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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
zzir..- ct.zzqu daily jo'ulirAL, romx-AND, v.i.zidav v'awo,. octc jiajia MlllV F031IIE Illinois DiiSIII J. F. Reddy Sayt Lin .Will Be ' Built From Coast or tha ' " Southern Pacific ' THREE ROUTES TO TAP ' THE COUNTRY POSSIBLE ' One Is Prom Crescent' City, Another - Frorri Jacksonville and Third Is ;; From Cranu Peoo Particulars Not ' ftlven Peoardinor Rneernrtaa I "A railway Una .will be built from .'Crescent City, on tha Southern Pacific, ' . Into tha bis copper . bait, of tha uppar 1 Illlnola rlvar. It will ba an avant of tha , neir future, and not a vague poaalblllty or tha neat century. Tbla una will open ' a mineral area which la destined U be- ' come famoue aa a gold and copper pro duclng country, foreata that will enrich thousand ana a moat promising agrt , cultural section .which, haa been eadly ,neiectei because or lie laolatlon. ' Dr. J. F. Reddy, ona of the moat auo reaaful young mine opera tort of south' em Oregon, fare expression to the S-3S-QBB- FOB COLLEGE GIRLS I -TisooUsed SHOWING ONE OF THE HEW FALL MODELS TTADE of mstal dnll flu- lsa)ealf leather ia two styles the water out pries. . i solos and nsels. Solos to keep "We are showing Laird, Schobert & Company's shoes in all leathers and all new fall and. winter styles. They surpass all other shoes far women, both in style and wear ing qualities FULL AH 283-85 1I0RRIS0N 8T above test evening aa be waa boarding tha Southern Pacific train. He; recently aold hla Interest In the Opp mine pear Jacksonville " Douglas eonnty. and I been busy Interesting heavy capital In the Blue Led as. which le In tha Illlnola basin. Dr. Reddy haa been conducting soma of the heaftest mining men of the west to tha district. Including In the number agenta of tha. American Smelt In- j. Refining company, the Ouggea helms. Helnae, W. A. Clark. Patay Clark. James Cronln of Brit lab Columbia, the Mountain Copper company, De Lamar company and o there. Ha haa 'alao been known to hold frequent conferencea ol lata with prominent railway man. and hla -last -trlp--orth waa believed to be mora of a railway mission than In pur suit of mfatngYaffalre. Hla worda carry more hope than any other recent utter ance on tha prospect of relieving a great Interior- aaollnn. U. 1- - " "I am not at liberty to give particu lars regarding tha work." continued the mining man. . '1 can aesure you that a railway will go Into tha upper basin of the Illlnola river within a quite reaaon- abla time. Heavy construction will com mence next year. Developments In that country demand, an outlet. There la al ready a copper tonnage that ; ahould command immediate attention. The Takllma smelter la able to deliver about a carload of matt dally when running with tha present furnace, and would probably require about a carload dally of supplies and coke. Thla la but one concern.' If the Takllma bad railway it could no doubt ran tne year through. and will In all human probability be en Urging before . long, doubling Ita Ion nags. - . ....-',; "The moat . conservative experta who have visited the Blue Ledge say that there la 100,000. tone or ora In night there, which would 'pay a - handsome profit, in . shipment. '. The Monumental property, which la nearer Creecent City than Oranta Pass. , haa been hauling heavy machinery and Urge quantities of auppliea and material and will be oper ating steadily. - There are numerous other mining properties of tha country which would ba brought out by railway transportation. The country haa In alght a much greater mineral tonnage alone than haa been the Incentive for railroad building elsewhere. . "But in addition to the mlnee we have splendid foreata. and good agricultural land In tha lower aectlona. Timber operations In' that section will be among the moat profitable or tna state, especi ally when reaching toward the western side of Josephine and Curry counties. It la a vaat area of splendid lands, rich In resources and little mora than d la covered." . . t "' When pressed for eomethlng more definite regarding hla plana, and ' who contemplated building the railway. Dr. Reddy aald ha waa not at liberty to say more. It la known that he himself had preliminary lines run from Jackeonvllie acroea tha low divide Into the Applegate baain and thence toward tha Blue Ledge. This dlatanee from the -present railway terminus . at " Jacksonville to tha Blue Ledge mine la -about 11 miles. It la alao known that Colonel T. Wain-Mor gan Draper haa had preliminaries run for a Una from Oranta Paaa to Takllma. a distance of 41 miles. ' Tha Blue Ledge la but 17 mllea beyond the Takllma plant, which would give tha route up the baain of the Illlnola to tha atate boundary a length of about If mires. It la alao known that aurveya have been made to Creecent City, where there la a harbor In which heavy coaatlng steam ers ride. , - . All of tha machinery for the Monu mental property waa delivered at Cres cent and hauled thence to the mine. One of the plana formulated by Colonel Draper and hla Ban Francisco asaoclatee waa to build a line from thla port to the Illlnola, drawing all tha freight of that section toward the oeean, rather - thaa toward -the Southern Pacific tinea. - With three possible routea before the road builders and . heavy . resources along either line. It la .Impossible to forecaat tha probable route that. will ba ehoaen for tha work which Dr. Reddy assures will be taken up soon. soon urns hope of ae ;.;eii First Fait of. Season Experienced 1 In Whitman, and Palouse . Country. RESULTS IN TOTAL . ' LOSS OF MUCH GRAIN Sheepmen Faax Difficulty, in Getting Flocks Out of Mountains, Where Flakes Fell to Great Depth and ' Herd Winter Is Predicted. IKnerUI Dswatrh te Tke louraeL) Colfax. Ween- Oct. II. The flrat anow of tha aeason fell throughout the Palouse country, yeeterday. Snow fail In the eastern half of Whitman county, Washington, and extended-- Into the Coeur d'Alene mountalna In Idaho. The anow la aald to have been unusually heavy In tha mountalna. but In the grain belt it did not reach a greater depth than four Inches, although enough anow fell to make twice that depth had It not malted aa rapidly aa It fell. Some dam age waa dona to fruit and shade trees by the heavy fall of wet anow coming while tha foliage waa atlll on tha trees. and tha combined weight broke many of them down. Thla anow, coming after . ao much tain, effectually kills aU hope of aavlng a vast amount of unthreahed grain, and the total loan, la Whitman and adjoin ing' counties Is placed as high aa 1,000, 000 bushels. Much of this grain' la standing In the shock and cannot be aavad, even If good weather ahould fol low, which la not likely. The grain haa sprouted 'and -la badly molded, swollen and bleached.' It will be fit only for feed for livestock and much of It will not ba even good reed. Sheepmen whose flocka are atlll in tha mountalna are extremely uneaay. aa It la feared there will be great difficulty In getting' tha aheep out of tha moun talna through tha heavy anow. xnis is ona of tha earlleat anowa here In many years and la taken aa a forerunner of a hard winter. No anow fell In western Whitman county, but ona of tha heav iest ralna of the fall fell there and the . rainfall hare for the month of October la more than five Inches, a rec ord never before reached. SUPERIORITY OF OREGOn (Continued from Page Ona.) Dyspepsia bane of human existence. Burdock Blood Bitter cures It, promptly, permanently. , Regulatea and tones the atomach. orcharda survived the treatment and to day, at 40 years of age. they are bearing aa prollficly aa they did at 10 ycara eld." aald William M. Holmes, a well- known old resident. Big- Price for Ooaoloe Peat. . Among the remarkable aalea thla sea son waa a car of Cornice pears shipped to New Tork by Clay Jt Meader, which netted 4.70 per box. The peara aold. at auction at a groaa price of 15.45. and the gross receipts from the car were .17S. Thla firm haa about acres of pears. E. J. DeHart. In whose orchard near Medford are 10 acrea of peara, aent 1 car ef Benrre d'AnJou peara to New Tork and they averaged 16.10 per box at auction aale. The d'Aujoua previously held the world's record at 14.7. groaa, received some years ago for a ear from Idaho. . ,' There are a number of lucky men In southern Oregon who will participate In j , . , s EiiGH AD:T : BOYS'iWli YOUTiiS' r. BOVS SUITS More real stylo is crowded into . our Boys Suits than we can describe. The ; . choicest of Buster BrownClainnont and St. Regis the most exclu- fC 'fltC 1 9 CA give lines of today. lO'aplsCajl ' ' YOUTHS' SUITS In the extreme of fashion both in cut and . Numerous; models. . . . . . ; . . ... ,i . . . . . $10to $20 OVERCOATS Military Reefers and hong Box for Boys, and Paddocks and Long Belted Sacks for Youths. Other styles abundant. The Greatest Clothing; House in the Northwest the big profits Srom the peara that coma out of the Rogue River valley in tha next five years. C. U. Lewis baa J00 acrea In peara near Medford. L. B. Brown haa 40 acrea. E. E. and John Gore, It acrea; Joseph .Voosen, 10 acrea; and there were others. Including Bert Whitman, J. T. Nute, Jamea Hanaon. Frank Touvelle, F. H. Hopklna and Murray A Stewart. J. H. Stewart, who is regarded aa the father of the pear business In southern in President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University. Oregon, has a singular faith in the future of the Induetry. At the age of 70 years, and in falling health, ha haa gone back Into the hills near the head of tha Rogue river,. 10 mllea from. Mad. ford, the naartat railroad station, and baa planted 10 acrea of BarUett peara, which will next year, for the flrat time, yield a crop. Ha la aatd to have aelected thla Isolated place because of Ita hlghei altitude, -which brings the peara Into tha market two weeka later than tha valley crop, and Insurea a strong market for the fruit. He says ha doea not expect to live to enjoy the results of hla lateet venture, but haa entered upon It for the benefit of hla children, believing a good pear orchard In tha Rogue river valley the beat legacy be can leave them. Stoves Building Permtta. Building permits have been laaued to W. H. Smith, dwelling, on Minnesota street, between Shaver and Maaon atreeta, 11.160; Mrs. F. Lovelace, dwell ing, on Thurman street, near Klrby street, 12,000; H. D. Story, dwelling, on Twenty-second street, between Washing ton and Everett streets. 15.100; Well, Fargo, a Co., foundation for office build ing, corner Sixth and Oak atreeta. flO. 000; Mra, D. Edwards, dwelling, on Thurman atreet near Rugby street, $4, 000; A. D.--Marahall. dwelling, on Thur man atreet near Thirty-fourth atreet, 13.000; J. E.. Irwin, meat market, on Stanton atreet, near Sellwood, 14 JO. Repair permits have been Issusd to H. E. Dosoh, building on West Park, be tween Yamhill and Taylor streets, 17. Oadaaya Oaaghtey staarte-t. . (Joereal Speetat aervfce.) . Milwaukee, Wis, Oct. 11. Miss Cath erine Cudahy, daughter of Patrick Cud ahy, the millionaire packer, and Thomaa Fernedlng of Dayton. Ohio, were mar ried at St John'a Cathedral here thla PK. T, P. wm. IT DID1NT HURT ; A BIT '. Is wast tear say ef ear ameess ef sMsg sestal work. We de work to seepie free) eat ef tke tty ealekly te seeld aar delay. Reorjtkiag a te date. Opea eeeataa sad SaBdara, Mala SDSS. WISE BROS.. Dentists the raUsg. ess, TkM aas Waislaglsa. - be. r, A. writ morning. Several hundred Invited guests were pre aent at the wedding, which waa one of the most brilliant events of the aeason. - Miss Cudahy'a elder slater waa maid of honor and Mlas Irene Cudahy. a younger sister, and Miss Msrla Fernedlng acted aa brides msJda. ' Wlltsee-Taylor Wedaiag. (Jooraal Special Servies.) -Paris, Oct. 11. Emeet A. Wllteee of New Tork. a wealthy young society man of that city,-who owns valuable gold and eilver mlnea In California and Mex ico, and . If Isa Emily Stuart Taylor, daughter of tbe late Stuart Taylor, and a niece of Mra. Pierre Lortllard, Sr., were married here today In the prea ence of - a, number of their American friend a. .;'' Wester Ufa ta Ooasexapt, (Journal Special Servfas.t Chicago, Oct. H.-rOn the declaration of counsel for various policy-holders that O. M. Moulton.lE.I. Roaenfeld and E. D. Moore, members of the executive committee of the Western Li fa Indem nity, had violated the ruling of, the court and purchased aharea of tha Se curity Life dc Annuity company. Judge Kohiaaat late yeeterday issued an order The Qsssiflcstlcn ci a - Picno ; r ; : Does not depend upon the salesman whys tries to make you believe that tha ona ha la ahowtng you ia "Juet aa good" aa a ITIINWAT, A. B. CHASE, EITEI, EMERSON or STARR, but dependa upon , the rank given It by the manufacturer himself through the use of superior skill, material, labor, etc., which dis tinguish - HIOH ORADE goode. Our pianos come from manufacturers ef tha highest standing in tha whole country, and who have proven by the teat of long yeara that they make the very. beat that can be produced. : We can ' aetl ' you' a HMH ORADH piano for what you are aaked for in ferior makee. Dundore Piano Co. ' Steinway Dealers V , 233 WASHINGTON STREET a gain at tha three officials commanding them to ehow cause why they, should not be adjudged In contempt ef court. i j i WOODLARK TWO i AV iiicho SASTDBUTl ... mow AJTD Gvmam ..l.OO Soaps Phyiictans and Surgeons, per cake... 4711 Almond Soap, per bar Wllltarea' Shaving Stick ............ Wllliama' Luxury, beat shaving eaks ' made, per cake'...'. Llquoaone Shaving Stick, each ....... Lee'a Err-tar Shampoo Soap, per cake Satin Skin, perfumed pr medicated. per cake Oolng'a English Dog Soap, per cake... Spratt's Dog Boa p.- per oake Hater' a Dog Soap, per cake .......... BOX OP Bag. 10o . lie too: Ho lla Sto 'llo- :o lie- . 1 S4 94 15 15 154) 4 1X4 4 94 Ptae ehewdoaui 'for aaalytloal work aaA ahaaalaal glssaasre ef aU asarte and diaorlp-. ' Savon Lettuce 4............ Entaaka . Kirks "Transparent Glycerine Regal Oatmeal. Honey or Glycerine .V. English Oatmeal Witch Hasel Complexion r.. .v.... ..... Wl!d Locust Hooey My Queen ...........i . FOB TZB XTTOBBaT. Lava, per cake ' Pumice, per cake - Cotton, unequalled for waahing allka, . per cake Grandpa' Wonder, per cake Ruby Glycerine, per cake Black Prince Tar Soap, per cake..... Kleen Eajt Scours but don't scratch, per eake .......v....... Ivory (laundry slae).'per cake Reg. :5e He S6e lie lie, l&o ;e 10c Reg. 10o 10e t ' lee So to le 10c - 16 Vl 194 la ": 94 94 . 94 A4 94 94 34 94 Se 3e S4 94 Wines and Liquors . Reg. 11.11 Iiewars . Scotch wniekey ........... Fishers Old Bourbon Whiskey..!.. .Ill Flshera Pure Malt Whlakey.....,...: 1S , WUeon's Whlakey 11 Fine Old Muskingum Whlakey. per gallon '. ...14.1 OH London Dock Jamaica Rum, auart. 11.11 Baronne Ccgn. auart ...i ....11.40 ' Officinal Prt .Wine, euart - 71a Welch e Ortpe Juloe. auart .......... 10a Sllert Old Sen tern lee . 974 ' '. 934 ' 73e r994 93.97 974 9t.f 724 42 4a incno -:Sw ss BABBBVrr .... ......i.o ' ' I Thursday DRUGS and HOUSEHOLD SOARS BRUSHES LEATHER RUBBER OOOD8 ' STATIONERY " CUTOLA88 PHOTO SUPPLIES urtiinDA TOILET PAPER S SUIN DRIBS, ETC. IF YOU ARE TOO BUSY TO GET DOWN TOWN DURING THESE TWO DAYS PHONE YOUR VATE EXCHANGE 11 OUR FREE DELIVERY WILL DO THE REST. Friday, Oct 19,20 j MUSIC AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS By tha Celebrated Aeolian Or : chestrelle From the House of Kilers ORDER TO PRI- Household Drugs Wood Alcohol, plnte ......... Wood Alcohol. H gallon Epsom Salts, pound (P. W. Cream Tartar, pound Bora. Powder or Lump Bicarbonate Soda ........... Vothhalla, pound ........... Bay Ram. S oa Roae Water, os. Rose Water, and Glycerine, S i Stycertnet as. ............. Splrlta Camphor. I oa,...,... raator Oil. S o. .... Sugar of MUk. pound Boracle Acid, pound . 1-pound .can Chloride Lima . phosphate Soda, pound'..... Powdered Alum, pound ...... fulphur. . pound! ntolce Bird Seed, pound ..... firu nana, pouna ....... Reg. 8c Tlo Carton). 14o ........ 40 i. ...... ISO 10c 104 , lie ........ no a. lie ........ ISo ........ JSc JSe ... ISO . 40c ... lie !Sc ..... lc ..I..- 10c le 10c "a 134 B4 94 394 94 Be) 94 1S4 134 194 174 194 134 374 394 194 124 94 74 94. - Louwelsa and Birmingham Jardinieres r Reg: Beautifully decorated, useful Orna , menta for tke hoaae. several si see . and deelgna - tic to It.lS And ...1H0 to 1HS 994 994 Cut Glass ittful Peslgma ill Beer and Aseo- latelv Perf eea. - Reg. Berry Bowl 14.10 Water Pitcher .17 50 H Dosen Water Glasaea .11.10 H Dosen Water Glasses' .............13.50 H Dosen Water Olaases 11.00 Nappy S dnch 11.00 Nappy Inch 11.10 3.35 $6.15 3.TS 1.98 6.7ft l.SS 3.95 Sundries Sagfnaw Wood Toothpicks .......... Japanese Hardwood Toothptcka ..... Matted Pictures, 1x10, 100 subjects, each T Dutch PVoturea, colored, each...'....,. Pasaepartout Indiaa Ploturea. colored, each .' Ballet Girls Pictures, colored, each... . Wood Postcards. Portland and ' Fair Vlewa i i. 10c German Hone, with Boapetone rub... I4o Celluloid Tooth Brush raae ......... ISo Mission WaU Kloks 1171 Reg. Klondike Toilet Paper, pkg.. per doe.. 11.00 Hoaae Toilet Paper, per doaen ........ tO German Alcohol Gaa Staves .......... 4 So Fine Whlek Broom ....... J.......... lea Fine Whlek Broom .-. ISc Three-arm Nickel Towel Racks ...... lie Reg. BpsolaL 1c 1 for 10a let for 10 Ha lSe lrorz&e) He 11 lfor24 134 S tor 294 lie 1B4 t tor 234 K4 334 174 1.20 Tte y374 274 114 90 94 Canadian Money Taken at Par Worea elaatle aad flae leather wrist saads, anklets) aad knee eapa for sprataa, stntlaa aad ' ' srulese. Leather . Reg. Special. Ladles Hand Bags, new and nobby.... 11.00 60a Ladles' Hand Bags, Horned Alligator, new Venetian handle ....14.10, 17.00 8.86 ..''' ' " .T5 ' 97.89 Aaaortad Purses, seal, snske and wal- raa. values to I0O . 19 tsaorted Purses, values .to. each toe 15d Baby Calf, natural akin purses, new . and handy S0 394 SS per east aieeemat ea aw asrtlre steek or Plaska. Rubber Goods f 1 Reg. Special.' Red Rubber, rapid flow. Fountain. , Syringe. 1 quart 11 601 31.37. Red Rubber, rapid flow. Fountain' Syrtngw. guart ...fl.Tt $1.07, Rot WaUv Bottle. 2 quart ..........II 10 . . 934 Hot Water Bottle, 1 quart ,'.'..;'.'.,, '.It.lS 91.03 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe ii.9 a.7 Ceablaatloaj Hot Water Bottle and ' " ' FoumtatB Syrtnge, I quart .........Mil $1.0. WOOD ARB , CLARKE & COelJ Fourth and Washington Streets 1 incBO OABVBVTT BOW ' ABB ...-l.oe Photo Department 'Seneca 87 Seneca, IttilVk Seneca.. IslO Reversible back. Double awing. All Finest mahogany1. Cannot be equaled! for ei more. Century, 45. regular 125.00, for......... Century, 4x5, regular 110.00, for.,...,... Century, 4x5, regular I4J.00, for.."....... Pony Premo A. regular f 10.00, for , Century Stereo, finest made, regular SIOj Century Stereo, regular 111.00..,..,..., Eastman Cartridge Kodaks, regular til Eastman Cartridge Kodaks, regular 120.0 Eastman Bullseye No. 4. regular 113.50.. Century Petite, regular 125.00 Eaatman'a Panorama Not 1, regular 110.0 Alrlsta Panorama, 4x5, regular 125.00... Pore Double Plate Holders, 57. regular wet price ft. II; our price tomorrow ......... " One Third Off ea 134 14LS4 la4 a fowrtlt ..1S4 i-939J99 30.ex 913. '50XOt 35. .B3a.S)0 ixe .-is. -1Z4 . 97 J 9130 t Tet Skilled pfcotewtwpisare sraM -e pe a4 awe .. tore, waa earn alee eU yew Jea what la the trewbla with pom prtaea av atterttvenv . we de dereloptaeT aad prtatlag. , Stationery . : f- 1 . Ra- Souvenir Tableta ........'....'..',.',.., S4 Kioto Bond Papeterles I0 ,f 334 Nut Bowls ready', for burning) '. . .. Ifle 234 Fine Linen Paper and Envelopes. lOe 174 Brushes ' ' ' ; ' ' Reg. . Spselat Genuine French Stsghorn Military, ; pair .. . . . . . 14.10 fl.fttt Solid Back STbony Military., pair.. ..,1VI $3.33 11-Mow Solid Ebony Back Hair R 11 994 Bonk handle Nail Brush, side bristle, lie " 194 -Row Mnrdwood Bark Nail Brush,.., It" 124 1-Row Long Bristle Cloth Bmah II le tZ4 Soft ''Bristle ' handle' Hat Brush. celluliM 10 f l ' .. x -0 . .'J