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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
v .;ir' r I ... , - . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. VSDNSSDAY EVENirrO, OCTOSr 13, 1SC5, It nip at ta MtofflM f Fort ta ad. OregeB. for Ireuaportatlaa through the amiss aa sssund hatat single eoptea: For sa 8, 18 ar IS m paper. ocDt; w in m m a ; to ! 8 eest. t r . , .y editorial Room... HwUhm OIlee.... Mala SM r0tXX8 JJTnRfI9 KEnZtXVTATITK. Yreeland-Beujamtn Special Advvrtlelng Agency, , 140 tiitiu ttrwt, lsw XorkJ Trtbaae Bulb. las, Chicago. . y - ' y: r. v . ' avawumeii um r.;C '" ' ' ; , . . : J Terms by Carrlat. - , '''. Tb T.r1y Journal, wllk Buaday. I year. ..$788 Tba Dally Journal. 1 year - 00 ' Tba Dully Joamel. with Sunday, most be. 8.7S ' Tba Hally Journal, months. ............. J Tba Dally Joarnal. with Sunday. ssortha. 1 Tba Dally Journal.' aionths. 1JO Tba t)ally Journal with Sunday, 1 month.. .83 Tba Dally, par week, deUvered. Sunday la cladad . '. The Dally, paa waak. oWlvered. Sunday M eepted ... M , r Tama ay BUB. . -- Tba Dally Journal, with Baadsy. t year. . .8T J TTia Dally JournaL 1 year , 5 J2 Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday. noatha. 8 73 Tba Dally JournaL montbe J. Tba Deify Joarnal. with Sunday. Basatha. 1.30 Tba Dally JoaraaL months. -2? Tba Dally Journal, with Snnday. I ssoatb... .J3 Tba Ssnaiy Joaraal, I year:.........;.... BOO The Sunday Jon-aal. 8 month.... 00 -- Tba Bssnl-Waekly JsarnsJ. The Seoil.tVeerlv Journal. a It payoa oaf lnv Ul-.i mtd. fall narkat ra - port, 1 yar.. ..... . ftrmlttaaera at;d ba mada by dr. ft a. wa. notra. nprnl ardm aad aaiall amoaata ara aoorptabla la I aad S ar-nt poatmra attaapa. . ,t . thk jonajx. P. I). Boa 1. Portland. Orowtt. vkzu yam jottmal mat Tomro. Tba Joaraal aa ha foand' aa Mia at tba rnllnarlna plarra: . BOWS. IDAHOH. Sallar Co. J W. . Ho Intyra. ' CniCAGO Paatofflea .Rawa coaapaByi m Daar- DRNT-EB. COrXJBADO I. Black. Kltaaatk Cnrtla afrarlm. ; KANKAg CITY Taal Koy Hrwa emapany. -AIINNEAP0LI8 M. 1. Karaaaaib. W oata Third Hmt. .. -".j.. KEW YORK riTT--Itrraraio'a, fnloa rara. OMARA Millard Hotrl nwa at and: Mrgaalt Mutlnaary rompaay. ISO raraoaa atraat. ALT LAKH CITT Krnyoa Hotrl aawa ataad; Barrow Rroa.. 43 Wrat Breond arrart. aaath. T. tOCIS PHllp. Bnrdrr. 1 Ucaat atraat t K, T. Jrtt; n oila atwt. AN FBANrlSCO W. B. A Ml mt. Palaca HoJl twwa atitod and 10n htarkrt atrrrt: Oold j aailtb Brna.. 30 Batter atraat and Balnt . Fraaria hnW: Foatar A Oraar. Farry bolld . Inc; N. Wbratlay. awaabla arwa-aUuHt. eat- , nrr Markat and Krarnry atraata. RATTLE Knlnlrr Orand nawa ataad; W. U tibanka. Hotrl Bratth nawa afand. PQKANC. WA8HJN0T0N Joaa W. Onbaa : aV-O.. . ' - TAfOMA. WAmiN5TO Oatral Kawa ceaf panr: Hotel Taroma aawa atand. - - rcTOBIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA YletarU Book A Btatlonrry anaapaay. " WEATHER REPORT. - Tba dlalarnance yratrrday aaar Mpokan aaoTad vmthraat aad mrraad with tba Arlaana low nrraaar arra aad tar two haaa foraM-d a ainrl low m raanra ama . wblrli la bow raatral orar wratrra Colorado. Tbraa mnrrpvrnta bar ra anttrd la amrb rcatilrr waatbrr la 0rrtia, V ash In rt "n, aortbmi Idaho and wratrra Mon tana. Haln aqualla orrarrrd In woatara Orrfna aad waatara- Waahiairtoa yratarday and raia turnlnf to anow aornrrad ta aaatrra vrrajoa. aatrra Waahliurtoa and Idaho. In tba aonad roantry a nortbwrat nala praralled yaatanlay afwrnana and a maximum wind vahtrlty af 4 ml Ira waa rrporud at Brattla. Tba ralna la wratrra Orroa aad ' waatarn Wwahtnctaa wrra folluwad by rlrar wratarr and tba wlnda antiaMrd- datiiur tlx alabt. with tba rranlt that abarp (roata ocrarrad tola aaornluf la that arctiou. . - ) ' Tbnndar atorma with fcrarr ralna hara i rarrrd In tha mlddWi Mlaalaalppl aallry, aaaard hr a trouth of low prraaure aatrndlnc froia Triaa northraatward to tha treat lakra. , Tnr IndlcatkaM arrvfor rool wratbar In tbla diatrlrt ton I ah t and Tharaday with abarp tVnaU wrat of the Caarada moantalna and with trmprraturaa from 8 to Kl dra-rrra brkrw tba nwnna point la tng intwrnnwaraaion t ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. 14 Jieoraa U. Waahmftpa, 31; Nallta . Colo- ajian. 20. C'hartra U Wlntera. S2; Rlltabatk Bntaar. 31. ' Itrd O. Zlralor. Fort Blakrlry. Waahlngtoa, 4U wmmw miw. to. O. P. Maatoa. 45.' AtW May UrPharaoa, 80. ' Oarar B. Nrlaoa. Taacoaaar, , Waahlactoa. 31; Panllno Wrltaln. 22. William A. Johnaoa. 41: Joaeobloa WDaoa. 3May r. Sayta. Hood Rltar, Orrfon, 44; Klna . Weud. 4B. ' Darld W. Borhar, Bt. Johaa, OragDa. 81; Dag- aiar rrtarara. 31- . Allrt H. Hacaa. 30: Amy I. Strabhar. 88. Wrddlnc Car da. W. O. Bmlth A Co.. Waak. tnartna bine, aor. roarta ana waaninrtaa ata. BIRTHS. BCBBT -Ortohrr IT, ta Mr. and Mra. Jamaa A' PJtaby 4H1 Kaat Boraalda atraat. -a .ana. 2XRBR Octobar IT. to Ma. and Mra. 8 a pa sal A Krrr. iwt Mala atraat. a danabtar. BrrRI-OCK Octobrr 15. ta Mr. and Mra. Roll la - Kpnrfcv-k, of Ararta. OraaoB, a danahtar. N RAM Ortohrr Id. to Mr. aad Mra. C M Ingram, 1313 Macadam atraat, a aon. - CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. ATHEY Ortohrr Id. I r If no thay. 68 Byra- rnaa arieri. aipntnriia DEATHS. rONLKY Octobrr 14, Jamaa Coolry. a trad an - yaara. at Hoaw tat tha Aired; eanaa, earabral hrtnorrbaca. Bnrlal at Mt. . Calvary eama- fary. ' -' . HftLIXSKf Ortohrr Id. John Bollnakl, agrd 4 . rrara. ar om rronir a noma: caaaa. aaalllty, Burial at MrMlnnrlllr Orrma. WKI8EN8KE (trtonar 14. 'Anfiuita ' Wrlara ara. amra oi yaara, ttzh Mlaalaalppl arrnua pnrnroonia. iTamatormm. ,.V: , KITIETIEW CTM1TM.T. , ., - Btnitla trarra fid. Family lota ("TO ta f 1.0(a)! Tha oaly rrmrtary la Portland which Bar, prtnally malntalna and rarra fnc Inta. For fall Information apply to W. B. Markrnala. War- ; rrarrr atoca. city. w. M. Ladd. prratdaat. . J. P. Ftnlay Boa. funeral dlrartara and rmnuiaiTTB, corner jnirn aao Madlaoa atraeta. Office afaoanty coronrr. Trbpbnna Mala 8, ' Panning, w crater B Glllwngb. andertakara ana rmnaunrra; atonrra m arary detail. Baranth ana t-inr, auin .3. uay aaaiatant. ' Tb Edward Holmaa radertaklng mmnanr. fanaral dlrrrtora and atnbalmera. 220 Tblrd ar. a anna mn. t fanaral wrratha aad rot Ana-era a at Bona City Grrrnhnaae. Twrnty-eeeond and r... anrea, opponio cemetery. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Sheriff to 11, M. Brtgga. lot 12. block 2. - and ofher property. June addition ...8 It. 11. Iltndee and wlfa to C. T. Brack, lota 14 and IS, block 81. Kellwood ., . C. L. Bmlth to K. A. Daly, nndlvtded U of Iota sad 7, block J I. wataon a ad- 1 dltloa .......,. 8,750 41 H. Coarad to J. Haaai, undivided "i Inlrreat Inta 18. 18 and 17, eundlveloa- . block 8; Oak Park addlttoa . ; 1 PacISc Beany A Inveatment company to ' 8. Ohler. lot 8, Mack 7. Stewart Park. 12S X II. Weattne to H. J, llM. aouth V, Vt 4. block 1, city . ... 21.000 K. Bberwoud aad wife to A. W. Dajla. . lot 3. blork 4. aabdlvlaloa to PL Judo Height 8S0 I. K. Mcntt and wife ta T. U. Farn ll, lots 8 sad 1". blork 8, Pen Inert lar artrtl- tla v -? t tkMhTaad wife to J. Klela it at. eonlh, a., e. nf M.lh an feet lota fl 111 J 1 and 12, blork 3. Fraab's sVpura ....... 8,100 r atile tm - Ktekllfe. lu 2. block i- 'osk Park addlttoa .... BOO A. William Carr and- Wife ta B. A. att.etui lot 18 tdork 18. Irvlna's liariw View 1.2TO t, Uariaraa .end wife to reeter tl.i.- 1. Lota 3 and 3. block 33. Conch add 11 Ion 80,000 at. I..' Kewm. t Oa Park Mad CBta- r .... ! m kWk I. Madeline addl. , . ' - " : . t,a ,,.. .....,.,.. i , 4 reereat Iand campaay ta L, Bergavlk,-. . lot 1. Mock 8. Kerattm ddltlo SVB FaMcr aad wife t F,t. J. Hntek- i,a leva I km a. erfcm I, viHii.o.'w .: liaatMttl sdUltlea ...... !.......... v ' '. '', ' , ' : ". .' i,a e' 1 aa a. eefc I, awouivrBiw 1.8O0 V REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.' H.' M. Adama and wlfa lo M. T. Chaar. Kxa 1 aad 8. bkKk 1. Waal aodl- Arleta iand "com'iAny' to i. Ilarrla. lota IX and IX block 3. ArlaU Park No. 3. A. Met lure to W, C. Headline, uudlrldcd . H weal 20 (rt lota I and 2 ana aaat 20 feet lota 7 and 8. block . city..,. D. W. Wakearld at al. ta M. A. Daren. port, uadlrltlrd I -18 latereat lot 8, bluck 7, city F. O. Downing and wlfa to N. U- Feter. . aon. tot IN. block 33. Llautoa 0 Mealy and kuabaad ta i. r. Blmpaon, parcel Mad lot 4, block 8, Oak Fark A Hof f awn" ta "al' VobauB.' lit ' IS. block G Porumouth Villa T. H. Faa-ortt at al. lo Wrat Coaat Laundry compnny, north 4 lota 7 and . Block 2, J. Jubu'e Hrcand addl thn . J. J. Klchardas-andwlf to A. Bcboanr, ; or 2.Woc-J0,-Han'Bborne-a Flrat ad dltou . ;"'v' J F. Falling aad wife to J. A. Lot on lit. lota 12. C. N. Ht. Johna P. 1'. Reel and wlfa ta B. Voorhlr 30 acrre acctbtn 23, towuabip. 8 north. 7 riuge 2 woat .............. . H. Morgaa and wlfr to B. Darla aad hauband. Inta 7 and 8 and fractional lota 13 and 16. block 52. Bellwood.... f. Kotto and wlfa to F. Lomtiardn. ona lor sin inn feet. Kfdno Lucca Tract. 1,800 ano to 878 1.000 8.850 1.808 750 110 8yramore H-al atata company to A. M. ' ITooka. lou iw ' aaa au, , tuora iv. arra rara 828 Hmlih and huahand to Mra. B. Darla. l, a and fi-aptlonal lot 14. bteek U. ' H.-llarmil C. W. aiillrr to J. H. H. Andoraou, lot 23. block Ariata ran no. z . W. Brow to T. Oroome, lot 20. block 0. Inrrlwaud . . 100 400 "' .. 800 8,400 1,600 W. H. King and wlfa ti C. T. Zirkrl. lot 3. hlock 19, i- Jonna awevaa IflAM . Title oarantra A Traat manpany to J. II. Bt. Baynrr,. lot i. uioca aa. "Wrat Plrdmoot ......... M. Catrblui and Buanatra to i Foatrr. aaat H krt J. and S, block 32T. llawiDnrna rara K. C. Halyrrana to E. It. Clary, lot , klnrk 293. oor a aoaitina .. Bwopa and wira to . u. oon ward, wrat H Borthraat H. arrtina in tnwaahln i aOntb. ratm a raat.. l.OnO Nadir Land company to 8. H. Cartrfjci Ma 11. 12. 13. blork 3. FatrDrld .... 158 Brottlab-Aawrlraa InTaarmant company. ; Ltd.. to- A. I. Naranaii. mi ki, owes 31. .WUlaiaatta ilrlabta addlttoa...... tl,400 n iaii InanranM and abatracts rant aataU from the Tit la Oaartataa Traat ton. any. 0 WaanlDgloa atraat. cwarr Txmi. Travelera' Checks and Letters of Credit, available for travelers through- out the jaorld, are issued by us on the most favorable terms. , ; For the convenience of those who have occasion to send money abroad. we issue drafts - payable in nearly every country, on the glober ,, Portland Trost Company ot Ore;oo J09 THIRD STREET. . Phone Main 453. v LOANS We nave ample funds to loan in any amount on improved business and residence property in Portland and vicinity at lowest rates ; ; ' TTTixa nsnni, " aVBSTaVAOTS rVBalSaTM. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. (Cornar Bacond at) , PORTLAND, ORBQON NOTICE. ' H0TICX OF BALE 07 BOaTSflJ. Notice la hereby rlvea that tb board at direct or af the Hood Hirer Irrigation Dlatrlct la Waeeo county. Oragoa, will aell tba bond of said dlatrlct la the aum af 300.000 oa Tnae. day. tha 24th day of October. 1808. at ta hoar ei to e clock a. m., at ue ernce of aald board, St tba real dene of J. H. Shoemaker ta aald dlatrlct, aad that sealed proposal -for aald bond will be recelTed by said beard at said plana for the purchase of aald Don da antil tha day aad hoar above mentioned, at which time the board shall opea the proposals sad award tba pnrchaae of the bonda to tba blgbeet bld spoeslble bidder, tha hoard reaeralng tba right to reject say and all blda. blda to be accom panied by a certified check for 10 per cent af the amount ot toe dodo tor wnica tas oia m submitted. Bald bond thai ba payable la money af tha TJnlted Ota tea. la 10 aeriee, follows, to-wit l At the iplratlon of elerea years, fir par cent of the whole ' number of aald bonda: at tha explratloa of twelve yaara, lx per cent: at IBe expiraTioa or OHnera ream, rth per waii at the explratloa -f fourteen years, eight per cent; Bt the explratloa of flfteea year, nine nee cent: at tha exotrarmu of sixteen yeara. tea par cent; at tba explratloa of eeeenteoa yeara, alerea per cent! at tha explratloa of algbteea year, tblrteaa per cent; at the explra tloa of nineteen years, flfteea par eaat: st th expiration of twenty yeara. elxteea par cant; and ah a 11 bear Interact at the rata of six per rent per annum, payable seml-annaally. aa the flrat day of January aad Julr nf each year. Tba principal aad In tercet ahall b payable at the place designated la tba boa da and bidders sre given the option of baring aald bond paya ble at Portland, la tba etate af Oregon, or In the city of New York, la the etate of Mew York, and said bond will Be taaaed la accord ance wltb the electioa of the enceeeafol bidder. Bald bond ahall be each of the denomination of not leaa than nv ana nor anore man nuu, mwtA .hen he eeeoflable la form -and eouoone. for the Internet ahall aa attached to each bond algned by tb secretary. ... .... Dated at Hood River. Oragoa. this 18th day of Beptcmbar. 1003. ww . , J. H. SHOEMAKER, i . Seeretary. PROPtALII FOR CLOTHINO AND BOFIP- AOK Depot Miiarterniaafer' office, 30 New Montgomery at., aaa rranciaco. lauraniia October 14. 1903 Sealed aronoaah In trtpll ralr. anblect to the aanal condlllona. will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., November 14. 1MIT, and then opened, for fnrnlahlng and delivering at either tne nirago, 'at. lunula. Ban Franrlaro or Heat tie denote of tb unur. termaater'a department. I'alted Statea army. 12.000 corn - brnoma and .1.000 arrnhblng brnahea. The right la rearrved ta reject or accent any or all nmnnaala or any nert there. of. Preference will ba given to article of domestic manufacture. eotHlHkme of, quality and price Onclmllng In nrtc ,of foreign pro dnrttofie or manufactneaa tlte duty t hereon ltetaa-equal. Mtandard aaniplea ran he ae,-a at. and blank for nronoeal and nill Infor , matlon will be fomlalietl aimn aim! lea lion n inia pTiice. isnveMipe ronrewrine prorteaaia to be hidoraed. "Pronoaala foF nothing and Kqnlpage. 8AT7 241A, to lie opened at 10 a clock a, m., xoveuiber J4, iwm." ' C. A. TlEVOL. v ' Depot Quarlermaater. V. 8. Army. t TIEREBY-grr not lee that t will notb renuonalhle for : say debra contracted hv mv uwlfe. Ell J, Lotigcoy, who baa left Biy had sad board. H. MiNUf'OY, , B. F. D. No. 1. Mtlwaukl. Aregoa. LOST AND FOUND. I8T alma 11 cellle sbepberd dog, on brown and enk bine eye: answer asms Knits; . rawttd. 4a sas svugsaa st. w&sw FUNERAL NOTICES. GLEAHON At rreldenra, ' 404 Kaat Aab Btreet. Octobrr 17. ltxm, Joaaph A. Uleaaon. ' aged 17 yrara. 8 moathe.- aon ot Mra. Agnee 1 tilraaoa. . rtinaral will take -flace from f reeluenoe Thuraday. October 10. at 8:48 a. - m.. thence lo Ht. Francte church, Kaat IClrrenth and Oak atraeta. at 8 a. m. In-.- trrmeut St. Marr a ceaiatary. Friend la- altcd. ' . HOOVES At Ballard. Waahlngtoa, Ortohrr Id. 100B. Thoioaa W. Hoorar, aged 71 year. 3 monlba aud 23 data, father of Mr. V. W. Batrhvllrr. Funeral will take place today, ' October 18. at 3 p. at., from F. 8. Dunning chapel, corner of Eaat Alder and Kaat BUtk atreeta. Frlrada Inrltrd. " . ; - MILLAU-lu tbla city. October IT, 1806. Re becca Millar.-aged 73 yaara. 1 month and 10 daya. Frleada and acqualntaurea ara re apecthilly Inrlled to attend tha fnnerah aerr ' tree, which will be held at Flnloy a- rhapnl - at 3:30 p. m., Tboradajr, October 1ft. Boralcca at the grare prirate. DEATH NOTICES. MANNING October 17, Mary " Vernon Man. nlng, ged .1 year, aaugnter ot air. ,.an Mra. John. Manning. HELP WANTED MALE. THERE la a fine opening for a geod aboeanaker and Baraeaa repairer in ma tow mw Bklmoa. Waak.) aone but a reliable maa need ippl, Addreaa , C Maelaaaa. WhlU Sal bob, 'Waak, MEN and bora wanted to earn $8 day. arte two montha- Inatraction: poenioa """ . Coyne Bro. Co. Plumbing School. New York. Cincinnati, v.. Nbaaiay o. , i - logna.) ' . ' WANTED Clark aad wtndow-dreeaata ta atnfly T abow-eard writing ai . aa. -"" achoolt paraoaal Inatroctloa. Apply (of par ticular. , i ; 388 PERMANENT aalarr to reliable mea In on l aide town. Americaa Seal Eatatr , Guaranty company. 12TH SereBth, room a. WANTE1 Yoting man with team on ranca. i miiee v.j'a i'-" Apply Immediately at 243 Fifth at. WANTED OfOce clerk atnat ba good Ip!"; r.ik and acenrata Bt flgure. . Addreaa B 41, car JournaL , , " ' ' ; ' ' - WASTED Young Biaa to drWe dellrery wafor.; nnertenca and refareacea. Addraa B 43, care JournaL . ' ED. SILKS WANTED. . ' Ha la a blaekamlth. CommunlcaU wttk Haneen. 3d North Becoad t. WANTED-Bnllcltor. 8 I'Vlwa-'i ar commiaaioa. uu aa w, bldg., Portland. .. WANTED Flrat-claaa alema la Portland nd etryYaig wage 2od McKay bldg. COYNE BBOS. CO.. Hew Jjk, Cincinnati 8t tw win fumleh alumbara aa hort aetlo. GOOD beachhand wanted at the PortUnd Saab Door company, wj . BARBER wanted Terminal hotel. Lower Alblna; free rent. '" HELP WANTEtf FEMALE. WABTED Womaa ot good education and plead ing addreaa to trarel and take ordera from bualneae honaea; muat be of good character: rraponelhle and remunera tire poal tpn to right party; chance to go aouth (or winter. Ad dreaa B 40, care JoaraaL ., - WANTED GlrM (or hand nd machine aew- lrL.A k.ln nreferred. I'bone Pa- elfle 478.- Bltcbl Craeaa. &54 Waahlng toa at. . ... ' TBC8TW0BTHY. energetic women ta -travel and organiae tot ian -oaiin.a. addreaa room 83, Lcwla bldg. , - ' BANBEN'B LA,")IEr AGENCY. S48U Waabtng tan at., our. Beveata. apatalrt. Phone Mala 2008. Female help waatea. -- . TOCNO ldy ras earn half tulttoa. ahorthaad or booaiaeepiBg. uniwui.u tat. 00 Sixth at. nnnn elrl cooking . and Boueeworx; amau famuy; gooo wgca. w mmm -Eaat Tenth. ' POBTLAND Sewmg School, girl doewn eewklg while lea ruing. iun ai "- LADIES' skirt end Jacket-mate 348 H Mor- rleon at. ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THB demand for competent bookkeepers sad staaograpaera ta graaiar uaa u .unur . Auguat 1. 1804. to Augnat 1. 1803. w placed 207 la good poalrlons; bid calls tor mors tha a 300; oor graduates ara ALL employed) we Will assist yoa to a poalttoa when competent! enroll now: day or nlgbU, . Behuke-Walkar Buelneae College, Sixth aad Morrlaoa ata. WANTED Lady or gentleman to travel for a houaa of 8200.000 capital; aalary 318 to 821 a week ana an expenaee, para wav. ae drees, with stamp, O. W. Kallogg. general delivery. WANTED Lady ar gentleman tor a ealarled i positioa; salary to u w per u- oraaa witn atamp, a "'"a nabw. O. W. Kellogg, generaa aeiivery WANTED At once, a bright, aaenerle, pre. seaUbla maa or woman, a good talker, ta take ap aa attractive propoaiuoa. iBqaira 783 Chamber of Commerce. B . m. WANTED Imtned lately, 8 mea or wo mea ta do caavaaetng. vu ap aaai aai. nvw HELP wBted and applied, aula or female. B. O. DBAKS. JUO waaningioa at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. married maa. 85 yeara of age, IS years' ax parlance aa manager, oooaaeepw, an aa aaleamaa la general march aodlee; peat rer A 4. care journal. a noon evnrrleneea lanltor wsnta greaay poeltlao. Apply to eame iraamw aor inn raroeuter: guaranteed aallafactloa. : Addrw B 40, care Journal. A MAN experienced In tha general mercbandlM bualBeaa wlshea to tak charge of a a tore In tbe country; reference. Addreaa B 80, care Joaraal. EIPEBIBNCED office man deetres poslttoa ss bookkeeper, reamer or crenumanf eingie; rei tt a?, care or journal. WANTED Work of any kind; a good maa abont markat. grocery ar general anercBSBaise. Aa. dress 43. rare journal. POSITION la grocery or general merebandla tore; young maa with experience. B 44, car JoaraaL RELIABLE Oermaa man want hon arc leaning ar gardea work By tne oay. rnone sisib iuio. PACKER (wholeesl grocer vl apea for position blaheat reference. B 88. cr JournaL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE rTPrntrNCEir. young Isdy 'wlahea poaltlna. offic work ar cannier; atwaaa gooa uermaa or English. Pbona Black 1V7S. YOCNfl Hollander - wants pnsltlna la atora or wholeaale Bouae; nest rctrrrnre. aqni B 47, care JournaL A TOI'TTI wishes a poaltloa la a drug store where ha rsn leara Diiaiueaa, aaureaa at. 81, vara Journal. - IRHK ROOM or Boaltlon wanted by Btenoeranher mall aalary areeptfu to oegin. aaareaa a 80. rare Journal. BY- young lady, as stenographer, to work la sfteranona only. . Addreaa B 62. JoaraaL ' YOI'NO lady wlahcs cbsnce to leara photography or Jnat teweiching. B 38. care JournaL Bvary aaocasa damanda of balnf antdoaa. The blggeet atora la any line la Portland has not yat arrtved. it la pa tba wax it Busy , ba hsre tbla tlma aaat ysar. It la almost entirely a. matter of adgertlalaff and Tba Joaraal la aa Import f aotor la that Una. ewpex "f I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANiK.N'8 EMPLOTMENT OFFICE. FOB MGN. I M. Bacoad at Phone Mala 1888. JAPANESE CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OFFI0B, Henry Tabara. 807 alrerett at. Paoaa Pa cific 340. . PACIFIC Coaat Emp. Co. Bailable employment ageota 12t N. 2d at. - Fhoaa Mala eSTU. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor rootrae. tora; help free to employer. li& Morrlava. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. 311 Morrlaoa- at.; aunpllea mea foe all kind af work. , THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., 808i Mnrrtaon at.- ftione raririe a-. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Ageata ta Bell ' "Sermon by tha Derll"; the faatrat-eelllng book oa tb markat; 4ft per cent cnmmlaaiooi aatOt tree. W. R. Taylor 4k Co., labbe bldg., Portland. AGENTS wanted to .Ball nnraery tock; new and- complete oumt rarnianea tree; -aaaa weekly. Capital City : hungry company, Bah?m. Oregon. - - t i - . WANTED REAL ESTATE. ; WANTED Hon a aad lot. either aa aaat at waat aids, tit rlaer; will pay eaah If price 1 right; agenta need not aaawar. Addreaa . D 84, care JoaraaL j WANTED In upper Penlnaular, acreage (ape elal), tainroacd and unlwpnrred M-operty4 hare buyer. Call Bt braach uXSce, Wlllanett atalloa. ' WANTED 14 block aaltable (or afflca build ing, central location ; alao warehooee alta. Forbaa A Uoady, broker, 218 Fenian bldg. LIST your property wltk n. Oar motto: Quick aalea. abort pmflu. - Boyal kal bUU company. 107 Flrat at-t room 7H- I WANT to buy a (ana. H. Bmlth, noatofflo box 1017. WANTED TO RENT. W WE want dealrabla boo aaa aad (lata, all parta of tba city; bare high elaaa cllcnta waiting; - raata collected, property eared for. THB CONTINENTAL, COMPANY. 248 Stark St.. Fhoaa Mala 1874. WANTED To rent farm,- 18 or 20 acraa, near city; boaaa and barn. M. O. Morgaa. 8T0 Mllwaukte St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE tb Lewis aad Clark fair at home; send 40e la atampa (or handeoma photo book, nearly 200 -hotoa of fair. THsStk Incbea, Waatara Flew Book Co., Portland.. Box 2B4, PAINTING, apraylng aad whlteweeblBg treaa. oaaaaaenta, oarna, aoeae, etc.; largeet gaaollna apraylag outfit aa tha coast. M. O., Morgaa A Co., S70 MllwankU at. Phoaa Eaat 2dl7. ORCHESTRA. 8 plena, waata engagement eeeaings, auadaya; mnale tor all eccaetona rery reaaonabla. . dd LucraUa at. TaL Mala 8B08. HIGHEST eaah price paid for bottles aad Junk ot arery aaarripiioB. i-on la no ttottie anppiy Co., 891 North Eighteenth. Phoaa Mala 22X8. WANTED Household, bottl or reitaarant furnl- rnra in large or amall quantities, at once; hlgheat eaah price paid. Call ap Mala 804. BOOKS bought, aold aad exchanged at tha u doob a lore, xo latnniu at. WANTED A boree to work (or keep; (lrat-claa mww. jtuumi wm anmi at. F. 8. BYDRB. prlater. Baoond aad Wublagtc vie. . rww aaain oooo. - WANTED To buy good heavy team at once. rnone a roni auao. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN CO. 7 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL. PALMER. - Corner of Alder and Park. A few choice rooms la this well-knowa bouse csa now be eerured at reaaonabla ratea. Tbla hotel la Steam heated and electric lighted and It Is down town It Is centraL Free porcelain bath, hot and cold water. Onlv a few room lart la mi aasirame nouae. Boo Alder St. THB KING 80S Jefferaoa at., aew building. handsomely rurnlabed, wltb every moden convenience: all out a Ida noma, with heat. gaa or -electric Mghta, porcelain hatha; ratea 80e, 75c and fl; special ratea by tba week at monia. TBI HAMANN. 188 N. 18th., cor. Hort Newly .wHwurw , uuu., f,.uv u , pmimien locacioa, 1ft minutes' walk to fair groandaj Morrlaoa ear at anion aepot airact te hooaa. Phoaa 8470. KING'S HEIGHTS Desirable aelrhhnrluwwt near nr. neien a neu; nicety rurnlahed room for ana or two, with private family; parma- . im Mais at. . aLABQTJAM HOCSB. Mfttt eta Booms aa aalta ar single; noueexaeping room; gas stovas. nu, irwir uaaia, iranaiaaia BOIICJtad. FTJBNIBHED rooms, single or an suits, 13 per wwim wi wi nutei rairmount. Twenty, sixth aad Cpahar and Vaugba ata. ' FOR BENT tJirg homellks room ulUble fof iwa gentlemen in private family; beat, bath, Be eou iiuuoa. uoi oeimoni at. THB ALDER, 438 Alder.. Bleely furnished ymt iu.uru, or u-naiCBt, QUlSt, COB' ven lent, central location. HOW, If yoa ara looking (or a nicely furathed . nnm, not tar irom in roniana hotel, call aouay at ao ocventn BT. FBONT parlor for (eatlemaa of raflnement whs wianaa room near oa easier at city. 08! avervia u KLXOANTLY fnrnlahed room for one or two gentlemen; private rsmiiy; seat, bath, gaa THB OLADSTONB B1SH Sevier St.. furahibed room a; BBoar aew auuugsmsat; prleaa re. aoDaoio. . CHEAPEST and best located rooms la Portland. BA weea ana up. uumaa, virax aaa AMer at. TbSj Henderaon, SSI 14 Alder Elegantly furnished . mom a lor permanent ana traneient room-ra. FCBNIHHED room for rent very reasonable. csu union av., near Kaat Aaa at. NICELY furnished rooms (or " rent; rate reaaonabla. call at 811 renders. THB GRAND, 484 I. Third Bt. I ssea. f 1.00 per week aad ap. MODERN cnay rootna, permanent, walking dls. - tsnca. ana saorriaon at. NICELY rurnlahed front room ta prlvat family at 113 Be ven in St. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING SNAP 8 nicely fnrnlahed room, flrat Boor, bath, patent court, pnono, range connected t block Bnnnvalde car, alee neighborhood ; 320 month. Including water, phone, to couple without children. , 184 Eat Twenty-third St. J'bone Eaat 1H40, FOB BENT Furnished housekeeping moms la best briesi moc oa ess woe; gas ranges, bath, ate.l Do transients: prtcea asodarata. Log a tlk.. 10814 Union v., corner East . Alder. Pkona Lnioa a; iinrHKRCEPlNS-BOOMB. furnlahtd or - an- fiirnlaheil. or noma with board, 203 North Twenty -eecond C Phone Mala 1S88. THB MITCHELL. Flandera and Seventh Booma, houaekeeplng ana tranaieat; eon von lent; price reaaonanie. : t 1IOCBHK EKPI NG-KOOMB Baaaonahl ( ratea, electrl light aad phoaa Included. '1V Water at. HOl'BF.KEEPINO-ROOMH far rant very reason able at 181 H I'olon are., near East Morrl- (jf'IRT Incstinn, bonsekeeplng apartment. 38 ta flK. VlCSaoa. LUirvreii aar. , Bwiy ocuii ixa. TWO cosy rooms, best, light, bath: spnroprtst 3 glrai er maa ana wire, ie. esv inira st. NICELY furnished nmiaekeeeilng and . elngla rooms; gaa, natn. pnone. xuk isira st.' 3 FL'RNIHHKD honaekeeplngronma, it as uf pnoat, 8U par awala. 8J8 SsveaUl St. . aastaee aver FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING HOI'BKKEKPI.NG-ROOMS A good selection at xae Hail. 414 riita, car. Hall. rr BVIiUrn kM.Wu,l.. e a ognlre 3u44 Kaat Morrlaoa St. HOI BEKKEPING-ROOM. for rest cheap. In- quire' oiw aisnaers. . Fl'RM8HEO kouerkeeploa-rootna. 204 H Kourternlb at. ROOMS AND HOARD. TABLE board 84 30 per weak: alas front Bult onanw ror - family or gentlemen; other room; aoodera. 223 Weal Park It. aaai Baltnoe. Fhoaa Mala. 4813. " . F1B8T-CLAM raotaa aad hoard for Derma neat BMOOle V9 AA anil 9A mmm k . ...I. . . i per weak. Ator boo an. 7U 'aad aUdlaaa eta. TaL Mala 231. FIBMT-CIJkSH room and board. 1U block aorta of Piedmont Junction, near William are. 1212 Moure, bet. Pearl and Jarrett ata. THE ILLINOIS, 1ASH Trnth La.-a and amall root ruoma wita Doara, Blcaly larnlaned, reaaoBabla. ' BOOMS wltb board for pai iraaanant taoaara. reaeoaaDte, araocuu) Sixth at. . boaaa Booking. 231 820' FOB room and board, on or . two; rafar- ance. aa saat nmta a A. . GOOD room with home cooking. 484 Bast ttrant at. rnone r,aat sain. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOB KENT Part of business efacs. ladaaV Ing use of private offlce; phoae, light, ate, 14&H Third at., room 1. . . 7 r FOR BENT Deakroom and ererrthlng fur. aianea. m. a. Jacaaoa at no., xaa wtark at. DEHK and of nee -room to rent. Inquire 203 aiocriBoa at., room xi l. OFFlriBOOMS Goodnougb bids. Apply cfteeaior. FOR RENT HOUSES. ; It. E. EDWARDS. ; . " House furnlahcr. RENTAL DKPAaTMENT. Dwslllnga nf all kinds and In all parts of tne city Hated with us. Ws ksve ths most complete directory ot vacant bouses In town, and-tf yon contemplate moving It will pay you to vtelt our rental department. Wa are sure to hsve a place J or yoa. Following Is a partial liat: . WEST BIDE.' T-roora house, bath, cobble at. ....... ..$15.00 8-roont houaa. new,' bath, gaa ........ 13.00 ft-room bouae. 4th at t IK 11 ft-room cottage, bath, gaa ............. 2O.00 8-rooin bouae, good condition ....... 20.00 T rooms, bath, gaa, Juat remodeled .... 29.00 8 rooms, bath, good condition 23.00 7 -room house, bath, gse, good condition. 20.80 -room flat, new, modern, 12th at .... 30.00 8- room bouae. aew. bath, gas,. Madison, ao.oo 8-room Bat, new, bath, gaa, close la.... 3n.o0 8-room flat, aew, bath. gaa. 12th at.... 33.00 8-room bouae. bath. gaa. Una condition. 40.00 18-room bouae, no (or boarders, roomer. 40.00 KAMT HI I IB. . , 2 rooms, bath, good con dltloa. . 8.00 8-room honee, woodlawa ,......,- 7.00 8-room bouae, new, barb 18.30 7-raom honee. bath, new .............. 13.00 8 rooma. new, bath, gas 13.00 A-room bouae, bath, good condition.... 13.00 7-room bouae. new, bath 1A.00 3-room flat, new, modrra, Russell st... lH.tsj 7 -room honse. bath, gaa 18.00 ft-room cottage, bath, gas .....a... 18.00 8 rooms, bath, gas. Taylor at ......... 20.04 5-room cot tag, bath, new 22.00 7 -room honee, bath, gas, electricity..,. 23.00 O-room house, new. modern, close In.... 8B.O0 12-room house, Bcw. modem 40.00 Note No ' Information regardtnST senses csa be given over pbona. : IL 'E. EDW4.BDS.- Houeefnrnlsner. 18ft to 181 First at A COMFORTABLE n-rootn furBlahad cottage In Bunnvalde at 9 per month. GBrNDY-MELBATH CO. , 24854 Morrison st. ' FOB BENT Houses end flats, all parta af the city. itentai aeparanenc TH1 CONTINENTAL. COMPART, 243 Stark St. STUART station. Mount Scott ear 4 Urge rooma. watballdlnga, modern; pames witnooi children; furnltnr for ante. ; Call tha. Belle voe, Foortb aad Balssoa. . 1 . NEW 8-roota boaaa and qeartsr block, Hancock and Eaat TWenty-eixtn ata, aaTjw. . af. M, Lombard, 814 Chamber af Commerce. 14 -8 TO BY cottage. 0-rooms, mod basement. gooa eonaition mnaern, sis; sssc t nintn bet Msrkst sad Mill ata. 8-ROOM flat ass. bstb. electric light: rent 823: some furniture tor aale; central; 10-room bouse. 64 Aortb Tenth. 8-ROOM modem dwelling. 812 Oantenbetn av.: key next floor; sin. v uiism uenaoim, wo Falling bldg., city. . FOB rent, to prlvats fsmlly. a fnrnlahed bean ta fins location. inquira KB Bverett bet. 11 end I. FOB BBNT 8 new 8-mom bouse, strictly mod ern, beet car seme, swa East Mala. NEW boaaa, reasonable, aa .Kaat Tblrty-fooiff at Phoaa Eaat 4104. TO LKT 3-room flat; modem. Inquire at SftS Oak at. - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE.' FOB reculte on , "FUBNITCBB."' Wbstber to buy or Mil, ring ap Msla . POBTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. .811 First Bt FTTRNITTTBB of flat st 2A24 Beventk at. la for esle. Call stxoa aeventa at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS.- t LABOR airy unfurnished rooms la private boaae, 812, Including nam, paon sad water Phone Esst 8S:t5. FOR EENlC-FLATS. ELEGANT Be T-room flat? rttrj OKl4rm. i . nv Bus 1 KA FOR RENT FARMS. TO BENT A wheat ranch of 8,380 acres, with or, without stork; this Is a snap, hut must be taken st ones. 203 Morrison at., room 211. FOR RENT a MISCELLANEOUS. FOB BENT 100x100 Bortbesst earner af Third and Madison sts. for present occupancy (llr - ere atahlal or otherwise. Aooly to Estate of I ' D. P. Thorn paon, Mo, 7 Flrat st BUSINESS CHANCES , ... CIGAR STAND. , v STOCK AND FIXTURES . AT PUBLIC AIXTION, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20. AT 2 P. at. ON PRKMIBKH. 80414 BCBN8IDK BTREET. - Stock and fixture of old-eatabllahed cigar store: rant pa's aaiu tmoner xi. Buyer may contlnua stsnd at sow rent. BF.8T mnmlng-boua bargain la Portland 30 rooma flnely furnlahed. doing good hualneaa: owner muat leave Portland r Bell for 82.600 If takes this week: never orrrred befors for leaa than f3.B0 libersl terms, long irsse, DI B0IB A SHERWOOD, ' . - - . aoftVt -Morrison St. Boom 8. BLACKSMITH-SHOP doing good bualneae past 13 years, fall supply of tools,- ausntlty of Iron sod coal, dwaillng-bnuae. hearing fruit treea, chicken-bouse. 2 pasaenger-boata, , car . relc each 4lar. 2 minute' walk to each place: all for .i it tasen anon. Apply to Thompaoa. Foster, Kiagoseia, Washington. ma sat.R on acconst of stchassa. ale, a leas BMaey-maklng baalnea an eaat aids; . from 813 to 38 per day: price 81,400, or will uuolca: aa ageeta wastes, u oa. Tea joaraal 160 HEAD wall bred Oregon range horses for SSiei ire' witii --. m .(in "Ti'i vj . portnnlty for smsll Investment. call or L-..- ..: am ft,1rf wrie. w aw ' BUSINESS CHANCES. uratNVMB. CMlNrERM.; Stock o( hardware la a proaperoaa town, with a one trade: will exchange lata a good .city property. , - . 1 no-room hotel la a Boa town, a aaoney maker; will take a farm ss part psy. 14,. !JO , ' Whole or half Interest in a good wood ysrd lu Portland. . ' . . , . - Drug store. waU located la PortUnd, doing a good buslnem; will sxebangs (or Uu- ainroo "T" tel. all furnlahed complete aad making mover, lu a good soothera Orsgoa town; will exensugs for a rooming-house ot good property lo PortUnd. 80,000. Flrat-claaa sawmill, complete logging -camp oulflt, all modara. OP to date, Sue body of timber; might tredeMoc a (arm; a splundld 0,,NkP,lstock of groceries, well loceted la Portland; will trade for a smsll fsrm. -, 3d.(niu Nice, now, well selected stack af ' clothing and gents' furnishing goods, In a splendid, growing town; will xchang lata a stuck of hardware or groceries la Port laud or aoma good valley, tow a. 33.000 eltock of general merchandise la a good country town, .all up to date;- might trade for Improved acreage Bear Portland. 30,000 Block of general merchandise! , a Bice, clean etoek. la good valley town. Stock ot general merchandise at good conn, 'try polst, prosperous community;' iuveelmeut abnit 32.000; bualnssa csa be eulsrged; wlU . aelr -nt-aacrlflre. .... y Bflomlng house, all flrat-claaa condltloa. clearing 3280 per' month; wUI trade (or a (arm or stork ranch. 84.000 tttork of general merchandise, good country point. Nice stock af dry goods and aatlonat good steady trade, choice location. In splendid growmg town: will Invoice sbont 30.900. . , HENKLE A BAKER, . SIT Ablugtoa bldg., iwm .sirs StJ PortUad,. Or.. PARTIES wanting land or bualneae openings in sny part or Oregon. . eotneeieaae iu Flathead Indian reservation or eastern Ore gov, will do well ta call upon ma before deciding definitely; no matter what yoa want, it will pay you to cslL ..-,'.., 4 , Sod Goodnougb bldg. SPECULATORS sea aa for big barge Ine a - Hurst "witch atora nrrore awitcn goea oa road: ' regular price; our price much .lower, now can wa no it a we aave mora shares than ws csa conveniently carry and muat aacrtftce ta rales eaah. Apply 219 Commercial basrg. - WANTED . " ' i Soma good rooming. booses tor cash customers: soma aood business onenlnga for email capital; a good saloon which 8760 will . . H-. W. MILLEB, 108 Oosdnough. CANDY STORE, WELL LOCATED WITH UT. 1NO BOOM, css bs nsa at sow rent oy a dealrabla narty: location aa eaat aide oppo- alta tha Alblna school bon. Particulars, call office. BIT Commercisl Mors. A tK)OD-PAYlNO 28-room rooming-house, rinse In. on Morrison st; ass siwsys psia; in good shape; for the low price of 8TU0. Ad' dress C 40, care Journal. WANTED Party to Join me In light mann- facrurluc Dlant: s.SMi reonirea: imm.naa sales. If yoa mean bualneae call 1110 East Taylor St., or paons cssi nauu. ., .. . ; FOR BALE Fins Una nf millinery aad ladles' furnishing goods in iiv town or 1.600; ex cellent opportunity; aa compstltioa. K 43, car JoaraaL FOR BALK Half interest la bowling-alley paying 3260 per month, 3700. Dubola A liber wood, 2034 Morrison, room 8. . ESTABIJBHKD reataarant oa Fifth St., near nuujuiiiu., V rrm. ' i vao iw P UB ,ine year around. A 48. Journal. MILLINERY 8TOBE. good location, good busi ness snd a good buy. ir Interested call at 26ft Morrison at, .room. 211. WHRN Jooktng for a location, either city ar country, call oa the Northwest Land, OsM taft aeerillDiirr im.k.m e i v. . Lattla, Hotel Falrmount, Twenty-sixth and tpanur.ets. , . FOB BALE Lunchroom and dellcateeaen. cbesp soon rocsQua; paiiiea iseving city, aouvfe jeriersoa. ,w 8,000 SHARES Boston -Oolors do Copper at a . sscrlflcs; worth par; Investigate. B 48, ear Journal 8260 BCY8 goo I raomtng-hoase of 10 well lease. . 146)4 First St.. Call wcatea raoms; room 0. F1NB oonortunltr la established baatnssn: seip aaa capital. - aaaress u a, ear JoaraaL FOB SALE Brick hotel, 08 rooms, good fursA. tare, spuadid lesaei in rortiaao. 4a, Ji WANTED 8 to 29 acrea of land ta grub ootalde of elty llmlta. Bos 33, oawego, Oregon. INVESTIGATE For a smsll amount of capi tal, large rerun, sua Mcaay siag. 180 BUYS half Interest In good-paying bust less, loith rirst si., raom TVS. 8278 BUYS restsorsnt la good hotel; food Iocs tlon. 16TH First at. room 7V4. THBEB restsBrsnts (or sale. H, H. Hlgley, poetoff lea box 47. WHO IS U. O. MOBOAlt A CO. I '' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SNAPS. THAT WILL BOLL CP WONDBBFL'L 34.200 Grand colonial a-room residence on Esst Kieventa St., waning oistsnce auemeaa ces ter; It'a a piece yoa rso't dupllrsts sny' where in the city for less than 0,000; eaa terme. $2,000 For a aloe place oa Mill st, west side. iu room. . .ft J iwuwww r-m , b , win i J ymvm. nca sou, ail tenceo auq m cultivation, gooa buiiainaa. atocs ana reea. $2.000 ft-acrc pUca 1 mile eaat of and Mount la nor canine, is nrrea jaaraoau atrawner- rlae; aoma other berries. This U ths plars .mi Want . - $60 A besotlfnl high and sightly 80x80 lot on Corbett at., Boath Portland. $700 e-acre place la task drove; Jnat tha plsca ror pouirrv or garuen.- X THB DUNN-LA WRBNCB 0O. ,1404 Flrat st . .-. ACBB TBACT8I - '. . otrm srsciALTT is acbi tbactsi Fall-slBsd stresta. water to ssch acre, TERMS $10 FEB APBB CASH $10 FXB ACBB PEB MONTH. Tea go to thee sere aa tbe same car psy tbs Sams Se (sre tbe lot men pays. Ths lot - msa U your askthbor. bat bs M strieted la majority of foatares that auks 3 tree suburb a Boms. , . , " A. C. CHURCHILL A CO, .: ' ., . 118 Second at. . : , ... DON'T psy any mora high rent, but bay ana of tneee Bouses Kew 8-room modern bouae. halt close ta. pantry, bsth. hot snd cold water, piped for ass. crmgnt Basement, isrgs tot ooxiuo xeet, , 8 blocks csrllne. 81.200: terms. Kew 8-room modern cottage, walking distance, -esst side, cement , baaeroent. gaa. bath. pantry, eloaeta, etc,, nlc lawa, lot NixliiO feet; a beautiful home for , oaly 12,260 v ter ma; inia ta a nargais. New modern 8-room 'cottage, Hawthorns ava.t closets, bath, psntry, Isrgs porches, wood , shed, etc.; $1,300. $200 down,' $18 per month, sams ss rent. OREGON ASSOCIATED EX0HANOB. - . 10614 Fourth St., Room 88. - CHOICE ACRBAGB FOR SALE . 7 acres. 300 feet electric rsr line, all fence,! seres cleared snd cultivated, balance easily cleared; No, 1 o1L an rock or -gravel; ' 8ft minutes to beert nf clly; ehnlrrat acre age to be had near i-ertianu; a rara bsrgsui rsilv .-$00031 terms. - ORECION AMi'tM'tATED FXCMAKOB. 10.114 Fourth st.i room 88, - Probably not mora thaa' a ' law hundred readera of Tba Journal will read yonr "ftirniabad rooms for raat" advertisement, bat of this anmber nlaety-nlna oat of aah oaa haadrad wlU hm folks who ara looking- fog famished rooma. Thla la tha real aecret of tha rasnita front "waak" a4 . Tartlalaf. ' y . : . - . ii JOURNAL : "Want Ad "Rates UNDER Any classification ) , Five Cents per line No sd takes for lees thaa 13s per day. Sevea Words, as a rals, eoaatltute a Baa, bat sacb Ilea la charged regardless af tba aumher ot words. WZEKIT BATE T tnaarHons (laaradtnt aaa Sunday leaae) 88 CLAT8 pet Use mShtRlV BATE ' (moladtag all sVsadsy uuraaa) 81.M per Una pat sseata. . ADYIBTTBrMTBTS mast he la fssnaul BasUsea efdoa by 1$ a'eleek wash days aad by 10 e'!oeh Seta -day even lag fel tha Saaaay bmbs, ta sssur slsssltaatioa, DUpUy ratea ' givaa ' apea apfllostsai at - : tba afSaav . . , - THE JOURNAly BRANCH OFFICES ; Win be rcoalsod at regnlsr sastn-ofOo rates. Following Is a list af autborised geata, who will forward year advartlss. mens . la ubm tar pabucaooa la u aaa stOBTK SniB. B. A. Preetan. druggist. ' Twsaty-tblr aad Tburmsa streets. Nob Hill Pharmacy. 888 Otstsa street, enraer Twenty-flrat. A. W. Allen, pharmacist, Stxteeeth aa Marshall streets. ' . McCotnmon'a Pli arms ay, Blnstaeatb aad Wsshlagtaia atresta. ., V MQTaT SIDE, '. ' B. F. Jones A Gov, droggiats. Front and Olbbs streets. . . Oottal Drug aampaay. First aa4 Qraat Streets. FsbUa Byerley, daggUt. 408 JeHerssa street, earaer Tenth. - Bettmaa's Pharmacy, eoraer SUtb aad Barrlana streets. Ptommer Drug aompaay, MO Tblxt etraet, earaer MadUoa? ' - - .BAST SIDX. ' 'W. 8. Leva, druggist, corns Onnd svaa aad East Burn aide street. Nichols' Tbompsoa. 128 Bssssll street. Corner Alblna avenue. Jsncke Drug company, eorasr Hawtaarse aad Oraad seeBnaa. - W. O. Cable, druggist, eorasr HoUadsy s venae and Lam baa s treat. Best .. steal bridge. K. A. Wtlsoa, 1$$ Oraad svenas. Beat Est Morrienn. . - . B. W. Ball. 388 East Sevsstb . atraat cor see Stephens. . . . wvriwT.sam F. 1 Clark, druggist, 100$ North TJataa SUVBYSIDZ. ' rtb, pharmacist. 888 Blmeal . BK00XXTH. , ' ' ' Brooklyn Pbsrntscy aompaay, Powsll aad MllwaakjA streets. - -.. . ABXETA OBIOOxT, Arista Pharmacy, afore aad Foster streets. ' . SXLLWOOD. , Remetorkv's Pharmacy. 848 C instills sva aaa, corner. Esst Thirteenth street. ... -FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINE 4 -room house, Snnnyslde. well located. lot ooxnio, electric light, su moaern. fi.ouu; belt eaah. . . , ,. 6-room bouse. Twenty-eighth at., flne lot, aomefrnlt. Sua lirk-k baaement. $1,230; 82Heksh. balance $12.30 per mouth. Good -rooaa house. .Thirty -first St.. lot 50x100 feet, good cellar. $1,030; half cash. lo seres on Powell Vslley mad. 8 miles Portland, to trade for a good lot. - Fine BO-scre fsrm Bear Portland te trade for bouse snd lot... 06-arre farm, well Improved, wltb stork aaa crop, to , trade for Portland property. CHABLEKON A NKttX, 81$ Allaky bldg. Vboae. West 381. s'XW- -eaoaerB .A-renat aoass,' Urge comer nt. full baeeuient, 1 ant quite com pie tea, lor (.', one bait eaah. New modern S room cottare. picket fence, wood aTliier plaaler, porcelain bathtub and toilet, all for $1,000. aaay term. New modem a-room house, full base meat, bsth and toilet, shsde trees; picket feuee. fur $1,300, easy terms. Bee the owner. Joe Naeh. In the white bouse at Nsshvllle addlttoa, aa the Mt. Scott ear line. 2 PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS IN CITY 2 lota. 4 new Bouaee renting tor fw seen per month, esst side. $8,000. 2 lots, 4 houses, west aide; will rent for $00 per month. $0,000; $1.6O0 cssh. We would sell sny ona of tha eaet Bide ' bouses snd a number of others oa essy la atallmenta. OBCNDT MELBATH C0MPAST, - - 346S Morrisoa St. . r. $1,200 BI'YB 3 choice lots an Portland Heights aear tne onaervatory; inia in a grrai rin. r $3,000 New modern 8-room bouae and corner lot,- nicely graded, cement eldewalks. fin view, oa west ride), sny ana w tolling a home CBBBOt do better. COMPTON OIBSON, ' Pbona Bed 2M03.. 100 Ablngton bids. NEARLY 8 acres.' 8V4 miles from center of city. sll in cultivation; gooa nonae. , anre own, ehlckes-bouaea. Iota of fruit, good water, ca flneet road Oregon. 1 mile from electric' line; price $2,400; very easy terme. It y.nt . are from "Missouri" I will show yoa: If from sny ether a rale, will sail yon. if yoa aea it. T 88. care Journal, , - WANTED Oct In line It yoa are Interested la wheat land and go with us sua see 11. thee get our prices sod terms snd la a few years you will own a good wheat ranch. For further Information call on or sddrcs NORTHWEST LAND COMPANY, 888 Morrisoa St. Room Sll. PortUnd. Oregon. NEW 4 -room bouse on street tsr line, wlthta one block or stars, nssery, ""Zr '.'i church snd nesr good grsded schooLvJOxinO lot In gsrdea aad berries; worth $2"0 wllhont Improvsments: sll for $400, Home , Laud -company, 140V4 Flrat st. . FOB SALE A modern T-mom lenuae. ' wstklng dlatance, west sine, ai.ouu. . S -rooms each. Orent st. : Jnronie $40 vt month; $8,730. PortUnd Real Brtste Co.. 206V4 Morrison St. Phons Psclflc 239. NEW modern T-room reaidenc on-Mt. Bcort ear line, 20 mmuirs no irora riira, 88x100. tine lswn and fruit trees, for $1,730, st your own terms, or msy trsds for lsnd. Address 0 48, cars JoornsL , I HAVE 8 acres very fma Boll: new booee, coat S-r olcsrTrighrji-o: w: P. suctri line; 10c rsr fsrs: price $1,800; , eaa glre terme. T 88. care JoornsL . mw BALK TBilOO-foot lot on Eaat Seventeenth d TCicb! will sell for $1,230 If Sold In aext fear dsys: f7ees esst; wsll worth $1,400; will ieU pert of lot l( desired. Address K 4$. JoornsL A MODERN 7-room bones aa. Thlrty-eecond snd Division, only $2,230; csa 8ve very ea.y "rmil bouse hss beeo built t month. Ad. drtss 00. BAlJt Modsrn 8-room bouse, furnished nnfurnUhed. snd Isrgs lot. does la oa 2 Inquire owner, lot Sixth St., PortUnd Trunk company. MVW' fVl-aWtsl D"88By. W83l v-nivT.n lgrw .nt snd finer snd wslks, furnace, sll "..."""-teeo. In Onner Alblns: 82 000. compiaie, - . - Phons fnton 3813. 1 a BTORY brick building. 100x100, an Fsvt aloe- will psy , P" ent net on $30.000: , 1 $M0r7;' glvs terms. Address A' 64, care Journal. wnn ALsV-Chesp, 8 or 8 acres improved lsnd mth'Snd Knott sts., Esst Portland. Call pramlaei, W. M. Dryden, owner; Uk Irvlngcoa ra', laiaaoVED snd nnlmproved land ta Urgs or enall tracta, doae to good echooto: rail and water trsnaportatloB, W. J. Fuller too, War ren. Oregon. -.., ' ' ' LOOK at this: 8 seres, no better anil la Or. 0c fsre. nesrly sll clssr, smsll bona. only """. ' wm ' - a ov, rfourasi. . FOB BALE New 8-room bouse' every con venlence; Improved streets, good rsr arrvles, y term. 8110 Eat Mala. Dr. Darling. FOB BALE st a bargala. modsra t-room boaaa aa ' Esst Tsrtar. el we la; terms ta salt . parcbssar. Apply F 48. cars Joamal, FOB BALE Mod era ealmrbaa enttaga, el eaa to car Ilea. 8na location, ground lOOalOn, O, P. Towaatte Co.. 134 First St. $ ACRES. aille front O. W.- P. electric liner aa gvsvel snd essy t rlesr; 88R5 very sasy tcrais. Address K $7, tsra Joarnjd, T ''!:.''... 4 1