nrSr Onrcori jdaixy isur-:.L.. ronfLAtiD, tuz:day Lvr::n;o. octc: n, 1::3. -"7 : Aa B . . . w TO EXCHANGE. 1.000 CASH and T seres unimproved bad at Treutdal. Oregoa, worth (l.buu, to exrkange iur rortiuia lucsaia-manBc property t u p . 8400 cash arb atoath on balance ar would seaums a nurnp. sauna ar can aa i. t '. Jenaloge, BBS Washington. ... t'lM boa ssd tat la thriving Colorado towa to Iran for real octal. Address M., Wester . ;' flard. 600 Daisy at.. Portland. . .. V . . -.WILL exchange aaat S-room cottage, aa ear IIm, fur Mia 11 Improved sorstgg tract. Boom una vo., iaov run n. WIIA. sxcbsngg restaurant, value 12,000, extra - mooa, roe rami a cix propertrre Adore PERSONAL. BB MEN I v.. d fTMi 1 1 r ! ; e.i.L. win - -- a. ; ami tka anap, vim and vigor ef manhood) M you ara lacking la tha power ef vitality. Its loss resulting from todlsoreaone aad sxesaaee, aad far a doc at tba tablets and aa eon. vlneed at their merit, Br auU la plat pa.. L Th Armatroog Tablet Ca la.. awS Tolams Mb.. Uetrolt. Mich. DETECTIVE ggae1s OoafMsstls tsvaatlgs , tioaa; reports made aa any Individual bsatnee . ar property i booaa exported: boat city refer- Sie-aia coiomiMa orag., ooo waaaiosxoa m rortlaao. faone Mala bub. . ., SDIBON pboanarapna and taaarda at factory prices, eelivsred snywusrs aa receipt of fall ; sbmmisc oc retail pries; largeec owes at aai 1 aoa recortl west of tba Rock lee; aand for circular- Peter Baclgelupl, wholaaala aad ra ' tall. tub atleeios at aaa rraaciaoa.. IMIEagEft of womaa a apaelaltr; matarnlty eaaaa claaa apaetal attanuoa, prorata boapltai amHnmodarioa; profraaloal ladr aurora la attaadaaoa: eonau I tattoo fraa. X-kadlam - Hum tw awn MMB. AMKA LTCKET. Drlndsai of tba A marl raa Brant Parian, la now located at MO TarV at.; earaa all aealp dlaaaan a ad neat. Urol crvwa aair or no roarao; urioraiin( ' raMaat barba a1rra for tba ear of rkaaipe tlaim or hiabaga. - r aaaklnc a eoncaalal Ufa annpaaloa, fotm tba , lauaraiaia inirooiRnna wwij ua k w aucraauond with reputable realdaata of thla aactioo. aaanr waaitn.. ina uctoner necwror. , It eanta. talto 4, Raaaoll bid., aor. rWb - ana javomavo oua. x bum rmfnam oo . n hinna a aaiaraHiaaa: tVM aataonatbv and aiaanatte traataaeat. ., foar fleah, raHarea aappraaaad aaoatblr arrei alartttaa. uooaallAtloa iraa. wuiaa, ' Ooodaoasti bid. w WINONA MILL! eaaatteaa koatary for am, . weaea tad ebildraaj aar walfkt ar aaatarlal to ll CoainiereUI blk. Pboaa Mala 488. Baa aar ezblblt. bfaaafactaraa bUg Ml. XI. u a afr v - - l i - w wioniiaa. waa aaaata'a iraataiani. fat oatba. IB: arat eerorelr aaaled br atal. Aaata, Woodard. Clarke A 0a.. ForUaad. Or. kOOKSI Bare tber arat "Decameron." He. taBMroa." "A Hot Tama la." -raaar Hlll. ' "Twaatr Tenia a faker." "rorWddra rralt." ' Ma each; UaOj trea. A. Ichmale, tab ttrat at. - t TWIT PORTIA ITDlOe .. ' brlaca Kacbrlcbtra. Oermaa weeklr. tlQ Jan. . aarr 1. 100a. Easabllabed lb reara. - Oar Baa Fab. Co.. eooad at.. Poatlaad. Or. t0T aowera raetored br tba groat Dr. . laraaa'a Korra Taale Tbbleta; SBa par bra, a bexaa tm II B. Writ, ar call at Kroaall'a Pbaraaacr, SzT aforraaaa. bet. lat and taV WANTED T eon far wttk thoaa aoatearpUt. lag a baalaeaa eoaraei to rear laiiml a ad ' nnaidal Interaet ta laroillgnU. Aaat aaa 1 41. eare Joaronl. TAKE N0TICB If roar bedaprtnga aaad . tlgbtealng or aag ia tba ceater. doa't tbrow theaa awar-I ran auuka tbeai good ag aew. Pbona lUla ,12nB. ' MOOKBTTiXD ToTklah aad arena) bath, aalt , glow, mineral batba; rbeomatlaai gleen aperlal attention- free trial treatment. MBit, BlxtA. Paeloe S70. tiADIRfe Tea appear M rear foaagar. ra mere all wrlnklea,' bare akin Ilka retret br aalag Oragoa Ore pa gkla Feed. Fbaaa Eaat Mat. UK. ATWOOD, 1 Inaael bldg., last roartb at. Feaaala dlaaaaaa aad condnaakaata: aoaa .- Wad. and Bat. evening. Cooaultatlon free. MBNt WOMKNI arood pllht pealtlrelT ire Berrnoaneea and fctHi of rttelltrs II. boaaa ax. Plaaamr Drag Co.. fM Tbfra. UITS araaaed wblla roa Walt BOa. Ladles' aklrta prreaad 0e. Gilbert. 10414 ailth at, aet te I be Qaeila. Pboaa CUr tOS. ' eiNNBNO, M'a a mooey-maker rPlant now) relbit for aaed and plaau oaf appUeatlon. W. Klbler, Taeoroa. Waak. LILLIAN B. CBAM Cblrooodlet. and ekanipoolsg. Parlor 4M Abtegtea blag, Pcrtlaod. Or. Black Z86B. WANTED Ta adopt lafant. 1 ta M dara old; , no queatloaa aakrd: r rary tiling prlrata. AaV ' dreaa 9 1. rare JoamaL MIM BERTHA MARTIN Rama Sll ABakr . bldg. blamplcg and fine aoadlaworkl laaaoat ' glren. - - - TBOr. M. A. NIBRETM. Bwadlak maaaeart all kind of batba; artentlfla treatment. U Mor. PRIVATE bom for tba aaentaUr taflna aoaf tba elty. Addrea P 45. ara of Joamal. TtTRKTfTR BATHS. BOO OrrffonUB bdg. gaetl all algbt. Udlaa aU day. Mala 1828. . FREE ajDpl earn, banloa and wart ear. Bd- DR. rTJCTTHlR'B rtilropodr parWa, Bid AUaky bldg., afflea praetle. Red U0S. BXPERIENrER drexemakrr will aiaka angg . menu In famllle. Valoa M4. MAN Call t Mr. Bnreb'a. Xatta sad Frank are here. ' ' ' ASSAYERS. MONTANA laaay afte and bratlng work. 18d Morrlaoa at. ART. GLASS. FORTLAND Art 01 Work P1Ib and erne. mental elaaa. 2AA14 Tar lor. Pbona Red f" ATTORNEYS. OREOOOy LAW COM.BOTION CO.. IT Fen ton block. Collection made throogbont " United Rialaa; bankraptcy matt era a apeetaltrs . bad tenant ejected! rent collected aad gen eral law baatneeei hotarr aobll. - A. H. TANNER, a Iter nay. BOB Commercial blk.. Eeeoad aad WblDgtoa at. Pbona Mala Baa. B. T TAOOART. attorney aad cnonaallar at kiw. did Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' B. F. BuniriOH. lawjar. U O.raad, aefc. raar rortiann- BATHS MASS A QE. TI'RKIMH, eaonf and aponaa batba: a ear nrt for rbeamatlexB, atereooaneai, lnaibago, etc.. i by electricity, hand nibbing and njagnetlamj yrmng lady operator. SMVb" Btark, uarba- 11. Hoar from 10 . at. to 11 pt m. THN BNAWPEN RATH Ladr attendant. BTH Abler at. I tie aaateapof batba. maaiage amf aWctrlclty. pbona Mala &. ' . . MIS RXflUnil gie medicated batba; alee Aire rhenmatlatn by el-ctrlcltr. letVt Slxtkv aear Alder, room 14. tn. TOI.'O ladle ftee r. "-- t-H and eaprtf baiha. lit a at. V 1 A. w wi. "TBI LAT1ST FAD" BO bo a pan a ad Ink ketch of yourecif from pboio or life, 'ftf King, ttrt Ralelgb at., near SMh. M. aar. PkorWOK K. WAX MKVKU 84 AWer. BICYCLE DEALERS. $1 KAMHUEB kU-rcio ta tlrat-cUaa eendl tlnn, wlib enaater brab and cuablua frnai. TM -Thirteenth t.' BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES.. 1. BIRKKNWALD CO., SOMOS Rrerett al Largeat batobere' anpplr booaa en too eeaat. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB, DAT1S A KILflAbt I0B-I11 Seoaad at. fllank book aaofaetnrarei agaat for ienea niproTod Looae-Leaf aedgera; aea tha aw ! Eureka leaf, tba beet oa toe market. Collection agency. DOES anybody ewe yoa any maoey i Wa aol lect bad dabte of all krnda froai II BB. 121 tirnad aea.. room U. Cat tbb) eat. COLLjeCTiOM promptlr made; bad bill ear apaetalty. Btar CuUactlaar Agenry, laf Tay lor at. Mala aBTl. THE Blaa Bonk Mercantile Agency, rollocttoaa, law and report. BIB Oregouian-bldg. CLEANaNO- AN2 dykino. VF-TO-NOW CLEANIWO PRESHINO OOM , pay Baits preaaed. BOet paata. IBs. Pboaa racma go. Aaxany ei. Portland Btaaai Cloaalag A Praiag Werkai prac tice! batter la aoanertlon. Ill ath. 'lay To. CLOTHES cleaned and areaaed ft per Booth. Caloo Tailoring Co.. BaT waMuagtoa at. H. W. TTTRNEB. arofeaatonat drar and BOB lefferaoa at Pbona Main SMA CAFES. THE OFFICE US Waehlngtoa at. Pboaa Mala T71. Baaiaai Vlgaeaux. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DATE! PORT EBOB. General eommlaaloa m rbaota; fralt and produce: eonalgnmaats llclted; preanpt return. UO Front at. IF paa want ta get good return for pear produce, abln ta ua; par hlgheat Briaa tar Ogg i. a. b. F. Miller A Co. LENBCH BBOS. eommlaaloa aiarcbanta. floor, feed, bar aod proauoa. Eta to aoa fToni at. i-aeaa Mala asaa. - TERDINO A FARRELL. Brodaea aad aoaxaito- aioa aaerclianta. iao fTaat at- rortlaao. w. Mala 1 tw. - CHIROPRACTIC. FOSITfTELT locating aad remorrng tba eaaea at aiaeaae. i. Bra xtogaa. Eos Han at. raona Mam an. - CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Cornet Cleaning Oa.. largaat plaat oa tha eoac uorlng aad Bardlng eta., telo- , - v. . too f . . . - .iuui mHhmi poena ' urn t arpeai ciennaa. rannoa, awed aad laid; both et earn and Uteet eaaa- foathar a esedalty. . BAAehrABT carnet cleaning, aaetloa and preened combined; carpeta leaned oa floor wiiaoni renaoral. Mala ooa. Baat xnoa 1IT9 cleaned aa tba floor; Fkoaa CUT tU. fraa den daat. trnOea. . HTJNTER Btena) caeaot and aeaner. oo ieffe Pbona Mala 114. COAL AND WOOD. kl a rent tr Illamond oal; try it and roa will alwaya buy It. Wromlnay aad Waahlnctoa bnaee aoaki. Vtrgiala and Waahlaxtim euilthlng cool; full weight gnaraateed. Tel. Mala 14SS. A. L. atopneaa. CBCBCBXET BROS, baee raawvod frota foot Itaela at. to 428 Keame at aaa 11th: I aow no largaat woodyard la tba dty, carry tag all klnda f wood and coaL Mala BSU (JRROORT A MORRIS, eooeeeaor ta Cain McB.naa, dealer la wood and eool at krwert prrcea 1 aatlir actio gnaranteeo, car. Taath aad Irving. Pbona Main dSTB. rTMlLBJf Feed A Fuel Co.. aa Front, betwora u nana aaa jioyt. oeaiera n an Klnna or beaee coala aad black ami tb eaala. , Pboaa Mala 101a. . . . , ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer U aurdwood. coal aad green and dry alabweod. R. B. and Al blaa a., 1 block aaat of ferry. Eaat Bit. STEEL BRIDOB FCEL CO. Tealer la aoU cordwood and oTy aUbwaad. Pboaa Baat 434. BOXWOOD and planer trlmaitnga. Standard wees uo. Vhoa saat ssio. twit saat rant. ORBOOH FUEL CO. All klnda of coal wood. EOS Alder at. Pboaa Mala BB. KIRK HOOTER. Bit Watar 1 rboao Mala 400. FOR 8 ALB S, 000 fir zsts. CHIROPODISTS. IF roar feet ar aat of order, ga to Dr. Wortey awniaaun. Beeonta aaa Btara, ta loot ape rlallet. Pboaa Black BIB. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. BSBERO-OUNBT OO. inawinaiara or FI"B CI0AR& Portland. CLAIRVOYANTS' AND PALMIST THB great Egyptian pelmlet aad reader na teu roa taa aaat, ar aeaat aaa ratote wita oat aaklng anaatloea; no money paid la ad vance; If yoa are aot gatlafled ike reading wUl be fraa of charge. 18 North Third at. MADAME JOHNBTON Clalreoyaat. salmlet. carg roador; I (lea raeta reliable and impor tant aa all affair of real Ufa. Baadlnga toa. 8 Sereoth at.. Boar Oak. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLES ALB crock ary aad glaaawara. FraeL Hegela A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, aor. Stark at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. ACTHORS A WOOD, e reenter, bnlldera; re- Kirtng ana innningi atore ana arnce rwaraa Ut, Bbo Colnmbla. Mala UBT. F. B. TANDBRHOOF, rernenter aad Jobber, tht atark at. rnone Main tt. DANCING. WOOOWABD'S dancing echool of tba Weatem Academy at Moaie, Monday ana inereaay. Rpertatnr tOTlted. Leseona KOe. Daneteg B to 11. Cor. Second and Morrtaoa. ' DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE or eeeret eerdce work; atriettf aonfldentui; dlfncnlt eaaaa aoucitao. 14. Waamngton Ring. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.B.RROWN.D.T.B..D.C.M. Dog. Bona boa- pltal. XWI Buraalde. Phonoe: Malaeiwaiaaanmiia DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool at waeh Bilk, and for; hlrtwit aalt. Ba-aai aaa at aw et. Pboaa Eaat 8131. . DREtWMAKER will BMka a few mor a- .gax.ueala la fa ml Ik. Pboaa inioa aea. DRFSSMARINO Strict 1 BP ta data; latent do. aigna. aa t lay at. DENTISTS. MET CHURCHMAN, dent let. ltd Maroaam nidg.. Biita aai Momaoa. roooa niaia iiou. FURNITURE FACTORIES. ' OREGON Farattar M'nofaetarlng Company Mafetarnra al feral tare lor tha trade, Fortlaad. Or. . - 1 FT'RNTTCPa; nrannfacterlng and apeeil ardera. L. a oeaautfa faraltara laetery. 170 Front at. electrical surPLirs. NOKTHWMT FLBtTRrCJIL fNU.l. tINO (imiHiBy. auB biark at.. 1 iM-tland. U. a. fur eierrtbliig la tba elooulual Una. fbeae Main lwo. . . - - PACIFIC EI.ECTItlC CO Vnatneer. centra c- tora, repairer, electrto wtriug. oupoltaa. M . Flrat. our. Btark. Mala BAG. K. B. lata. mgr. THE Electrical Appllanoa Co., dM Waantagtna et. Hlwme Mala 4K. - . FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only place la Portland to get French bread. . Barrer A MarUe, 40T Mlxtb at. UUj dall ery. Pbona Oreoa BOB. , . . , ". FLORISTS. FOR pot pUnta and rat lower, Job E. Boldea, . IMS Tenth at. Mala B41U. W 1 ni r- t-t- " ' " PURNACES. BOTNTON warmlr fonuea aaaa feet J. a Bayer Farnac Oa.. Bod la on ad. Mala aaa. GROCERS. WADHAMB A CO. . faeturera and aoa and Oak ate. , wboleoale grara. Baaaa laUadtu atareaaal. Foarth ALLEN A LEWIS. omnmlaeVm aad predaa. Baee. ebaata. Front and Parte era.. Portland. Or. HARDWARE. Fortlaad Hardware Co. nolle! t oppui tunlty ta anoto pneea. 188 let at., aor. Alder. Mala iao. HOTELS. HOTEL, Peadletoa. Foadlatoa. HOTEL Portland. America plan; 18. 88 pa day. HOTEL St. Oeorge. Fradletoal leading hoteL BELVEDEEEj EaropeaB plal dtb and Alder arm. INSURANCE. UAA0 U WHITE, fir 00 Oakaat LAMBERT. WHITMER A CO. Fir roaaraaea and real estate; office 10T-10S Bhartock bldg. Mala 1008; dept. 40d Baat Aider. Baat aaL IAS. Mel. WOOD, employer- liability aad ta " dlrldnal aerldent eurety bonda of alt kind. Pbona 4T. tot McKay bldg. B. F. BARTELS COMPANY Fire tnam-am 443 Sherlock bid-- Oreaoa Pboaa Oar 838. JEWELRY. JEWEI.RT aad aratchoa of aU- klnde oald , an aaay Barmen ta. L OaearU A Sue, the Homefnrnlaher. LOCKSMITH. J. B. BICHABDSON. arpert lock aad kerammi; general repelling; caettraa braatngi at work araataad. 108 Foarth at. Faoa Hood 1T8X. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert aackemltk and bicycle repairing. B3 stark. Dap pbaaa, Clay 8a;,ll,li't P8- M'la Jy:' ;:'; LADDERS. . V' LADDERS Faintera exteneton-leddera, pepar hanger' troatlaa; Sre and roof ladder; plaateren and farm laddeaat aea aatalogaa. I tone Eaat TOO. Fortlaad Ladder Ce-, 84T Rhine at., aaat. aid. B. W. Bay ward. prop. MONEY TO LOAN. MONBX TO LOAN Oa Improved elty property or far bafldlag purpoaa. Aar atneant oa from 8 to 10 yea re' time, with arlTlloga to repay all or part at 4oaa after on year. Loan ap proved front plena and money advanced aa building progreeeee; mortgagee takes aa and Blb B. BTRONfi, FtnaacUl Agaat. ' 141 SUrk Street. THB STAB LOAM CO. Aar eeUrled' employe, ware-earner, aaa got aa hi aat. wlthoat taortgage - - - Mooth. Vt Mouth. Week. frto.00 Beear ta aa BIAS! or 88.88 ee ALSS to.OO Repay to aa 8 8.68 or 8X.88 or 81.88 tlA.00 Bona to o $ 4.00 or $2.00 er 1.0 no McKar aidg. MONET to max. aelarled aeoale. tee meter, eta.. wltboat eocarlty; ey paymanti; Urgeat Boalnraa la 48 principal el t lea. Talma, tut Antngua Dwg. raone Mai Bear. J MONET be inaa oa real, aeraeaal end collateral eecorltr; epoelal atteatloa te chattel aaart- gage; aotaa aoagat. u. w. raiieu evt-a Featoa bldg., 84 sixth ex. ... - , BIOHLT reapectable place where ladles aad geata can borrow money oa diamond and Jrw.lry, Collateral Loaa Bank. 188 Waah lagtoa at Pboaa Black Tl. CHATTEL mane la amount ranging fraa 82S to 86.000; roonlag-bnaaea a apeclalty. Bw Era Loaa Treat Co., 10S Ablngtoa bldg. WB make all klnda of loaaa am good eecarltr at loweex rate; a pen a 1 aneuuoa gireu a chattel loaa. 1S8 Morrtaoa at. MONET ta loaa la euma at from $(,000 te an.otw; tee ma xo salt tno Borrower. 100-10, Cemmerclal blk. MONET to kaa la urge, ar aaull amount oa good Oecmiry; byweet rata. WlUlan U. Back. SOT falling bids. TBB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANT Salary wane from three te atx aaeathat eeafldeatlaL 111 Oregon la. . MONET to loaa aa Clactamaa coaatr hada. LOWEST rates ea furalfnr and plenoe. Eavt- era Loaa ta. 44a Sherlock Bug. ciar aaa. TO LOAN flans ta aalt ea chattel B. A. rraaae, Sid The Maroaan. MONET TO LOAN SOT Commercial block. MUSICAL. VIOLIN, guitar aad xaaadnlla, oil and wet ooior naaon ataaio, 0x1 amara a tree 1. Moatevllla. Pboaa Union KBT. FIANO. violin, strteg aad wind lnatrument. i'mteeaor Edwia A. aatlth, sod iweiita. Maw 4T0B. MUI0 STUDIO. MS MORRISON STREET. ' SET A Tata aVoaealooa dbdk. - -- -- anaemmta' B 4" ar bujihibb, a p-aita woruna C. W. sfoidsMoa. PboM Maim iviiu MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. B. BABT treats sll diseases, stomach ironoie, nervonaneo ana inerwonei - - " . Conenltatlen free. XH0H Park. cor. Jefferaoa. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX -A ' NORTH Rl' P. dla-18-lT Dekaal bldg.. Third aad waaaingtoa aw. raone Mala S4B. Exanlnatloae free. DBS. OTIS A MABEL AEIN, eog Macleay bldg. C1F 778. Res. M. XlOl. usssoiuuoei iree. OVERALLS. BOSS OPvaTHB ROAD 0TE BALLS ssd me- cnanies ciotniag; nnmn maoe. anaiaaio Brae., manufertorere, Portland, Or. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. ,B- BEACH CO. Tbe Floater Pa let Co.) Wlndow-glaas aad giaaing. Ass riras sb Phone 1834, . . . ERNEST MILLER CO.. Second and Taybu Wall paper, paint, sll St exarxei pneas, ire delivery. - BASMUSSEN A CO Jobber, palate, ell, Shus. eaab and doors, aeeona a so layrer. . J PLUMBERS. ' DONNERBEBO RADEMACHEB. asaltarp plnabers. 84 Foarth at. aota paaaaa. FOX A CO., eenltary planbers, Ml, Mela snd Salmon. Oregoa Phone MslsSnot. PRINTING. WKI-TH DAVIS, Printers Doers ef clever things with bik a an type ea paper, steer bldg.. Sixth aad Morrkma. ANDERSON DITNIWAT COMPANT, printing, IlthograpaiBg, bisbb Boons, rsew mew at. vlud Alder St. rubber sTA::rs. r. BTAIIP WORKS. Aer. phone Mala, ii: rouuer tami. aeaat. ai-ociia, nageig. traae eneckai ud for eataiogne na. fA. ROOPINa TIN ROOFINO. gatterrng, repairing aad general joouiag. 1. uoatii. ziz jenereua at. SCALP TREATMENT. ORAT. Ulllng hair, dandruff and dlaeaaed celna treated: ahamnueliig. ananlmrlug, eblropodr and faoa work. Mr. B. 1. Kya. lae Fourth, cor. Monrlana. Booaa B3. Pbune Pad Be 2AB. SECOND-HAND GcJODS. I AM tha au one paya tha hlgheat caab price for aaeoud-band furaltura and booaebold -gerte. doreaa P, O.- Boa die. Edward B. OOODE'B Farnltora Boaaa Hlgbeet prion Bald for eemed-baad furaltar. .. Ill Beooad at. raeaa raciao da. TO bar ar aell aarand-haad furniture. Call at Hard Caab Fnrniter fitoro, xSOV, Fbrat at. . street'pa Vino. WARREN CoaatractloB Co.; etreet paring, aid. iwatxa. Tie uragoniaa ana TBB Trinidad Aapeatt Partus Co. of Fortlaad. A-bMu At' a tga a. aa v'"" ajJ tt vi .ajgjtsjj vim ROPE. PORTLAND C0RDA0B CO.. and Morthrap ate., Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SB0WCASES of very eeecrinttoa; bank, her end "tore fixture made to order. Tba. Latka mfimrljltogfarftart SPIRITUAUSTS. - ..-...gj .a.n-.o.m,.. MIZPAH. gifted BMdlaBt, few way of telMns roar Ufa; develop la circle. EM Flrat at.. room id. SIGN-PAINTERS. SOLD SI0N8, window lettering, cloth banner, economical leetrlc fane and eigne of nil klnda made quickly. Footer A Klrlear, Fifth aad Everett. Pboaa Exchange 88. SAFES. DIE BOLD Manga eaten are aad bar la r- aracr work; ii aad pneea erora: Meaoaei 1 louaiiB. I. a. vtra, na -rnrra ex. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, break, aoaa, 81 par naoutb. Lawrenoa Broe.' Towel Bupply Co., Foarth aad Coach. Pboaa 418. TALKING MACHINES. 0IBSON CO., 148 Waahlagtoa at. Complete etock of Co ramble grapbopboaa and lawn do. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piano aad furnltur atovad. packed ready tor ahlpplng aad ablpped; all work guaranteed; large. 8-aiory. brick, 8 re-proof wmrebonae foe ataraga. Ofaca 128 Flrat at. C. M. Olaen. Phone 'Mela S4T. a O. PICK, office SB Flrat at., between Stark aad Oak -eta., phone tad; atanoa aad furaltar moved aad packed fur ahlpplng; wmmodlea brick warehooaa. Float and Clap eta. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. Pbona Mala as. Heavy healing aad at or age. SEE Baa ML Planner aboat atorage: ftr cat rate. BBS Third at. Pboaa Mala IStX. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. SOOi Wah Ingtoo at. Phoa Mela BBS. VICLINSa 1. A. WESOO, vtolln-axaker aad repairer 1 work 8 rat el. M Ruaael bldg., 4th and Morrlaoa. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPEB CO.. 184-188 Second ax., oer. x annul and Taylor, fortune WIRE GOODS. EAST PORTLAND FENCB- A" WIRE WORKS BS8 Eaet Morrlaoa C Pbons East 831. FINANCIAL. PORTLABD TBVST COMPAJTY OF 0BEO0B. I Tb- Oldest Treat Company la Oregon. . . BC80LRCE8 OVEB 11,150.000. General banking baslneva conducted. ' Saving aenosita receives. 'lime certincatee isxsrs. 8 to 4 nor cent: one rial ear tl Oca taa ( not nndnr 8500), 8 (4 to d per seat oa abort call. Call rne book or "illi sthatioab. Phone Mala dfl: 108 Third at. BEN J. I. COHEN Preeldent H. L. PITTOOK Ttce-Prealdeat B. LEB PA0ET Secretary I. O. OOLTRA Aaalataat Seeratarr u BITES STATES NATIONAL BAVK OF PORTLAND. OREAOV. BOBTKWXST COB. THIRD AND 0AX BTS. Tranoact a Several Banking Baalaeaa. DRAFTS 1881 ID Avallabl Ja AU Cltlee of tbe Cttlted State aad JEarope, Bongkeug and Manila. COLLKCTX0BB BUS! 0B FAT0BABLE TTEnTS Preeldeat. . C aiwokih Vfr-PTaedfgIltlt e saasaaaad'aassuas e B. ATER Vice-Preeldeat J.... ..B LEAn BARNES Ca abler B. W. aCltMKFR Asatatast Caahler ......A. M. WRIGHT Aaalataat Caab lev... t.. -W. A. BOLT ram batiobal babbt r OF F0BTLABD. OBZOOV. Design td Depoaltory and FtnaacUl Agent ef tba United State. Preeldeat ...A. L. MILMI Caahler J. W. ri EWE IRK AMtnt Caahler .W. C, ALT0RD Seeoad Aaaiitant Caahler B. F. STEVENS Letters ef Credit leaned Armani I carep and the xiatem atetee. Biaht Cxrhano and TalerraDbl Trtaifers sold oa Ksw York. Boatoa. Chicago, St Loola. St, Paul, Omaha, Baa Fraodaco sad tbs principal Bolnta In tb Northwest. Sight ead time bin draw la earn ta salt ea London. Parle, Berlin. Frank fort-ln-fbe-Maln, Hongkong. Tokobsas, Oopeahagea. Cbrlsttanta. Btorkhntm, 8L Peterahorg. Mos caw. Enrich, Honnluta. Collactlon Made ea Favorable Terms. LADD A) TTXT0B. BARTtEES. - (EstablUkod ta IBM.) Traaaasta a Son aval Banking B names, Collection Beads st sll point en favorable term a. Letter of credit leaned avallabl la Enrop and all points la the Cnlted State. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trasafer sold oa New York, Wssblngtoa. Chleego, St. IjosIs. Dearer. , Omaba. San Fraarlaea and bine tana sad British Corambls. Exrhang sold aa Lnndon. Pari, Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila aad Hoaolala. M1 EBOHABTS' VATT0BAL BABE, FOBTLABD. OBXOOR. J. FRAME WATSON i..... President B. U 1MRH1M VMS-i-reemesx B. W, HOTT Caahler 6E0R0B W. HOTT .Assistant Csahlsr Tr assets a Seoerel Baskisg Bualaass. Dtafta and Letter ef Credit leaned Alalia hi t All Part of tbe World. Collect toe a Specialty. , SECTBITT SAvTEOS TETOT O0 If PART. BBS Kerrlaoa St., FertUad, Or. Timasseta a Senoral Benklng Basis ass. ' SATIBSS DEFABTMEBT. iBtsrest Allowed s Tlais snd Savings Deposits. Acts ss Ttaetee for Eatate. Drafts and Letters sf Credit Avsllsbls la Alt Part sf tbs World. a F. ADAMS.., Freeldest U A. LEWIS.T.M ....Flrat Tlcs-Preeldent A. L. MILLS Second Vice-Presides t B. O. Jl'BITS Secretary GEO. F. BCSSETX AsaMUst Secretsry M 0BBIS BBOS. Ill Flrat St., Fortlsad. Or.' Offer 01tt Edge I amnt la Municipal aad 1 Railroad write er call. JBE COBTIBEBTAL COhtPABT, , Flasaetal Agents. '.' 'y. . 141 Start St. -' Fboae Mara 1STS. MORTQAQB LOAN S 0 Fortlaad Baal Estate at Lowest Rata. Titles laeared. A art root a Furalahad. , TITLE BVABABTIE TBVBT CO, d Wsshlastaa St., Co. Beei THE THEATCZS!;, "Ben Hur" Next Thurtdgy. Seal 'ar bow arlllng la tlie lobby of the Marquam 11 rand t beat re tor tba Kb A ! laager eompany (Inc.) atnpeaaoa prewertlna of Ueuerel yLew Wallace' great drama, "Bon Hor," which soma be lue Merguam Grand theetr beginning next Thursday sight. October 19. and euntlnaea np to and av Riding Wednea dr algbt, October SB. with asatlaaoa Hatardag and Wednesday. While thai M tbe second pre. eutattoo of lleaeral Lew Wallaee'a WorUl fameoe romasrs la Portland, many aeiptbwa are la atuee for eetrnoe, for tb scenic sad mac ral equipment te be aaed ara tba aame that wore ased at the Drury Iae theatre, Loadoa. wbea "Bea Hur" waa flrat pre mod. Tbe praaent aeaaoa hi tb eavaath year for 1 "Baa Hnr." Tbe public elwaya en Joy a a sample eesly BManlsd atage epeetacla, gorweonaly equipped and generonaly supplied with real la tie aid and lnxanlouely centrlvod mecbanUaa that I exactly what "Bea Bar" kt, hence It great The Tenderfoot" Tonight The tuneful weatein mnalral comedy sawcxaa. "The Tenderfoot. " with Oocar L. rig ma and Rath White, together with the boat atngtng chorea Portland baa bad for many aeontha, will be the attruetkm tonlvht et rne Marnuam Grand theatre. Vetcby mualc sad pretty girl pre- donlasts. Carula at 8:18. Special Price Matinee Tomorrow. ' A special' pries sastmee will be gtvsa w merrow (Wsdnssdsrl afteraooo at tba M era nam (Iraad tbeatro, wbea tb merry saamcal comedy. "The Tenderfoot," will be preacated. CnrUla at 1:18 o'clock. ' Matinee at Baker. . . . A big bargain BMttnss win be given tomorrow at tbe Raker theatre and tbe attraction wnf be tb Celebrated ater Show ft trie. The Btar Know Glrla claim te bar more end prelUec glrU. s I larger aaa setter rkorua, runnier "cat-ape" and comedians aad a more gorgsoas display of cos tume, saenerr snd propertla than Is bj ny of lta contemporaries. - "Honest Hearts." ... There Is as entertainment after an Ilka a good play, and oae of tbe Binat generally com aienddd of the new play of -thla-eraono la "Hoacat Hearts," a peatorel remedy hi which Alnia Heara kt appearing at tbe Empire theatre tut week et the bead of aaa of klimt A Ua- salo's excellent companlc, Ths stsry a s romance ef the country k Kentucky, . aU the rues being laid aa a farm ea a rlrer. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. World's Strongest Man. , . SaatslL tb strangest mas hi ths world, ta the heodllnor at the Oraud tbl week. Tbe foar La Monte have aa acrobatic act aad the Allen abrters are ensbrsttee of attractive per- allfy. Ureal TsaacrblU, tbe well known operatic prima donna, la making her first Portland a p ere ranee la popular eonga. W bigate, tbe trick none aolnhrt. baa a aoveltr act. Tbe Illustrated ballad and tbe moving ptrtares eos. phtta ths Urenda flee entertainment. s Mirth at the Star. ' Thla la the week of mirth aad aest at the Btar. Conrtrlgbt sad Lse have a comedy act snd Breea end Rogers have a comic operetta filled with fun. Power ead Beed contribute a sars edy meetcal act. Ida Baaaell can toll s funny etory and make ea "aacnencs laugh. Harry tun toa Sawyer gives Imitations. Frsaklta Confer stage the Illustrated song, aad tb Btu- erois iieeuen lunar pezinrue. . . "A Prisoner of War." ; Last eight - hundred ef people ware turned away from the Xyrlc, aeabl ts gain ad mho loo to sss "A Prisoner off War, ths great wsr drama which la bring produced that week. Baate bill all week. . LEADER OF BAND OF . HORSETHIEVES CAUGHT (Special Dla patch to Tb JoaraaLi Olaagow, Mont., Oct. 17. Oeorge Can la in Jail charged with bains tha leader of a sns of horsethlevea who hiva stolon' more than 1,000 horeeg In Val ley county in lesa than a year. Tha of- Hears ara busily enrared in an effort to Arrest tha suspct4 confederate of uase, among tnern a cowooy . namca Ryan. . A letter found on tha thief killed near Malta lately br Stock Inspectors Teal and Hall mentioned Cass, and state ments In ft indicate complicity In the robbery of .Banker W. H. Denny of Wil li st on. North Dakota, and Another man. Tha stolen horsee were aold In North Dakota and a federal official there has Admitted that ha acted aa agent for tha sale of them. A petition for bis re moval has been signed and will ba for warded to the president Upon tha ar rest of Cowboy Ryan officers expect to arrest a number of residents of Willis ton and farmers In Rosebud. Dawson and Valjey counties upon charges of complicity In horserustllnsr. 59 Scott's Santal-PcDsln Czdsu! -s - s I A POSITIVE CURE i ForTnflammatto or Catarrh of tbe Bladder and Dteeeced Rid- aeva. so oval bo rav. tare ealcklr and Bermasestiy tbs worst csaa sf ufwaaswemacisi aad dlieoa. no matter of bow long etaadinr, Abaolaltlyi Barmiea. Boio ay aruggiei. JKESAITAL-rram Dallaf aalaaae. OMs. Oa. Every Wcnian nearaaxoanaioio now .. . aoom we wsnaernii MAIVCL vtlbMifefl Sorav I The Bw vsrnml Bremxe. Jmltr. I fees sad Jecrwa, Til est H. v Mom ronveoient, . aai Aekioa If be cannot snroly BaARVKI. sojpt no other, hut aand aianrs for IlluaUnled book nalil. Tt eteaa full panacnlsraandllreetuMie tn valuaMa to Tables. M K V a I. rd d B. SSd ST.. BCtV IrOetBU FOB SALE BT W00SABD. CLARAS CO. Wi treat aaooeasfriny aM private asr voua snd chronic diseases ef meat else blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We aura TPH1LJ i without mercury) to etay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain. In 11 days. We stop drains, night loaaea and spermatorrhea by A new method In a week. Wa can restore the sexual visor of any man undsr IS by means ef local treatment peculiar to ourselves. i "Cure Gonorrhoea . In a Week Tha doctors ef this Institute sre alt regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known la Portland for 11 rears, have a reDUtatloa te maintain, and will undertaks no oae I anleaa certain cure can oe errectee. We guarantee a euro In every ease wa endertaka or chsrg no fee. Consults, lion free. Letter enftdsnt 11. Instruc tive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free Is tl In wrapper. we euro tne wwrat essea er puas ra I tlon. Cure susranteed. If yen ganret eall at a Wee. writs for eessfuL - , Offlce hours, t te and f I. f - DR. W; N0RI Offloaa is Va Hoy Hotel, lit. .rcSL For Bale a ' kJm a i I - i rewtWkrt. .JJ I , Jr tha T"KT.. .r. W -a. Kigl-V- TRA:::rcr.T.Tic:j. V,' 6- ITi "... ..I ,rn 1 TNC COslPOfTTABiX WAY. Otty Tloket Ofae. US Third St.. Fhona 888. 2 0VEELAK3 12X173 CAIIT 9 Tka Flyer acd taa Vaart KalL . BFUBTDrD BBS1TXOB TTF-TO-SATM QTjrtTarBrBTT-- - . OOTBTSrOUm ACPlrO jleave"" 8:80 a ra ARRIVE! 7:06 A. m. 8:68 p. m. INwtlajt Tka Beattla 11:48 p. m. :11p.m. I TiaBpokaae (O. BL At BT. Oo.) 8:00 a. m. SEIAT BTOBTBCEEUr VnABIJIatX OO. , I Salllns From Seattle M. U. BxTBTVaSOTA, TT. . '.a. aVAVJXWTAt. arms. w. For Japan snd China Porta and Manila. (Japan Mall Steamship Company) at or nrarwa warns Satla from Seattle for Japan. China and an Asiatic Porta About Oct. ft. Far tickets, rates., berth reservations. etc, call on or address , .1 BL 0X0X1 OW, Ci P. i t A. . Portland. OF. ATTEBTIOBi TAB CORTLABD. Tba sotonkditag atretic, tb occult wander ef re continent. Sevea reara of eontkaaoe ha Portland and a clientage of tboueanri p locos a mi ia a poaitioa that bo Jst critic mia can dlaturh, Readlnc reduced thla week. Call today bring tbl ad. . , At.80 LIFE BEADIBB 1.B8. Ara yoa In doubt aboat aa lavaatnweit t Have you a domestic trouble! Ar yen shout ts tske s Journey r . hit roa eaemiea roa ao not know and friend whom yoa dnuhtl Don't mletnke nam aad aumber Yaa Cortland. B0SW Wasa- taigtaa treet. CLUILVOYANT BROTHER WILLIAM, the QuaXer Prophet IT IS JTST AS CHEAP TO 8EB THB BEST. ASTBO DEAD-TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. LOW FEE. t do kerehr solemnly a tree snd guarantee to ska no ebsrg If I fall ts call yoa by nan Is full, name of yoor friends, snsmles ar rtvale, I promise to teU yea whether your atba, wife or eweetbeart la tree or fame; tell yoa bow te gain the bv of tbs on yos moat deatre. eves though miles sway; bow to ascend la bmtnoa. apernlallon. laweulte; bow to marry tha one of poor choice bow to regain yoor roots, health aad vitality. Remove evil In flaencea, cures drink habit, locatea treeatrree. I1IH Wssaiagtoa sL.aer.ef Sixth. , $i:ooro$i.oo Turkish Bath the Bltt. H I King's Baths EwvenU and Wi laurtosi Sta. sod lAUYaat bjaABB SB tmS SitF. " Crenraataat Belief aai At iilslirr Cares Catarrk. Cead la the Bead. La Crlpae. Bcalaeai aad ikulm la tad ear. , CnWeuueeCatoeaa or iArraeeeov eyagj.l Soli ysridrarW'IvYBMiIprepefd. F. C KEJTH. Proo. Ureaemd. Ubm. we er three tradmsnta. wuheat at sjtjst'iusi wlank, Itoase treat as eat 1 i t 1 1 '.Msy, 18 te 1. . r.: "mm . V'" ' fei c I J j. - I mm V- 0 i j o , 3 Trains to the Eaat L::y J h'g-cire dally aa O aaa ha. Caleaso, base t tonrmt aleaplng-eera dally t Aannaa l I ttraagh Psllmaa oawrwt leeplog-er e nr osdaetd) weofcly te Chleasa. B"niw .a) enairears teeam creol a The Boo esur. CM IQlt DEPOT, Lea eoe. Arrives. CRICAOO-PORTLABV SPECIAL. B:rSe.BV 8:Blp.SV Far the Eaat via aaat- Dolly. . Dslly. aagtea.-- . . -' SPOKAKB FLTPR. . - . ,' For Beaters Waablog- toa. WsUs Walla. Lew- Sr1gp,m, 8 -Ota. SV mtoa. Cooar d' A lose Dslly. Dolly, aod ree Bsnhars Pelata. , -' ATLABTTC BXPBESS. 8:18 p. ah t:18 a. av Fee the East vta Baat. Dally. , Dally." . . tngtoa. ' Oelmnbm Error PI una. FOR ASTORIA ead war Irtw p, (, ?ata, esaaectlsg with Pally, tare, tor Itwao ead. ex. Sosdsy. WeetS Bench, strne. Bss-iSatardas. sals. Aeb-oe. sorft. lo8 p. a 4:OB p. BU Tomklll River Baste, FOB DATTOK. Ptr ssd Tamhlll rleeri TiflSa. a. Dslly. ea. Ssday. 1-m a. i BstBTs. saars. Rath and Deity. mono. Aaa-et. deck Wtor eiiallllus. Biv FOB LEWISTOB, Ida. J and way points trea Blparla, Weak., etarra, Spokaae and Lewi ton. 8:40 s. m.. iW nnos er rtral Tral N. d. Sua Toe. Tbur. 4:00 p. a. Monday Wedaosday Saturday TICKET OFFICE. Third snd Wash ,, poon atiia Tlx a . W,V, tr Ticket AgssA. A la CBAIOOsasral Fasavagsr Agent. - EAST SOUTH Ob toa DBPtrt. OVERLAND EXPRESS. Trains, Bar 81 a. Rose burg. Aahlasd. Sacra- StdSp.) meuta, Ogdea. SsaFraa ebjes, Stockbaa, Los Aa-, seiea. i race, now aar aaaaa ana iae Bass. Manias tral , Sect . t Weodbsre dally ; sxcept Saauy BJSaiS. with tral ror hit. in rov arna. II MtllX . S srl it rondllng ssd eSdklnv nx. Angst, S 1 1 Brownsville, field. W arrow. Engeas pssxssgar eon.' Beet et Weodbera wita dMpau T -BOs, ra. tSJBaj S:S8 p. i :. i 111:80 p- I ML Aagtl sad Sll toa toeal Corvallla asanas. 4:60 p. m. 10:48p.a. Sherldaa paaoenger. n.itr h Dally ea-eept fessday. 1 ' . Fortlaad Ossegs fmburbaa frnrvts sad TaaahfB DtvmlsB. ' Depot foot sf Jeffeessa vtreet. Imw I'ortUad dally for Oewsao T as s. ' 11:80, 1:08. 4:00. 8:30, S:: T.4A: 101O; 11:88 p. m. Dally (except Soady. JO, 8:10, 8 to. 10:28 s. aa, Sunday only, 80 a. ax. Returning from Oewego. arrive Psrt lend flt 1:80 . . 1:BA 16. 48. S:JB. t:A 8 el. Il:t0 p, 11:88 8. a. Dally (except Suadavl. 8:18. T:to. 8:30, 11:48 a., ax, Sunday oaly. in -tfl n. m. Leave frssj Sam depot for Dalle and rstep. Btedlate point dally 8:00 p. Ba, Arrtvs Per. TedeWeetm Mofw .L-. eperetos dally to Monmontb aod Atrll, , sectins with Sontbera PclB comsssy a tfueka St Delles sd Isdeoesenew. . rtret-cl.o far fvm Portland ta Saceemeuto ad San Frsneteee 8. berths IV eeeswd-elssS fare 818. berth M.M, Ticket to Feetere. polata sodF-eps able ISPen. China. Hooohlhl nd -. Uft eeere. I Phsa Malu Tit. C7w. STTBOEB. - t. ... City xiobsx semu ex ' TIME CARD TRAINS Portland i ' DAILY. CBION DEPOT. Arrreo. w.n i nafiia Park-Kas- see City -St- Loals Bee-j Hal tar caeoeus, vew rralla. Olymula. Orr Harbor, Bcnth Besd. Ta vern. Seattle. Lewmton. Bstte, HI IV :SSS. Sb tSB, 88. i.m Denve. Omaha. Baasaa City. St. Leola end eeutseest. North Coaat Llmtte. electric llgbtsd. for T- 1.-08 p. ta raras.. com, Seattle, anokaa. Rafts, Mlnneanolt. St Paul ad tb East. Psget Boaad Limited, for Chebslls. Ceatralla Teeaeaa ssd Seattle only. dJSp. av 18MP.SA. Twta City Express, fori Tarawa, Seattle, Hoo ka ve, Helene. Bntt. Yellowstos fxrh. 111. 11 IdS p. I --. s ' S4SP.8W see po Ma, St. Pasi aad in Rear, A. D. CBARLTuM, tint Oeaornl Psaaeaaet Al 1M Morrlaoa SL. so. Third. . Poet la a 4. Oregoa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. I Arlvo. Leave. L'WIOB DEPOT. ArHvos. SS a. Ba, For Martyrs, Balater. 11 40 a. Ba, Dslly. Oatabaale, Weat port. Daily. Clifton, Aatnrla, Wse. .,.. i. restos. FUvei, llaav , mend. Fort, eeerhert Park, SeaetUe, A tori sad SaaakatA tierest asflp. BSp.Sb TS p. ba, Dally. fIDslly. .' Astoria fearae. " ; . . tl. maiw, 8. f. IM f, A. Aewela. O. C. A. STEWART. Cemmerctai Ageex. sea etreet.. Fbeae Mala Bud, ' ALAGICA FAST AID FOPt'LAE HtkKZ-ZZZ Leavs Beeltl 8 . m. TTTVBSOB," mXM 88, 88. "DOLFAiS." OOiOSaA 18, SB. CALLIN0 AT KETCiMeav. ''v!,';'... r HAIM". MAO'VAT., t - P. A Y. r. 8 Al. . heme. are. - FOB ALL t r-n e ' 1