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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. -.;day EVENiMa oeror-n is, kcj. OliCillOELllE 7;S THE RIVER Port of Portland Commission ; Plans to Mak It Extend ; a ! From Dock to Dock. SAY PLAN WOULD BE -- 'HELP ALL AROUND VEffortIs Beinr Md to Persuade Dpck Owners to Build Bulkheads -i That Dredgwif s Can : Be Placed ' Under Docks. . . "' '' ''"C vv. ..'Instead ef having a ship channel 0 . feet wide . In ' the harbor the mrmbr of the ..Port of . Portland commission'' are ambitious to build tt the full' width of i the river. 6r from the docks on the weet to the dorks, on the east aids of the . stream. . With tha cooperation of the dockowners they expect to bring about this desired result. . '' J, C Alnsworth, a member of tha com mission, has swn a number of the dock-, wners this week and requested them to -tnilld bulkheads In front of their struc tures so that material dredged from tha 1 river may- be placed ' under tha docks. Nearly all of those to whom tha. plan was explained appeared to be favorably disposed toward It, Among those who have bean asked to grant permission for ) placing dredged material under , their docks are the Portland Oaa company, ! the Portland Flouring mllla, Balfour, Outhrle aV Co. 'and -the Oregon Railroad '.. Navigation company.' Othsra will be seen this week. It la estimated that there la sufficient .space -underneath the various docks to hold al(, of the gravel and aand which may be Uken out of the river to give it a depth of at least 10 feet at the lew water mark. The material which has been removed heretofore was deposited son the banks of the stream and usually 'during ths first winter freshet It was wished back ts where It came from. As ,a oonsequece It has been necessary to lo the same amount of. dredging In, the -harbor the next season. -With the bulkhead plan carried out,'1 ays Mr. Alnsworth. "ths material re . moved f if m the river can be held In ; place and will give . no further trouble. It will also lmprovs the value of the 'docks materially, as tha harbor will be deepened clear up to the buildings, mak ' Ing It. possible for cargo ships to get alongside of them without any danger of going aground. The Idea, In fact. Is Wo make ths channel extend tha full width of the river. Another reason why A ths owners should favor ths proposition 1 Is because It will be the means of reduc ing the Are Insurance .rates to a con Islderabls degree. I think the majority J of them appreciate thla fact end will go to the small expense of bulkbeadlng ithalr property." v ,. J The subject will be brought up at the 'next regular meeting of the -ort of Port 4 land oommisslon and ,lt Is bellevad that I by, then arrangements will be In such 'shape that work on the project can soon lbs started. It Is now almost Impossible for cargo ships to. reach some of the t docks on account of the shoals which thave tormHMO front ot them. Conse quently tha property la almost useless at certain seasons of the year. With the channel dredged out to the bulkheads : It Is explained that the property would j command much higher rent and that In ' ovary way - tha owners would be the gainers by reason of tba Improvement. . . ALONG "THE WATERFRONT. rr- ..-W"'. . s French bark Brlseau shifted yesterday afternoon from , the sand dock to ths ft 'la. ' VinOl uneOhig old-fashioned cod liver oil and - ,7.f emulsions ' becanaef iwithout a drop of oil or disagreeable feature it contains aU the medicinal elements : Cf cod liver oiL actually taken from fresh coda livers. . By our process the 03, having no value either as a medicine or fejod, is separated from the mrdldnal elements and thrown way"Unlikd old-faahioned cod liver oil and ' emulsions, i Vlnoi is dclidously palatable, agreeable to the weakest Mom ach, and therefore unequaled as a body builder and strength 'crettcr for.old people,' puny children, weak, run-down men and women,' after sickness, and for all pulmonary diseases. Xverythiiiflr Vlnol contains la named on the label Ctnt OUARANTEB Wa hava nck faith In VINOL that If yon wfll ' take it m promise if It does not beneftt or car yott era will return m yovr maney withoot qoaatioe. We take. Q tha risk. . . j 4th North Parifln mill, where aha will re ceive- a cargo of lumber for Port PIrle, Australia. If all a-oes well ths Swedish ship Claa MacFarlane will complete her grain cargo for Huron tomorrow, one is at tn Oceanle dock. . .'. '' ' When she arrived off' Ban Francisco heads yesterday afternoon the French bark Cambronne, bound from Liverpool, waa ordered to proceed to Portland. Bhe will load . grain bare for - tho . United Kingdom, having been chartered, while tA'gent C. E. SteeYemlth received word thla morhlna that ilia steamer F. A. Kll- burn will sail from San Francisco on " . . 1 Tl T" 1 IV.. Monday ror ronn. been off the routs since eerly In Sep tember, having been naaiy aaroagea at that time by running on a rock while en terlng Coos Bay harbor. ,. Shortly after oayiignt tnia morning tho , torpedoboat destroyer raui joncs salted for Ban Francisco. She had boon In ths harbor about three weeka. In the past-14 hours the rouowwg ship movsments In ths harbor occurred: Oreaon shifted from Montgomery dock No. I to the stream. Brlseau from the sand dock to the North Pacific mill, Knlsht Errant from the flour mill to Montgomery dock No.. I, Henry .VUlard from the stream to the nana a oca ana the Oowno , from .trie . aryaoca . to uie Portland flouring mills.' Captain '8. B. Short, who naa oeea staomboatlng on the Yukon and its tributaries ths peat season. Is expected home next week. .. .He writes an ac quaintance that he took a steamboat up a tributary, of the Tanana this summer to a point that no otner poai naa srsr been able to reach. Four other steam ers which had attempted ' Jt were wracked. '.' t ' , j Steamer Aberdeen la sxpectsa to arrive tonight with a shipment of 400 cords of tanbark from Needle Rocsv uaiirornia. The Despatch, of tha same line, went over to Vancouver this morning to take on a eargo of lumber for the Bay City. ; ..''.--..' ' Major S. , W.' Roessier return ea tnis morning from a trip to the mouth or the river.' where he inspected the light ship which waa recently aground. WJth -a full-cargo or rretgm ins steamar Costa Rica, captain Kitman, arrlvsd last night from Saa Francisco. Ehe is scheduled to go out on the return trip at o'clock tonight.. Tha largo paintings of the eteamsnips Mongolia and Korea, which wsrs on exhibition In the transportation building at the falrr have been added to the col lection of pictures of the Portland at Aalatie Steamship company. W VILLARD. ARRIVES. Jss XMftbv Asfcors Off the . Month of the Slvaa. . , While off the mouth of the river last week waiting for a tugboat to come out and take bar to Astoria ths American ship Henry VUlard. which reached the harbor yesterday "afternoon, came near drifting ashore and being wrecked. A strong breese which had been' stirring suddenly died down to a calm and tha swells of the sea carried the ship toward ths beach. . Sha was being borne along at a rapid rate. . Captain. Jlhauba ordered the anchors placed In radlneasfor dropping as soon aa ths vessel reached shoal watsr where they would hold. But be fore matters cam to a climax tha wind again began to blow and the sails tacked so. thst the craft was carried out to sea snd away from all danger. " Ths Henry VUlard cams frofcv Hono lulu In ballast and made an excellent run, covering the distance In 1( days. Bhe wss- obliged to wait off the mouth of the river three days, however, for a tugboat to escort her serosa ths bar. As the Columbia ' river lightship hsd been blown In on the beach and waa not at her atatlon, the skipper ssys It wss difficult to keep his bearings. He did not learn of the accident to the light ship until he arrived at Astoria. . It waa nearly s quarter of s century sgo when ths Henry VH'ard first visited Portland. Bhe then ' came from New Tork on her maiden trip.' bringing a gen eral cargo. From hers shs took a cargo of wheat to the United Kingdom, Since and Washington Sts.: then sha has made frequent' trips to thla port. After discharging ballast at -tha sand dock she will move to the Eastern & Western mill, where she will load lumbar for Manila. The vessel is undsr charter to Bilfour, Guthrie Co. GRAIN SHIP CHARTERED. Oermaak Ship Adolf WU1 Oeunrw State e ; ValtaA Wacdosa. Balfour. Quthrl a Co. chartered ,th German ship Adolf this morning to load grain at Portland for tha United King dom st 17s, td and the British 'ship Dwbrldgs wss engaged at ths aarae time yesterday afternoon by the Portland Flouring mllla to transport a almllar cargo to Kuropa. With ths chartering of those two vessels there la not a dis engaged gralncariier left In port. As ths sxporters- have evidently de- elded to pay ths anion tariff af 17a Cd. a dlapoaltloa thsy did not show a soupls 01 weeks ago, rt is Deiievea that the owners will send mors square-rlggera la this direction la search of bustne Heretofore -they hava been aaklng pro- ntDiuve rates ror bringing cargoes from Europei to Portland, declaring that they did not care to have their ahlpa come nare, as it wss impossible . to tlx thsm for the return trip at -the' combine's flguresv As thst difficulty now has been diapoaed of the shippers ara of the opin ion that a large number of easels will soon be placed on the en routs list. The Adolf snd Ehirbrldge will be given quick dispatch. For the past three wscks tns lattsr has been lying at A toria waiting for a charter. . This morn. Ing she left op the river In tow of the Ocklahama and immediately on her ar rival shs will go to the Banfleld dock to discharge her ballast.'. When this work has been completed she wlU begin receiving cargo. It Is thought that ths Adolf can be put In shape to begin tak ing on freight by the first of nsxt week. WATER AGAIN TOO LOW. XMwtstoa Kaa to Be Takes Off Vfpea Ooltunhia Boa. . On account of low watsr la wss nec essary - again yesterday to take the stesmer Lewlston, which hss bsn ply ing between (Lewlston and Biparla, out of eommlaaion and once more the people of the Snake river ara without trans portation faculties. Becauss of.ths low stag of the water, the Lewlston was tied up 'during the early part of Sep tember, but a week ago the rlvar rose slightly and shs resumed ssrvlcs. Advices from 'Riper la state that- the river Is at a lower stsge than It ' has been for II yeara.- In Septamber, 1892, ths boats plying.' ths Snaks had to be taken out of oommisslon, but from thst tlms on they have bee'n running regu larly until this fall. The lowest stags which ths rlvsr reached this ysar waa four Inches above ths low watsr-mark, while In ISIS It waa 10 Inches, but un navlgabla. . t WILL IMPROVE CHANNEL radge Be Xoved at Vote Opposite Oeea ale Soak.. ' Before any more ships leave down ths river for the sa carrying heavy oargoea the harbor at one or two points will be widened and deepened. .'The dredge Portland arrived thla afternoon from Vancouver, where aha has .been employed for the past two months, and went to work ppposlts ths Oceanic dock. While the channel at that point la 100 feet wide.ttt appears to be a difficult matter for the vsssela to turn around without getting out of It. After dredg ing In the harbor for a few days the Portland will return to Vancouver, where she is digging out a ship channel from that town to tha mouth of the Willamette river. It Is said that aha will be able .to complete that task In about one more week. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Oct. II. Sailed at 7:10 a. m., steamer Wljlttler, for San Fran Cisco. Arrived at 7:60 and left up at 9 a. m., ateamer Aberdeen, from .San Francisco. ' Arrived down at I a. m.. barkentlna Tara O'Shanter. Outside at 7 a. m., a three-maated barkentlne. , Ban Francisco, Oct. II. Arrived at I a. m., steamer. Melville . Dollar, from Portland. Astoria, Oct 17. Arrived at 11 a. m.. schooner Alumna, from San Francisco. Arrived down at I p, m., British ateamer Coulsdon. j San Francisco, Oct 17. Called at t p; rru, British steamar Algoa, for Port land. Arrived at noon, German steamer Aragonla. from Yokohama, for, Port land. Astoria, Oct 1 1. Condition of the bar at I a. m.. smooth; wind, aaat; weather, clear. . MRS: ELIZABETH BENSEN EXPIRES AT HILLSB0R0 (gpsttsl Otssatek t The VesmLt ' HUlsboro, Or., Oct. II. Elisabeth Benson, wife of W. J. Bensen of this city, died yestsrday. Mrs. Bensen was bora February II, 1117, In Ohio, and on September It, 1580. married W. J. Ben sen In Rock Island, Illinois. They moved to Nebraska, thence to Minnesota, thence to South Dakota, and' on October 1, 1100. came to Hlllaboro. , . Mrs. Bsnson waa a member of ths M. B. church of this city, a member of tha Rebekah lodge, Rathbones and Relief Corps. Ons week ago Monday she ac companied her husband to ths fair and returned In the evsnlng In good hsslth. Ths next morning shs wss stricken with paralysis of ths brain and was unable td talk from then until her death. The funeral waa held from the M. E. ehurch at thla place today at I o'clock. Rev. Mr. Hamilton officiating. After ssrvlcs intsrmsnt took place In L O. O. F. cemetery under the auspices of Re bekah lodge of HUlsboro. ROBBED AND BEATEN ON STREETS OF UNION - (SpeeUr Dispatch to Tk JeoraaL) Union. Or... Oct. 18. J. K. Martin waa aandbagged and robbed of III Sun day evening one block from , the main street. No clus to ths robbers has been found, but deputy sheriffs srs working I'pnthe cas. Mr. Martln'e Injuria were not eerioue. ' ewnsteeee Block. : 'Sneetsl Dtapstrk The Joarnsl.) Eugene, Or, Oct. It. Michael Sneider, a capitalist or thla city, win at onoe sreot a two-story brick buslnsss build ing on West -Eighth street at a eoat of about $5,000. - This will be the fifth block erected in Eugene this year. Pros pects for quits a number nest yesr are bright Several bualnese men are figur ing on building and the year promises to be even more prosperous in that Una than ths past , . kUJl BssTuaee Work. e (gperlat llapteb to Tb ioarasl.) Chehalta. Wash.. Oct II. Veness - a Baldwin of Wlnlock hava begun outttng lumber sgsln st their sawmill, which wss destroyed by flrs about six months sgo. An entirely new plant has been built' Ths mill is not yet fully com pleted, but will shortly be running with a full complement of men, when about 100 bands wlU be employed. , , - 0GM (COMES . Courjhocnd GolCs ' PREVEHTG . . . -J ' , - - ' Pnoumonla and Conountlcn , , ? . i rotor's Hoaav mad Tur sot otuy tope the cough, but heals and strength ens tha lungs and prevents serious re salts from a cold. There is no danger of Pneumonia, Consumption or other serious lnng trouble if Fetor's Hartey and Tar Is taken, as it will curs tha moat stub born coughs tha dangerous kind that settles on-the lungs and mar develop Into pneumonia over night. It you hava a cough or cold do not risk Pneumonia when Fetor's lioftay and Tar will cur 70a quickly and itrengthen your lungs. .' Remember ths , name Fator'S Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered Do not take chances with soma unknown preparation that coats yon the same when you can get Foley's Honey and Tar, that costs you no more and is tale and certain in results. Contains no opiates. Cured After Phyelolane Said He Had Cenaumptlons K. H. Jones, Pastor M. E Church, Grove, Md., writes: . "About seven or eight years ago I bad a Tory severe cold which physicians said was very near pneumonia, and which they afterwards pronounced consumption. Through a friend I was induced to try a sample of Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave ma so much relief that I bought soma of the regular sise. Two or three bottles cured ma of what tha physicians called consumption, and I have never had any trouble with my throat or lungs since Uptime.". , - , ' . . , Three sises 25c, 50c, $1.00. ' The 50 cent sise contains two sad one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottlo almost six times as. much. . ,.' y.. tCLD AX3 RECCK:E0 BY Woodard, Olarke Oo, and . O. skM more It Co. - No Pain No Pain INICB TEETH We are the dlscovsrers and originat ors of ths only reliabls and scientific system of Pslnlssa Dentlatry. We ex. tract crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and srui ruarantee all work for fifteen yeara. Our work Is ths best, our prices ths lowsst con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our platss are unde tectable from - ths natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit FILLINGS .gOo, 750 and flJM OOLD CROWNS .'. fS.00 BRIDGE WORK ...SA.00 PUD. SET NATURAL TEETH. ..fS.00 Opea tow saataeoe mattt S -o' slock evenings. . . Boston Painless Dentists atHs Korrlsoa St, Ope. Males a Vraak aad VostoBos. HOURS l:l a. m. to I p. m. Sun day. t:10 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. ELOPERS ARE ASSISTED BY NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE Youth and Maid of Tender Years Make Furious Twenty Mile ' Drive to Wed; - Speolsl Dispatch to The Joarnsl. ' Dixie, Wash.. Oct It. Aided by her brother and . his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Bandera, who ware married only a week ago, 'pretty ' It-year-old Mary UBanders eleped with Perry Thomas, a 19-year-old TToy yesterday and was mar ried to him at Dayton after .a furious drive of mors than 10 miles through ths mud and rain. -The young couple ware accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, who attended to the wedding prelimi naries after reaching Dayton. The young Mrs. Sanders Is a sister of young Thomas. The four young people arrived hero last night oa tho W. A C. R. .train and sought forgiveness from Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and It was freely given. Mary was mlfsed from horns at noon when her father cams horns for dinner snd found the house aeserted. Mrs. Ssndsrs conducts a ators hers snd left Mary to look after the housework. Mrs. Banders, on the verge of hyster ics, hastily packed a few belongings and started fos V alia Walla to swear out a warrant charging young Thomaa with kidnaping. While talking to the prosecuting attorney and sheriff a tele phone meesag came that Mary and Thomaa had been married at Dayton. The glrl'B parente onected v on the grounds that they were too young. Mary grieved se thst her brother and his wlfs took pity on her and arranged the elopement - Preferred seek Canned Ooeas, Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. leaves dafly from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. atMMMttttHttttttttttttttttt.ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt'ttV't",1 $1.00 Pays It STEAEIR CAPACITY 090 PASSHNOERS See St Peter's Dome, Caps Horn. Granite Buttress, Bridge of tha Gods, Cattle Rock. Multnomah Falls (800 teet). Latourelle Falls. Bridal Veil Falla, tha Splendor of tha Mighty ( Mountains. Canyons and Gorges, Autumn-Kissed Platesus, Forests and Vales which for beauty are not eclipsed on earth, on the fastest Steamboat on this ccinent,. . t Dock Foot of Oak Street Ett3&TZ.teS& Itt'Z&Pl TO V OAM AOQUXU UlL AT RENT RATES ',.'.' a 1 '.,",'-;' W ? '' : Choice building lota at 1110 (tt down and tt per month) and a home buUt to your order at aotual coat and you can pay for it in monthly Installments be low rent rates. FIRLAND Dose It please you to hall ths punc tual rent oolleotor each month? Every rent-payer and wage-earn r should stop ths rant leak and you can do It by buy ing a home la i . FIRLAND v With your present rent money. Many ex-rentere now located la . FIRLAND Lots (0x100 feet; graded streets; best water; . ls-mlnute electric car service, fare t cents; best location. SO mlnutss from city. Tsks MOUNT BCOTT car at First and Alder street sad visit FIRLAND. Agsnt on ground Tain or shine. GEO. W. BROWN 20t, Falling Bldg. Phons Maine lit. . (Open svsnlngs.) . Robert A. Taylor ' OmOl EXUaVsTB tatxojt. ' (AZ,hM W t3l Hi L unrortheBabj? AU goes well when the baby is well. Keep he baby well by . giving him Mellin'a Food, it will nourish him, make, him frow strong and keep bim happy. We are sura of it ; try it Ask thai mothers of Mellin's Food children. Send for our free book about Mellin's Food. Mania's Feed Is. the OVLT lafaate Vee4. Whkk received the CraaeTrrlse, the alghset award of Ike Lealstaaa rar- e aseesmea. st, vseus. ivee. Klsa esi. - MSLLIN'S FOOD CO BOSTON, MAM. To Breet Bw awnulU, (Sperlal Plipatek to To Journal.) Klamath Falls. Or., Oct. It. Rufus Moors hss begun the erection of a new I sawmill Just below ths falls.. It Is un- cersioou mai mis new mm win nsvs a greater capacity than arty other mill la thla vicinity. Moors hss now one sawmill in operation her. , Ann fifi a uroiv FINLAND To Astoria and Ocean , . . 'v Beaches on : : The Day Boat Down the Columbia : . DAILY EXCURSIONS TO CASCADE LOCKS All Other Boats THE CONTINENTAL CO. 243 Stark St. Phone Main 1976 OTTB MOTTO I "WWM Wl T1U TOV . ao, xtw bo.1? . We here one of the fineet little homes In Sunnyslds; splendid surroundings; strictly modern; less than valus to quick buyer; very liberal terms; S car Unas. We have aoms of the most desirabls vacant -lots on the eeat aide; terms to responsible buyers; ths Increased valus will doubls your monsy la months. . We have Nob hill vacant lot tne best : In Portland; an absolute sacrifice ' to i quick buyer. . ' - Ws wsnt to buy for cash en Income ; property paying,. per cent on iae in vestment Have you got,lt?v- Want to Buy For cash. Improved' or partially Im proved farme; ' will not . consider any tract of leas than 100 acres; will buy 100 farms at right prices. What have you? mBBTAX. SABTKBBT. ' Want vacant houses and flats all parts of ths city; bsve dssrrsble tensnts waiting. Owners will find this depart ment of our business well conducted snd a great convenience. , We collect rente and care for your property.' mi ii btbiax norotmon. Ws have two of the bsst sver offered to Investors; both will pay heavy divi dends; real aatate security behind them both. .-'-'-, zbtbbt xv romun. Ws hava Information for Investors that might prove of value to you. "As oomlng vnts cast their shadows be fore." v - Come la and get aequslntsd; It eosts you nothing. - Ws knew our methods will pleeee you. , ' THE CONTINENTAL CO. 243 Stark St. Phone Main 1976 fine timber, bear Portland Ill.fcO per acre. S1S00 Qood l-room house, near car line. Improved street east side. $9 BOO Modern (-room colonial house, close In, east aids. eO0 100x100 and modern colonial T . room house, oa Union avenue. A fine home. 97000 A fractional lot oa Washington . street aysoo 10 flats, paying 20 par cent; best buy in the. city. . 910,000 Throe-story frams on First st Income $110. 910,800 .100x100 on tttft st; good in come and worth 1 1,000 mqrs thsa asking price. fll.OOO F1n corner lot on 10th st glSO Lots on car line, only t to mlnutee from center of city; water and graded streets; tt per month. Borne fine warehouas property on west Bide. Sablstroin & Patterson - iasv Vomrtk et, Oor. Morrison. . llocre bvesfasect Ccspsay . 151i Slid , Street L O T S 911 at loe a Say U The bargslns can't be beat anywhere. Every lot a snap. . .Tske Mt. Scott car at 1st snd Alder ets. and rids to Evslyn. tt mlnutsa from olty, f srs tc K . . ' Every convenience In Evelyn; beet wa ter, best ear service, eto. . Come out Sunday or weekday and be convinced. E. ALFORDSON orrtosi BTBZiTjr utaxxow. ' 9TJRB L0(S tmrnM . SB A at. . I LiLJJ.VJ I a 1 I MM :i W Easy Teres . v ? ! V EVELYN fx- Call up MAIN 613 AND RETURN. Charge $1.50 "fiDfyirrhNfP VUIMIL. C37raC,TEA riacsExnns Crnrtrf5h.ita5orfTicei CI05SET DZYE1S iNMrixiuOsoenceiif OBOBBXOBA, tlllt TWXLSB, KTSBOOBU, TABXOOOKX.B, lOMOf ooB, mnTraiATiaM, aosmtA, and X3V BZUABBS. We want every man afflicted f with tha above dlssssea to honestly Investigate our special systsm of treatment - W In vite In particular all who have treated elsewhere without sucosss, all whose esses hsve been abandoned by family physicians and so-called . "BBOIA Bin," all whose troubles hsve . been aggravated end made worse by the use of BBX.TS, rasa umtui, tbxaxi ralATMIXTt and ao-called WlOIf. ICS.' Ws will explain to you why such treatment has failed to euro you. and will demonstrate to your sntirs satis fsotlon that ws etn cure you safely, quickly and permanently. Our eounssl will cost nothing, and ws will do by you ss ws would wish, you to do by us If our eaaae were reversed. Writs for our home treatment If you cannot call. - The DR. LI tBIG STAFF Booma S and f, Winchester Bouse, S4 aad Bamslde tftreeta, Boraaad, Or. BsvabUshed 187S. t ' C.OEEWO The Great Chinese Doctor .' rersMrly eatd ' t 1R3 Alow st, eorset Iklre. Has Moved V fa larg tMeS tontdlag at S, a. at rint aae MoirsMa 1 Kntraaoa . i 163J4 First Stratt i Xa. a. Omm Wa. laa Oraat Chtaaa I wU kBowa aad (sojeas tkmcboat tt V. a BWas kit wonderfal and animlaa care kav fca krral1ee taroadesst throashoBt tti kagtsj sad brasdtk f this coantrr. Ha trest aay aad aU dtw wits powerful Cblane roots, krt. bos, - barks ssd vstabl thai r entlrslr anknowa to medical rac la UN osatrr. and tfcnask tb as f tbs aaraWs Cmeales b gnsrsster to ear esUrrh. sstbsis, ag traables, rhnmstlsia.r.rosiMsa, stsmus, llrer. kMner. t tms Is trouble aad all srtrst l7kis"fBMBS dneter ear wltbeat the alt ef th knife, wlthant seine poison -f dras. nixlrt ef teatlsirmlsbj sa n st hi atScaa. CaU s4 se blai. rkra lasdwst. oomroxtATioB rsts. ' Pstteata eat ef tb eltr .writ fn blank ad clrrnlar. Inclose 4s tmp. Aildraaa Tse 0. a W Okbws Mdlcta Oa, ISStfe 1st tu. er. Marrtaoa, Vertlaaa. Or. plesa SMarkoa tbla saper. Btf.pOil DEtiaNBR AMD. c BUILDBB: . mK 208 4th St yJs2 houses built raisi'3 ON INSTALIAiENTS. - f "tr oct pbices. y ar- GREAT SNAP $8.000 Kifallent corner, S houses; brings good Intersst now; as. business corner it will treble tn valus In a short time. JJon't miss this. ! ' ' T. TVOMM, 14f, First, , ; ' : :"';.' .'.--.' ' V