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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
..v.j. Realm of Weadlecrait- Cj -dZD cJj La1 J ,CIrO LIZ. --13 ""Clio C:::rc-3 C:cro," Fi::::, CIlJ cnJ VJcs!c:ca P:rcc Watches Cle ci v . : A Bargain In the Ait Shop Second Floor. - - , ' ' 50c AND 60c TRAY CLOTHS FOR 39c Hemstitched Linen Tray Cloths, size 18 by 27 inches, stamped in floral and conventional designs; our regular 50c' and 606 values. ; Special sale price ....... ... . . ...... . t ....... 30). and Warranted foii o:jz yeah , . for 75 cents : NEW MAINSPRINGS. 75c. ALL OTHER REPAIRING C? JEWELRY AND CLOCKS AT PROPORTIONATELY UODZIT PRICES. FIRST FLOOR NEAR LARGE ELEVATOR. HOOOP PCOT C7 OniOAQO BARGAIN MENU FOR THURSDAY. OCT. 19 cj on. a. cjo p-a. SPECIAL OCTOBER SALES AND P RE-HOLIDAY SHOWS " ' OF , :. Domestics t. ..' First Floor Shops. '. HOUSEKEEPERS' SECTION, - $US TABLE LINEN $1.00. '; - i Richardson's Fine Satin Damask Table Linen, choice patterns to select from; regular $1.25. Special, the yard... ... .61.00 - LINEN HUCK TOWELS iOc'. : Good sice Linen Huck Towels with fancy borders. Special at, each. .10t - J - BLEACHED TOWELING 10c ' -All Linen Heavy Barnsby-Bleacfred Toweling. Special at, the yard..lOf RUSSIA TOWELINO I2c . AH Linen Extra Heavy Russia Toweling. Special at, the yard,.,.18tf ' . FLANNELETTES 10c YARD. Fine designs in new Velour Flannelettes, light and dark colors. (Special at, the yard ........ ............... .'. 15eV " . FLANNELETTES 10c YARD.. Thousands of yards new Flannelettes in floral, Persian and fancv striped effects. Special at, the yard ...t..... .V.. tO T RICHARDSON'S LINENS. Just arrived New Fall shipment of Richardson's fine Table Damask, new designs for. square and round tables, with Napkins to match. Hand-Embroidered Doilies. Traycloths.' Scarfs and Teacloths. Fine ' round-thread Art Linens in all widths and qualities for embroidery and drawn work. - - . ,. .v..-,'. Handkerchief Linens In all grades. ' ' ' - - SEE THEM. - ....--v-rU'V . r ,;..:.,.,;..., .z PENNY SAVERS r Tiny savings that" amoupt to 1 a worth-while aggregate. ; Bargain minnows in the great stream of values, that pour through- the store these days. Come fishing in the spall-wares brooks today, Notions, Toilet Goods and Stationery. '. ... v 25o SEALING. WAX 17c: 'Set Dennison's Sealing Wax with 3 sticks wax and 2 tapers; regular value 25c Special 1T INK WRITING TABLETS 5c : ' 1 -: Large variety Ruled Ink Writing Tablets, note size Special at, each.Bf - 15c GARTER ELASTIC 10c. - Extra Heavy Lisle Garter Elastic in blue, pink, yellow and red, ft-lnch wide; regular value 15c. . Special the yard..;.....,.... ,...10e . : 65c NEEDLE CASES 45c , Roberts' Fine' Leather, Needle Cases with large assortment of Roberts' best gold-eye needles; regular value 65c. Special, each.... ....... ..45 .10c POLISHING MITTS 5c 4 . i Polishing' Mitts for cleaning silverware, furniture, etc.; regular value 10c Special, -each;?.-,. ........ 5e 40c WRITING PAPER 25c . . Fine Art Writing Paper with the new shape envelopes, assorted .tints: regular value 40c Special,-the box............. SB5f '.' . ' ;' 50c BUTTONS 10c. . '' A lot of Fine Fancy Dress Buttons, all colors, assorted styles, 1 .dozen on card; regular value to 50c. Special, the card.......... 10 v?..: V 10c STOCKING DARNERS 7c A-' v k " ' &rge Bite Redwood Stocking DarnersM with detachable handles; regu-. r value 10c. Special, each. ... ....... . . ..7t Fine Japanese Nail or Hand Brushes, solid 'wood backs, hand-drawn; regular yalut 19c Special . '. ......................... ( ., . . . .f 12 u-.' l'l "25c drawing SEtii5c. - '. , Drawing Set in wooden box with compass; regular value 25c u.Special, each ,...16e 35c 'HAIR BRUSHES 25c V '1 Solid-Back All-Pure Bristle Hair Brushes, assorted shapes'; regular value 35c. Special, each ....aftf 10c PETROLEUM JELLY 6c . 2-Ounce Bottle Superfine White Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline; regular value 10c Special, each.......... 19c TAR SOAP 12c Cake Bender's Antiseptic Tar Soap for shampoo, toilet and bath; regu- il....... 8c Medium Size Face or.Toilef Cham6is, in gray and natural, with kinked lar value 19c Special CHAMOIS 5c 8f . . , i n r cage, regular: yiuc oc special. . . . n . , . . , V ; Sc ENVELOPES 3c" Large Size Square Shape Envelopes in cream,' 25 in package; regular value 5c Special, package....'.; 3t j : : : '. : Dress Goods Values That Set' the Pace Special for Thursday Only Fifth Street Annex First Floor. COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS . .imported Spot-Proof French 'Broadcloth, colors ara navy, royal; Havana, jeal brown, tan and mode; regular $4.00 value. Special, yard.. ....3.98 V v y ' 200 YARDS ' OF NEW "FALL SUITINGS. ' Jn. all the new weaves and. colors. A few of the weaves are shadow checked Panamas, invisible, striped and check Panamas, tailor-checked 'suitings,' worsteds,. tweeds, -chevrons and herring-bone suitings. Our well-known $1.75 grades. Special. at, -the yard.. ....f 1.46 " - BLACK DRESS GOODS SPECIALS" ,' -. ' OUR' ENTIRE LINE' . " i ' Of fashion's most popular fabric. Silk and Wool Poplin de Chines, Eolienes and Poplins, every yard of these goods are positively fast black and unmatchable in value, at our regular prices. We make the follow inflr soecial orices! . ll-iO regular grade pectai at, tne yard....;.,. iz.W regular grade Dpeciai at, tne yard........ ........ S2.25 regular grade peclaI at, the yard . . , . . . (2.50 regular grade special at, the yard. (3.00 regular grade bpeciai at, the yard 1.50 regular grade tpecial at, the yard.... .00 regular grade special at, tne yard.....,..... fl.1T 1.0. 8 11.79 11.98 12.43' 12.89 ,3.29 Men'sShoe Bargains ' ON tha "Fair-Way" Sixth Street Annex, ':- ; Flrat Floor ' The man who puts his feet into a pair of these Shoewill buy them on the spot, and thank us for the ppportunity: . - - . ti r Saving chances for men who've Shoes to buy MEN'S $4.00 AND $5.00 SHOES FOR $3.40. No. 102 Men's Choice Plump-Weight Vici Kid Lace Shoes, with straight Jasta; a regular $5.00 value. Special at, the pair. 3.40 No. 705 Men's Vici Kid. Shoes, English Blucher pattern, with double soles on swing lasts; our ' regular $4.00 value. Special at, the pair...... 3.40 No. 701 Men's. Very Best Patent Colt Shoes; panel Blucher lace style) very latest design; our $5.00 value. Special lor two days only at, the pairi.f3.40 No. 703 Men's Velour Calf, Shoes: Blucher" style,' Goodyear sewed, stout soles; "Waukenphast" lasts; our $5.00 value. Special for two days only at, the pair .3.40 No. 704 Men's Vici Kid Lace Shoes; dull kid tops, oak tanned soles; Blucher cut; our $5.00 value. Special for two days only at the pair .,.83.40 EMPTING Thursday Specials JJ That Make Tomorrow's Shop-, pirig a Fascinating Source of mbined Pleasure and Profit Go for the "Different Store's" Patrons: GAUTION Don't underrate the quality because we undercut the price. Special tale of unusual" magnitude are on this week made possible iy unusual trade happenings in . market. This store is ever on the alert to improve even on its best achievements of the past. ; "Good enough" won't do. Great stocks in maker's hands often seek a quick outlet, .'for cash. Naturally first effort to "unload" is made at the store1 that proves its ability to "do things" in getting rid quickly of vast stocks on small margins that's here. ' Our buyers in the eastern markets, ever alert for "opportunities," have "bagged" a number of lines of new and dependable-goods from manufacturers and mill men, who were so anxious to close their fall "run" preparatory to starting spring business they were willing to sacrifice re maining stocks; for, mind you, the start of our season is the ending with, the maker. Sev ' eral of these fortunate purchases have arrived and are represented in tomorrow's offerings, ' which are among the best ever made by this liberal, .broad-gauge store. Women Quickly Recog nize Superi or- itv nf Onf Affirm S5 TfT w SECOND FLOOR Styles 6hown here are distinctive the Olds, Worttnan St King garments have an individuality of their own that re " fleets the very' smartest modes. " There; is sometimes more than mere cloth and sewing in apparel found here every garment is an effective creation by skilled tailors or mo- . distes with a distinct claim to merit or it wouldn't be in bur stocks. The product of the leading suit and cloak , manufacturers of the country is controlled by our store, for Portland, giving us a prict-making'power which is simr ply irresistible. Among the thousands of garments in our stocks there is not one but which is attractive in price as well as in style. We are demonstrating today our leader ship in ready-to-wear frocks for women, sold in the hand- -somest and finest furnished apparel section in Portland ' the largest west of Chicago. We would call special atten tion today to the stocks in which will be found-r- , .Modish Three-Fourth-Length Coats in voguish, mannish mixtures at moderate prices, s ' : . Smartly Tailored and Trimmed Raincoats ' . from......... ........................ ?12.50 to f 50 " Correctly Tailored Suits in very newest . modes. .........,.................'..?12.50 to ?175 Among other, new arrivals tare very handsome Lingerie Waists, priced, modestly at. ....... . . .$3.50 to $28.50 Pretty Colored Waists, in brilliantines, mercerized eta- " mines, fancy' veilings and bewitching plaids. ' : Prices range from.......;.... f 1.00 to $60.00 Largest Line of Net Waists ever shown by any one house in the city. ... ...,L ............ .....S7.50 to S38.50 - Beautiful Silk Waists, in all the wanted and dainty color ings, embracing blues, pinks, navies, blacks, etc.,. in chif fon taffeta, peau-de cygnes and crepes. $4.25 to $48.50 Immense Lines of Handsome Silk Petticoats; in best taf fetas and all the newest favorite colorincrs . . . $5 to 845 Silk Petticoats with embroidered and shirred flounces are much favored by smart dressers. These from. ... .............. ... .. ..................... .... . ,$12.50 to $35.00 Elegant Costumes for Opera, Theatre or Dinner Wear.............. $35.00 to $250 The "Princess" Gowns hold favor in Fashiondont with smartly dressed femininity. Rich evening wraps................................ ..............$23.50 to $145 STOVES AND LAMPS SPECIAL SAJES THIRD FLOOR. What a glow of warmth and comfort thrills the nerves at the mere men tion of these comfort-giving household necessities. This week's special prices induce still further enjoyment to the pocketbook of him who "pays the freight." THE NEW "QUICK STEEL If EATERS." ' For saving coal in "the burning of it Be sure to give these Heaters a look. They are an entirely new' feature in stove circles. ; .' ; " " ; COMFORT AIR-TIGHTS. For those who use wood -as a fuel for heating purposes! The prices start at. f 2.00 '!'!' .Ili.i'llJ'L'J-' COMFORT OAK HEATERS. g '' 11111111 1 ,i Burn "either coal or wood. This make is a splendid heater- and is easily regulated for giving out an even heat. A special value this week at... 5.50 QUICK-MEAL STEEL RANGES SPECIAL. A Range is not bought every day. In fact, if a good one is selected a few will do during a lifetime. A, few dollars more nr lea in orice does not determine whether a Range is cheap or dear. You want the best; that is the very first 'consideration'- ,c- . . ' ' . .' E'l I The" lasting quality is, of course, the main thing. Other points 'jgjf t'fl" k I to be considered are: ' How much fuel does it require? Is any part Ml 1 I'! i I of it liable to feive out. to crack, break or waro? Does it heat up the kitchen, or is all the heat put to use in cooking and baking? Will it wr ftnH ia it nrnamrntil i wlt ftft 4iftfnl. anil aailv lcf)t IL-lLit '" 'iSliffil I I Among other valuable features, possessed by the "Quick-Meal IPuKUlljM illll III li I . ' D.nA mm. .1.... Tk. rAm tf ik. 1? ... it. .nnai.t. r.t .n Alii., and inner wall of 'steel, arid between these walls is located a thick layer of asbestos board. Asbestos, not being affected by the fire, and a non-conductor of heat, holds all the heat inside of the Range for cookinn and baking, instead, of throwing it out into the kitchen. That is the reason the Qnick-Meal bakea in half the time ordinarily required.. That is the reason the Quick-Meal uses so extremely little coal or wood, and that is the resson it keeps the kitchen cool. Its neat is not radiated into the kitchen as a Range composed largely of castiron would do. We do. not have' to tell you that The "Quick-Meal" is the best in this respect, as well as in so many others. Just lift up the top and took at the inside that part .which must stand the fire and you will see walls up to fj-inch thick; a. thick, braced, arched oven top and a ribbed and ventilated firebox. The firebox is both ribbed i " """ i fr ft mmm MwMa-r 1 li ' i n i t i and ventilated to keep it from becoming extremely hot. A Special value this week in tnese AU-6teel Kanges at., $32.50 Quick-Baker Steel Ranges Special this week at.': ;.f34.SO .f 26.60 Gas and Electric Lamps " Choice lines 'Gas and Electric Stand Lamps, new Stands and Shades fancy electric. Stand, with figures new Electric Lamps with fancy colored c shades Electric Candlesticks and Candelabras. Gas reading Lamps, complete, decorated shades burners, mantels and hose already, to attach. .. Regular 1150 value Special, each..'.. ....f 2.6.1 Regular 14.00 value Special,. each....... .......;;. f f3.15 Regular 4.50 value Special, each;.......;;..... ..........J3.80 Regular 45.00 value Special, each ,.t)3.05 . All Gas and Fjlectric Lamps and trimmings at special, reduced prices this week. ' "' -.' . ' . .- . - , . -, '.... Gas Mantles! 15c 'and 20c each. j , Beautiful 50c Ribbons 33c Yard V Fine All-Silk Ribbons, hand some satin taffeta, some wide messaline, handsome Ribbons for belts, girdles, sashes and neckwear. 4J4. 5 and1 5 inches wide; our 50c value. Special at, yard. Glorious AUTUMN MILLINERY "Bijou" Salons Second Floor Annex. -. . " SUPERB VELVET HATS 14.50. The great interest created among l'ort land's best dressed women, by reason of the Beautiful and . Ultra-Stylish Trimmed Hats wa . are offering irom day to day at ridiculous Tow prices, does not abate one jot. Perhaps this ia because each succeeding ..offer seems better than tha one pre- ' ceding. Our Hats appeal to very woman's appreciation who . admires the beautiful and ex- - elusive : in millinery creations. '. Tomorrow's offerings are among ' the best yet .made this season.' They .. include . splendid . assort ments of 'stylish dress' shapes, ; artistically trirnrhed with" the' rare skill, and taste for which our milliners are famous. Happy combinations of flowers., feath- . ers, plumage and ribbon have been used in the trimming.' A generous, choice , of colorings, that include !Alice blues," navy, reds, T olive , green, etc; also i plain: black., , Despite the; fact that these handsome Hats com prehend all that is best in millin ! ery and superb in style, the price has been made; absurdly low. Special for'Tbursday r- " only, at.,'...;.. . . . : tf New Arrivals in the. Wojnea's: . Eurnishing ShopsFirist Floor i ' CORRECT EVENING GLOVES FETCHING VEILINGS Those who have been waiting for the New Opera-Length Gloves will hail today's tale from the Glove Shop with delight. - A bevy of beauties came in yesterday and go on sale at once. Aristocratic Silk Gloves in 1A-hunn Imirtht aim Kid Hlnvva nf aame Irntrth . "' " - In suede and arlaee finish.. ..: .62.50 and HANDSOME VEILINGS came along to .keep 'em company on, their overland trip. All the newest, most fascinating meshes, in a full range of colorings grays, blues, lavenders, browns and i-y blacks and whites, yard...;:..;........ to'fl.50 ' - '' ' ... THURSDAY'S SENSATIONAL SILK 8ELLINO "EVENT : THAT : ' ENDS WITH THE DAY. - ' , ; , $1 Silks at 49c RearJ! Another Great Silk Demonstration Sal in This, Portland's Greatest - and Beat Silk Store. ' 19-NCH . : IMPERIAL' WASH TAFFETA, the washable and most durable' make, in white, cream, pink, light blue, Alice blue, navy, cardi nal, champagne, Reseda,' greeni- royal and black. This well-known Silk for waists, skirts, suits. and linings.. Special for Wednesday and Thursday only, yard....... 5Ty NOVELTY SUIT SILKS 2,500 yards of Neat Figured Chiffon Taffetas, all good, wanted street colors; a real good $1.00 silk. Special for Wednesday and. Thursday only, yard..... ,..,., .......,..,.49f PORTLAND'S GREAT FAIR IS OVER ITS MEMORIES WILL . -.- LIVE IN HISTORY. ' Kelp ta keep them green in the recollections of your friends thro the giving of souvenirs of the great event' To make it easy we .offer Lewis and Clark Souvenirs, at ; , " Special Reduced Prices; Souvenir Section First Floor. , ; i 25c SOUVENIR BOOKS 10c Lewis and Clark Souvenir Books, with 96 views; regular value 25c Special, each ........lOf - ' EXPOSITION VIEW BOOKS. Regular $ .50 value Special, each... .....i. ......25 Regular i .75 value Special, each .60 Regular $4.00 value Special, each. -.T5f- : SOUVENIR POST CARDS. V-.' ' Folding Post Cards, 24 views Special.,... 1 for 15 Wood Post Cards, regular value 5c Special, each Bargains in Jewelry Novelties and Leather Goods - -c , . -. r First Floor Sixth Street Annex. " ' .. SPECIAL TOMORROW ' , BEAUTY PINS FOR 10c .. Another lot ofpretty Beauty Pins, handy and serviceable for cuffs, collars, waists, etc. . Good rolled gold plate and ptpttjr designs.' Special sale price, the pair... ...,..10eJ 35c BACK COMBS FOR Mc. - ; Jeweled and mounted Back Combs in attractive designs; good 35c value. Special sale price, each.....: . ..... ...... . v.10e - ' CHILDREN'S RINO MESH PURSES 49c Children's Ring Mesh Purses, with chain handles; a very popular and stylish purse; our 75c .value. Special sale price, each....... ....... 49e I k- 35c BROOCHES FOR I9c. ' ' V . An assortment of Ladies' Gold-Filled Brooches; many new. styles in the rose gold finish ; our 35c value. Special sale price, each 18 ; COIN AND CARD CASES FOR 69c To make room for new goods which are arriving daily, we place on sale a lot of Ladies' Combination Coin and Card Cases in different leathers and a good assortment of colors.' Values up to $1.39 will be included in the lot and we offer them all at the special sale price of, each.. ,.6t ' . FINE LEATHER BELTS FOR 39c ' Ladies' -Fine Leather Belts in odd sizes; values up to $1.35. Special sale price, each. . . ,- ,4 ..... . .86e) Special . in Women's Hosiery and ' Knit Underwear ; V : ' ? y-'-U'i ."'First. Floor. '''; ;. :;' "" . WOMEN'S $1.50 VESTS AND PANTS $1JS. ' :- Fine White Cashmere Ribbed Medium-Weight Vests and Pants: regu lar value $1.50. Special, each.;... v,. ,., WOMEN'S 1X50 VESTS AND PANT8 $1.7$." , 1 "Deimel Linen Mesh Vesta and Pants; long sleeve vests, ankle length pants; regular value $2.50. Special, each..-.. .....aT6 . . WOMEN'S $5.00 UNION 'SUITS $3.54, " "Deimel" Linen Mesh Union Suits; regular value $5.00. Special, the suit .' , .L.,.. .......... k. ........ f.56 ' WOMEN'S $1J0 UNION . SUITS $U. Pure White Fleece-Lined Union Suits, fine ribbed, good winter weight; regular value $1.50. Special, the suit.......,... 61.13 WOMEN'S $1.75. SILK HOSE llJt.- , -Black Silk Hose, medium weight, double sole, spliced heel and toe: rep la r value $175. 'Special, pair....'.......; ...i.....f l.-J WOMEN'S 35c COTTON HOSE Mc r ; Black Cotton Fleece-Lined Hose, full shaped, double sole, heel and-; regular value 35c i Special, the pair. ,.,.,...; , - CHILDREN'S 35c HOSE 22c , Children's Black Cashmere Hose, fine ribbed, good winter wel; " lar value isc Special, the pair........ V a :'