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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. JDAY EVENING OCTOBER 17. ; lSCJ. 12 ,. .- j- JOURNAL -Want Ad" Rates Vn )j 1 - t ...... ...". - '. I .. .." . I ' yfl, K ' Eetared at tbe Boatofflea ef PertlnBu. Oregon, ft tresaportatWa (breach tbe atalle M wsoMV (IM mslteT. a a .a Postage tor single ip"i! Par aa 8, 10 m 18 Mi paper, 1 ! 4 to pases, arnta, 82 Mi 44 pages, ma -' , , .', v , . miraom .Mara Srt6 .. ... roino ADTiimnta skpbxxttatitx. Vreelsad-Benjaartu MltW f";. f IM XmaTitml, Nsw x'orh. Tribune Bulld '. .las. laUcege. ... , - ' ' , , . , - 1TB0IPTIO , SATES. ?: 1. The Pally Jnarael. wltb Bund. 1 yw...T.M 4ha rtallr Journal, l year .......... Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. I anon . lb bally, par week, deuversa. anno. ended ,..,..........'.:-"' . catted .i" ....... 48 -' Tern by Man. ' Tba Dally Journal with Suadar, 1 year...T.; Tba Plly Journal, 1 year... ...... ........ 8 JO Tbe Dslly Josrnal, with Sunday, mouths. 8.T9 Tba Pally Journal. montbe............. 8-T Tba Psliy Joarnal, wjtb Sunday, moeths. JJ Tba Dally Joaraal, S moot ha..... Tb Pally Journal, with Bnaday. 1 Tba Daily Journal, 1 month... ....-...... .86 " w-l.a-aa.aiaa ImpmI 1 ...r ........ 2-00 The Suadar JaM-naL 6 month..... i-00 Tba Semi-Weakly J, TVa aj.rf.wa.klT Journal. 8 ta . mm. full anarke. ' port, 1 yea.... ."..,.,$1.88 ' ' Remittances should be mads y arana. poaiai antra, rrarm ardara aid a ma II aaaoaala ara ecaptabJ la. 1 and S aaat poataa -ataaipa. P. O. Bw 1H. fortland. Oraxm. ' THUi xxx tomwu. but vomro. ftiaJoomal caa ka foas4 aaVt at tba following plaraav 1 , BOISK. IDAHO H. Batter Oa.t, W. B. Me- fntyra. . CHICAGO Paatofflea Kawa com pa ay; in Daar DEJOVBH. COrXJBADO I. Black. Blltaaota aad CoTtla arrvta. KA KBAS CITY Taa Boy Kawa eonpaay. kilKNKAPOUS If. I. Kavaaaash. M Boat. Third atrt. HFW TOBK OTT Br-ntaate-a. firto armara. OMAHA Millard Hotel nawa at and; Mefaatk Stationary company. ISM FarnaBt atraat. SALT LAKR CITT Kraroa Hotel awa ataadi Barrow Rroa , 48 Wcat Bacand atrart, aoath. BT. LOUIS pblllp' Roadar. 61 Laenat atraat: B. T. Jtt. ao oilra atraat, . BAM FBANCISCO W. B. Ardlnc, Pateca Hvtrl awwa ataad and inn kfaxkat atraat; Oold- amlth Braa.. 230' Batter atraat and Balnt ; Fraarla boteh Foatee It Orvar, retry bulld : tug; N. Wbaatley, marabla nawa aUad. aar. tier Markat and Kaarnay atraat. SEATTLB Rainier Grand nawa ataad; W. U Khanka. Hotel Beattla nawa atand. SPOKANE , WA8HLN0T0N-Jobs W.' Orahaai TAVoataVwASmNOTOW Central Mtwa eota panr: HateJ Taroma nawa atand. TICTOBIA, BRITISH COU'MBIA ' Book aV Btattonary company. WEATHER REPORT. . Tba email klfch preaenra area yeatarday oyer the north Factor atatea moved rapidly eaatward and after eruaelnf the Rorky mnuntalna loat 1 la Identity. A low preeeure area of ran. alderabia Intenalty mnred Inland orar tha north I'arlfle atatea laat nlirht. which la central tbia mornlnt beat Spokaaa. It will mora aaat dnr Inr the neat it honra and probably- mecca with the diet rl a ore noted yeaterday orer Arl nona, which la adeaarlnc a lowly aortbeaatward. Tha blah preaaura area arer the Ohio Taller baa advanced to (Jio New Bnitland atatea. A ' new hlfh preaenra area baa njadr Ita appearance fa tha Canadian aorthweat- Then condlUona have canned raia ta-Uregoa. Waafalnatoa-and nnrthera Idaho- and la tha 'Mlaalmlppl and Mtaaourt Tallera. aad arnrrally fair weather e-laewbere. LiKht froat la reported thla morn Inc at Baeramento, Ban Lata Oblapo. California. Tba Indira ttoao are for cooler weather in thla natrtct toniirht and Wedneeday wltk rata at naow eaat of tba Caarade mnuntalna and or raelonal ala la- man tern. Oracoa and waatera rV aahlnartoa. - MARRIAGE LICENSES.' ' . O. Harrta, Vti Praneea J. Jobnataa, IB. J. r Potter M- Dell Bttta. an. . ' it, Wi Btltt. S4: Wairle E. Koornler, 31. . . w. J. Mntr. 21: Winifred (Xmnoiiy, IS. Arthur HtrkaV t: Bertha Kmc. M. WalteK WaUkmea. 27; Helma Tcpaa. U. " laaae Bacr. Bakar City, OrcOB, 21; Oortrnde Kahn. 1H. , lYank 1- Conrtney; 24; I dm M. Cook. . , 'Frank Ratter. X: Anna Bnamir. 23. I. B. Tracy, Baraam, Iowa, 22; Mary B. VlYrna. So. ' W. C. Kitta, JarkaonrtUc,' Oracoa, M; Ptnllna lry. 88. - W. H. IVotw, Brattet, Wataln(toa. 4; rannic Miller, 88. (Tki A. Bert. JO: Barah B. Brayhtll. 4T. B. F. Aarbenhranner, Badlcott, Waahlngtoa, ST; Rmaia Katoer, 22. 7. J. Snrhox-Um. 2W: Mary J. BtrclbHac. 24. ' Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith a- Co.. Waea tngtoa bldg., cor. Fourth and Waahlngtoa eta. BIRTHS. BTE V EN 80N October , to Mr. aad Mrs. An drew W. . Btevrnaoa, 1W Rasaell street a danhter. ' CAP1N Octoher 14. te Mr.' and Mrs. Edwta W. Capmv Thh-ty-slxlh and Bast Morrxese straeta. , KARRKR October 8. ta Mr', aad Mrs. Vfed Barber. 72 urnnd aveone. N a eon. ' WF.IR Actoher . ta Mr. and Mrs. DurreU C. ' Wetr. of Center addition, a ana. SAL'ERUS October 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hsnerle-, 40g tsnrouver avenne, a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES." ' EW IS October 18. Levens W. Lewis, 628 Fall- mgatreet. typhoid fever. DEATHS. HANSON Ortooer IS. Christina Hsnaoa. aged M years, 4tM Ksst Eighth street, N.; rauar. , cardiac palpitation. Burial at Lone Fir cem etery. ItVII.UiroHBT October 18, Noah Wllloughby, aged 88 yesrs. 421 Sixth street; canee. as , phyxlatlMi from gss tsccldcntsl). Burial at I'omemy, Washington, v tlVHKNMIER October 1. Ida Mnsen niter, ' sawd years, st Hillsdale, . Oregon; csase, tnhermlosia. Btirtal st Nlies, Mk-hlgea. BT'Mrr October 18. Ella I Bloat, aged 4T . years. 7Sr, Re Irish street; cause locomotor a.?,'VJSl; B',r t Mt. Calvary .cemetery. TA I XR -Octoher 18. Richard Bruce TavVw. aged 18 . First street: cause, heart , ' dlewtse. Burial .t Rlvervtew -cemetery. BITEBTIIW CTatBTZBT. ' Blng1 grsre'i 10. TtmUy lota 70 to 11.000. Th T1' '"mr'rf J" P'-rtland which per . rwraally malntalna and car. for lots, ror full Information apply to W, R. ' Marfcenrte. Wor-' rearer block, city.. W. M. Ladd. president! -toy funersl directors snd emhslmers, enrner Third Snd Marilaon atreeta. OfSca of oonnty coroner. Talrpbona Mala S' Punning. Mr En tee A Ollhauirh. andertakera and rmbalmera; modern In every detail. Bevaatk and Pine. Msla 480. , lady saslatant. Tbe Edward Holmaa I'ndertaklng company funeral directors and embaimrrs. 220 Third at. Phone 607. rnneral wreathe and cut flower, a specialty at Rose, City Greenhnose. Twentyaecead and Kaat MotTtaoa. oppoalts cemetery. . Clarke Bros, for flowers. W Moriiaoa street. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 1 Tbe Pally Josrnal. wlta Sunday. aaoBtba.-S.Tll The Pally Jouraal, 6 moBthe.,... I "J The Dally Journal, with Sunday. oetha. 1.M The Iull Joarnal. mootbe ,...... ? HP . . .WW II Bagoso ra- 2. Imdley to B.; K. Tm lot t, Joboeon . ' tYerk Park ..I Crescent lamd-fumpany to B. Bandrberg, let T. bke-k S, -Keystneie addition...... T. M. rtrardoff to C. Drardoff. d.Be arrra aertloa 18, township 1 south, raage 2 - eaat ...i... ! If. M. Tovey aad wife l B. U Knapn, 1 acre sect ton 18, township ,1 aoatk, range S east Arlets land cempaay to B. f. tAyera, lot , bkw-k 18, Arleta Park No. 2. ;:. M. Iart. and hualiand ta C. J. Owes, , t 12, hlork 6. Centra! AIMna r. A. Kaanp and wife to W. M. Pa lieu, I -e aertloa IB, tnwnablp I South, range . t 1 : , ortbnp snd wife to J. Olses.. lot -k l, I'srter'a addition ; . Kllllngawortk et si. to Mrs. 1. , lots snd . block 21. Wslnal l t ...... .v .... . ................. I . O'rihee et si. ! M. B. PltagaraM, j t lit block , Baal lrriagtua ....... . (.-.. ''V,, -;'',.f'' 1,480 T78 810 400 450 1,0M 1,008 too .' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. M. Ureaory and wife ta the public, a . . atrip of lead 2 feet 1 width at eaat aud of tba dO-foot-wide road aaat and weat Ibruucb tba Crater Brbuol 1'ark.. I'nlraralty Laud company to M. J. Matbera. lotv 1. blurk 122. L'alTeralty l-ark ..... 234 IV K. itaaa-'aoo wire to ti. ii. jonca, . kna and T. block 188. Couck'a addl- tl.m ,, B.0OO W. H. aua and wire to c. r. Mncert, lot. I and 2. blovk 2. Wlllaawtla Hclahta 'addition '2.800 r. A. Mana aad wire u A. r. HUla. lot a. . block I. WU llama Area no addltloa No. 2 . fOO I.- B. Taylor ta B. H. aara. lot 2. bloc i7. narenaua aanitioo 2.000 H. i Bcvit ct au ta . u. rrirndiy at at.. - rota I aad X. Mock so. city .. 12.000 R. M. Harrety to . teorttao. lot 1. block 1. annem to Raf forty addition.. , 600 U Ruaaell and wire to r. w. Lalhet- , tee at aL. aaat Mock 43. rouri'i ' dditonr... 7,500 Get roar -Insurance and ' abetrarta t eaal aetata rrom tna iitw unaranfaa atij Traat v-?. 4 rt- INTEREST Saving's Bank ifie Title Guarantee & Trust Co. ? Pays 4 per cent . on Certificates of Deposit - Pays 3 per cent interest on daily , Balances - 01 acpoai accounta, -y? v subject to check.- Banking;' hours. ......9a.m.to4p.m. Saturdays ........ ..'.9a. m.tolp.m. Saturday evenings.. . . . . .5 to 8 o'clock DIRECTORS: W. M. Ladd. J. Thorburn Ross. T. T. Burkhart - Frank M. Warren. - J- George H. Hill. 240 Washington Street . Corner Second. . 'PORTLAND, OREGON. NOTICE. BOTI0I OB SALB 01" B0BDS. Votlee la hereby rlrea that tha hoard of dlrectora at the Hood Blrar Irrigatloa Dlatrlct In Waaco coanty, Oragua, will aell the bond of aaM dlatrlct la tha aum of 100.000 on Taaa day. tba 24tb day ef October. IftuS. at tba boor af 10 o'clock a. ., at the office of aald board, at tha -reeldeaee of J. H. Shoemaker In aald district, and that sealed proposals tor said booda will be received by said board at Bald place for the purchase of aald bonds antll the day and boar above mentioned, at which time the board ehall open the proposals and award the parchaee of the booda to tbe hit beat bld aponalble bidder, the board raaerrtng tbe riant to reject aar aad all bids, hide ta be accom panied by a certified check for 10 per cent af the amount af tbe bonds for which tba bid Is submitted. - i Bald booda abau be earable In manse of tba Called Btatea, la 10 eerlea, as follows, to-wit: At tha axDlratiea of eleven years, flvs ear cent of tha whole number of Said bonds; at the expiranon or twelve yearn, ei x per cent; at the expiration of thirteen years, seven per cent; si ms expiration ?i ronneen years, elf ni par cent) at tbe expiration of fifteen years, nine ear cent: as. roe exniratiou or sixteen veare. tea "per -rant; at tbe expiration af seventeen years, eleven per' cent I at the expiration of eighteen yearn, thirteen per cent; at the expira tion of nineteen years, fifteen par coat; at the expiration ef twenty years, sixteen par cent; and ehall bear Interest at the rate of. six par rent per annum, payable eeml-aanually. aa tba flrat day Of January and July of each year. The nrlndnal dad Interest shall be narabiv at tha place daaifnated In tba booda aad bidders are alvra tba optloa of bavins; aald bonds para ble at Portland. In tbe ststs of Orefoa. or la the city of New York, la tbe ststs of New York, and aald sonde will be lasued In accord ance arith tha election of the sueceaafnl bidders. Bald bonds shall be eack of the denomlnsttoa of not lees tbss (100 and not mora than $800, and shall be negotiable In form and coupons, for tbe Interest shall be attached ta each bond slaned by the secretary. IWTea ax nooa kivct. uiegva, tote seta nay of September. 1808. . . ! I . . . . XX. BUSSASfiB, - Secretary. PBOPOBALB FOB CLOTHINO AND EQUIP- AtlB Vepot quartermaatera or nee. as new Montsomery St.. Bsn rraadaeo. C.llfoml., October 14. IPOS sealed proposals m tripli cate, sublect ta the aaual randltloaa. will lie received here antll 10 o'clock a. m., November ' 14. 10O5. and then opened, for furnishing and delivering at either the Chicago, Bt. Loala. r Baa moctare or Seattle depots of tbe qnsr- - termaater'a department, Caltrd Btatea army. 12.000 earn brooms snd 1.000 scrubbing brushes. Tbe .right at I reel red to reject or accent snv or sll oroooeals or any nart there of. Preference will be given to articles of domestic mannrsctere. conditions or quality ' snd price (Including In price ef foreign pro duct loos or manufactures the duty thereon) ' being equal. Standard samples caa be area - at. and blanks for proposals aad full Infor mation will be furnished upon sppllcatlon to thla office. Envelopes eontstnlng proposala to he Indorsed. ''Proposals lor Clothing snd Equipage. K.177-2418. ta be opened at 10 o'clock a. n., November 14, 1008.", . . . O. A. DEV0U Depot Quartermaster, U, 8.. Army. NOTICE OP FINAL 8ETTLEMENT.Ia tbe County Court of tbe State af Oregon, for . Multnomah County, fn the matter of tba Katate af Wesley N. icmmei. Deceased. Notice la hereby given-that tbe Anal ac count of John C. Kmme.1, admlnlatrator of the .estate -ef Wesley N. Emmet, deceased, has been rendered Jto said court tor settle ment and that Monday, tbe thirteenth day of November. 1006. at S:80 o'clock a.' m.. ha a been duly appointed by tha aald court for tbe Snal bearing and settlement af tba aald account, at which time any person interested may appear ana ni. nia exceptions ta aald account aad contest tha aame. JOHN C. EMMEU Admlnlatrator of the Estate, af Wesley N. . Enamel, Deceased. ' II'Rea At Scbuehel, attorneys ! for , admln latrator. Oregon City, . Oregon. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. It Is hereby Intimated that the andersignea oaa amy quannea in the county court of Oregon, for Multnomah county, ss executrix of the Is at will of R. H. Schwab, riereaeed. All peraona having claims against tbe deceased or bis estate ara hereby notlOed to present the same to tha undersigned - at tbe law office of James (ilea son. rooms 2 and 8 Mulkey building. Portland. Oregon,' with the proper vouchers snd duly verified within alx months from tha date of thla notice. Dated and Srat publication aad tba seven teenth day of October, 1IMIS. JENN1B L. SCHWAB, Executrix of tba Laat Will of B. H. Schwab, Deceaaed, . ' MY WIFE having left my bed and board wltb- rait provocation or esiiee. 1 will not tw ra npoualhle for debta contracted In my name. Sua la known .by the name of Mrs. Dlgxs. t ' ' . IL "C THORP. I HEREBY give eotloe that t will not be re none i rue tor any aebte contracted by my wife, Klla J.. Longcoy, who baa left my bed and board. H. LON0C0Y, B, P.. I. Be. I, Mllwankle, Aregoa. LOST AND FOUND. LOST -tadr. i engraved . gold ' banting-ease watch, Elgin , movement, and Sue gnlolJn - rbaln. Saturday evening la Oriental building ' at expoallloa. Betura to Journal ofOra god -receive reward. , LOST 8 gold rings, on Incoming Sellwood car, sliont T o'clock Sunder evening, October 16. Finder will be rrwgrded by leaving seme Moore's Pheto gallery aeventb and Wssblng- LOST Small collie sbepberd dog. ana brown snd one bine eye; answers ta aame Kails; ' reward. 42 Beat En sens at. . LOST White femsle ball terrier, 4 months , old. ears and tall cropped. 412 Morrteoa. Reward. LOST Two femsle- sullterrieta. one brindle. I aaa white. Get reward at 412 Morrison st. MEETING NOTICES. IVA.MluK lde. So, f ; RtH'lar cnavenllon toaignx a ;.-- in i jini hall, elgbta aour Mtrtnwa vwa- iniia knight, cord,..., IK. CROUCH. G C: ' t'BBD P. HOLM; hi. of K. and B, . - MI'l-TNOMAH "Typographical tjirlon. .No. 6a Buertal meeting W eduradsy. October 18. at 0 lft abaru. Aadltnrlnm nan; impnrtaai,, j j PRK'K, Presldeat. DEATH NOTICES. BBOADWKLI At Amity. tVtober 18. Ima. daughter of Clara and the late B. B, Broad- HOtTvCR-At RaHard.' Waahlngtoa, J JJ. Rale heller. Notice of fuuersl will bs givea K EN WORTH Y At bl te restdenee. 5H8 Rant rine, wier -M . .- aged 85 years. 11 months and 22 days.- No tice of runrrai win oe 0LEASON Joseph A.- Gleason, aged IT years ? - 'Vv.J. 17 . All. Kmmt Seh St. .on o oe,u,ue. -" t'" - ... HELP WANTED MALE. THBRB la a Hoe opening for a good shoemaker and harness repairer in xne sown oa Salmon. Wash.: none but a reliable maa aeed apply Address i. C Maelaass, White Bar Bum, Wash. . . MEN and boys wanted to earn SB day, after twe moniDe invn-uciiuw, vwom -Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools. New York. Cincinnati, 0.. St. Louis.. Mo. (rrea asU Vogue.) . - - WAKTED Clrrka and wlndow-dreeaera ta study ssow-eara -writing ai a. m. v. m. --a". achool; neraooal instruction. Apply for par. Honiara. $83 PERMANENT aalary to reliable maa in oataida town. aarncaa m tinaraoty company. 127 H g Tenth, room S. BO. EIL.KB WANTED. He la a blscksroltb. Oommualcata with risnsen. 28 North Becoad at. ' - WANTED General agent; canvassers to every connty: ij to per any. sunan a, ana rirat at. - WANTED BollHtors. $3 ta f8 per dy; sslsry Or COUHniaeiOO. -.U V .HW iwma W, Mjmwm bklg., Portland. , - - - BOY ran ram part of tuition la .bnalneaa col lege, Multnomaa , xraeiuesa miuiuw, o Sixth at. - ' WANTED rtrat-rlsaa salesmen fn Portland and country; Dig wages, via oiog. WANTED A blacksmith. Csll for psrtlrnlsre . o-i. . ivJnmM. at tie Si rat and Prond. COYNE BROS. CO., New Torn, Ctncmnatl, Bt. loola. will jnrniaa, piamners aw wan GOOD-beachhand wanted St the Portland's. eh ax uaor cuinpanj, ew vsw. wm WANTED Man to do Janitor work and clean ing. 031 to wssningioa su . BARBER waated Terminal botet. Lower Albina; free rent. WANTED Boy wltb bkyeto. . C Wsshlng. ton at. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girls for bsad aad machine sew ing; experienceu neip w"""u. a-uww clfle 470. Ritchie d Greene, 684 Waahlng toa at. WANTED Immeallately. night mrree for Insti tution; 280( Yamhill. Phone Main 6418. i TRUSTWORTHY, snergetle women to travel and organise tor viavi cmnpaoy. v.u or address room 28; twia bldg. HANSEN'S LAniEB' AGENCY. 848H Wssblng- ton St.. cor. aeventn. npeiair. ranmm nau 208X Femsle help waated. WANTED-'-Neat. respectable woman ander 80 aa bouaekeeper, wioowrr a xauiiy. .muts ' YamhllL Phone Main 8418. WANTED A good waist hand at aaO-AI Marrte-m St. Apply St once. ears, a.; a. .unuarei, 420H Morrison at. OIBL wanted for housework or aaalst la booae- wore . . oil t anu; vwm.- . - - - Albina car. FIRST CLASS millinery help wanted at Wol--cott's millinery store. 442 Waahlngtoa at. PORTLAND Sewteg School, girls do own .owing . while learning. 271 Morrison, room O. WANTED Girl for gencrsl housework. o92 Qulmny St. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeeper and stenographers la greater than tha supply. Pram -August 1. 1804. w Asaiuat 1. 1008, ws placed KIT la good positions; had calls for mora tbaa 600; our graduates are ALL employed; we will assist yoa ta a position when competent; enroll now; day or eight. Behnke-Welkat ' Business College, Sixth and Marrlaoa .ta. VANTED Lady or gentleman ta travel for a bouse ef $200,000 capital; aalary $18 ta 121 a week and all expenaee. paid weekly. Ad dress, with a tamp, o. W. Kellogg, general delivery. WANTED Lady or gentleman for a salaried position; aalary $2 to $2.80 par day. , Ad - dram with at amp, giving aame, etreet' and number, o. w. neuogg. genera oeiivory, WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, pre. eeataDle maa or woman, a good talker, ta take ap aa attractive nropoalrioa. laqaxrs 788 Chamber of commerce, a a. as. BARN extra sslary without lose of time or po sit ion; refined, pieasani worn., auorvss 40, cars af Journal. .,.... GOOD girl, cookfng and housework; small family; gooo wages, -wo aaax vara, our, , East Tenth. - SALESPEOPLE waated to aeU proBtable good.; large commlaaloa. B. M. Plummer, 00 Third. WANTED Immediately, I men or womei to da canvaastng. CaU ap Ksst a7; gooa nroponiioa. HELP wanted snd supplied,' mats or female. B,. O. DRAKE. 20BH Waahlngtoa at Clay 448. SITUATIONS WANTELV-mAlE. rlnST.r' .tenoarsnher ' aad office man, - thoroughly eiperlAiced In ' railroad and mercantile worn, wears posiiioni ox w Address A an, cars Mtn-nai. MARRIED maa, 88 yesrs of age, ! years' er- nerleuce as msnsger, noosaeeper, siso s. . aaleamaa In general merchandise; beat ret er races. A 44. care Journal. a xjtxw evneetenced In the sreaera merchandise Imalneaa wishes ta tsks charge of a .tors la the country; references. Address B 80, .rare MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as watch nil or aayuiwg o inoi, . Wencea. Addreas B 68. care Journal. , EXPERIENCED office man dosirea poalfkm as -bookkeeper, reenter or creonnio, siugiw, rc. erearee. B 87. care of Journal. WANTED Poeltlon as bookkeeper or office work for hsif dsy; morning work preierrea. m quire A 48 care Journal. - BELIABIJS Oermsn man wanta hooeerleentng er gsrdea work -ay tna aar. none aasia ivio. PACKER (wholesale grocer v opea for position; highest references. B 88, care Joornal, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED young Isdy wlsaes poaltloa, office work or eaehier; speaks good Urrmaa or English. Pbone Black 1873. BY young 'lady, aa stenographer, to work la afternoons only. Address B 52 Joarnal. YOUNG lady wlshea chance to leara photography or Just retouching. B 82. ware Journal. - WANTED Day work of any kind by Mdla sged womsn. Phone vest 2804. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WILL pay rash for a bar gala ta Improved 14 . block er lews between Barnatde sad Main. Seventh and Fourteenth eta.; owners give exact loraUoa,, Addreas A 60, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. w . f,.n Kl-m aS In al.he AM aaa a. Wear Slue ox ri.. , wi vr vmmm vrov la right: agents need not answer, Addreas V B4. care ouraai. . . . , WANTED CxMtsgs af 1 it I rosnis, modera Improvemeata, nus ioq lar intra niy nan at.ta rent. Addreas T 51. Journal. t.lHT vour Droaerty with aa. Our motto Quick aalea, ahort profits. Royal Real Katate cemiuiny. ui Yt run ei.. rwosa in. I WANT td buy a farm. H, Smith, poatotnea nox ion. WANTED AGENTS, WANTED Agnate to aell Sermons by tba levir ; - tua lasteat-aeiung book on tbe - market; 40 per cent commlaaloa : outfit, free. W. K. Taylur Co,, Labbe bldgJ Portland, Oregon. j AGENTS -wanted to aell nursery stock; new and complete outiit tumiabea rree; caau weekly. Capital City Nursery company, Salem, Or egos. , . . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MKN. . 24 N. Second at - Phone Mala IBM. JAPANESE-CHIN EBB EMPLOYMENT OPFICB, nenry lsnsrs, aor Kveratt at. roooa rs- cUla 640. . ; ..... PACIFIC Coast Erop. Co. Bell able employment agents, in . a ac t'oooe Mam uo7U. PIONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor cootrae. tors; help free ta employers. 216 Morrison. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 Montana at.; suppiiea maa lor au suiua ox wars. - THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., 208 H nxorrison st. rwxw rsciiic xav. WANTED TO RENT. WB want desirable boaaag aad flata, all parts at toe enyi nave Digtueisss clients waiting; rents collected, property cared for. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. " 242 Stark Bt Phone Mala I8TS. WANTED To rent farm, 18 or SO acres, near rny; nouae aaa nera. at. b, Horgan, wiv Mllwautle st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE tbe Lewis and Clark fair at borne;, esnd sua in stamps lor nanasome pnoco nooa, nearly 200 nbotos of fair. THx6H Inches. Western View Book Co., Portland, Baa 2B4. PAINTING, spraying aad 'whitewashing trees. oaseoieuxs, osrns, aocaa, etc. 1 largeat gaaouaa aprayiag outfit oa tha coast. M. G. Morgaa Co., 870 Mtlweukle at. Phone East 2dlT. ORCHESTRA S pieces, wsnts aagsgementa a; music Tor all ocesaiona very Die. B Lacretla at. Tel. Mala sbos. HIGHEST essh price paid for bottles sad junk' of every description. Portland Botle Supply do, 801 North Eighteenth. Pnone Mats 2289i WANTED A noma with a widow or a child- tree couple--To a girl 11 reara old. - Mia. Gardiner Tetephona Eaat iaO. , . . WANTED 2 tickets to Seattle, lady and gent. ai once; etaie lowest price ajicj particulars. .win. wn, nua ox eoonuil. . BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at tba AU - - a- art kal, . w,m aw. a, fie .aaiBUI VX. WANTED A horse to work for keep; flrat-class care, aoaress aoo sTvsren sc. F. J. BYDEB. printer. Second aad Washington ua rmrum WANTED Ta bay food hry tmmm at onem. WHO IS M. O. M0BGAN A CO. 1 .J 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER." - ''..:.' Corner of Alder tad Park. ' A few choice noma In this well knows bouee csa now be secured at reasonable rates. This hotel Is stesm bested snd electric lighted and It Is down town It la centraL Free porcelala baths, hot and cold water. Only a few rooms left la thla desirable house. SSOtt Alder at. THB KINO 808 Jefferaoa at., new building. a.msauuieiy lunusoeo. wiin every modern convenience: all outside rooms, with beat. gaa or electric lights, poreelsla baths; rates - 60c, TSe and $1; special rates by tba waok or mouth. . . THB HAMANN. 188 N. 18th.. ear. Hoyt Newly 16 mlnutea' walk te fair grounds: Morrison ear at anloa depot direct ta bouse. Phone 8470- BNO'S HEIGHTS Deatrable neighborhood, near St. Helen's Hall; nicely furnished room ntTrafrraar TMIlK T Mt ELYxnrnlshed rooma la private family, with privilege of house; walking dletance: good beat, porcelain bath, gaa and phone. r-882 Jackson .t. MARQCAM HOUSE. 146H 8th Rooms aa suits or single; housekeeping rooms; gss .torse, bath, eUctrtc Ughto; tranaie.u Solicits FITBNIBHED moms, autuhle for 2 or mora gentlemen: a km atngle noma; 1 block from Hotel Portland. Inquire 182 Seventh sc. FINELY furnished Dsrlor. with ntsno. best - t r and phone. $11 per month for 2. 742 Vans ha. cor. Twenty-third. Take any fair ear. THE ALDER, 486 Alder, nicely furnished rooma, permanent or transient; quiet, con venient, central location. M 7 NOW, If yoa ara looking for a nicely farntehed room, not far from tba Portland hotel, call today at 284 Seventh at. CLEAN, airy front room la Cbriatlan .family, . euitable for 2. 408 Beat Eighth St., South. Phone East 8400. . FBONT parlor for gentleman of refinement who wishes room near tba esatar af city. 681 Everett at. THB GLADSTONE S12H Bsvier St.. furnished rooms; under new msoagiment; prlcee res ' aoaabla. CHEAPEST and best Iocs ted rooms la Portlsnd. $1 wssk aad a p. Oilman, Flrat and Aider eta. Tba Henderson, 281 H Alder Elegantly ornlshed i rooms i or permaneni ana. tranelent roomers. FCBNIBHED rooms, 1.28 ta $2 per week; . Hsu ok. .ran. va, . mi. arvang ex. FTJRNI8HED rooms for rent at - vary cheap prices. , Inquire 681H Morrison sc. THE OBAND, 48 H N. Third at. Rooma far mas, gi.oo per week and an. MODERN rosy noma, permsoent, walking d la ta nee. eos aaorrisxnx si, ... NICELY furnished front room ta private family at aaa nevenm sc. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT Furnished housekeeping roams la best brick block sa ssst side: gaa raagee, bath, etc. ao transients; prices moderate. Logaa tlk., JOSH Union are., corner Kaat Alder, raone unioa ssos. 480 QTJIMBY, bet. Tenth and Eleventh, 10 minutes' walk from anion depot, north, $ newly furnished honsekssplng-reotne, com plete, 10 per month. . - FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping rooma reasonable. M Kaac niiteenin, aecoau bouse north from corner; take Waverly-Wood- stork car. THE MITCHELL. Flanders and BevetrtS Booms, . henaekceplnc aad trsnslent; ponvealeat; prices reasonable. HOtJSBKEKPINO-BOOMS Bessonshte rates, ' electric lights and phone Included. - 801 V ' Water at. Qt'IltT hwatloa, bonarkeerilng; apartments, $8 ta f 1Z. llicxaoa, univvrsiiy rsrs, s a none ocvti 1208. ' ' ' TWO cosy rooma, brat, light, bath: appropriate 2 girls or msa aad wife; $14. 428 Third at. NICELY furnished boasskeeplng snd single rooms: gaa. bath, phone. 271 v Third at. HOI 8EKEEPIN(l-ROOM8--A .good eelectloa st The Hall. 414 Fifth, cor. Hall. . ' rURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Fourteenth at ... , . f 264 ROOMS AND BOARD. '"' VIUST-CLAS8 rooma aad board for nersasaent rple, $V2.80 and $28 per moathj table board par weak. A "toe boaaa, 7 th gad Madlsoa , OXS. 1H. SiSIB UaSX. - THB ILLINOIS, ItM Tenia La. 'eVand email .ran. roovie .wtui eusru, aioeiy xarnisbed. BOOMS with board for perms sent tenant reasoaablei aratalaaa hoavs eookinx. a. Sixth at, $20 FOB room and board, ana er two: nfer- FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. ",-"f."-.'- V . a. a, a. rOB RENT Part et bualnaaa office. Includ ing oee of private office; phone, light, etc. umw a.,, . w .. OFFICE-BOOMS Ooodnough PPl elevator.. FOR RENT FLATS. T-ROOM flat, Jnat completed: furnace, shades, jmm ouT tauani wesuou. esv Kaat GII..B st. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR BENT 100x100 northeast corner af Third and Madlsoa sta. for peasant occupancy (liv ery atable) or otherwise. Apply to, Batata of D. P. Thompson, No. T Flrat at. FOB RENT Houaea and flats, all parte- of UN cuy. t Mental aepartmant , TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, , ' . -- - 243 Stark . St. . STUART ctatloa, Mount Scott car 4 Urge rooms, outDoiiainga, modern; peruse antnoai children; furniture for sals. Call tba ataxia. rue. Fourth aad Salmon. $22.80 NEW T-room bouse; gss, electricity. . pureeiein piumoiug, ststioaary rubs, iswn, , roses; Woodstock or Richmond car. ..742 Bast Clinton. , NBW 8-room honse and quarter block, Hancock ana eaat -iwenty-aixto eta, aaijHi. B. ja. I -urn hard. 614 Chamber ef Comi FOB BENT 6-roors modern dwelling, 812 Gaa. cennem ave.t key next noor i .10. wuusa Denbolra. 22S Falling bldg city. - 1H-BT0BT cottage. 8-rooms rood basement. gooa conaitioa. mooern. fis; Bsst Ninth bet. Msrket aad MIU sta. FOR rent, to private famllvy a fumlahed bonaa m rine lucatioa. inquire oav Everett bet. It end-1. - h . FOR BENT New 8-room cottage; attic aad nasement. u sisat . BUteeatb at. . hons Ksst 67. - , ., FOR RENT room bouse, nicely furnished, wvai siuv. .ao. tot rim at., room is. FOB RENT 2 new a-room houaea. strictly mod ern, neat car aervrce. ava Kaat Mam. FOR BENT (-man enttsae. nlcelv tnrnlshad. K oa east side, $16. 16TM Flrat at. . NEW house, rr.aon.hle, as Ksst Tblrty-fotn-th st. rnone case eifra. - HOUSES ' FOR RENT FURNI- . TURE FOR SALE. . FOB beat result, on rEUBNTTUBB." Whether to buy or sell, ring ap Msla - - PORTLAND AI'CTION ROOMS, .- - , 211 Flrat at. PTRNITI-RR of modera 8-room dwelling, rent gw month, lor eaan or tew acres eg land, at once. Inquire 002 Front st. - HOt'SB of T rooms for rent, $20: furniture aad piano lor sale.- pnone Mala 864a. - FUBNITCBK of flat at t.4 Beveath at. la for sale, call at go? Beventk at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB RENT Moore'e photograph, gallery aad a tore at seventh and Washington sis.; one of the best business corners In Portland. (Will move In tha new Elks' bklg.l Thai bonding Is well arranged tor aa architect, dentist or millinery establishment, wltb office oa tba ground floor.- FOR RENT House. T acres bottom, about 2 high, 10 brush land, small family orchard; I mile eaat Oregon City. Addreas A 68, JoarnaL PARTIES going eaat before November S will and it to tbeir advantage ta rati up Kaat sou. i BUSINESS CHANCES. BLACKSMITH-SHOP doing- good baelneee peat iz "years, run snppiy ex . toot., quantity ox iron and coal, dwelllng-bonse, bearing fruit tree a, chlrken-honer. 2 paaaenger-boata, car service esch day, 2 mlnutea' walk to eack place; all for $200 It taken soon. Apply te Thompeua Foster, Rldgctleld, Washington. SPECULATORS sea aa for big bargains ra Hurst Swltrk etoek oerore awitca goes oa road: regnlsr price $8.78; aar prlre much lower. How csa wa do lit We have more shares tbsa we caa cor.Tenier.tly carry anil must sacrifice to rsiee cash. Apply 218 Commercial block. CANDY STORE, WELL LOCATED WITH UY. INO ROOM, caa be naa ac low rent by a dee treble party; bjcatloa oa east elde oppo site the Atbtna school houae. Particulars, call - office, i, nix uommerrnu ovica.' FOR SALB Oa aeeoaat of rirkassa, ntce. eleaa, money mating naainees oa aasx sine; sales from $18 ta $88 per day: price $1,400, or will Invoice t no agents wasted, o 69. Tha Journal FOR SALB Fine line of millinery and ladlea' rurnkahlng genua in live rova or i.nuu; ex cellent onportunltyi Bo compatltloa. K 42, cars Joarnal. ESTARLI8HKD rastsuraar oa Fifth at., near kl . al rtn Silt .a SOR aaa a.a . " aa--'.'-. -w V MIV year around.' A 48, JootnaL . WHEN looking for a location, either city country, call an caa noriaweet Maa oa, I Moriiaoa at..- room Sll. $1,400 BUYS 20 rooma, finely furnlahed, an corner, near trregonian, rsrs sargsia. ttoota 6, 1081A Sixth. , FOR SALB Luacbroom and delicatessen, eheap; Jooa location; parties leaving city., sou ft rfferaon, . . , FINE opportunity la eetsbllsbad bust Bees; need kelp and capital. Address a 64, ears JoaraaL FOB SALB Brick botel. 88 rooms good feral. tare, epleadld leaaa; is Portlead. V 40. Jearaal INVESTIGATE For a email amount of capi tal, large returns. 206 McKay bldg. . THBBB restauranta for aala. - H. H. Hlgley, poatornco dox ei. - WHO IS M. O. MORGAN sV CO.t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE,' 10 OB 11 acres of garden land; new buildings, ou csrllna. close In, tools, team and harness ; 1- I, 11. an,, . ' BO mCS a na.r, a , fa,W, COS! $4,800; Investlgstej no agenU. Address owner, A 46. care JoaraaL . I HA VS 6 arrra very fine anil: new house, coat $MM to build: 8 seres In cultivation, balance very easy to elesr; right on O. W. P. electric line: 10c car fare; price $1,800; caa glrs terms. T 88, rare Journal. FOrl SALE 78x100-foot lot en Eaat Seven teen tk and Couch; will sell for $1,280 If sold la aext , i.. f,aa aaat! well lanrf K SI inn, i ti aell part 'af lot It desired.' Address k 42, A MODERN T-room bouse on Thtrtyaecrmd . and IHvi.lna, only $2,250; caa glrs very easy " terms; honae baa been built 1 mouths. Ad dreas B 66. care Jourasl. . . , , , FOB BALE Modera B-roota house, furnlahed or unfnriusneo, snu large aui, close la on esst side. Inquire owner. 107 Sixth St., Portland Trunk company. . '. NEW 8-room bouee; bath, laundry, cement base ment snd floor . and walks, furnace, sll complete, moorrn. ra upper aioina) $2,aun. Phoue Cnloa 8816. A 8 STORY brick building, 100x100, on Beit aids; will psy S per cent net oa $.10,000: Klca $28,000; caa glrs terms. Address ft , care Journal. 'I FOB BALE New d-ronm bouse every ron venlence. Improved alreets good car eervlce, i aay terms. BOO Esst Mala., Dr. Parting. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. .. ACBB TRACTS!. WS SPECIALTY IS . ACBB TRACTS! 1 ' f raU-alssd atreeta, water to aac TERMS $10 FEB ACBB CASH! tA V . ; $10 PBaVACBB PER MONTH. Ton mm- to theas acrea ea tba astoa sSr. Ky tbe asms 6e fare tha lot maa naye.. lb : maa la year aelghbor, but be Is re 1 atrleted la majority et Ua tares that mak. a traa suburbso boms. A. C CHURCHILL B CO.. I X . . IM Scsad st. .. aDsctir. aianiia as anw .1 Tract. $2 front foot. $16 feet deep; rag have aa away front feet aa yoa.. want from 60 feet np; all la cultivation, all level and , sightly, 6 mlnutea to good 10-rooui school, 8 . grades, near atorea, puatofflre. church and car atatloa at Lento: S-cent fare to any part , af Portland. . Thla la 1-8 price; terms If wanted. o. a,. . AduKoa, Ltents. wrsgon, awnar. Take Mt. Scott car. 8 oeuts. NEARLY S acres, 8H .miles from center af elty. ail 111 C.lllT.lNB, Xm aau, . aaa... cblrkea houses, tots of trait, good water, ra finest road In Oregon, l mile from electric line; price $2,400: very essy terms. If yoa are from ''Missouri" will show you; If from any other state, will sail yoa It yoa aaa It. T 80, care Joornal. WANTED Get in line If yoa era Interested la wheat land and ga with ua and see it, thea get ear prices pud terms and la a few yesrs you will own a good wheat rases. For further Information call on or addreas NORTHWEST LAND COMPANY. 26S Morrison at., Hoem 211. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALB A modera 7-roorn bouse, walking distance, weat aide. ' $1,800. ' Double bouse ' 8 rooms esch, ' Orsnt st. i "throme $40 per month; $2,780. portlsnd wesi Karate in., 200 Morrison st. Phone Pacific 23. - S-ACRB ranch. 6 miles out. aa graveled road. near the car line; good ft-room bouse, nara and other buildings, well and lota ef fruit. . This place csa be bought t,w one third cash, remainder nine years at 6 per cant. : . . . 1 Call 107 i Third at, . NEW modera T-room residence aa Mt. Scott car Una," 28 minutes' ride from Portland: lot 83x100. fine lawn and fruit trees, for $1.T60, at your own terms, or may trade for land. Address O 40, cars Journ.L FOB BALE Cheap. 6 or seres Improved land -oa 28th and Knott ate,, aaac rorusna. csll oa premises. . W. U. Dry den, owner; . take Irvlngtoa car. 4 IMPROVED and an improved land ta. large a small tracts, close to gooa sroooia; rail and water trauaportatlon. W. I. Fullerton, War ren, Oregon. .. . LOOK at this: 8 acres, no better anil fa Ore gon, loe fare, nearly au clear, amau bob as, only $800; very eaay terms. T 68, Joaraal . FOB SALB st a bargain, modera T-room boaaa aa Eaat Taylor, close in; terras to sail purchaser. Apply P 42." ears JoaraaL v FOB SALE Modera satmrbaa cottage, close to ear line, ana loeauoa, grouna tuuxium O. W. P. Townslts On.. 124 First st. S ACRES, 4 mile from O. W. P. electric line; no gravel ana eaay to Clear; sera; very. essy terms. Address B 6T, car. Joaraal. . WAGNER A PETTY, 202 Commercial blk.. hsva some ef the best buys la tbe city, aaa them before baying aad be convinced. 80x80 ON Kearney St.; thla Nob-Hill map will not laat long: price xwio, - Tyson Klnseu, tun Commercial blk. Mala, 2823. $075 BUYS saw 4-roota cottage. 2 lots, 2 - mocks aootn or niewarc a atauoa. si. aeon , car line. W. N. Ford. $800 MUST aeU choice building alts to eat- i.rr mortgage, iwo cnu-oa vmioe, soarea B 63, care of JournsL , SACRIFICE esle, 8 lots, 'nicely sltnated tn build bosses to-rent r to -aria. AVddreaa-B 64. cere of Journal. ) - . WB build bonaaa; saay monthly payments: lots furnlahed If desired. 612 Commercial bldg. Mala 1840. - ,' ' . SELLWOOD lota. $8 down aad W a moath; - from $78 to $200. Sell weed Towasits Ca. Phone Eaat 4704. -. v. S-BOOM eotUgs. bstb, hot and raid water, full lot. $1,200; $100 down, balance te salt. Phone East 676. S-BOOM baas, la Sunnyslde; $1,700,; smsll esab psyment, remainder moatbly. Call 107 M Third at. . - - ... - , FOB SALB S now boaaa an car line with acre fruit trees, etc Inquire 261 East Sixth at. 8280 BUYS good rooming-house ef 10 well . Iocs ted rooma; lease. , 14614 Flrat at. Call ....... -. . , , 8-ROOM house, full tot. modern, $2 080 $200 . down, ba lanes $20 per month. Pheae East 676. ... , '-.,. T-ROOM colonial bouse, $2,600; $8nd down. hsUoce easy monthly ayiaenU. Phoaa Esst 878. SNAP 6 -room bonaa snd full kit. Bast Twenty serond at.; $700. half cash.' CaU 107 hi Third. FOR BALE A T-room boose and lot, with bora, Irvlngtoa. 444 Eaat Tblrteentb st, north. , FOR SALE T-room boose. Sixth snd Alberts . sta.. Highland. Call ap Union 2388. -. $000 4-room houae with bstb. Inquire at place. 68S Esst Beventoentb St., south. NEW 8-mors bouse, full lot! eaay terms ! owner must sell. Union 21. FOR SALE FARMS. 180 ACREC In caltlvatlon, GO timothy and clover; fine family orchard, 8 acrea potatoes, large gardea. 60 mora caa ba plowed, soma timber, balance pasture; Ilea fine, aesrly level; fenced sad cross-fenced; rine - spring water ami creek; 8 buildings. Including isrgs " barn and good 8-room houae: about $3,000 worth of stock,, farm Implements and meehln 'cry. Including good large team, rows, pigs, borers, etc.; la feet, everything to run the farm; monthly cresm receipts, $1001 80 dos. - sggs per week; SO tons hay, oata, rye, etc.; near good town, railroad, boat landlag, erbool, church, poatofflce; within 20 mllea a little north ef east from Portland, en good coanty road; flee, rich,' free-soil; perfect title: sll goes for $8,200 If taken at once; worth twice tbe money; $3,200 down, balance oa time tt . desired; I must and will sell: an srrldent causes ma to sell; da not write unless yon are ready to buy at once. Address owner, lock box IB, Lstourell Falls. Oregon. A REAL BABGAIN 40 acrea of -rich atraw , berry, vegetable and fruit land only mil. from town of White Salmon, on. main road: .20 .eras In cultivation, balance second . growth timber, raay to clear; orchard of 280 bearing fruit trees, abundance of water, largs asm, am.ll bouse; this property com mand, a beautiful view of Bond river and Mount Hood and will make a magnificent home. Price only $78 per acre; terms, $2,000 cash, balance to suit. WHITE SALMON LAND CO,,. ''-. ' White Salmon,, Waahlngtoa. CUOICR ACREAGE FOR BALK T acrea, 200 feet electric car line, all fenced. . 2 acres cleared and cultivated, balance easily . cleared; No. 1 soil, no rock or gravel; 36 . mlnutea to heart of city; choicest acreage ' to be bad near Portlsnd; a rsrs bargain; only $060; terma. ' 0BEOON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, t 16im Fourth at., Room so. IF yon wanr e chicken ranch, here It 1st -4 , acrea land TOO fret front 'electric line, 10c car fare; barn 18x30, cldeJIen bouses for 8ta) chickens; 4 acres sll fenced with 8-foot picket fence, lots pf bn Mings, all furniture, piano; 2 fine rows, 8 doa-n eblckena; goes at $2,000. Address B 65,' rare of Journal? $S,T84 BUYS 8 $4,600 farm of !M acres, 6. , room bouse, ' barn, good water, SH miles from , warehouse, I'd miles to school: $1,008 eaeh. balance 8 years' time. P, J. Ma bo say, Tsfcoe. Wash. FRBB government farm lands, tost opened to settlement; level valley land, na atone or timber; water and anil flrat -clasa. Room ad . labtie bldg.. cor, ' Second and Washington. "OR SALE Stork ranch of. 2.400 acrea near Canurg, 8 mllea northeast of Eugene, Lane county, Oregon: price low and terma eaay. P. D. Chamberlain. Labbe bldg., Portland. IF yoa want to Tnretei oa a homestead suit able for fruit growing and essy to reach from Portland, address A 42, care Jours. V UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION ' Five Cents per line" . .:' - : ' f . i , t -v.-: -f ' Be ad taken tor leas taaa 18 per day. Sevea words, aa a rule., aoaatltuto a Baa, bet eack Una to charged tegardleaa sat tha number af words. ' WBEZIT BA.TB-JT lnesrtloii.' (laalualsg ens auaaajr lasaaj sa un see ia per week. lOHTBLl BATE (tsalsdlag all I kuuaa ) $1.M per Una net axaatA, 4DVEBTISEMIBTS mast ba ta Jearaal asaiasaa eftee by 18 e'elook weak Say aad by 18 e'elook Bats-day eves lag fag assoay smb., to aaoura alamiflastisa Display sates givea' u sppllostasn st THE: JOURNAL i BRANCH OFFICES . ,-. APvmnsiiaarTB .'V , ' r Wilt ba reaelved at regular nla-efBce rates. Following U a Uat ef antboriaed agaata. whe trill forward year advert tea. tnent la time tot. pubUcatloa la tba salt .; . aoBxv. izdi. ' B. A. ' Preston. druggUt. TwaatyMblr and Tburmaa atreeta. Nob Htll Pbsrmaey. 880 flllssa street, corner Twenty-flrat. , . . A. W. Allen, phartaaelat, Strteeacb aad Marshall atreeta. McCommoa'a Pbarxsaey, Blaeteeath aad Waahlngtoa atreeta. , :, B0VTS WOOL " B. V. laaea ' tX. druggtata. Front an Olbba atreeta. . . Cottol Drug compaay. First sad Orsnt streets. k FsMaa Brevier, duggtat, 408 Jefferaoa treet. cor Bar Tenth, Bettmaa's Pbarmaap, - eoraar BUta. aad Marrlaoa atreeta. Ptammsr Drug eompasy, 280 Third Btraat, araar aUdlaua. r f' ' uun tat. " W. B. taaa, druggist, eoraar Grand gvaaai aad Eaat Barnalde atraat. Nichols Thompson. 128 Baaaall etreet, eornrr Albina avenna. . Jsncke Drag eompsny, turner Hawthorne and Grand aveaaaa. . W. a Cable, druggist, aw aat HoUsdsy dvenua . aad Lsrrsbee atraat. Bear steel bridge. .: R. A. Wlhwa, 122 Grand svsaaa, near Esat Mnntson. B. W. Bali, 888 laat Seventh street, eoraar Stopbeaa. - noBxsjrn, ' ' P. I. a ark, druggist. 1002 Marts Oales aveaaa, . . - - : SOBBIHUX, . Bt Worth. pbarmacUt, S6t ' Balmsal IunL s - ' ' '. BOOaXTB. ' 1 Brauklia Pbarmscy company, Powsll sad atUwaakle atreeta. - " ABXITA OBIOOB. Arista Pbaraascy. Mors aad Foatsg streets. XLLWOOD. -v.-V-Hemstork'a Pharmacy, 646 Umatilla sva aaa, coraer East Thirteenth .treat. FOR SALE FARMS. . FBEB LAND IN OREGON ander tba -Carey . irrigation Act. ueea airecc rrosa state. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S, Cooke Os., 201 Alder St.- Portlsnd, Or. A S0-ACBB farm, all la cultivation; S mllea from courthouse, 1 mils rrom o. w. r. at By. Co.; $2,780; terma to suit. John P. Sharkey, T01 Chamber of Commerce. 88 ACRES rich soil, about SO acrea la rultl- vatlna. ail fencea. atream-ot living water, rat roads, near city, rural mall, good achool, 48, care JoaraaL . . . BANCH 8.000 acrea, 400 cattle' ate, $80,000; . wsnt town property, ta $7,000. J., Bbober. Jr., Helens, Montsaa. -A- HORSES AND CARRIAGES. CHEAP Express wagon and horse. Inquire 23U Jefferson st... act. First and aeceaa ata. HOBSES of all kind a for sale at very able prrw, Jnquire 230 Jefferson. ' FOR SALE TIMBER. LAND SCRIP Guaranteed scrip for surveyed er unenrveyeo. gooa rer an xinoa or gov ' ernment land, at lowest prices. Moaltoa At Scubey. Columbia bldg-. 263 Wssblngtoa St.. , DO yoa wsnt " ttmbert I awa 100, worth aa.000,. wnica I win aen xor now; an bows lately safs Investment. D 68. earn Journal. FOB SALE Two homes tea d rsllnqnlahnssnt claims; second growth; will aell aheap. N. P. NUtaoa, Hotel Bhclapfam. FOB SALE A timber claim In aoatbeast part of Marlon county. Call Depot saloon, cor. Wster and tlnmbm ate. CERTIFIED prices. W 1p. any- sins piscsai low aaa Of Howsll, SSS Chamber af Coas- F0R HOMESTEADS, timber elatnxa aad aerlp VVIJ w aP ras gj isjujrrriti wtsse FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Beautiful-Hsrdmsn upright, full slse, must be sola cheap: this Is the nnest product of the H.rdman fsrtnry; superb tens, full and rich, finest flnleh. elegant style, coat $d&0. Call and examine It at the Manufacturers' Piano Co.. 3AQ Aider at. That piano must positively be sold. FOR SALB I have a large rosewood Kna be flaao. upright; will aell It very reaeooeme; bare no aaa for It, no write ate and I will . arrange a meeting; thla la a snsp at the prlcfl aak, as write quick. Addreas B 68, care of Journal. ' ' SAFES 2 new flre-proof safes (not of our manufacture) eery cheep; a sexmnr-nnna saiee, also the genuine Hall aafea. - . PORTLAND SAFE COMPANY, ' .. 70 Sixth at. . ' FOB SALE At ones. Polk county's wall die-play or grain and grasses. In smsll er large lots; akto 4 fabka aad frnltetands. For prices Inquire at booth, st fslr grounds. BILLIARD1 AND POOL Ublae for feat at to aale on easy payments. . THB BBUNS W ICK-BALKR COLLENOBB CO. 40 Third at, Portlaad. . WB print your aame an 80 calling cards, proper , alee and atyle, 28c; 280 bualnaaa cards, $L Brows Schmsls, B First. Portlsnd. Of. TYPEWRITKB at leaa thaa b.lf coat price; almost good as new. Albert nerni. toe arug gist, cor. Second and Wssblngtoa sts. LA ROE ST stock ef bottlee la northwest; at dwg filled promptly, portiana xwtiie nupniy cax, 801 North Eighteenth et. Main- 2288. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order;- -v second band gnnda for ssie. rsrison m csll- - atrom, 2H0 Couch at. Phone Clay 871. . LAUNCH for sale, length 88 feet. 10-H. t. ea . "r' glae. largs carrying capacity! price eery; -i a . 1 1, ... w ay .a JnarBsL ABOUT "40 full-blood homing plgenna; alao 2 Russian milk gosts: cheap. Address A., B. . lierrlngton, Montavilla. Oregon. - - ' NBA ELY l Kl, X new rtinsx aw aiwroinv, very soasbls If taken at once; parties leaving ring machine, very - city. Call at 108 Re renin St. , PORTABLE locomotive boiler and engine, 4 borsepower. C. H. Plggott't law efac. 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR SALE 18-ft. Isusch, speed T miles. In quire Lamberson'l landing,; eaat. snd of MadU son bridge. . ' , WELL-EQUIPPED machine and blacksmith simp for sale "very rs.sonsbls. Csll 268, Ash at. '-.'.- OYBTER counter and .helving snd cupboards; fine outfit, cheap. SOS Fourth at. A LAR0B stork aa aala at bargain prices. Call aad look thsm over. 870 Flrat st. . LADY goa( east soon will And It to her Inter est to call ap Main 47SS-.. , ' , , . , CHEAP Bed. atove, cooking Ubla and- blrycla. . Csll 470 Dsvta st. . ... . FOR BALE 23 Marlla repeaUng rifle. . Marala at. . . ..... . . . , 2X0 .7 'Ml' V