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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, . J. ZAY EVENING, ; QCTOEZr. I7.r 1J. Jm GOAT OF FOR ELOPING Deacon. Henry W. Loean, Who ,J Ran Awty With Girl, Feared V Lynching at Medford. WRITES FAREWELL NOTES TO MOTHER AND PUBLIC Jiayg It la Batter to Have Loved and Lost Than Never to Have Loved at All Young Girl Kept at Hotel- f Saya He Never Harmed Her. ' ' . Miiii niuxtrk la 4k Joeraal. I - 'Medford. Or, Oct. 1VDmc Henry W. Logan of the rirat Baptist church f Oakland, California, who waa arreat ad by Chief of Polica Angle at thla plana at the hour of o'clock yeateroay Ins for kidnaping l-year-old Ethel Cook, whom ha deserted tola family to lopa with, lived In terror for soms boura, lest the : eUtsens of Madford would lynch him. Ha la still held by tha cblaf of polica In tha city Jail and admlta hla Identity. Rooms have been cored at tha Naeh hotel for Ethel Cook, with whom ha eloped from Oak. The prompt action of tha chief of po lice in quelling the rlotoua fellows who started tha move to tar and feather Logan mat with tha approval of air the elttaana. Tha men who had fathered the movement were out of town boye ,Who-imagined It would be a Urkv but when It developed Intoja aerlouo Affair .they, left- town and no effort waa made to thwart tha chief In protecting hla man. ; ' ' ' -V- ; ' . -. i Writer la Terror of Mob. Logan waa greatly excited by 'the outcry and tha threata made by the mob and demonatrated the fact that he hadn I forgotten how to pray. After the departure of tha crowd it waa aeveral' hours before he quieted down. He wrote wha ha auppoeed waa a farewMl to blr mother, while terror ised, aa followa: ? ' ' "To My Mother: - May God forgive me, but I loved tha dear girt. - She would have been happy. I hope you will for iva me. I did hate to go before I .aaw you. but It had to be. I hope every body will forgive me. bocanoe tt waa an- FS0FESS0R PRATT SUFFERS STKOXE OF PARALYSIS t t . ...... ..,....,: Principal - of Failing - School la Stricken While Attending Maaonio Mating. . , (Jearaal laahington. Oct IT. L W. Pratt st Portland. Oregon, deputy to tha eo preme , court at Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons, has been stricken-! with paralysla and although reported to toe Improving. Is unable to attend the council. ' Professor L'W. Pratt la principal of the- railing school, first and Porter streets, and la well known In Portland. H left for Washington city 1 day mwn. unaotlna to return within a month. During hla absence Mtaa Porter la In charge of tha school. ' . - His residence In this city la at til VI rat afreet. .' ' - -'''- Relatlvea of Professor Pratt, who la 111 at Waahlngton city, received a mes sage this afternoon to the effect that ha waa doing aa weU aa could be er oected and that he would be abla to leave hla room In two or three daya. Iti ' la thought that hla condition la by no aaeana serious. , ' BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD FOR ALBANY COLLEGE .r,.v..!- ' tanMlal Disnstah to The JoaraaLl Albany. Or, Oct. IT. Albany college has been placed in the hands of the synod of the Presbyterian church of Oregon, and has thereby become a stronger and more Influential organisa tion. Heretofore tha Willamette Pres bytery controlled the; church, but olnce the synod -has taken over- tha. manage ment, tha Indications are that brighter daya are ahead for toe college, unaer the new' arrangement, the college will be -controlled by 21 trustees instead of . it. aa heretofore. They will be elected, eight every -year for three-year terms. and the president of the faculty will be ex-officlo a member. An endowment ; of 125,000 will be raised, the aynod having pledged thla amount, and when thla has been secured m similar amount will be available from the great educa . t Ions I boards of the Presbyterian church , In tha east. - . . . . .- COLORED WOMAN FOOTPAD 1 HOLDS UP SEATTLE MAN , - peell Dtapetca to Tki JoormM " Seattle, Wash., Oct. IT. K. Komlra, 1 a wealthy Japanese, reported to. the police at t o'clock thia morning that . he waa held up at the point of a gun by a colored woman at Sixth avenue and Main street a ahort time before. He says the woman stopped him on the ' street, and ' whipping out a large gun. . demanded that ha throw up hla hand. He compiled and war relieved of a gold watch and $1.00 In money. The woman did not wear a maak and Komlra la sure of tha robber's sex. . This Is the second . highway woman reported operating her -within a year. . a SAYS IT WAS LOT OF - ; . TALK BY LOT. OF MEN - I, r ". I , " ' ' ' (loarssl Special Bervle.) Seattle. Oct. 17. United Statea Sena tor Mitchell arrived here this mornlne en rout to Taeoma. where he will visit the grave of hla daughter. He Is like a solitary gueet at the Washington hotel. keeolna to himself and naa no. callers. r, He eaya the Republican peaos confer- nee at Portland. waa simply a lot of talk by a lot of men. When asked Jf his friends were outnumbered ha smiled and 'Inked. r; r ' ..' - - CriDNBV TROUBLCfl j. ' atle rM4 sa4 esrea la tke aeislrrf . tt 4iee (raw Is severity wt mast . pier s)eni rosMir. Her I aere i IMa vte'er eseel s ear, lit tker fie snick relief, bet atnre this r f a sere 4 iMtlna rare. - Tbr Hfy Ike Mold it M l ft OaV Pee tsa, lfT 4 1. ".smUtotl . tA,Qtt, T arid Offil other case oC love. I hope all will be forgotten soon, for I waa alwaya trying my beat to lire a gooo lira, u is nara to go, but better than betn a . Well. ou know what will become of ure now. father, mother and alater. Tour eon and brother, . HENRY Ha alao penciled tha following: - "Ta whom it may concern: I have tried and failed. It la better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. She waa a good girl and la aa pure aa th tmv I took her. I awear before God I waa true to her and never harmed her. . May pod forgive ma for thla, but It la all over now.' I am aorry for the one and one only, the dear gtrL I know I ahall be aa happy aa aome of the reet of the people. But here goea a man who ovd and joe.t. - , , - "Aleat i We Are oi ad." A letter from .Ethel Cook, which aha had failed to finish when the scare waa off. was aa followa: ' October if, lo. 8 we are caugm, bat aiaai we are not no, out nappy. I hope every one will be aa happy aa wa are. But we can go just me same The tialr walked from Asniana to Medford. a distance of It miles, and on their arrival In Medford 'were at once recognised by the chief, who waited un til Loaaa had secured a copy or a Han Franciaco naner. when he followed tnem to- Smlth'a restaurant, where ha found Logan busily scanning- tha paper and. atepplng up to tha table where they were seated. Jie thrust a copy of the Oakland Herald of October 11. containing their portraits. In front of Logan with tha remark: "I guess thla la what you- are looking for Locan a muataeba had been shaved on and , ha affected amasement at. first but soon collapsed and admitted they were the parties sought. He made a state ment to the chief, to tne effect tnat naa he succeeded rd"getttng to the state of Washington, thslr ' destination, he In tended to have gotten a divorce from his wife and marry the girl. Ethel Cook doea not look to be over IS or It yeara old and la of bright, at tractive appearance. She waa clad In tha aame olothea aa when she left home and carried a small hand grip. "Logan carried a large bunch-of re cetpta from the secretary of Industrial lodg No. 1ST of the l O. O. F. of Sacramento and alao carried many let ters of recommendation from former employers. Including the officials of the United Statea mint, where he for merly worked. - He la a man of good education, fin address and does not appear to be over It yeara old, , TRIBESMEN CAPTURE TWO BRITISH OFFICERS . Tangier Nativea : Escort Desert Englishmen , When They ! Are Attacked. Oearaal Spsdel tervUa.1 Tangier. Oct, IT. Two British marina officers were captured by tha Angera tribe while they were returning to Ceuta . from the , British repair eh Id Assistance. Thai launch la which the officers were sailing vwaa wrecked In Tetuan bay. , The captured men are Caotain John K Crowther and Lieutenant Udwerd A. Shatton. They had an escort of tl Riff tribesmen. When they were attacked by the Angeras the Rlffa fled, leaving the officers to their fata. It la presumed that the men wUl be held for ransom. . The Angeras retired to tha hills, where pursuit la difficult. Tha Interior of tha country la besom ing more unsettled every day and fre quent raws and depredations .are driving foreigners and natives to the city. CHINAMAN CHARGED WITH I ) ASSAULT BY LANDLORD "- (Bpetlat Dtopefeh te Ta learaaLI '"'"-' Albany. Or Oct. IT Tom Om. Chinese cook, haa been brought to thla city from Harrtaburg and lodaed In the county Jail to await tha action of the grand Jury, charged with aaaault with Intent to kill, having drawn a revolver on R. C. Shlaler. tha landlord of the Harrlaburg hotel. Saturday. Shlaler had hired tha Chinaman, and the latter, after working a few daya. decided ta leave ana return to corvallls, where he had employment In sight He demanded his pay, but Shisler told him he would have to wait until tho regular payday. Thla enraged the Chinaman, according to the siory toid y BMsler. and the Mmv gollan suddenly drew a Colts .4S-callber revolver and threatened to play Boxer inn.. i ' ' LOOKING FOR MAN WHO 1 : GAVE STRANGE TIPS . (Jearaal special Service.) --! rresao, cel.. Oct . 17 Officers are looking for a man named Vandever who bad been sending strange tips about tha coming Owl wreck previous to Sunday night s disaster.. He la thought to be insane, but may know something of the wreck, orrictala are firmly convinced It was tho work - of -tralnwreokera. A switchman says that after tha awltcb was locked at t:tt o'clock 'seven trains went over it In safety. ..'., c;. YOUNG MAN DIES v OF HEART FAILURE Richard Bruce, Taylor, the lt-yearold son of City Engineer D. W. Taylor, died quite suddenly of heart failure yester day morning. When ho waa It years old he bad tha typhoid fever, which left hla heart weak. The direct cause of his death la said to hava been paralysla of the heart Tha funeral took place today. The office of the city engineer was closed and tha employes attended the services. The remains were Interred In River-view cemetery. ? ' - - . '. r ' ENSIGN WADE ON STAND1, , IN YOUNG COURT-MARTIAL (loorsal special Bn-Tte ) Vallejo, Cat, Oct IT. In the Luclan Toung Courtmartlal, Commander Bart lett finished his testimony thlsmornlng snd took his plsce as aaslstant counsel for the prosecution. Ensign Charles U Wada went on tha stand this afternoon. - . y ' 1 . w i i i i ii sTe Olas te Bobbers. -No clue has bean -discovered to the two men who held up August Kllnger's saloon at t2t North Twentieth atreet laat night and robbed the proprietor of tit. Both men wore slouch hsts snA masks. They are supposed to be the same two men that , held up tha New Corner saloon at an early hour Sunday gaoralst, ; vvv."v , '. ID ,,!,, CCCKRA! i:ot CHAIifiED KiS ViEIVS Tammany Orator Arrives Home ' Still Opposed to Retention ; u of Philippines! , (Jearaal ssedal BrrtM.t . San Francisco, Oct IT. Hon. Bourk Cockran, leading orator of Tammany Hall,' and one of tha foremost Demo crats,' arrived here from a tour of the world on the oriental liner American Maru at noon today. He will be the truest while here of leading Catholic so cieties. Asked whether he had changed hla views in relation to th..Phlllppinea, said: . ,,' . ; ..' . ... v . '. "No. Indeed. I va alwaya opposed the acquisition of tha Philippines. -. This visit made to atudy tha conditions haa not changed my vlewa In the least. However, aa long aa the secretary of war and tha president are -determined to hold the islands, I will do what can to benefit tha lalanda, Thla graft ing movement will prevail la tha lalanda deaplta the Jionest Intentions or the ad' ministration." . ; i ' Cockran said he held tha aama views relative to the Hawaiian lalanda. NOW COMES ITALY WITH A BIG FAIR Milan. Italy, will gave tha world great exposition In 1106. It la to be held In commemoration of the comple tion of the great Slmplon tunnel through tha Alpa. ' '. All the countrlea of Europe and Japan have accepted tha Invitation to partici pate and efforta are being made to in duce the United Statea to recognise offi cially the exposition of Italy.'' Peter de Rossi., commissioner or tna Italian section at the Lewis and Clark exposi tion, haa been named aa general dele gate of the western atatea of America to the Milan exposition. Mr.' ttossi ta en deavoring to secure tha participation of manufacturer and producers. Should congress reoognlss the Milan exposition," aald Mr. Rossi, "it will merely reciprocate Italy'a generoua par ticipation in all American expositions. Great efforta will be made to secure representation by tha western atatea oi America because Italy, mora than any other country, will ba greatly Interested In tha marveloua progress of Oregon, California. Washington, Idaho, Wyoming and tha other atatea." Those interested in tha Italian exposi tion will receive all desired Information by addressing Mr. Rossi at tha Portland hotel. After November 10 ha will open an office In tha Italian chamber of com merce in San Francisco. He has had practical experience In exposition mat-, tars and was appointed to tha office of commissioner because of hla popularity and hla knowledge of thla country. He haa been prominent in van Francisco buaineas circles for tha past It yeara. . I ALLEGED STOOL PIGEON IS ARRESTED AT LAST Taken Into eustody this afternoon by Acting . Detectives Kay and Jonea, Charles Raymond was placed under a tl.tO bond by Police -judge Cameron. The figure named by the court la high on account ; of. the- polios tnrorming Judge Cameron that they -tiave ample evidence to send Raymond, whose true aama ia said to be Mills, to the peni tentiary. A cash bond waa furnished by Aba Delovaga. Raymond, or Milla. conducts wnai purports to be a lodging-house Aver Al Wohlers saloon; at . mn ana suun streets. The police say the house la used for Immoral purposes. Raymond's wlfaj who la known to her associates aa Pearl." has long occupied a room in , disorderly house - In the north end. The authorities say they hava evidence to prove that Raymond married the woman at Denvex. , , . : Tha man la aald to hava at least 110, 00 in cash and Jewelry. He la alleged to have taken every oent for years that hla wife haa earned. He has never been srreated previously and tha authorities say . that his im munity from punlahment haa been due to hla acting aa a polica stool pigeon. Chief Orltsmacher has had Kay and Jones gathering evidence against him for several weeks. He la charged under the' recent- legis lative act making it a felony to Uve frorn tha earnings of a -dlssolut woman. DENVER PEOPLE HAD " GREAT G. A. R. CROWD ' Ta settle much speculation aa to the number of visitors In Denver on tha oc casion of the thirty-ninth -national en campment of tha .Grand Army of the Republic, held In that city September 4 to t. the Denver kio uranae au road company has compiled figures, now published for the flrt time, showing the record made by the Denver validat ing offloe. The following attendance la recorded : 1 . r Tickets from territory east of Colo rado, over all llnea, 70 J 77; tickets from Colorado state . points... over all lines, ll.tlO; tickets from all territory north and west of Ogden. 114; tickets from Utah polnta, lit; from Wyoming, 170; from Texas and polnta soutn or coio rado state line, 150; from all other ter ritory .600: total tickets , validated. ts.22a. . -' . In addition, nearly t.000 passengers to and from tha Paclfia coast passing through Denver on Lewis and Clark ex position excursion tickets, stopped oft during encampment . week in Denver, which brought tne aggregate attendance an to 1.000. Denver people are con gratulating themselves upon the city's capacity for housing and feeding thia larae crowd without giving causa fr complaint from tha visitors. THIEF GOT A BETTER v COAT THAN HE, LEFT May Day, who occupies a room over "Billy" Whlte'a saloon, on Fourth atreet, near Couch, reported to the police thla morning that her trunk had been broken open and two gold neckchalns, a breaat pin, a pair of gloves and some old colna stolen. ' v Somebody took a light topcoat be longing to T. E. Forbes- out of the PorU land hotel rathskeller and substituted a worn garment The coat substituted contained In the pocket a key to a. .room at the Falrmotint- hotel. ' ' -, M. J.-McMahon Informed tha police that while riding on an "I," ear on ThMt street between Davla and Ollaan streets,, his pocket wss picked of a gold watch. ' A Daredevil BUda " . OfteH snda In a aad accident To heal accldentaU-iaJurlea, use Hucklen's Ar nica Salve. "A deep wound In my foot from an accident,", writes Theodore Schuele, of Columbus, O., "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, put Bucklen's Arnica - Salve quickly healed It." Soothes and heals burns like magic. ISA t Skldmore Drug Co., Ill Third, street, r - , . DESCIIOTESFlIIE FILE PROTEST '',.- , , m sua mi. i.iaii.ssa. f r Deschutes Valley Settlers Com- "plain to Land Board Against r Irrigation Company. WANT CONTRACTS ALLi i ANNULLED By STATE Claim Concern Has Not Conpllad ; With Laws snd Allega Fraud and . Miarepreaentation on tha Pari of .tha Company. . , taped DUsatch-4e The JoarasL) Salem, Or., Oct 17. The committee representing settlera of the Deschutes river valley appeared before tha . land board thla afternoon, profeatlng agalnet tha Deschutes Irrigation Power com pany. Tha following Is a aummary of tne protest: -. , - , ; The Deschutes Settlers association an organisation recently perfected for tne general advancement of the Inter ests of the settlers snd inhabitants of ths district now being reclaimed by the Deaohntea Irrigation A Power company under tne provisions of -the Carey act respectfully submits for your'considara tlon a statement; of tha unsatisfactory conditions prevailing, which are working only wrongs upon settlers and injury te the advancement of the country. Tne company represented to those ap plying for lauda that the work waa be ing done under supervision of the etate. and that forma of applications, con tracts, etc., were submitted and tha alg nature approved aa required by the state land board, - From artlclea recently ap pearing In the papers, ws have been led to Investigate tho- atatua. and find that wa have been imposed upon. . wa are encouraged, however, by the reported expressions of Governor Cham berlain to tha board, to appeal for your protection and-for your Intervention in securing an annulment of ths modifica tion of the notea and contracts so aigned. without tho necessity of legal proceed ings or' the Incurring of the heavy ex pense Incident thereto. . The aettler la required to algn what purports to be an "application" but la virtually an "agreement." In which It Is set out that the company haa a lien on the landa and in which alao ths aet tler obligates himself to nay I caatT down, remainder In annual pay ments with t per cent Interest "all of which deferred payments, are thla day evidenced by my promissory notea of van date herewith." ; V It' further provides that In case of the nonpayment of any notes "as speci fied" eur rights forthwith ceaae and tha company may immediately take posses sion, arbitrarily leaving the aettler no compensation forf improvemente. nor any right of redemption. It now develops that though tha com pany haa not yet completed Its pert of tha contract or perfected Its Hen. It has transferred to a third party the notea "for convenience only" In connection with' application for contracts, which wa understand to ba notfnegotiable ' In struments, aigned tinder miarepreaenta tion, and an lasus of ths so-called col lateral truat bonds, being made founded upon tha deposit -of these notes, which are represented as being our personal obligations and supposedly given free rrom any conditions. : Some of these tastes' are now matur ing and demand notices are being sent out by tha company. Ws protest that tho company or aaalgn haa no right to eniorce tna payment, ror reasons: I. The notea were obtained under misrepresentation. t. There Is want of consideration, since" tha lien becomes valid only from toe date or reclamation.. , t. The notes themselves ere nnn negotiable, given merely aa collateral security for performance on non-negotiable contracts, which conditions were known to seller and buyer. An auxiliary contract la required to be signed by settlers In connection with tha application for contract and Imposes un just provisions snd .was rejected by the boara and deprives us of rights snd remedies guaranteed us by the statute. CHARGES YOUTH WITH STEALING TWO DOLLARS (Special DlHMtek te The Journal ! ' Eugene, Or., Oct 17. Harry Clark, a 1 1-year-old boy, is' under arrest here. cnargea witn stealing rrom hla era ployer,fMrs. A. W. Sklpwortb, who con ducts a dairy near Eugene. The boy clalma to hava come here recently from Chicago. Ha picked hope in a neighbor ing hopfleld and aaved aomo of his money. Later he went to work for Mrs. Sklpworth. Ha had a email revolver In hla possession, for which ho gave t! Mrs. Sklpworth had heard of him threat. enlng to kill another boy and took tha revolver away from him. Tha boy be came incensed at tnis action snd, pack ing up his clothes In Mrs. Sklpworth's absence, took iz rrom her purse, which ha aaya rightfully belonged to him. He had not gone far unty ha waa appro bended. ; ; URN WITH HUMAN ASHES ' RECOVERED IN-SOUND v (Speelsl Dispatch te The Jearaal .1 . Seattle. Wash., Oct 17. A sailor on one of the small boats plying on the sound,, while fixing ths bottom along tna .watenront, tnis afternoon, dlscov ered an object lying In about eight feet of water. Recovering it, It proved' to ba an urn containing the ashes of Mrs. Klolse . Kellnr, who was cremated In New York In 185. How the urn got there La now being investigated. . AGED WOMAN AND A ' V YOUNG BOY MISSING MrsL Harry Whltty, sged II, ,1a re ported, miaslng by B. C. Strike Of 400 Ninth street. Ths police have been In formed that -she waa ast seen by her acquaintances In a .drug store at tit Williams avenue. - ' . - Willie Balrd, a wsrd of ths Juvenile court la also on the missing list. He Is aged 11 yeara and lived at 110 Second street The-lad waa attending tha Har rison street school. He haa hot bees horns since last Wednesday.'. - -. 4 Fall Off ttraval Train. . B. Uchlda. a Japanese 1 laborer, died at Oood Samaritan hospital last night aa tha reault of Injuries sustained by falling from a gravel train between thla city and Aatorla. Hla skull was frac tured by the fall. The body waa re moved to Dunning, McEntee A Oil baugh'a undertaking ceaeed was sged 17 wlfa Is Japan. room a. . ' The de years and .had a O-JHTO-ftdit.LiLi - -" - Deputy - Coroner Decides.' That Dorothy Grey Turned on ' . Gas by Mistake." v After 'a careful Investigation of the surrounding circumstances. Deputy Cor oner Baldwin has become satisfied that the death of Dorothy Orey, also known as Mrl H. P. Leckle, which occurred at 6:10 o'clock yesterday afternooS by mm- phyxtetton, was accidental. : v. Strangely enough tha womaa'a death-j occurred only a few . hours- before tha pardoning of her husband, W.'H. Leckle,' who, has been confine in tho County JalL Lerkts waa formerly a clerk In the Nau drug store, but was convicted of taroeny rrom his employer ana was sentenced September t to six months la JalL Oa account of hla previous good record both Judge Fraser and 8herlff Word Joined In a request for executive clem ency and ha was released thla morning, laaa than It hours after hla wlfa'a death. Mrs. Leckle came hero alx weeks ago and took charge of tha court a lodging- house at IZttt Stark atreet as landlady. for E. Whltesldes, ' who conducts the Palm saloon, underneath. Robert M. Robertson, a telephone - lineman, who went to tha house to make repairs, d re covered her yesterday afternoon In tha bathroom, lying with her head partly under the tub. The gas from a small furnace usee) ror nteting water was es caping. ' .. A telegram was sent this morning by Coroner Finley to the woman's father, John Newcomb, Pending Instructions from him no disposition will be made of tha body. - i . HIKE SEAL III C0LU.1U ; HEAR VAtiCOiiVER ; Animala at One Time Plentiful Have, Been Driven Out by . Salmon Fishermen. : . - (SseeUI OWpetck to The Jearaal.) Vancouver. Wash., Oct IT. -Passen gers on the 11 and 13 o'clock trlpa of ths ' Vancouver ferry yeeterday were treated to the unusual sight of a huge seal playing around In the water a short distance from .ths boat Thla. la the first seal seen here . for more than a year. Several yeara ago they ware plentiful In thla section of ths river, tt being not an .uncommon thing to see several swimming In the river together. But on account or ths damage they do to salmon.' fhthermen along tha river have united In an attempt to keep them out of the upper river, with ths result that few get beyond a few miles from tne ocean. - Ths aeal aeon yeaterday waa of un usually large else. . .., WIFE'S PLEA SAVES ' ALLEGED OPIUM FIEND Because of tha pitiful appeal of hla wlfa, who went Into police court holding ner little baby to her breaat Judge Cameron this morning suspended sen tence In the case of W. -Goodwin, con victed of frequenting an opium den, and, cautioning him to mend his ways. lrmuiw aim iu accompany airs, uwra, arln tinma . l Goodwin waa arreated laat night by Sergeant Hogeboom in' ' Jlni Chonajs place at z secona street He waa Jy Ing oa a bed with his coat off, with an Opium outfit by hla aide. Ha lied on the witness stand and would bavo been severely punished had It not been for ths pies, of his wlfa. ' "He haa Men-a -good husband and provided -well for baby and me. she told Deputy -City Attorney Fltsgerald, "and I don't . think -ha "Uses this drug regularly, i aJ company has led him Into this predicament . Ths -Chinaman-, waa found guilty of conducting an-oplum Joint and fined lit. SALOONKEEPERS ARE ! GIVEN HEAVY FINES In Judge Cleland s court thla morn ing, D. T. McCartney and J. H. John- eon, proprletora .of tha Dew Drop sa loon. East Water- and East Morrison streets, were fined 1100 each for selllpg liquor to a minor. They, were tried and convicted laat week and aentenca waa pronounced today. BURTON GOES FREE, AS DEMURRER IS SUSTAINED (Joernsl Special Sarvlca.l St Loula, Oct IT. Senator Burton'a demurrer to the new indictment waa sustained by Federal Judge Adams this afternoon. A special grand Jury haa been ordered for November I, when ha will ba re-lndloted for a third time. ,- . I . , f ; V'' Baas for Xla Money. . ) The workings of one aort of buslhess agency were illustrated thla morning be fore Judge George. A. c Wardls on January la, 1SDS, purchased a half Inter eet In Ford'a Business Chance Agency. Us alleges that Mrs. Ida C. Scott, who was In charge of the agency during Ford's absence, sstd that she would be able to sell Wardle's Interest within a week tnr I&O. . Wardla asserts thst his Interest waa sold all right but that he haa not aeen tha 150. , Ha la auing Mrs. Scott for the money." . ,. f . right for wood Pile. - - There are BSt cords of dry fir wood piled up near Bulter, Skamania county, Washington. Henry Witt claims tha fuel belongs to him, but George T. Po test contssts this claim. Witt haa be gun a autt in the circuit court to obtain legal possession of -tha wood, alleging that he and hla agenta have not been allowed to take It through the Inter ference of Poteat. Tha wood la aald to be worth' $00. - ..." Deserter ta Wasted. ' The police are looking for John H. King, a deserter from Fort Stevens. The missing man Is believed to be In tha vicinity of Portland. His disappearance waa reported by Lieutenant Ryan. He Is wanted alao for larceny. . ' Caaglh of Tenure Questioned. ' ' (Special Dlspsteh to The Journal.) ' i Oregon City, Oct IT. Through Ignor ance of the provisions, of the charter or foieome other reason tha length of the tenure of office of tha mayor and mem bers of ths council of tha town of Mil waukle aeems to be a mooted question. The city attorney of Mllwaukte aald: 'The mayor and two councilman re ceiving tha highest votes at the regular lection In 1104 shall retain their re spective of flees until January 1, HOT,. and thereafter until. their successors are elected and quallfled." y. i f.lfl..:J Ufb:tu Id i.tu EUSQE FUSES Spanish, King Calls Royal Maids Plain-Looking and Empty Headed. fjoarnsl Sneelal service. " Parle, Oct IT. To tha despair of hta ministers and his mother, young King Alfonso of Spain continues his resist ance to all their plana ta make him marry any of the aeveral prlnceases who have been suggested to him.: "I know that I must marry soma day," ha la aald to have answered hla mother not long ago. "and when tha time comes I shall aubmtt quietly, but It seems to ma that when I, for tha aaka of provid ing an heir to the 'throne, consent , to marry one of those empty-headed, plain looking and anything but charming prln ceases on your list I ought to ba allowed a few years freedom before - entering into a loveless marriage. , , "Were I allowed. Ilka any other young man not born to wear a crown, to choose my own bride according to tha dictates of my heart I ahould have not objection to marrying today, but aa It ia, my peo ple will understand my desire ie remain unchained for a few ahort years." In tha meantime,- the people of Spain are buay guessing who will be their queen, and to help the king to make a eeleotton they have voted for tha vert eua princesses of Europe who are on the marriageable Hat But probabtlltlea are that tha young king, who is far more Interested In au tomoblles. horses snd Parisian chanson- stte chanteusea than in princesses, will force tha queen mother to permit him to aow a few wild oata before ha aub- mlta to her wisftea. And for tha happi ness of tha girl ha Anally consents - to marry, It la undoubtedly tar better ao. FUEL OIL COMPANY TO BUCK STANDARD At a special meeting held laat evening tha executive committee of ths Portland board of trade unanlmoualy adopted resolution addreaaed to the city council aaklng that body-to grant to ths Asso elated Oil eomnanv oermlaalon to erect two fuel oil tanks, each of 61.000 barrels capacity, within tha city limits. ' , It la proposed to build the tanka near the Lower .Alblna ahopa of ths Oregon Railroad at Navigation company and ex tend a pipe line from the tanks to the river.. Tha Aaaoclated Oil company is a California concern, aald to ba Inde pendent of ths Standard. It la officered by T. 8. Boyle. Charles B. Bockman and W. O. Mohler of Ban Francisco, and tho drat two -named bsve established an of floe In Portland. It la aald they will, aa soon as granted a franchise, erect on tanks and faculties thst will put Port land on an equal footing with any city on tha Paclflo coaat with, regard to the fuel oil business. They sre preparing to operate a tank steamer line that will give Portland two ateamera a month and Increase these facllttles with tha growth or tha fuel oil business. The truateea of ths board of trade at last evening's meeting appointed A. H. Avertll. W. B. Olafke and P. 8 Town seifd as official representativea of the board on Portland day at tha Lewlaton- Clarkaton fair. ' ' THINKS A SVENGALI . IS INFLUENCING HIM Dan Hart Imagines that ha Is under tha .'influence of a Svengall. - Unable, as he believes,- 1o resist tha - baneful hypnotic spell cast over him by .some person whom he does not know, ha applied to the polica last night Sot protection. "Lock me up." he beggea "if . you don't. I am afraid that I shall be in duced to do something wrong, which may land ma In prison. I don't know who has the spell over me, but I know that lately I have had to struggle con stantly agalnat the temptation to do things that are not right, and I am afraid that I ahall yield to tha Influence which I can only feel." The - man's request - wss acceded to and he was placed In a cell. He appears in most ways perfectly rational. . The help of tha polica waa aollclted by James Da it on for another peculiar reason. He has been drinking to excess recently and feared that ho would develop delirium tremens. He asked the police to imprison him until he got over the Influence or liquor. ' "As long aa I am In this condition.' he said, "I cannot resist -drinking. - I know that If I keep on I shell loss my bead." . , INSANE WOMAN SUES v HUSBAND FOR SUPPORT A crista waa reached In the family troubles of R. A. Clark, a saloon man of Canyon City, Oregon, and hla wlfa laat night Mrs Clark waa being taken to the state Inaans asylum by a nurse of that institution when Deputy Sheriff Parrott stopped their Journey at - tha depot ' Mrs. Clark, has brought suit against her husband to restrain him from sending her to the state asylum, allaging that she had been there for some months but had not been relieved by the treatment Mrs. Clark had been treated later at a Mount Tabor sanita rium, where It ia aald that aha Improved in health very rapidly: - Clark, It la said, grew weary 6f paying hla wife's expenses In the local sanita rium snd wished to hava her returned to Salem. Mrs. Clark has brought, ault against htm through her sister, Mrs. Willingham. who . haa t been, appointed amardlan ad litem. Clark la aaked to pay 100 a month for hlaArfe's support. Mrs. Clark la now at tha Mount Tabor sanitarium. ' -1 , THOUGH FAIR IS OVER DELINQUENTS MUST PAY The Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Paclflo Exposition and Ori ental Fair corporation haa begun a tight in the circuit court to fores all delin quent subscribers to stock to pay up In full. Dan 4. Maiarkey, attorney for the corporation, yeeterday died the first suit In a aeries of cases before tha circuit court The first caaria against Andrew J. Coffman, a candy dealer, who la al leged to be $50 In arreara. Mr. Maiarkey saya that there are sev eral dosen subscribers who are delin quent Several prominent business and professional men will be called upon t pay. .. . ' Tha attorney aaya that tha corpora tion la behind less thsn I per cent of the cepltsl atock, 1410.000, but that those who are bsckward must pay up In spits of the fact that the exposition waa a great success.... . . . . '. . Held to Crraad nry. John' Mullen, arrested by Special Po- lloeman Gannon for breaking into a sa loon at Second and Flandera 'streets, waa held to the grand jury on prelim inary examination by Police Judge Cam eron today.. Bla send, waa fixed at II, . j t ... , . ..... . , - t UffiCOHO IDE- DY OFFICIALS Washington .Government Author - Hies and Employee Taka . -0 v s; Long Vacations , ' ' ' .,,'',". ' - . - t - r ii -.'. BAILEY NOT-TROUBLED V , BY THE TEXAS LAW WhUa:.No Gambling "'Is Avowed lln District of Columbia, Hand-Book v ' , Man Is in Evidence and Apparently ' Does Flourishing Business, , (Washlsgtoa Boreas tt The Joorsstl , - Waahlngton, p. C Oct IT. The cabi net Is coming to be mora than ever an, advisory body and la making up,' In large degree, for ths deflclenclea of tha legislative1 branch of the government-.; particularly the upper , financial railroad chamber.. The' first cabinet, meeting of the present official eeeeon waa held thla week with all present ex cept Secretary Shaw, who haa (been stumping ths south; making political and financial epeechea, snd Secretary Me teal f, who waa confined to hla home by Illness. Secretary Root attended for the first time in his new capacity aa secretary of stats snd tha meeting was the longest aver held by a Roosevelt, cabinet two snd one half houra. 7 -4 The coming togethsr of the presidents official family emphasises the fact that the past haa been a record aummer for official absences' from Washington, not withstanding It was a particularly mild season with less of tha soft asphalt and sweltering humidity than we have been lead to associate with Waahlngton sum mers. Only two members of thecso! net held themselves down to-the regu lation government vacation of to days. Tha war department It Is said, changed hesda six times sines 'June, the tnnjer of tha army serving es acting secretary part of the time. A majority of ths sclentlflo forces alwaya go away in hot weather for research work In cool and comfortable places. The tradition that , federal activities are to cease ss far as possible In aum mer la of recent growth." In the seven- . ties President Grant was under tire In congress tor absenting himself -from the oapltat too much of the time. Chiefs of bureeoa snd divisions are now enter-. Ing tha class that takes aummer trlpa . aa a matter ot courae. - , ; i Bailey Is Stargassr. In Texas they have paaaed a law making flirting or ogling the. fal. sex a penal offense. Just think of that In Senator- Joe Bailey's state.- Well. ' it doesn't matter much for Joe, as he ia out of the state moot of the time. - Ths big senator from the big state haa a critical eye when In Wsshlngton and Is often spoken of aa tha atar-easer ot congress. He loses few opportunities to locate" a pretty girl up in the aenata galleriea, and fascinate her like a-snake-charmer by a colossal status of loveli ness, a manly cheat a broad expansa ot white ahlrt front and tha daintleat alx-for-a-quarter lawn tie aboub two eighths. of an Inch wide. Could all the wise council men ..of Texaa see their own Joa Bailey posing for feminine admiration In Washington they would never enact such laws while Joe playa tag with ita precepts right here at tha fountain head of legislation. ; .7 4 , . - Ma Bee. oa Poxdea. Gambling In any -community thera will always be. it seems ta ba a neces sary svll and a part of the American makeup. Tho average citlaen wanta to take a chance on aomethlng with some body, somehow, snd It doesn't seem to matter much lust how. Notwlthstand- . Ing tha fact that tha roulette wheel and tha faro bank hava been banished be- , yond the limits of the District of Co lumbla, tha boya are still able to get a bet down on the ponies. Not thst thera Is any poolroom within easy reaching distance of Washington, but tho "hand book" man la here and la doing a land office ' business - Ha has a route : laid out Just aa a boy haa who delivera your morning paper. He will be at the Rlgga houae at auch an hour, then go down to Tom La Cuyer'a saloon, then across to the Hotel Regent and then down to the Raleigh, . dropping ' Into sundry barber shops on; ths way. Tou hava to know him and lie has to know you or you cannot get a bet down, for It means - S jail aentence to him if ha la caught Thera muat be a round dosen of him In town. The police know It for what the ' polica' don't know Isn't worth while. It Is very hard to get evidence against them. Probably as long aa they don't abuse tha Immunity that ia allowed , them they will not be bothered much by Major Sylvester, who Is chief of po- lice. -The major takes a very aenslbls and practical view of matters gener ally. . '-. , B0NDS BRING HIGHER , PREMIUM THAI. USUAL . eBssajB-saeSBassa- Msegley Plschner, brokers, were tha successful bidders for olty improvement bonds amounting to tSl.000. Tha award waa made thla afternoon by the waya and meana committee, of the city eoua- ctl. The premium offered by Maegley At Plschner waa 1.11 per cent which ia considerably more than haa usually been paid. The bonds bear 6 per cent Interest VI You can be . cured of that much - dreaded , ailment Dyspepsia, but you .. must take the Bitters at the first symptom. Delay only makes it hardef to cure. - Start to day. For over 00 years it has also been effective-in cases . of Poor Appetite, Bloating, Heartburn, Indi gestion , and Biliousness.. O V