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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1905)
GOOD EVE HIIIG " ; ; . ths weatiiex. , . v;. ' Occasional ' rain tonight; ' cooler; ..Wednesday clearing; northerly wtoi. Journal Circuliiian VOL. IV. NO. 193. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1 1905 FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS.. 2TAmc YOUNG FALLS i ' rrn ' , i HO HOPE SAVE WE " Man Convicted of Shooting Kat- . par Van bran Last May ' Prostrated Sentence u 'of Six', Years.'-','-'.'',' WH.L APPEAL" CASE i TO SUPREME COURT ICra. Young Bean Newt of Hua- band'a Sentence Bravely Court 1 room -Scent Adda Chapter to Re markable Hiatory, In Which Shoot ing and Poiaoning Figure. r - 'Hearing from the' llpa of Juda ClelandMhat he must aerva alx years in '. tb penltantiarr fot havine shot 4 rival Mloon-keeper, : Joaeph Youna dropped hla baad and reeled backward and fell In Judge Cleland'a court tbla morning. ' ypung had been found guilty of com mitting an aaaault with a dangeroua weapon,' having ahot Kaapar Van Dran 'during the early morning of Mar 1 last For days Van Dran hovered betweeen life and death. Both Young and Van Dran arrived at . the courtroom early this morning and took aeata la the rear of the room. 1 W. B MoOerry. '. Young'a : attorney, was present.'" Whan Judge Cleland announced ' that this was the time set for the court r"" to Impoae aentence upon ' Young, the : convicted own atepped up - before the benoh. He waa neatly attired and held hla hat In hla h(it'..'. V- ; . "Have you anything to aay why sen tence should not- be pronounced upon your aaked Judge Cleland. The court room waa at lent. . ; Young'a Worda raw.' "Nothing, your honor." came the re ' ply. "only that I have lived In thla town for tO.'yeara and have conducted myself tna-proper manner until thla trouble. I am eoxry that it happened, ao sorry it happened." ... - "la that allr" aaked .the Judge. r Young shook hla head and . replied, - "nothing more." . ' "This la a, very serious crime of which you have been faiutd guilty," came the i words from the bench, "and the. aentence ' of thla court la that you bo Imprisoned . in the penitentiary for a term of six . yeara." Young reeled backward and complete ... ly collapaed. He waa aaved from fall ing by a newapaper reporter. Sheriff Word, who waa in the courtroom, and . newspaper men carried the prostrated " man from the room. . Young waa laid down in an anteroom, where ha soon revived enough to walk down 'to the county jail, although he naa to oe assisted by Sheriff Word and Deputlea Kelly and Orussl. As soon as the convicted man reached the Jail he waa put In Jailer Harry Orafton'a pri vate apartmenta and Deputy Sheriff Orussl waa detailed to watch him. airs. Yoaag Much Affected. Attorney McOarry Informed Mrs. Young, who resides at 4SV Burnslde ' atreet, of the aentence.' Mrs. Young waa visibly affected, but. had . remarkable aelf-oontroL ' There are five children In the -family, the eldest lVi yeara and the youngeat 1H years old. Judge Cleland haa granted a' stay of execution for 30 daya and an appeal will be mada to the supreme court. Judge Cleland Will fix the amount of bonda thla afternoon or . tomorrow. Heretofore Young baa been out on 14.000 bonda. ' Joe Young ahot Kaspar Van Dran sev eral times about 1 o'clock onthe morn ing of May S. Young owns a saloon at - 4I Washington atreet, while Van Dran conduct a like buslnesa two doora east . of the former's cafe. Young alleged that Van Dran had attempted to win the af- fectlona of Mrs. Young, .telling her that . her huaband kept .company with many : other women, and that sh bad a right to do the aama thing with other men; ' it waa also alleged that Van Dran -had urged Mrs. Young to get a divorce, oven going ao far aa to take her to an at torney for that purpose. W. R. McOarry and C. M. Idleman, who war the con victed man'a attorneya, aver that Young ahot in the defense of hla home. Van Dran haa always denied that there waa anything improper in hla relatione with Mra. Young. ' Deputy District Attorney Moaer rep resented the state, and made a vigorous , : fight Although Young waa found ' guilty by the Jury- which heard the case Inst September In Judge Cleland'a court, a strong plea of recommendation for mercy wna made by the Jury. Young'a assault on Van Dran waa fol- lowed, little more than three montha (lates, by the mysterious death of Mrs. . Van Dran from poisoning. Although the circumstances seemed to . Indicate plainly that It was a case of murder, the police were unable to discover the au thor of th crime, and the mystery, one of the most extraordinary in the history . of the city, haa never-been solved. '- eXSBBBMBBSSBBBesBaBBBBSBBBtaBBBBBaSMBaSBaSsaBBBaBSSBSB "' " , VostOar abaerlpttoa to Jerome. ' (Joaraal prll service.) New York.. Oct.' 17. An appeal baa been issued for popular subscription for the campaign fund of District Attorney Jerome. The money la needed for ad- vertlstng. hiring halls, watching the polls, etc Carl ftchttra heads the list f cltlxene irnsr'-j campaign, - ' i x -v j-m by ii,,. - j x er ,r-"a si mi.x 1 ev ar v- -'jrv' ni tr , , , -m - n t ear r i EDWARDS HOLDS tm-ST: JOHNS Court Says He . Was a Freeholder When Elected and Council Had No Right to Accept His Resignation After He Had :"v ' . ; Requested Its Withdrawal. j' ' ;- Councilman C D. Edwards may re tain hla aeat In the St. Johna council until the and of hla term, ao far aa -hla numerous .resignations and ' the aal of hla property aa a" disqualification are concerned. . Judge Praser thla morning decided for the defense, and. in addition complimented Attorney, W. R. McOarry for hla brief, which the Judge pro nounced, Instructive, comprehensive and a model.1 . In hla resume the Judge stated that the records showed that Edwards had aold hla property after' having become a member of the St Johna council, the charter of the - town - specifying that oaly freeholders ahall be eligible for office: Later Edwarda resigned and the mayor declared Edwarda' office vacant. Then Edwards requested that his resiaj nation be withdrawn and atated hla In tention of remaining In office.' After thla statement the council, by a vote of t to . . endeavored , to decide the ques tion and the ' -mayor voted with those who declared Edwarda no longer a mem ber of the council. Edwards persisted In acting and suit waa brought to oust him. Attorneya Vaughn and Young rep resenting the prosecution. Judge Praser said that It was con ceded that the sale of his property did not constitute a - valid reason for de PICKPOCKETS ROB HOW BY OPEN BRAVE Has Purse Snatched at Funeral and Returns Home to Find . Bureaus Ransacked. . (Joaraal Special Sfrrlce.) Chicago. Oct. 17. Pickpocket robbed the widow of Patrick McOarry while aha stood by the open grave of her huaband. a rich boiler manufacturer,, whose mur der a few daya ago furnished tha pollc a mystery. While tha Interment was in progress at Calvary cepuetery, . where a large crowd was present .at the final eervtoea. Mra. McOarry lost her purse and another member of the family had his pocket picked. Shortly after, the members of tha family returned from the cemetery thev discovered that bureau drawera had been ransacked and two purses which contained money rifled In' the absence of the family. . One belonged to Mra. Patrick McOarry. widow of the mur dered man. and the other waa tha prop erty of Mrs.' Lewis McOarry, her daughter-in-law.. ,,. . . . . NEGRO MURDERER IS " W INDICTED SIX TIMES ' ' 'y . ' (Jnoraat ilperlal rrlrs. , ' Edna, Texas, Oct. 17. Five' Indict menta charging murder and one charging criminal- aasault- were 1 returned today against tha negro Monk Gibson, the al leged alayer of tha Condltt family, near thla place a short time ago.' , . -a. i aka .tm. s r i r js im . . m ... r -,...., --. r i The HIS SEAT DESPITE COUNCIL claring Edwards' place vacant; that the Issue depended on whether Edwarda had a right to withdraw hla resignation after tendering It to the council, and whether the council had a right to accept his resignation after ha had-withdrawn It. On these points authorities, differed, but, said Judge Fraxer, according to the best decisions, including the state and federal supreme courts, a . resignation did not take effect until accepted by the proper 'authority, and pending thla ac ceptance the one making the resignation had the right to withdraw It. Further, the Judge held that the mayor had no power to accept the resignation, and aa the 'council did-! not take action until Edwards had requested that his with drawal be not considered, its action was illegal. - , . Both partlea having agreed to abide by the decision .of the court, Edwards probably will continue in office while the present council remains In power, and the temperance question In St. Johns 1 aettled for thla period, Edwarda making a majority of one' In favor of prohibi tion. - , e . , There remain casea of criminal libel against those who made charges against Mayor King and Councilman Peterson, and after the decision ym rendered this morning Attorney Vaughn atated that these would soon be taken trp. CHARLES DANA GIBSON IS A STUDENT AGAIN . Creator of the Girl Quits Sixty r Thousand a .Year to Learn . , Color Work. (Joaraal Special Srrvtce.) New . York, , Oct. 17. Charles Dana Oibson la Boon to aay good-bye to America and to a large degree to his work in black and white. He la going-) to Europe to become a atudent again and work In colors. For 10 yeara hla desire haa been to be a portrait painter and now 'at last ha la in a position to gratify his ambition. ' r ' Oibson Intenda to remain away three years. ' In apeaklng today of his work In Life and Collier's, - which hss made him Independent financially and famous, Oibson denied that there w," ever an original "Oibson girl." although, every chorus girl aays she Is the original. To gratify hla artistic ambition will cost Oibson about $S,000 a yesr through loss of Income. It Is understood that he has been drawing t2S.aoo a year from Collier's, lro.000 from Life and that the royalties from' the books of sketches he published every year total at leaat 120.- ooflr - ' .-' Oermaa Ambassador Coming. ' " (Joaraal BpUI srvUe.) Berlin. Oct. 17. The Baron Speck Von Sternburg. Oerman ambassador to the United States, who has been home on a vacation, sailed from Bremen today for New York. Tha baroness, who recently underwent an operation, will follow the baron to Waahlngtou- next month. Whole McCurdy Family. JUDGE VJ1LL1AL1S IS v : QUITEl ILL Former Mayor Confined to His Bed by a Severe Cold Caught at Banquet. ' ' ' CONDITION RATHER ! IMPROVED TODAY Dr. A. S. Nichols, Who Is Attending Him, Says Danger Lies in Extreme Age of Patient Rather . Than in Nature of Attack., . . V. Judge George H. Wllllama,. ea-mayor of Portland and the only surviving member of President Orant'a cabinet,' in vhich he waa attorney-general, la aerl-' ously ill at, hla home .at 41 North Eighteenth atreet. Although his condi tion is not considered Immediately dan gerous, ha la confined to hla bed and la being given close attention by Dr. A. 8. Nichols, the family physician. Judge Williams baa been! Ill for sev eral days. He caught a severe cold at a recent banquet 1 at tha- Lewis and Clark exposition which resulted' In con gestion of . the lungs. Dr. Nichols said today that the cold had taken a severe hold on the patient, and although it would be an easy matter for a younger and more 'vigorous man to throw it off. It might ' result' seriously with - Judge Williams, who Is past 81 ' yeara old. , The. doctor Waa hopeful thla morning and said that hla patient waa better. Tha congestion of his lungs was con siderably loosened although be atlll bad a fever. ".. . --' '-, CELESTIAL GETS FREE TRIPS BY A TRICK (Jonraal Special Swvlce.) ' Mexico City, Oct 17. Ha Waa, of the local Chinese colony, says that ha haa made five trlpa to China In tha last few years at tha expense of tha United States government. He brought over a large stock of Chinese candles, and when he had sold out at San Francisco he had some Chinese friend notify the United States authorltiea that he was Illegally In -the United States.- Then he would be deported and In a short time would be back In Son Francisco 'with another consignment. Ills papers, showing that he waa a merchant, readily sdmltted him. but he never falls to get a free trip home, whenever ha Is ready to go. Thla game la said to have been practiced by scores of Chinese, TRAIN R0J.LS DOWN BANK, TWENTY HURT 'Jovrsal Srct I SerHfe. ' e Cheyenne, Wye,, Oct. 17. e Twenty persons were Injured. three fatally, when a northbound Colorado Southern train waa id ditched it miles north of this ' city thla morning. Two coaches .filled with passengers rolled down an,embaikmenU . . 1 fA 'PIIDIW'O DfMOTnil PI AIMO OURI'lll II UUnUI 0 UUltOIIULUUlHIlO 0IIUHII TO BE FALSE Mutual's Assets Not Greater Thap Those of European Banks, But Two Billions Less Family Craft Causes Great -Shrinkage in Policy-Holders' Dividends. (Joaraal Spedaf SM-rice. committee investigating insurance re sumed Its session this morning after a week'a Intermission. James McKeen, associate counsel for tha commission, who Is assisting Attorney Hughes In tha inquisition, produced figures cabled from London, Berlin and Parts, showing how ridiculous are the' statements mada by Jamea M. Beck, counsel for the Mutual Life Insurance company and President Richard A. McCurdy, that the assets of the Mutual Life exceeded those of the Bankrof England, the Bank of Franca or the Imperial bank of Oerman y. The assets of the Mutual Lire, De cember SI, 1904, were less than $600, 000,000, while the assets of the Bank of England were 1700.000,000. and those of the Imperial bank of Germany $530,000. 000. while the Bank of Franca had nearly $1,260,000,000. In explaining hla assertion Attorney Beck said that the committed yrae laboring under a misap prehension. ' , -; SAYS SPIRITS URGE ; TO G0I.1L1IT MURDER Victim of Hypnotic Experiment ' Attempts to Kill Mother, . : 'Sister and Brother. (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 17. As the result of hypnotic suggestions made to him while acting as a subject for a Dana 01 Voodoo vaudeville artists In thla city a year ago, Jerome Cummins, a colored Isd, made a desperate attempt to mur der hla mother, brother and. younger alster last night and then fled. Twice since ha was first hypnotised . by tne band of strolling . players young Cummins haa been confined In an in sane asylum, but each time released aa cured When In his rational mind the lad la apparently bright and Intelligent, and the feeling to commit murder comes over him at a time when leaat expected. On one occasion - he voluntarily gave himself ud and. asked to be sent to the asylum, saying that he feared he would kill some one. He claims mat tne spirits are continually prompting him to murder somebody. Hla whereabouts haa not been discovered. NATIONS COULD BANISH i WAR, SAYS CARNEGIE '.''; I (Joaraal Bperlsl s-rvke, Olasgow, Oct. 17. Andrew Carnegie, In addressing the students of the Uni versity pf St. Andrews today, aald that five or even three nations banded to gether In k peace league and inviting all nations to Join, could banish all war In the future. , , , , Jerry Blmpsoa Sylag. ' (Joaraal. Rpveld S.pr1r ) Wichita. Kan.. Oct. 17. Jerry Simp son continues, to grow worse; Hie end le hourly expected. , STATEMENTS 'The 'combined assets of the., three banks ' exceed the Mutual'a by nearly $1,000,000,000. I The salary of tha chief governor of the Bank of England la $10, 000 a year. The chief official of the Bank, of Oermany recelvea $$0,000 a year. President McCurdy wsa called to tha atand. - Attorney Hughea produced a number of lettera from policy holdera refuting the clalma advertised by the Mutual Life. One letter showed the dividends on a policy paid up In l$7i had decreased from $50.60 to 13. Another letter stated that the dividends on one policy fell from $SX In 103 to $7 In 104. . ? "Probably these policies were near lng maturity," replied McCurdy. "What doea the maturity of a policy have to do with Its diminishing divi dends T" queried Chairman Armstrong, like a flash. McCurdy dodged the question, reply ing, "Call the actuary, he will explain." STORE IS DYNAMITED BY BLACK HAHD SOCIETY Letters Demanding Money Fol-- lowed by Explosion Which Wrecks Building. ' (Josrael Speeta! Herrtee.) New York. Oct 17. The recent eerlea of Black Hand outrages reached a climax today when a grocery atore of Olanbalde Brothers waa dynamited early this- morning. The explosion blew out the front of ., the atore and rocked the live-story tenement above, ahaklng the entire vicinity. The explosion followed the receipt of two Black Hand, letters threatening death to the Olanbalde Brothers unleaa money waa paid to the Black Hand ao clety. A 17-year-old boy la suspected of being the perpetrator of the outrage, although the police are Inclined to think that Italians are victims of an organ ized gang which la aeeklng to extort blackmail money by these methoda. The explosion shook buildings for blocks. In the tenement above the atore people were thrown from their bede and the walla and ceilings were cracked ao badly that It la probable that the build ing will be condemned. A panic ensued among' the tnhabltanta of the tenement, who rushed out Into the streets in their night clothes. . ' NEGRO IS LYNCHED BY . MASKED KENTUCKY U03 (Jwirail SpeM'l fcVrvW 1 ' London, Ky, Oct. 17. A mob of armed and .masked men rode into town late last night, forced the Jailer to give up a aegro sentenced to life for the' mur der In r"o ceunly of a lumber mer chant t J - - 1 him to an apple tree. The i 1 a i" on the iead ne gro's i 1 wS.y be wtt la Traffic' in White Women Un earthed by Immigration ln ; spectors Slave Dealers . , . ' 'V '. in Chicago. : GIRLS BRING AS HIGH AS THOUSAND DOLLARS Price Varies According to Beauty and Accomplishments of Victim Worn-' en Shipped' to Interior Towns, Where They Cannot Be" Traced . No Federal Laws to Stop Traffic ' (Joorsal Special StttIm. , ' Chicago, Oct. 17. The moat aenaa tlohal and astounding plot for theikld naplng of American girls 'into the slavery of Chlneae harems waa revealed today by the local immigration bureau which disclosed the fact that 4 young American, girla had be4o sold into bondage and moat of them loat to civil- tzatloa. ' ' : Moat of these victims of the orientals can 'hope for no release aave by aul elde. They are held helpleaa prisoners ; In Chines interior towne and are sub- ' Ject to the whims of mandarins wftb are , enabled to purchase them through the eon nJ ranee at . a whit woman- whoa Identity Is welt known to the govern ment officiate. The immigration officials state that the dealer In human flesh who delivered the girls into slavery resides In Chicago and haa a female confederate in Shang hai who la alao known to government secret service agents. - Working to ' gether these two have sent half a hun dred people Into a life worse than death. , The price of a human soul fluctuatea according to the victim's beauty and accompllahmenta. from $600 to $1,000. The American girls bring twice as muck money ss the Chinese slave girls, who can be purchased at from $260 to $400. The bureau unearthed the fact of the belnoua trafflo after receiving a com plaint of the aale of Loulae Miller of ' Montreal to an agent or a Chinese ot flclal In Shanghai. Other evidence Indi cates that Evs Campeau. Maggie Droula and Victoria Stamour, waitresses, who were Induced to come to Chicago four yeara ago from Montreal, all met the same horrible fate, . - ' The names of 10 more young womee In Chicago and other cltiea who have disappeared and been shipped to Shsng hal to become alaves are in the posses sion of Inspector J. W. Burst of the Chi cago immigration bureau. - The government offlclala aay that they must rely upon the police and atate au thorltles to punlah procuresses, because there la no federal law against export lng women for Immoral purposes. Ameri can Consul James E. Rogers at Shang hai haa enlisted the cooperation ef Eng lish and Chinese authorltiea In that cite and the working together of theee of flclala have secured evidence of the salea of many -American and Canadian gtrla procured under various pretenaea and -' sent to Chinese harema. Authorltiea have unquestionable proof of the In carceration of at least a dosen of the 49. Rather than lead the life of shame Hilda Anderson, aged $0. committed sui cide after teaming the purpose she waa being aent to Chins for. The trace haa been loat of many who were aold to one master after another until they were ao far In the interior that It la impoealble to locate them. - Two of the Intended victims eaeaned at Shanghai and sought refuge In the piace rrequentea ty American and Eng lish sailors. They told an officer ef the United Statae navy their experlenoe. II Informed th -American -vsonaul and th investigation which: haa resulted In starting disclosures followed. . WHISKERS ON TONGUE, ; KILLS SENSE OF TASTE (Jfloraal Special -rlc. " Blddeford, Me., Oct. 1 7. Because ef growth of hair on the end of hla tongue, W. E. Cleaves, a Jeweler. In tbte eltr, is losing his senae of taste and also hie power of speech. The caae haa baffled the physicians. Some time ago Cleaves discovered a few fin hairs on the end of hie tongue. They continued to grow and Increased la number. He soon found that hla sens ef . taste was becoming deficient and that all food tasted alike. He conanlted local physicians, who are now making every effort to kill the hair, which haa reached such length that Cleaves Is los ing the power of speech, not being able to articulate plainly. yellow feVer epic::.::c " HAS REACH EfrT.!1 "" (Jn-Ml Specif 1 tr New Orleans. t t. 17 cases ef yei.ow f -v- were report -1 have been I tlents to r f- "1 c l.... ' .',.' - ,