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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
"DAY- EVENING, OCTOZZi: 13, 1CCJ. .. . V. . I. ' . 1 ; $300,000 OMvefiifrs - $300,000 .v jouniiAi;. PORTLArrr. ' V ; i ' j . ' c . V - i- j'V'.v V.--: '..-V.-'-.-. mm mark rr-Worth . of S EXquis ;ite, Beautiful, Costly and Inimitable i ." A a n i? i r ,1: " ; In the Oriental Building, Lewis and Clark Fair Grounds,- Beginning Thursday, October, 19, 1905, at 10 A. M. : ; i ff i . , Tiic Society, oS M Admirers .Have met with grand succesa. They will dispose of 20,000 mem bership I cards! , and . will .give ' free thousands " of dollars' ' worth of choice Japanese goods Monday, October 23, at the Oriental build ing in the Exposition Grounds. Hurry and join , the society, ms no more than 20,000 members will be received. The exhibitors !will not reship these goods to Japan. 1 They will remain on this coast to beautify American women and American homes. It's your own fault if you dont join the Society of Japanese Art Ad mirers and get a souvenir free worth a king's ransom. ' ' Come now, for the "Bird of Time has but a little way to flut ter, and the birdis on the wing." Goods njjw on display. " ' : V .'Apply, to agents at the -piano house of 'Allen ft Gilbert-Ra-maker Co, Woodard ft Clarke's drug store, to Mrs. Frohman, Parlor C . Hotel Portland, or the secretary of . the society at Oriental Building, Lewis and Clark Exposition. Prtand Poiifts lae Way. To Fair Japan s Mcgnilicent Conlribntions As the best souvenir and best memorial our citizens can possess. Three hundred thousand dollars' worth of exhibits to select from now on -display. The exhibitors are making Portland 4JX offer . sever - known before. ' v ; k ' 4 ; , Art dealers and curio collectors will find It to their advantage to investigate the great public sales to be inaugurated at once. They can buy the most beautiful and costly wares and manufac tures from the empire of Japan for less than one half the price they, can import these articles and for 75 per cent less than they can buy the same goods in New York. . . These beautiful and artistic articles include Royal Satsuma Gold and Silver . Cloisonne Wood Carvings Silk Tapestries Silk Kimonos . Rare Jewels Royal Kutani , . ' Bronzes . Brasses "'- ,'; Carved Furniture . Silk Embroideries. f Cut Velvet Hangings Gold ft Silver Jewelry Royal Hizen Metal Wares . Ivory Carvings Lacquer Wares Silk Screens ; Silk Fans ' Etcn Etc, Etc He (Grand Coiiiaiss teer- Empire of Japan ta the Lewis and Clark Far has invited' ic to attend an Auction Sale of all exhibits not sold by tho : For the the public , Society of Japanese Art Admirers. Nearly $300,000 worth are to ' be disposed of at public sale. . ' Any article in the Japanese section of the Oriental Building will be put up at request and sold to .the highest bidder. - v 1 ; . . ". Tickets of admission to the fair grounds to attend these sales will be mailed to you upon application. Goods now on display, v . Call at your earliest convenience. ' r ' - .. ' ' .Yours sincefely, ' . 1 ' ' ' j ; . Y. KUSHIBIKI, Commissioner-General. . Exhibitors from Empire of Japan Y.,- Hashimoto, Y. Osawa, R. Fukagawa, the Mikado Art Co.; T. Mizutani, N. Inaba, T. i Ogawa, S. TomikU'H.-Hayashi, B. Kawaguchi, S. Takata, : OuchL y ' ;,v'--;'v' T''V'. v ' Yasuiira Yamaji Oias.IL 6 f Manager. ' Auctioneer from Los Angeles. SALARIES 10 STOP OF-OFFICIALS- :v;,'. w ; . Montana Normal 6ohool Trustee " f Strike Back at Attorney-; ; l'- General' Ruling. .; WILL ENJOIN PAYMENT " OF WARRANTS AND BONDS r.CUSm That 'If School Bonds Are - Illeeai Expenditure!. So Are All Other Expenses of " the State Matter Will Be Tested in Courts. tV'-vyy-V,- '"'' (SMdat Dlmtck to' Thi JoanuL ' ' - , Helena, MonC. Oct. !S.-Ute Tre- mrnr J. H. Rio ha been advlMd todT by former - Gorr nor B. F. Whlt of ' JMllon that he would oon' enjoin py mcnt by that official of all mate war , rants and bond a. Oorarnor Whit la a DIM. VI IU.I HtUUUI. i WUOTB UWIQ 1D.U. rf $71,000. aathorlaed br the reoent lea-- M iniature, waa declared llleg-al In an 4 Opinion ' by Attorney-Oenerai Galen, 4, t4S. too. These bonds had been taken ,-' -over, by the ' state,Afl4,' new butldina re bains' constructed at Dillon with the , prospects of the sale. Since' tbe opinion - as refused' payment of all warrants . xtrawn on that fund. .;f WhIU, In a letter, warned the t'reaY- m ano . ms oona sipea wui pm una .re sponsible. Mr. White, who Is one of 'the most substantial men In southern ' ; Montana., declares, that, these warrants rc Just as much liability against the : stat as are the bond Issues, and that If the stste has overstepped the constltu , Clonal limit of Its Indebtedness In ths vm, ii litis m nm nuier, ana ns says ns proposes. to have the matter determined ... once for all. ji. ii.: mmjw jnr. vrnuv, n. is a aissi ; patlon Of ths lsnd (rants, ss It Is held to be by the attorney-general, to build ',: achoolhouses, It la s dissipation to hire , . .teachers, and likewise it Is dissipation " "to pay state officials. , . , ; Ths letter has crested no little excite ment at the capital, the threatened ces- sation of ir not belnir a pleasant mat- tar of conjecture. ' State Treasurer Rice has referred the letter to Attorney-Oenerai Oalen. with a request for an opin ion as to his duty In the matter. This will be forthcoming within a few days. The question Is a momentous one. snd will doubtless go to ths supreme court for final determination, both as re spects the bonds issued for educational Institutions and the warrants Issued for payment of state officials. ' v DOINGS IN RABBITVILLe rJw.Trc-ro Cured . , Rabbitvtll Correspondence Irrlgon Irrigator. "I Jest arrove from Portland, 'where I went to the Harmony meeting and I'm fuller of Harmony nor a billy goat. It waa a grate meeting. It wss maid up of I kinds of people and S kinds of folks. First they waa a big croud of people wnai nas orricea xnen they waa an other big lot who wants offices and a right smart sprlnklln' of fellers what has a office but wants a better one, and then there was me and a few other prl Tate folks and Mrs. Woodpekker, what aisklrrered Roosevelt, but we all wlaht he'd a seen her first. Some of the fellers went with a brick In one pocket and a rock In another and a nlfe up their steers, w. Twoos, who baa a darnel good of floe, but who has a eye on Bin ger Hermann's Job, he trun, a rock at the mouth of the Columbia and the U of a brick at Celllo, then dru his nlfs n Portland' before he got sot on. Mr. Baker, who Is lookin' hardest for a big cargo of Harmony, read a beautiful speech tell In' of us that Oregon Is the banner Republican state, (tremendous yells) wlah must be plessln' to the Democrats who has most of the best offices. Rits In Portland I waa told to mors on by a Democrat policeman hired by a Democrat mayor and a Democrat deputy work in' for a Democrat s her If made me stop spltttn': and If I'd got arrested I'd bin proslcuted by a Demo crat proslcutor befoar a Democrat Judge. and If I'd a landed In Jail I'd a bad to go to a Democrat governor to git out v hock. So I says to Mr. Baker says I let's glva the Democrat a the Harmony and us tsk the offices, but he said If ws'd all git plum full o Harmony we could git -down on our nees every night and thank. Ood we lived in a i state where a Democrat la without hope. But I says says I s'posln' we send Mr. Hee- ney a few big doses of Harmony for If he keeps on In his wlcksd ways there won't be enough o' us Rspubilcans out o' jail to fill the offices. Jest then a feller wunk at m and I follered him around the corner when he drew a bottlt on me. Says he you'd better try about three fingers o"!thlB' Rind o Harmony like the Democrats use. . Then I lesrned what a good thing' real Harmony la. i But I misdoubt that meboe Baker has let the perscrlptlon git mixed and Is dosln' us out o' the wrong bottle. Our meat market, which they call a new butcher shop opened last week In work wrltln' on the Telegram down In Portland, and was sent as a minister to preach In Si Ann, and Is In 'South amerlca now tryln' to have' 'em inter due our slwtl servlss laws In the har rums. No, even Barrett in the days of his senlth newer plaid Hamlet like I plaid htm that bite.- And I newer was teach ed to act. I was born so.' I have writ to the trust magnates la New York what hire all the actors askln' of 'em what wages they'll give me to act back east. But I won't go -for a cent less than twenty IS a month and board and washln', and they got to hire Lisa But terbottom at a good fat sallery too, to act Ofeelia. . : Vila ) Saaxas SklaHe1t? Hat neat) aad IklaHealtk Tablets. A ml. -J.-VkiTEtEi' !!L;2.,SfIWffl Zt2n!i b"ck P"rt of th Hery stsble, will Unwr, wirn m er aair. rm nxlncea clear, bru immU WaJtay skla sad feaa, tick, ted Moos r-:z:::::zALYjv rhii nT fr,n meat on hand a week- com eoMietsefflaraBa ieas, fg. .aurtleatedstl. k.aUealth(it.).Str.toklll proa I tbe skla. aad aklBHealth Tablets. ss sspel baswe genu. All droasiate. 1 -ta a far tae Casaplexlea, , Maraseaoa, rensisa, roashaM. easr. a iiiii ears. SAewi S eases. e, Mtae fee Free gessol aad -pMki, iwajt haada. NotbiDf will (lie t mvxj avx cu mvnAtut, . j. , o. aad Wasalagsoa next Saturday. - . i . The opery give by the ladles' aid so ciety at wlrh Hamlet was acted was one of the swellest affsres wlch ever took piece! In ths IT. states of Amri Words cannot express It nor minds con cetvejt nor f lenlght men grasp t unless theywaa thare to see the gorgeousnets of It. and. It will be a great levver to wards brlngln' Rsbbltville to the front. I was the grate central flgger of course. and I plaid the melonkolly Daln as hV newer was plaid before and aa he will newer be plaid again nnless I my own self do it, Booth In his pammy days. Lew Dorkstatter at his best and Barrett who was a grate .tragedian but went to Go to Lovely Homes. ... On of the most beautiful, Instru ments ever exhibited In the- west, wss this afternoon purchased) by ex-Mayor Rowe. He- wa shown ".The various makes handled by the Biters Piano House, but when his gase fell upon the 1 1.008 Weber Pianola plsno encased In a wonderfully beautiful Circassian walnut esse, with the latest Frenohyor dull finish, the temptation - wss too great and he purchased It Immediately. The casing looks as If it was wrapped with leopard skins, so beautifully and striking is the finish. But the case Is only an outer exhibition of the truly wonderful tone quality that comes from within. Another noteworthy Instrument that waa sold at Ellers Piano Houae yes terday Is a charming Louis XIV design of a Weber piano. In rich mottled ma hogany case, which waa secured by Mr. and Mrs. Osge. of the Oregon Auto Despatch. Only five of theae famous and costly Louis XIV art style Weber pianos have ever been shipped to the north Pacific coast, snd all were sold by Ellers Plsno House. t , Pardoned Oonvlot Wanted. - Taooma. Wash., Oct 1. When Frank Crelghton, alias Tom Haley; .recently pardoned from the Walla Walla Peniten tiary by Governor Mead, -arrives here h will be arrested, aa he Is wanted in several cities. ' KAISER IS AFTER PERSIAN TRADE Emperor William : Dispatches a Special Mission . to Teheran to Seek Business. MOVE EXCITES ANGER THROUGHOUT BRITAIN 1 Regarded a Aimed Against English Interests and as Supplying Farther Illustration of Germany'i Animos ityVon Rosen pleads Embury. ' .. (Journal Bpsdsl Service.) London, Oct. It. Emperor William's decision to dispatch a special mission to Teheran for the purpose of bringing about closer political and commercial relations between Germany and Persia has' exerted a great deal of dtssatlaf ac tion and anger In England, the move be ing regarded as aimed agslnst British In terests, and as supplying' a further il lustration of Germany's animosity. Hitherto southern Persia has been regarded more especially as the sphere of Englsnd. northern Persia being under Russian - influence, but the enormous German trade in Persia, through .Ger man East. African ports and tbe Ger man network of railroads in Syria and the valley of the Euphrates snd Tigris, supply formidable factors of support to Germany by. rivalry with ths British. , The German mission, which will be I j m ar vyv 4 ,i , ,v a W r mVmU - Wa T aw -m J.''y W.aTsj I I Ze 2 r i i t.i 2 a v 9 1111 under Von Roeen, the former Abyssinian envoy, la arousing many misgivings In English government circles, owing to the "pernicious activity of the kaiser." I AT THE THEATRES. ' Belaaco Bill Pleases. ' Tb sngscement of White Whittlesey with the Belases stock company la attract tag extraor dinary attention. Tbe plaaoose Is filled each stent i aad the eatbsslasm dlsplsyed Is a re marksble testlnfcolal to tbe aMlltlsa of tbe star and tbe supporting company. Tbe play, "Slier Man," la a. romantic study, gorgeously staged. Last Performance The Tenderfoot." Toalgbt at tbe Marqaam Grand theatre, ea alorrlsua atreet betweea Rlatb sad 'Seveatb streets, tbe tuaeful western saasleal eooaedy, "Tbe Teadsrfoot." wul hs gives tor tbe last time. Tbe two clever artists, Oscar L. Ptgaiaa sad Bath White, tngetber with . the eaeslleat slnsing cboros of 60 people, prtaiut-tae host aiaslcal offering Portland baa bad at . ataay uontaa. OnrUla at S:lft o'clock. "Ben Hur.7 Tomorrow Night. Beginning toasorrow Tbarsday algbt -tbe Klaw a Brlaager company (Inc.) stnpeodoas production of General Lew Wallsce's groat drama, "Bes Bor," will commence aa engage ment of els atgbta (excepts -Sunday) with matinees Saturday aad Wednesday, at tbe Mar ousm Grand theatre. Tbe cartala will rise at S aad S p. m., after which hours do one will be seeted daring tbe first aceae, . which lasts M mlaatas. . AHboagb dealing wltb tbe moat delicate aab Jeet In toe history of tbe stage, tbe freedom of "Ben Hot" from anything that might grste apoe the nerve of the moat religloaslj sensltlrs has earned tbe Indorsement of tbe very best people la every eotamnnlty. Tbe most ena plcooas scenes are tbe stsr of Bethlehem, the elty of ierasalem from tbe terrace aarden of the palace of Hnr la Jadea, tbe Interior of a Romas galley, - the grave of Daphne, tbe foaa tain of Cast alia, tbe eacltlng Boaua chariot race, tb vast of Hlnoom, and tbe Mount of Olives. To those era added some wonderfnl effects In electric lighting, ss In the stsr of Retnlebem. when more than SS.OOO eleetrl lights of t catxUe-power are. used to famish Its powerful ray. . ' ' ' ; -. i-JoDy Orsss Wid'ows." : . The Baker tbeatra will sreseat a red IsHer attraction to tbe tbeatre-golng public, of Port land aext week, starting Sunday matinee, when the "Jolly Orsss Widows,!' wltb its beautiful scenery, gorgeous eostumes aad beahtlful women, will appear for one week. , , N. . . . . ' - ' - -. r. i i'f "Honest Hearts." '. . . Marty, a country beauty of Kentucky, wbe haaemtte knowledge of bow to ass ,tke Knglutk language - properly, but csn level s gun at Ui Tlllaln. ls ths central flgnra In tbe new pastoral comedy, "Honest Hearts." ht which Kllmt Ossssm are f -staring Alma' flear at- tbe Em pire this. week. 'Tbe regular matinee wiU be gives Saturday. "Star i Show- Girls." ' If yna are looking for extrsrsgsssaa. sovel hartettas, - topnotcbers ta .vaudevtlte, seek ne fnrtbert your place Is Is tbe Baker tbeatra tbia week at tbe pel for manes gives by tab Star Show Oa-ls. . . . "Why Women Sin." ' 1 sermon kw4 play Imbued with an tbe thrllV big elemente of aensatlaaat flsear Is "Why Women ain." Hence tbe engagement of tbe elaborate "production of It at tbe Empire theatre all aext week, starting Hands matinee, should pro re sa event of extraordinary drasiatle Im portance. - . - . - . i. i ', VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. . ' ' - Orsnd's ,Hadllner.; ' ' RamsoB waa tb atmngeat Bias la his age. aad Raalell, at the Grand, Is the strongest Bias today. "The Le Moots, four ht number, ar ac robats; Iteasla Tanaerbtll Is akiglsg sopalst sougt! tbe A Ilea filters are s team of sew DwD0a0raa G. P. RUM ME UN & SONS FURRIERS 12S Second SL, bL Wash, and Alder Sis. Alaska Seals!tla Coals, Ulak and Otter Coats, . Persian Lamb Coats, Near Seal and Astracban Coats,Novelty Fur Ne-'lria7st Is Sable, Mink. Ermine. nCWCir cblarnlUa. Black . White Fox Boas, While Thib et Boas, Sable Fox Boas, -Fur Units, Fnr GlovesFur : Ross and Robes i rinrac lNn DFiuri r fiib pifds . Ssad for Ostsiogue. ' '.-''''" ' iTOCJma&rOvavtworCW if .V; " .' a X . V . ' V ' ' ' MsasjsjksasfMi jg!W 1 A vW Vvf StfKV' tettA, Xs?irl: 12 V -tAsteSaia'l. If) '!!(. 'A- . brettss: Wlngsta dose a specialty" with hones, and Fred Purmton sings Me latest niastrated song. 1 Tbe Grandlscops closes the show. .. - , ; . . -. t , Star's Star. BUL; ' . .. Courtrtght and' fee. one 'of' the beat knows eom-dy teams In vaudeville.' hsv the pttce of honor ea the Star. bill. Tbey bare as ss seslates trtwrm and Freed tat s comedy muateal set; Ids Bnssell. tbe favorite-, female enter tainer; Breen and Rogers, ra comic operetta; Harry -CUntea Sewrsr. Is Imlfsilone; Fraaklla tionfee,. with a aew ballad) aad the Starosoope with a fanny film,.-. , , ; -i' '- '-" 1 - r ."A Prisoner of Wsrr v ' Tbe' play at the Lrrle"thls week Is. a wsr drama which deals with the civil war. 'The Bmrlng pictures sad "Illustrated songs are still a popular feature i betwees-. tbe , sets st . tbs Lyric., - t-.-e., - .' . " 1 - i ' i i . . f : Ta Sia1it'aVaa Otrstosv.) " (Journal SseeUI Bervtee l ' Everett, Wash.. Oct. 18. The- Liquor Dealers' assoclstlon of Washington will begin a stringent campaign against ths Antl-Baloon leagua's .local, option c ru led aw ,,(..- lArtFiira r.knofcclurir.o Co. ' . .. mjC X. WALRKfVMgr, ,, --.v,,v '.,'(;' Manufacturers of ' ' . ; DRAPERIES i I , ' SPECIAL DESIGNS III rlltlCTUTC - -, , ANB CABINET KOBK. .- - Xattresae Wade aad meaovated. i peetal Arseatloa Otvaa to . aaspalg Work. , . - ' Factory ui WtrdrMM r . 4484i-4$J loyt Stret,Ponlass.QrtM , ;1om .Main HO. '- R. ANDREWS. PresX a 0 0 A0'A