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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
C7.ZC0II DAILY JCU 1 ... TLA! ID, 4, TOVfJ TOPICS ) xonoKT'i Awruiuan. tfarqwa dresS.... ......The Tmitrtort" NIU, Baker.. "Sheridan1 Bsiplrs.,. , LtAt or Or mod.. , anneal Biirmu "HuOMt Ilearla "A Prlaooer of War' Vaudeville ' Vaadtrllle ' cash prises amounting to 1200 ars . oflar4 student of Oregon educational - matitutlona . for nosrltortous nun on ' historical and patrlotle subjects-by Dr. M. W. Qo of Portland and a C. Beak ' man of Jacksonville, Oregon, . The. an- nounreraent of these offers was made 1 ' last night at a dinner given bjr the Bona , er tns American Revolution, In com- t aiemoratton of tb battls of Saratoga. j General Thomas M. Anderson was toast ' master, and the principal speakers were 1 Circuit Judge M. C. Oeorgs and Thomas Strong. , Impromptu remarks were made : bjr Judge it. 11. Northrup, Thomas o. - -Greene,. James P.- lowing, B.-.C. , Bk ' man. Dr. H. W. Cos, Colonel - James .Jackson, Colonel S. K. Harrington and Wallace McCamant-Resolutions of re gret wera adopted, on account of the 111 i Hess of Hon. Qeorge H. Williams, former local presldentrof the organisation. The management of the band of Igor rotes exhibited at'the'falr has asked The ... Journal to express to ths people of the i, northwest thanks for the liberal patron age Which the eoncesslon received. The .Igorrotes go from her to As Angeles, , to be exhibited In a village built by , themselves.- They are well pleased with ; i their stay here. They have gained about 10 pounds each ainoe coming to Port land 41 days ago and each of them has . ..made money selling trinkets. , "Unity In the Family Circle" Is the ,: title of a paper which will be read 'by . , Mrs. W. ; H. Beharrell at the Home .Training association tomorrow after " noon at Ua weekly meeting, at f o'clock, . . It the committee-room or the city hall. ' -on Motner s problem win be di . cussed from the question box, 'All . women ar invited to attend. . poller chairs, used at exposition for the crippled and - Invalids, and folding settees for porches, lawns and parks. can be bought at a low price by calling -,, .on or addressing by mall the Portland . Concession Co, Vaughn and Twenty Xlft,h streets. Interest In the revivalist services being conducted by Evangelist George . I Can at th VoluntWs of America hall la Increasing. Mr. Can will speak Thursday night on "The : Drama of IJfe,- Oood muslo has been provided and all will be welcome.- .:." - v " Members of th Multnomah .Athletic club enjoyed an Informal smoker last evening -at th clubhouse. There were about 300 present. Muslo was furnished by an orchestrs,and several boxing and " ' wrestling matches added to th enjoy ment of the evening. - " ' ' r" If th two children, of the lat Jack Dempaey, little girls, will call at the ' . California building on th exposition ', grounds snd ask for Mr. Gray-or Mr. , Nichols, they will receive some souvenirs provided for them by friends f their father. - " . 1 Agsnt 8. D, Amen of Washington. D. C completed the Inspection yesterday t of th of lice of David M. Dunn, in ternal revenue collector, and found j everything In exoellent ahap. . H will t leave for th east today. Every woman's organization In th 'ttywtilch' Is interested In havtng. th Travelers' Aid association continue Us . work In Portland la urged to be present at th flaal meeting at the T.JW. C A. parlor Tharsday at o'clock. ' -v... ', . Ths gellwood board of trade will nold an Important meeting next Friday vn , ing in Firemen's hslL A number of -. matter of local Interest will come up for discussion "' ... '' . -p' r Oregon Btat band danos vry Batnr day evening, . Prls waits. " Burkhard . . halC East Burnstde, between fnlon and . Grand avenues. Orchestra of IS pieces. Watches and' diamonds i down and SO par week. - Goods delivered on first payment. Xmas is coming. Metsgar " Co., Jewelers. optlcUns, 111 Sixth, ; Professor Rgler'o physical culture school and 'dancing academy. 10 Alder street. Class and privet Instruction. , Fat peopl reduced. V lst week of th big sal of palms ' and plants at cut prices. L O. Pfunder, ' th florist. l Washington street. 3honMin 414. , fk .. Any watches cleaned, 11.00; main spring; II. 00; all work guaranteed one year. Metager 4k Co, 111 Sixth street. I . Whll this good rathr lasts la th time to do your painting. Boat paints ALADIUFS LAMP Aladdin Lamp was a wonderful lamp. It liad an individuality peculiarly its own, and was capable of things beyond all other lamps. We do not make Aladdin Lamps, hut produce Printing that is as distinctive in character & quality as was Aladdin's illuminator. There Is no made or chance concerned in its mat in but like all other things of lasting worth, it Is the result of thought, skill and ambition applied with equal ardor to insure a farora ble termination. We employ the skill that can accord to each job that Individual treat ment required to make it harmonious with its purpose, and hare at hand abundant facili ties to make this the rule on all work, large and small. By reason of this equipment we produce the best printing at tery low cost F. W. Eames & Company DESIGNERS PRINTERS BINDERS FIRST AND OAK STREETS MAIN 16 A Good Friend Is a dollar In a safe bank. Naturally, and wisely, too. w advise your making mends by placing your dollars with us, and gaining more and more "friends" by thet1ncrease through the 4 per cent Interest we pay. This bank Is reliable and of established reputation. - Ask your neighbors about 1C nm call. ti - We Pay 4 Interest Oregon' Savings Bank . 321 . Morrison Street ' ornoiu. WV H. Moore, President ' '" J E. L,ytle, Vice-President. r ' -. W. Cooner Morris. Cashier. - '.i u. ft. Logan Hays, Ass t Cashier, W. H. Moore, E. tytle. umo s neae. . w. n. ppetsna . v W. Cooper Morris. now selling st your own price at Tlmma. Cress Co.'s fire sale at 14C First st Try a meal without meat at th Vege tarian care, jot tuxtn street s , ' Phone Ex. ItEx. II Ex. II. Foster At Kletsec signs. ,, . Phone Zr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Friti's t males ar th best. Is It a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' F.c lectrie Oil A cut? Use Dr. Thomss Ec lectrlo Oil. At your druggists. . ' Where to Dine Now. that th rainy season Is near, the busy peopl are looking for a place to lunoh where the service Is quick, the viands pleasing and ths price moderate. The Prima cafe. Fifth, between Waah ington and Alder streets, has an envlar bis reputation In this respect The pro prietor. Mr. I C Stone. - Is always pleased to meet old, friends and . make new acquaintances, oiv th Prima a trial and be convinced. Both ladle and gentlemen welcome from 11 a. m. until t p. m. Free School Domestic Science. We bav secured the services of Mrs: Bertha Hsffner to give a free eours of lecture at our store In -cooking and kitchen furnishing. Thsse lectures will be given dally at 1:10 p. m. Every on is cordially invited. Honeyman, Hard- war company. , Bohemian Rock Crystal. In th Foreign building at th fair grounds you can bay practically at your own figure th famous Dohemian rock crystal. Th fineat exhibit vr shown on th Pacific coast,; . , ...... I L ' I ' -V X MilwaukieCountry Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Tfrk Bell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. . , Attention barkers! V Party; holding coupon IT73 win pleas call at Our store and receive chair. Lwls-8tngr Bar ber Supply company. t ,, aVaetara. ' Professor Charles Zuebltn. of th Uni versity of Chicago, wlU lecture tonight and tomorrow night at th First Pres byterian church. The subjects ar re spectively. Th Training of the Citl Bn," with special reference to th pub lic school system, snd Th Twentieth Century City. discussing elvlo Improve ments, publlo and private. . The lectures ar given under th auspices of the chamber of commerce. Professor Zuebltn la not only a bril liant and charming speaker and an author of distinction, but a man of wid and exact knowledge derived from per sonal observation of actual conditions In 'cities throughout the United States and In Europe. Membars of th chamber ar -especially arged to show their public spirit and civic pride by their presence at tb lectures, and th same duty applies to members of th Municipal association and other Ilk bodies. ' No admission fee Is charged. OLDEST V0." Alf li J IS T.IRS. WOODS OF HILLSDORO Mrs. Mary - (8sdal Dispatch to The JoernaLr.' i Hillsboro, Or., OcU 18. To be older than th United States, government to have been a toddling Infant when .Wash ington was Inaugurated president In the eighteenth, century and to walk erect in full possession of her faculties under Roosevelt's administration in the twen tieth century, to nave wunessea ail me stirring events, of a wonder-working century, to have survived out -of ths old time Into ours, has been the good for tune of Mrs. Mary Ramsey Woods of HUJsboro. Oregon, who is probably th oldest womsn in the world. In her USth year Mr. Woods Is still quite active. Dally ah walks about th garden of her daughter's home, with whom sh lives, and sits upon ths porch in sunny weather to . converse with visitors. Sh keeps well posted on the events of the day and maintains a lively Interest In politics. Mrs. Woods was born on May 10. 1717. at Knoxvllle. Tennessee,, th year that th Northwest Territory was organised. and two years' before the United Ststes constitution went Into effect Her maiden nam was Ramsay and bar father burned the brick and built th first brick structure In Knoxvllle. She I 1 years old when Tennessee was admitted as -a state and II yars old whan Lewis and Clark made their fa mous Journey to ths coast. At an early age Mary Ramsey mar ried Jscob Lemons and was left a widow 71 years ago. at th time that Andrew Jackson was nearlng the end of his first term as president. As a young matron ah distinctly remembers the war of Hit, -whan her - father strapped his blankets aorosa his shoulders, -took down EVERY CABOOSE IS L Trainmen Go' Heavily Armed for - Fear of Attacks by Ignorant and Impetuous Creeks. FALSE SIGNALS THE CAUSE OF ANXIETY Engineers and Brakemen Say Greeks Are Ignorant and Unreliable and That Railroad Company Is Backing Them in Controversy. InTsstlgatlon of ths troubles btwn Qrssk section nanus -snd tbs Southern Pacific trainman at Gladbroofc bars rs aaled ths startling fact that crsry ca boose is an arsenal, and that svery freight brakeman and englneman on the road wears a 44-eallbre Colt's rsvolrer strapped to bts body. - The train crews fully ballets. It Is said, that their Urn ars In constant danger from the excitable and Ignorant Oreeks, and hare for some time been taking itwt precaution to defend them satres In any emergency that may arise. Demonstrations that hare a trend to ward murder arise from trivial caases; rocks are thrown unexpectedly; shots are fired at Inanimate objects that may at an unexpected moment hare a living mark for substitute., It Is said a loco motive has been "shot up" by mad Oreeks within a year, and that false signals from Greek construction gangs have been gtvea engineers of approach ing trains. ' Tales are told of many mistaken sig nals glren by Ignorant Greeks sent out from construction gangs to Bag trains approaching pieces' of track under con struction er - repair. The enginemen hate snd fear the Oreeks becsus of their Ignorant blundering in these cases, sad are sot always careful when they switch ears or run in npoa sidings where there are ears containing Greek camp outfits. Sometimes a- section gang car la bumped pretty hard, aad a atove knocked over. Not long ago a train crew was switching an a siding at Rid dle, and a Greek section hsnd who stood on a flatcar was bumped off and killed. The entire train crew, being, unarmed, took to the woods, expecting sa tm me tis te attack from the Infuriated cons- pat riots of the dead Greek. . Tea couldn't make that oreeg ait down, anlesa yoi chained Kim down. He knew we were switching, and yet be would stand up on th car and be bowled over under the wheels at the first chance for an accident, said an engineer oa toe Roeeburg-Ashlaad run yesterday. - The trouble with them Is that they are excitable,. Impetuous, hopelessly Ig norant and wholly unreliable. VThen one of thee fellows at work ea con struction is sent bark to flag a train be may have received the most positive and careful Instructions from hi foremen, and In 'tflne .eases out sf tsn he will give hla signals wrong, and place an engineer la the trying position of be fog "damned if be does snd damned if be dpsea't' atop his train. The last en. who same oat t gnre .me a signal ata ARSE A THE " WOULD v - Ramsey Wood. his old rifle, and fought th British un til th close of th struggle. ... " - After the death of her husband sh accompalned her daughter, - Mrs. C B. Bouthworth. and her husband across th plain to Oregon, arriving in HlUaboro in 1161. , Sh was then year old. but rod a bay mar th entire distance from Tennessee, her daughter and her busbsnd driving an ox team. Soon, after arriving In Hillsboro Mrs. Lemon married John Woods, with whom she lived happily for many years. At Hillsboro shs built th first hotel, which occupied th ait of th opera houss now being constructed. The couple ran th hotel until 40 years ago, whan her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Reynolds, formerly Mrs. Bouthworth, snd her only surviving child,' succeeded her in Its management Mrs, Woods had four children by her first husband Mary J. Lemons, who died in Tennessee two years ago at the age of 08; Isaac Lemons, who died In Kansas City, Missouri. 40 years ago; Nancy E. Bullock, who died at Hills boro 88 years sgo, and Mrs: C B. Ram sey, who Is now living In Hillsboro, and while 75. year of age. Is devoting her life to the care of her aged parent - Mrd. Woods weighs 180 pounds, dresses and car for herself and walks sbout th yard and th house. Sh la hard of hearing and blind in one eye, but otherwise hala snd hearty. Sh 1 able to thread a needle and does much sawing. - About six months ago ah cut a tooth. , Hsr memory Is good as to past events. ' Sh became a member of the Methodist Church South 101 years ago and la still a member of thst church. She saya ahe is a "Hearst" woman and refers Jokingly to th "Black Republicans." .- his stnnt Trom the wrong aide of the track, and had two torpedoes instead of one. -we never knew what they were anving at, and always have to atop any how, and find out. to be sura of the safety of our train. "What we fear and regret moat Is the attitude of soma of the railroad offi cials and attorneys In ths grand Jury Investigations at Gladbrook." continued the engineer. "Trainmen are beginning to believe that ths railroad company Is backing up ths Greeks. We are certain that a Greek shot killed the foremen's wife at the Gladbrook riot If the man who committed the deed la not found out and punished, and the whole affair Is allowed to go by default, these Oreeks will feel at liberty In the future to shoot at ua on any occasion when they Deiieve tney hare been molested. BIDS OPENED FOR WEBSTER REPAIRS I V Bids for extensive repairs on the fer ryboat Lionel R, Webster wera opened In County Clerk Prank 8. Fields' offlcs this morning. Only two proposals were receired. The contract will be let next Friday morning at IS o'clock. The bid ders are the St. Johna Shipbuilding company, who offer to o the work In 2 days for fl.t41.7l. and John O. Sound, 101 Ruasell street, whose bid wss SI. It! and tints limit three weeks. At the time the ferryboat waa built by the ctly. County Judge U n. .Web ster and Commissioners Ughtner and Barnes objected to It. At first the coun ty refused the craft, but numerous Im provements were made and the boat was accepted. After It had been in opera tion for some time the United States steamboat Inspectors noted that the Webster acted In all sorts oft-queer ways while It was In operation, and they made a few voyages on the vessel. It waa soon found out that many more al teration would have to be made. The Webster operates below the old ferry route of the si a son. and has been la service about IS months. - SOUVENIR MEMORIALS. A wiaad Testtaaoaial That Portland WlU Appreciate aHeatly. The Oriental building win be Thrown open to the publlo tomorrow at IS av nv and all are tavtted to attend the Japanese section free. The Society of Japanese Art Admirers has met with phenomenal success and the membership will be limited to 2a,0o. They will give away thousands of dol lars' worth v of Japanese goods, but there remains nearly tlOO.MS worth of choicest exhibits, consisting of wares and maaufacturea. curtoa and art goods, which- will be sold within the next few days at public vendue. Any -article or articles In thla mag n (Scent collection, representing the best work of more than zoe of the most noted . artists aad - manufacturers of Japan, will be put up at request and sold to the highest bidder.' . If yon wish to join the society yon will bare to horry. Tow can apply at Allen aV Gllbert-Rumaker . Ca.s plane house. Woodard A Clarke's drug store. Mrs. Frohman. parlor C. Hotel Portland or the Secretary la the Oriental build ing - If yew wish tn loin thla socle tv er attend the auction sales, tickets of ad mission ta the ground will bo mailed en application te Yaantjlr Tamajt. aan agert The Society f Japanee Art Ad mirer close It labors Monday. The publlo auction sale beginning t .mor row will be conducted by Charles H. Conner, the- famou auctioneer ef Loe Angeles and New Tor a. 1 g, oci : ' ' CTrwaj ij ': ALWAYS IHIE LEAPED The Best $3 HAT In the World BEN SELIIMG THIS WEEK ONLY. . AH Factory Trimmed Ready-to-Wear Hat included Children's ' and Missel' Felt Napoleon and Continental shapes, silk cord, ribbon and pom pom trimmed; red, blue, brown, white, etc. Ladies' Trimmed Polo, Turban, French Sailor, Roosevelt and numerous other popu lar shapes. All this season's newest styles Included. See our big corner window. , ALL ALL ALL ALL 11.60 to $1.95 HAT8 now........ ............... ......1.35 tilS to SZ50 HATS now 111.85 12.65 to $3.00 HATS now 113.35 M.25 to $4.00 HATS now........ 82.95 DECIDERS. Third ' Mreetles W. w. t. ass'M C HaUlg. Pres. lTMrrlana atraet. Whran Stk and Tth. Fsese Mais SSS, W. T. Paagls. Bej. Mgr. rann at i:u o'otocx. . last rxaroaxAjraz toj8-t, Tbs Ssssisg Wasters Msslctl Cesiedy, The Tenderfoot $9 With ' oscAi noxujr aimi wsrn. So atnsioa Cmoenr SA B Trains FTieea Sfte, tor. toe. fte. Jl.Oft. tl.SO, . Matisse Mai-itt. SSe. SOe. Tse. S1.40. SMts am aeuiag. Marquam Grand Theatre Orator IS te SB. With Manseas Sa tartar sad Wedsaessy. Klaw it ErUn,er Co. (Inc.) Prodaetloa BEN HUR SCATS ABB KOW 8BLUXO PRICES. BOTH If ATTN EU AMD KIOBT. Lernr Floor. Srat 12 nn U SO twar PVnr. last S lews J Baleoay, Srat S raws 3.00 Balcony. U. sth sad Sts lews 1 SO Beleesy. last S raw....: 1 .00 (Miierr. raati ua Tec, ealssee Sue Ke seats laid aalea. Ne tfcpeaae enters takes. Mall erters with resnttssee . Sued istter reraiar mi. epeas. Curtate st aad S . at. Be ass sasted artar rtae ef tae eortala es tke frat set. Bargains on 'We have a large stock. of Men's and Boym Overcoats of all styes for a very little money. V The finest assortment' of ' Suits, Pants and Hats at one third less in price in compar ison to high rent stores' prices. '" '"i '. You will please your own : self if you see the great bar-. gains we offer m Boots and Shoes, especially in Ladies' and Children's Shoes. It is to your economy to see reduced prices on Men's Underwear and Overshirta. Also a big line of Blankets and Comforters, Trunks and . Suits Cases.. Jolin Dallar We Run Two Stores Cor. ner First and Yamhill and Corner Third and Davis. . LOUIS H. BOLL MAKO tTCDtO ROW Org POR rtTIU. ParWe S aad , Mi WaAlnstns St. The lat sanitary expert, Df. Q.iv rek. left ate.see marks to be lent v out interest to women who study l elne In Germany and Austria, ' " i ' The Best' $3 HAT In the World LEADING HATTER and Sdmon Sts. Bel asco, Theatre MAIM 111 " BtXASOO KATZP.. PKOPS. rourwests and Waaalostsa Streets. B. 9. Ma, eea. Mgr. X. L. Isekett, See. Vgr. ' TONIGHT AT S.'IS. miiitcie: W11C VV HITTLESEY With the BBXASCO TB1ATBB STOCBT'oO.. .-mh . a. aoiam BBeeeae rtnt Tlsw la rerttase. "Sheridan, or the Maid of Eath grga. 5e to TV; Man. Sal., Sea.. XSe a. SOe. Kelt Week WRITS WHITTXISKZ la - "PB1NCB OTTO." lift TlfFITtF c. VAIU.n IllUlini . See. L. Baser, Mgr. v Mala 1S0T. TAMHIT.L AH D THIRD STRCKTS. THE MOMB OP MTSICAI. BLBLCaQUBy ' , BVEBT MIOflT THIS WBBaU stab' now araia. Mstly girl, with Iot.1t face, aad esealelte rat aad s sasiber ef eaaaeslaaa tkrMr. Is to siak. a good snaui. PRU'Ea Brealag. lie. ate. SOe. TSe. Sar and aaturdar sutlaeee. lSe. ate. ate. Me. weniMMar siatisa. xae le asy a at. KBXT WXfck "Ta. Mly Oraas WMew." Empire Theatre TwdftJul Hefrisea Pkeae Rsia in UJVtnn W. SEAM AX. Masapar. t ETRRr NIOBT THIS WEEK. RBOUlAS MATIMEE HATt BOAT. 1U p. M. Auai st uaxix s InwIM Cesaady, "MOsTXST XXAaTa." ALMA HEAB AS "naS'a Oaly Girl" A Brltllast Oasipsay snsenrnae ta. ueieoratee I riicu Eraniag, tse a tise. l'Ni. Ite sad SSe. SSe. SSe aad SOe Meat sttraetfam th. itraaMtle "wai woMax sia RZOBXATIOV PARC Corner vaaaka aad Tweaty-faurth. . Portland vs. 5a Francisco ' AjnoBSTO. SSe. ' ocTORxa it. is. is. a, si. sa 0RA5TMTA.NO. Ste. CHILOREX. ISe. Bus Mefeata aad nw4 aMta as sale at kox .rSre. Dallr. S:IS; Soadar, S:SO. THE STAR OeartrlgM sag tea rrm sad Iiead Xarry Olanea SavyOT rrask Ceafar lue: raaerraS seats, av. Dallr nutlne. loe e any Ml aseept aAlea. ZM. ISMtn eaatiasnes. I SO m 10:4S . S. TMB a R AND The ateat Ssstatt " ., La Maate 4 Brass snd Imm Beaals Taaaerhlli ' Wtnsata Visd farlatea Srssdlaaate n. mmrm aSaataatfin, It. ' a am sa- ftallr BMtlnee. IUs tn any seat eaet bex.a! 1 aeata, ase. aanears eastlsaoes, a. JO 10 p. at. I . LYRIC THEATRE wxu STaaTus mobtbat. ooroaxa is. A PRISONER OF WAR A ThrlUlas aaterlets Was Srawa, ASmiailea 10 CesM. Reserved Beats, Bv Ceaia Clrcnicnt Tavern ' finest RHidhnus In the Went. f Ac8 ten KAMTiiAra enrrrzj. Specials ' Nerthern Parlfli" LiiTilted Laving rn"lnd i . at Plee.- i i a t. .in) l- i v I ... 4 k 1 D I . MDC0A1T3 YOU wiU find these Suits and Coats possess . all the elements you desire your fall and winter clothes to possess. The fab rics are imported broad cloths, Thibet, etamine cheviots, meltons, serges and mannish mixtures, fashioned by master hands well made and lined. The show ing is so varied that specific descriptions are impractica ble. Suffice it to : say that better or more stylish gar ments could not be made to' order. We want you to know , you are welcome to inspect these beautiful things. There's, no string on our credit plan. It is made to fit your requirements in other words, pay as best : suits you, say . ; MSTISM OUTFiTnrG CO The Stem Whsm Tea OMH Is S)aed WASDIHGTOri AND TENTD STREETS Great Auction Sclo . Of Chinese aad Japanese CURIOS The fair trade being aboac brer, we have conchxlcd to dia poee of oar entire stock of hirb class Irnported Goods, conatsx inf of fine Silverware, Ootav ortne, Satsuma, Ivory Carrhifav New Brass, Silk and Satin Ena broideriea,. Kimonos, Screena, Decorated Porcelain Tea Seta, Matting, etc Sale eotnmencea . at 2M and 7d0 p.. m. dailT. . , .. Andrew ttenCc. Kov. Will Yea Cz Gccd? ' This Weather Means .1 COAL We sell the product of all the mines st lowest prices, and GUARANTEE THE WEIGHT I We are the BIO , . coal concern of Portland, Vulcan Coal Co. at BimaTBTn . rra Aim re Tet, 'naia ana. . TEETK far asedere eM aewaea t. Lewest s rices e- ' rr. ' CA W II NO CHAROB J L I FOR CREDIT A "it