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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
LJI-Li i;.iiu 10 iUi LuJl ti:3 ctc l::Z3 zzy i To lae household but how about the mother ? Has tbe been Joyf'-l , ... j ,, 30 SOOIIli iuiug. vne weeicj a, cere - ' ; t Jw-, -aj ' ; - h--.-f--r-- -( ... j. K ;( ,,1v.,: . ; ' v Citizens Threaten to Make Com .: ptny Give' Up Streets Granted f ; ,' j Under Promts of Station, MASS MEETING WILL . i W CONSIDER QUESTION : v Repreaentativee of Evrr But Side -j Suburb and Doten Push Clubs i Expected to Unit in Flfht for What They Claim. Tae east alas erne et The Jooraal is Is tbe tor of J. M. C Miller. WO East Morrises surest. NqkoM bunt,, ;, i . A iptcUl committee Of the Past Bid Improvement league has issued a cell . for mm RMtlni to consider the da pot ' question. ' The representatives of -every Wat aid auburb will gather to . llatan to the committee's report and to .. plan a campaign for an oaat atda 8outh- ; ern Paolfio station that will'ba backed -by over one of the doaen puah clubs -of the bl dlatrlet and by the l.oue bualneaa men who dally aend or receive freight d expreee over the company's Unas, .. - ... The, Meeting will be bold at the rooms of - the east aide-. Juatlco court, East Washington and ifalon avenue, Thurs day, afternoon at I o'clock, and every ' auburbi will be. represented. .Chairman Joseph' Buchtel it the apecial commute - la Bending, a call to the bualneaa men of every auburb. and eaat aide dlatrlet "asking that they be preaent or aee that . their locality la represented, and letter ; have been aent .out to either the local commercial organisation or bualneaa men Of Bellwood, Sunnyslde, Montavllls, Mount Tabor, Highland. Piedmont, Cen .. tral "Alblna, Multnomah. Unlveralty Park. Portamouth, St. Johno - and : the - central Oaat aide dlatrlA ' " . i ' "There are more than 10.90) people In ... .this big dlatrlet directly interested in the light," -aald Mr. Buchtel yesterday, , , "and from the work already done we are aura they are with ua to the laat man. ; We think the time haa come to atart a well organised campaign- for our rights . and If we cannot ' do thla by ourselves , the west aide' will be asked to aid. . "By Investigation we have discovered that under an old franchise the com- - pany wee obliged to erect and maintain an eaat aide depot somewhere aouth of Sullivan's gulch, and the courts will be asked to decide whether or not the com pany shall keep Its agreement To make such a fight requires money and a thor- ough organisation; both of these will be secured when the various organi sations of the east aide are united and when the thouaands of bualneaa men dis cover that there Is a chance to secure the depot lhr ao greatly need. ; "We have discovered, also that many i ' of the streets the eompany la using on thla atde of the river were vacated on the condition that the company build a depot and do other thtnga which have - not been dona We also believe many ' of the streets the company Ja using are ' not really Ijs own. but were merely '.taken because no objection wae raised. " These things will be brought to the at , fentlon of the oourt and the tight kept up until we gain what we asked the com pany for months ago, and . which It curtly denied ua a The stand taken by Mr. Buchtel la tho on taken by the other bualneaa men of the central organisation and one which . every man who algned tho petition for a ' depot regards as the only way out of the difficulty. . Practically every bualneaa house ."In the central district algned the petition for an east side -freight and passenger elation, including the Stand ard Oil eompany, which doea an Immense shipping business from that aide of the river. , : -- .. s- - v . : CONDEMNS WATER PLANT. ti fofcat Council BeeUee That Sew System Mast U reeta at Oaee, It wae a whirlwind session the SL Johns, council held last night and the water problem was settled In the off hand fashion tb town usually take. When disposing of big things? It was decided . bv the . councllmen that . the preeent water system bad not given good service and that It could not with its equipment give adequate service to the cro wine: town: that the present com pany had not lived up to Ita franchise ergo, that It had no irancnia. ,, . After nettling these matters to It satisfaction, the council took, a long breath and decided to appoint a board of public works that should have power to build a Plant ,of sufficient also to supply the town, and that It do ao at once. Another breath was taken, and then the preaent water committee and two additional members were made Into the new board of public works, the ad-dltlonal-members' of the board to be appointed by the mayor. Then the council rested. . Though such a speedy and spectacu lar settling of the question was not an ticipated. It waa known that the city council would favor the erection of a new plant and the owning of this plant by the city, the legal controversy to be avoided by giving the contract to pri vate part lea and afterward buying, the plant with municipal bonds, when the present charter la ao modified aa te make thla feaalble. ' - , '- Just thla will be done, the prelimin ary steps having been taken, at-the meeting laat night. An offer waa made by , an eastern capitalist Jo build the aystem under the approval of the board of publio works, the plant to be one sufficient to supply a city of 15,000 population, to eost about $100,000, and to be bonded by the private company erecting- it, the town taking over the piani wnen ne own Don a issue is valid. This plan will be considered at an ad journed meeting of the council, when the board of works will begin Its labors. NEIGHBORS BUILD rOME. Belief Otvea Aged Woman Camping Out u tae norama Wfth Twe Children. Residents at sfultnnmah mwiA VAn Second Addition Sr ralaln mAnAw n build a bouse for a homelees woman wita two cnuaren. Tbe - woman haa been camped on a vacant lot near Ai btna. avenue on Emarun fn, aim months. Where she came from has not mw oiscoverea, an mat. is Known of her being that ehe came In a night. Bitched a smell ihMuinth . bruah-oovered lot. set up a rusty cook- siove in uii open and staked out on the commons a lean and disheveled cow. The woman la a (lennan. nt mm-Am and la Imbued with a spirit of Independ ence inat maxes her reruee all assist ance. , ,, Women who have been Curious visited the tent and found a bed of leaves for me woman ana ner two children, a few apples piled In a corner of the ahelter. which formed ilia (nnj .uii,i. . Pot and a few pans for household equip- auDscnpuon is Delng taken up ta nurehasa Inmh,. . ' - U. HUMWI, IIUUW and. the men of the neighborhood will pend their evening hours building It " vim iwo via 10 worn, ner child ren are too young to help her. and It la feared that unleaa some better ahelter la afforded the antlra fimll. -sill ... " ... .i i.ii or pneumonia, as every rain drives " me iiunsy lent. , GALE WILL FINISH TIIES1.MIL;: Captain . Dickson Reports That . Shs Bst . e..LJ a Die. . wi iar iu BEACHCOMBERS IN , : x CAMP ON THESHORE v. v. :: Wahing for Her to Be Driven in, in : Hope ol Oettinf Part of Her. Carf o OU Carrier Wbittier Haa a Squally Trip. flooded aJmoel up to the main deck." Beachcombers have pitched tenta on. the hAM I.I . - miv ai.illt. l ur q VSSSei IO J drift tn ma that the -Bill h. .ki . . I ..- S"M "There must be (0 people on the shore watching the steamer." said the skipper. "They cam a from naarhw tnwna ..i dently Intend to remain until they have " w vmr oe ns cargo. Ail of the freight Is badly damaged and un less picked up 1 as soon as the ship strikes the shore It will be washed out to aee." . - - . . . Squalls oa the Coast. . From Crescent City to the mouth of the Columbia river the WhittUr an. Lcouatered squally weather . which at times developed Into a hurricane. Sea waahed over her decks, but as all port able articles had been put In a safe place, nothing waa loat overboard. She brought 10.600 barrels of fuel oil, half of which la being discharged at the Portland Oaa codidikt'i dock at tha fwit of Everett 1 etreet The rest of the cargo will be piped Into the olltank at Portsmouth. - If the work la completed In time the steamer will nut to ta. night. .. .-, - j. . t-. . .When thf Aral aoutheaat gale cornea along the steamer1. St Paul will be driven ashore and broken to pieces on the rocks, says Captain Dickson of the ollcarrter Whlttler, which reached port thla morning from San Francisco.- - - Tbe Whlttler passed within 100 yards of the St Paul, which ta hanging on' the rocks near Point Oorda, where ehe was wrecked two weeks age. Captain Dick aon secured an excellent view . of the wrecked vessel and save It la only a queation of time when aha will be blown aahore by the strong wlda which sweep the coast She Is listing badly to starboard and 4 NO SUBSTITUTE - lias 1 yet ben found for cod liver oiV . There are so-called extracts, .wines and cordials of cod 'liver oil that are said to contain the active principles but not the oil itself. This is absurd on its face. You might as well extract the active prin ciples of. wheat ; and " make bread with them. The best form of cod liver oil, that can be digested "and assimilated most easily, is Scott's Emul sion. . ' r-' ; SCOTT "aOWKS, t T-T??' Kea Tore. WILL CARRY MIXED CARGO. Brltlaa Skip' Oarradale so XkmuI With . Wheat, Bailey aad meuc ; Aa soon aa her ballast has been dis charged at the'Banfleld ddtk. the Brit ish ahlp Carradale will begin taking on a cargo of wheat, barley and flour for the United Kingdom. It la decided de parture from the ordinary run of af faire for a aaUtng vessel to be loaded with a mixed cargo, of that sort. The Carradale reached the harbor laat Friday from Honolulu, coming In bal last in search of business. Shortly after her arrival ehe waa chartered by the Portland Flouring Mills. , All who have aeen her pronounce, her to be one of the cleanest and finest looking sail ing vessels to reach port this seaaon. She la In command of Captain Olll. who was here 10 years ago aa maater of the British ahlp Dunearn. This Is hla first trip In the Carradale.' be having gone from London ' V New Tork to take charge of her lees than a year ago. From the metropolis ehe carried a cargo to Melbourne, proceeding from there to other Australian , porta and then to Honolulu. . BIG TRAMP COMING. Steamship Algoa May Break World's Beoerd for flour Agate. . ' By the last , of the , week the British steamship Algoa la expected to reech Portland from ' Baa Frapclscov She la under charter to the Portland A Asiatic Steamship company to load for Japan, aad offtcera of the .line aay. aha la scheduled to sail from the Bay city for the Columbia river thla afternoon. With her arrival, two of the largest- tramp steamers -afloat will be tn the harbor. The other te the knight. Errant, which la receiving a cargo at tbe flour mill tor the far eaat. The aggregate carrying capacity ot these two vessels approximates 1 1,000 tons, as much aa four ordinary freight ers are capable of handling. There la not more than II tons difference In their else. The- Knight Errant haa had en months breeedlnc the aarentr - . Too many mofnert find it a time of fearful anxiety because of the knowledge that . they ara'nntln s-nnd health. . They have allowed weakness, pains and drains to accumu late till the neaeth ia completely under mined and they are 'more than dlacoar- egea,- ana an because tney.nave oeen misadvised by well-meaning friends or maltreated by an inefficient doctor. To all such her is the new that then U a remedy that will heal and not hurt. It waa discovered forty years ago by Dr. Pierce who searched Xoture'a tabor- atorythe earth, for the remedial agent ao liberally provided therein. He took L,aay a supper root, eiacx inoen- root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh .root, Golden beal root, and bv extracting, combining and preserving, without the use of alco- novtne glyceric extracts oi tnese natural remedies behes given to the world Db. PiKBca'a Favoritb PitBscBrrnog. which haa to Ita credit the enviable and unparalleled record of more than a half' million of cures in the last forty rears. "Only those who have given' Dr. Pierre's Favorite Preaerlptloa a trial caa appreciate what a boon It la to suffering women," writes Miss Vlnns Beamore, of 59 Elm 8t. Toronto, Onl -"For two years I suffered Intensely from female weakness until life was a burden to me. I had diatreaalna'. bearlne-down oalna so I could scarcely stand up. Bad hot Dunes, wss very despondent weak, and ut terly wretched. My physician gave me treat ments but without eucceas. I tried aeveral remedies but obtained no relief until I be gan to take Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Prescrip tion. I began immediately to Improve, and In four months' time 1 waa as well and strong aa ever." ........ Constipation cured by Doctor Plereal Pleasant Pellets, board more than 14,000 tons of freight and the Algoa took out of Portland less thsn two years ago almost 00,000 bar rels of flour,--up to that-perlod the largest flour cargo ever floated at any port In the world. It is planned to nt her out with an entire flour cargo thla trip and If auch . an arrangement la carried out the officials of the- com pany say they Intend to make an effort to load out with more than, 00,000 bar rels of the product and ftali) break the world's record. - .- Two more oriental liners are expected to arrive this month the Aragonla and Nlcomedla. The former la scheduled to reach here on October ' 2 and the latter a week later. The Aragonla la expected to arrive at the Bay city today from Yokohama and after discharging a email part of her. cargo aha will sail for Port land. The Nlcomedla left Yokohama for the Columbia, river on October ' II and ahe usually completea the pas sage In 10 daya. In leas than a week later the British steamship Croydon . will arrive from Ocean Island by way of San Francisco and will also be loaded for Japan by the Portland A Asiatic Steamship company. Thus, in the latter part of October and the first week or so In November, the company will dispatch four big steam era for the far eaat . COOLSDON LEAVES. Sana for Jape witk Valuable Cargo "and Kay meturn. . . 'Laden with 0.500 tons of flour and grata valued at close to $300,000, the British steamship ' Coulsdon, . Captain Henry,left down this morning shortly after- daylight Pound tor -japan. The cargo la being ahlpped by Mitsui St Co. Before leaving, the officers of the Coutadoav aajd. that It is altogether proDsoie mac ine steamer wui oe i sent back to Portland Immediately after her cargo has been delivered on the other side of the Pacific ' While ahe haa not yet been chartered It wan declared that a strong Intimation haa been made that ahe would again be aent back hereby tne Japanese nnn mai nas ner engages for this trip. while lying at the dock the. Coulsdon waa drawing ti feet of water, less by seven Inches than the ' draft of the Imaum, which made a record-breaking trip from Portland to the aea the latter part of laat week. It la probable that she -WUI cross the bar this afternoon. TRAVEL STILL HEAVY. Betarnimg Oallf oraiana Crow-e Teasels Bound for ejaat rranelaoo.. Notwithstanding the fact that the fair haa Juat cloaed there Is no falling off In the travel to Ban Francisco by the water route. Every berth waa disposed of on the ateamer Columbia thla morning, al though she ta not scheduled to sail 'for the aouth until October , nearly a week hence The steamer Costa Rica, chartered by the San Francisco Jk Port land Steamship company to take the place of the St Paul temporarily, will arrive late thla afternoon and all of her peaeenger apace was engaged aeveral daya ago.' The ateamer Homer, operated by - the same company.- went out. laat night with 40 passengers, ail ahe could accommodate, and nearly 100 people who were anxious to make the trip .on her had to be turned away. One reason for the rush lust "now Is that many Callfornlans, who were here during the closing daya of the fair, are anxious to return home; - ." .-; '.;'.'' DESPATCH ARRIVES. Unloads at Stella a Great Amount of Img Cnala. Shortly after noon today the ateamer Despatch reached the harbor from San Francisco with a general cargo, which le being discharged at the Couch etreet dockv The veaeel atopped at Stella this morning and unloaded ISO tone of log chain consigned to the Robertson Raft company.' It la the blggeat single ship ment of chain that haa been brought to the Columbia river In years. The steam er also has on board a new eet of aalls for the schooner Oakland, 'which is at Vancouver receiving a cargo of lumber for the Bay. city. While In a storm off the coast about 10 days ago the Oakland was stripped of all of her sails, but In, her almost helpless condition succeeded In crossing the bar into the river without the as sistance of a ' tugboat She waa not otherwise damaged by the big blow. After discharging her freight the Dee patch will go over to Vancouver and se cure a cargo of fir for San Francisco OCEANO NEARLY READY; .1 - . . .. Today With n equal chance of winning sgainst the person who began a month ago. (In order to give many of the contestants who were working a little more time the (closing date was extended to October 23th. This will give you a week aeven whole days while four or five evenings are an abundance. Get to work on it at once. . . ' Send us the five reasons and mail a copjr to each of the ten business men you select, i .. .The best 'list ot reasons, according to the decision of the judges, takes the Cecilian. . Do not lose sight of the fact that the Cecilian Is by far the best piano player on the market. ; It is justly styled the Perfect Piano Player and is an instrument that multiplies many times the value of your piano, " ' 'i - :.. - ,. You can try the Cecilian yourself at any time 'at the ' ; MANUFACTURER'S PIANO CO. 3J50 Alder Street , FOR INFORMATION ON THE CONTEST CALL THE JOURNAL, PHONE 600. other firm. ' but when the - vessel lowered from the dock ahe leaked so badly that It was necessary to raise her again. Captain Davla, master 'of the Oceano, la becoming Impatient about hia long detention In port - As soon as ahe haa been floated, he aaid thla morning, the vessel will be "brought up to the Portland Flouring Mills and the work of loading her for Japan will be started at once and rushed with all possible haste. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ' Steamer Jeaaie Harklna was taken up to the Portland shipyards yesterday afternoon to be given an overhauling. On account of low water the boats operated by the Oregon City- Transpor tation eompany are unable to get up the river any further than Independence. $ Advices to the Merchants' Exchange atate that the British steamship, Aber geldle aalled from MoJI for Portland on September 10, which would Indicate that she la nearlng the Columbia river. The ateamer la under oharter tn Mitsui A Co. to transport grain and flour to Japan. . The German ahlp Chrlatel, lumber laden from Portland, arrived at Cape Town on Sunday. . She sailed from here on June It. - The- American abip Henry Millard ar rived at noon from Honolulu, coming in ballast She will receive a cargo of lumber at the Portland mill for Manila, . Ughtablp No. 07 haa been ordered te prooeed from her station at Umatilla reef to take the place or No. to, which went e ground near the mouth of the Columbia. The latter was floated yes terday afternoon and probably will be brought to Portland and placed oq the drydock for repalra At a meeting of the directors of the Clatakanla Transportation company yes terday afternoon Captain J. W. Shaver was elected president; captain o. w. Hosford, vice-president; D. C O'Reilly, secretary and treasurer. " J. H. Roberts, who haa been awarded the contract for raising the lighthouse tender Manaanlta, la getting together a wrecking outfit which will be taken to the scene of the accident tomorrow on the government barge B. The lat ter will be towed down the river by the steamer Olenola. With a amall shipment -of general merchandise and t passengers, the steamer Cascade arrived laat night from San Franclaco. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Oct 17. Arrived down at midnight steamer Asuncion. Arrived down at a. m.. ateamer Homer. Ar rived at 7:10 and left up at a. m., steamer Costa Rica, from San Fran cisco. Sailed at 11 a. m.. steamers Homer and Asuncion, for San Franclaco. Arrived at 11 a. m., a four-masted schooner. ' St Helens. Oct 17. Passed at 7:45 a. m., American ahlp Henry Vlllard. Aatorla, Oct 14. Left up at 1:00 p. Dlrttt frca Car BltCtry taYC'J Save DealerV IVoffla -? frevewta Adurteratlew 1MB DDHE7 QflfElirJARTSSIB Of) Cm3 nimn ntmo IViCaU rn Veaeel WUI Be lowered te Vrydoek Tomorrow Morning. So far as now known the repair work te the British steamship Ores no will be completed thin evening and the vessel will be lowered from the dryaoca in tne morning. The repairs to the craft are being made by the Willamette iron and Steel Worka and of late mechantca have baen employed en the lob day and night The contract waa first awarded " l la Mala testae cus,1ts as wsWesstests, TryO-wfOs- asy. Hrne raw factor kt It Myes sent flndlt si riffet seathe ssmtsai best vMffcay yes av tune, sale N sack aj ss at ear exsesss sad year sjoesy atN te sfsajpny lefwitfeO. - M Vae caa awe sitter tye er Boersa Sasies)sa we pay the expreie er J IhstMcBsrfea Too sm eieney Mrf ay enermc zu essm ay wswsa N yes teat tie te atsts yesnell, get a siaaf It Jols yea . BATN1R WHISKY, goes direct to yen from our distillery, oae of the laigest aad beet equipped m the world, toes assuring yen of effect parity aad saving yoe the dealers' big proflta r It la pteecilbed by doctors aad aaed in hoapUala aad by half a mCIoa SatlsHed eaatomere, bonanee it la good aad pure aad yet se cheap. :.....,. warra oca raaaasr omen. . . TCZEiTCia L'STIUirSCw. A . " - ".aaeiBuiuati' .' atarqjjf rr iou, e ATLANTA 6A. . rr. pot. Mimt. Danoa, o. . DiaTtu.BaT.Taoy. a " Xeraaamna U0 tm OeoKal &00,00O.00 rate hi ret SSSSS MMMtf To Astoria and Ocean Beaches oh teameif" Ltirl lime The Day Boat Down the Columbia Leaves daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. ' Call up MAIN 613 M040Sa 4 s DAILY, EXCURSIONS TO CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN. $1,00 PaysJt All Other Boats Charge $1.50 STEAM EDS TE LEIPHIIORI ! - CAPACITY 090 PAflflBNQBRS - ; - ,i Sea St. Peter's Dome, Cape Horn, Granite Buttress, Bridge of the Oods, Castle Rock. Muhnomah" FaU (800 feet), Latourelle Falls, Bridal Veil Falla, the Splendor of tha Mighty Mountains. Canyons and , Gorges, Autumn. Kiaaed Plateaus, Forests and Vales which for beauty are not eclipsed on earth, on th fastest Steamboat on; this continent. , , . . Dock Foot ot Oak Street lc& TZ iLZV. 1 t m., American ahlp Henry Vlllard. flailed at S p. m., steamer Eureka, for Ban Francisco.. Arrived at S:I0 and left at p. m., steamer Despatch, from Baa Francisco. Mojl, Sept. SO. flailed. British steam er Abergeldle. for Portland. flan Francisco. Oct. 1. flailed at T p. m., steamer Northland, for Portland. Astoria, Oct. lT.-Condltton of the bar at a. m.. rough; - wind northwest; weather cloudy. i BV Johns. Oct IT. Passed at 10:11 a. m.. Ship Henry Vlllard. Ban Franctsoo, Oct. 17 Arrived at I a m., ateamer Bee, from Portland. flan Pedro, Oct II. Arrived, steamer Wasp, schooner Kona and bark Star of Bengal, from Portland. a Ban-Franclsco, Oct. lT.-Arrlved off the port at noon and ordered to Port landT French -bark Cambronna , IS CRUSHED TO DEATH gY TRAIN AT NEWBERG (Joeraal Spedal Servles.) ' Newberg, Or., .Oct. IT. Louie Brune val, a Frenchman, who lived a few miles aouth of bare waa Instantly killed by falling nnder a moving train at the depot here last night. He had just re turned from a trip to Portland and as the passenger train- waa pulling out of the station he was seen to step from the moving i, train and fail beneath the wheels. The trainmen did not know of the tragedy. Brunoval was about II years eld and unmarried. ' Tbe whereabouts of bis relatives is unknown. GREAT NORTHERN LOSES RIGHT-OF-WAY LAWSUIT (Joarsal Special Sarvtfe.) ' Olympla. Wash.. Oct. IT. The supreme court yesterday made a ruling that will have an important bearing on many right of way conflicts ta the Spo kane" esse where the Great Northern haa been seeking to condemn a way through the terminal grounds of the Spokane International, over which the Canadian road will reach Bpokaae. .The court while admitting the right of one railroad company ta condemn the property of an other, prohlbtte the condemnation if it la seriously deleterious to the opposing company, aa waa held to be the rase re the Spokane Instance. , , Xye meearme ta TxrtTy. ; (Joeraal Special Ser- ) New Tork. Oct. 1 7 J, i ' Hyde arrived In this city I give teattmony before tne i veatlgatlng committee whe jllll lijlllH AVrffetabie Prf paraUonlbf As similating ltieroo(IandBetfula- ling ttkt S tonads atiditowels of ac Frotnolea Di gestioaCheerf ul ness and Rest Contains ndiher Oriumorphine norXiaeraL KotNarcotio. . . ' A I is- . . I Apdrfiecl Remedy for Cons tk Hon. Sour S to uVkth, Diarrhoea Worms jConvulsions Jevrisn ntss and Logs or Suezn FacSinele Si,wahtra of NEW -YDllK. 1 BW.W P S S or Infanta and CMlrf Tho Kind Yc3 l!:vc Always CcLjiii At- Signatnro of IJW MM r eh . In Ugc 1 For uvcr Thirty Year QPr