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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
t:: bnzcdrr daily jour::Ai; ronTLAHD. .tuhzday zvz::i::q, oeror: 17. i:;s. 1 V TOWN T0?1G Varquam Grand. ........... falaace tkr "The Tenderfoet" ....... 'Hberldin" MualraJ BarlMque Mnplrt .... . l-rrtc.,..., . fctar. ...... Cirtpd ...Hoiwat. Hitart ' A Frlaoeer ot War" VWlTtlU '....VaudavlUe : John Kenwortby. years of e. end ' ton of th pioneer of th Paclflo coaat, died yeeterday at hl home, 6 . East Fin treat, after an lllnaaa of eeveral year, y HI a death wu the result-. of a t aU In which' ha sustained a, dlalocaled and eruahed hip Joint ' An operation wa - attempted yesterday, but the- old nan waa unable to urvlv the anaes ' the tic. Mr. Ken worthy waa born in Leds, Torkahlr. England, In 1(1 and emigrated to America, In 1S2. A few yeara later ha came 'to Oregon, where ' lie achieved prominence and waa highly ' teapected. The funeral aervloea will held at Centenary church Thureday af ternoon. Orient lodge. I. O. O. F of which he waa a member, will participate '. In the aervlcea. - .-''' : ' "; 'Delegate were elected by the Admen's league laat night In the tower roonwof the Commercial club, to the Paclno Coaat .Admen'a league rating In -Seattle Oo tober II and 14. The delegate are H. . C, Whlttler. R. M. Hall, Emmet Brown, 8. M. Frledlander, W. J. Hofmann. Oeorge W. Kleleer and David N. Mosea- ' aohn. Other member' alo will attend the convention. . . .' , Secretary Leber of the board of trade ". has received an inquiry from an eastern firm of manufacturers of wooden war which desire to establish a factory on . a large "scale tn the northwest and pre .fere to com to Portland. The board will furnlah statistics. The company ' write that It will employ a large force and that the volume ef business will be ; heavy. ' ' , . ' f I ; :,-".-,.' enasiemassaansae r ' -1' 4 The Brooklyn Push club will hold, a mas meeting at I o'clock -tonight In Blank' hall to discuss matter of clvlo Improvement in' the Brooklyn district The construction of the Brooklyn aowet will be the main topto of discussion, ' and people who oppose laying th con ' dutt will be urged to cooperate with . those who favor It, for th benefit of . th community. .. f ; ' Th Boys' club of All Balnta mission held a meeting last night at 41 iNortn Twenty-second street Mayor Lane ad- dreased the member, apeaklng on "Ob serration," and remark were made by . Rev. Dr.' A. A. Morrison, Colonel 'James Jackson, Bishop Morris and Rev. James Dawson. Dr. Hop, th pastor. Is bulld Jrig up the mission successfully. Lost Three solid sold ring on In coming Sellwood car about 7 o'clock Sunday evening, October II. .Finder will be rewarded by leaving nam at - Moore's photo . gallery, . Seventh and Washington. ' J' Portland V Tamale Parlor. 144 Park street between Alder and Morrison, th only place In town where enohiladaa, chile con earn with frijoles, Mexican style, also th celebrated Frits' tarn ales, are mad. Open from 11 m. to 11 p. m. Rattan chair for th aged and crip pled 'and folding settee for porches, lawn . and parka for sal now cheap. Portland Concession company, by ,. mall ; or: at Vaughn and i Twenty-fifth. ,5 v, t '.- Th -Woman' Horn Missionary o clety of Centenary M. K. church ha thangd Its time of meeting from wed , nesday, October II. as announced,; to jriusy, vcwuvr v, s.av us. The announcement In Sunday papers that th Michigan society would meet ' this evening -was erroneous. The mock auetlon la to be held one week from to- .. night . - - v. - Watches 1 and diamond, $1 down and too per week. . Oood delivered on first payment. Xmaa I coming. Metsgar 4k CO., jewelers, opticians, in auxin. Professor Rlngler's physical 'culture school and dancing academy, 101 Aldor street Class and private Instruction. Fat people reduced. . Last week of the ' big sale of palm ; and plant at cut prices. L. O. Pfunder, the florist 4Z7 Washington - street Phone Main 484. , ' eaeiaBBB , ' W clean and press your cloth and shin your shoe for 11.00 per. month. Unique Tailoring Co., I4T Washington. Mala 114. : . , . ..... Why nay 11.60 to 110 for eye glasses when w guarantee a perfect fit for lit Metsger at Ca,- 111 Sixth street . Launches, for torpedo-boat destroyer at Merrill' boathouse, north aid Mom . on bridg. " .'. Autumn ball by Astra circle, Esst Side Woodmen hall, Thursday, October It. ' The largeat lgn shop jn Portland, Foster 4k Klelser, Fifth and Everett Try a meal without meat at'th "Vege- ' tartan cafe. 101 Sixth street ' iFrlt' tamale are the beat V . Free School Domestio Science. W hv secured th services of Mrs. Bertha Haffner to glye a free course of lecture at our store In cooking and kitchen furnishing. These lecture will be given daUy at 1:10 p. m. Every one 1 cordially invited. Honeyman Hard war company. Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seattle race. Take Sell wood and Oregon City car at First and . Aldar. . - ;. -. Attention barber! " Party holding eonoon 1771 wilt please call at our store , and receive chair. Lwl-Stngr Bar ber Supply ' company. . Removal Special No. 2 " ". derbt-rTbbed Underwear regular . price h'm. now $1.45 ; Hrwrett,Drdly O, Co. XABZaSAtKUS. K'l' '1 'M48 Wmthlngton Strt ' sTXAa taAJra txjutm...' :TC2 WACflDA : 0 tail r 0. w. . axxoniQ it, . 'a TKg BXAXT OF TO TlXXM Qy TBI CIJtOKAltaJ aiTim. 4 A vorirtAB BXAt-m at kxoksatiow istMmUla alfnblis. troet flatalnc. SO-aare o lit pars, lars. daaeBf pavtlloa. hait proTtM with city waUf d,eleetrle ltlhta. floa hatha. Ulpboae . alJJ Porllaed. Tboeaaade of aert. ef of forest eenoead tka yoen etty ef Batseade, M KILU nog JOETIAW, ' Bates par ' "''Iir5 Rate par ak ,f 14.0 gpeclal tlekat, iDeladlag round trip fare end dluaer..... pecial Uckatw loeladln sound trip fare, oae alght'e lodging end threev . suals -M tioxxt ornci nut avo axdx mu t, B. MARTINEZ. Manager ' : ; xJTAOAOAv oaxoov. V CLEVER CHECK SuImOLER DOES BIG BUSINESS . - " ' ' Buys Small Purchase of Fuel and ...... a I 1 Pays witn vnecri wnicn Proves to Be Worthless. For more than a week th nolle hav been trying to locate a crook who ha been flooding th olty with bogu checks. Not only hav hi operation been extensive, but hi work ha proved him to be an exceedingly dangerous man In hi Una. Four detective--Dy, Vaughn, ' Reslng and Carpenter have been detailed to try to run th criminal to earth. v - Numerous firms hav been victimised by th bogu check man. . HI Illegal operation hay been confined largely to coal and Ice firms, but a number of merchandise establishments 'hav also suffered at his hands. The list of vic tims Include th Paclf lo Coast Fuel company, th Oregon Fuel company, th Vulcan Fuel company and th Holme Coal r Ice company. -. In each tnstanc th crook ' mad a mall purchase of fuel. In payment he presented a oounter check for 110, drawn on th First National, bank in favor of W. W. Furlong and signed by John 8. Woodworth. ' Th check war all tndoraed by Furlong. When pre sented at the bank they were dlshon ored and pronounced forgeries. ' ' Th criminal - 1 described as being smooth shaven, about five feet aevea inches ' tall, dark complexloned and dressed In dark clothing. Hi manner 1 uch a to disarm suspicion and con voy th Impression that h Is a well-to- do business man. Several clue were obtained laat week by th polio, but all failed of results. WRECK DELAYS OVERLAND - - FOR FOUR HOURS Conductor and Brakeman Barely Escape Death When Short ' Train Meets Accident. . Two long, heavily-loaded sections Of th Southern Pacific northbound Cali fornia. Overland lay for nearly four hour at Merlin' last nlght'waltlng for th track to be cleared at tunnel Not t. All traffic had been stopped by th throwing of a caboose acrpsa th right of way. In an accident in . which two of th train crew narrowly missed losing their Uvea , . i . An engine pulling on freight ear and a caboose was running at high speed, when, a short dlstano from the tunnel, th tender jumped from th rail. Th freight car wa .derailed and alao th caboose, the latter being landed diagon ally across th track. Seme of th rail were torn up. afhe conductor - waa thrown th 'length of the car and re ceived severe bruises, while the rear brakeman waa . projected violently through th lookout window on th top of the ciboos and landed 10 feet dis tant on the right of way, but waa al most unhurt y There wair no wrecking train . nearer than Roaeburg, about (0 mjles north. The train crew took Implement "that were carried on the caboose and engine and after four hour' work succeeded In moving wreckage enough to permit train to pass. Th two delayed Mo tion of th northbound overland, due at Portland at 7:15 thi morning, arrived at 11:10 o'clock, BRAY SUES PARTNER FOR LARGE AMOUNT William M. Bray of Wisconsin and Marshall J. Kinney of this city are th plaintiff and defendant In a ult pending In be circuit court. They, were formerly partners. ' Bray ha brought suit against Kinney for 129,600,' alleged to be due him as a share of a part payment mad on Oregon timber lands and 160,000 as loss of profit because th purchase of th property was not made. - It Is alleged that on March 15, 101, Bray and Kinney secured an option from the Southern Oregon t company for a large grant of rich timber land in Coos and Douglas counties. "Th properties were to hav cost 1600,000. Of this sum, 160,000 is said to hav been paid bx - th . partners, but th deal fell through, and th two lost-their option and the 160.000. Bray avers that he wa ready and willing to advance hi share of th cash necessary to make the other payments, but a Kinney waa un able to put up hi . portion W th money, th deal fell through. Bray In sists that his shar of the first par ment and th coat that he ha been put to are 139.800, while hi profit lost by th deal having fallen through are valued at 160.000. A plea of abatement has been raised, it being claimed that partners cannot sile each other. It 1 being argued be fore judge Cleland. . W. W.' Cotton I Bray' attorney. while former United State Senator Joseph Simon appeara ror Kinney. , ' . Where to Dine. ' Now that th rainy aeaaon I near,- the busy people are looking for a place to lunch where th service Is quick, the viands pleasing and th prlc moderste. The Prima cafe. Fifth, between Wash ington and Alder street, ha an envia ble reputation In thla respect. Th pro-, prletor, Mr. L c. stone, la' always pleased to meet old friend and make new acquaintances. Olv th Prima a trial and be convinced. Both ladle and gentlemen welcome from 11 a, m. until 1 p. ra. , Preferred Stock Canned Oood. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. -. - t'liiO IQ AT EXPOSITION Drays and Vans Are Carrying Away Exhibits that Mad Big Fair a Success. ORIENTAL AND FOREIGN , ) BUILDINGS ALONE OPEN Though ComparmttVely tfew Pcopk ' Visit Ground, Receipt! Are Larger Than Expected Pottoffice SuheU- . tiort Discontinued. v , , t LJi''.- - f ' ssssnnnnSBBnnBSsnsnenne .. . . , V ! A cavalcade of dray and van mov continually through th bouUvard and way of th exposition grounds, bear ing away the exhibits that helped to make th. I .awl. and Clark centennial the moat successful ' world' fair ever held, i ' . Only th Oriental and Foreign Ex hibit, build In re are onn to the publlo LThey will be closed in a day or o. Thy . , . ...u.iM.(H, are open in vraar lu.fc uuwiviw" may dispose of their ware. j Though comparatively there are few visitor to th grounds, yesterday re ceipt at th gat war a surprise to the management. , There is an admis sion price of It cant and yeeterday more than 1600 was taken in at th gate. The same price of admission will prevail until th ground are aoan AnwxmJt ' The postofflc substation V on, ; th ground waa - discontinued -yesteroay. However, carrier continue their round of the exposition ground and will de liver malls as long a th building are occupied. ' -' ' It la atated by th management that a complete and detailed financial state ment will not be given to th publlo at th present time. There are many a- tail that must be completed. However, a statement Issued by And Itor J. R. Mackenzie today showed that the receipts for th closing day war 15,70l.l. Th aum of 11,171.10 was received Sunday. Th statement also bowed that the Lewi and Clark ex position had 1175,616.11 to lta credit F.1ATS0N BETS RAISE, BUT IT PAY CLERK ; Mayor and Council Comhiittees Finally Come to Agreement on Question of Salary. Health Commissioner Ray Mataon will be made ex-omclo city phyalclan by the council and . hi salary Increased from 10 to 140 a month, with th provision that he pay th salary of his offlo clerk. Th decision was reached by th way and mean and th Judiciary committee of th city council yesterday afternoon after Mayor Lane had appeared In per son and asked them to provide addi tional fund with which to maintain th city health offlo. ' . The mayor aald that It was Impossible for Dr. Mataon, who was -a thoroughly competent man, to work for th small salary of f 90 a month and pay hi office clerk. . "An ounce of prevention 1 worth pound of cur," continued h. -"and If you will give Dr. Mataon a chance be will show you, what h can do. He la a man In whom th state board ef health ha unbounded confidence and he has free aocess to th atat laboratorle for making experiment. If -youwlll allow him more salary. o that he can afford to give hla. tlm and attention to thla office, th city will receive , th benefit. ' I believe we should do every thing in our power to; give Portland a clean health record, and we can do It by expending a little money with such a man as Dr. Mataon at th head ef th health department.' Councilman Wallace favored paying Dr. Mataon 1140 a month and providing for hi clerk a salary besides, but Coun cilman Gray and others said that Dr. Mataon had agreed to work for 1140, and he should not be given mote than he asked. The waya and mean committee rec ommended that new boiler be purohaaed for engine 4 and I of th Portland fir department at a.coa of 11,000 each. Mayor Lane presented th matter ef purchasing ground for a sit for th Forestry building at th exposition, say ing that the council should give th question close attention. He waa of th opinion that th cost of maintaining th Forestry building would be a heavy load to bear. Th members appeared to be in favor of making th purchase. lxaay TSulldlar Permltav Building permit hav . been granted W. H. and Is. B. Warren, shoddy feo tory and storeroom on Second street be tween Orover and Olbbs streets, 116 and 1100 respectively, total 1460; C. M. Bars, dwelling on Eaat Tenth street be tween . Brooklyn and Beacon , street. 11,600' W. -Quereke, dwelling at 761 Kerby street, 1100; Carl Bprulln. dwell' ing on Height avenu and Shaver street, 11.400; Lilly Holman, four stores on Front street between - Taylor and Sal mon streets, 1400 each, and four atorea at th nam location, 1600 each, total 14,000; C. Mardhorst, dwelling on Spo kane avenu, corner East Thirteenth street, 1100; Oeorge Strong, dwelling on Belmont avenue, corner East Thirty ninth street. 11,600; A. C McNeil, dwelling at 761 Oantenbeln avenue, 1800; Mra A. Better, two dwellings on East Eighth- street between Eaat Aah .and East Pine streets, 11.600 each, total 11.100; Mrs. James W. MeDonourh. We do not care how many hours is required to perform the service Well Wash Yonrliaen,! 6 CIs Pound ' This includes all articles not required to be ironed by, hand. ' - ; .' : Ring us up and our wagon, will call at your home and our driver tll you all about it. UNION UW CO. Sxooiro Airs coltjsesia- . , Tel. Mala SfS. . AJSVI lforrlso Street, brtweea eta aaS Tta. Pboae Main see. . W. X. Pang!.- Sea. Mgr. . TOaTieST AT l:U O'CLOCK. ' ,' last Trerf eratai Xaoaamw SIBt . pMlel-rrise aatlsee Tka Sashlag Wasters Musical Ceaaedy, The Tenderfoot wth ' - .- -': oka yiontajr Jttm mnn, ' ' ' AO rv,mnanr AO gveelng Prime 6o. toe, 6oe. foe. J1.00. 1 "0. atattaae Prices aoe. S&e. BOe. TOO, fl.w. Mta are sew sell Belasco Theatre : Zm$u BZLAI00 MATZB, MOW. rtwrtaMtk and Waaaiurtoa stivers. K. 8. fries, Sea. Kgr. X. L. laekett. See. Kgf. TOKIOHT AT :1S. . WlllTFioo"wi IIITTLESEY Wltk the BBIU8CO THBATRB gTOCTC 00 rraeeauns . H. sotbara'e cias. . rUwt Tinae 4a Portia ad. "Sheridan, or the Maid or EathM vga., tSe to TBe; Wat, get.. Ban., SJe te SO. Kext Week WH1TB WniTTLESBT la "PBINCB OTTO." Marquam Grand Theatre October 10 to , With atatlnees Saturday - and Wedaeeda.'-, KldW k Erianijer Co. (Inc.) Prodoctioa BEN HUR BATS ABB NOW BEIXINO -PBICE8. BOTH MATINBB AMD MIGHT. Lower Floor. Brat IS rowe ..fl.60 Lower floor, laat row. 1 00 Baknair, Brat I raw ..................... J 00 Balooer. 4th, tn and U raws 1.60 aUleony, laat row , IM iMiiery reaerree Toe,' DAUaee SOe. No easts laid aalde. . No telephone erdare takas. . aUU orders with lemlttaaee. ailed after refular sale opens. Ourtala at 8 and t B. a. Me one seated after rlae of toe curtain on the Brat set. RlIFI THF1TIF Orege Theatre Ce ZMeee. yAlUA lULAIIlL . r. Baker, Mgr. Pboae Mala lOT. TAlfRTLL AND THIRD 8TBBETS. TBB HOhtS OP lfTBICAL BURLK8QUB. ' hfatlneae Banoar Wednesday, Batordar. MOTB Bersala Batlaee Wedaeedaj, S:1S bl e to aur aeai.' BTAB BKOW SIBXB. v Mostly fir la with lovely faces end ezmlslte forms and a nambar ef eoaaedlaas throwa la to make a good moasere. PRICE! Brenlns. BSe. Sc. 60c. TBe. Sea' dar end Batorday -Durlnaae. toe. Be. See, 60c. Wednwday matinee, 2&c to a or Mat. KEXTWEKK. "The Jolly Graa Widow." LllipilC lUCOUC nMMalall7 MILTON W. BKAMAN. Hanaer. BVEBT NIGHT THIS WEEK. ' BBGTJLAB MATINEB gATURDAY, 1:16 P. K. IUMT VAZfiOUl I ' Romantfe Comedy, , "H0BXgT KZABTB.' ALU A BEABN Aa Dad's Only Girl" A Brilliant Oompaag Bnpportln the Celebrated Comedienne. PBICEB Bvenlag, 16c, 25c, SOe end BOcj swtinea, luc. loe ana zoe. Nest attraction the drama tie eeneetloa, "WHY WOHBN BIN." BICBBATIOB PARK. Qui si Taagaa aad Tweatj-faarla, Portland vs. 3a o Francisco ADITXBSIOB, . Ike. OCTOBER IT. 16. 16. SO. . tt. OBAWDHTAND. Z5e. CHILDREN. Ue. Bos tickets end laasriad seats on sale at oes oroce. unity, s:io, nhv, m:au.- THE STAR Oenvtrlgmt aad Lea Alloa glsteie Ida Rnasall aTan Ollates Bewyer tmrnk Oeafer Btaroeoeee General admission. lOei raearvad seats. SOe. Dallv mattnae. 10 te aay seet except boxee. Box seats. BSe. Strndaa coatlanoee, 1 SO te ju:o p. . THE QRAND The Stee BaateU Inn aad Roger Beeele TaaaerhQl Wtagato Prad Pnrlntea Oread leasee Oeaerel admlaatoa. loej taearvad aata, Sne. Dally matlaa. loe te any eeet excit ho: wa. Box seats, BSe, to 10:46 D. at. Baadar eoatlnaoas, 1:0 LYRIC THEATRE WXZX BTARTTBO) HOBTSAT, OOTOBKB 1. A PRISONER OF WAR A Thdlllag 6 marines War Drama. Admission 10 Cent. Beesrvtd Beets, SO Cants. Clarcmont Tavern Finest Roadhoua In the West. TABIOTJS S?Om BLAJITXABTD Ol BPBCXAX, Northern Pacific Puret Bound Limited leaving Portland dally at 4:10 p. ra. stop at Claremont Re turning (same train) leavea Claremont at io:46 p. m. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO BTCDIO NOW OPEN POB PUPILS. Parian aad 10. N9 Waahrnsto St. Miss Edith Kelly Formerly of Chicago, wHl receive plane pupil at etufiio, 44 Morrison street. LMORBTUKl BCBTBTOD. dwelling on Commercial street, corner of Aina worth ' treet, 11,000; F. M. V artier, dwelling on Belmont avenu be tween Eaat Thtrty-nfth and Eaat Thlrty-lxth atreeta, 11.100; James Qrey, dwelling on Bat Twenty-eighth street, corner East Taylor street, 61,000. A repair permit, ha been laaued to Vulcan Iron Works, 6T North First street, 1100. ' POLAR, T0MMA AND NERO NOW AT THE ZOO . Polny th big whit' polar , bear; Tomma. th beautiful apotted leopard, and Nero, th large, hggy-mand African Hon, of th Jabour trained ani mal ahow at th exposition, which th city park board recently purchased, were taken, to their new home In , th city park boo yeeterday afternoon. Su perintendent Liowlt had prepared for th reception of th three pet and they were placed In comfortable cage. Polar can accustom, himself to any climate.4 While accustomed to th far north, he ha been aa far south as Cuba, where he spent on winter. HI greatest delight I to hav a cold water bath vry morning. ' Tomma and NeA ar poaaeased of a more delicate constitution, and their pen hav been arranged o that they can be warmed during eh winter sea eon. , i i lir. Baldwin of the government f lah- HHP Our Forty Dollar Suit represents the acme of the tailors' art. Our Forty Dollar Suit is made from the finest Imported ftney or black Worsted. ; ' ; " Only the long, fine Australian Wool is used in weaving this 1 . cloth. The English government inspects both the crude material ; in the We and the finished product in'the bolt.. . w . ' j .The Australian wool on account of its length and fineness ; makes the firmest and strongest fabric known to the cloth-making : "crafts. t; "' ... : ' r Your suit cut from this splendid doth will be lined throughout with the best black silk. Genuine imported French haircloth, will be used in shaping the garment. The coat will be "hand padded throughout, which insures symmetry to the shoulders and the perfect alignment of the lapels. - " . Our tailors put the same studied-care upon the making of a suit that an artist bestows upon his canvas. It is a matter of pride with them that every piece of work which leaves our shop V "hall represent them at their best. That explains why, out of doxen suits delivered to customers last Saturday, not even a but ton had to be altered to make a perfect fit. Our Forty Dollar Suit representaTMArt Tailoring" in the truest and bst sense of the word.. ' ' -'' Finish Fabric .The prloB will salt and The suit will fit. W handle no Ready. " " Made Clothing, but make your Clothes to Tour ordef at from $20.00 to $45.00 the tuit. Are You IF SO. Why not buy now at TIMMS, CRESS & CO.'S fire sale, 145 First street, and get Sun-Proof Paint, the best made, at less than factory cost. .Money saved is money made. Saving From $150 to J5.C3 Our prices on Men's and Youths' Suits and Overcoat begin at $6.00, running up to. $25.00. We guarantee a saving of from $2.50 to $5.00 in com parison to high-rent tore prices. Our prices on Shoes run from $1.25 up to $4.00, including Ladles', Men's, Misses' and Boyg. ' Our prices on Men's Hats and Pants run from $1.50 to $5.00. Our prices on Men's Under wear and Overshirts run from 50c to $1.50. Our prices on Trunks and Suit Case run from $1.75 to $10.00 and $15.00. f Our prices on Blankets and 'Comforters run from 75c to $5.00. We save you 20 cents on every dollar you Invest with us. JOHN DELLAR RUNNING TWO STORES Corner of First and Yamhill and corner of Third and Daris. erlee exhibit has prevented th city park board with a young eeal, which will be placed in a tank where children may -watch It antic. - ' , Bnry Xrvtng u the Abbey. (Joornal Special rrt.r London. Oct. IT.- Th dean of West minster ha consented to the interment of th body of Sir Henry Irving 1 Weetmlneter Abbey. Waafa la a BTaaaet IntMttnal lndlfattoo" Is In sew" Verne for mnltltnde ef alomarh treenlM. It Is the rMoenler eanae f aart dkieeae. kldnoy rrooblfa, meatlpatlon. aarelenrr. Insammnttoa of the bliiMn. nearalsla. hednrhM, Ulaalawa, ameadlettta ami rseematlaia. Green's Ausnst rtower gntm rlsht at Mr letaetlnal IndlSMtlon ked astral? rl.ara It eut .1 the Intestinal tract. apMdtly on-lnf any ar 11 et th. all monta meatkined. Trial htt' ,rHe. Bl( tmt tl. ISe. At all rafa-tfr Ureess' AlnMsa, Forfey Hair Suit to Yocr Msttsre VCI Ca - Linsd Throughout With SUk sod v , fuarenteed. IBuildrng ? YOU NEED FINE ART! Consequently it requires the steady hand of a studied artist an expert to put the delicate Eof a watch in proper ad ent. Better leave it un than to permit careless or unschooled workmen to touch it. We employ finished work men and warrant their work. It's the same "Quality that marks our Jewelry and Optical Goods. A. N.Wright THE IOWA JEWELER 293 Morrison St. rr modern dental work, World- a owned special lata, Leweat prtoe aonaistent with ftrt-las O te Ue NEW YORK DENTISTS rorBTm AJTO MOSJUSOST STS, Opem day and night, from ; a. av taatU 1 . sa. RELIEF for LADIES FRENCH Tansy Wafers Origi nal and only genuine Pet up In 'yellow . wrapper and "Crown" trademark. For eel by th - . , LEADING! DRVOOISTS. I I Ar n ww VVJW . . SWAv VatchRepair 13 A 'V: TEETH X.' i P J o CORSETS THE KIND THAT IM PROVE THE FldURU IN the Corset department are many late styles, and a ' size for every figur. Especial attention is callad to the famous P. N. Corsets. Made of heavy goods; bias cut and gored; well bonad; two steels on each side; hose supporters attached front and sides; nickeled clasps, cork ' protectors; so con structed sis to give the latest long . waist and hip and straight front effects; colors white and gray. $ D o 5.C are Oaarg waataveg lee OlweUS, oTfii.: The Seers WW Tan Oae: i ' uasc:::"" TEHT' m t -i