t::z on eg on daily jsur..L, rcTLAMD; v;d::z:dav i:vz:iino. . octc: is. FOUSALZ RZAL ESTATE. H.SOO FOR ' B room bouse, lot tOilOO fact, n Fremout it., near Vimmw v. Apply 1810 Wilbur (.. WlUawtU utlo. WAONBR PETTY. 903 Commercial blk., have mw of tin beet buy la tt till. 8 thorn Mian Day tag and' ba convinced. . $878 BUYS new 4-rom cottar. $ lot. 1 block couth, of Stewart's atatlo. aft. Baott car line, w. N. Ford. 1300 MC8T aril etude building atta to eat .. Ufy mortgage, two third "vain. Addreee B 83. oara of Journal. SACRIFICB' aala, tote, alrely situated to . build boaaaa to rant or to aell. Arhlr B 64, car of Jon re at. Wl build boaaaa; - ey axouthly pnysentti , lota furnlehed If deelred. $13 Commercial bid, Mala 1840. , . . . . . - BELLWOOD aots, W am u4 U I SMathj from TI to $300.' BUwod Tew Bait e Oe. phoa Eaat 7(H. . ,. - -" ," VOB SALS t room boo at - oa ear lino with ere trait trees, tta. . Inquire Ml Best 1 tilth at. - . t-ROOM bonee-o Job nana at.l bargain; $3.8no. - "Tyeoa Hloeeli, 803 Commercial blk. Mala . . Sosa. ....... FOR SALK A T-mom bona and lot, with bara, Irvingloa. - 444 Bast Thirteenth at. north. . FOR BALE T-room bona. Sixth and Alberta am.. MtghUnd. . Can up Unloa Mas. $W 4 -room bona with bath. Inquire at place. 3.x) Eaat sevantecnth,. at., soatb. K KW 8-roora bouse, mil bit; eaay term; owner mutt aril. - t irton "210. OR SALE FARMS. 130 ACRES, too. la cultivation; two teems, bsr- aees, 8 wagon, all klude farmlug machinery' ' J reaper, 1 Dtowar, 40 bead cattle, nioelly ' hortour; 110 goata, fiO bog. 80 -turkey. : Vila ot chicken, all kinda (arming niachla- try; well fenced, cedar poet, plank mud wire; ' large boas and woodshed, barna full of bar I H mile to erhoel; 15 or 80 arrea ' bop ' land; price $7,0U0; (4.000 'dews, baUacf tUa. j - SO arrea Al bench laud, near 1 7 level road , to It; 13 arrea In cultivation, 15 more aearlr; . H nndr fence, balance fine timber. Or and cedar; fine aprlug In grove by the 8-roum bun; good barn, good orchard, beet rarlettre rruit, large tree, urge garden wua picari fence. nee; m. . r. I), mall. phone line by place. 3A mllea to beet atnr In Washington county; good neigh bor; mil to good school, Price l,$uU. i 1M err, 85 In cull test loa; 40 acre wild meadow; 60 acre beach land clear; about M acre alaahed ready to burn; located on Bandy 1 road weal ot Fair view; nine mllea from eltr: all - fenced and croaa fenced; good, f-rnoui bona; bar jfMiOfl; good famlljr arrhardt wood abed, ehlekea-houae; good aprfng, water piped Into the bona and to to barn: t bone and f mere, weight of each 1,400 pound: 1 auw and 11 pigs; I shoate, 0 bead of eew. $ heifer: 1 wagon abed fnll of bay. 1 war and hsroaee, 1 mowing maehln. new: 1 bay rake. I plow and barrow, .nd other tool to auBMTou to -mention; 30 acre of potatoe, 1 acre of corn. 80 too of bay, 3S0 baahel of eat; balance of 00 acre eeeded to clover and timothy: price 113,000; term If dealred at low rate of Intereat: no hllle to city. Several 80 and eu-ecr. tract lav Waablng. ton and Columbia eountlra, with or wltboat atock, at low price. . , KSPEY-THARB REALTY CO, Boom 1, Hamilton hldg.. ea Third at between) Wablngtoa and Alder. k FINE farm of 300 ame; 100 am la culttea. . tloa, 88 acre aeeded la gru. It acre timber, fine building and fence, all bottom land; thl . I one of tba Aneet farm In tb vai- - ley, oa mil to poatoface, acbool and rhurrhr. dree to 8. P. Ry, atatki; tba fol lowing go with place:" oo'buabele beta, tuo bnaheli wheat. T5 ton hay. 11 cowa, 11 young "cattle, t work bonce. 10 bog. ISO chicken, hinder, hayrake. mower, new donble-dlec plow, t walking plow, one dlac barrow, t wagon, new cream ecparator, 8-room boa, 1 brn 80x48 and 80x46, 3 acre la orchard; thl I one of tb neat" farm (err offered; It' - a bargain and guaranteed a advertmed; $11. 040. pert caeh. For further particular call ' or addret Emitlr laTaatment Co., 227 Cham ber of Commerce. I GOOD FARMS IN CLARK COl'NTT. WASH. - 03 acree, well Imprneed, good land. t3,8u0. ISO acre, all la eultiratlon. $60 per acre, ten acre. 100 highly cultivated. $40 per acre. All of tbeae farm are In good meigbbor. . bood; ehurcbe. acbool. tora aad con venient to market, and erirr eo I and will "ba a good money-maker. For partlnhna ee . UNtAVl-HIkKAllI UlirAfll. , - . ... . S4Btt Morrlaoa at. r . ..... COOS COUNTY BARGAIN. 440 acre timber and coal. $8 per acr. ' . 80 acre timber, $7 per acre. . ISO acre, Yamhill county, $7 par acr. lav acre, Lane county, timber, fs par - r aeree c wiwoit bbtuui. - Property for eal and eicbaaga. , Inqalra - - SOS FourU St. . r yew want a ehlckeu ranch, bar It m: S acre land TOO feet from electric Una, 10 ear fare! bara 13x80, chicken boaee for 500 chlrkaa; X( acree all fenced with 8-foot picket fence, lota ef building, all furniture, Klano; t f cow. 8 doeea ehlekene; go at 3.000. Addroaa B 88. rare of JoarnaC , ITATB LANDS FOR BALE -. Tba aula of Oregon ba for Bale a limited amount of baa iur Ilea eelertloaa ; price - antil further notice $8.00 per acre. For par tlralar ridre Oawald Weet, Stat Land Agent, Salem, Oregon. - '. -, FARM FOR SALE 40 acre 3S mllea from ronrthouee, Oregon City, la high atata of enlttrattoai good boaee and building; variety ( fruit; tbla la a modern home. . Apply I Korth 'Kiata at. v S8.T80 BUYS 8 $4,800 tana of 188 acree. a. . room boue. bara, good water, 8H mile : from wareaosee, 1H mllea to arbl; $l.on caih. balance $ year' time. if. J. Maboaey, Tekoa.- Wua. FREB gorerament farm land. yat apened te ett lenient 1 level valley lend, aa atone vt timber; water- aad oll flrat-cuua). Room aa Iabba bklg., car. Baeoad aad Waahtngtaa. FOR SALE Stork ranch ot x.no acr near Coburg, 8 mile Bortbt of Eugena, Lau , county, Oregon : price low and terma eeay, F.. D. Chamber Uln, Labb bldg., . Portland. FREE LAND IN OREGON under tba Carey . Irrigation Act. Deed direct from -tate. Write today. Booklet aad map free. B. B. Cooke Co., 331 Alder at. . PortUad, Or. V 30-ACRE farm, all la cultivation; 8 'mile from miirthouee, 1 mil from O. W. P. Aj By. Co. I $2,750; terme to ult. John P. . Sharkey. T01 Chamber ef Commerce. ft) FARMS, email tract and lota; bargain-) 0. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton, LenU, " Oregon. . Take Mount Scott ear, ft. FOR SALB CHEAP 3 bomted la . Till, monk county. 4 Baat Morrleen at. FOR SALE TIMBER. LAND RCRIP Guaranteed arrlp'fnr n reared or nnaurveyad, good for all kind of gov ernment land, at lowaat price. . Mnalton ; ' Rcqbay, Columbia bldg.. 885 Waablngtoa at. 1 DO you want tlmberT t wa 100, worth 88.000, which I will aell for $4,100: aa abeo - Intel aafa Inveatment. D 68, aara JoaraaL FOR SALB Twa bomeetead rellnoalabment culm; Mcoad growth; will aU . N. P. Melaoa, Hotel Rbclapfam. . . YE., w have few mora good timber rlalma. , If yon want to meat on en ot them call at 388 Morrlaoa at., room 311. FOR SALE A timber claim la aonthraat part of Marlon connty. Call Depot alooa, cor. Water and Columbia at. s CERTIFIED arrlp. nr lat pwo lowaat prVe. W. O. tlowall. 838 Chamber at 0am FOR H0ME8TBADS, timber dalma aad early pply t 808 Commercial blk. . TEaawi3jca5Ecaa3aasai HORSES AND CARRIAGES. " FOR SALE Bnrty bore aad bmee; eoat . $SO0f city broke: will el for $lT8.1f old thl week. Cell 111$ Eaat Taylor at., or phon Et ta. BOR8E8 of all kind for l af eery ). able petrel. Inqntr , 230 Jeff eroa. FOR PALB-8 geatl ponlea, ckaap. L SUbl eor. Second and Main. " TO EXCHANGE. TIN bona and lot la thriving Coloriilo town te trad for real eetate. Addrae M. W eater gard. 800 Delay at., Portland. eVITX exchange neat 8 -room cottage, aa rar- line, for imall Improved acreage tract. Horn Land Co., 148V Kret at. - - - - ' 1 - ft'lLI. exchange reatanrant, rain $2,000, eetra fiod. c farm or city property. Addraa , cart JouraaL A: ' 1 1 . . 1 1 v 1 f , AvAJbThr'r. v,U ai4 rieiic I I 1 ( I i I I I l(V FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR KALE AT A BACBIf'lCE S.BU0 abare of Aimed Coaaolldated mlulug atock; mint b c4d at one; mk a an offer; atock I wiling at II per ahare; If yoo are Interacted la mlnng atock. thl I a chance of a Ufetlma and will pay you to Inreetlgate. 4u4 Kut Morrluu at. rOB 8A1.E Beaatlral Hani ma aprt-rht, full aw, moat be eold elieap: tiile la tn nneet product of tlM Ilardman factory; euperb totn; fnll and rich, floret flaleb.i elegant atyle, raat- HMi Call nd eiemfne It at th Manafactnrer' Piano Co.. 1U0 Alder t. Till piano mnat poaltlvdy be eold. lOR MALE I bar a large . roaewood Knab piano, uin-lKlit; will aell It eery reaeouauie: 1 haee no uee for It, an writ Bie and I will arrange a meeting; tble la a map at the price 1 ak, ao writ quirk. Adoreea B 5a, ear of JoaraaL' ' RAPES 2 new fire-praof eafea (not of 01 maarM!Uir ery rneap; a aeoona-aano ae alo the genuine Hell fe. - ' ' -PORTLAND RAPB COMPANY, TO Blxtb at. . THB BRDN8WICK-RALRB COtXBNDBR CO. BILLIARD AMU POOL tibiae for rent or fat . aala aa aaiy aaymaata. '... 40 Third C, Portland. WB print year aam aa M celling aards. proper la aad tyl. 2Ac: 350 buelnee card. L Browa Schawl, S3 Bint, PortUad. Or. TYPEWRITER at leal thaa half eoat price; aimoat gooa new, Albert nerni, to drag gist. er. Boad and Whlagtoa ata. LA RGB ST atoefe aa botttaa la north weet; order filled promptly. Portland Bottle Supply Cok, 8V1 North Eighteenth at. . Mala 3288. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order; -aacond-band good for aala. Carlson V. kail from. 280 Couch at. I'bon C4y-871. LAUNCH for Bale. length 88 feet, 10-EL . , glee, large carrying capacity; prtca Tar cheap, Aadnaa H 88, ear JoaraaL ABOl'T 40 full-blood homing pigeon; alao 3 Buaalan milk goat: cheep. Addre A. R. Herrlncton, . Montayllla, Oregon. . FORTABLB loeomotle boiler aad engine, - 4 boraepowr. C. 11. ilggott'8 law. otOee, 4 ' Malkey bldg. FOR SALB 18 ft. launch, a peed 7 mile. In . quire Laoaberaoa'a Jaadlna, east aad of Mad! . aoa bridge. - WELL-EQUIPPED machine aad blacksmith, bop for .sal very reasonable. Call 281 Ash at. PARTIES going eaat before November will Sad It to tbalr advantage ta call up Baat 400. $ ACRES choir potato ta grooad. for sale Adureas r. J. run, cuckama, Oregon. A LA ROB stock on aala at bargain price. Can aad look them over. $70 Ftrat at FOR SALB Fine pedlgre bull terrier pupplee. 413 Morrlaoa at., city. FOR SALB Small quantity furnltur, cheap. 888 Thlrmaa at. CHEAP Bed. atoee, cooking table aad bicycle. Cell 470 Davte at. PERSONAL. V. p. (1tal-Powr tablets win reetor t yea tba np, vim aad vigor of manhood; If yoa ara lacking la tb power of eiuiity. It loa resaltlnc from Indiscretion aad xcaaaaa. aend for a box of tbaae tablets and be con vinced of their merit. By mall la plain pkg.. il. Tba Armatreng Tablet C Inc., SM olaaaa blk.. Detroit, Mich. DETECTIVE ageerlee Confidential Investiga tion; report made oa any ladlvidoal baalne r property; book exported; beat city refer. ;; char go reaeooablo; correanoodenc ee 11 cited. . Oregoa Detective Bervtce, office 814-818 Colombia bldg., too Waablngtoa fL, Portland. Phoa MaU 8810. EDISON pboaograpba and record at factory . prtcee. delivered anywhere aa receipt of full amount of retell pcie; largest atock of Edl ana record wt af th Rock lee; eend for clr ulara. peter Baetgalopl, wholeeal and ra--tall. 788 Muanoa at., (Un FraacUe. - - DISEASES of women a specialty; maternity given apeeUI attention, private boepltal reommodatloa; profentonal lady aurara ta attendance! coneultatloa free. X-Kadlum Inatttute and Sanitarium, Third had Alder, entrance 368 Alder at. MMB. ANNA LUCRBY. priori pel af tb Amerl .can Beaaty Parlor. U now located at 8M Taylor at.; cure all scalp diseue and posi tively grew heir or ao rharge; Invigorating cabinet both given far the cure at rbeuma tUm or lumbago. IP seeking a mn rental Ufa cmnpantoa. jota tb lateratate Introducing Society, and meet ur em re. pood with repuUble reeldenU of th! section, many wealthy. The October Bcgnter, 10 cent. Salt 24, Rueeell bldg.. cor. Foturth ' aad Morrlaoa ata. phoae I'aclfle 838. NO DRUGS, aa operation; Prof. Dana glee osteopathy aad magnetic treatment, reduce your fleeh. relieve euppreasedv monthly Irreg tjlertttee. Cnaraltatloa free. Of flea, 80$ Goodnoagb bldg. WINONA MILLS aeamleea boatery for men, wataea aad children; any weight or material to order. $11 Commercial blk. Phone Mala 4R88. Sea ear exhibit, Manufacture bldg blk, a. MANLY vigor raatored by Dr. Roberta' Nerr 0 lobule. One seontb' treatment. $3; $ - BMatbe, $8; aent eeeurely waled by mil. Agnta, Woodard, Clark V Co., PortUad, Or. BOOK St Her thee are: Deeameroa.' "Hep. tameroa." "A Hot Tml." "Fany Hill Temoty Yea re a Faker." "Forblddea rTaH.'' $0 each; ltata free. A. Schmala, 328 lint rt. VISIT PORTLAND 10c brings Nachrlchten. German weekly, tm Ja airy 1. 11X18. EtMIbed IB year. Ger man Pub. Co., 20214 Second St., PortUad. Or. LOST power restored ' by the ' greet Dr. Lorees'e Nerve Tonic Tsblets; 36e per box, ' boxes for 11.25. Write or call at kyseeir Pharmacy. 227 MorrhMa. bat. 1st aad 3d, YOUNG Udy who apoka to gentleman Tueeday evening at Seventh and Waablngtoa a tm. nd after took Portland heigh ta car. plea a , eonunanlrate with Q 8M, Journal of flee. VOtlMA U A V e mmuI V.nrflne ahont tm aet- f, tie la Portland, Ioalmiia of meeting yonng way; object true mendahip, pronaniy ma tet Biony. Addres A 2925, .car Journal. WANTED Te wafer with -thoee aeetempUt. Ing a bnaluea eoar ta your peraoaal and Ilea trial inteeeet le iaestigia. 48. r JoaraaL TAKB NOTICE If yotir bedaprlng need tightening or sag la the center, don't throw them awy I raa make them good as new. Phon Mala tV - MOOREFIELD Tnrktoh fid ateam bath, nil glow, mineral hatha; rhenmatlaa given a perl a I attention: free trial treatment. IWVfc Sixth, Parlflc 370-. : i . .- . . LADIES Yew appear 30 rear yon agar. - re move wrinkkm, have akla Ilka velvet by aetng Orvgea Grape SkU Fd. Phoae Eaat 138T.- YOUNO IDY, 18, tranger ta citv. eeeka trne, honnrahu frlead: only thoee with honeet In tent ton need aaawer. Addres L 305, car JoaraaL t)R. ATWOOD, 18 Raaael bldg., lABt, Fourth at. Female dUeeae and confinement; opea Wed. aad Sat. eveeiaxa. Ooaaultatloa tree. MENI WOMEN! Ba Raymond pliu polt1vly moi Uch af vitality; $1. 4 a ma brag Co.. 20 Third. Arty BwrTMani box $8. Mom SUITS preeaed white yo wait. 80. Ladle skirt aresead 8V. Ollbert. 108H Sixth at, next fa I be Quelle.' Phoa Clay 80S. LYNN--N ran for yowr behavior; have a . ward te ea; to yoa; phon tomorrow. X. Y. B. PROF. N. A. NIRBETH. Swedish maaeeitr: all kind f bath; acieatlfU trlaeata. 411 liar. v PERSONAL. WANTED To confer with parties eon tern plat- Ing trip te Denver. Colorado rlpring or ietaa- villa. Adilree B 46. car Journal. ' BERTHA The .ff.tr we brrond all axpecta. tlvna; wa grieved at your auecaca; arraag a awciing lor yrioay.- rw ' WANTKIV Te confer with a yoeng maa going to Kana City, not tater tbau October. 26. AOureee an. rare journal. : 0INHBNO, It' a mooy-mkr PUnt now; Er Ice I lit for ered aad plant oa application, 1. W. XI bier, Tacoma, Waeb. LILLIAN aaaatcorwiS and himpoolng. Pari 484 Abiagtoa bug. PortUad, Or. BUch ewca. . WANTED To adopt Infant. 1 to 10 days eld; no question aked; everjtblDg private. Ad' MARBY'--Correnond with local Udlej: oma wealthy; addreaaee fra. .Star Bos 888. Saa PraacUco, California. r ' . MR. F. A. BK'KETTS can sear of omthlng to hi advantage by calling at 70S Marquam , bldg. MISS BERTHA MARTIN Boom 313. AlUky bldg. Stamping and fUa needlework; laaaonj glvea. v - . PRIVATB bom Ba th BMntally Infirm aa tb city. Addrea P 48. care of Journal. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregon La bldg. I gents all Bight, ladle aU day. Mai laoS. FBEB eanyple corn, banton and wart ear. BV wia u. ueaa. pt. a. Tauntoa. amsaav DR. FLETCHER'S chiropody per lor. $1$ AUaky bldg., office praetle. Boa 10U. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make, engage- menu in ramlllee. Unloa 844. v ASSAYERS. MONTANA Aaaay ofBc and teat Ing work. 18$ Morriaon ar. j ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art Olass Work Plain and arna mental glaae. 3W Taylor. Phon Bed 3003. AUTOMOBILES. BOWARIV C0TET, Fifteenth and Alder, agent , for Cadillac and PUre automobile; machine - rented, re;elred na torea. - , ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER. ttorney, 80S Commerctel blk., Second aad Washington ate. Phono Mala 843. B. T TAOOABT, attorney aad coonaeUor at taw. 418 abamber of Commerce bldg. B. F. BURLEIOU, lawyer, 123 Orud ara., . Kaax roniana. ART EMPORIUM. "THB LATEST FAD 80s buys s pen d tub ktch ot youraelf from photo or Ufa. Fay King. 828 Raleigh at., near SBtb. M. ear. PROFEftSOR B. MAX MBYBB, 848 Alder. BATHS MASSAGE. YOt'NO scientific maaaattia glvea electrical, OmtbuI alcoholic end medicated treatment: chiropodist, pedicuring and" manicuring. Re ception room 10, Benson nin.. cor. u . and MorrUoa ate. ' Pbona PaclBo 338. - TURKISH, sapor and pontr bath: a aura cure for rheumatlam, aervonaneaa. lumbago, etc., by electricity, hand rubbing and magnet lam; ' young lady operator. 28 V Stark, parlor 31. Hour from 10 . m. to 11 p. m. THB SNOWDEN BATHS Lady attendant, 2M7V. Alder at.; tub and vapor hatha, maaaag nd aUctrlctty. Phon Mala 5S88. MISS ENGLISH give medicated hatha; alao cure rheumatlam by electricity. 14ft tt Sixth. Bear Alder, rooma 34, 28. YOUNG ladle glvea maaaage, tub ad vapur bath. Hot, Fourth, cor. Waablngtoa t. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. . S. BIRKBNWALD CO., 804-808 Everett t. Largest butcher mpply hou oa th coast. BLANK-BOOK. MAKERS. BOWB. DAVIS KILHAM, 108-111 Second at. fllank book manafaetarera; agent for Jones m proved Looee-Leef ledgers; as tb aew Eureka, leaf, the beet ea the market. - BLACKING. W KB FOOT Blacking, abanlutely waterproof, pre serve th Uather. make a bore wear 80 per cent longer."" For aaU everywhere. 38 cent. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES any bony owe yo any mianoy 7 We eot lect bad debt ef all kind from $1 Bp. 132 Grand ara.. room 13. Out thia oat. COLLECTIONS promptly made; bad Will oar perUlty. Star Collection Agency, 34 Tay lor at. Mala 4371. THE Blue Book Mercantile Agency, col taction, law and report. 318 Oregonlan bldg. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. Urg eat pUnt on the, cot, Lorlng and Harding at., tele phone Eaat 380 Carpet cleaned, refitted, . sewed and laid: both ateam and latest eem nreeeed air proeeai; removitlng Baat tree aad feather a apecUlty, .. SANITARY carpet cleaning, net loa aad com- preeeeti ir eonainoea, cervvie civanea iw. Without re moral. Mala 8634. East 3504. CARPETS cleaned an the floor; we rale doat. Phone CUy, 381. fra de moo t rat loa. j. HUNTER Steam carpet snd mattro cleaner. BBO Jeffereon. Pbona Mala 111. CAFES. THB OFFICE 3W Waaklagtoa St. Phoa Mala T7L Samuel Vlgnaaux. " COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS General eommUetoa asar. ehant; fruft aad produce; coaalgnmeata a. Melted; prompt return. ISO groat ex. IF yew want ta get' good return for your . egg f. e. b. P. Miller A Co. . LENSCH BROS., commlaalna merchanta. fkvar. feed, hay and prodace, 383 te 388 Frost at. Phone Main S5W). , BVERDINO FARRELL. prodnc and eommtw sloa merchanta. 140 Front at.. PortUad, Or. I'bon Main 17$. - .- ..". COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO. SoU agent for the famous Diamond coal; try It and yoa will alwaye bny It. Wyoming snd Wssblngtoa bousa eoale. Virginia and Waehwgtoa ainlthlng cue la; fall . weight guarsnteed. Tel. Mala 142$. A. L. , Stephen. mnger. f CHURCHLBY BROS, have removed from font , Pa via at. te 4W Kearney t.. Bear Uth: U aow the largest woodyard I tba city, carry lag all klrAa of wood aad oaL Mala 881. RttOORT MORRIS, aacreeenra te Ola McKua. dealer la wood snd coal at Inereat prtcee; aattefacrlna guaranteed. Car. Trwtk and Irving. . Pbona Mala 4878. WESTERN Peed A Fuel Co.. an Frost, between C.lleaa and Hoyt, dealer la all - klad of bona eoaU aad blacksmith Co la. Phoa Mala 1018, ALBINA FUEL CO. nealer la cord wood seal ana green ana ary . 1 1, n w . .- i. mnm . -Una eve., 3 blocks eaat of ferry. Beat SI. STEEL FRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealer la coal, . cerdemnd and dry alabweod.' Phoa East 434. BOXWOOD snd C laser trimmlnea," Standard Wood Co.. Pbona Eaat 3818. Foot Eaat Pine. OREGON FUEL CO. All kind of coal ksd wood. 80$ Alder at. Phoa Mala 88. KIRK HOOVER. 81S Water at. weed aad oL Pboa Mala 4M8. FOR SALB 8,000 Sards ft-wood. Pboa Beat EWBBS-ejHBaaBmaaamaaBBMaaBBaaaBBBSWDBni CHIROPODISTS.' '. IF roar feet are oat of order, go t Dr. Worlsy Benjamin. Seventh and Stark, tb taut an. cUliet. rbea Black 818.. . j CLEANING AND DYZZTO.' C-TB-NOVV CLBANINO FFf.;" NO COM. pany Halts pn.aad. 80e; paste, iuo. , Poeee feel fie Xaa. Aakay-t. Portland Steam CUaetog A Dyeing Warea; prac tical belt la euauectlea, til 4th. Clay 704. CLOTHES cleaned sad peesaed $1 per month. Uainua Tllorln Co., 87 Wasnlngtoal at. - B. W. TURNER, profemloaal'dyar and 808 Jefferaoa at. Phon Mala 351A CHIROPRACTIC POSITIVELY locating aad removing the eaeet of dtoeaae. Dr. Eva Hogaa. too Ball at. roone Mala 0114. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBEKG-OUNST CO. , DUtrih.ioe t FINB CIGARS. Pertlaad. Oragoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST TUB great Egyptlaa palmUt and reader' can tell yoa 'the peat, present nd future with- ' ut aakjng queetlon; uo money peld la ad vance; 1f yoo. are aot satuaed the reading will ba fra of charge. 39 North Third at. MAD'AMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, pa lml at, card reader; I glv feet reliable and Impor. test all affair ot real lit., Edlng $0. Seventh st oearOak. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE WHOLESALE arorkary and glawwar. PreeL HegaU A Co.. 100 to 108 Filth, eor. Stark at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, csrpsBtei'B, bellderai re pairing and Jobbfng; store aad office fixture built. Shop 3u Columbia. Mala 8387. F. B. VANDERHOOF, carpenter and jobbar, 387 Stark at. Phone Main T4T. DANCINO. WOOOWARD'S dancing acbool of tba Waatera Academy of Music, Monday aad Thursday. Spectators Invited. Leeenua 80c. Pane log $ 'to II. Oor. Second and Morrlaoa. DETECTIVES. DBTECTIVB or aecrat servlc work; atrtetly eoafldaatlal; difficult eaaee solicited. Boom 14. Wblngtoa bldg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB C.E.nROWN.D. V.S.'.D.C.M Dog. Horee bos' pltaU 387 Burnslds. Phenesi Maln4088;Eaat2638 j DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or waah silk, aaada for 21.35; ehtrtwalat aula, $S.ft0. 48$ Baat Mar at. Phone Eaat 8281. . DRESSMAKER wlU make a few more aa. gageueat la femillra. Phone Unloa 844. DRESSMA KINO Strictly up to date: lata. eigne. 485 Clay t. ' DENTISTS. MBY CHURCHMAN, dentist, 834 Mara earn bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa , Pbona MaU 1780. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, $08 Stark at.. Portland. U. K. for vcrytblns la tb electrical Una. Pboa . Mala 1888. - PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Enrlneere, eontrsc tors. repairer, alectrte wiring, luppll., 84 First, ear. SUrk. Mate 850. R. H. TaU. gagr. THB Electrical AppHanc Co., 400 Waablngtoa at. Phone Main 4HR4. ' , at 1 i' , " . , FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Farnttura Mannfacturing Company - Manufaetarera ot ruraitura for tb trade. PortUad. Or. FURNITURB manafsctarlaa; and ntect! order. L. Ruvenakv'a furniture factory. $70 Froat at. FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only place la PortUad to gat French bread. Barren A Maylie. 407 Blgtb at, JUIly dUr ery. Phon Green 80$. FLORISTS. FOR pot pleats and cat flower, John B. Holdea, 388 Tenth at. Mala 6410. FURNACES. BOYNT0N warm-air fnrsacee aav feeL J. O. Bayer Furnace Co.. 358 Second. Mala 481. . GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.,- whoiesaU grocer, ma . facturer and ooinmlsalo aser chant. Fourth aad Oak at. ALLEN LEWIS, aommlaaloa and prodnc mer chanta. Front aad Davie ata.. PortUad. Or. HARDWARE. PortUad Hardware Co. aallelta pportaalty te qeote prieee. 18ft 1st at., eor. AMer. Mala 1884. HOTELS. HOTEL PoadUtoa, Peadleta. W.A. Brswxw mgr. B0TBL PortUod, America pUa; $8, $8 per day. HOTEL St. George. Pendleton; leading beteL BELVEPBBR; EerPpoaa plea; 4th and Alder era. INSURANCE. LAMBERT. WHITMBR CO. Fire rnoaranc nd reel eetate; ofrice 107-108 Bboriock Bin. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Baat Alder. Baat 481. JAS. McL WOOD, mployer' liability and la- , airiaaai aonaent nrty aoaoa i au aiao. Pboa 4T. 803 McKay bldg. B. F. BARTBLS COMPANY Fire Insurance. 443 Bberioet bid, omroa phone day ezo. JEWELRY. JEWELRY . and watch of all kind Sold . oa eeay payment. I. Qcvarta Buna, tb Homefurnlahera. 1 . si LOCKSMITH. . H. RICHARDSON, xirt lock aad keyamlth; geeorai repinng; eaatiroa nrasing; u wot a guaranteed. 308 Fourth at. Phono Hood 178X BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert torkamith and bicycle repairing. SM Stark. Day pheae. Clay 823; nlxht pboa. Main Stt. LADDERS. LADDERS Painter'. rxteaetoa-Uddera, Pper banger' treat lea ; tre and roof Udderai pla.terera and farm ladder: catalogue. ' Phone Baat 7P0. Portland Ladder Co., 847 Rhine at., eaat aide. B. W. Hayward, prop. MUSICAL. VIOLIN, guitar and mandolin, nil aad water ' color leeaoa. Stadlo. 821 Hlbbard Street, MontavllU. Pboaa I sloa 38BT. PIANO, viol le, atrtng and wind Inatramenta. rrnrecsor Mwm A. amita, aoa iwauia. siain 4T08. PIANO tuning.- $3: perfect work goarasteed. C W. Jobaeoa. rbone Msla 1011. - MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. U H. HART treats all dlaeaeee, (tomach traabU, ner von. area and rnncttoaal areekneaa. Cnnaultatloa free. SNOtA Park. eor. Jefferaoa. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX NORTHRI'P. 418-14-17 Dekam bldg.. Third aad Waahlnftoa ata. Pboa Mala 848, . Xiamlaatuu Ire. BBS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 408 Maeleey bldg. (.lay 778. . m aibi. Maunuiauoa xr MONEY TO IcOAI!. . ' - MONEY TO LOAN " . . Oa Impravad city property or for beHdin purpoess. Any amount ew ' from S to 10 years' time, with privilege to refT U ar part f loaa after ea yeer. t.a aa- proved from ntana aad eue Boney aavsaeoa a building programs; nturtgaga takes ap aad . FRED' H. STBONO, FlaaacM Agoat, r 1 343 Stark Street. " ) THB STAB LOAN CO. Aay aaUrted smploys, wa ga -earner, caa get oa kU aot, 1 without mortgage Month. i Month. Week. $50.0O-lepar t as 818.88 or $8.86 or $8.18 izS.00 Bepay te a 8.85 or $8.88 aa 81.08 $15.00 Repay to as $ 4.00 or $3.08 a $i-00 310 McKay bldg. MONBY to loaa, salaried people, teaautera. ate.. . wltboat security; easy permeate: largeet . bullosa 1 g Brlnclpai cltlee. TolaTwa. 328 Abtagtea bldg. - Pboaa Mala 8487. MONEY to lean aa real, personal and collateral aecurlty; apecial atteaUoa to chattel, swt . gag; aotaa bouxht. a W. PaUet,. $04-8 sentoa Wg., 84 Sixth 8t, HIGHLY raapecUbla piac where lidlr aad geata can borrow mosey oa dUaeoad and Jewelry. Collateral Loaa' Bank, Sow Waah Ingtea at, pheaa BUck Tl. CHATTEL loan la amount ranging fraoi $28 to $8,000; rooming -houaea a specialty. New Bra Loaa A Treat Co., SoS Abiagtoa bldg. " WB make all kinda of loan oa good aecwrlty at lowest rata; special attention give ta chattel loaaa. 188 Murrlaoa at. . . MONEY to loaa la eama at? from $$.000 to $5,000; term to suit tba borrower. Boom Soa-10. Commercial blk. - MONEY to loaa la Urge or small amount en good security: lowest rates. WUUam 0. Beck. 807 Falling bldg. . f - THB CBE8CENT LOAN COMPANY 8Iary mne from thro, to al monta: aoanwauai. ' 317 Oneaalaa. ' - MONBY to loan en CUckaasa eonnty taads. B. F. aad F. B. BlUy. 80$ Ckambof Cosv Btore. ..,...... LOWEST ratee ea furnltur and pie no. EseV an Loaa U 448 Bborlaca tuag. viay oas. TO LOAN Sum t enlt ea ehattol eocurtty, R. A. Frame, 814 Tb Maraaam. MONBY TO LOAN 307 Commercial block. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad me- .cbaaier clothing: aaaoa maoo. naaauoiar Bro., maaufacturer, Portland, Or. PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE Planing Mill Co. Bash, doors SBO woootuming. war seat lamnm si. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACB CO. Tb Plowaer Paint Ca. window-glaaa aad giaaing. 188 run 1 Pbona 1884. ERNEST MILLER CO., Second aad Taylor - Wall paper, palat, aU at market price; rree aelivery. .... .... -- .. ... BASMUBSEN CO Job bare, paint. aU, bum. eaah and aoora. necoaa a no jayior. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO aV BADEMACHBB. aaaltory plumbers. 84 room at. sou paoaas. FOX CO., aanltary plnmbore. 331 Second, hat. Main and Salmon. Oregoa Pbona Mala 3001, PRINTING. WELCH A DAVIS. Prln'tera Doera of clever things with Ink and trpa eat paper. Steer n ' bldg.. Sixth and Morrlaoa.' ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing; bUnk book. Pboaa Mala 17. 308 Alder at. " ' ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.- aad North rap ate., PortUad. Or. RUBBER STAMPS. P. S. STAMP WORKS. 348 Alder, pboaa Mala Tio: rubber atampa, seal, stencils, oegx.ge, ' trade check ; Band for catalogue No. 38. . ROOFINO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad general yooDing. 1. 10111, Big eorreraoa t. 1 SCALP TREATMENT. 0RAY, falling hair, dandruff treated; abamnoo lng, manicuring, chlropodr. face work. Mr. . B. I. Kyae. ISB-A Fourth., ear. MorrUoa. Room 83. Plion Pacifle 388. SECOND-HAND GOODS. I AM th ana who pay tha highest eaah price for ascond-band furnltur and household ' gooda. Addrea P, O. 80s 418. Edward S. Klein. . GOODB'8 Furniture Tlonae Hlgheet price paid ror acona-nno israirare, aia aocoaa . Pboaa Pacta 4SS. TO buy or aell second hand furniture. Cell at Hard cb Farnrtar Rtore, -sw First st. STREET-PAVING. WAKRBN Oowstractlsn 0., etreet paving, aid. ' walk aad rowalka. T18 Oregoa laa bldg. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of PortUad. Offlce 858 Worceetar blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of eery description; beak, bar a ao tor axtarea mn to oror ?oe i-aiae stanaracturing .. roriiaaa. SPIRITUALISTS. MIEPAll. gifted medium, fnw way of telling your life; develop la circle. 224V First at.. room te. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners. economical electric fan ana aigns ei au kinda mad quickly. Fnter A Kleleer. Fifth aad Evaratt. Phn Exchange 88. SAFES. DIEBOLD . Maagaaaaa eafear fire aad bargUr. pracr work: Jail aad prlana work: loekoam apaaedi renorr. J. K. Davis. 88 Third t- TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWEL DAILYComb. bruah. anap. $1 per month. Lawrence Broe.' Towel Supply ' Co., Fourth sad Coach. Pboaa 428. ra - err rru JagaaoaasjCT tt 1 1 B TALKING MACHINES. 81BSON CO.. $48 Waablngtoa St. Complete stora ot tjorqmnta grapnepnonea sua recoras. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, plane aad furalter bjov. pecked ready foe ahlpplag nd ablnped; all work guaraateed; Urge. 3-atorr. brick, 8 re-proof wareboae far storage. Office 13$ Flrat at. C M. Oleea. Pheae Mala 847. a 0. PICK, eface 88 Flrat at., betwsea Stark aad 0k ata., pbona 808; planna and rernltur moved and parked foe shipping ; comamdloaa brick warehoaaa, Frest aad CUy ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 Berth Sixth. Phon Mala 88. Heavy healing aad at or axe. SEB Boat M. Plnmmer about torage: are proof; rut rataa. xox Tnira at. , raoaa ataia xx. BAST SIDE Tranafer Co.. A. B. Holromh, prop. 123 Eaat Water at. Pbona Bait OH. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 300 aj Waah Ingtea at. Phone Mala 883. 1 '" VICLINS. J. A. WESCO, vlolla. maker aad repairer work ' Brat class. 38 Raaeel bldg., 4th and MorrUoa. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-1SS Seroed L, bet. ,XmkU aad Tartar, rettUad. TRAKirCHTATION. 'wUT . 1 1 TMC COHrovTTABLC WAV. ' U City TUkat Oft os, 13$ Third St., rkoaa 888. 2 OVERLAND TEAL'S DAILY 2 " Th) Xlyor azd tha rturt stall. MrtMnm bbbwios Va-TO-X)ATal mQvmawT--- , . OOTJBTBOXTB MMTIAiTM- LEAVE 110 a.m. 11:41 Pl m. a ilp-m. ARRIVES , 7:00 A. m. f:lO p. ro. Vox-Ussd Tta Batttta TlaBpokajia (aaVfttf.Oo.) $ :00 a.m. OBUAT sromncBmjr btbajebsO oo. caning jrrom saatua -u. n. wnmmoTi, . aa, m jiasvrm, srew. For Japan and Chins Porta nd Manllav MirrOM TTJatHBT TSTBaTA (Japan Mall Bteamahlp Company) . 9. ZA-aTAOAWA sCAJBV Balls from Seattle for Japan, Chins and all Aalatlo Porta About Oct. 3 , For ttcktta, rataa, berth rasarvatloaa, ate call on or addraaa ' M. SI0XBO3T, C P. T. A. . Portland. Or. - .WIRE GOODS. BAST PORTLAND FENCE WIRE WORKS-. 2N8 Eaat Morriaon at. Phono Bast 831. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND TRUST COMPART 01 0RBO0B. I Tha Oldeet Trust .Company ta Oregoa, RESOURCES OVER $Lt8O0uU,, , General banking boa I neea cosducted. fUvttag deposit recelnd. Time certl8oatea lasssd. 3 to 4 per cent; apedal eertlncatea (not aadar $800). 8. to 4 per cent ea short call. Call for book of ILLUSTRATIONS. Phone MaU 48$. 108 Third t BBNJ. I. COHEN Free! dent H. U PITTOCK....... Vice-President B. LEB PAGET.... i Secretary J. a a0LTRA....,......AsUUBt Secretary I IVITXD STATES NATI0WAL BANK I I .w mmw .wn AwAOW ' M0RTBTWT8T COR. THIRD AMD OAK STS. -, Tta ass eta a weaerat oessing a - DBAFTS ISoLBD Available In All Cities af tba raited SUte aad Europe, Hongkong and Manila. C0IXICTI0XS BLASE OX VATOaUBU TCTM Pra1det. .. J. C. AIN8W?5IS wi .dm.. W. B. ATER Vice-PraaldcBt . ............. R. Wl BARNK9 Caanler B. W. SCHMKER Asalatsnt Caabler A. M. WB10HT Assistant CsshUr W. A. BOLT nasi vatiovaTj Dealgnatad Denssltory and Financial Agaat af tha United State. n Ptwaldmt..... KJPhH ..l.l 1. W. faaCWHIRK sUVstOBayr aeeoee0aaooaoao vw. ' . " " ' Aaalatant Caabler W. J C. ALVORI Second ABaUtaat Cashier B. F. BT8VISS Lattera of Credit Issued AvalUbU la Europe nd th Esstera State. mi l . w mr.A eel.e.nhle C. nefel . old ob New Torlt, BoHoa. Cblcaftx it. Rt. PL Omftlu. Baa iTniDrtm. IU U piintipl toint in id- norinwwi. niKOt Blllta vs wsme-a s " " w a n8 Usallw sTrVas aa Br fmpt .lm.ases. $Ja LeOIBU'llB, S Birias. . Main HoDdTlionc. Tokofaama. 0pnhaT. I IiriSTianiB.. CfWCailOfni, m, nmnrwif), mraw- tow, tnrlrh. Hoonlwlat. -0oll4ctAonji Matte 00 FftTorabte T-traa LADO TlXTOBt, BAVKEmS. (ZataMUl.! te 1IM.) . A -11 lulsta Am m aeeaKla V4JllrillW8l KISIW atia aruaasam -van - v r v.-w ttvrms. lttm of r11t 1moJ aTatltrteU la nrop ann an amDw m ""irv BlCbt KiebaDi mvA Tt.ffrraphir Tranarft-, VOia OB N8W AwTIi WaTBiniUPB, V-liaaw, mw IeOfila, DanTor. Omaha. Saa rraaclaea &m4 Hontaan ana nnum mmvdium. : , t A V .L. TBmla tslsaHaa lirD anajaj aUia vm B-nnm, -wwi aaaa. Frankfort, Bongkons. T ok ah ansa, Manila aad Bonointn. ERCHABTS NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAXD. VRAwOaT. J. FRANK WATSON..,...,: Preatdeat It I. ni'DTIAM ..........Vloe-Preeldent R. W. HOTT Chlr GE0R0B W. HOTT. Aaalatant CasbMr TreBssets a Oaaoral Basking Bualneea. DtafU and Letters of Credit ftsnerf AvalUbU ta All parts or tne worm,. Collection a Specialty. SZOTKITT SAVrVOS TRUST 00BTFABT. $88 XarrUea St., Pertlaad, Or. foumarts a Oe serai Baaklag Baamssa. SAVXR0S DEPARTMENT. Intereat aAUowed oa Time and Saving Deposits. 'Acts ss Trastee for Estates. Drafts aad Lettera of Credit Available U A3 Parts of tha World. a F. ADAMS ...Preeident L. A. LEWIS Flrat Vlca-President A. L.' MILLS .....Second Vlca-Praaldent R. O. JUBITE .......Secretary GEO. F. BI 8SBLA,.......AsaUtt Secretary MORRIS BB0S. 18$ Ffrat St., rertUad, Or. . Offer Ollt-Edge loveatmenta la Municipal aad Railroad Bnada. Writ r Call. JEK CONTINENTAL COMPART. Financial Agstrta. 343 Sttrk at. Phoa Mala 187$. MORTQAQB LOAN 8 0a Pertlaad Baal Katate at Lowest Rstsa. Tit! Iasured. A bet recta Furniahad. TITLE OUARANTEE TRUST CO. ' 848 Waablngtoa St.. Car. Seoead. $1.0031.00 Turlclsh Bath tba auBbt, an for H. King's Baths atovwath and Wa . lncton Its. . rinB aad lartast Btttba IB thO SltS-. ' , ATTEBTI0V1 . TAX CORTLAND. Th Baton taking air at te, tb eecult wonder ef two enntmeete. Hevea yaara of eoatlaa work ba Fort land and a citentag of thorn Marie place a aiaa la a pnetttoa that an 70s erittrtaia caa dlaturb. Readlneo redaced thU week. Call today helng that ad. . .$8.88 Lira REASIB0 $1.88. Ara yoo In dott about an rnveetmewtf Rave yoa a omntpjt' troebta? Are yoo et to t . a Joeew-. t foe eoew y. . e end I 1 eeee fc r M,, , Ingiua ..,( t L wl. -VbJ tV-Trains to the Es Tbroagb Pullmaa etasdard sad heart vl atsew fng-cer dally to Oaxaba. Chlcsae, Spaksast perl.t ila.pln-cera dally to Rsnsss Cltyt - rejmas eerei eievping asaa v I ally oadocted) weekly ta Chleeg. Reaata UMOM DEPOT. Leevea.' Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. 8-TS..BV 8:ZlB,m. P tba gjyvi, Bat- Dally. Dally. 8POKANB FLTBR. . .- '.' For Eaat era Waahleg- 1 tea. Walla Walla. Lew- 8:18 a. ah. $:88a,aV ratoa, Coeeg 4' Alee Daily. Dally. ' aad OraaS Bwtaora x . aetata, '. . ".,, ATLAHTIC EXPRESS 8:15 a, aa. t:18 a. V 1 Far tha East ta Baat- Dally. . Dally. lagtaa. - ' OebaabU Blear BtewAsa. $OR ASTORIA aad wayl Siht a, at, I Pflet, eoasectlng wit Dally. Abort tar. for Itwaea aad ex. Snaday. 3:08 p. ax, .7 etmr. B4 Satarday. ex. Saaoajv, Bale. Aea-et. oct. . llO OO p. m. Tsaahfll Blear Bawta. FOB DATTON. Oregee I . City aad Tamblll rlverj f :88 a. av f-SSa.Bn, Mat, atmra. Bath aad Dally. Dally. ". dee, ea. Buaday. ax. awaday. (Water paewdttrag.1 a..w. st-. Boat. FOB LEWI8T0W.-I4a.. 8:40 a. m.,1 4:00 p. a, ad way pelata tram " npa ar. Moaday RlparU, Waah.. atmra, rival Trtla Wednosdaf Spokane aad LewUtea. No. 4, Sun Saturday Taee, Thnr.l TICKET OFFICE. Jbh-d and Waaaiagtoa, Tea. . C. W. TINOER,,C A, ta CRAI0, Csasrsl Pa Itinger, City Ticket Anat, sgeeu :. EAST SOUTH VMIOR DBPwT. 0VBRLARD REPRESS. Train, for SaWax, Ross burg. AihUBd. Secra mento, Ogdea. laa Fraar cteeo. Stork toa, Loa Aa gales. El Psee. New Or. $:. as, ilflh av avana ana tae Keel. Moraina trals ci aorta t WorjeTbnra dally eicept Saaday S:$0a.ta. with ' trals far Ms. Anevl, 8 Heart a. ?rowavUU. S 8 r t a g 114, Wendiiag aad Natroa? Buane aaaatngar eoa- 8:8$ p. aa. $.-00 p. at. 7:80 a. ". 4:80 a. m. Becta at Wood burn with 10:3$ l.av. Mt. Angel aad Bile toa loeal. Corvalll pe seen see Bherldaa paaaangev Foraat Grove paaeengt 8 80 p. av. 8:38 a. ex. 111:80 p. tav. jl0:4Sn.i rwji ........ IIDally exrept Sunday. " ' tastlaaA-Oawag Suburbs SerrW and TamklD IMvlataB, " " Depot foot f J.ffweea etreet. ' " ' Leeve Portland dally for Oewego 7:88 8. t 13:80, 3:08. 4:00. 8:80. 8:SB; T.48: 10:M; 11:SS p. tn. Dally (except Sunday). 8:30, 3:80, 8:88, 10:35 a. m. Sunday only, 3:00 a. m. , BetaralBg from Oewego. errtve Portland datW $:80 a. ax." 1:88, 8:06. 4:88. $:38. T:8. 8:8$. 11:10 m., 12 88 a. m. lUily (except Saaday). 8:38. 7:38, 8:80, lli4$ a. ax. Saaday aaly. 1000 a. m. . . " Lesves from seme depot for Dalto ret. mediate points dally 3 00 p. aa. Ante rert- h.,0SdrlecKMo.-ath Motr ttaa eperatee dally t Monmouth ad Ah-Ma. eoo Bectlng with Son there Pari 8 anmpaay'a track at Dellaa aad ladVpeaAeae. . Ftrat-cUas fare from Portland I ta Seers "weets. aad Sea Frsncleea $30. r-rth $: woxad-l fare $18. second -laaa berths P -mmm, Tickets ta Eastern polar sed repel asm lasen, China, ponolala and AaetraU. aim rieke OrSc .eeener Third aad ea wT Sr-rB"" AV "L CBAlf. City Tlemot aaaax, w. TIME CARD 5 tv .;v Or ' ''Vy; TRAINS ' Portlondt " DAILT. UNION DEPOT. Depart Arrive. TrUowston Prk-Iaa- mmm. C.. Jlf. LooU SP- .1 rhehalU. Cen tra Ma. OlympU. Orsye $:$0a. av 3-08 p. m 4:30 a, m. 4:38 8.1 Harbor. Btata tiewa. - am. SeattU. SpokaM. Lewlaton. BatU. Blll- i.m Dene. Omaha. Kna City. St. LoaU nd eeutheeat. ' North Coast LI ml ted. electric lighted, for 14 T-SO a. m. coma, Beattw. Bnoaane. Butt, MlnneapolU, St Paul aad tb Eaat. Paget Souad Limited, for Cbeball. Cn trail. Tacoma . aad Saaul only. Twin City Eieraaa. for to SI p. 1 Taeonxa, Beettl. Spe-I bbo. neiena. Butt.. Vrllewatone Thrh. Mln- 11:48 . av 3 :84 p. SV. . . : . (' ... aeapolU. $1. pal aad in aevx. A. D. CHARLTON. Aaentaat Oeneral Paaeeager Agea. , 338 Morrlaoa at., ee. third. PortUad. Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia :.y. River Railroad Co. b & Leeve. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. . ... 8-08 8. 'am. For Vsygsra. Rstnter. 1148 a. av Dally. Clatakaala. Weatport. Dally. .. CI I ft o. Aatorla. War- ... ," ' rentoa, FUI.. Dtw . . axead. Fart Stsv.a. ... Geerhart Park. Sessiaa, ' '... AatarU sad dee burs. ... r; . . i Expceea dairy.' : 8 80 p. av Tr8 a. av Daily. IIDally. , .Maria altera, ! , " . J. 0, MA tO, , 8). . aad P. A.. Asf eta. Or. C A. STEWART. Commercial Agael. 88 aw aw. . ALASKA PAST AND FOPH.AR STBAMSBIPB fc Leaea SeattU $ a. 8b . TtTFtSSOB," Ca B, M. "DOLT si A," OCxussA 18, St. CALL1M0 AT KTCTiKA,. ' CNBAi;, T ftiTnTs, 8AfJWAT. 1Co----'a , P. A T. ryer Is Aa, - -Noeae, ot. FOR ALL SOr-- Csfl a 4 ' e -v.. ' 1 f71 .