectionery.) Mlaa Orace Starr. Corvallla, Oregon DISTmiCT SO. S. Mlas Kdns -Psraley. Roselmrg, Oregon... Mlaa Dale Harmon. Roaeburg, Oregon .(Voting Place. Roaehnrg. Hanillton'S Drug Btore.) ' Mlaa loulae T. Jimea. Jacksonville. Oregon Mlaa Mamie Berry, tlrante Paaa, Oregt Mlas Maude Batter, tlranta Paaa. Oregon .. (Voting Place, Urants Pass. Binlth's Drug Store), v Mies Jennie Woodfor Medfnrd. Oregon. (Voting Place. Meriforti. RnaaeH's Confecttosery.) Mlas France Oahorne. Aaliland. Oregon.. - - ,r Wlaa l.y1ia xic an. A,anianiuAirasMav .....Id. 830 .10.120 f j eJ j .s.eae --. ....................... 7.21(4 5.OT0 .77... ............ 1 .Tsa 1.1 J3 ....j.sai r. i.io zx.sm, ........M.4cf -rr.V.. , V9 1S.B1S 1UII7B 11 U71 ........ S.HNH l.wi.-t an t V lafl .10. urn ; .....txm .....I33TT ......... jo. mt4 )......ll,3r) .........rO.sni 10.071 ......... T.sa AOTA JTia I.3M .i .1,73 ......:..14,4j) .......11.4 ....,..ltS. ...1..:. loan ......... i,n ........ A"T .an .. 3.US .. 1,171 .............. ....i.sis 30, 7(t ................. .U.TI ......Il.k-e) , ................MO"" -t Voting PU(rAaliUnd. Hut ton a News Stand snd Sajlea.) STT, TTTTllZJ J Coupon Free Hawaiian. Trip Honolulu. HawaiUa Uluds ,- '..'". . . " . J . ' t TOt tOtxoni,) i,HMinmnre'.M.i"' .... i . .: " . : ' : This' coupon must b votd on or be for October t, Counting fa tisna ca Mondays, Vetr. rj days tzi Friiay- cr.i I-.. 1 x. L. V