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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
Y " a ssmeesssst;i: :::::: TODAY'S MARKE ' la to p Meted Out ta Cent Jclbers for Trying to Maka a.'CsCsr; Trtflt Out of the Sugar Market, They Cxy- Ire Cheep Grc::xl2s TO JOURNAL'S DAILY ' 'TIPS TO SHIPPERS FHIE IS OlIEf! iCffi FOR .cr.rcb:i -daily r TS s VJORRV TRADE Would Punish Pacific Coast Job- bers for Trying to Make Money Out of . Market. CHICKENS ARE DOING : BETTER AT PRICE Ergs Art Firmly Held, But Supplies Are About Up to Pemaid Hope 'Weaker and Lower With Few Sales "Wheat Is Quoted Firmer. Trent Street, Oct. 18. The principal festsres ef the Portland wboleeale market today ant .Sugar baraie paateh jobber. WkMl market to flrnwr. -.- V ' t . . Slight dullneea is flow market.- ' California reamer tuff unload. ' Wrap applle eonttan keary. ' : thicken market dolus bat Mr. - ' ', Egg at kald firm at prWra,- " . ;j. ,. ; Cheea hi quoted Jnat fair, 'rmry batter lira and aachaageo. , ' -' llnpa are weaker and alower. '!. '. Ton in potato la vary firm Colon market ka good feeling. '" Car aweet potato (ma Calif orata. ;J ,t j; Soger Bareae raalak M)m ' Soger jobber et tola territory and, in (act, .tba entire FaclCIs coast, are (callus to laen . of tb sugar barons tho that aompoae the Waatera Sagar Beflnlng company. Tb Jobber are being ponlabed. for sot obeying lnatructVio from tba kick mufti la ot tba ancar company. Juat what tb troobl la eompoaad of. daalan are very reluctant in aaytng. It la generally believed, bowerer. that tba bla sugar corpora tloa doe aot rein tba Idea of any on making . money oat of tb augar boalneaa except tb j .refinery lleelf every one aw to aaadlo tba rrrxluct- Juat for the fun of being at work, a times paat It oaa been m ewtomtof wbol aale greoera at tb Pacific eoaat, aa wall aa : eteewber. to apacnlate oau ra a wall on tb angar situation. , With ttita object. In Tlew bbera ' would boy Urge qaantltle of angar wben tbey belleTed tb altuatlon Juat I fled an r ' advance, la prices and Tie reraa, tackling off ! their purchaaea as much aa poltw wba they firmly believed tb market waa -going lower, and there waa morn of a poaalblUty of. losing . - a' few coin oat of their earntnge. ' Thee ae tlena brought about very irregular ordering by tbo jobbers, and sometimes tb refiner hi were ' a nab) to keep ap wltn tb demand .when dealer believed tb market ws going . up. ' At other times there was scarcely enough or der coming from tba jobbers to .wad a small laed.gun. It la now alleged by tba trade that . tbe recent advance In toe augar market were ' -eolelr to punxek tb jobbers; ton- being prac . tlrally a raaag m tb altuatlon. of raw angar ottber oa tb AUantte .or Pacific coasts during 1 tb paat week or so. In this city stock of , augar wsM jeary small wbSri tb sd-ranc cam. , tb trade la general belleTtng that tb eltuatlua demanded, a seduction In prlcee- lnateap of aa -' adraoos.' fllnca the advance reported la Tb . Journal yeatorday a changes appear la prices. Chlckea Market Doing Bettor. There la somewhat of a firm ton to the chicken market today. Supplies are not nearly - o greet ,as a few Ura ago and tb demand Is ; showing a mail reaamptton. Prices practtcally aachauged. ' Eggs ar Oaeted firm, kr rsiHUes pre now . . Jbat aheMip twtha demand a present values. CYeamexr boMao has- ajwtoa. tgp. bot tba market cannot be aooaldered very stiff. Prlcas tbo- asm. , ' ;,'-' -.- -. The cbscsda-tarket Ms-only a fair ton. "Bup plles af cold 'atorag nroduot ar quit liberal, while tb price Joe not justify tba withdrawal of goods at this tlm. , .. ;',. ' ''-A Boas Ar Weak tmt ilowor. - ; Rnme'aale of hope nis" still reported belli made at 14 (4 14 a pound. Tbta la to .' raaeuo -for the decline In Tb Joarnar quoted ' value today.- Instead ot showing aa advance . a healthier, tons, aa was generally- believed. ' the market ia growing weaker each day. Brew- ar sod eestern dealer seem willing to buy bops, t bat tbey do not car to pay present prlosa.- A " Patato Market Is Tary rirm. t-..:- - Stock of potatoes in tbta market are coov ' paratlvely email the dsys and dsmand I quit a. good se.far.a the local call la . concerned. llggmg Is now general la tb Willamette vallov , - and better npplie may be expected during th , coming week. Outside demand nominal. Car -. ebortag, too. Onion remain very firm with anpnTlea ry s." light' and prlcas around tlia top.. Quality of .th present arrivals flrat-class. y -"' 'rap 8upplla Coatisa Hoary. " - It Is bow believed by tb trade that th nloadlnc of tbo heavy storks- of grapes from - tba- Baa rraactaca - eteamer thta mornbig will a how tba. and of the season aa far aa ablpments from that direct ko ar concerned. Local Con cord are arriving fully aa freely aa ever,, bat demaod la quite apod and prices ar being maintained. A ear ot crated aweet potatoes came In during th morning from Atwatcr, California. . Price tb asms with demand good. - .. Peach - ha vpA almost dlsspiwared from-' tba market and th few remaining atocka are held very firm at tba top vara. . . , The following quotations are paid along Front street ay tba retail trade for Vebolc I quality In round Iota. Producars' prices are a apeciftod: - - - ,. . ' wraia, Tlour and Feed. ' WII1AT New club, T3c; Bad Russian, 88c; 1.1.1... .m TKj.. eellev. TQc. mBMT Taad 7l miffMM.' MtlU iM M . tlia.OO; brewing, (23.6o433.00. COBN Whole, 3T.00 cracked, I2S.0O pat 1 ' ton. , .-. , ' BTK S1.6S par ewt. " OATS Producers' prlca Ko. t whit. 3S.M C2 (us gray, 138.00. . .... FLOIIB New, eaalera Oregon patent. S4.30 freights, $S.60e3.66; export, Aa.30O3.SII: val ley, 13.63) graham. H. 3.M; rye, sua, o.00; bales. $2.16. , . . ,. allLXSTVrrS Brsa. $18.00 ' per ton: mld dllnsa, 126.00; sborta, aeantry, 120.00) dty, w 119.00; crop.. 118.00. j . , JIAt Producers' price Timothy. Willamette .valley, fancy, ll.00j!18.00 ordinary, $7.00d v.w: eastern uregon, eie.uurujiAs.w, i. mjaea, SM.5OQ0.OO; clover, f8 0010.00; gvala. to.00U .001 cheat, a.00ji.0. . , . '. - " , ..... ..s Butter, Xgra and Foul try. '- i BUTTER City creamery, beat5 tUe aecoad grade, 30c: outside faaey, 2TH30c( ' -ordinary. 37HCJ- atore. IHtilTc. ' , KOUS No. 1 freah Oregon, candled. ZSHQVci 'cold t tore re and eastern. STQ2W. ' iCHEEMe New rull cream, twin. MHOlee; , loans America. HViCloc; Cheddar, lac. ', OAMK Jackrabblta, $3 per doa. ;', . POULTRY Chicken,. UHOISS Ml lb; .. fancy bene, ,13c per lb; rooetere, old, Hc K, per lb) frrers, per )b; broilers, 121 ' -12H per lb; ducks. It Q 15c per lb; geese, ft3 . 10 per lb) turkey. 16c per lb; dreseeO, 17 . , per lbs squab. li.o0OS.00 per doa. . , I. Hop, Wool sad Hides. - HOPK 106 Oregon. cholco,- , lSOltHe; Waahlngton, lie; luut- crop, I2e for choice ; llHt(13o fee--prlmea and medium. - WOOL luoS cllp,-valley, eoara, to medium, 4Ue2ALL..t ee.4?j,. u -. - , MOHAIR--Nomlnil, S0le. -BHEKPBKlWg ttheartng. lBQaiat eachl hort WEDNESDAY PRICES IN I THE WHEAT MARKET e - 1 " . , Dab, e Chicago ...... .MA . - May - Mlnnenpolla ... ,tl uuiutn 4..... ' UTnoo al0id6g 1044 Kanaaa rity.... .77 .. ..;.. flt. Loula .klMB" ..... New. Tork .HHa Milwaukee .... .7 - .87H Ban Francisco. 1. It ' M.llji March. Icernber barley.' , , Thar la a better feeling: In the 4 demand for fresh meats and both ' e q veal and hoga ar quoted firmer at the price by tbe Front atreet q e1iouaea. Receipt bcVe not been e ao larie during; tbe past few e daya and this hag been a won- q q derf ul help to the demand. Prrcea- 0 are at prejusnlLunqhnnRed but all, d product of good quality 'la now . wanted. : -- 4 ' ' wool, BSO-tOe arh; modlom wool, BOO "A each! loug wool, 7ocalXXI each. TALLOW Prliee, per lb, SViOae; He. S aad greaae, 3&2HC. CHITTIM BARK tH3c per lb. UIOKS Dry, No. 1, 1 lb and ap, MHO 17He per lb; dry kip. No. 1, B to 15 lbs, lc; dry calf. No. 1, andor lb. 18c; salted hides, tsers. sound. 60 lbs sad rr. 10 telle: aow. 8HtWHe: stags', and bulls, sound. dO'e; 'P. W to 80 lbs. Be; calf, sound, under 16 lbs, lie, green, unsaltrd. 1 lea; cuila, le par lb les; horeehldea. sslted, each, 1.2&l.To; dry, -each, il.00ai.60: eolt bide. 23iS0c) goat skins, commoa, each, 10ilooi Angora, sack, UcO Sl.Ou. . " FrulU and Tegetsbla. POTATOKH Uat Oregon. hSe- aackl car lota, 50700 sack: ordinary.. 004J76C; awsets, ssi-k, 2. 1&W2.2S crate. ' ONIONB New Oregon yellow Dsavara, Sl.'JB (I1.SA; car lota, fl.U0Ol.00; garlic, iQlOc per lb. ' . FBK8H rBDITS Apples, Oregon. l.OOOl-Kh fancy, 11.75; crabanpl, fl.60; orange, new aavL io.SO; late Valencia, f4.75fa5.Z5; ba aanas. Bo lb; lemons, cbolc. fft.506ia.T6 bos; fancy, fe.00 box) llmee. Mexlcaa. f 1.2ft per 100; floeapplea, 24.00 per doa; peacbe. fancy. lMxalMi ordinary, TftOOc; cantakmpe. 75c i1.00 per crate; gTapee, Oregon, 607&c; voaenrae, oe. nut; lue, auE3oe oaaaec California. TSeeil.M; pears, $l.2r31.0 per box;. Winter Nellla. 11.23 per box) pome granstea., fl.TB per box; tangerines. 1.T5. V KQBT A BLBS Turnip, new. f 1.00 Dr each; carrot. 11.00 - per sack; berta. f 1.003 I 23 per ssek; Oregon radishes. tfte per doa; eabbags. Oregon. f 1.00 . per ewt; areea pepper a. Be per lb; local tomatoe. 0O40c; parsnip, fl. 0001.28 string brass. 4cSa eaulilower.. TBcfafl.OO doa; rhubarb, per lb; horeeradlah, 10 per - lb; rtlchoks, dOO 50c per doa; besd , iettac. 60c per doa; greea onions, per doa: spinach, Sc per lb; greea corn. Toe per sack; pes. 5 Per br ncumber. TSc per sack; celery, local, BOtifTfte per doa; eggplant, fl.60 per crate; Kmpklna. me; cranberries. Cap Cod. 18 -50 per I: Con Bay and Tillamook, 27.00. -DBIEO raniTaWApplea. evaporated, TO Per lb; apricot. SH13c per lb; aaek. H per lb laaa; peaehea. i012e per lb; pea re, per lh; prnnes, Italian. BHQH Per lh rrencb. tH04Ho per lb; fga, California Mack. 52SH0 per lb; California white, per lb; plum, pitted, per lb; dates, golden, 6c per lb; -tarda, fl.60 per 16-lh boa.. wraosrisa. Huts, Etc ' ST'SAB Sack baals Cnb. - fa.80; powdered, ff.BS; fruit granulated, f5.56; dry grannlated. fft.66; Conf. A. fo.30; beet grannlated, 46; extra C. fS.06; golden O. 24.86; D yellow, f4.eS; bbl. 10c; H bbl. 26c; boxes, 00c advance oa sack basis, less 25c per ewt for cash, 19 day: maple, laOlBo per lb, HONKY 43 per crate. . COPPEE--Package brands, flS.TS. ' ; v. SALT Ooaree Half ground. 100s, per ton, table, dairy, 60s, fll.OO; 100s, 210.75: Im ported ' Liverpool. BO, f 17.00, . 100a, f 18.60; 224a. flfl.OO: extra fne, bbl. 2. 6a. 10. 24.50105 50; bulk. 220 lb. f4.00O5.00; sacks, 60s. 658c. ' SALT Coarse . Half ground. '100. per ton. ?7 00; 60s, per ton. f7.B0; Liverpool, In tup rock, 18.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. fT.OO; 100. fd.TB. (Abov price apply to sale of leaa tba a car lot. Car lots at pedal price subject to foetus tlnns. ) , GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, THc BICII Imperial Japan, Ho. 1, Set Ha. 2, Ho; New Orleans bead, 6Hc; AJaz. de; Cre el. BHc . BBANH Small whit. 23 85; large whit. 2216; pmk. f2.; bayou, fJ.8S; Umaa. f5.60; Mexican reds, -NUTS- -Peanuts. Jumbo. ,8H Pr Tb; Tlrshils, TH Pr h; roaeted. 9c; cocosnuts, 8Bet90e per doa; walprtf. 15tlBU,e per lb; pin lint. 10O12H "Per h; hickory ante. 10c per lb; cbesrnnta, eaatero. 16JIc par lh; Brssll nuta, lie -per lbr filbert. 1415c per lb: fancy pecans, 15HoMHc; slrnond. J5ttl7e per ib. Paamta, Coal . Oils, Its, . BOPB Par Malla. lac; aUndard. ' 12Ue; Sisal. lOSc! 1141 brand slasl. 4s. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, 20 He per g-al; water whit. Iron bbl. 16e par gal; woodea, 18o per fall headlight, 170-deg., caaos, 22He per gal. - , . GASOLINE Sd-deg, eases, 24 H per gal; Iron bbls. 18c per gaL BENZINE es-deg. caae, 25c per gal Iron bbl, 18H per gaL TUBPENTINE la cases. Poo per (ml; woodea bbl. 3e per gal. WBITB LE A t -Ton lots, T4e per lb; fOO-Ib lota. 8c per lb: lew Ipt. fH Pr lb. WIRE NAILS Preent bass at t2.T0. LINSEED OIL Purs raw, la f-bbl lota, B4c; 1-bhl lot. 66c; case. 0e per gal: genuln kettle boiled, csaes. 2a per gal; l-bbl lot. 66c; l-bhl lot, 6Te per gal: ground cake, car Ion. $20.00 par ton; lee than car lots. $30.00 per ton. . Meats,' Flak and Prevtalene. . -' FBE8R MEATS Front street Beef steer. BOOe per lb; block, THc Per lb; pack er. TOTH Per lb; bulls, A5c per lb; cows, 6H2e per lh; veal, extra. TH per lb; ordi nary. Te per lb; poor. 6c per lb; mutton, fancy, TOTHe per lb. HAMfl. BACOlf. ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 14 lb. 14c per lb; 14 to If lb, per lb; breakfast bacoa. lBOlBe per lb) picnic, tc per lb; regular abort clear, nn moked, 11 Pr lh; moked. 12o per lb; clear back, anemoked.- 10e per lb: smoked. II tic per lb: I'nloa butts. 10 te If lbsv aa ronkd. Be per lb: a moked. Be per lh; clear bellies.' anemoked, lie per lb; moked, 12 per lb; a boulder, n per m. LOCAL . LARD Kettle leaf. 10. 11. a aer lb: b-id tin. 1144c Del team rendered, 10. 10Ae per lb; 6a, 101 ner lb. CANNED SALMON Colombia rleer. l ib talr. fi.80; Mb talla, fXT6; fancy 1-Ib Bats, fl.PO; H -lb-fancy flata. fl.15: fancy l ib avals. f2.T6: Alaaka tell, pink, 86000; red, fl.60; nominal 2a. -taH. f2.00. FI8H Rock cod, Te per lb; flounder. Be per lb; halibut, THc per lb; crab, fl.60 per doa; atrlped bam, I3Ha per tb; catfish, .8c per lb; salmon, ellvereldee, do per lb; blaebacks, 0 per lb; herring. Be per lh; aolea, 8c per lb; ahrtmoa, 10c per lb; perch. Be per lb; black end, Tc per lb; silver smalt. To per lb; lobetere, 16c; freah mackerel. Be. Pr lb; erawnsa, 26 P0YSTEBS Shoalwater bay, per gaL 22.25; per rack. 2S.T6. . . CLAMS Hard-chell. pet box, $2.00; ' rasot clam. f2,00 per box. - , ,', . ; w ; . COTTOfi TWENTY-THREE ; TO TWENTY-SEVEN UP . ; ' . i--. Jiew fork. Oct. 18. Cottoa fatnre ld St t 27 points higher. - umcini qnotation oy uveroeca, orarr Cooke company; - One. High. Low, CVi. January 7 P6 ' 74 Bfl2tPS February M n3 BK2 fmatO Wareb 888 1012' K lonRiftIO April .,....,,.-... 10161T May .1001 1012' Ppn 101XQ1H) Oeestier ,M ptvi 648 (W21U November ........... PR4 AM - an wrrtO December ....) Bed - B84 B04 OMysS ... r ii ' ' ''' '' ' HW Orlean Cottoa. ' . New Orleans Oct. 18. Cottoa: , Spots firm and ' unchanged; middlings. B4e, , '.- Liverpool Cettea Lewtr. ' Liverpool, Oct. IS. Cottoa futarea closed v ra 2 pointe knrtr... ' t 1 1 hi ie ' nw tosk corns Miaxit.'" New Tork. Oct. It. Coffee future closed S point, higher. Official quotations: , ' Bid. A. Bid. Ak. January ...fO.80 fe.pA July ' , ,. A.f 7.35 f7.40 r,lcuary ..TOO T.oftlAngnat T.4A T AO March T.06 T.loiBentember .. T BO T 63 April-..,..,. T.15.. T.20!October ..... 8 (W 8 T5 May ....... T.25 T.!tO November ,. 8.70 8.78 June T.80 T.S5! December .. f. 80 8 85 Bale today. 78,000 tags. . " .- -V. . - ... . .... i r , , FrUra Ceffe Xarksta. , s Havre. Oct. 18. Coffee declined f: nam burk declined UCtH' Bw receipt 13.000 hag, market barely tady, prtce 60 down: Santo 60,000 kaga, market quiet and ncbangod. ' V '.. Hw Terk Cash Ooff.' . . j ' New Tork, Oct; 18. Caah coffee! He. I Bio, IHI No.. 4 Santos, e. , . . Hew Terk-Laadea tngar. . - - , . new -.aipra. w,. ,. eirar. rermea. . on. cnaneeo; rsw.,. aiee'iy nno BatoaeaUaedj THE REPORT Wheat Market tyow Closely Fol " lowing Foreign , Situation . Bull Leader in Control. . - CHICAGO AN EIGHTH TO THREE EIGHTHS UP Greatest Gsin Made in the December Option Volume of Trsde Is Quite Small NjooUy Early Weakness .'Turns tp Strength. v - .. f ,7-- WKDNESDAX'S WHEAT MARK IT. ' loa Cle Gets Cue . Wed.. Tue. Wed. Tear Ago December..... f MIA f J6A f .004 1'4 y .87 HB '..874 . July. ...... 83B M "-Chicago, Oct. IS. Logan Bryaa say! Tbe alr feeling which prevalbKl after th opening of tb wheat market proved to ha skort-Uven. aa price rallied easily and through the eesstoa again gave evidence of perautant strength. Von Iderlng th email volame of basin tlM trength I - meet remarkable and monstrat quit clearly tbe control of the altuatlon by tbe leading bull Interest. It la believed tbt oa th real trong .pots h feed oat mare of lees wheal, but tb question la. Is this feeding pro e s deeir te Uk profit or la he trying te bold the market la cueck to AP It " from aa anmlng more runaway proportion. HI support oa tb decline I alway In- .evidence. New was seals of th helpful kind, primary receipt being lea. Broom ball' cable quoting an India official report that famh) condition will pre vail In part of India, tended to keep th trade' attention closely riveted te the foreign attua tloa and poeibllltle to com therefrom. Th apecalatlv altuatlon how a tightening up, The advance la December wheat has bean held October Core Balna. - While the eon future closed unchanged, the current month made e net advance for the aay. me foreign demand ana Bom aemana, too,, continue moat active.' No credo core from the new eron la aelllns at lee than le under th May price. Exporter continue to feel ojMiie sanguine, toelr own troanie nemg iscii It lee to handle tb (tuff te xet it to tue sea board to fill their contracts. While no great buoyancy la exhibited, th market nevertbeleea aiapiaya stubborn atreagth. fTsettaaal Bla ia'Oata. Oats closed a mU fractloa batter for the oay, with tb okl-tlm ltitereet prominent oa th buying aid. Oa the advance there I more or leas profit-taking, which la quite natural, hot am isuoency ox toe marxex a pa a apon ine r"I Bnaeriyug eoMitwa. - Packers Boom Jssoary Staff. - The provision trade a bows so great Im provement. October staff seta In quite a nappy -Way. a though It waa bolutly owned ny xne pacxere, witB tb outside tntereat abort. There be eaten, aom baying of January staff. bat not In an aggreaalv way. Official qootaiiona oy OvartMck, Stan aV book compear: - V . WBBAT. Open. - High. Low. Cloae. Dee .864 Jrt. JSH f .8T A May,.... JI7H , ,. ,87j .87 HB July J8J .84 '" .8at f Aau COBH. Oct..... .80H - .604 Old D. .46 H .46H New Dee. ... 45 ;..6 . May..... ;.44H - -,.44H . .84 ; J4 ' I-; a ... . .29 ' . .28 - r Oct.,..,. ..29 .20 Dec...... .2 - .2H. ' May.,, i JIIH - Ali Jul..,.. ' M -J3 kSS PORK, .28W , . .28 B JH ".81HA - JOg t MM Oct,,.,.. 18.10 18.20 Id. ' 18.20 1X47 12.62 12.46 LARD. Oct.,,.., . T 05 Dec.,. T.OT , Jan.;.... '6 0 - ..T.12 , B.82 ; B.S2 T.I2 T.06:..T.1I 8.80 . f.82 ?.80 6.82 .OT T.12 NoV..,, 7.10 , SHORT BIBS. Oct.. Jan.. May. T.Bfl 8.00 I 08 S.62 v 6.65 . . 8.62 S.T2 - B.T2 B.Ti T.BB 6.52 8-72 FtflXAXT OBAU KOTXeTJHt. Chicago, Oct. 18. Primary receipts: - v Today Tear Age ' Bneh. Bosh. Wheat ' LOttS.Ono 1,114.000 Corn 441,000 ,.244,000 Shipments: . Wheat 815.000 625.000 Corn .......... ....r....... 476.000 2K2.000 lea ranee: Wheat. IWt.000 bushel: flour, 40.000 barrel; cora, 266,000 buabela; oats, 171. 000 boanels. - CHICA00 0B AIH CAB LOTS, - , Chicago, Oct. 18. Ore In car lot:. B Car Onus Est. 1804 Wheat"..i... ..A..;.. 40 5 62 . 44T Corn ..........126 47 123 WT Oat .278 88 275 114 Wheat ear today: Minneapolis ST7; Dnlath 102, Winnipeg 410. Tear ago: Minneapolis 638, Duluth 102, Winnipeg 215. CB30AO0 CASH wheat. Chicago, Oct. IS. Cash wheat: Bid. Ak. KO TWl'e a a' v avw e No, S red No. bard..,., No. 8 hard No. 1 northera. ........... No. 1 Borthcra. ...... ...... ...f .88 S .8H ... .88 .87 H p 4t ' eSft PS ... .84 ., JIT ... J8 .SO cW efle? 1 M i 84 Ho. B aprtag.. UYEB700L OBADf BLAB EXT. t Liverpool. Oct. 1. Class: Wheat, December, b her' ' bhjberi March, oa 10d. d ?Xrrf December, 5 H. Hd hlgbar: January, 4a 4Hd. hlgbwj March, 4 $Hd, Wd higher. ,K . - ,7- i-' WALL STBEIT SOBtlF. Vm Tork.' Oct. 18. Th Wall Street Journal any: - A Chicago report of th . annon nee merit of tb BUI purchase of tb Chicago. Terminal for the Burlington may com today. Ptock re plentiful In the loan crowd. W eaters Mary land ajmdlcat dlomlved, ayndlcat uhecrlplWn ellmg on a 4.1T per rent beale. Calumet nl Heels Mlllng copper at ITe and trying to bold price dowa to that figure. Northern Pacific annnal ' report show 1 1 .04 per cent earned oa capital stock. Tbe hank a gained from tb roh treaaury lnc Friday fl.20T.000. No troth la th repoct of tb cutting ot wage by th Inter boroaxh. Reported higher dividend In - eight for Amrtrn Tobacco company. Waahlngtua report . email pro. sects for rat leclalatlon. United Stat Steel earning and dividend ex pected on Isat Tuesdsy of tht month. Twelve Indnetrlal declined .04 per cent; 20 active rail road declined .30 per rent. . HEW T0RX CURB. Kw Tork, Oct. 18. Curb ckw: ... , Bid. I r' Bid.. Caa I" Hi Int. Marin ...... 14 do preferred...' T1H! do preferred..,. 88 Oreene Onld ..... 4 V infrnomasb 218 Greene Copper ... 27 Hi North. Securities. .14 Tenneeae Copp. H' Paper 84 Markay Co. 'a 4(1 '4 1 do' preferred.,.. 22 H do preferred.,.. T4 , . PBODTCE BTEH ELECT. ' 7 At the meeting ot tb Produce Merchant association, held at th office of the ecre tary. th first officer of th corporation cine Incorporation were' elected. - They are: Pres ident. T. H. Page; vlce-preaident. Ht; C. Thorn p emt: secretory, I. W. Jlunn; treararer, John A. Bell. e". ' QOTTLD LIATTS WABABBL. w- Hew York. Oct. 18. Oeorg 7. Oould ha re IgnadT a chairman of .the Wabh and ha been succeeded by B. T. Jeffery. T01TLAHD BARE STATEXIirT. Clearing , ...... ...8A.41T.7T ... 104.201. m Balancea . ............ Starling Rate. Hew Tork. Oct. 18. Bterllne ret! DeaaaaA. MM.tteM.40: ad days, 4aA034o3.7v, L0C0L101E Stock Hat Very Lively Demand and Closed With Advance of Four and Seven Eighths, i ' STOCK MARKET SHOWS LOSSES AT CLOSING Alton Common Drops Two -Dollars on Nominal Trading Gains Are Few and for Small SumsSteel Generally Wesk.7 i.',.:,'7-;i'L O- ADTANCES. 4HKaty, pfd ........ . HlOnt. Westers. . . Vtreaeed Steel, Jfd. ' HI Colon Paclfto, pfd. V. S. Bubher...... Losses.' 7 2 N. T. Central .... t) Pnnvlvanls . . . . Locomotlve Atchiaon, pfd..t., Car A foundry.., Baltimore Canadian , Com. South., 11 p Anaconda ........ Amalgamated Atcblaoa ......... HH'nlon I'acl Smeltar H WIeconaln Brooklyn ,.- 4PciDc M acinc, pro. Casual. Mall Alton PeoDle' Ua Colorado Fuel St. Paul , Cheaapeake t'oloredo Southern Erie do 2d pfd , GretWetra ... lllinol Central ... leulavllle aytropolitaa .... aAaaoort Paciac.. PrMed Steel Car.. ! Beading iUepubUe Steel do preferred..... Bock do preferred..... South. rn By., pfd. Hou there PsrtAa... int. u s. w..... U. S. StMl I so preferred..... Wall Street. Hew Tork. Oct. 18 American Locomotive waa eeally tb lder of the atock market today. In tbe face of a wobbly market and declining price thetork advanced ever 6 points before tbe (light rssctloa at the eioa et In. Only a few other stock closed with an advance and the ware fur email auma. Th heavlMt to waa la Altoa,' which closed t poiuis lower. Offldal quotation hy Overbeck, Btarr V Cook company: DESCBIPTIOH. , ' Anaconda Mining Co.... 118 1118 IllTVt auiau iwpper Co. . Atchkaon, com....., do preferred...... Am.' ICniMAlllM . 8SM 84 H 88 I 871 10441104 )B)4 OOV.I W H do preferred Am. Car A foundry, . iiHU1t ea, prwierrea. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smalt., com...... do preferred Baltimore 4V Ohio, om Hruafelva R.nM (TmmI Canadian Pacific oom. unicg 4t Altoa,- com, Aa nr. tmi , . . 0. 6. W., con ,'. Chl . Ull L a. o Chicago Terminal By,. I vuesapeaa es unie.-. .. Colo. Fuel at Iron, com Colo. Southern, oom... 60H 46 V 284 do second preferred.. do tint preferred. . . Delaware A Hudson..., Dal., Lack. Wee D. As R. (J, com Erie, com do aeoond preferred.: . 4o flrat preferred... Illlnol Central 83 V 48 T1H Al 1T8" 151 U 1outcvlll A NaahvUla. Met. oecnrttl..... Mt. St. By.. ...... Manhattan By Mexican Central Rr ! 801& 80 80 WO 186 14 Minn., St. P. A St. M. no preferred Missouri Pacific U. K. A T., com....... ao prererred New York Central.... Northera P.irL. 148. Norfolk A Weitcrn, com! 202 00 nuna American N. T., Oot. A West.... PeeiMVlvanle Re Hue. 68 148 108 148 p. o.. u "a co 108 iTe etc j car., oom. do preferred...., Paclfle Mall Steam: Co.. Beading,, com do 2d preferred .-. do lit preferred Ben.-Iron A Steel, com. o 08 4riul " OH 4(1 U. '121 m v-. a ....... . Bock island, com, ...... do preferred South era Ry., com.,... Southern Pacific.'. '. ON 68 24 St. L. A 8. P.. 2d pfd.. do lit preferred St. L. A 8. W., eota.. do preferred.......... Texas aV VmMfi Tenneeae Coal si Iroa.. X., II. U a W.. com.. do preferred TJntoa Pacific, com...:. An nrf.r rmA "114 C. S. Rubber, com 61 do preferred..... V, 8. Steel Co., coal.,.. do preferred.... tt-heei: a. i. n frr si. I 7u! 11044 104 108 Wlsoonaln Central, com. oo prarerrea Weetern l!nla T.l. 2 62 2 21 ii 'ii 21 . 411 41( 4lg do prererred Northern P.Mfle e.ll.rf.nS nf It nil . Total aalea fur day. 608,300 share. Cell money closed 4 per cent. ' - ' : BAJT rBAJt CISCO LOCAL ST00XS, ' San Pranclsan. Oct. 11. Of fir 1. 1 nnm awml lng session ; . - 7 Bid. Ask. Contra Coats Water.,., 46 48 Soring Valley Water 40 " 40 Mutual Klctrle , 3 '... S. F. Oa A Electric luik . aa Olaat Powdr.... TT ..... Hawailaa Commercial. 84 1 69 Hoaokea Sugar..., 18 J6 Hutchinson Sugar.. 16 ..... Makawcll Sngar.... SHU. anu Onomea Sugar 88 84 Paaiihaa Sugar. ,.2.1 28 Alaaka Packer';...,, aou l:u Oceanic, ttteamahlp , 4 ,8 Pacific State Teleobooe..... ...... 108 li rallfiirnla Win .....a 86 Pacific (east Borax... .......lft2U, California Fruit Cantxr. ........ og ap bostov mrm stocis. . Boston, Oct. IS. Official cloMi Bio. Bid. ..Sno.tio Adventure P.26 . Atlantic ..... 2T.00, Alloue ......v 4T.6ft Blnxham. 81 TS wni. .... 1 rarrof , . Phoenix . .. 318.12 .. 1.76 . .. 10T.60 ..) 8.60 .. 128.00 .. PTS .. 23.60 .. T. ,,' 10.50 .. 12tt 00 Qnlncy .. Shannon . Cal. A Arts... 118.80 rim 2.50 Oranhy ...... T.26 Green ...... 2T.60 . Tamarack .. Trinity ,., I tilted ..... Victoria .... Wloona' .... Wolverine ., I tah ........ I'. S. Mlnlne Old Domlntoa. tx yy ; Mohawk ..... 6. no (Slnroet ...., SflA.m ?oiiper Bang. 7200 47.00 84. "0 26.60 68. T6 84.00 Centennial ... 80.12 Daly wet ... 14. m I noyn 1 Mlrhlg . Maat 15.fl2 North Butts. 10.00 rnnee . COMBTOCK 1CBTB0 STOCKS. 7 San rrancisca. Oct. 18. Offldal cloae. 'aura lng 1 ..i,. . Bid. -1 . Bid. Savage f -M Potoel .18 - Bullloa iw neicarv ..... u .28 Con. CaL-Va.t Ophlr ........ Caledonia . .... 1 90 1'nlrm Co .... ,62 .. 6.60 ., .42 1.10 ... .62 - .14 Tallow Jacket.. .28 Cicbeqaer ..... .62 Hale A Norcm. tndr , i .27 Mexlcaa Con. M Scorpion CKX0AS0 LOCAL ST00XS. Chicago,' Oct, 18. Local 'stock eloxet -. BI8. ( Bid. 140 .126 UW 1"TH eo ! Blaralt ......... 4 I Diamond. Match., do prererred..,.118 IQwaker Oats .... lot board t I do preferred... An iMlmJ..,. Ilc!.ir, At fn Ca 1 10lTon ....jT.T,;.' - preferred. ... TO I North Sid By.,., .-rbon 81 West Sid By..,, a prarerrea.,.. iit soeta aide By ss Arc Good Graerles Cheep? V mi TMMMMt TOOO TOB XWOVCkWt. The knowledge sained In SO years of srocerins Is at your eerrioe. It la in evttlence la the --7 QTJAXITT eUm BaAVTT .' of the goods we offer. These, la con nection with oar awrrlc, we believe will prove better thaa the averace. : F. Dresser & Co. Pcrtlssd's Grestat Cfwcry Seventh and; Wewhitigton East 15th and Broadway 7 Seaside, Oregon - sreMIB ISIS. - ODE MJniS OOB EtST ADYOaTtS Thoaaeods la PortUnd and all ever tbe Berth west caa testify to o great and aa- QONORRHCEA Tar be attended with tfte graveat eaiapBca. tlons if neglected or Improperly treated. We hev a pdo treatment which ars exOekly. safely and palal ly. SYPHILIS I another acquires disss, the ravages et which when fatly developed ae pea eaa describe. Whoa It Shew by kla rapttss er by ore la mouth or throat It horror an already begna. We aad thee aghly care poa aad Be mineral Beasaas are .mployed. , VeARICOCELE AND .il.-HyDROCaELBV' ' Ws treat aad cur, aot by tbe Ml aarlieal procedure, hat by a palnl method eolaly ear own. W llkvwte will car roe and are yoa th suffering seaoetated with Narveu Dehlllty, Lest Maakood, Lapoteaey. SpermatorrhMa. Vtarnal Emiaeless, taster Deellne, Law f Mamary, Xaerey aad AmaltieB la the hrlefeat time It eaa he doa aad w lnsar yoa a aaf aad pesltlv cure. Oeaaultatlon sad examlaatloa free. Writ foe cymptom blank and beak if yea assart 11. . OfSo Hoars) S a. Saya, 10 t 12, S p. avi ,. -.ST.; LOUIS ' 'Mmdlcat and Surglcat " ; DISPENSARY Oar. SS ami Taaakin gts, Irtlaaa. 0s HOGS ARE STEADY AFTER lo;;g veakkess Cattle and Sheep Very Strong at the Prices Veal Calves -.. Are Now Wanted. PortUnd rnloo Stockyards, Oct. 18 Lire stock recelptsi Boss Cattle Sheen Today ....,............ 128 200 Week ase its 81 401 Pravloaa wk .. 48 ' ... 86T Month ago ' 248 Bogs show a eteadler reeling today aad more sal are being made at the tap. Cattl. sheep sad calve are eaeted troag, demand for th latter neisg very gooo, Wltn ae ar Hvk. .... Official prloa for Uveatock: ' . 7 .. Hoc Beet atera Oregon, t8.T64d.60: block ers aad China fate, 86.0016.60; etocksrs and teaeray ee.ot,. tattle Best ea.ter oregoa at ear. ttSM 8.60! light and BMdlum ster. 2.0O( 2. 26: light oowa, t2.23i2.60; Itockers sad feeder, 2JUtf a.Dv; vutia. e,"'. - Kbeep Wetbere, l8Uc; mixed aheep, Sdf, te; trelght ewes. 3j3e; spring haba, t alT Good veal, 10O ta 200 pounds, 88ci rough heavy, tJ3c. . , 7, ; '. R000S STXAPT to tnovs. Chicago. Oct. 18. IJveetock receipts: Hose rttln Sk. Chicago' .25.0110 24.000 82.000 Kaneaa Cltr... ..IS.nno 1.1 nno a ,.m Omah 8.000 8,000 lj'ooO Hog opened eteaily te strong with 4,700 left over. Becelpt a year ago were 22,000. Price, -Mixed and butchere, .. t4.8.1QS.6S: good and heavy. ; 66. 23 6.6ft : roagh and heavy, 4.80J , Bltie einof, .r Sbep Steady. TOXOPAH BOBTVO STOCKS. " , Sas Franeleeo, Oct, 18 Toaopak" stock, of. aalon: flclal cloae morning 1 Bid . . . Bid. Columbia 1.V..2-.8A Jumbo ?T. .TS Montana .. Midway . 22.411 1.8T .84 McNamara ..... Belmuat ...... North Star .... Kecn Goad Mountain., Tim Butler .... Jamli Kx. .21 1.48A Black Bntt ... Hllver Pick .... iloidea Anchor.,, Bay A O'Brl.a.. Jblo Tompah... O. Bnll I rug.... Olamondfteld ... Lone Star ..... Home - .14 .04 .4 .OS .24 .21 .23 .OT .00 .14 .18 .11 .OT .10 .80 .N.vada 18A on. Brteaaloa. .P) Bed Top , .61 Ooldfleld ..... Sandatorai .... Sandatorm Ex. Adam ........ Mohawk ...... .66 .46 .OT .04 .12 a10 fit Caah Boy....... Hcllpee National Bank... Denver , 8t. Ives Atlanta Dixie ......... Kendall CALIFORNIANS DIE . IN THE PHILIPPINES (Jooraal Special Servlc.) ' Waahlngton. Oct. 18. Lieutenant Charles A. Thorp, aged It, assistant upplv officer for the Philippine con stabulary, died at Camp CoaneU, BAnMr 114 .Clk? teljwl Dr. W. Norton DavU. X A 1 1 vcnvmic bi nnn cii w a fji. t ILL liLIi T UUOa , ULUUlf OIUH PRIVATE DISEASES OF HEN Through ear vast experience as apeclallata we are able to asake a toll and early cure' In th troubles In the majority of Instances where the ordinary practitioner falls to relieve. ' m ' STOMACH. "HEART, LIVER, KIDNBT. BLADDER, THROAT AND ' NERVE TROUBLES are very quickly relieved and a permanent cur made eurable eaeea. We frankly tell you if your eaa la Incurable. We vrlU have no person's money except for benefits received. - Dr. W. Norton Day is & Co. J are aa association of eminent physicians, experienced atirgona and ex.. pert apeclallata, with abundant capital, established ln-188, for tbe pf pose of traatlna .,..-...... . ., i.. momsLB BiaBzoAXj axj mvmaxoAx, sibabtbs or .,- They will accept no ease for treatment except certain that they cava - effect a cure, nor will they make any chars in caae of failure. Dr. W. Norton Davis at Co. bra undoubtedly, the greatest authorities on ... BTSTBAJTBS O 243 BT ' I.-.:-';.,...--..-, In the United States. They are the founders of th only system of treat ment which will cure spermatorrhoea. 1m potency and other forms of sex ual weakneea, with any degree of certainty. Thla Ir a ayatem of home treatment which locally atimulates the prostate Bland. A similar method Is now employed by nearly every specialist of note in 'America. " Tn atBABOST " ' ' T why "weak men" are frequently not cured is because the trouble la corn- T B Heated with "diseases of ths prostate aland." or with "urethral obatruo- T ion," Our treatment cures-where others falL . T ' ' - v ws trn A . OteaVaroaxta eta. . mads of medicated "cocoa butter," which dissolves readily at the tajmperav ture af the body. This easily passes the smallest obstruction without pain. It heels the Inflammation end removea the congestion and swell ing;. The remedy reaches ths weakened "seminal ducts." heals them smd stops unnatural drains. In most cases internal medicine Is required alco. The "crayon" Is only nsed in complicated case a, The patient place it without any trouble at night by means of :?.!';; ... .'; ;- "' ",, -' f ,'-. .- ' ,- -- . .... .- ' ; . -.: I ' .: J V ..' ' ' "' " '' ' ' 0aWeaftBtl2i StJaSb which Is made of hard rubber and Is almllar to a syringe. - Ttraa, without Any trouble whatever, the healing procesa goes on while you Bleep. - Thla Is also the moot successful method known of treating "Frw quent land Painful Urination of Men. - , .. . We prescribe for each, Individual case, using many different formulas In crayona. If you have used a almllar treatment, do not be discouraged ' before you have coneulted us. A personal Interview le desirable, but If yon cannot call, wrtte ue. giving your symptoms In fulL Our home treatment, is successful, even In complicated eaaeo. Strict, at confidence observed. Plain envelopes used In all correspondenoa. I a. , tractive book for men aent free, securely sealed. - wa eiTAJsAjrrxa a cvm rsr a tmt oabbi wi mnTAn ' oa criiAmoB bto rmu. ' ' OOBJSTTJIi TAVTXOaT TOXM. 7,,7 7 ''"7:- . " All correspondsnce ' Is aaeredly confidential. - Offloe hours S a. m. to t p. to. aad 1 to t. Sundays and Holidays, "IS sw n. to X m. ' . I DR. W. NORTON DAVIS6 CO. OfficM In Van Noy HoUU Htt SB. A. A A-A A. A AV AV AAVA AAAAAgk.gk.g - uirV'.isf.r?irSeae. ' , ts d IWCaTLE NliT.i NEWCASTLE LUMP . . , AUSTRALIAN," ROSLYN, ' PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN LOW PRICES ON . , ' " first Prize Gold Medal awarded by Lewis ft Clark Centunlal ExpciJca THE PACIFIC COAST CO. : CH AS. ' H. ' GLEIM, . Agent i 249. Washington St ,J.u - j " Telephones 229 ni, 237 ; KtaKBSagat I SKE MOTHER I I bSBB,2 sUfaWaTaB OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO ' , ' ' ' ' " Members' Chicago1 BoArd'of Trade,!'' ,'7. "S. '.' ' ; . ' ' omAiJt1, ; noTmoiiB, cottobt. stocks a' aoBTss. ' 10 J' Third StreetMcKay Building. Portland. Or. " . w m3 .w m n wmm e a wvaaHHVa V NS SBB, ' Continuous Markets by Private 'Wire. Quick Service. . RErERENCF8"Ldd s . ' Tllton. banker, and United Statea National Bank of Portland. . i vowsrnra. somenrs a co, (KsUblished 18t.) WtULtT AXO STOCK BSOXSBS. ' ' Bob 4, Oronnd Tloer, CXABTBSB OS COaOaVmOB. JllfSA Those suffering from weak. IksF Besaes which sap the plessnres ST t of Ufa shonM take Javen FiU. waaexea tin box will tell a atorv f marveloila resulta. Thla nerllnina hna mnrs KJuverjating,vltlllnc force than baa ever en offered. Sent pov-iaid ia plaia package oeen offered. Kent pov-pald ia plaia pari only oa receipt of this adv. and 11. Marl bv it nrlarinntor C. 1. Hun.1 Pa.. pro prietors Hood's tarararllla. Liawall, Mae a. of typhoid fever. Me lived In Stockton, California. - Ueutenant Robert B. McConnell. Ninth infantry. Coming, California, died al Camp Wilherlm. In Tayabaa, of perilon Ills.. lie served through ths Spsnlsh wsr ss a private In thai rtrst Nebraska In fantry, later receiving a eommlaalnn In ths regular army. " He leaves a widow. OBATOST ' ' ! Third Btu, Corn-rT Pln, PortUnd, On - ' - - - AAAAAAA-AeV.. At. anaAeVAAAh.A.J,A? The Coal to Day AND How to Burn It 1 - . - ' ' '.' ' ' - -77 - is the sll a absorbing economic and to your satisfaction. "- v V OTHER :OALS n - t . V.-.. - V,. A- r' : ESS USETJ TO WOrxlTj INJECTION BROHJ WILL CVBS GONORRHOEA t:.i CUtT WITHOUT OTHSS TRKATMAMT Sold by all Drurlsts eMicHra'B ajjw.i. lAra, i a I I la a t m I ,u ., ' - i a- VESarp" journal vv:;t ( ' question pf he house owner:, I t A( trial of-.sinjr of thefollpwins?, 1 IHUIUI WU1 DU1VC U SCUUX ; V 7 .