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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
J.-rOCC rOD AY'S : KETS C J:i Ar.c' Advance cf RTUSn ftr lnirtd Pounds Was Chown In th C--r f 'rrJcet .Today Market - Is Casts J CL-n 7""Z CnrCON DAILY J. Wo :.i:s"vv 'SMisiscEOis DP III PRICE CtlSI Another Advance Shown In . . ; : Local Quotations on Re J L ,v fined Product. - . fiEAR HOP REPORT BY THE GOVERNMENT : Xarger Receipts in E$g Market and Pricea Art Not Quit So'Firin " s ; Poultry Kcmalns ; DuU, Witb. Arri L rail Small Shortage in Cars.'' j .... . ,. i f Front fttxMt, act.lT. Tbs principal fsstsrss B Ik Piartlsnd wholesale markil todar era; huu ISa up egetav- .".- : i Government issnae boar bop report, . ..' ; He vise rrlTl of Concord grape. , w kt and floor are, both. tiou. a ! Supplies ,et csbbags beery. ' - . i Poultry ufl; .poestpt on! fair. 1 Butter I. Arm ,but aocbanged. Orsst abort gs la can reporttd. v , Potato ana ealooe trow ,. . lirssssd masts quoted AraMT. - )" 1 J ; -. ,z - -.r - '-J '.' V, ' Sugar b Tlftasa Cents V Aseia. '' Tba' sugar market la again 16 pee 100" pounds feigner. , Ik anttouaoament ef tba additional advaaw was .received br lb wholesale! .Arads tbla morning and tit aar prices vera ant tulo affect at ace, Although tber kaa bwHi - no aialarlal chaog la tka aaatara aogar Bar kta during th paat few 'dajra alne tb ormr adraaaa la local valata tb cUla' ta aad b augarai tbat tba arual atiwngtb oa tb Atlantic aaaboard of tba raw material la .tba main raaaoa tor th daaea la tb I'ortland markat todar. Talrgrapble rporta to Tba Journal during tbla period abew tb autera Warkat baa ben atrong for elaed and raw aoaar, bat no (Teat ahangea are anowa la . value. Br aa lnalder It la anoounerd tbat a' agraenent between tba Impoeing refiner oa tb Partflo coaat bad beeo made and tbat there would be bo more ngbtlng la i-la aiarket fur a wblla at leaat. About a 7 ear aga tba Hawaiian Independent reflaert entered tb narket and prlca an 'reflaad augar want far below tba eaaterm raluee aa oocurrene tbat happen only la tlmea of war. Tba cut anad br the western eompanr war tbea. Im mediately met br tba Hawaiian, aad eo tb ' ftgbt went merrily on aatll botk concern be- tia t loa to much moBey. Tb preacat true reported t b tb outcome of tba la, Saarlah Hep aUport laaved. - Nawapapar arttcle do not ntaka prlca - tn tb kop market. At eon period they bar a tendency to bold tb aurket np for awblla beyond It natural larel aa wltaeee tb gnat . adranaea la uia market a year ago, . Then tba reaetloa romee and prlcea drop about twice aa faat aa they had prartoaalr adeaaced.. Tb Joarnal baa aadaaeorad -to (It tba Bewa of tb bop market Juat aa M bapptna, aad If tba report are bearwk tber are only eo bo case tba eltoatloa la aucb. At tba praaeat momaat tber 1 extreme dnllneee In tb bop markat. Tba aborta wb bar been orlng tba aala ar now wltbdrawlng from tb mar ket, for their eerly order kaT been praotl celly filled. No new order a re la. Tb fol lowing la from tba Dally Conaalar and Trad Report of too gorarnownt and la eonaldared rwtl , ... . , .4 "A tlmaly report oa tba world's bop' crop kaa ' bees fnmlahd by Consul Baldwin of Nuremberg. It ahowa a gala of 000.000 Anarrl. can bVBdrawtgbt orer laet year and auageeta cheaprr nrloas for tba eamlnf aaaaan, Tba ra . port fotlowa: "Tba Barariaa nan crop promt aa to b Hcb. botk ta auantlty aad quality, eepeclaJly la tb palt aad TallerU dletrlct. wber tb yield tbl eoar lire beautiful hop of tall ls aad Hcb quality. - "Bohemia will alaa haea a abnndaat crop. Tb fttaa dlatrlct la eetlmated to yield tbl ra 1 0.000 American kuudrodw. M. against llftOOO Uat yeer: th Aurha dlatrlct TT.OgO . tuadrdwcl(kt, gatnt dT.OOO but year. ' Tba world's hop crop La eetlmated aa fcl Vw te America hundredweight: ' . v OEBMAXT. ' Baearla '... koa(00 ' . Warttamborg Badea 44.000 - Aleac lio.nnn " ' - lrttta .U.000 083,000 ;.. AC8TBIA. Baas dlatrlct CW.omv Auecha dlrlct .............. TT.IWA Iuha dhjtrtet ,(XH Oallcla 22.0110 AU otkor district .......... 47.000 Boeela 87T.0O0 ftd.000 llo.ono anmiA rteigiam ...... rreor Kngliad . ono.ooQ AKWin .................... .i. ......... AoetraUa ....a....... 62S.0U0 Id. 000 , Total , ......t SM.OUO "Tkla la about 000.000 hundredweight more V the laat yeer. I'adoabtedly lower price may . bo apected for tb forthcoming hop eeaeon. . -At present Bararlas bop, medium quality, are . offered her at til to (IS per American haadrodwatgkt; hotter quality from (13 to 15; aaeat qaauty.trom II to (30. la Bohemia, Auecha quality ta ef fared at 115 to (IT per kaadrdwlgbt; Baaa quality at (21 to 25," - tatgmr kaaaista is Egg Market. Quit aa Increase was todar ahowa la tb -vwrelpt of gg long Front street. This ' bad a rather weskentnsr effect anon nrtcea and . tb sl at SO ta aa wtceptioa. Tb general market range betweea Me aad Z9c. " Poultry Is still wy day. tkla being true mora parttcalarlr in eblehwr. No turkey ara arrietag aad tber la not much demaad. A . few coop of docks cejne In during tba aurnlng snd fusutd a fairly goad demaad from tba " .Chlaca. Tka batter market remains strong. Receipts are now fully up to tba demaad aad no changes ' are aaoww la Taluea. Kearier Keeeipta of Oeaosrd 6 rape. . i Many wagon loada tt ronesrd grape war an ; loaded a tb street this morning, but at tba ' prices tbssa esem to clean np from day ta . day. - Tb real weakaeos hi shown In Moses ta ,ad Toksya,' and seme dealers are shading tb quoted nguraa. A report recolrad from Cali fornia tbla morning aaya tbat practically no : more shipment from tber will b .seat la , this dtreetssn tb preaeat asasoa. Peaebea ara eery ean and practically a Storks woe sold todar nadsr tb ft mark. BappUea af eabbagC ara Tery Ubaral and tb market at dull at la per poaad. - Potatoes aad unions ara quoted , firm, but ' oatslil demand la not Tery good. ' vreat aeetag in Oars. A great shortag in rara la reported by grain nad produce men. Miller ara lading It s cedlngly dl firs It to eecure aufsdeat supplies ta ran their Ins tl rations - , tb tow order recelTsd for botstosa from Arisoaa ar yet ' anniled httaaas af tb lack at tranapactatloa. , Tba fnliowlng prices ar paid along out troet by th retail trad for (hole quality 4awa Iota. Producers' prices r sped Bed: ratsv rianP aad Faad. WHKAT Nsw club, Tkc; Bad Baaaiaa, tc; Praestesa. TV; alleyt He. TUESDAY PRICES IN - -. THE WHEAT MARKET d) ...... v. ... ' Doe. " Mar. ; ay Oilcago . I .T4 St. Loula...... .13 ...... 4 d Xanana City.. .17 ' e..... 4 Mllwauk .... . SB .87 d d Naur Tork.... .114 A 4 4 Mlnnaapollo ... .IJWBV Urerpool ..... lt4 Mllt d Duluth ....... .1B Ban rranctneo. 1.114 1.H .March. Docembor barUr. - 'd4dd4 JOURNAL'S ; DAILY : V , . c, TIPS TO SHIPPERS -. - Thla'ta appld 41m flummar. 4 A evi.f . m ..l itlunnaarlnar and A 4 .the winter pear la Uhlng thalr 4 tlao. Appl ahlppara win rina q It to their financial -ndvanUg . d e te pack their fruit la food ahapa, ' 4 'Four tier app1e brlrj beat- prloaa. Apple free from worm' A must ha ecni rye thaw axe liable to , be eonflaoated'br the fruit lie; 4 i ...... . ... e epector. ' . . . . -i.-. t 4 4 ' BAHUCT reed, t?l MtTM OOl rolled. tSXK 023.00; brewing, il2.bQ$,t.QQ. COaM-e-WbeU, 121.001 ara eked. 28.00 par BTB-41 SB par cwt. - "'' OATS Producers' prloa Ko. t whit. 9SS.H 024.001 gray. 123.00. . KLOLB New. esstsrn Oregon patent, pi. Mi tralghu, M-bOOt-M: port, (S.oIl.iBl ral Wr5 Mgrabam, 4a. i-Wl ry. 00. WUWt MlU-aruira Bras. M.0p per ton) med dlings, (26.00: aborta, oaairy, (30.0U dty, (iO.OO: crop, (18.00. IIAX Prodocsr' price Timothy, Wlllsmatte eslley. fancy, (U.0011.00 ordinary, (7.001 00: eeetera Oregon. , (14.00jla.00 mixed. (S.oOeo.OOi clorer. .00O10.00 grata. (.aOi P.OOi ciieat. (s.OOtjiSO. - - ( -.. ttar, Kg( aad Paul try. ; . 'TBCTTBB City, croamsry, best SlWc; second grade, (Oct autslds taaey, STHtfeOei ordinary. ITHet sturs, 11T. KU(i8 No.1 fresh Oregon, candled, tSHOJOc; cold atorag and eastern, g7tt2se. CIIKKaK Mew rull cream, twin, UttOMa; Young America, l4H01bc Cheddar, lis. OAMB-, lackrabblu, W par dos. . x POULTRY Cblckcna, HH413o par lb; fancy kens, 13c per . lb; roosters, old, (He per lp! fryers, tlfll2He per lb; bcolUrs, ilia .12 nor lb) ducks. Htl& par lb; gssss, ti 10 per lb; turkeys,' Ids per lb: drssssd, lis par Jb; aquaha, (2-50C 00 par dos. j Hops, Waal aad Kidaa, ' HOPaV-ISOa Orsgou. choice. -' UQlXHe; Washington, He;- Mod erop, 12 fur cbleo; imaUi for prims and. mediums. WOOL loud clip, valley, coarse to medlam. 4Ht26ttc ftaa, Mtt27c aaatara Uregoa, tPU2c. . -, MOHAIR Nominal, SOQSlc. ' - MliCKPHKINS Kuearlns, 1620e sack; abort wool, anaeOe each; medium wool, A017e each; long wool. 7bcM(1.00 each. TALU)W Prime, per lb, 04e He, I and gresse, SfttUe. CHITTlbi BARK 2H3e per lb. UIOE8 Dry, No. 1, Id lb and up,' 1HQ 17 Vic per lb; dry kip, No. 1, B to lb lbs. 14e; dry calf. No. 1, under lbs, 18c; ssltsd bide, steers, sound. 60 lbs and over. 10 lie; cows, sJeiHc; sugs and bulla, sound, 6t7e kip, a to (0 lbs, e; calf, sound, under IS lbs, lie, green, unsaltrd, le less; culls, 1 per lb less; horsehldes, salted, each, (1 xn1.75; dry, each, 1. 0081. 60; colt bides, 26aSjcj goat skins, cornmoa, each, lOillOc; Aagora.. each, tbett (1.00. j Traits ana Tsgstablse. v POTATOES Beat Oregon. Boc Back; Car Mts, 5g 70c ssck: ordinary. 00)7oc; swssts, (1.V0 sack, (116U2.2S crate. ONIONS New Oregon yellow Danrara, (1x5 01.35; oar lots, (I.OOti 1.06; garlic, Stildc. KKSlt rRClTS Apples. Oregon, (1.00)1.BO; fancy, (1.75; crsbspples, (1.(0; oranges, new Basel, tt-60; lata Valencies. (4.75QS.25; ba nsnsa, 5 lb; lemons, choice, (fi.50uS.7B box; fancy, (rt.00 box; limes, Mexican, (1.2a par 100; pineapples, (4.00 . per dos: psaches, fsncy. 1.0(iilJW; ordinary, TBsiOOc; cantaloupes, 75c ft(1.00 per crate; grape. Oregon. 60Zf75c; Concord. 6s, 17Hc; 10s, 80'da.V ' bsskst: California. 79cJ$l.B0; peara, . (1.2501.50 per box:- Winter Nellls, (126 per box; pome granates. (1.7B per box; Ungerlnss, (1.75. VKOKTABLE8 Turnips, new. (1.00 par sack; earroU. (1.00 par asrk: bsets, (1.00 1.25 par ssck; Oregon radishes, S5e per dos; eabbsgs, ' - Oregon. . (1.00 per cwt; greea peppers. Be per lb; locsl tomatoes, 804140c; parsnliis, (1 0001.28; string beaaa. 4Q9a; caullnowsr. 7Sef(l.eO dos; rkaharb. par lb; horseradish. 10c per lb; srtlnbokes, 40J BO per dos; . kssd lettuce, SO par dos; (reea on loss, per doss spinach, St par llk- grsea corn, Tt pa .sack; peas, e per lb; cucumbers, 75c par asefct celery, local. Bft275 per dos; eggplaat. (1 50 per crate; Kmpkuss, 1 Se; sraBherrles, Cap Cod. (oUW par I; Coo. Bay snd Tlllsmook. (7.00. DRIED PRUITS Apples, sTa para ted, ' Tf)Se per lb; spr loots. VitHAe per lb; aacka. He per lb less; pescbes. 8CJ12C per Hi; peers, per lb; prunes, Italian, (t4a per lb; French, 1SQ4H per lb; (ga, California black, BsjdH per lb; California white, per lb; plums., pitted, per lb: date, golds, ac per lb; tarda. (1.50 per IB-lb bos. . . Oiaoarloa. Vata. Eta. UrOAB Ssck basis Cub. (d.M; powdered. no; rruit graauiatee, so. no; ary grsaaisreu. 55: Coaf. A. 15.30: beet arsnulated. (B.45; extra t;. ao.oo; goiaea u, H so; v yeuow, (4.88; bbls. 10c; bbls, Sc; boxes, BOe sdTsac en ssck Deals, less 25e per cwt for cask, IS daye; maple, 14CtlB per lb. ' HONBV (3 psr crate. , : . rOPTEB Package brands, (H.78. . . SALT Coarse Half ground. 100a. per ton, table, dairy. 60s, (11.00: 100a. (10.75: Im- Srtrd I.lrerpool. 60s. (17.00; inos, (18.50; 4s. (18.00; extra las. bbls. ta. Ba. 10a, tt SOttn.60; bulk. 120 Iba. (4.00C5 00; aacka, BOs. wesoc. ' . . . SALT Coarse Half gronad. 100s, per ton. (7.00; BOs, per ton, (7.60; Liverpool, lump rock, (18.60 pee tout 60-lb rock. (7.00; 100. 88 76. ( AbCTs prices apply te aales of leea the car lots. Car lots at special prices subject to tpctuatloaa. ) , ' , GRAIN BAGS Csleutta. Tc RICK Impcrlsl Jepaa, No. 1. 8c; ' No. 1 Se; New Orleans bead. (;' AJsx, 44c; Crs ol. BktC. i - BEANS Small white. tt.KI; . large white. (3.18; pbik. (2.13; bayoa, (3.85; Umaa, (5.30; ktexlcaa reds, . TTS Pcsdsts, tumbos, tee per Ttrelnls, taJlOe per lb: rossted. ; cocoa us ts, 8Ti(t0c per doa: walnuts, 15t1SH per lb; pin ant. UI113H per lb; hickory suts. 10c per lb; chestnuts, eastera. 18410c per lb; Brsall auta. 14c per lb: ftlberts. 1 4 1 V per lb; fsacy paeans, lBfesxlSHc; alsMnds. lBti7e psr lb. , T ralata. Coal Oila, Its. ' ROPE Pore Manila. 14c; standard, lte; steal. 10iC lisle brand alsaL Se. COAL OIL Pearl sr Aatral Cssea, SOH per gal; water whit. - iron Mils, 15 per gal; woodee. IBtf per. gal; beadllght. 170-deg., casee, 22c per gaL OASOLINB SS-def, eaara, tde per gal; Iron bMs. lt per gal. ' ' BENZ1NB 83-deg. cases, toe par gal- Iron bbls. ISHe per gaL : TURi'ENTIJi, la esses, tie per gal; woods bbl. We per rsL WHITB LEAD Ton te T per Tbj S00-Ib lots. S per lb; less lota, Hc per lb. WIRB N AH A Present baas-at (3.70. LINSEETt OIL Pur raw. ta S-bbl lota, 84c; 1M lot. 56c; cases. 00 per gsl; geautn kettle boiled, case, 82 per gsl; B-bal Iota. Bde; 1-bbl lot, 67e per- gel: ground cake, car lota. (20.00 psr ton! less than car lots. (30.00 par ton. ' bUsts. flak aad Prwetaioaa. PRESH KEATS Treat street Beef steers, B4jidc per Ik; block. 7e per lb; psefc ers, 707H per lb; ball. 4 flic per tt: eow. BHQOc per lb; reel, extra. 7 per lb; ecdl aery. Te per- lb; post, 6 per lb; mutton, fancy, TIAklsrBAOI, ITC Portlaad pack floral) hams, 10 to 14. lb. 14e PT B: 14 to Id lbs. 134 per lb: breakfast bscsn. lSfjlBe psr lb; picnic. Be psr lb; regular short ebaars. an smoksd. lie per lb; smoked. 12e per ' ; clear backs, ansmnked. 104 per lb: smoked, lle per lb: Union butts. 10 t 18 Iba, an. aatoksd, Se per lb; smoked. Be pet B; dear bellies, eosmoked, II per lb; smoked. 12c par th; shoulders, 8 per lb. , r LO AL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s 'll,e per lb: 8. llTtc per lb; 60-lb tin, lift per lbj atrsm resrrd. 10a, 10 pee lb; a. 10 TaNNBO 8ALMO! Columbia riesr. t-B tslht, (1.80; 2 lb talis, (175; fsncy l ib 1st. 11.90; H-lb taacy Oats. (1.11 faaey 1-K era Is. (3.75: Alaska UIK plnk,,8Bt)0c; red. (150; aomlaai 2s. tall. 1. 00. riSH Hock cod. Te par : Bounders. Be per rb; halibut, 7e per lb; crabs, (1.50 per oa; striped ba. 12Ha pet lb: catftsb. a per lb: saltan, sirrerslde. 8c per lb; blue hocks, e per lb: kerriag. Be per lb anlea. 8c per m; shrimps, 10c per BY; i perrh. 6 per lb: black rod. 7c per lb; sktrss) smelt, Te per lb; lobsters, 15c; treed mscksreL b psr kb; erswnjb. 26 OYSTEBS "bssOweter pay. per gsl, (2.19; par ascki (a.J- . ' . CLAMS Hard-ssVsis Bar bsx. , (XOO; rsas elame, (2.00 per boa. T t I . " :- ,. . . . ', : BXW TOsUCCVlB, , Kew Tock. Oct. IT. Curb etnas. Bid. Bid. Can 10 de preferred.... TO Orea Copper ... 27 Sreeae Cold .... 4 Tesaesse topper. (4 Mackay Co. ..... d Msckay C.'e. pfd. TH 1st. Marl n ...... 14 do prefer red.... 1W! Tnterbnrencb .,...214 raited ('pper ... Kl Fsper, pfd ....... S3 . Btatlinar Rates. ; ' Waw Tor. Oct. 11. Stertma rurea: Dei 4A084tvU; 80 days. 41XX4UU.90; market farm. ,;...-. , . , . il SIIOflT RUSSIA! CROP I1EIPS Now Bellavad That Europe Will : B Comptllod to Purchw. -y . Mor of Our Whaat. CHICAGO MARKET UP V ON BULLISH NEWS Dwcembcr Rlaea Jtiree Quarterr, May a Half and July an Eighth Ctnt ' Bujrlnf of Haavy Lott by Ocniiany :-. Said t Ba a Oood Sign. .'; T TUBSOAT'S WHBAT ktABKET. Close . Omee .Osla Close ' Tues. Moo. . Tuea. Tear Agk . luee. xssr an f .00 (1.12 .00 December B .wiA .M6 V .00 sisy. Mi . . iuiy.. Jia , Chics go. Oct 17. Logan A Bryan say: Tb wbest market showed no bssltatleo at ear time today, be lug strong throughout the session, with a better volume ef easiness transacted. Stat latlca seem faiorable. the 'risible Increase be in luat about aa expected, and primary receipt at about last, rear' a Sgursa. Toe total risible anowa only 200.000 bosbele' larger than a rear age, proemg that etocka ars not piling an. The bullish nosatire in today'a market cam from the foreign situation, par tics larly regard-4 ins erop condition In atussis. rsitaraung uiai it baa been buying wheat aad reinforcing the ramine news, xu Impress km in tna arao seams to be that there le much truth la tba reported large falling off In the Bnsalan crop. The buying af wheat ny Oermany la tkla country land color to tba Russian fallurs, aad it bellersd by promlumt si porters tbat Burop will Deed vast supplies of foodstuffs tram this conn trr snd Canada to make an for what Russia will fail to-supply. It weald take only a llttl exporting to bring the trade to tb buying ut tbis market. There bare be many cables pro posing to tell of crop diaaater to the Russian crop, but the trade is most skeptical. ( "- : Corn TUow4 Wheat. Tfce corn markat followed wheat, bring atrong throughout, and making e advance for tus dsy. Trade wss somewhat broader. Exporting houses continue quietly optimistic regarding the future and it most bs confessed that tba demand at this time la taxing tba companies te their limit. , , Cssb' and export demand tor eats continue most satisfactory. , - , October Dork wss the feature In erorlsVons. Th rest of tb market was quiet. Oftlcui anotatlona by . Ovsrbeck. Starr. Cook company ; , ' WUEAT. High. s . .84. . ' CORNi Open. .86 . ? Low. Cloae. Dee May.... July.... M . ' .8dA 7 43 Oct .80 A .48 ' ; .44 , .44 A , -28A J1A .10 'T ' Id 10 1B0 ' t.0T A is Old Dee. New Dee. .48 .44 .2K ' 8 -44 May Jul..... . OCts)p,s Dec...!.. May..... July OATS, .2 2 . io5 J0 .80 MESS PORK. , 18.10 .18 00 12.80 , 12.48 , Oct IBM Jan 12.60 ' " LABD. ,, 1 T.1T T IT I T.OT i2Z , T.22 Tao 85. " J)S ' S.82 ... SHORT RIBSl 8 40 8. SO SJO S.8T v: eST ' S.82 S.7 8.72 S.7S Oct.. Nor.. Oct. Jen Mar , ... ... i: 8.38 M S.8S ... 8 72 B nntABT BATjr motiicebt. Cklcage, Oct. 17. lrtmsry receipts: . lousy Tsar Ago Bush. 1,800,009 ......... 448,000 tins a. (20.000 Wheat Corn ...... Shmmenta: Wheat ......1.108,000 071.000 Corn , S24.0U0 148.000 Chrsraneee: Wheat, 810,000 bosbsls: flour, 210.000 barrels; corn, 08,000 bushels; oats, Zt&.i 000 buabem.. . , . CXIOASO CASH WHXAI, Chicago, Oct. 17. Cash wheat: Bid. " Ask. . Ne. S red I N k S red .... ro.,s sara , No, 8 hard... , JI7H .w , .00 .87 . .88 ' No. 1 No. 1 northern. JS6 Be. 8 spring... .19 BBADSTRXBTS SXAIB BIPORT. Chicago, Oct. 17. Bradstreet's report et gram vtslbls supply:, . . Increase Ba. Wbsat, eaat ef Bockiss..., 8,42.0u0 Europe and afloat ..ei.3iNl.00O Total" S.U43.000 Corn BHH.00O OstS ..2.400,000 ; 'Decrssss. v ' AaTTBTOAsT eBAUT TTSIBUt. . Chicago, Oct, IT, American grain visible' sup ply: ' Today Tear Age ' tncnaaa - HnsMI - : - Rush. Rnab. Wbeat .....,.23.14.00 BS.4l0.0ra) 10,(MW Corn . ......... 4.432.000 4.180,000 XI3.0OO Oate .........22,414,000 23.T80.000 1,178,000 CKIOASO BBADf CAB tOTS. . ' Chicago, Oct. 17. Orata car lota: ' Car Or. (is Est- IBM Wheat ............... bo 15 0 bO Corn ...2H8 13 2M 1(1 Oats 407 Tt . 477 ' ''284 Wheat care today: Mlnnsepniia 424. Dnlutb 515.. , Xear age: Mlansapolla do. Dulutb BOO. . ' tlTIBBOOL SBAOf KABXXT. - ." ' Ltvsrpool, Oct. IT. Close: Wbsat, Bsc tm bar. Ss 10d, aacbanged; March, (a d. d blgber. Cora Decembsr, Bs 6. anchangsd; January, 4s 4d. d kigher; March, a So, ua cbanged. , .-?... t ., . COTTON STEADY TWO TO THREE POINTS OFF New Tork. Oct. 17. Cotton fatsres closed 3 te S points lower with the market ataady. Official aaotatssna br Over berk. Starr ixwae com assy: January ............ 8T9 , SRI 8084)70 S75et7T aeav 0WtlO .- BSwuiiM ptn tn 447 0UoO rsbraarr ........... phi wki 70 B78 March BSO and Anrtl t r.i BN8 sewt Msy an ions BPS Urtobsr 040 048 B2 i 80 863 Moresi her .......... 04 T P4T December BS3 PTO eOTnBxtXBT COTTOB? BKBOBT. . WaahuVton, Oct. It. ttorersmeut rattan ra port: Bxceptwnee bbsdered by rama ha the central portions of the belt. Msa pick tag maile geed progress. This work Is Bearing com pie t baa fca the Careiiaaa. tiaorgu sad rinrtda aad h the aosjtbera portlnne ef the centre I sad weetsre dlstrkta. The reperta hsdtcste that m tba aarthsra anrtksa ad the kast men t toned dis tricts, whare eottea xe opeelng rapidly, frsea sae third te sa half of tb crop has been gathered. Beery re la Vamassel'apesi cwt ton M MIsslsBlppI end partkeaa s Tan aad Ueoe- gla. aad hi asctlem contuwws deermrtlv. In MtestsslppL Lsuistaaa aad Tsxaa n top crops worthy of meathan are promlssd. CXICAOO LOCAX. ITOCKS. Ckk-sgn, Oct- IT Local stocks, rlss:' . - Bid. I , Bid. Biscuit 84 ICartwa at do preferred.. .118 1 de preferred. ...114 Bosbnard 1 IrHataead Mstrh .. I"1 do preferred.... 12 Swift Ce. . ...1'1T Tol 4 North Pldo Bv.Z.. -t Weet Side Br.... 2 1 South Sid B.w.. S ukway ,., ) , . -: . .1 1. ., -: ,'' '- 'P ; :., mu m me LOST LATER 8ubstahtiar Advanoea M ada at , Opening of etock Market In .- New York Today. - - ; coppers Higher and S'i'i:'- . . 8TEEL: ISSUES ' OFF At the Rise Many Shares Were Of fered for Bale and ; This Let the Prices Lower -Roading Common Is Very Active. :l H; ' :.':-"f': " 1 ..r- ' ADVANCES. Anaconda ........ a lAtdilsoa. afd ..... svmsigsmaisu s. HsMlter, bis ...... ysr m sveaary ... . Uroofcija ...... Colorado Soathsra urn. . Erie, 2d pfd Illinois CeuUsl.... 1 am nt pta .,... MetrspoUtsn '...... rresssd Steel Car.. de preferred..... MsubatUn ....... ,U Katy , ii do preferred.... 2 Peuple a Uas , Kork pfd .. needing .......... do 1st Pfd ..... 1 Southern fty., pfd. ssxas rseioc rrsuaau, piu LOSSES. Atchison ., Smsltsr ,., St. Paul .. Cbeeapeaka Kris I Sugar Os iCoiorsdo Fuel. ,W.,rO. s N. W...... ,.t .. i Oanadlsn . .Tr. 4k uaiisTiiia ......... Mexlcsa Central IenneylTanla S, I'sclOc Msll BepubU Steel ... I Rock Ulsnd ...... . Norfolk ....... Southern PaclSc?. I'nloa PaclSc. vi a. nieei ..... do pref erred.. Wlaoanala Central. Wkll Street, ' New Terk, Oct IT Stocks opened firm but closed weak with most of the list off. - The opening edvaacea were quite liberal, but at the rise there were plenty of sellers and this forced prices off. Uoppera wars strong and made substantial gains, while steel Issuee wer lower. Ofdrlal quotations by Ovsrbeck, Starr Cooks til IT n DBSCBIPTIOII. Anacouds U is lug Co.. AniL (lonn. t'r. i Atchison, com. ...LI! . de preferred.. ;..ll04 104UI104 American LooboUts....I pe 80(4 (0 Am. Car i rouBdrr,c! 'mVJ'm . uw pruisrseo. 1100 1100 Am. Sugar, com........ IU1114 1404 140 do preferred. 121W 121V, 121 Baltimore Ohio,- com. 112)4lll2s 112si Canadian fp.ICi tnu oT? ,ii fl. 7 , . ' I" 'Mia "V uo ureierrsa... C. A O. w.. 22 til 21 x mi., am. at nt. r nms V. A N. w., com. ...... 21T Chssapeek Oblo 67 CbL. MIL St. P lftOH'lTOat B7 toio. rusi A Iron. com. Colo. Southern, com do second preferred... An firm n r Delaware A Hodaon!" Ikel.. fh SV Wmm Erie, com.... do ereond preferred... do - first preferred. . Illinois Central Louisrllls Nash Tills. .. Met. Securities.,,...... Met. St. By.............. Manhattan By Mexican Ceatral Ry.... Ulnn St. P. A Sis. M. do preferred. ......... Missouri Pacific... M. kC A T.. com do preferred Nw York Central..'..-. Northern Pacific. Norfolk A Western, com. North Aawricaa N. X.. Oat. West.!.. Peansylvsnla Ry. ....... P. a . s. rt Vv. Pressed Steel Csr. eo'ni! ao prereiTM Paeidc Mall Steam. Co. Beading, com........... do 2d preferred....... do 1st preferred Bep. Iron A Steel, com. an nr,t,nMt Rock Island, con....... ds preferred.......... Southern By., com...... Southern Pacific... ....! KU U. B. F.. 3d pfd.. St. U A S. W., com.... aLh Iktafapaa il Texss A Pmcxic'.'.l'.'. Tff inn ssi e rtnel SV Im. J - BI. L. a a, w- Bfdl MU Iniou PaclOc, eem....,.l:2 07 Oiii I). B. Iestber, com i wt u. a. KuitDrr. com...., dn MiifwM si'Tii; 111 111 xx I ;nu. V. S. Steel Co., com... do preferred... IWIaconsIn Central, com do preferred Western I'nloa Tel,... Wabash, com.......... r4 km JBls SIS 4t4 till 8tk Bit 21 21 42 41 do preferred TOtal uU. 1nm Jkmm RAA " CsU moaer aloecd 4 per ceat. , - ; TOBOPAH stTBTBe tTOOZt. ' Sen Prsndsee, Oct. 17. Tooepek stocks, sf- MM. Bid. Montana ..'.....(2.48 Columbia Mt....( .ISA Jambo 78 Jumbo Ex .21 Black Butte ... .18 HIlTsr Pick or Midway 1.42 rniniri ..... .JO Belmont 1.40 North Star .... .40 Rescue . .07 Gold Montnala.. .10 Klolden Anchor... .84 Kay O'Brien.. .00 Ohio Tonopah.... .28 O. Bnll frog.... M Wa mood He id ... .28 Lone Star 07 House ......... .on Cash Boy -.10 "'"pes 41 National Bsnk.. .18 Itrnvsr ......... .83 - Atl-ate ,. .11 St. Ives ....... .13 Jim Butler .... , .82 Nevada (A) 13 Ton. Extension. B.PO Bed Top ...... .00 Ootdnsld ...... .88 Ssadstorm .... .43 Sandstorm EX.. .00 Adams , .04 Mobswk ....... .18 Wile ........... .10 Kendall .18 BOSTOB COPTZX ITOCKS. . Beatoa, Oct. IT. Offlctal does! Bid. Adrealare ...( 0.00 Atlantic ..... 27.00 Allooea ' 40.00 Blnghsm ....' Cat. A Aria... 112.0O Bid. ..1110.50 .. 28.00 ' .. 1.02 .. 10 HI .. 8.8JV, .. 128.00 Char enla . farret ., Pboeatx . Qnlacy .. pbsnnon . Elm (.80 Tamsrack Oraabr Oreene ' T.2S ' rr.87 2S.7S M.TB KAOO i 71 AO 20.78 14 28 14.20 Trinity 1 sited ...... 0.8O . 8.1. BO Old Victoria ...... TOO Winona ...... ' 10.80 Worrertae .... 120.00 I'Ub 45.2A lT. S. Mlslng.. (7 Boysl ,. 29.50 Mobswk Cslaaiet Copper Range. Centennial ... Daly Weet ... Michigan .... North Butte... 80.78 io2; AXXaUCAB STOCKS Of tOsTDOB. ' LoarVm, Oct. IT. S n. m. Aaaeimda advaaees I, Atcbsssa sdrauced H. Bsltlnsor advanced i. Alton sdVBBced . Chesapeake declined Vk. Erie advaaced .- firsts sil.aseed S. Illtsoi -Ceatral dectta sed . LeusTvtll advsarsd k. New Xork Cwatrsl edvaaced . Oataiie Weatsrn declined , North Amer icas deeimed . Pennsylvania declined . Beading advaaeasl , firsts adraaeed . Rack Isbvad dec 11 sed . Soathera Pacific declined U.. L'nloa Pscifhi decHned . t slted , Blares 8 reel declbsed , preferred declined tt. ms, keak advanced . , COMSTOCB BtnilBe (TOCXA. Ssa Francises, Oct. 17. OfSdsl cms, asora- mg seasfcMt: Bid. r rod. Bntltoa .......( .87 Savage .........9 .40 Belcher ....... .2 Potest 18 Con. Cal-Ta... 1 M ' I nlow rrm 4 Ophlr T.IWrw Jacket... .22 Csledanui ' .43 ExchMaer ..... .82 Mestrsn Ushs A NaT ires. 1.18 Can. Merenr ... .80 Aadae . ......... M kcorytea .18 ; . stkg::3 m:.i Advanoa of a Quartar Yaatardajf la Firmly Held Today Arrk ' vala Ara Vary Cmall. f .toeketlpSr Ost 17, Ut. Ottle. Bare p. AVUI xa Week ago ,,-rr JBO , 80 Prsvloss wssk ......... 11 81 Msath age.... lUUdsy. ;' ; ' ' - ' " Sheep de stand 1 vary strong at tka advenes ef S6s reported la The Journal yeaterdsy. tat tle are likewise arm at tb rlss. slugs sr dull Wblla vssl calves are sesros ana wsntsd. pfBcisl prices for Uvastorkl Hogs Best ssstsra Oregoa 8S.78O8.0Ol blsek srs sad Chlaa fata e.OU)aMi etueksrs aad tssders, (4.80. , Csttls Best ssstsra Oregon steers, M-.SBQ (.(0 light snd medium stars, (BuusjASBj llsht eowa, (2.2t2-Bl SWskers aad leedsra, (2.86 l (.801 balls, (1.(0. ... Sbsep Wethers, St)Sc; mixed sheep, (J (Hci straight awes, U(e eprUm lambs, 4tl4c, ' Calvea 0ed veal. 10 te 300 penned, tJBi rough heavy, Itt8c. -.-'- 1 1 ''..- , 'BASTEBsf HOPS lOfll Chicago, Oct. 17. UTsstock receipts i " . Miiss ottka Sbssv Chicago ..,...,.,.,......23.00 80.000 80,UU0 nsnsss city.. ia,ouu as.vuu a,uuu Omaha 0,000 8.000 8.800 lis apeaed 8s lows with 8,000 Isft evor. Receipt year ago. were 19.0O0, Prtcss: Mlxsd, 84.osci8.50i good, So.20tiB.bO: rengk sad hsavy, (i.KoyS.Oo; fight, (4. so tl 9.40. . fat He 10c krwer. i i. , , Sbsep Stsady. . -. I HOP BALES AT SAUM. ' (Special Pie patch te Tba Joarnsl.) Sslsu, Or., Oct. 17 Tb bop markat In Salem Is still low, but firmer. -A fesj sslss were made yaaterday. - - S. Harris, local agent et (warts a Co., pur chased the crop ef Steele Haaaou of Buena Vista at U. Tbsre were 813 bases In tbla lot. CatUa A Linn nurchassd a small quantity of choirs bops from Jake Smith of Polk counts at 12c. while the Pratum lot of 1004 hops, from Uorvellls, were oougnt oy ins utuis uwsih sompsny at 10a. . .. it was also reported that B. P. McCarthy had purchased 100 bale at Dallas at I2. If this Is true tt le the lowest prlca paid kcr tbla rear. . . HOLDS v TO HOP OOaTTBACT. ' (Special Dbipatch to The Journal.) Albany, Or., Oct. lTKol Nsls, the Vtcal Bopdasler. -yeaterday took In a lot ef boos from Brownsville. 138 balsa, for which he paid tan nound. These boos wer contracted tor some time ego at that price and. though the uiarkrt ta now much tower, ne rooa in aops without a murmur. Ha also bought tba surplus of tba two yards from which the contract hops rem. This surnlus amouated to 100 be lea a the nricet Bald wss considerably less tba a 18c. Tba bops csms irom tns nsusmsa swu w Hnnte yards near xtrowneviu. . ' JTSre TOBX OOJTZX MAJtXZT. w . v a IM IT Coffee fntnrae cloasd S to 10 points lower : . a . t Utbclal uuotatmoa: - Bid. Ask. January .. (O WS (rt.i Febmsrr- . 8.08 T OO March 4.0S T.10 April T.40 T.15 xi.. . t an in July .(7.88 87.40 AUgUST ..... T.SO , T OO 0-.n..MK . V AA - V fUl Novsmber .. S.6S S.70 December .. .1S a.v ".'.' rsrelga Coffee lUrksU. .' '-' - Havre,' Oct. 17 Coffee futures declined , t ll. Bb, MMiots. two dsrs. aa.tanj nags; market ouiet. prices unchanged. Ban toe, two days, 45,000 bags; msrxst suaoy, e ' Hew Terk Cash Osffse. f Kew Tork. Oct. lTJt-ssh coffees, Ne. T Rio, 8c; Ne. 4 Bantoa. Pc. :u New Tork. Oct. 17. Se fined aogara un- cnangsa; raws sissuy sow wwim. . wwm T M, - ... , . .. . W ... .MU.k. Oet ISh TlUt. SWWW,. wwvmm m-. Ss 6d. '-.'. ssaasXssassBssBusssassa SAB ntABCISCO LOCAL STOCXS. Saa Frss Cisco, Oct, IT. Official eloss, tog lo.: BM. Contra Costa ' Water 48 florins: Vsller Wstsr 40 Mutual metric 10 S. F. Oas A Electric...... 84 Olant Powder TT Hawaiian Commercial.............. 84 Honnke Sugar.........'.......... Hutchinson Sugsr. 15 . MskswsU Sugsr 85 Oaotnea Sugar. ...r..,., 84 Paaubaa Sugar 28 Alasks Packers'....... 81 1 an 7T SS 16 M M 33 S3 . 8 104 Ocsanle Steamship. ,7. ...... ......... 4 Pacific SUtee Telephone. . v ... . .1UBH CaDfornls Wins .....-. Pacific Coast Borax.. 183 California fruit Caanera OS POBTLAJTD BAVK STATXHKbTT. Clearlaga. .....(01, 88.088 AO Da la aces , - ' - ' kUy Absorb Lsklgk Taller. Kew Terk. Oct. 17. It m reported nere that the Jersey Central railway la about to purchase the Lehigh Valley road. ' Bplrltnallatlo CrntBerliiB;. - (Jourusl Spsdal Scrrlca.) Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. IT. The greatest gathering of Spiritualists ever bald In this country- began hero. this morning, when the National Spiritualis tic convention was called to order in the -UrHr1an church. Delegates from every state In tho anion snd from every province of Canada are ia Attendance and Among them ara many of tho moat noted Spiritualists of n country. owtnAT Wtnke Wbeat, (Special Dispatch te The Jourusl.) , Dixie, Wash.. Oct. 17. Recent rains hero have .wet tho around to a depth of more than two foot snd farmers are busy Plowing their fields and sowing winter wheat. Tho winter wbeat acreage will be welt above tho averaso this rear owing to tho fine weather prevailing for fall work, ,-- .... - - : , ;,. . ITeojrod tttoek Oaamed SoedA, Allen at Lewie- Beit Brand. . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY rCBBISBKD moma, slnsls ar a suits. (3 psr month aad ap. Hotel Fes-mount, xwsnty alxth and Cpsbur and Taagba sta. RESTAURANT furniture for ask. W. R. LaiTia. rioiva s s bwjmsi, iwnirwiu i m GEOM. STRONG. 163 West Park St. zxcLtrsnrx ooMaTuout. rxoToaBArxti UW.IIS1TS V PROTQ ,ccpto and enlaj:::::i A SPECXAL.TV Beeddeawe Tlewa, l'aae.l Work, rv lights, XedAli Seveloptaf, rranxis . rWERNONn is a A3UW (uqun "v la the greategt remedy for djripepala or -ipdigeation erf made. , , The problem ia to make yon know It. . - We know It will help you from the firat doae, and cure you if its uae ia peralated in for a short time. . ' . The problem ia to make yon know it.' 'J . Therefore, in order to induce aufferert from dyspepsia to give Chase's Dyspepsia Curtrt fair trial we aak them to go to, any druggist and get a bottle. If after thro ' days' trial you are not satisfied that it ia what you want,' go ; to the druggist and jejjojirjTiojieJ without question or argument. , .4. ... , - . . v 30c. end $1.00 Par Bottb -y - x , - - THE CHASX MFC. CO., NXWDUILCH,r W. Y FOR SALE BY WOODARO, CLARKE & CO. IT DIDIN'T HURT ::A":.jBIT,-:- ;v,,V: Is what tber esy et' enr methods - at dotag dsstsl work. We d work far people from eat ef the eity ODlekly te evsid sny delay. Bverytblag a te data. Open evralaga aad Baadaya,. Mala atfeBV WISE BROS.. Dentists Tka raUlag, ear. Third aad Wsahiagtea. SB. T. t. WTSX. Trale. fh - too Rstakllsksd K7S. ounracua iQiADVoaits ' TkessMBd tn Port land aad all ever the aertk weet saa tsstlfy te en great and as GONORRHOEA star bs siteoded with Iks gravest sempnes tloaa if Bsglsstsd sr Imprapsrly trssted. Ws have a apscine treatment waiefc ear enickly. sstsly and pslslsssly. 1 . SYPHILIS I anotksr aeoulred dlseess, the ravages ef wblrb wfcee tally developed ne pea ass da scribe. Wkea It shows by ski a srupttuas or by eorse In mouth or throat Its horrors sre already begaa. Wa safely sed thv sagkly rare you aad ne mlaeral BsSsoas ers smpUrysd. , VsARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE We treat and curs, not bp the old surgical pressdnr. but by a estate method ssmly ar earn. We llsrwfas will cure yon and save you the suffering associated with B si. see Debility, Loot Btsahosd. ImseSeery, Bpwateibssai Bssturusl Xmisalesa, 1" manre Osallaa, Less ef kl emery. Keergy aad Amkltiou hi the briefest time It ess b don aad ws Invars yea a asfe asd positive euro. Cosenltatioa sad easmtastloa free. WrIU tor symptom bleak aad book tt yes (asset all. Oface Roars t . B a. av as 8 p. m.f ganv asys. 10 te 13. . ; ST. Louis Mdlcal and Surgical DISPENSARY , Osr. Sd aal Tamatn ami. fsrtlsel. Or, Hustling young men who want to rise rapidly, should study at the college noted for being wide awake and up-to-the-instant. ..Writ direct to Dept. 17 for ICatalOf . - PORTLAND, ORF300N. Bowtraro), lomvt n oo, tCstabllahoa lift.) wmma Am toqbi Momi. ' ' sVoesa 4, re and noer, tmAnTBam OS OOanaSmtTal. CSJi VS r Lg?J OVERBECIC, OTARR Cj CCr Memhero Chlosao Board of T.sio.. CsVart, lOTlSlOaTm, CTT? f " " " 181 Third fltrvet, Mri:8 I .i H tra t rrsarrt-r C ii"" I-syto hy rrlvato T" ' ' . : , I r.r.i.ra, ar, 1 1-". . J BR. W. A. WISt. XSTJOATXOaTAZa. Trpewtitef operators who can turn out rapid, correct, neat ap pearing typewriting are hard to set. The risible writing: ma- i-chine is helping to solve this ' 10 new risible writers (Under woods) bare recently been in stalled in the , ITU CUSINESS CCLLECE 87 A4 T. 3L O. A. Bldg Bast land, Soma" people think that there) le no place for their daughters rn tho busineas world. But there Is plentr of room . for well-onallfledl ethnog raphers, and "oar girls" are saeured a pleasant and permanent position upon completion ef eur Shorthand course. Our system Is the most sim ple, the most readable and the heist. All male teachers. ,:t The Multnomah Business fustllrtr rhoM BssAm Hill Military Academy? av BfJUTARV I l A rrtvete aad) 'r ... I y Bowdtsg Seheat 8s Tv fmye, Msaaol Teste- Btls. CeilesT rrssv srstkes, rfsu esw mftleet ambltteas e yuwt s euursgsd eed dsvs biped. Boya s aay age admitted st ear ttssa. flu TIBlt sffOW OTBsT. Send for Urastrated vatoxegua, srrstalstng full mtaraMlssa, I, aa Hill Military Acadmrnj BOBTLABD. OB BOOB. ' . si- Oregon - Portland H St Helens IW. A Girls' School of the high est class. Corps of teachers, location, building, equipment the best, . ; h Send for catalogue. ' Fc3 Tern Vzn C;-- i '-'