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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
.L, I OHTLAI.'D, jriDAY :..,..t..O, OCTO- it. COLE CZLLnrO AGZIJTS III OHEGOri FGH ; ' -TIIE WORLD FAMOUS'. .Bonnet et Gie's. Silks Cleaner 7ZZ2 rcnzzbsT biprhinznT c:oucs rnoT c? onicnoo AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR V ; : V , , vFOR 75 CENTS ; - NHW MAINSPRINGS 75c. ALL OTHER' REPAIRINO OP JEWELRY AND CLOCKS AT PROPORTIONATELY MODEST PRICES. FIRST FLOOR NEAR LARGE ELEVATOR. dOA.C "THE IOHD THAT GRANDMA MERCHANDISE AND MERCHANDISING . .WORE: .; r DOWN-TO-DATE, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER. 18, 1905' cnrcoii DAILY JZZ. Watches C:rro C!3 'eJOP.a ANOTHER EDITION IN OUR SPECIAL PRICE Men's Shoe ireains ON the Falr-WarVSiath Street ArmeaV,-f; .' .--..- First Floor,.,, ;.-"- - I', ;x. The man 'who puts his" feetJnto a pair of these; Shoes will buy then) on the spot, and thank us for . the opportunity. Saving chances for men who've Shoes to buy ,'. MEN'S 14.00 AND $5.00 SHOES FOR 13.40. No. 102 Men's Choir plump-Weight Vici Kid Lace Shoes, with straight lasts; a- regular $5.00 " 1 " value. Special at, the pair.... f3.40 Nof 705 Men's Vici Kid Shoes, English Blucher pattern, with double soles, on swing lasts;, our regular $4 00 value. Special at, the pair. .... .93.40 No. 701 Men's. Very Best Patent Colt Shoes; panel Blucher lace etyle; very latest design; our $5.00 ' value. Special for two days only at, the pair, .3.40 ' No. 703 Men's Velour Calf Shoes; Blucher style, Goodyear sewed, stout soles; "Waukenphast" lasts; our $5.00 value. Special for two days only at, the pair . .f 3.4 No. 704 Men's Vici 'Kid Lace Shoes; dull kixktops, -oak tanned soles: Blucher cut; our $5.00 value. Special for two days djily at, the pair.., 3.40 V C "II Skirts andShawls v Three Special Sales In the Annex Second Floor. .' 73c - FOR LADIES' KNIT SKIRTS WORTH $1.00. - -Ladies' Knit Underskirts of good quality, in plain and fancy colors; made withdraw string at waist; our $1.00 value. Special sale price, each.'.TSf '49c FOR LADIES' 75c OUTINO SKIRTS. Ladies' Outing Flannel Skirts of fine quality in plain colors of blue and pink; knee length;. our 75c value. Special sale price, each..,...',....49 $2.50 WOOL SHAWLS FOR $1X9. . Fine Wool Circular Shawls, in plain white or white with pink er blue borders; our regular $Z50 value1. Special sale price, each.. 1.89 SPECIAL OCTOBER SALES H AND PRE-HOLIDAY SHOWS . .. OF .. . Linens Domestics ' First Floor Shop. HOUSEKEEPERS' SECTION. ' ' V $US TABLE LINEN $1.00. J: 7 Richardson's Fine Satin Damask Table- Linen, choice patterns to select from; regular $1.25. Special, the yard.:.;........... l.OO LINEN HUCK TOWELS 10c Good sire Linen Huck Towels with fancy borders. Special at, each..lOt BLEACHED TOWELING 10c All Linen Heavy Barnsby Bleached Toweling. Special at, the yard..lOe RUSSIA TOWELING 12Uc -AU Linen Extra Heavy Russia Towel isig. Special at, the yard... .12 FLANNELETTES 10c YARD. Fine designs in new Velour Flannelettes, light and dark colors. Special at, the yard IBs FLANNELETTES 10c YARD. V Thousands of yards new Flannelettes in floral, Persian and fancy striped effects. Special at, the yard...... .;. 1 RICHARDSON'S LINENS. ' Just arrived New. Kali shipment of Richardson's fine Table Damask, new designs' for square and round tables, with Napkins to match. Hand-Embroidered Doilies. Travcloths. Scarfs and Teacloths. Fine round-thread Art Linens in all widths and qualities, for embroidery And drawn work. v . ' - ' Handkerchief Linens in all grades. SEE THEM. ' . : .'';- Bargains in Jewelry Novelties and Leather Goods y . i ' Flrat Floor Sixth Street Annex.: , : ; SPECIAL TOMORROW BEAUTY PINS FOR 10c Another' lot of pretty Beauty Pins, handy ! and serviceable for cuffs, collars. waiMs, etc. Good rolled gold plate and pretty designs. . Special sale price, the pair.............. i .'. .- . . T 35c BACK; COMBS FOR 19c ' .'.V :' Jeweled and mounted Back Combs in attractive, designs; good 35c value. Special sale price, each................. , .......... .... CHILDREN'S RING MESH PURSES 49c' ' Children's Ring Mesh Purses, with chain ,handks; a very popular and stylish purse; our 75c value. Special sale. price, each....... .49e i ' 35c BROOCHES FOR 19c : An assortment of Ladies' Gold-Filled Brooches;. many new styles In the rose gold finish; our 35c value. Special sale price, each............ 194 1 ; COIN AND CARD .CASES FOR 69c . I 'A ' Totnake room for new goods which are arriving daily, we place on sale a lot of Ladies' CombinaticauCoin and Card Cases in different leathers and a good assortment of colors. Yaluea up to $1.39 will be included in the lot and we offer them all at the special sale price of, each.. . ,8e FINE LEATHER BELTS FOR 39c Ladies' Fine Leather Belts in odd sices; values up to $1.35. Special sale price, each ...?..............'. .'. . .39eJ Names of Leading Ten Contestants In the American Manual Training School Voting Contest With Stand . " tag of Each at 10 a. m. Today. .... J A M fiS WINSTON, Harrison. '.-. 108.15S ROBERT HOLMES. Harrison..... 32.947 .TRUMAN COOK. Failing. 30.063 WRIGHT BROWN, CUnton Kelly.. GEORGE SLATER, Ladd.. ROLAND MALM. Sunn vside ...... . SIDNEY CRUMM. North Central...,..... 17J77 MARION OGDEN, Ockley Green.. ...... .......... 1704 JUM.N WltHtLM, Coucn... HENRY HAWKINS, Da via.. ocaiicnng 29J69 28432 ....17.412 TOTAL t...... 10.072 .90 34,462 .3J2J04 AND RBMARKABLE SERIES OF SURPASSING STYLE OFFERINGS i t ILLUSTRATING .the wonderful' price-making capacity' of this great store, as well at af fording most undeniable proofs of its ability to place before the 'people , of the Northwest the very best products of foreign and American skill at figures that would be impossible but for its powerful buying organization and its commanding . position in the leading , mercantile marts of the world. . Among the host of special attractions for Wednesday we mention for lack of space-4)ut a few of the top-liners," selected at random from the stocks designated by: special price cards.. . ''.'' , ' f : ''., .''. ,T ' - '"'. ' . A Masterful Display of the Gowns the Frocks, the Wraps and Costumes of : the Period : ' . : Grand Salons of Dress Second Floor. . ' 1 These are autumn fashions' "coronation days" in Portland's largest and foremost apparel store. The masterpieces of the masters are all here in magnificent lavishness.-. Those who have in view attire ab solutely, correct at modest ' prices rational economies that most people feel like observing whether they have I to or not must make this store their objective ppint this week. Here you will not only find the largest Stores devoted to the sale of women's apparel, west of Chicago, but the largest stocks. More' than twice that of its nearest competitor and more than that of ANY OTHER THREE PORTLAND STORES COMBINED. A store with more helpers two to one than any other local store. "Is it: not logical to suppose that the largest shop which devotes its greater, effort to ready-for-donning garments will be in a position to present 1 a bigger series of exclusive models and at prices more modest than 'those which its lesser contemporaries offer? Yes, and our collection of garments for this season's service demonstrates the force of that logic. Thousands of women have proven it for themselves. Those . discriminating women v ho 'demand styles indisputably correct, at prices lower than minor houses charge must come-to this store for their attire. Among this week's notable expositions we note: 1 ; MODISH $-LENGTH COATS in voguish, " : mannish mixtures at modest 'prices. SMARTLY TAILORED AND TRIMMED RAINCOATS from ....912.50 to $50.00 ' " Correctly . tailored suits in Very newest modes'. ?..'... 9 12.50 to f 175.00 v; Among other new arrivals are very handsome Lingerie Vaists. Priced modestly ' at ,,....,........$3.50 up to $28.50 PRETTY COLORED WAISTS, in brilliant ines, mercerized etamines, fancy veilings and bewitching plaids. Prices range from:. i..,., fl.OO to $60.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' 1 LARGEST LINE OF NET WAISTS ever shown bf any houe in the city .......... ...,.v$7.50 to $38.50 BEAUTIFUL SILK WAISTS, in all the wanted and dainty colorings, embracing blues, ; pinks, navys, blacks, etc., in "chiffon taffeta, peau de cygnes and crepes. $4.25 to $48.50 IMMENSE LINES OF HANDSOME SILK PETTICOATS, in best taffetas and all the newest favorite colorings.. $5 .00 to $45.00 SILK PETTICOATS with embroidered and shirred flounces are much favored by smart dressers. These from... $12.50 to $35.00 ELEGANT COSTUMES FOR OPERA, the atre or dinner wear..... $35.00 to $250.00 THE "PRINCESS" GOWNS hold favor in Fashiondom with smartly dressed femininity. Rich evening wraps.... $22.50 to $145.00 The Girl From New York-Her MILLINERY be had in the city. "Bijou" Salons Annex, Second Floor. ' " We always show new "Millinery in advance of other local stores, and frequently originate ideas that become popular in -' the eastern style centers. , Our stocks of smart, down-to-date millinery, with the vast assortments embraced, place us in a niche alone, far above the ordinary shops that sell millinery in' Portland. Tomorrow we introduce a splendid variety of charming hats just arrived from one of New York's leading .milliners to the "Smart Set." Others will likely show similar styles later on, for they are bound to be much worn by correct dressers. As the prices are low and the range wide the'y are , within the reach of all. If you seek millinery that is "different" you'll find it here in these handsome new hats. Smart styles for dress or street wear, exclusive with us nowhere else to. Selling will be rapid.'. Choose anywhere ,..$5.00 to $15.00 ,' WE WHET OUR PRICE KNIVES ON COMPETITION'S GRINDSTONE. . Our Leadership in Silks Was Never so Apparent as Now ! COMPETITION BUT SERVES TO EMPHASIZE IT! , The Silk Annex Fifth Street, First Floor. . In this series of special offerings we have established low price reqprd that cannot be successfully met. These special bar gains for tomorrow's sale are absolutely without a parallel, and ' impossible of duplication outside of the wonderful buying power and prestige held and enjoyed for years by this great "Style .. Store" in the silk marts of the world. , Prices and quotations be low are for two days only -Wednesday and Thursday. . Another Great Silk Demonstration Sale in this, Portland's Greatest and Be? Silk Store. 19-inch Imperial Wash Taffeta, the washable and most durable make, in white, cream, pink, light blue, Alice blue, navy,' cardinal, champagne, resada, green, royal and black. .This well knowiV silk for waists, skirts, suits and linings, . Special for Wednesday and Thursday onlr, yard ....... .................... X", Kovelty Suit Silks. 2,500 yards of neat figured chiffon taffetas, all good, wanted street ' ' prs ; a-rcal good $1.00 silk. Special for Wednesday and Thursday only, yard Men's Furnishings SPECIAL VALUES The Habcrdasherie 81th Street Annex Firat Floor. " " ., The very best and newest fashion types are always represented here, in this busy Men's Store a step only from the Sixth Street entrance just inside. "Under prices' prevail for the. very rood reason of im mense purchases economy without sacrificing a whit of quality or fash ion is promised, and fulfilled. Mere hints of the saving a possible Jiere this week are printed below.;. . ' ' , . UNDERWEAR SHIRTS SUSPENDERS HALF HOSS. MEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR 7c -Men's Medium-Weight Natural Gray Merino Underwear, one of our moat staple lines; regular value $1.00. Special, the garment.,,...... Ts)f . ; ' . IIEN'8 SUO, SHIRTS $1.11. : : , ;: A fine line of Men's New Fall Shirts, stiff bosoms; regular $1.50. Spe cial, each ; , , .ft. IS tfen's 50c Suspenders 25c Men's Lisle Web Suspenders with leather ends; regular value 50c. Special, the pair...... ....Me) Men's 20c Hoc. Uc Men's Fall and Winter-Weight Merino Hose, ia black, Oxford, gray and camelshair; regular value 20c Special. - tne pair , Special in Women's Hosiery and Knit Underwear i';,'-' First Floor. ' ' ' . "' f WOMEN'S $1 JO VESTS AND PANTS $1.25. Fine White: Cashmere Ribbed Medium-Weight Vesta and Pants: regu lar value $U0? Special, each M ' WOMEN'S $2 JO VESTS AND PANT8 $1.71 "Deimel Linen Mesh Vests and Pants; long sleeve vests, ankle length' pants; regular value $2.50. Special, each.. Si.TS) :' WOMEN'S. $5X0 UNION SUITS 93M. "Deimel Linen Mesh Union Suits; regular value $5.00. Special, the suit . .f3.5l ' : WOMEN'S $1 JO UNION SUITS $1.19. Pure White Fleece-Lined Union Suits, fine ribbed, good winter weight; regular value $1.50. Special, the suitw. ............ ............ .91.19 V WOMEN'S $1.75 SILK HOSE $1JS, ' Black Silk Hose, medium weight, double sole, spliced heel and toe; regu lar value $1.75. Special, pair ,. ....fl.aS WOMEN'S 35c COTTON HOSE 25c' Black Cotton Fleece-Lined Hose, full shaped, double sole, heel and toe: regular value 35c Special, the pair. .........2Bf - CHILDREN'S 35e" HOSE22c. -- ,t,c. Children's Black Cashmere Hose, fine ribbed, good winter weight; rera lar value 35c. Special, the pair.. v. ...... 22 Tliis Way For V The Hew Fill Dresa Goods Surpassing DRESS GOODS Specials SURE TO CREATE A BUYINO FURORE., ' ? The Annex Fifth Street Firat Floor. '? 171 ' .. .' The reputation of this store as 111 i . a dress goods depot was never more pronounced than now; com petition has the effect of causing it to shine with a brighter-then-ever lustre. We welcome it al ways, and court it. ' Such values as we are constantly offering are not j to be found outside this great " ;.- . clearing house for the finest of the world a looms, except spasmodically. . None are in ' tight now no nor even loomingon the horizon. These values special for Wednesday and Thursday: . ' COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIALS Imported Spot-Proof French Chiffon Broadcloth; colors are navy, royal, Havana, seal brown, tan and mode; regular $4.00 value. Special at, yard .....s)S.M 2,200 YARDS OF NEW FALL SUITINGS. In all the new weaves and colore. A few of the weaves are shadow checked Panamas, invisible striped and check Panamas, tailor-checked suitings, worsteds, tweeds, chevrons and herring-bone suitings. Oir well-known $175 grades. Special at, the yard. 14 BLACK DRESS GOODS SPECIALS OUR ENTIRE LINE Of fashion's most popular fabric Silk and Wool Poplin de Chine Eolienea and Poplins, every yard of these goods are positively fast black and unmatchable in value, at our regular prices. We make the follow ing special prices: .-,., .1.50 regular grade Special at, the yard... ...............9a.1T 12.00 regular grade Special at, the yard ..' 3 regular grade bpecial at, the yard .fa.T 50 regular grade Special at, the yard... 1JS .00 regular grade Special at, the yard......;.... )S.43 .50 regular grade Special at, the yard.. .faS .00 regular grade Special at, the yard........;...' ..i.....fX29 Gas arid Electric Lamps : Choice lines Gas and Electric Stand Lamps, new Stands and Shade fancy, electric Stand with figures new Electric Lamps with fancy colored shades Electric Candlesticks and Candeiabraa.- Gas reading Lamps, complete, decorated shades, burners, mantels and hose already to attach. . . .; . ., . Regular $3.50 value Special, each... ........ ,'..V.f3.3 Regular $4.00 value Special, each..'.'..... .........,.f 3.1S Regular $4.50 value Special, each..r. ..3.flO Regular $5.00 value Special, each... t3.S)S 'All Gas and Electric Lamps and trimmings at special reduced prices this week. t . . Oas Mantles 15c and 20c each. ' ' " -.' ' PORTLAND'S GREAT FAIR IS OVER ITS MEMORIES WILL LIVE IN HISTORY, f Help to keep them green in the recollections f your friends thro' the giving of souvenirs of the great event To make it easy we offer Lewis, C& Clark Souvenirs at Special Reduced Prices Souvenir Section First Floor.' 25t SOUVENIR BOOKS 10c Lewis and Clark . Souvenir Books, with 95 views; regular value Vt. Special, each ;.......... EXPOSITION VIS'.Y HOC"". Regular $ .50 value Special, each..,. Regular's .75 value f ecitl, each Regular $1.C0 Value Speci-I. each f suyl:: ' " - ' Port Cur, 24 viwt .est Ciri. tr ' rr