The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1905, Image 6

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Moritavilla Residents' Assert the
,' Mitt Proebttel Jumf5s Into Lead
Legal Authorities of High Stand-
In ' CtruggU for Hawaiian '
; ''Trip "In Her District
ing Support This Astonish- t
Plan Will Be Defeated Be-'
.fore Election Is Called. v
1 v ; .' Ing Proposition. ; " '.
IV. ' ; : " . ,
0 0 J TEST S 1 1 0 US
pendleton in race
Somt Lively Tilting Between Town
That Wish to Send Their Daughter
to the Pacific. Islands for a Free
i' MidvrtKTeirHoliday. , '..'. '; '
. " After a most wonderful Jump . La
Grande h wrested from Pendleton 'the
leadership of the second district tn The
Journal' Hawaiian trip contest In two
- day Xa Or ode gained more than II,
'eo vote for two of it candidate-
' Ml KatJ Naah and Ml Molly Proeb-
; tej end they now occupy flrat ana ,ec
end polUon In the eecond district
Miss Molly Proebatel.'
' IIIh Proebatel made the greater sain,
having ecurd 1T.TS4 vote In two day,
. but the great lead Ml Naah (had
'previously gave her first position, when
h nlual IT exs wntea In tha mat two
'day a Pendleton, however, la keeping
up the good work, and Miss Agnee
1 Fletcher of that city has gained more
than S AAA VAUI alnM tiialflT flA.
i" I
, taken altogether, the second district
ha bean the most active during the
. . past two day. ' The standing of the
candidate In thle district ere: First,
Miss Katie Naah of La Orande. 11.741
votes; second. Mis Molly Proebatel,
La Orande. IS.Itl votee; third. Mis
'Agnes Fletcher. Pendleton,' 11.124 votes.
, The flrat district continues to be very
active, aitnougn mere le no enange in
: the standing of the principal candidates.
-Mis 8alU Madlgan 1 the leader and
lias 11,074 votee. Mis Minnie S. Phil
lip 1 second, with 41.101 vote; Ml
'Sadie- Win termantle third, 46,141 votee;
, Mia Lura Baty fourth,- 41.417- vote;
MJaa Oretchen Kurth nfth, 15.747 rotes,
and Ml Ruth Lee sixth, 14.111 vote.
' In the third district Mis Emllie
Crossen of The Dalles lead with 20,110
Votes, and Mis Lucille Crate of the
.. same city follow very closely wlta. ll,
- 4S7 votes. Mis Stella Richardson of
-Hood River is third, with-17,002 votes,
Mis Hatti Barton of Baker City
leads the fourth district with 14,812
votes, and Miss Swain of Burns follow
. closely with 14,440 vote. Ml Ethel
! Parker of Baker City Ukes third place,
'with 11.045 votee. -
t In district No. i Ml Florence Heav-
yen or Vancouver ieaas, wuo. iv.ii t
; votes. Mis Amelia William of Kelso
'is second, with 10,110 votes, and Miss
Katharine Gore of Kalama, third, with
.14.120 vote. The voting in thla dls-
- tr!ct haa been heavy during the pact two
.day. ". .:-.'.-:,;:-'-Ml
Madge Battee of Kugene contin
ue as leader of the Sixth district She
.'haa 11,674 vote. Miss Blanch Brown
' of Salem 1 eecond, with 10,174 votee.
and Mia Lucy Morcotn of Woodburn 1
close third, with 15.211 vote.
.- in the seventh district Ml - Bertha
. Courtemanche of MeMlnnvllle ' retain
Mm ma ltli IS JRK wilM n1 UlM
:Hel Kennedy of Lafayette is second.
with 13.111 votee. Miss Minnie Roy of
'Dallas 1 third, with 11.040 votee. -'
la the eighth district Ml Dale Har
mon of Roseburg lead, with 20,700
. vote to her credit Mia Edna Parsley
-takM mmr nlfu. with 14.111 votes.
and Miss Louis T. Jones of Jackson
ville third, with 11,110 votes. r ,
. .. .
, ntwti a mum maimu --
t Secret Service Agent W. J. Burn.
ho ha been In Portland for everal
months past, assisting In the land fraud
, prosecutions, - left last evening for
Washington, District . of Columbia.
Ther he expects to meet United States
District Attorney F. J. Heney, who will
;go east early next month to arrange for
" the trial of Benson. Hyde and Dltnond
,ad of Congressman Dinger Hermann.
! While In Portland Mr. Bums was di
recting land fraud investigations In
'other western states as well as Oregon,
and thle work will continue to occupy
i hie attention." probably will return
to Portland before the close of the year..
; ' It's thesmalLbut constatitr
.loss" of flesh ,rtbat indTcates
; physical waste r the gradual
flipping away of healthy flesh? "
.pound by ti pound," which rio
I ordinary food seems to rt
'tort. Scott's Emulsion will
restore it This Emulsion is
.the greatest flesh builder : ob
tainable. Scott's Emulsion
first stops the wastingthat's
czn gain. , Then when it sup--!ies
neW flesh and takes one
-!c to normal strength tdd
ht, that's another gain
z-1 a liar on: 1
' ' . - . ' -'
t.-TT a WtrKZ, n'M lrat New Terk, '
r-r-i a i irr nnmiieiAU
This Provision Is Not Made, Ik Is
Said Many Valuable Franchises
Are Affected by the New Inter
pretation. "; ' ;;V. ' '
Not one of the franchise purporting
to .be perpetual, granted I at , various
time by the Portland, city council. Is
Thle remarkable legal proposition ap
pears to be supported by the authorities
recognised by courts and lawyers in the
United States. A line of these authori
ties. Including John F. Dillon admitted
to be the greatest on municipal law, and
Ellott, apeaklng for the court of the.
country on roads' and street, and In
volving a decision of the Oregon su
preme court, has been traced by compe
tent lawyers la this city and the con
clusion has been reached that, although
numerous franchises hav been drafted
purporting to be perpetuate they are not
valid and could be terminated by the
council at any. time.
Bffee Fa weecMeg. . . .
The far-reaching, effect of such a
proposition. If established, may be
Judged when tt la eta ted that franchisee
pretendlng-t be In perpetuity have been
given in the past by. the city's legisla
tive body to the following corporations
In the years Indicated: . " . "
The Oregon Railroad at - Navigation
company by ordinance 110 In the year
1111 was given perpetual franchise
privileges In East Portland In Sullivan's
guicn ana oiner streets.
By 'ordinance 431 in 187 the same
company we given ' perpetual , fran
chise privileges to run. Its tracks to the
steel bridge on the west side of the Wil
lamette rtver. v
By ordinance 1.211 In ll the same
company waa given perpetual franchise
privilege for the bridge approaches.
By ordinance 1.1(0 In ISO! the North
ern Paclflo Terminal company received
by council grant a perpetual franchise
for Its double-track railway to run on
North Front and other street.
By ordinance i.ill in lltl the aatn
corporation waa glvan franchise privi
leges to run track on North- seventh,
West Park, East Park, M. N. and O
treet. - - ; -
By ordinance 11.011 In lltl the same
corporation waa given perpetual privi
leges on Upshur street.
By ordinance 11,270 In 1110 the same
corporation was given perpetual fran
chise privilege In Sherlock' addition.
By ordinance 11,054 la 1101 the same
corporation received perpetual franchise
privilege in Watson' addition. -
:" On ea First Street.
By ordinance 111 In 1171 th East
Portland council granted . a perpetual
franchise. ' which obtalne yet. to the
Oregon t California Railway company
on East Flrat and other e treet .
By ordinance 611 the Portland city
council granted ' In 1100 to the earn
corporation perpetual . franchise privi
leges on Fourth street, now enabling
the Southern Paclflo to run 'trains
through tha center of the business dis
trict of the city. ...
By ordinance ' 3,010 In lltl a per
petual franchise was granted to the
same corporation on Mill and Front
By ordinance 8.100 tn 1117 the South
ern paclflo company received a per
petual grant from the council In other'
treet of the city. - -
Telegraph Companies.
By ordinance 4.041 la 1110 the Ameri
can District Telegraph company was
given perpetual franchise privilege in
all the streets of Portland then existing
or mat ever mignc exist. , .
By ordinance 4.050 In 1117 the Postal
Telegraph Cable company waa granted
a perpetual franchise in all the street
of the city. .
By ordinance 1.410 the Western Union
Telegraph company received perpetual
rrancnise rights in ail Portland streets.
In addition are the franchise granted
to the Portland General Electric "com
pany, the Portland Oaa companies, euat
and west side, now consolidated Into
one, and to the Paclflo States Telephone
4k Telegraph company, adopted by the
council at different time and purport
ing to be perpetual. -
flkaete Vail Wrmriila - v '
The . wisdom of the country's )urts
prudence appears to sustain the general
proposition that no city council may
legally grant a perpetual or exclusive
franchise unlees the clfy charter, con
tain an express delegation of power
f rom , the legislature giving authority
for euch acta. The court regard com
monly that such - franchise granted
without such express power from the
law-making-body of the sovereign state
le "ultra vires, or beyond the power
A case In point. Showing the absence
of express power in the City charter to
grant exclusive or perpetual fran
chise,, is in, the charter of 1101, which
covers the subject in a proviso as fol
lows; . : , . .
Power Mot O ran ted.
Provided, that nothing herein shall
be construed to Impair any franchise
heretofore granted by the cities or
Portland East Portland and Albina and
the county of Multnomah during the
term of such franchises."
The conclusion is Irresistible, ssy the
lawyere, that this proviso falls to dele-
gat express power to grant exclusive
or perpetual franchisee, and that this-
wmcn is a saving clause for all legally
given rrancnises, does not make legal
such franchises as were "ultra vires,"
or In excess of the power possessed by
the city council at the time the fran
chises were given.
(Jon nut Special Berries.)
Chicago, 11L, Oct. 10 It was a smil
ing lot of men that met today at the
annual meetlmr of the stockholders of
th Pullman company. They all knew
that business had been phenomenally
large during the paat year and that the
corporation had a surplus of 120.000,000.
The atockholder ' .congratulated each
other at the meeting and highly com
plimented the conservative and success
ful management of Robert T. Lincoln,
who waa elected president after the
deatb of George M. Pullman. The re
port of the treasurer showed that the
business' during the year ending 1ul
II last was almoet 121,000,000. It I
understood that a surplus dividend of
'w Jttm.iA wA lull- .ft - .
on th capital stock of 174,000,000.
Drought Is Forgqtten and New Bull
, Run Main Is Expected to Solve
' Most of tha Difficultjr Many Still
Cling to Town Theory. . :7..J..
TfcA esat side office of The Joaraal la la -the
Store ef J. M. V. Miller. BVU Seat Morrlsu
treat Telephone East XT. .
Dr. William PeVeny, who I, heading
the force opposed to the Incorporation
of Montavlllo. assert positively that
the suburb will npt take, on the power
of a ' eonstlt'.ited community, and say
there are enouga ctllsen and business
men behind him to defeat, the plan,
either In the county court ir at a special
election. The opposing forces gathered
at the county court yesterday looming
end prepared to argue the matter, before
Judge Webster and the emmls.'niei,
but the lawyer representing the fac
tions were not xvaly to proceed with
the hearing and the discussion waa con
tinued a ' week. Those favoring Incor
poration hav ralaed money unough to
pay the coat of a special eleotl-m and
have secured the require! number of
names for their petition, and nescrt that
the court has no option when these con
ditions have been complied with but to
call a special election. f - -.
"We who oppose the' incorporation do
not believe It Is necesaary to go to the
trouble of calling a special election.'!
said -Dr. DeVeny. "We can hcw the
court that a majority of the cltlxons
will oppose Incorporation and that many
of those who signed the petition week
ago have . elnce requested that . their
names be taken off the list. An elec
tion would merely cause the voter
trouble, and those favoring incorpon.
tlon needless expense because the prop
osition would be defeated. We under
stand that the court haa power to call
a special election or not ae It see fit,
and believe we will have little trouble
in ehowlng that such an election wouhi
be merely unnecessary troub'e."
What ha changed the attitude of
many of the resident of the villa on
the subject haa been the assurance that
next -summer th water problem woulJ
be solved. , Tho action of the water
board of the city In authorising Imme
diate work on the big main, from .the
Mount- Tabor reservoir makee if most
probable that the recently annexed por
tion of that suburb will be supplied
with Bull Run water, thus taking
half of the demand of tie local system
that has supplied Mount Tabor and
Montavilla. It is understood that vhe
management of the MontavllU system
can, make arrangements for a better
supply either from the city or bv sink
Ing wells, and with the smallsr field
It will be required to supply it is
thought by many in the villa that for
mer experloncee Will not be repeated.
The agitation for Incorporation started
weeks ago when summer waa parching
tne Montavuia lawn , and when water
for household '. necessities wa scarce,
but recently the residents hav been too
busy keeping their cellar pumped out
tn worry about drought, and incorpora
tion ha become Jess of a pressing sub
ject. - - '.
Count Tabor Beatdeaeea Sow Being
Built Are ef tn Bet Claaa. '
Several new residences .' are being
ereciea in Mount Tabor and the are all
of the better claaa Few house hav
been built-within the past year that
cost lea than tl.SOO, with the majority
Of them costing twice thla amount, an I
the general average constantly rising.
K. M. Stevens is having built a two
story residence on Scott avenue that
will cost about 12.000. U S. Normandln
of the Mount Tabor firm of Brubaker
at Normandln .la having a home built
on Central avenue, near the Base Une
road, at a cost of 11,200. W. H. Oren-
fell, president of the Northwest Transfer
company, will soon have work started
on a 'handsome residence at Belmont
street' and Francis avenue, the cost of
which will be about 14.000. -
. In addition to these, several large
rea( estate transrer which have taken
place during the summer insure th erec
tion of country home on acreage site
there, and during the winter or early
spring several of the idle tract which
have been improved will be utilised.
An of Bast Sid to a He-presented at
Mas Meeting , Thl Afternoon. .
The depot committee of -the Central
East 81de Improvement league ha sent
an earnest request to the business lead
era of every east aide suburb to be
present this afternoon at the mass meet
Ing to be held for the adoption of plane
In the campaign for the eecurlng of
an eaat side depot of the Southern Pa
cific. There will be a large attendance
of representatives from suburban push
clubs that have not before been Inter
ested In thls.mstter, and a big central
committee, that will represent every dla-
trlct across the river, will be eelected.
Several members of the city council
Wilt also be present, and the matter of
the old franchise provisions and street
vacations will be taken up with them.
and their support enlisted in the work f
forcing the company to grant art. eaat
side freight and passenger station.
t. Johns Win Hav riant aa tVarg a
Those Destroyed. '
The union of the Interest of the Conn
fcnd Douglaa sawmill at St, Johns,
which ha been rumored ever atnee tha
fire there deetroyed both plants, was'an
nounced yesterday when article of In
corporation of th -new company were
filed. The Incorporator are John Kane,
The charm of her smile
is in her pretty , teeth.
Sensible girls know the
value of . '. .
Liquid, Pewkr, or Patii. . k
It'e time, you . were .
coming in to see the
new Fall Suits and
Overcoats that we are
The earlier you come
thebetter the - selec
tion. . - .
We've splendid fitting
garments that are
guaranteed to glvt
good and satisfactory
service in every way.
Suits, Overcoats and
Rain Coats $10- to
$25. ' Also Hats,
Shoes . and Furnish
ings., .. ; ' , , :
Oatfltter to Mem ana Boy,
IN ut in Thira street,
. aea Morrison, . .
For 10 weeks, with opportunity to se
cure 110 suit at II to 130. Meetlna-s
every Wedneaday - evening. Investigate
J. E. LYONS. Hi Johnson street, se
cured the 130 suit In the J. II. Johnston
Suit club. 504 Washington street. Wed
nesday evening, October 11.
:' The man who has Idle', money
. enough to furnish you that needed
new capital walked past your
tor twice yesterday; the servant -:
' who would be worth to your wife'
twice a much as her present one, .
leave 'her place in the house,
three blocke from your next
week; the tenant who never broke
, a lease, and to whom your apart
ment would . be sure o appeal
atrongly 1 now looking about for
- a place like It; the man' who.,
would buy that horse and. car-y
rlage ef yours without an hour's
parley waa '"next" to you at Tour
' barber's yesterday; but .
" Ton eaat read ndnda, and rem go
; bumping1 lata people aU the time
.'' Who eould be aaefnl aaa helpful
to yon. So, If tfces people are
wortk Hading yon amaat give tha ,
Job to a waat advartlaemeat, aa- '
' aured that1- -
It they can be found,
a Journal Want Ad
yertisement will find
- them! .
O. F. Martin and W. T. Mulr, and the
capital stock Is placed at 1100,000, which
is considerably more than the - total
value of the two mills destroyed. A big
mill will be erected that will employ
more men than both of the burned
planta, and that will -occupy the sit of
th former mill, these adojlnlng each
Other. Work on the mill will be com
menced at once and a large force em
ployed on the construction contracts, eo
that th mill may t in operation early
next year.
That CeclUan contest Is getting right
warm and some very clever answers sre
coming In every day. - There Is, how
ever, abundance of time to enter and
you have Just a good a chance of win
nlng as If you had begun a month ago.
It'a so asy to think of five good rea
sons why . a few merchant not now
doing so should use The Journal ad
vertising column.
- 'We offer you th nresent of a 1210
CeclUan. Somebody will get It and It'a
you If you hustle bard enough. Here
are the condition: -
There are approximately 171 adver
tiser In Portland, exclusive of real
tate and claaalfled, using apace in ' the
local dallies. One hundred and sixty-
four of theee use The Journal some
time during each week. A few do not.
All we ask of you is that you send us
"flvs reasons" why you think!, ten of
these should uaa Th Jourrial, at th
same time mailing each of them a copy.
Make sure that the ten advertisers
you aelect are not advertising In The
Journal. If you are In doubt about a
name call up Main 600 and ask about
It. Also remember that the ten - mer
chant you select not advertising la
The Journal must be newspaper adver
tisers. Those who do no newspaper ad
vertising at all cannot be properly listed
in the ten. The contest .close Octo
ber 21. ' ..
Tour reason will be turned over by
Th Journal to th Judge, all entirely
disinterested parties with a knowledge
of advertising.
The beet listf reasons according to
the Judges takes the CeclUan on exhibi
tion. In the-" window of the Manufac
turer's Piano Co.. 150 Alder afreet. For
further information at any time call
The Journal telephone 100.
, aepuMloea Club Dinner.
(Joaraal Special gervtea,) .
Boston. Oct. II.- The annual "dinner
Of the Republican club of Massachusetts
will be held this evening at Symphony
hall. The principal epeakers of the
evening will be Secretary ofc the Navy
Charles J. Bonaparte, Senator Lodge and
LileutenaQt-Qovernor uuua, tne ttepun
llcan candidate for governor.- It Is
quite - possible that Attorney-General
Moody will attend the banquet. If he
can reach here in time. If he comes he
will probably be one of the speakers. ,
TJOISIOT TTT TT h capital of the young territory, is in many ways the most tfcauti- ,
nUiNUiiUIwU fu- nt trnpiral ritiea. ? ' ; . ; ,
pTJTJ "MTTTT A MTT P AT T cliff witn one thousand feet face, at the gap In the
llir XNUUA1NU riUil backbone ridge of the Islands of Oahu is one of the
IDT? A T? T W A T? RHP the wonderful enclosed locks, where the United 'States will
XT JAJViv XiniOUXS. build its most extensive Pacific naval station, is but a half
.'-. .-..j.; hour from Honolulu. ' . " .. -, ' , ,t.
tt t T (y the second city, from whose bayt surrounded by tropical verdure, one may look .
XXXJ-dJ Up to the eternal snows on.Mauna Kea. 1 v '
r T T A T T P A the 8Teatest of living volcanoes, lies beyond Hilo, reached by combined
aaTa, rail and carriage trip through. cane field and fern forest." '
tt AT "CAT AT A whose dead crater takes first rank for extent, offers, rare views
nnliJ AXVAJJ A fm two milM lbove the sei.
'tt ATT AT whose rare valleys,', great canyons and impressive
J known, calls for a voice of beauty.
Every road is full-of striking possibilities and the industries tbe views, the people,
.V the spectacles are all worth seeing and knowing.
Votes received op to
Of Tha Journal's
Hawaiian Tonr '
f ntST-Aar yeeag bey 'ever IS year
ef age Bur e soalaated at aay tlm ea
bleaks provided by Tbe Jearaal, with the
endorMaieat ef twe well-ksewa eitlsesa
ef the district la welch sfce resldsa. .
SXOOaD-TarM loeges aaveeable te the
eirfereat eaadldstes sssll be eeleetsd e ,
efSHally aaaeaaee the wlaeer la each sls
triet. ea yesag lady te be cacsea trim
each dlstrlet - ,". . V',"' ' v
THiaO As fat other eleetkns. eaek
trlct shall vote separately. ,-The vete la
eae cannot affect the ether. . butters peea.
erly eeaeeraln the district wUl e settled
by tbe wishes ef the swjoritr. The wta.
aer ahall have the rich Basse e nrexy
U aasble te attend herself.
yOUXTB VoMb wiU' eoaateaee Then.'
day. Aarsst S. 106, asd eloee Satareay.'
December SO, at S e'eloek a. ., 106.
CMpeas snst be voted wlthla seres day
after Isaac. Coupons cat from the Dslly
Joaraal ansa be Bestir trimmed. All
eon pons, whether stogie or special, mart bear
the same ef the candidate te be voted tar.
opfmnrs Ami arm as toixowsi
riTIH Sln1e eeapeaa. cat tren the Sally
paper, are good for eae vote. : Sebeertptloa
te the Bvenlag learaal and Sunday sionilBg
Jearaal three saoaths, It.SS. a special
eoapoa ef ISO votes (paid la advance).
Subscription te Evening and Sunday Mora
ine Journal sis months, $3. 76, a apedal
oepaa ef SSO votes (paid I advane). Suh
serlpUos to the Evening ssd Sanday hfora
la Soarnsl IS mostha, ST. 50, a special,
. enapodyof TOO votes (pstd advnaes).
Sabaerlptloa to the Eveslag and Saaday
Morning Jearaal, three faontb by Bull,
11.00. e special eoapoa of ISO votes (paid
la advance), anbacrlpttea te the Evening
and Aanday Kerning Joarasl by null at
months, SS. TO, special eoepoa ef S90 vete
(paid la advaace). tnberrtptlos te the
Jmlnf and Bnnday Moral nf Joamal bT
Mil 11 months, ST.0O, a special eoepoa 'ef
TOO votes (paid la advance). ' Seml-Woehly
Joarnal. 1.80 year, special eeape of 10
vete (paid la adTiBce),
STZTB Coo pons sbeald he voted at the
headquarters nearest yea se mailed n the
eoapoa department of Th Joarnal, er at
ay point named below. Totes wffl he
counted lfondsys, Wednesdays sad Fridays
and the totals soacd te the pnhli the
foUewtag dev.
Any eandldnte withdrawing from the eoa
test cannot hav her vote coasted tor an
other. .
.v .. ...
; Eh-st Dlatrlat . . hlnltnomah and Claehsmas
counties. Voting place, Coupes Depart meat
ef The Joaraal efSce. ,
Seeend ElatHov Cnloa, Pmatin end
Wallowa eeantlea.
Third ZHstiet-Wasee. ghermaa. OtUlam,
Morrow, Wheeler and Crook eonatlea,
' Eenrth Dnrtrlet Baker, ; Oreat Barney
sad hUUiear eeesitlea, . ,
rifts Watriot ColnmMa and Clatsop
eonntles, Oreroni Ellckltat, Cowllta, Clsrkt,
Parille. Wahkiakum and Skamania eeantlea,
Wsefelagtoa. ..
Sixth . Dlstrlet Marlon, Una a ad Lane
eeantlea, .
kVwenth TMstrlee Weshlng toe, Tillamook,
' Tsiah!!!, Benton. Polk and Lincoln ewes tie.
EIMh Dtstrle Doncl". - Cooa, Cnrrr.
JoeepLtse. Jackaos, KUmatk aad Laks
coasttc. . . .- .
Any Information regarding con
ditiohs of th Hawaiian tour should
b addressed to tha manager of
the Contest Department of. Tha
Journal, - f'i' ... ; ' , ,'
' ; Oirrjon,
Coupon Free Ha wall an Trip
t , - . .'V Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands
I VOta for
V- - - -
. IM coupon tnuet be voted a
natural wonders of
Wednesday evening fa Tha Joarnc)'sv!Uw!Un Trt
" ::i : . . . 9XSTSX0T VO. t.
Mies Kallle Madlyan. Olds. Wortmaa A King (tore ...
Mine Minnie R. Phllltpe, depntr clerk rlrenit court ...
Mlae Sadie Wlntermantle, Cite Pre Worse.
Miea ars vsij, eeit bsb aaraei nireei
Mlae Uretchea Earth. Telenbone eeerater
Mlea Rata Lee, Indorsed by Federated Tradee Council
Mlaa Bees Skaron. S10 Beat Thirtieth atreet
Mlea Henrietta Wtnkleman, 4T Eaat Cearb atreet 17, 1M
Mies Marssret Smith. AU WlllUma svrna , .',.....
Mlas Edith Bern, Si. Si ark street '
Mtas Lanra Kerbrahlre. OM Water street &.M
Mies Sopbla Olaoa. 2M Ivy street &.!
Mlaa A Irene Horn, Oregon CltT ' 21.1NS
Mlae Klaa Srleoel, an Beat Thlrtr-frret street
Mlaa Lnry Cionld, telephone operator Oregoa Hotel ...).aiS
Mlea Elva Hm-lbert. 8t. Johna .....lO.nSe
Mist Oenevlev liolmea. Olda. Wortmaa A K( store IS.ene
Mies' Nellie' Manger. See tUMfh street , .......l.Te
Mlsi Cers Jollr. 76S First street . .......... ...... 16.730
Mlae Georfta Nlnk. t Hnrnalde atreet........... .............. w. 13,ofW
Mlae Marlon' Leahr. -A'nodard. Clark Drag company ...........................11.801
Mlaa Cornelia Barker. SSO Oread avease , ......10.tso
Mlaa Burse Reddlck. Oreaon City ......... .i ,aj
. (Voting place, Coopoa Pepartawat. Joarnal office.)
' ' ' BISTmiCT 3T0. A .
Miss Katie Kh. La Orande, Oregon
Mlae Nome rroeoetel.
Mnllle Proebatel, La (JraBde, Oreeoa
(Voting place, Le Orande, Steinbeck
Agnes Fletcher, Pendleton. Oregoa...
alia rean flams, rendutpn, uregon
ansa tirace Hawk a. . rennietea. orecea
Mlea Mahel Johaaon. Jndleton. Oreeoa
( voting place, pendleton, vrers M eve mas arag eiara.
Mlea Lillian B. O'Harra.' Athene. Orefo i 1,1
(Valine nlace. Athena. IJell Braa.' store.)
Mia Ivy McCallleter, Walla Walla, Waahlogtoo .........
Mlaa Rosy Yoang, Walla Walla, Waehlntoa .
Mlaa Lnell Barr, Walla Walla, Washington ................
Mlaa May Callahan. Walla Walla, WaanlBgtee
Mlas Hattle Brows, Walla Walla, Washington
I'eting puce, wane walla, waeningua oeos noos.i , ,
- ' ' . BISTUCT 0. S. . ' " .
Mlaa' Emilia Creaaen, the Dalle. .Oreeon.. ;. 10.10
- Mlea Lucille Orate, The Bailee, Oregon ...i.... .1.10,467
- tVotlmr nleeei The Dallea. 'Recorder' Office.) -V
Mlas Stella Rlrhardeoa. Hood Blver, Oregon ................ .17.081
Mlas Lsurs Cramer. Hood River. Oreaon
' (Voting place.. Hood Rrrer. WMfht's
Mies Florence George, Arlington, Orrsoa
(voting place, Arlington, era nam a esaiecxieneTr.i
Miss Gertrude Kaannon, Cendos, Oregoa
(Voting place, Condon. Jackson A Jlomlbrook'B store.) ..
Mlas Gertrude Sharp, Prlnevllle, Oregon..... ...........
9ISTEI0T HO. . ; ,
Mlaa Hattle" Barton, Baker City, Oregoa
Mlas Ethel Parker. .Baker Cltjr. Oregoa
, Mlea Gertrude Tire. Baker City, Oregoa ,
Mlas Myrtle Bretton, Baker City, Oregoa
(Voting piece. Baker City, Levlnger'a drag store.)
Mies Clara Bn-aln. Bnrna, Oregon
(Voting place, urne. Welcome peermacy.i .
Mlae fcffle Mae King. Ontario. Oregoa, ............... ..l. 13.S74
Mlaa Daley Betterb-y. Vale, Oregoa T.640
i i . OISTXIOT SO. S, . . .
' MUs Florence Hesvren, Vsnenaver, Wsshlngtea .. ............... ..,,,,. ..J0,M4
' (Voting place. Vanconver, 13 Mai street.) i
Miss Amelia WlllUma. bkelao. Weahlngto , , ....1,130
(Voting place, Kelao confectionery.) , . -
Mlea Katherlne Oar. Kalama, Waahingaon , 10,1X0
(Voting place, Kalama, Coffer's a tore.) . -
Mlaa Mary Berge, Ilotne Valley, Washington .11.415
Mlaa Eatbr Anderaoa. Aatorla, Oregon - 0,64
(Voting piece, Aatorla, Owl drag etore.) i
Mies Delay Wa tains, St. Helena, eregoa , ...,.v..., .,.. S.ST0
' (Voting pUce, Bt. Helrn'a, Gray a atnre.) i .
Idas Gertrude Randall. Castle Rock, Washington l.TSB
Mies Grace Wright, Caatle Rock, Waaklngtoa l 1,166
i Voting place, Caatle Rock, Ander's drug store.) -. -
lice Perry, Rainier. Oregon , ....... l.Sll
(Voting place. Rainier, Frledbor' eonfectloaery.) "
Mlas Annie Prrrlne, Clatakanle, Oregoa 1.10
(Voting place, Clstskaals, Simmons A Ce.'a atere.) , i
i BUTBIOT 0. A. , '.''
Mlaa Madge Battee, Eugene, Oregoa.
. Mlea Kmma Moffett, Eugene. Oregoa
Mlaa Stella Bean, Eucane. Oregon...,
(Voting puce, Eugene, Hull's drug etore.) ... .
Miss Blancke Brown, Halem, Oregoa. ,,........,.'.,.... .1,,... .10.074
Mlaa Mary Davidson. Salem, Oregoa... ,, .. .... ...... .11.070
Mlea Ia Belle Darby, Ha lam. Oregoa. .,,..., .,'.,,.,. ...,.11.004
Mlea Minnie I re ton, Salem, Oregon., ',... ...,'...,. ,i. '....., S.601
Mlea Peerl Shelley, Salem, Oregoa .,,,... S.Xa)
Mlaa Minnie Arnenbach, Salem, Oregoa 1,008
Mlas .Nettle Reddekoop. Hslem, Oregon ,. 1,300
(Voting piece, Ralem. Haae' drug store.) . ,
Mlaa Lucy Mnrcom, Weodbnra, Oregoa ,. .1(,318
'Mlae Myrtle Traak, Woodharn. Oregon , i 10,84
(Voting place. Woodburn, Be bee A Whitman' etore.) .....
Mlas Maude Blair, Cottage Grove, Oregoa L.. 11. sol
Mlaa Effle Stewart, Cottage Orove, Oregon ??T.......12.B7T
Mlea Llaale Veatch, Cottage Orove, Origoa 10,834
i Voting place. Cottage Grove, GUI e confectionery.) - .- -athrya
Uarvla. Slirerton, . Orego U.SSS
(Voting plsce, Mlverton, Brook'a drug store.) . . - t . - - -
Vlaa Maggls Chambers. Albany. Oregoa
Mies Pearl Barage. Albany, Oregon..., 10.0T6
Mies Alice Locke. Albany, Oregoa 1. '........ - T,48S
i Voting place, Albany: Dawaon'a drag store.) . . '
ddle HI m neon, Lenanoa, Oregon ......................... S.03S
t Vnt In iJu. l.h.Ml. fiittn.'. .
MVa Hands Oleay, Aurora, Oregon
Mlaa Fay Ceoley, Brownsville, Oregoa.;
;. ' ".-''" SISTUCT 0. T. ' '
Mlas Berth Courtemanrhe. MeMlnnvllle, Oregon ......... ,....,.......
(Voting place, MeMlnnvllle,, Hoaaer's
Mia naarl Kennedy, Kfarette, Oregoa
(Voting place. Lafayette poatofflre.)
Miss Minnie Boy. Dallas. Oregon......
(Voting place, Dallas, Htaat's confectionery.) ., . .-,
Ml Cora Spangle, Dayton. Oregon , ,,,;,.....
(Voting plaea, Dayton, Harris' drag tor.). . .- - - .. ...
-Mlas Marie Hoatetler. HllhOxwo, Ore.
. Mlaa Rosa B. Bowaer, Hlllahoro. Oregoa
(Voting place, Hlllatioro, Bchalmerlch' a tola.)
Mlea Myrtle Butler, Forest Grove, Oregon .............
( Voting -place, Forest Grove, La Course' store.) : '
Mlas Oltva Htrattos, Newberg, Oregon
(Voting place. New Serf. Calwell A Co.' drug Store.)
Mies t.llllaa Webater. Fhllonialh. Oreeon ,. ,,
Mlas Rneala C. Holahelmer, Beavertnn. Oregon
fVotlng piece, BVaverten, Thomas Thing eoafectiooery.)
Mies Grace Starr, Oorvallla, Oregon ".
- '-. , ' --- ,. DISTRICT 0. S. -
Mlaa Dam Harmon, Koaebarg, Oregoa..
Mlaa r.nna rareiey. Koaennrg. uregon,.
(Voting Place. Unaetnirg. Hamlltoa'a
Mlea Lotilae T. Jones. Jacksonville, Oregoa
Mlas Mao.lex Berry, Granta Paea, Oregon
Mlea Maude'Baher, Granta Paaa. Oregoa,,.
(Voting place, Granta Paea, Smith's drug store.)
Mlaa Jennie Woodford. Medfoed, Oregon
(Voting piece, Medford, RuaeeU'e eonfectloaery.) ...
Mlaa Frances Oa borne, Aehland. Oregon i :".:
(Voting place, A ah la ad, Sutton a aewa stand and Beyle'.)
: - .
or before October II, 1I0. , . .
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Total Voter
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