THE OREGON DAILY JOU"IIAL, XORTLAIJD, CATUHDAY ITe'ZI.I.sG. OCTOrL Sir' 1SC3. c .. r v.. -AxO "-, v FOR SALE FARMS. t B8PEY-OHASN BEALTY C0 r m Third Mlml, '3 Room 1. Hamilton rluiloW. ' ' - 830 acres land, mostly bottom laid. 40 im nearer nam laua ciear, zwencree m cultiva tion: finest stream lu America ruua throuirli It; fenced and from fenced, mostly cedar , uosf plank, wire bottom and top; a good, lars bouss, nicely finished la end out; large fana nousa, giicnea ana pniry, large barn sail - grans rr: 3 large teama. 2 wasona. 1 reaiier. 1 inowar, plows, harrows, hayrake. all kin Is farming tools; 40 bead of cattle, mostly Short borns; 113 hssd of goats, GO boas and pig, 15 turkey. disjen chickens; full stock whiter ' feed. bar. oats; B. r. D. nail; H mile ta school; ptiona line; food market tt home; 6 ; miles to R. R. ststtoa. Price 7,IW0; $3,0U0 IIA ...Ma M.t. .1 ,.. I - first-cues Isnd; finest pasture; on good road ,v to cltr. 28 nillea awsyi good T-rootn bouse, . hot and cold water in bouse: sand hams, rut.' Blng water by then; 1 spaa of borsse, S - wsyons, J top soggy, j u-tou Phoenix scale, 1 S0O-pound Fairbanks acaV, ') toua of bar. - cows, 10 fat bona In pen, 2 sows with 14 pfge. 1 V -blood Poland China hoar. 1 full- blooded Jersey calf aired by Chief Engineer- ' i.eou siocs, a neirer raiTes. l iraruaaj, la blood; 1 Jersey, H-blood; T of the above sow are graded Jerseys A ftrst-clsss small . creamery on tbe place, 3,000-ponud. rapacity ,- per month, run by water power: all tbe creamery fixture. Including a f UK) separator. neennieas spot on aartn. tt. r. u. man, bona In tbs bona and Ninth erada school ' within H mils. , J'rlca $3,000; bait can stand . " If desired. m . 40 acre Al land.' 25lB coltlratloa. of whien o aerea la bearer dam; a good orchard; ' . , good eVraom bouss, large bara and all other ' atpsaaary bulhlbiga; aw a good mad; B. t. D. ' atkll; 10 mllea from city; (3,800 will bay it, ynr- $2,600 will buy 30 acres adjoiulng. with asm improremcnta ana sores nearer dam! IS aerea clear; good bnlMinae, orchard, etc, 100 aerea Al land. 100 In eultiration. most, ly bottom; 10 acres la boos: 144 seres fsmllr ore bard; good, II lares room house. Urge pen try and closets; large barn and granary, hop houss and ehlekea-boaset fine, soft water at house; Discs nicely watered; 1 large team of r norsse. Harness ana wsgeu. I gnoa Buggy ana harness, 1 Jersey sow, I Holateln eow, 1 ' vboga, 0 dosea chickens, plows, cult Its tor, I mower, 1 rake, 1 binder, sll kinds of garden tools: Bkraty of haiuaad seed: oats fur next crop: good vetch crop already In. , Pries . au.uwi nan can auaa, , BPBCIAI HOOD FARMS POB THB PRICB, 1 aerea la Newberc. well lmnrored. y - a scree, 0 mllea out, . well improved, wt'b sioca, crop ana implements, I or si,uuv . casn. Balance per cent. 40 aerea. 12 mllea out. every foot in enttl. . ration, sew buildings, seer car Una; M.0U0; H cssh, balsnca per cent. 52 aTsa. 43 eultlrated. new Balldlnga, tm Bios wslar, S acra orchard, crop, stock and . Ininlemeau. 18 miles out. ft minutes' wslk to town; a snap; 24,300; cash, balsnca a per Seat. - , - ' - 642 acres, wsll Improved farm, Folk pooa- f T SIT aer acre: Maw terms. cJV-scre WDsat isrm, riraf-ciaas osjiuiiirs ana weu-waterea, m crops pay i or piace; 1.000; terms. If yoa went good farm, small tar big, al , a oargain price, see r. ruoiis. won rirs. N0TUIX0 LIKE IT EVRR OPrtRID TOR TTIE slONBY. One of tbe best 6404cre -farms. In Bsnton county, 1 mile from good town; 890 seres under plow. Urge -room Bouse, woodsbed. - work shop, fruit dryer. 1 bsrn. 62x1 22. 46 feet high, with best faollltlee -for' feeding: also . ' fcnass for teaaata, worth serersl hundred dl Isrs, and good bara; adjoining tbe bara are large hog pens with the Is test Improved: reed' Ing trottcits: 17 seres orchard, with eomt ' choice fruit: the farm Is divided Into 21 fields, with 2-3 of fences between : 4-board fence with barb wire oa top. Foe price and terms apply to otto at iTockett, zton wasningtoa at. B0 ACRES. T mllea city limits: fins soil; M scree cultivated; good barn, cheap hoossr nne , etierry, orensra; tesui, ,nsrness, -plows, ais", hsrrows. Tt. wsgons, 1 spring wsgoa: ehlrk ' ens, fine Jersey cow: other tools; wsst side; price 13,750. B. 8. Cook Co., 2B1 Alder st FARM LAND". Kew railroad line and big beet sugar factory to be built la Payette walley. Idaha. next year, ; Now Is the time to buy fruit and farm lands; good schools, churches snd soctsl advantages. Russell Carrier, 30U fifth. Ms In 6228. 6TAT8 LANDS FOR SALE The stata'of Oretron baa for sale a limited amount of base for Ilea selections: price until further notice 4.00 per sore. Far par ticulars address Oswald West, State Land Agent,-Salem, Oregon. 240 ACRK8 of ftrst-clsss land 21 ail lea from Portland, 10 aerea clear, SO acres slsshed and burned; fine running water, 1 U -story log bouse; this la one of the eery brat baya In the northwest; price f 10 per acre. 47. Journal. ainnno FARM of 400 seres. 220 eultlvsted. Balance pasture; SO acres clover; bouss, two ttarna; wouia sen in mm or eu aerea. Ad ' dress K. Bell, Roots 1, Rlckresl, Oregon, or 400 last Twelfth St., Portland. FARM FOR SALIC 40 aerea tt mllss from courthouse, Oregon City, la high ststs of : cultlTstton; good house snd buildings-, variety . of fruits; this Is a modsra boms. Apply ' tl North Jlnth at. 10 ACRES, IS miles Portland; 14 eultlrated, 2 fine bearing orchard; good large hones, out. buildings snd well; rich soli; would trsde " for bouse In Portland. Home Land Co., 14SH Flrat St. 9I.TB0 BUT8 a 14.600 farm sf 13 seres, . . room bouss, barn, good water, SVi mile from wsrehouss, IK miles to school: f 1,004 . cash, bslsnca yssxa' tints. F. J. UahoBaj, -Tskoa. Wash. FRRB government farm lands, just opened lo settlement; level vslley Isnd, no stone r-r timber; water and soil first-class. Room 08 Lsbba bld(- cor. Second and Waahlagtna. FOR ALH Stock ranch of 3.400 seres near . Cohurg, S miles northesst of Eugene, Lsne county, Oregon; price low snd terms sssy. F. D. Cbsmherlsln, Leboe bldg., i'ortUnd. FBKH LAND IN OREGON under the Carey Irrigation ct. Deed direct from state. Write today. Booklet and msp frse. B, S. Conks Co., 861 Alder st. Portland. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER. '" TIMBER LAND. 1.100 aerea or more of good timber land, 13 . miles from Portland, convenient to Columhls river and rail trsnsportstlon: sawmill with logging outfit now running In tbe tfmber; this Is 111 good farming orgrsslng lean when ', timber Is removed; will be sold cbsap; a good proposition. . , , HKNKtrJ BAKER, , ' ' ' 817 Abingtne Bldg.. LAND SCRIP nsrsnteea scrip for gnrrsyed or unsnrveyed, good for sll kinds of gov ern nirnt land., at lowest prices. Monlton A Scobey. Columbia bldg., SOS Washington St. DO you want timber t f own ISO. . worth M.OOO, which I will sail for 14.100; aa shso- jutslwfa Investment P S. cars Joumsi. FOR SALS) Tar homestead relinquishment elslms; second growth: will ssll sbsan. N. P. Nlslsoa, Hotel Rhrlnpfals. . VFS. wa have a few more good timber elalma. If Iron wsnt ta locate oa on of them cell at ' 285 ' Morrison sr., room 211. .. . FOR SALE A timber claim In southesst pari of Msrk-m rnntity. Call Depot saloon, cor. Water and Columbia ate. WR know of a few good 'timber elslms and hamestesda - thst have ibeea . overlooked. H. llenker. 127tt Seventh. .' CERTIFIED serin, say sis pieces) lowest prices. W. d. Howell, IM Chamber of Com FOR HOhf ESTEADS, timber elslms and asrlp apply re wm commercial bib. HAY AND GRAIN. K. l. COOPER CO Potatoesfeetl and floor. , laW are, I'boas Mast 1S17. Hocina and cakhiagz FOR 8ALB st, public auction, (our loads a horses. Ulllou, 6 mn old. weight 1. 000 pounds; IS heed land oillch cows; sale Thurs day, October BH. at 1U a. ., sevea mJ!-e nt at Portlsnd on CsnsV road, . oue nil Borth Cedar aitll. . Julia Ironside. FOB SALE Buggy bona and ' bsrness; oat $.0; city bros: will sell fur $1T If sold this week, (nil 1110 Kaat Taylor at., or pboa Kaat 83u6. j ' x FOR RALKSmall. sent la bona, aound; will trade fur cow or chickens. hk anieeuiu North. . ., , '. ' -, . j, ' HORSES of all kinds for sale at very reason able pH-e. Inquire 210 Jefferson; TO EXCHANGE. 1,040 ACRES Nesrly all rlTer bottom grass land csn lrrtgts 900 acres, mow nearly 6u0 aerea of hay; land all fenced; bouss sad barn; about 200 hssd of csttl. to norses, an laria i tool.; situated In Eastern Oregon. This Is a good stock fsrm and well located; Will ei rbange for PortUnd property or good landa -In Willamette valley or Southern Oregon. A fine home In Portlaad; large grounds; will trails for some good business; 5,6oo. 80 aerea. all choice laad, nearly level; 48 acres eultiveted. 80 seres seeded to good pasture, watered by well and spring; house, tiara, orchard; convenient to school snd churches; 2 burses, 6 cows, new wagon, buggy snd harness, sll fsrm Implements, IS tons of hsy on good rosd Ott Billes from Oregon : ,C4ty; sU goes cheep or will trade fur city property; 4.t". V i HENKLR BAKER, '? - - 217 Ablngtoa Bldg., Portland. Or. , EXCHANGE . .. Four seres Is strawbsrrles and fruits; good plastered bouss, brick basement, good bsrn: a choice lMtls home, ou 6c car line; will trade lata a larger farm.. .. . HENatLt! BAKER. . , 217 Ablngtoa Bldg. '- W'LL sicbangs nicely furnished rooming -house with piano, rsnms. for up-to-dste country BtlUlnery a tors; vslus $800, 0 62, Journal. FINE hooae and lot la thriving Colorado towa to trsda for real aetata. Addreaa M. Wester gard. 600 DeUy et., Porttand. I WILL trade 100 -a ere stock ranch tor suitable city property. Cell after 6 p. to. 70S Uood St., B. Portland. GOOD fl.050 grocery with living rooma to ex change for farm. Horn Land Co., 14SVi - rinf-at. " ': i . H0C8B and lot, Alblns, 32.600, for small tract near city.' Address Bog 6W. city. FOR SALEV MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALEV Beatattful Hardinan upright, full , else, must be sold cheap; tbla la the finest ?rudutf of tbe Usrdnisn fsctory: superb tons, nil and rich, finest finish, elegant style, coat $060. Call and examine It at the Manufacturers' Piano Co., S60 Alder tt. This plsno must positively be sold. FOR RALE I bara a larga rosewood Knebe flano, aprlght; will sell U eery reasonable; bsTvj no use for It, so writ me and I will arrange a meeting: this is snap at the price I ask, so writ quick. Address B 66, ears al Journal. ..-.. . . SAFES 3 new Sre-proof safes (not of our manufacture) eery cheap; I ssoond-hand safes; Slse the gannlne Hsll ssfss. .. . PORTLAND SAFB COUPANT, ' ' TO Sixth ... - ' TWO flue lsrge oil paintings, one the work of M. Louth snd tbe other tbe work of E. Tojettl. for sale cheep oa account of moving. Hotel Berg, Thirteenth and Alder. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKS COLLENDER CO. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rsat or for Bale oa easy par meets. 43 Third st, PortUnd. ; WR print Four asms aa SO calling cards, proper - slas and Style. 25c; 360 business serde. $k Browa A Schmala, 228 First. Portland. Or. TTPEWRITER a less than balf cost price; : almost good as new. Albert Berol, the drug . gist, cor. Second 'and W ashing toa sts. LARGEST stock of bottles kt s art k wsst: orders Sliled promptly. Portlaad Bottle Supply Oe., 91 North Eighteenth st. Mala 2288. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to order; seeoad-hsnd Bends 4at sale., Oarlsorl ai -Ksll-atrom. 2S8 Couch at. Phona Clay .871. . LAUNCH for Bala, length SS -feet. 10-H. p. say . glne, large carrying capacity; pries vary cneen, Aaaress a on, cars juurnai. ABOUT 40 full-blood homing pigeons; also t , nussian mils goats; on cap. Address A. k. Ilerrlugtoa. MontavIIla, Orsgoa. J'PORTAJrfc'h locomotlTS boiler and englna, 4- Borsepower. V. a. riggotra UW ornee, aiuikey Blag. . - . $6i A brsnd-new fireproof safe, recently nought fur sioo. . ca ticilig. alarquam (iraad meairs. $360 NEW aprlght plaao, $139. Fischer; $N3 organ, gzu. 24114 first, cor. slain, cpatairs. AT A BARGAIN Two tons of Iron chain. la quire at Oould h Klein, First and Burnslde. ONE buggy, three wsgona ta good condition for sale cheap. 401 unssa, cor. Twelfth. TWO gssollae engine eery rhesf Inquire of J. P. Hartmaa Boa, 288 Uileaa st. . A LA ROB stork on ssls st bsrgaln prices. , Call - and look them over. 870 First st. - $10-rA lsdy'a Rambler, ta fair condition, for aaie cneap, xis jnirteanm ev, . FOR SALE rise pedigree ballterrter puppies. 413- Morrison St., city. PERSONAL. BE MEN I - ' . T. P. ITItal-Powers tablets will restore to yesi tbe snsp, vim snd vigor af manhood; If yoa are lacking la tbs newer of vitality, its loss revolting from indiscretions ana excesses, send for a box of thsss tablsta and be cob. vlnced of their merit. By mall la plain pkg., 31. The Armstrong Tablet Co., inc., 383 Tolama blk.. Detroit. Mich. DETECJ1FB sgsndss Confidential investlgs tlona 3 reports msde oa any Individual business or property books sxperted; beet city refer ence; cost yes reasonable; correspondence so , llclted, Oregoa Detective Service, office! 314-213 Columbia bldg.. 80S Washing toa St.. Portland. Phoaa Mala 6416. 7 DBS. N. A. N18BETH, Swedish specialists. cures rheumstlsm, kidney, stumscn sna uver troubles chronic constipation, obesity and all ' chronic and nervous disesses; no drugs; no kulfs; $10 per month. Consultation and dem narrations free. Hood 1822. 411 Morrison at EDISON phonographs and records at factory . prices, delivered anywoere on receipt 01 mn amount of retail price; largest stock of Edi son records west of the Rockies; send for clr eulars. peter Baclgalupl, wholesale and re- tail, 78S Mission St., Baa Francisco. DISEASES of women a epeelsltv; msternlty cssee given epeciai attention, privaie noepitai accommodation 1 professiensl lady nurses la attendance; consultation free. X-Ksdldro InstltuU snd Sanitarium, . Third and Alder, entrsoos 263 Alder st MMR. ANNA LUCK ET, principal of tbs Amort ran tfeeuty fsriors. is now locsiea sr. nw TsyloT'Stl cures all scalp diseases snd post tlvrly grows hslr or no rhsrgc: Ittvlgnrstliiv cabinet bathe glrea for the cur of rheama tlam or lumhsgo. . S IF seeking a eongenlsl life compsnlon, join tbs Interstate Intmdncing rwcieiy, ana meet or correspond with repatsble residents of this section, msny wesltbr. The October Register, 10 cents. Suits S4. RnsseU bhlg.. cor. Fourth "'" and Morrison sts. . Pnoas Pacific 623. M0 DRUOS. bo operations: Prof. Dons gives , ssteopsthy snd magnetic trestment. reduces your neso, relieves suppriimau saminir irreg ularities. CoosultsUoB free.. . OXrjce, . 60 - Ooodnongh bldg. V WINONA MILLS scentless hosiery for men. women aad children; sny weight or mstensi 40 order. $11 Commercial blk. Phone Mala 4MS-. See oar exhibit. Manufactures bldg., blk. 21. v. f . MAM.T vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Minnuies. HQ ssoatn e creeimeni. eel a months, $S; seat securely sealed by melt. Ageata, Woodard. Clsrks a) Co., Portland. Of. BOOKSI Hsrs they re; "DecsmeroB." "Rep. tsmeroB." "A Hot Tsmale." "Fanny Hill." Twsnty Tesrs s Fsker." "Fnrblrtd-n Fruit." 60s escbt llsta free. A. Sea male. 220 First rt LOST powers, restored by tbs greet Dr. Lerens s lanrve Tome Tamers; zoo. per box, buses for $1.29. Writs or cell st fcyssell's Pharmacy, 827 Merrlsea. bet 1st and 3d. WANTED To confer with those ew-itemplat. erhg a bualneee course; to yonr personsl snd fins iclsl Interest ta Investlgsts Address J 48. ears. JsnrnsL TAKlt NOTICE If year bedsprlngs need tightening or sag In the renter, don't throw them swav ! csa atsks them good aa aew. i'bone Main 82. PERSONAL. MOOREKIELD Turklah and ateam bath, sslt glow, mluersl baths; rhrumstlsm given special sttentlon; free trial trsstmeut. liMS SUth, Pscllic SfO. . . . . , .. . . LADIES Tea snpeer 20 years yoiuiger. re mora sll wrinkles. ' have sktn- lias velvet . by aslng Orsgoa Urapa SklB rood. Pboas East 1207. . DR. ATWOOD, 1 Russsl bldg.. 106V, Fourth St. Fsmsla disesses snd couSnementss opea veq. ana Bat evenings, voosuiiaiivsi sie MENI W0MENI Raymond's pills poaltlealy ' curs BervoasBsas snd lack of vltal.ty; J I. 4 boles $3. plummer Drug Co.. 300 Third. GENTLEMAN from the sas desires to become sctiisluted with some young lady; object, tree euiupanlunahlp. Address V 44, Journal. 1 SUITS pseesrd while roe wait 80s. Ls dies' pairis prsvsea sue. uuorn, 1' IS 1 - w- next to the Quells. Phaos Clay softs . LILLIAN R. CRAM Chiropodist, eianiesrlag and shampooing. Parlor 424 Asia test blug. Pert land. Or, Black 2S63. MARRY! Correspond with locsl Isdtss; soma wealthy; sddrcsses frre. Star Bus 388, Baa Frauciseo, CsUfurnia. WANTED Small sums to put out on short time; payment secured tnd guaranteed. 614 The Msrtiusm. . . .. .... . MISS BERTHA MARTIN Room 813. All sky bldg. Stamping sod fins see die work; lessons glvsa. ....'-, , v FREE Aa X-ray card for the asking, st S. . Asronsua, tbs Jeweler. 136 Fifth, cor. Alder. PRIVATE home for the men telly infirm aear the city. Address P 45, ear of Journal.. TURKISH BATTtS, 800 Oregonlaa bids.; gents all night ladlsa all day. Main 1838. . FRRR ssnipls earn, bunion and wart cure- Ed win L. Desa. dept B, Tsuntoa, Mass. DR. FLETCHER'S chiropody parlors. 313 Alleky bldg.. office practice. Red 1803. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will auks sugsgs- meats In families. Uuloa 644. ARCHITECTS. CltlCAOO draftaman will draft building plans and sture fixtures on reasonable terms. Rus sell Carrier, 808 Fifth. Main 622a. . . " 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 us ASSAYERS. MONTANA Assay office snd testing works., 186 Morrison St. -- 1 " ' 1 1 - ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art disss Works Plain and orna mental glass. 2soS Taylor. Phone Red 2002. " . AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD COVET, Fifteenth and Alder, sgent . for Cadillac snd Pierce automobiles; machines , rented, repaired and stored. m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 11,1 11 " 1 11 ATTORNEYS. A. H TANNER, attorney, SOB Commercial blk.. Second snd Washington sts. Phona Main 642. BL T TAOOART. attorney and counsellor at law. 41S Chamber of Commerce bldg., H. F. BURLEIGH, lawyer, 128 Grand sve.. East Portland. ART EMPORIUM. THB LATEST FAD" 4Mo buys a pan aad Ink ' aketeb of yourself from photo or Ufa. Fay King, S23 Ralslgh St., asar 26th. M. ear. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYERr 848 Alder. Portrait snd- landscspe artist and teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 8. BIRKBNWALD CO.. 804 80S Everett st Largest bntctiere' supply bones on the coast. BLANK-BOOK MAKEkS. HOWE. DAVIS It KILHAM. 100-111 fleeoad St. Blsnk book msnufscturers; sgsnts for Jones . improved Loose-Leef ledgers; see the new Buret leer, rue neec on cne msraei. - BLACKING. WERFOOT Blscklng. absolutely waterproof, pre servee the lestber, makes shoes wssr BO per cent msKer, ror eeie rverywoerw. w it.i ' BATHS MASSAGE. TOUNO scientific) masseuse glees electrical, thermal, alcoholic aad medicated treatment: chiropodist, pedleartng and manicuring. Re ception room J, urnaon nrag.. cor. suu and Morrison sts., rnona tscino i. THB SNOWDEN BATHS Lady attendants. 2N7tt Alder St.; tub and vapor but ha. maaaage . and electricity, mono ataia owao. . MISS ENGLISH, gives medicated baths; saw cure rheumstlsm Be electricity. . isdm bixib, near Alder, rooms 34, 86. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody owe yon sny money? We ool. - lect bad debts of all klnda from 81 Bp. 122 Grand sve.. room 12. Cut this oat. COLLECTIONS promptly mads; bad hills our specielty.. Stsr Collection Agency, 248 Tay lor st Main 4371. THB Blue Book" Mercantile Agency, collections, lew and re port a. 816 Oregonlan Ping. CARPET-CLEANING. TANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. tsrgsst plsnt an the coast, Lorrug sna itsraiog sts., irie phooe Esst 280 Carpets cleaned., refitted, sewed and Isld; both steem and lateet com pressed sir process; renovating mattrasssa and feather a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction sad eouv t) nm.i n air ciHDOinvui csriesie virnuvu " ,wv, without rernOMl-Msm 6634. Esst 2684. CARPETS cleaned n tbe floor; w ralas os dust Pbuns Clay 381. frss dsmoaetratJoa. 1. HUNTER Steam carpet and s-isttrees cleaner, hso Jefferson. I'hone Slain xn. CAFES. THB OFFICE 2S Washlngtoa at- Phoa Mala Til. Hamaei vignesux, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS General eommissloa B ehsnts; fruit snd produce: consignments llclted; prompt returns. 160 Front st- IF you want to get good return tor your . .LI- . - . .,!... m(m btvuiicv, aula, w uw. tmr - - eggs f. . b. P. Mlllsr at Co. - LENSCH BROS., commission merchsnte, flour. feed, bay and produce, am to bob rroax . i'bone Main xouw BVERDING at FARRELaj, produc and enmmls sloa mrrrbsnts. 140 Front St.. Portland. Or. Pbone Main 178. COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO. Sob) scents for tbs fsmous niamonu coal; try It snd you will aiwaya nuy It. Wyoming and Waablngton house eosle, Vlrclnls snd Wsshlnston smithing coals: fnll Weight gnarenteH. Tel. Mala 1426. , A. L. Stephens, manager. CIIURCHLET BROS, bare removed from toot Dsvls st, to 428 Kearney st. aesr 11th; IS Kiw the largest woodysrd- la ths cltr, carry, g all klnda of wood and coal. Main 381. OREGORT MORRIS, successors to Csla s McKune. aeslere la wood snd coal at lowest prices; sstlsfaclloa guaranteed. Cer. Taveth and Irving. Pbooa Meln 4876. . WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co.. on Front between Gllssa and Hort deslera In sll - kinds et house coal and blacksmith oosls. Phoa Mala 1018. . 1. A ?' ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers ,1a mrderond. coal and frees and dry elnbwood. R. B. snd Al bins see., 8 blocks east of ferry. Esst 674, STEEL BRIDOB FUFIj CO Dealers ta coal, eordwood and dry aisbwooa. raona ssst sxe. BOXWOOD and planer trimaitnga, Stsndsrd vtona i:o. rnona icaat saio. root suuai 1 ine. OR SOON FUEL CO. AH kinds et eoal fad wooa. sais Ainer ex. t-sonv eiaia en. ' KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water St., srood aad coal roone staia eom- FOR SALE 3,000 corde fir 80TB. . . I CHIROPODISTS. IF your fset srs out of order, go to Dr. W or ley Benlaralu. Seventh and Stark. Us toot ape. elsllat Phone Blsck 818. ' CLEANING AND PYEINO. UP-TO-NOW nimiwa Ai PRESSINO COM- - psuy -Holts pressed, 60c; pants. 16c f hone 1 acme im, B4 Ankeny at. Porttand Steam Cleaning Dyeing Works; prse. tics I hatter la connection. 211 4thL Clay 704. CLOTHES cleaned aad pressed 81 per month. uuivue 'isiloring , S I yvsaainawi rw B. W. TURNER, professiensl dyer snd ctasasr. BOB Jeffersoa St. phone Mela 8618. CHIROPRACTIC POHITIVELY locating and removing ,0vs eaB of dlsesse. Dr, Bra Hogaa, 200 Hall at ' Phone Msln 004. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EBItEH()-ICN8T OO. ' Distributors of , FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST THE! great Egyptian palmist and reader csa tell you the past, present and future with , out asking questions: no money psld In sd- vsnce; It yoa are not sstlsrtid the readjng will be tree of charge. 20 North Third st MADAMS JOHNSTON Clslrroysnt pslmlst card reader; f give facts reliable snd impor ' tsnt sa sll sf fairs of real Ufa. Reading We. .. tS Seventh at. Bear Oak. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALK crockery and glssavfar. PraeL Hegele A Co.. Its) to 108 Fifth, oar. Stark at CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS WOOD, carpenter, builders; r , pairing snd jobbing: stors and office fixtures built Shop 200 Columbia. Mala 3287. F. R. VANDERHOOF, carpenter aad Jobber, 287 Stark at. Phone Main 747. DANCING. WOOOWARD'S (lancing school of tbs Westers Acsdemy of Musk, Monday and Thursdsy. Spectators Invited. Lessons sOc. Dancing $ to 11. Cor. Second sad Morrison. I DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE sr secret service Work: strictly eonfldentlslt difficult casaa solicited. Boom 14. Wsshlngton bldg. - " DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.E.BROWN.D.V.S..D.C.M Dog. Horse bs. pUal. 2HI Burnslde. Phones: Msln408S:Bsst268B .DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, mads tor 11.26; shirtwaist suits, $3.60. 483 East Mar et Phone East 3231. DRESSMAKER will make a few more aa gsgements la families. Phone Union 644. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap to date; latest 1 signs. 48B Clsy st . jh ' DENTISTS. NET - CHURCHMAN, dentist, 824 Marquam bldg.. Sixth and Morrison. Phone Msln I7o0. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 803 Stark at Portland. Q. K. for everything la the electrical Una, Phone ' Mala 1888. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Rn sincere. coBtrac to-s, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 - First, cor. Stark. Mstn BOB. R. H. Tata. mgr. THB Electrical Appliance Co., 480 Wsshlngton st. rtmne Msln ewes. - , FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Msnnfactarlng Company Hanuracrarers at zur altars xor ue irsas. Portland, Or. . . FURNITURE mannfscfarlng and speclsl seders. L. RUTSnsky's fumiturs fsctory. 870 Front st FRENCH BAKERIES. THS only place la Portland to get French bread. . Barrere A Maylle. 407 Sixth st Dally deUr- cry. rnona ureen 003. FLORISTS. FOR pot plsnts and cut flower, Joha B. Holdea-H 288 Tenth at Mala 6410. . 'I FURNACES. BOYNTON wsrm-slr fnrnsce sere fneL J. C Bayer Furnace Co., 863 Second. Main 481. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocer, masa factnrers and aommissioa merchants. Fourth snd Osk sts. ALLEN At LEWIS, enmmlesloB aad produce mer chants. Front aad Davis sts., PortUnd. Or, HARDWARE. Portlasd Hardware Co. solicit opportunity to quot prices. 186 1st st. cor. Alder. Msln 1834. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton, Prod la ton. W.A. Browa. mgr. HOTEL Portland, Amerlcaa plan; 33, $6 per day. HOTEL St. George, Pendleton; leading hotel. BELVEDERB; European plsnt 4th and Alder ets. INSURANCE. ISAAC ta WHITE, firs Insurancs. 800 Dakam aiog. LAMBERT, WHITMRR A CO. Fir Insurance ana resi eatate; oiricea irrr-10 naertoca oiog. Mala 1008; dept 404 Eaat Alder. . Bast 481. JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability-snd In. uiviausi acciuent snrety noaa 01 su xinas. Pboa 47. 802 McKsy bldg. H. F. BARTiaS COMPANY Fir Insnrsues. 441 Sherlock bids'- Oresma Phone Clay 628. r LOCKSMITH. t. B. RICHARDSON, erpert lockBad ksysralthi general repairing; cast Iron braxlag; all work gnarantsea. bob four lb at. t son uooa lias. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Ernert locksmith sad m j vin rirai irinyj, atii aistrBi. a-rsx r'svsVsBa Clay S22i night phone. Msln 88SS. LADDERS. 1 LADDERS Pslnters' extensloa-ladders, psper. Dangers - treetiee; Br sad roof la nne rs; plasterers' snd farm ladders; rev eatslogne. Phone Esst 780. Portlsnd Ladder Co.. 347 Rhine t, esst sWs. B. W. Ilarwsrd, prop. MUSICAL. BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS. 8,76 Hnys uiirlght piano. 8 86 -Huys fine Simplex plsno plnyer. $116 Buys fin Ceclllsn plsM plsyer. fiivo Buys Ceclllsn piano nisyer, like new, $106 Buys Kimball upright; special bar gain. S17.V Bnys besutinil Bslley. slreost new. IPS Huye Vuee splemllil nprlglit. '6w-Ruys Knsbe upright In Meewoorl- -All sold oa easy pevmeuts to an It all. MANUPACTi'RKRS- PIANO CO., 3A0 Aider Street. . VIOLIN, guitar and aundolla, oil snd wsti 1 CUM- lesaoqs. MludkN .121 lllbbsrd MooUvllls. ' rhons I nloa 2067. PIANO, viol IB. strlne snd wind tnstrumr rroresso Kdwln A. Smith, .804 Twslftn. Msveq s LKSSONS SOcf piano, guitar. bsno, tpnilln, tnii si.. . ' , 1 rt-., u.i PIANO tuning. $3; perfect work goarsBtssd. C W. Jobasoa, Phon Mala mil, . JEWELRY, JEWELRY snd watches of sll kind sold on eoay payments.- 1. Gerarta Sua, ths Ilomefiirnlahere. . 1 1 , ? MAGNETIC HEALING. ; "; MRS. L. H. HART treats sll dlseaees. stomsch trouble, uervouaufaa anA runclluusl weafcneea. -Con.sltatlos free, 2014 psrk. cor. Jeffersoa. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX N0RTHRUP. 416-14-17 Dekum bldg.. Third aad Washington Sts. Phua Msln 348. Bxsmlnstloos frss. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 403 Maclesy bldg. Clay ,78. Rss. M. 3161. Consultation free. THB very beat lady osteopath In towa. Dr. L. G. Johnson, 824 Salmon, aear Sixth. PLUMBERS. DONNEHBERO A RADKMACTIER, sanitary t-iuiuuers. ss ronrta su nota FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers. 231 Second, bet. Meln and Salmon. Oregon Phone Meln 200 1 MONEY TO LOAN. MONBT TO LOAN Ob Improved city property or for batldlBg . purposee. Any amount oa " from 3 to 10 : years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year, Loaaa ap- R roved from plans and snoney adveaeed aa sliding urogressss; awrtgagss takaa up and replaced. ' FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agsat, 848 Stark Street. - THB STAR LOAN CO. Any aalsrled employs, ware-eerasr, ssa Rat . oa his Bote, .without mortgage " Uneth. U Month. Week. ou.ou nepey te US 26.00 Repey to us $10.00 Repay to us 18.83 or M.S6 or 31.88 8.06 or 88.88 or II 86 4.00 or $8.00 or $1.08 310 McKay bldg. MONET to losa, salaried neople.'tsamatsrs. ets.. without security: essy psymsnta; largest bualueea In 48 principal cities. Tolaaa, 223 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone- Msln 3467. MONET to ansa ea reel, personsl and collateral aeeurity; epeciai attention to chsttsl mort- fages; Botes" bought C W. relist, 304-3 sotoa bldg., 84 Sixth kt HIGHLY respectabl placa where Isdles sad gents csa borrow money' on dlansonda aad jewelry, -Collateral Loan Bank, 808 Wssh lngton st Phona Blsck' 7L CHATTRL loans la s mounts ranging from $28 to $3,000; rooming-houses a spscislty. New Era Loan A Trust Co., 203 Ablngtoa bldg. WB maks sU kind of loan oa good security at kiweat rates; special sttenUoa given to chsttel loans. . 188 Murrlsoa st MONEY to man la sum of from $3,000 to $8,000; terms to suit ths borrower. Booms 808-10. Commercial blk. MONEY to losa la lsrgs or small amounts aa . good . security ; lowest rats. William G. Beck. 807 Falling bldg. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Sslary , kiana from three to six BMaths; eoalldsaUai. 817 Oregonlan. MONEY to loan an Clackamss county Isnd. B. F. and F. B. Riley, 308 Chamber C po OS LO WKHT rate ea furniture tnd pianos. Kaat- erai uomm ajo see oaerioca nrag. vwr siaii. TO LOAN Sum to entt oa chsttsl security, MONEY to losa ob sll kinds of security. Was. Hoil, room 8. Wsshlngton bldg. OVERALLS. BO88 OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and . BM chanlc clothing; anion mods. , Nsoatadtar Bros., manuf sctursrs, Portland. Or. PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE. Planing Mill Co. Saab, and woodturnlng. 308 East Ysmhill st. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. . F. B. BEACH At CO The Pioneer pant Co.; window-glass sad . glasing. IBB First st Phone 1S84. . ' - : ERNEST MILLER A CO.. Second and Tsykw wsll 4spr, paint, ou at market prices; rrss delivery. .v BA8MUS8EN CO Jobber, paints, oil, glsas. sain sna aoors. necona ana isyior. PRINTING. WELCH A DAVIS. Printer Doer of clever thing with Ink. snd type on pspsr. Stearns bldg., BUtn ana Aiarrisoa. aista si(. ANDFRSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank book. Pbons Msla 17. 208 Alder st. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGB CO. Oomsr FoBTtoSBt aad Nor thru p st.. Pert la sd. Or. RUBBER STAMPS. P. S. STAMP WORKS, 848 Aldsr, pboa Msla 710: rubber stamps, seals, stencil, baggsg. trsds checks; send for catalogue No. 88. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad Jobbing. J. Loatll, 212 JeffsrsoB st 3 SPIRITUALISTS. MIZPAH, medium, gives advice ta trouble and love; tell snout minee, anites too aensratea; telle about kred ones who hsv passed beyond nd beluga joy to thoss who grisrs. 224 Vi rvst St., room is. CARD reading and palmxttry. Ths MsItUIs, room 20. 281 tt Market. SCALP TREATMENT. GRAY, felling hslr, dandruff treated; ah am pos ing, manicuring, cniropoay, race wore. airs. B. F. Kyne, l6tt Fourth, cor. Morrison. Room 32. I'bone Pacific 2H6. 'SECOND-HAND GOODS. t AM the man who pay tbe hlgheet cash pries ror secona-nsnd rurnitur sna noueeaoia good. Addreaa P. O. Hoc 413. Edward 3. Klein. OOODB'S Furniture House Highest price psld kt veoua-.HBa iiuuuiun saw pvvw .m Phone Psdfle 488. TO bay or sell second-hand furniture. Cell at Hard Cash Furnltnrs Store. 2U0 rirt et. STREET-PAVING. WARREN CoastrBCtloa Co., street psvlng, side- wslk ana crosswalks. Tie oregonlaa Bid. THB Trinidad Aephslt Pavtog Co, tt PsTtlaao. oracs bos Worcester ma. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of retry descriptions bank, bar ana stors BTtures msae to oraer. in i.iss Msnufsctnrlng Co., Portlsnd. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banner, economical electric fana and sign of sll kinds msde quickly. Foster Hlrlsar, Fifth sna Bvsrsti. rnone axensngs so. SAFES. DIEBOLD Msagan estee: fir ssd Versler- precf work: )alj sad prison work: mekoat opened: repairs. J. B. Davis. SS Third st,, t. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN- "TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnab. soep. $1 per Biontb. IAwrenc urn.' Towel Supply Co., Fourth Bnd Couch. Phon 420. . srn tAlkinq MACHINES. ' 0IBSON CO.. 348 Wsshlngton St. Complets stock of Colnmbls grsphephonee snd record. WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FF.NCB WIRP. WORKS Ksst Morrison su I'hoBs East 321. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES plsnos sad fnrnlturs move 4. packed reaay lor anipuiug isa emuvma.-, u wws guaranteed; large, 3-swry, brU-k, lire-proof warehoua for a'nrag. Office 12S rirst st C. M. Dumb, Pnoo Mala B47. C. O. PICK, offics 88 Flrat St.. bet wees Stark nd Oak St., phone 007 piano, ana luruiiurv moved and parked for shipping; eomaaouious brick warsboass. Frost and Clay at. STORAGE, moving, packing and (hipping; lowest rates guaranteea; " . " money ta callup Mala 804, , Office 181 First st OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Sis. - AAT- aasfk Uksw BasaMll sa m njl Mllf AT i$tUB 388 81 VsW mmwm-r 9 V" SEB Ross M, J'lqmmsr shoot atorsgs: fireproof; cut rates, zuz Thlra si. rsoe sbs BAST SIDB Trsnsfsr Co., A. BL Holcomb, prop. 23 Ksst Wsts St. . rnona asst em . POST SPBCUL DELIVEBY No. 3O014 Wssh- s ns. w J astMBI VICLINS. J. A. WE8CO, elellB-msker aad repalrerr work Bret class, zo Hussel Slag., sis sue asesTipoBw WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-188 Second st. , bet. Tsmhlll snd Tsylor. furtisnq. FINANCIAL. D0BTXABS TRUST COMPART OF 0RIS-0B. I Ths Oldeet Trust Company la Oregoa, RESOURCES OVER St.aW.0VU, . General banking boa loess coadncted. "Savings deposits receivsd. Time certificate Issued, 3 to 4 per cent; special certifies te Inst auder $600), 8 to 4 per cent oa short rail. vail ror noog or " c 1 aaiiuna. PbcHie Main 46A 1U ThUd St BENJ. I. COHEN.... .....,.,... .....Prealdent H. L. PITTOCK... .....,Vle-Preident B. LEE PAGET ..e..i...'.. Secretory J. a OOLTRA. ......... . AssletsBt SecreUry u KITES STATES NATIONAL 'BAWb? . Of PORTLAMS. OREO0K. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD ABD OAK STB. Transecte a osnerat nanBing stbsibs DRAFTS ISSUED Available In All Otic of the Tilted Stats snd Surope, Ilongkons sad Msulls. , COLlECTIOVt aUDl 0 FAT0BABL1 TERMS w a . vt n srsfr Anrr rs prealdent .s v, ti. ji no w w rj 111 Vice-President "iATA. Vice. President R. . LEA BARNES Cashier...... B. W. BCHMKKR Asslstsnt Csahler ....A. WBi'inx AssUtant Csshlsr W. A. HOLT f-IRBT RATIONAL BANTt T OF PORTLAND. 0RE00B. Dealgnatsd Depository snd Financial Agent el U United State . PreeideBt.... ....A. t-J Ceebter ...J. W. KEWKIBK Asslstsnt Csahler .....;W. a ALV0RD Second Assistant Csahler. .... .B. F. STEVENS latter sf Credit Issued Avsllabls la Europe sod ths Esstern Ststs. Sight BxehsrsTS - and Tslesraphle Transfers Bold on Nw York, Boston. Chlcsga, St Loal. St. -Paul, Omaha, Ssn Francisco aad tbs principal points is tbe Northweet, end time hills drswa In asms to suit on London. Perl. Berlin. ; Frsskfort-ln-ths- Msla. Hongkong. xoaonsms, iwpsnnsgsw. Chrtarlanla. Stockholm. St. Pstsrsbarg, Mo, cow, Eurlch. Honolulu, - Collections Mad en fsvorsbU.Tsrm. ' LADD T1XT0BT, BANKXR8. , ' , , (Xstablisasd ia 111.) Traasaota a Oaasral Baaktag BusIbmb. Collections roads st sit' point on favorable terms. Letter of -credit leaned evallablt la Europe and sll points la tbs United States. Bight Xxchsngs and Telegraphic Transfer said ea New York, Washlngtoa. Chicago, St. Louis, Drsrer. Omshs. Ssn Francis and Montana and British Colombia. . Exchang sold ea Ixwidoo, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila . aad Honolulu. . ivr CXCHANTS' NATT0BAL BANK, PORTLAND.- ORISON. J. FRANK WATSON , . . ,PretdBt R. L. Dl'RHAM. ............ ...vice-r-reainear R. W. HOTT Csshlsr GEORGE W. H0YT Asslstsnt Csshlsr Traasaota a Gsssrsl Banking Bualneee. Drafts and Left era of Credit leased Avallsbls to All Parts of ths World.. Collections a Specialty. SECURITY 8AVTNOS at TRUST OOMPAXT 883 Xorrisoa St., Psrtlaad, Or. : Transacts a General Banking Bus lass. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Io teres t Allowed 00 Tim snd Savings Dsposlt. Acts as Trustee mr gsetstes. Drsfts and Letter of Credit Ara liable la All Porta af the World. a F. ADAMS.;.. .-. ..Preelrlent L. A. LEWIS ......First Vlce-Preeldent M. L. MILLS .Second Vice-President Rv G.JUBITX Secretary GEO. . RUSSELL Assistant Secretary MORRIS BROS. 183 rtrstSt., rsrtlsad, 0. Off Gilt-Edge Investments ta MunlHpal aad Rsllroad Bonds. , Writs or Can. JKX CONTINENTAL COMPAaTY. ' Financial Agents. 843 Stark at Phon Mala 13T8. MORTOAQE LOANo Oa Portlaad Real Estate, at Lswsst Batoo. Titles iBsured. ahstraeu ruraun. TITLE SUARABTEX TRUST CO. 840 Washlngtoa St. Oar. Ssooad. TRANSPORTATION. nra:K liL?1 City Tlsket Ofls. 138 Tab. St., Tkoo tsfi. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 9 Tha xnn bx ta v awt ItaU. VT-TO-DATM MQTJXFBtZBTT - 0OVBTB0VB BaWTeOTslBV LEAVE 8:80 a.m.' Trom . afortlaui. ' Tl Bcesttla ARRIVhl 7:00 a. m. $:$0 p. m. 11:41 p.m. 4:15 p. m. Tl Brkmss (aat.BlBT.Oo.) 4:00 a. m. ORXAT STOBTaTBaUr gnAXtBTXa CO. Balling From Bcattl at . BaTaTaTZBOTA, MOT. ; DAKOTA. BOO. IS. For Japan and China Porta and Manila. MTPPOsT TTJBJBBI mVAXBKA (Japan Mall Bteamshlp Company) SL . KABTAOAWA BCABTJ Sails front Beattl for Japan, China and alt Asiatic Ports About Oct. 14. For ticket, rates, berth reservatlona, ta, call on or addras - ... BL DI0KB0BT, C. P. m T. A. Portland. Or. $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath tha Rlsht. Ail BOB $. King's Baths ! aWTOtitki SJhi WRsaaa lnrtoa Its, annex r- aad UTCvast sr Um utr. IT IS an axis;. That' an Intelligent parann i never misled by an advertisement, and In Portland tha merchant who would publish a misleading- adver tisement would be committing; bualnen suicide. i ... y -nT4-AJ N. U TMC COmrCMTAHt WAY. I TRAt::rc: i 11 11 11 j 1 1 r: j s7 Szni-Li: Trains the East ! "Thenea, PbIIm., rfaul. . a. - - - ms-eara dally to Omaha. Cblcssa. Speke f "rw eieening-car eaiiv an assess -.-7 1 Brsagh Pallmsa teertet leeplnsar (psrseae slly eoaductsd) weekly to Chlcag. RecuausS UNION DEPOT. Leaves, Arrives. CHICAOO-PORTLANb . SPECIAL. 3:13 a. as. B:JS a. a. For the (est via Baa. Dally. Dally. . Ing to. .... ..... SPOKANE FLYER. u . -.' . . Nor Esstrra Waahlsg ' too. Walls Wslls. Lsw- 3:13 B. am. B OS a. BV MtoB. Coear d'Aktae Dally. , Dally, end Greet Rortaera '.,' Bolata. . : " - ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 3:18 p.m. T lBa-BW tb Esst eta Baas- Dally. Dally. , r . lnaton. : ' Oelumkla River Dtvlalea. FOR ASTORIA aa .. 8:00 p. SB. Dally, ex. Sonde y. Ssturdsy. 10:O0 p. aa bolBta, connect teg with rmr. fne ihM .-i! About ' 8:00 p. t. as. SaadajV. North Beach, etmr. Bas. earn. Asn-et. Tamhin Blew Beats. FOR DAYTON. Ore goal Cltr and Ysmhill rlvr T:0 t -HK m. sb. Cnnr. stmrs. Ruth asdiOallr. odoe, Aaht. dock. Ux. Sunday, twsrer aermlttlBg.) 'nstle. ss. Sunday. 8aaa Rlvsr Route. FOB LXWISTON. Ida. (6:40 a. as.. 4:00 p. as. Monday nd war point tram or upon ar rival Train Xa, 4. Sua Rlparla. Wash., stmrs. Bpokaa and LewUtehri Wednesday Saturday ,t iuea. iiir. TICKCT OFFICE. Third aad Washing to. Tss ... ' jwine sasiu via, A. U CRAIO. Oe serai Passenger AgesL . EASTvv SOUTH Leaves. oniob vmevr OVERLAND EXPRESS. Trslna, for Sslsm. Ross burg, Aahlsad. Ssera-I mento, Ogden. Baa Fraa eieco, Stocktoa, Lo Aa felsa. El Psso, Nsw Or 3:48 p. m. T'J3a.aB, leans ana ine ssu Morning train ei Beet et Woodhnr dally szeept Bundsy 8:30 a. m. with trals for lit Ansel. Stlvartaa. 8:68 p. a. Brownsville. S p r t a g flsld. WendUng sad eiatroB.. Eugene naasmger HMp. m. TiSOju ta, 4:50 n. sa. Beets st Wood born wlta 10:88 a. Mt. Angsl .and Sllvar toa local. Corvalll pssseBger. BhsrldsB peeaenger. Forest Prove passenger, 8:80 a. as, 8:3B a. as. 111:80 p. SS. 1110:48 p. m. rtsiiv IIDslly except Smuts?. FsrtUa4.CMwc Sutmrbsa Barrts aad TaavkfO Steisioa. , - Depot foot of Jeffersoa street. Less Portland dally tor Oswege 7:30 a. ea t li.Sr), 8:08. 4:00, B:,10. 3:88; T.4S; 10:10: U:3 p. m. Dslly (except Snndsy). 8: SO. 8:30, 3:38, 10:28 a. m. Sunday only, 3:00 a. m. - Retnrslng from Oswego, arrive Portland dstlr , 8:30 S. m." 1:88. S:0B. 48. 3:. T:M. B Bf 11:10 p. m., 12:56 a. m. Dally (sgcept Bonder), 8:38. T:28, 8:30, 11:45 a. m. Sunday only. 10Leevea'fr)m same depot for DsUsa tnt medlete polats dslly 8:00 p. rs. Arrtes PeeV land 10:10 a. m. ' Tb Indeoendence-Moe mouth BTotef LIB eperetea dnllv to Monmouth sad Atrlte. eoa nectlnr with; Southern Pacts company's track t Dalles snd Independence. First -rlaee fare from Portlaad te BscrereeeSs and Ssn Frsnclee 20. berths $: aecond-elsss fare $18, berth M . Tickets to Fantern points end rnropsi Ska Jsnsn. Chins, rtonniuia see mi. . Ctte elcket Orrlc ceewer Third eed WSSBe tngrcw Phooe Mslu ril .. C. W. 8TTN0EB. , v A. t CBAIJ, nit. Ticket Asent, Osn. Psss. A Agsnt. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland: DAILY. . tJNION DEPOT. Depart. Arrive : Teltnwstona . Psrk-KaB- sss Clty-St. Lonls So-! dsl tor CTeuall. C- trslls. Olympls. Orsys tSO .. BV 4:30. av Harbor, Bents vena, i some. Seattle. Sookaae. Lewlaton. Batte. B1IH Inga. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Lnal and southeast. North roaat Limited, electric lighted, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spoken. Butts. Minneapolis. St Psnl and ths Esat, Paget Soand Limited, for Cbehalla. -Centre lis, Tscem and SestiJe only. . I Twin Cite r.i.i... t 8:00 p. m TaWsvav 440 b. m. 10S3B.SB. Teeoma, Seattle, Spe-I aene, neiena, Batte, Ytllowstone Thrk. Mia es polls. Bt. PsbI aad ths Best. 11:43 p. av 8:80. av A. D. CHARLTON. Assists st Cenersl Passsagsr Agssv. : 8U Morrlsoa St.. ear. Third, Portland. Oregook Astoria & Columbia ' Riyer Railroad Co. VMIOM J)KP(1t. I Arrive. - Leevee. S'00a.l Daily. For Msyger,Rslnler. Clstsksal. Weetporl. 11 to I Dally. Clirtea. Astoria. Wsr- rentoa, FlereL Ilsav mond. Fort Stave aa, esarkart Park, Seee4v Astoria aad Sssakurs. , Erprss dally. " Astoria Exprsss. B-Ma, l tMB av 1 1 Dslly. . Daily. i. C. MAIO, ' ' 41. 9. end P. A.l Aefrls. Or. C. A. STEWART, Com ser rial Agenr, Be Aids r streeV Phoa Mala BOB. ALASKA FAST AND pom AS SrSAMSBIPt Leer Seattle 8 . av "JXTTtSSON," 0CTOSIB 8, 33. I'DOLPHIS." OCTOBER I. SB. . fiU.INO AT , KrrcniKAN. jt:NEAif, WW. BAINK3. BKA0WAY Cseec's w- . P. A I. ruuts tor Allls. Imsrsoo, 1.. , Nome, ste. FOB ALL fX'T"'"T-N t" Pi fsR t seed f" .. ' Alssti." "IsJiss ' TBTt 1 8. 8. " ' graik vtooy C, t "3 feN r. asSiaO"rt7Tlg-tji- I Arrlvss. T .