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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
1 ' ' Lruv .ADfffirtH. nTT V,-sirTTPMAT. PflRTLAIID. TUDAY. - TSVKNINO. OCTOCm. 17. ' 1CC5. AlIU w WaV"" ' J W V" T - - - w . " 1. , n ti riir 71 Tl TTTs? ' fTYlT2 2T1 T7 i O mm hmoi wupm iiiiiisriuiiu anriflarfc Exoosilion and Piarlos Cboszn bv Stdte and Oilier Commissions .t ( WATCH- FOR AN NOUNCEMENT O F THE) PRICES FOR THE I "MEDAL"-' SALE WE ARE SELLING AT SACRIFICE PRICES TO CLEAR SPACE FOR THESE PIANOS mMM Sold by TDE ALLEN &" GUDERT-RAniAKEn CO. A " an"""" "a asaasai aaeaasaaes1 mmwmbm eeesaaess aaieaaasai s-s"" ajsiisssa. as aeaaaw. - 2 Have a Double Value The Pianos which won five Gold Medals,-, one Silver Medal and one of Bronze at the Lewis and Clark Exposition together withthe instruments chosen by the various state com missioners will be offered for sale at greatly reduced prices at our display rooms commenc ing Thursday, October ID. ' -. These are the identical Tianos which won the medals and which were chosen by the state commissions for superior merit. They are no' better than .other Pianos, of the same make and grade but the historical worth at-: Uches to them of being Medal, Winners and of having graced the places of honor in state and other exhibits.- 7 "iv-S ,! ' - They are Pianos that , wear and keep-their tone and quality, therwise they, would not have won medals nor have been chosen by .dis criminating state " commissioners who had scores of instruments from which to make their choice. ". " ' t ;l ' ; The grandchildren and the great-grandchildren of the purchasers of these splendid in struments will treasure them for their abiding musical worth, and also for their historical as sociations. . " r .- ".v. ; . V ' j'';; ' ' - "- .- The Medal Winners: and ' the State Pianos will be on sale at greatly reduced prices com . mencing Thursday, October 19, 1 , - "mm j a Mason Hamlin Pianos. ... ...... ............ Gold Medal -JnC filCUill Everett . Pianos .,...',.,'..;,...;,.."..,j.'..'..Gold Medal " ' ww'ri Fischer Pianos ... .... . . .-. . . ; . . . . .Gold Medal ' T . WinnerS Packard Pianos ... .V. Gold Medal - ; Conover Pianos .....i.. .......... .Gold Medal . Cable Pianos V.I. Silver Medal Kingsbury Pianos ... , ;..;..; Bronze the Honor Roll Oregon. . .... . . . . . . .f. '. ". . . Medal ' J'-"-: Mason & Hamlin Grand Conover Upright wacin,r. conover orana n.M k - I Masoh & Hamlin Upright ., y l-MUIOS tnosen DJT New York State ............... .Mason & Hamlin Upright V the Commissioners Of Idaho Conover Upright t thft VarlAn kfafp tah Conover Upright . ., Cie VariODS MaiCS North Dakota ..Kingsbury Upright J and EXBlWlS Maine ;.v.. '.Conovef Upright ,. ... .," , ; Wyoming -..Conover Upright , ! . . ; ' . Other buildings and 'exhibits 'made the-following official .' . .-' - " choice pf Pianos : " ; s , , a East Indian Exhibit ......... , . .Kingsbury Upright I' ''j,: Auditorium (Official Instrument of FairvTs r.1. ........ '"i . ....... .c J - compensating ripe urgan - Everett Grind Piano Forestry Building (Official Instrument)....-........, J...y Compensating Pipe Organ Coos County Building .Conover Upright Masonic Building (Masons and Order of Eastern Stat)....-. .Conover Upright Fraternal Building ........ ...Conover Upright ' Allen & Gilbert Booth ; . , Fischer Pianos .(4)' i . . y ... i .......... . ThreeUpright .. P.ctkrd Piino, W. .......""----r- ?h(i,,,:: t,. .-v:--'' Symphonic Grand ' - Conover Pianos (3) T0FUprights Mason & Hamlin ........ ...... One Upright Cable ................One Upright Kingsbury ....One Upright Choice of Easi and West ' These Gold Medal and Honor Roil Pianos ... P will be offered for sale at our display rooms .beginning Thursday, Uctober 19. These splen did instruments chosen by commissioners and-r i discriminating judges, on their merits rilyV are in perfect condition and will be .sold 'at Revelation Prices. An unprecedented.-oppbr-tunity to purchase cheaply a Piano chpsen by representatives of a state 6r nation solely, for . superior, merit.. -..V , - , ' ; . ' ' ' What, does it mean to you that a . World's Fair selected your piano as its official instru- . ' ment?. ,. v) '' . . - -Vhat does It, mean to you as a prospective, purchaser when the far East and the far West, : New, York state and the states of Oregon and Washington, choose our pianos as their official ' instruments, to stand prominently forth iden tified with their building and their exhibit the best exhibit that those states could provide and the best piano that they could find? , ', What will it mean to you to own one of these superb instruments-r-to haVe it in your home as" representative of the best music at our beloved Fair? ' V. -V f r Thu OldMt, XMVrt ud StroarMV rUM u4 Oxvu Sons lm tk r- MUE mm HWwJn A IJfl A K Hi TO Oft liu li minuviirnmiiijmx vuvu SIXTH AIQ UC2RIS0N STREETS $60,000 DUTY 0(1 ALICE'S GIFTS V. . r r4 .. . . Customs Rule to Be Enforced on i) Presents Showered Upon r , Pesidenfs Daughter. C0NCRES7MAY. COME TO HER ASSISTANCE ; Executive Orders Are Powerless to f ; Auiat MU Rooaerelt Understood ; That Executive Has Ordered That t .. tfo Favors B Shown Her. 1 ' ( L, ' IMml 8pMll Srle.r ; ' Kw Tork, Oct. 17.- UnlMa eonsrea Man to tba Malatancaf lllaa A Ilea Rooaaralt aha'wUI althar ba obllced to ay duty on'preaenta aha, la. brln(lng - bora, worth 1100,000. from har orient) trip or turn tham orar tr the treaaury idepartmeht. ' The aultan of Sulu, tha ranipraaa of Japan, tha emperor of Korea and other oriental rulera have beatowed rare Jewala and other treaauraa on har. ' Thar ta nothlnc In the lawa of tha country Orhich escepta tha daughter-of itha president from the (enerai cuatoma trula. Whtn tha inapectora board tha hip at Ban franclaco aha will be called' -upon for full to par cent of tha ad va lorem duty of the treaaurea that are 'worth a fortune, unleaaeha la wllllna; to 'turn them over to some charitable In stitution. ' - Executive ordera are powerleea to aa- - jrlat Mlaa Rooaerelt. Neither - Mlaa RooeeveK nor her father are wealthy, lit la understood that the president, haa 'rendered a declalon to tha effect that : hla dauchter'a baggaire muat be treated a that of any other private peraon. NEW, YORK LIFE TOLD TO h REFORM OR LEAVE STATE j (Jooiael Special Rerrke.) r Jafferaon City, Mo.. Oct. IT. The New York Life Inaurance company hca been 'notified through Ita attorney at Bt. ; Lou la, -by W. B.- Vandlver. auperlntend- ent of tha atata tnauranca dapartment. that ha naa uU power to Inaiat that: hie vdemand thdt there ba an Immediate chanae In the manaireiTient of the com pany, and that certain money ba re funded If the' company dealrea to con tlnue bualneaa In MleaourV ba ompllad 'with. . ' . . QUITS TRAK1 ROBBING FOR REALMS OF FINANCE Cole Younger Finds Bigger and Safer Profits as a Captain , of Industry." ' f (Joarnal Special Vrvke.) Chlcag-o, Oct.-7.--Cola Touncer. for mer highwayman,, la In Chicago In tha Intereat of tha electric railway planned from Kanaaa City to St. Louie, which ha la promoting. Aa he dinner gueat of member of a fashionable aaaemblage In tha cafe of tha Annex. Tounger la (0 rear old. but. notwithstanding It yeara aa a Qdantrell guerrilla, and bank and train robber with tha jamea ooya, and 2t yeara aa convict In tha Minna- ota penitentiary, bardablpa and ag hare left alight tracee. Ha. la talL.broad-abouIdered. athfetlo- looklnv with mniliic black beard and piercing eyea. After hla release rrom crlson Cole .Tounger and Frank Jamea conducted a "Wild West" ahow wlthJ poor- aueceaa. Cole ' retired from tho show bualneaa and has gone into mer cantile pursuits. Ha Uvea near Kanaaa City, not many miles from bla Old Clay county horn or urcnia .aayg. THREE COWS AND A GUN , BRING FABULOUS RICHES . f Joeraal gsealal Brvtce.k 4 Chihuahua. Mex.. Oct. 1 7.-r Frederick J. M. Rhoadea, an English mining engi near, who recently visited a remote sec tlo'n of Sierra Madre, says that ha has discovered a gold mine of - fabulous richness which Is being worked by three Mexicans. It ta In tha heart of rugged mountalna and haa netted the ownera ll.SOO.000 In tha past few yeara. -The mine la ao far removed from other aet tlementa that nawa of Ita existence had not reached the mining nen of the state until Rboidea told about It. Tha mine Is equipped with two redue tlon mllle and a cyanide plant and the gold la shipped to San Francisco. The orooerty waa discovered by an Indian, who aold'lt to Ita present ownera for three cowa and a carbine. . ' FRANCE SENDS WARSHIPS TO CHASTISE VENEZUELA (Joeraal Sorclal Serlee.t Cherbourg. France, Oct 17. Veneauela la to be given a bint that aha must apol ogise.. to .France for her Insults to the latter and a atrong naval force la now on tha way to Martinique. One armored crulaer and five aecond and third claas crutaera comprise the fleet under onan mand of Admiral Devee do la Orevlere. . . ft Schilling' Best are not ex. -trarajant; quite the contrary. Teaa'and coffees gxcJ-cnough; tdfirkj-posrd aUvoring;. ex- trrrta avrul spices pure and best en J yet economical; aodacorn Z3. .... a FOLK HELPS WEAVER IN FIGHT FOR CIVIC PURITY - J (Jmrnal RprUt ServVe.) Philadelphia. OcC 17 In the Academy f Music hero last night Governor Folk of Missouri spoke to a large and enthu ataetle audience that packed tha vaat building, while outalde thousands clam ored for admission. About 100 promi nent eltlsens occupied the stage with Mr. Folk, who spokeM) civic reform and aatd that If corruption existed In Philadelphia her peosle were 10 blame and that more fgrasaJva patriotism was needed. . MITCHELL WOULD HAVE HIS CASt DECIDED SOOn AS POSSIBLE sajsaaaejaaanaaBsVJBjaaaa X- "The Sooner the Better," Says He Senator Will Not Resign . . . Place in Congress, Nor Will Williamson, and Oregon Will Have But One Representative. ; , United St i tea Senator John H. Mitchell wanta hla esse on appeal to tha federal supreme court to be advanced and de cided aa aoon aa possible. Senator Mitchell left laat evening xor Seattle, where ha will remain for several daya attending to private bualness and then visit his daughter In Tscoma lor a short time. Ha haa recovered from tho effecta of hla recant acddentTwhen ha fell on tha dock at the waterfront and sustained a fracture or a rib. . Mis physical vigor haa been regained In a remarkably short apace Of tlma and to hla friends who bade him good-bye ha appeared to ba in an excellent etate of .health. - Aa he stepped aboard the North Coast Limited train ha waa aaked - regarding tho report recently telegraphed from Washington that, he had not asked the We ' sre having a drive- on Fall Hats. The biggest assort ment we've ever shown and in all the newest shapes and col ors. Our -Hats delight the eye, comfort the head ' and our prices please the purse. ' We've.' Hats at ' U prices. $1.85,' $2.35, $3.00 and $3.50, The most critical ex amination fails to distinguish them from thtj- high-priced Hats of the exclusive hatter. Lion Clothing G ; Gus Jufm-Pro .,.'. ..-:,. Outfitters to Stea an Soya. IN' and 1M Third treat, t Hear isorriaoa. - y supreme court to advance hla causa on the calendar so aa to have an early hearlnr. tha course pursued by United Statea . Senator Burton of Kanaaa, also under conviction In the federal court. "Tha aooner tho better," waa his brief response to questions aa to whether or not ha desired an early decision of his appeal. "My caaa la In tho banda of my lawyers, however, and It la tha part of a wise client -to leave tha conduct of hla case to their judgment." Senator Mitchell aald thatx-Unlted States Senator ,John F. Thurston or Ne braska waa his aenlor counael to whom ha looked to determine tha wlaa courae with reference to handling tho caaa be fore tha supreme court. ' Senator Mitchell intimated that ha strongly resents the suggestion that he ahould reaiga hla office and tha Infer ence was that ha intenda to remain rn the position until the higher court haa dlapoaed of tha appeal. -Congressman J. N. Williamson w aaked yesterday regarding the retention of his position In tho lower national houaa and aald that ha would not ba in a hurry to real gn, that the supreme court might reverse tho decision of. tha lower court and that In that event he would have dona hlmaelf an Injustice. It la apparent, therefore, that Oregon will have only one representative In congreas this winter. When Senator Fulton returns to Washington on Nov ember It ho will bo alone In tho senate. Congresamaa Williamson's conviction deprives hirer of -the -right to take hla aeat In the house and It Is taken for granted that Congreaaman Hermann, with four Indictments hanging over him, will refrain from participation In tha congressional proceedings. RAIN, HAIL, WIND, SUN AND CALM IN AN HOUR ' With the exception of a bllssard,' Port land was entertained today with every variety of weather that Colonel Beats haa In hla reportoire. The performance waa highly Interesting and kept liO.tOO people In Oregon's metropolis busy, changing coatume and equipment.' For awhile the aun shone.' Out of a clear sky he looked down upon the buay city and am lied. Tho air waa cool and Invigorating; It waa apparently an ideal autumn day. Then tha aun grew angry and wrapped hlmaelf in a mantle of mlstv concealing himself but showing his displeasure. Then It began to rain, not Jn tha regulation atyle, but In a surly, osten tatious way that drove even native Ore gonlana off tho streets for a time. But the weather god was fickle and ordered a change from fain to aunshlne and from aunshlna to rain In a way that caused strangera to pause and wonder. Then- Just to, show thst Uhera were other specialties besides tha rain and sunshine he-Mew hla breath across tha sky And emptied a million tiny plecea of Ice upon the city. It hailed and large drops pattered on the roofs anl aide walks Ilka the rattle of a. drum. It lasted until this afternoon. , COUKUED BEET AND QUARREL Proposed Peace Session of Liquor License Committee Results in Disagreement. VAUGHN'S BOX MEASURE V CAUSES THE FIGHT Tie Vote Decided by Chairman Gray in Favor of Ordinance Introduced by Himself Minority Will Carry Fight to Council. , ' : ' "I challenge you to nam your ob jeotlona to thla ordinance, I defy any member of this committee to point out a clause which should not be In It." . Councilman Vaughn directed tha above remarks at tha members of tha liquor licenaa committee of the council who were opposed to his box ordinance at .a special meeting thla morning. Not a member offered to make any objections to tha proposed measure, but four of them vote for It and recom mended a new ordinance prepared by Councilman Gray Inatead. ... Tha meeting waa held for the purpose of deciding on an ordinance which would be acceptable to the entire committee. It looked aa If tha two opposing fa tlona In tha council would arrive at an amicable ' conclusion - and vote unani mously to recommend an ordinance to tha council. . ' Xjooked sake Veaoe. Councilman Vaughn and the support ers of his ordinance. Including Council men Masters, Wallace' and Annand, agreed to change the ordinance to do away with all paaaageways In aaloona and have boxes to open directly on the main barrooms. On the other hand the supporters of tha' Bennett measure, In cluding Councilman Oray, Shepherd and Wfllla, .agreed to the exemption of hotels under the ordinance.' ' At this Juncture Councilman dray presented another ordinance which waa practically the same aa tha Vaughn or dinance only It waa rather loosely con structed and there were eeveral aub Jecta under one aectlon. " "I will not vote for that ordinance," declared Councilman Masters; "It is too loosely drawn. An attorney would laugh tft It. - Why not recommend the Vaughn ordinance, which la practically tha same thing and states explicitly everything that Is required?", Councilman Oray, WUla and Shepherd Thts Best Scooxias Soap Shift A Scouring Soap A Metal Polish A Glsss Cleaner would not ' vote for tho Vaughn ordi nance, although . they made no specific objections to It. . . .During the dlacuaalon Councilman Shepherd suggested that Mayor Lane be asked to eome before the committee and state his ideas regarding a box ordi nance. "I' don't car what the mayor would say," quickly - retorted- Oray. . "It wouldn't make particle of difference with ma" When the final vote waa taken An nand. WUla and Shepherd voted for the Oray ordinance and Vaughn. Wallace and Masters for the Vaughn ordinance. Chairman Oray decided tha tie by voting In favor of hla own ordinance. A minor ity report will ba made to the council, recommending that the Vaughn ordi nance paaa. - . What waa to have been a peace meet ing ended with the opposing factions farther apart than ever before. The matter will go before the city council tomorrow for consideration. The Oray adherenta claim a majority of tha votes of the council alnce Councilman Annand yotad with them today. Jlls principal "objection, to the Bennett ordinance- at the laat oouncil meeting waa becauae hotels were included under the ordinance, while he favored their 'ex emption. From all Indications the Oray ordinance will be passed. v . UNEXPECTEDLY ATTENDS SERVICES AT CHURCH . (SmHal Dttptttt) to The JoorsaLI Springfield, Or., Oct. IT. Sunday eev eral of the railroad men sauntered out for a atrolL A shower overtook them end they ran for the neareat anal tar they could find, which wee under the eavee of a church. A conductor of the Southern Pacific waa leaning agalnat the door, when! It , gave Way, precipitating him full lenath before the oulplt and aaton- Ished congregation. . ,Ue arose .to bis feet' and ptoualy exclaimed that It waa the flrat time he had been to church for years. , . . , , ., Biff Wood Drive Beglaa. (gperlal Dsmatea te The Jeerael.t Milton, Or., Oct. 17. The flrat drive of winter wood out on the headwaters of the Walla Walla river will reach bare some time this week. A drive of too cords wss started down the atream last Friday. Considerable difficulty le ex pected In getting the wood past tha big dam of the Northweetem Oaa a Bleotrle company, located at the Roberta ranch. It miles above here. Wood men say they may have to wait for winter floods before they can move tho drlvee over thla atretch. About 1,(00 cords of wood Is the output on tha river thle year. K Baking Ponder v.-.' w : ) toA Doorm - To the Houoowifo She knows that She need no Ion get fear failures in her baking. She ir always certain of success, and saves two-thirds of her baking jpowder money. ' . j - 7- 1- V