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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
1 9m- ' z cr.zcou daily jcur.::".L, fohtland. tuday - Lv:::;i.;a, ocrori : 17. HOW "DEN HUR" WAS DRAMATIZED e : - ; , S. I '. : - W :-, y . -j. 1! -i CSN1U APPEALS TO1 TM2 NAZACnNZ, FC2. Th CLEANC;.N3 C." MkS MOTMStV AND Cr, LEPROSY. , :S' 1 ' William Young, who dramatised Gen eral Law Wallaca'a "Ban Hur," tella - this storr of how ha did the work) v "I took the book homo and read it moat carefully. - Plsywrltlng and novel writing are two djatlnct arts. My firat endeavor was to find ' my play In tha book. ' I saw It there many characters, very scene tha flat of tha play ap peared to me. There I had my dramatic .-machinery. . ' "In one week's time I had the scen ario complete. This was moat tncesaant nd exhaustive work. It waa necessary that the scenario ahould be complete oa a certain date, and In order to complete . It I worked 41 .hours at one stretch. This - scenario . had.' besides all the scenes and characters, every entrance. every, exit and the substance of the speeches of the players. - When the Scenario waa complete, I had the skele ton of Ben Hur.' i . "The next step waa to take It lo Gen eral Wallace. (Is read It and cave his approval. Then I ' began putting the flesh on this 'skeleton In the form of a dialogue. Before writing the dialogue, I completely saturated, myself, with' Gen eral Wallace's literary style, endeavor ing to follow as closely as I might all the peculiarities and excellences of his form of composition, so that those who had read the. book should not be dis turbed by the Introduction of anything that would tend to modify the Impres sion of the original hovel. - As there are net more than 30 lines In the entire play taken directly from the book, yon can easily see that this part of the work took more lime and care than, ap pears on the surfsce. . "I did not begin writing my play with the first act . As a matter of fact, the firat and second acts were written last, but. s. I said before, the scenario eon- taineV the substance of all the speeches of the . players, as I knew what' they had to do and say. , The writing of the dialogue is, per haps, the hardeat part of the work of a dramatist. If he would make his aud Itors feel the fullest Impression of hii Inspiration, the most complete effect of what his characters have to aay. he must be master of what the-French call the pulse beat of the drama,' f nURDERERCAUGHT III VANCOUVER Frenchman Who Killed W. J. Oliver In Montana Traced Five " Hundred Miles Overland. CRIME COMMITTED FOR HUN DRED DOLLARS CASH Companion Slain With - Steel Bar, Camping v Outfit Burned.;) Horses .. SoloVWhUe Body Wat Concealed In Shallow Crave. (Special Dtepateh to The Journal.) Teneouvet, B. C. Oct',17. A Freneh- mas, answering the " description of the - men wanted In Montana for the murder of W.i J. llve'r," waajurrested last night and Is held for identification by Mon tana authorities. ' , The crime for Which the Frenchman Is wanted 'was .one of the most dia bolical In the hlatory of Montana, young Oliver having been slain In cold blood ' with a billet of steel for his posses sions, about 1100 In money and a camp outfit and Ave horses. W. J. Oliver, the murdered man, waa the son of the chairman of the Beaver county commissioners and waa enroute home from a Canadian trip. His body wss found In a shallow grave on' Sep tember 30, just a week after Oliver snd the . Frenchman had been aeen to enter the canyon together enroute to Helena. ". , The Frenchman was traced through descriptions furnished by those who had seen Oliver's outfit being burned, save the horses, from Helena' to the northern boundary snd thence to Nelson and Van couver, fully too miles of the trip being made overland.. There was a reward of $1,000 for his arrest. -. The sheriff bf Beaver county Is now In British Columbia and will bring the prisoner back.- . . . - '. ' NOT OBLIGED TO GIVE : SEATS FOR TICKETS (Jooretl Special geiilte.) -New-York. OotlU. The owners and managers of the New. York theatres aro highly pleased with the recent de cision of Justice J. H. Brown of the Pennsylvania supreme court bearing upon the rights of theatres and their patrons, and express the hope that the principle Involved In the decision will also be recognised by the New York court a The decision - referred to was given by. Justlos ..Brown In Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. ' In tho suit of Wilbur Homey against Nixon - Zimmerman, on an appeal from a Philadelphia court, Horney sued for damages' because an February T last' he did not' get the aeata for which he held eight tlcketa Justice Brown In his decision said: -"The proprietor of a theatre Is a prlvste In dividual, engaged In a strictly private business which, though for the enter tainment of the public, ls,always limited to those whom he may agree to admit to It There Is no duty as In the case of a common carrier to admit every one who may apply and be-wllling to pay for a ticket to the theatre. The proprie tor has acquired no peculiar rights and privileges from the state, and therefore Is under no Implied obligation to serve the public. , ' . - - j' : " Bob Cornelias aaloom. ' V RpecUl DUratrh to The Journal.! ' Forest Grove, Or.. Oct. 17. Peter's saloon at Cornelius waa entered by burg Ura last evening.- Money to the amount of I7S was taken from ths tills and slot machine. The robbers have not as yet been traced. APPLE FROM CHELAN PUT 10 UNIQUE PURPOSE Used to Secure Money to Apply on Purchase of Paul Revere ;- Home by Boston Woman. riExxxxx: Starting right now this city is about to enter upon an era of Im provement and growth which will astonish the Boosters and paralyse tha Knockers. Old fogies along with their ideas and methods will be swept aside and lost in the shuffle.. . This applies with special force to CONTRACTORS.- For the benefit of those who labor for. a profit as well as glory we have developed a complete line of ; , Hoisting Engines, Electric Hoists, Belted and Hand Power Hoists, Derricks, Cranes, Gantries, Etc. It will pay you to investigate before undertaking important work.' WUlameUe Iron & Steel Works PORTLAND, OREGON, U. S. A. . : v Corv Stark and Fifth Streets : Phone llaln 499 The Quality Store RIaf ional WimeCo. . Wines differ more in flavor than in any other respect. Tstlf Wines, for instance should be "dry" have no sweetness yet not be bitter. Few low-priced Table Wine . hate the right flavor or body, yet the flavor of our .Wines . ' Is so remarkably good that they would be splendid values at ' much higher prices.'. . ',!""",:(. ' . ' TABLE CLARET, fine flavor,,gallon.V.............50 V ZINFANDEL, regular' 1. 00 quality, gallon... .,....T5 BURGUNDY, uiusl VJS quality, gallon. .......... f 1.25 , f ' t . DELIVERED FREE. ' ' ' . (Speetal Dbpsteh te The Joersal.) ' ' Wenatchee, Wssh., Oct. 17. A W sn atches apple exhibited at the Portland fair has been Instrumental In securing money to' help purchase the old Paul Revere home In Boston. . The apple wss exhibited In the Chelan county booth In the Washington state build In and was given - to. . Miss Camella Howe of Methuen, Massachusetts. Miss Howe-Is a member of the Samuel Adams chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lutlon. The members of the society, last spring pledged , themselves to .raise II each during the summer in some un usual wsy and to report In an experi ence meeting In October their success. The money raised In this way was to be added to the fund to purcbsse the Re vere home. k- Miss Howe had Intended to sell the spple for tl In Boston and to raise her money In this faahlon. On the train on her way east It wss suggested that she collect a nickel from the passengers In her car for exhibiting the apple to them. In a few moments she had collected 11.11. " Miss Howe hss the apple In cold storage In Boston at present and will exhibit it In the experience meeting this montn. . .. NATIONAL PURITY - - I CONFERENCE MEETS flemal BnaeUI Im.Ih 1 'La Crosse, Wis., Oct. IT. Delegates from all parts of the United States and Canada are assembled here to take part in the National Purity conference, which opened here today. The attendance is very large and nearly all prominent so cieties and organisations which are so tlve in promoting and furthering public purity of morals are represented by del egates Great Interest In the conference Is manifested and It is believed that It will prove the most Important of Ua kind ever held 'In the country. The purpose of the conference Is to consider and discuss the pressnt situation In the country as pertains to I the cause of purity. Rescue work, preventive meth ode, , the traff lo In -girls, law enforce ment, divorce, race suicide, state toler ation of the social evil, additional laws now needed, will each and all receive attention, while methods of agttstlon and education, for promoting a higher stsndsrd of purity In family and.lndi vldual life will be recommended. PRESIDENT PREPARES j FOR SOUTHERN TRIP ' (Josrsal Speetal Sentee.) Washington, Oct. IT. There was an unusually large number of callers at the White House today. Most of them called- simply ' to say good-bye to the president, who leaves tomorrow on his trip through the south. This trip of ths president -will - com plete his tour of the .entire United States. Ths four states which he has not visited as president are Louisiana. Arkansas, Florida and North Carolina. Ms will not,' however, confine, himself to these states, but will stop also In Virginia, Alabama and Georgia, The political aspeot of the trip Is not without Interest. The president Is pre pared to make soms Important political utterances during the next few days. He has already written a speech on the Chinese exclusion policy, which be will deliver In Raleigh next Thursday. At other- points he will express his views on such Important matters as rate legis lation, the navy, Santo Domingo and possibly Vanesuela. - t J. W. aUkaaks 9ead. " .' SpeeU1 Dtipateb to Tae JoarasL) Klamath Falls, Or., Oct. IT. John W. Hamaker died at his home yesterday of typhoid pneumonia aged Si. He had re sided here for tl yesrs and wss. well known as a lawyer and politician. The funeral will be held-tomorrow under the auspices of the A. O. U. W. , He leaves a wife and four children. ' i ' . . a - Aaisrtoaa fcooomottve Oompaay. (Josrnal Special arlc.) -New Tork. Oct. IT. Ths stockholders of the Amertcsn Locomotive company held 'their annual meeting here today. The annual report showed gross earn- TEETH Extracted - without .pain -and . get your new ones the same day at .... . Boston Painless Dentists aXH KOBBXSO RMIT, -J Opposite Postofflce and Meier Frank. NO PAIN TEETH Treated, filled, or crowned and restored to their former usefulness and beauty at a small cost. Go to NO PAIN TEETH Crown and Bridge Work Is' the most scientific beautiful and durable of all dental work. With out modern equip ment we are able to do this class of work at greatly reduced prices. Opea ' for voalnfs, kaaiase aatil a 'clock Boston Painless Dentists V. SSIH KOBBIlOg Opposite Postofflce and Meier A' Frank. HOURS 1:80 a. m. to t p. m, Sun day, 1:80 a m. to 11:10 p. In. . ' J lsg Jjj H je No Pain No Pain 1NICE TEETH We are the discoverers and originat ors of the only reliable and sclentlflo systsm of Palnlsss Dentistry. We ex tract, crown. All and clean or treat teeth abaolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen yeara Our work Is the. best, our prices the lowest con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE). Our plates are unde tectable from . the natural teeth . and are guaranteed to fit FILLINGS .....000, T8o and fl-OO GOLD CROWNS 5.00 BRIDGE WORK .00 WU SET NATURAL TEETH. . .go-OO Opea for easiness matu. Caiook evenings. Boston Painless Dentists Stl', Korrlsoa fl Opp. Meter ft rraak mA nsijfHnSi HOURS 1:10 a. m. to I . m. Sun day, :I0 a. m. to 11:19 p. m. . FOB 70HEN .SBBBBBBBB, SsPBswV SBBBBBBWal its) Popular priced shoes with the custom made style. A fit for every foot : I rwTLTXDf Ti 7 J IMDI I jroTtTirg MAMHISK TOX rvtiniii I SPADg fylHlS is one of the season's smartest styles. Patent colt and kid leathers, exten sion welt soles, 4 spade shape, viscolized to keep water out; Cuban heels, lace or button ... FULL A 1 283-85 MORRISON ST 3.50 SIMPLE REMEDY - FOR CATARRH amaATn xroacaz rovm tucbs a sat.ajts aa ovaaa. Hyomel has performed almost miracu lous cures of catarrh, and Is today rec ognised by leading members of the medi cal profession as the only advertised remedy that can be relied unon to do Just what It claims. The complete out fit of Hyomel costs 11.00, and consists of an Inhaler, a medicine dropper and a bottle of Hyomel. Breathe Hyomel through the Inhaler for a few. minutes four times a dsy, and It will cure the worst esse of catarrh. It soothes and heals the mucous mem brane of the air pasaages, prevents Irri tation and effects a complete and lasting cure. It you cannot obtsln Hyomel of your dealers. It will-be forwarded by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. Write today for a free sample bottle and con sultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department with out charge, - .The R. T. Booth company, Hyomet Building. Ithana, N. T. - i woooabvo, CLAmata oo. Ings for the fiscal year vending January to. IfOS of i:4.1Kft.201, a decrease of i,sii,cf rrora io. jrrry..' xwp x&Zi--- . 'VT'-t r -r r;r"rr:g t & t'""'?':- '"Tkjs'v fr" STEiJ5H3?SOiki::.. i'C'y". 'i-'''v?' 4 "'' r: V V ' " -' The Journal Party! will sail from San Francisco Fcb j r ruary 15th, 1906, on the Sonoma for V . . the Hawaiian Islands ,w HERE K THE WAY THEY STAND Votes received np to Monday evening in The Journal's Hawaiian Trio CONDITIONS V Of The Journal. " Hawaiian Tonr CONTEST VraST Asr nnt IsSr ever ' IS ef see stay be sominitMl si say Mmt ea Masks pranoed by Tae Jonrasi. wits ids eaaorsesieBt ef two wtll-kaowa eltlssss ef tae elatrlet la which ace Nsldss. SaOOWD Three Jedfes agMeable te tae alfferest eaadldates hall be seleebid te efselally essoaace the wlaaer la each ela trlet, see rosag lady te be eaiaea frea each gletrlel , TKIKO as Is ether eleetSoee,' each oie trtet shsll vote separately. The vets Is 'see esBBot effect the ether, butters pros erly eoaeeratae; the el.trict will be esttled by the wishes ef the ntjorlty. Tee wta- k aer shell hsve the rlfbt te asse s presy I ' it assble te attesd herself. rOtntTBT Votlns win eenawBee There. Say. Assoet S, 190S. asd eloea Satariav. Deeeesber M, il I e'eloek p. ltflS. Coapona srast be veteS within sens ears Ift.r laeae. Ompoos ent from the Dally oaraal anst be sesfly trlmsied. All eoapsas, whether eiafle or special, west bee the Basse ef the eaadldata te be veted far. ; oovrovt abs inn as rouowti yTTTX aiasle eeapoaa, eat fresi the dally saper. era food for eee vote. Soberrlptloa to the Breti In Joarasl asd Hnnday Moralss Jonraal. three Baoathe, It .SB. e special eoopea ef 1M vote (paid la advance). Snbeerlptlosj to greates sail Rnaday htora. lns Joornat Hz awntha. (S.T5. a speetal eoopea ef SM votes (paid la aeVaaee). Snb serlptloa to the Keening sa4 Soaaay Mots Ids Joarnal 11 SMnths. fT.ftO. s speetal esopoa ef TOO votee (paid u adTsaee). Snhserlpttoa to the KTealns and Sanday Mornlas JoarasL three months by stall. 11.00. a special eoepne ef ISO votes (paid la advsnee). fhibsrrlptloa to the Seenlng and Sanday stornlnc Joaraal by mair six SMnths. IS.T8. s special raapos of tM votes (paid la advance). Snhemptloa to the K renin and Sander lfornlns Josrnsl by Biall If SMHitha. IT. On, a special eonnoa ef TOO vetea (paid la adeanee). Joarasl. tl.fiO a year, special eaepea of 100 votee (paid la advasee). SIXTS Coapona saeald be wrted at the seadqaareers nearest yen or stalled to the eoapoe department of The Jonraal, oe at aay point nassed below. Votee will be enanted Mondays. Wednesdays snd Fridsre sad the totals saaoaseed to the aablle the foIlewlBg dar. v . Aay eaadldate vrlthdrawlsg from the eoe teet eaaaot have her vetea coasted foe ea-ether. RADdjlTAaTIM AJTO TOTXirO rtAOZSi lirrl PUtilu). htnltsesish sad Clarkaraaa 1 eonntles. - Vorlaa'place, Coupon DepartaMat ef Te Jearsal erOoe. .... THattlai TJnloa. ' VaMtllla and Wallows eeantles. - Third XHetrM Wseee, Shermea. Ollllaat, Morrow,. Wheeler aad Crook eoastles. Teertfc Wstrloe Raker. Orast. ' Barney tsd Malbeor eoeatlea. Fifth . XHrtrleW-OnlamMa - and Clatse eeantles. Oreeoat Kllrkttat. Cowllta Clarke, Padflc. Wahklskasi aad SkssMsIs aaaatlea, Waehlagtoa. , ... ... ,. s-. Sixth IHstrleV-Maries, Use aad Lane eraatlea. ; , . ( toveath IMatrlet Wtahlnstos. miaamos. Tssahlll, Bentea. Polk and Llneola coaatlea. ZlcMh PtoUIsi Poaclas. Cess. Carry, Joeeohlae, Jacksna. Klaaiath aad Lake eeaatlce. . - - Any Information regarding- con ditions of tha Hawaiian tour ahould b addressed to the ' manager of the Contest Department of The Journal. , , , : ' plsTaIOTI.L Mlas Sallle Madisan. Olds, Wort man King store ..... Miaa Minute 8. I blllp.. depnty elerk rlrrolt court Mtae Nadle Wlotermantle, t'ltj Dye works Mlaa Lure Bat, 40 Sea Rafael street Mies Uretrhrn Kurth. ulephona operator Portland hotel Vilas Huth Ie. ondnreed by Federated Trades Conor! 1 .. Mtee Beoi Sharon. 210 Kaat Thirtieth street - Mlae Henrietta Wlnkiemaa, eT East (Mmks) Street- s.-. Mine Marearet flarlth. MM) Williams avenue M1aa Kdlth Bern. M Stark atreet.... Mlaa Lours lerbyahtre, SM0 Water street................ Mlaa Bopbts Olaoa, 2IM Ivy street Mlaa AWeaa Horn, Oresna 1ty Mtee Bias GrW.1, ar Ka.t Thlrt.-flrat street .-. Mlae iMrf tlonld. telephone operator Oresoa hotel ..... Mlas Elxa Haribert. St. Jonna '.. Mlaa Ooneelere Hotmea. nidi. Wort man aj King store . . aiiM n-nie Munf-r, oon. HaietfB street Mlas Cora Jolly. JM Klrat atroot Miss Onrxte Nlnk. 22" Burnnlde street I- Mlas Marlon Leahy, Wondard. Clarke Drag company ................ Mlaa Cornelia Barker, 8M Urand aeesne.-. . Mlaa Bnree Reddlrk, Ongnu UMr . (Voting Flare, Coopoa Apartment. Josrssl Offlee.) . azaraxoT . i. . Mlas Aines Fletcher, Pendleton, Oresoa... Mlas I'earl Harrla. Pendleton. Oresoa......,..,.,.;,..., Mlas (jraca Hawks. Pmdleton. Orrsoo.i.. Mlaa Mabel Ji.hneon, Pendleton, Or.xoo , (Voting Place.- Pendleton. Brook a MeComas Drag Stare.) Miss Katie Nash, La Orande, Oresoa Miss Mollle Proehetel, La Orande, Oreaoe I Voting place. Ls tlrande, Steinbeck Blever Confertleaery.) Man Lillian B. O'Uarra, Athena. .Oresie (Voting Place. Athena, Itell Brue.' Store.) Mlaa Iry MrCallUter. Walla Walla. Wasblnstoa '. Mlas Boxy Young. Walla" Walla, Washington , Mini Lnells Barr. Walla Walla Waahinstoa ......................... .Mlaa May Callahae, Walla Walla, Washington ... Mies Hattle Brown. Walls Walls, Waahtngtoa (Voting Place, Walla Walla, Washinstoa Book Kook.) . sisraiOT ao. a. ,'. t-:.y-. . Mlas Kmllle Croaaea. The Thilles, Oregon.. . Mlaa Larllle Crate. The Oa Ilea, Oeegoa. t. ....... .. 4 Voting Plsre. The Dalles. HMorder's OfOee.) - Mine Stella Rlrhardaon. Hood Rlrer, Oregon ...... Mies unrt tTamer, lioos meer, iregon Tfetal Vote. .Ai..'. SO." " ......... 8.Tflt ....... 4S.T8S t.M B5.MT 14. MS ' ........ 7.7h STJSd 2B.I3S a. SK.ftM .. X2.47S .. 21. IKS :. 21. OM .1 lo.ais .. 18.SM lS.eta) .......... 1S.TBS .....w.... 1S.T10 1S.04S 12.BI 10.2M- 9T.SM 1S.8SS ls.rnu 1M1 at. its iT.eo j. ISO 110 100 , T ' w zo.ioe . 1,(MT IT.Osl 12. one ll.SM V.. 1.1T8 ... 160 .Vi,... 14.BKI 11.91 1LS4S 10.8SO 12.8-rg - T.52S ti(lilillilVitt e e p ej IVotlnx Plaee. Hood Rlrer. Wrlehfa Store Mlaa Florenr Oeorse. Arlington. Oregna (Voting P-lare. Arlington. Br ah am a Coefeetloaery.) Mlaa Oertrade Shannon. ndon. Oregon I Voting Plare. Condon. Jaekaoa A Horn I brook' e Store.) weriraoe snarp, rrioeniie, uregon SXaTTBZOT . .' Mies Hattle Barton, Baker City, Oregon., , Mlaa Ethel Parker, Baker (Ity, ......... ...... Mlas Gertrvde Tire, Baker Cltj. Oregon..,..,,..,..,.,,, Mlaa Myrtle Brattoa. Baker (Itr. Oregon (Voting Place, Baker City. Lerlnger's Drug Store.) ansa viara swaia. itiirna. or. goa. - - r ( Voting Plare, Burns. Welcome Pharmary.)- Mlaa Efne Mae King, Ontario, Oregna.,..........,.,, Mlaa Daley Bettor ley. Vale, Oresoa dzb razor ae. . . Mlas Fbieenre Heaeren, VaacaaTer, Waahtngtoa .... IVotlne Plare. Vanennxar. l.1 Main Btroet.l. Mais Amelia Wllllame, Kelao. Washington (Voting Plare, Kelso Confectionery. ) ' Mlas Katberlae Gore. Kalama, Waahiiigtoa (Voting Plare, Kalama. Coffer's Store.) , '. 4 , Mies Mary Berge, Home Valley, Waahtngtoa Miss Kather Anderson, Aatorla. Oregon (Voting Place. Aatorla. Owl Drug Store.) l .; Mlas Delay Whtklns. St. Helena, Oregon.... (Voting Place, St-Helens. Ursr's Store.) , Mlaa teertrade Randall, Castle Boek. Washlngtea w... Mlas urare wrtgbt. Castle Rork. Oregon (Voting Place. Ceetle Rerk. Ander's Drug Store.) . Miss A lire Perry, Rainier. Oregon I Voting Plare, Rainier, Frledhnrg'a Confertloeery.) Mies Annie Perrlne. f'latakanle, Oregon .- (Voting Place. Clatsksnts, Slmmoas A Co.'s Store.) 81STBZOT VO. ..:..; Mlas Madge Battee, Eegene. Oregon... Mlaa Emma Moffett. Eugene, Oregon Mies Htella Bean. Eugene, Oregon.... (Voting Mare. Eugene. Ihill'e Drag Store.) - aax Diaarae nrowa, naiem, oregoa... Miss Msry Daxldana, Halem, Oregoa... Mlas U Belle Derby. Halem, Oregoa... " Mlaa Minnie Iretoa Salem, Oregoa.... Mlae Pearl Shelley. Salem. Oregon...-.! Mlas Minnie Arh.nbech. Salem. Oresoa Mies Nettle Reddekoop: Salem. Oregon i Voting Place, Halem, Hsaa' Drag Store.) ary Morcom, Woodrwra, Oregon. Mlas Mrrtl Traak, Woodharn. Oregon . (Voting Plare, Woodhura. Heehee Whitman's Store.). Mies Mande Blair, Cottage tiroxe, Oregoa. Mies Efne Stewart, Cottage Orore. Oregna Mies Llasle Veatrh, Cottage Oroxe, Oregoa (Voting Place. Cottago Oroxe. 0111 e Confertloaery.) Miss Kathryn Oarxla, Sllrertoa. Oregon ....... (Votlner Plare. Rtlrerron- Bronk'a Drue-Store.) Mlas Maggie Chambere. Albany. Oregon. .'.....r. 10.21 Mlae Pearl Savage, Albany, Oregoa, ........ lo.(TT Miss A lira Lorke. Albany.. Oregoa....... , ........- T.aM i Voting Plare. Albany. Dawson's Drag Store:) - -...... - ddle Him peon, Lebanon. Oregon... -sj,0SS (Voting Plare, Lebanon, Cotton's Store.), . . ' . Mlas Kanda Oleey, Aurora. Oregon ..............'..... ....'..V:....; !a.erT Mlaa Kay Cooley. Browaaxllle, Oregon..................... . 4T '' t : BSXTaxoT ao. t. ; r . . . , .,' Mlas Bertha Conrtemanrhe. MrMlnnrllle. Oregon ,. (Votlug Place. McMlnnxllle. Honaer's Store.) MM Hasel Kennedy, lfayette, Oregon (Voting Place, Lafayette PoatofSre.) ' Miss Minnie Boy, Delias. Oregon I min i imrm, t'aiiaa. Blast t vnircxion-ry. y , i, Mlas Cora Spsngle, Dayton, Oregna.... ...I... ........... (Voting Place, Dsytnn. Harrla' Drag Store.) , . - , . Mies Marie lloatetler. Hlllahom, Oregon Mlas Roea B. Howaer, Hlllahoro, Oregou ...)..... (Voting Place, Hlll.boro, STbulmerlrh's Store.) . ...... jaian mjn le ontir, rweo. wroxe, vregon. . ,t ..'.'...'..;, .. (Voting Plare; Poreat Oroxe. La Course's Store.) Mies Ollxe Stratum, Newherg, Oregon (Voting Plare, Newherg, Calwell A'Ces Drag Store.) Mlaa Lillian Webater, Philomath, Oregon....... , Mlaa Roaale ('. Hohihrlmer, Beaxertos, Oregoa I Voting Place. Beaxerton.- Thomas Thing Confectionery.) , Mlaa lira ro Starr, Corral lie, Oregon " . , sxaTazcnr . , Mlaa Dale Harmon, Roaeharg, Or.gon. Mlae Kilns Psmley. Koerlmrg, (tregmt, .......,'.,..... (Voting Plare. Ros.hnrg. Hamilton's Drag Store.) Mies Lonlea T. Joaee, Jarksnnxtlle. Oresoa Mlaa Maode Berry, . Orante Paan, Oregoa....,.........,',,.-,,..,. Mlas Mando Bahee, (Jranta Paan, Oregon ... IVotlng Plars. Orsnta Pass. Smith's Drag Store.) i, Mlas Jennie Woodford. Med ford, Oregoa ... ' iVotl,f ''re. Medford. Bneaell'a Cnnfeetlonery . ) Mies Franrea Oahorne. Ashland. Oregon....,,. il.... (Voting Plare, Ashland, Button s Newsstand . and Baylea'.) e e e a,e s. , .. lB.SOi ; ,t - .. u.m .. 1S.TS4 ..11.418 ... S.S4S ' ... SS" ..'i.Tsa .. 1.1M teti ' U'oej ' ; 'S1.5T4 'I 13.8SS . .J lM 3.t 11.07S U.IM .Sis ,. ' !. , ..... lt.iia ...... io.ttas t ' ' " ira ..... 12JTT ...... ,10,4 iim is. a isjee' 1 u'ses ii.stig 10.14 1.7BS S.TM S.S22 S.IM . ; . Bn to.aes M,ll It.) ' l est . S.eS S.IS S.BTS Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip ' '...I ".' Mooolulu, Hawaiian Islands ' A ..' . ' : .' ' ' ' " J ' 1 ' ..'- '-. ( t twu'W..;,......'........;.'..........,....,....',...,,..... '.. This coupon must oa veasd.en er before October J4, 105. '. Cozntfc Is Czzz C3 Mondtyf.AVc:::- lis C""'T ( " tot J , - i. -