"DAY L x::V CCLE CZLLIITG .ACZZeTO, ni CnCCIl I C? THE WOULD FAMOUS . Wat ches G lea a o et 9' and vARRAirrED for ci3 y-t, -; FOR 75. CENTS . ' Y' -V;' NEW MAINSPRINGS, 75c ALL OTHER REPAIRING 03 JEWELRY AND CLOCKS AT PROPORTIONATELY UODrrT , PRICES.' FIRST FLOORNEAR LARGE ELEVATOR ' CZZZZ7 CZPTZZT :oaon ucot c? ochoaqo MONDAY. OCTOBER 16 - ; THE kiKd that grahDma " WORE- f; :-V. d 0 .tV A Harvest of Savings in the Mid-October SalesA Gala Week of Surpassing Values and , Grand Exposition of Advanced Styles for Season of '0 -4 I, cc:r daily tzztls.:: Bonnet Silks i Mens Bargai Suspender S ns-a The "Haberdasherie" Firat Floor Sixth y'-;.: Street V- '"Btrj tins" -aye that's the -word, for men likt bsrgains fully at well ai the wiser sex. And men get the bargain habit "allee , samjee wonfen. ' Where a man had but a string for a .suspender end 'a few years ago, now, he buys, two pairs of suspenders for the price of one, at a 'special sale in our Mans Shop one pair for the Sunday trousers and 'another for his week-day pant. . The man will nerer be satisfied with strings again, but , will keep two pairs of suspenders on hand. Two for one today. Read of the Underwear, Shirt and Hosiery sales, too all worth your while. Men's $1.00 Underwear 79c Men's Medium- r: Weight Natural Gray Merino Underwear, one of our most staple lines; regular value $1.00. Special, the garment.;.!,. ...,...T8e Men's $1.50 Shirts $1.11 A fine line of Men's New Fall Shirts; stiff bosoms; regu lar $1.50.' Special, each..,.,, .$1.15 Men's 50c Suspenders 25c Men's Lisle Web Suspenders , with , leather ends; regular value 50c Special, the pair ....... 25e Men's 20c Hose, 12c Men's Fall and Winter-Weight Merino Hose, in black, Oxford, gray and camelshair; regular value 20c. v Special, " the pair rSale aw - r si a i Superfine Glove Stocks ."The Glove Corner" First Floor. - It is indeed a superb collection, look at it as you will.- The Gloves right in every way quality, fit. finish, material and workmanship all are of the highest order. We guarantee a perfect fit And as to price,' they are, without the shadow of exaggeration, in every instance below actual value.: ; . - - - . v OUR KID GLOVES AT $1X0 , are absolutely unieq'ualed. They are on a par with most of the Gloves selling generally at $1.25. - - - We ve just received another lot of the famous "Monarch" and "Derby" Kid Gloves; also a new supply of well-known "Etkays." Buv Gloves here, have them properly fitted and we are sure youll be .more than pleased with there both in fit and .wear." t , The "Monarch" Price, the pair... .......v.....;....... ;i....;,.fa.OO The "Derby" Priced the '.pair ......... '. f 1.50 The "Eskay" Price, the pair.... .......... ................ ......fl.SO Tb "Magnet"-Price, the pairV. : i ;...". . . . ;'.V. .v. .T!. '. .'. . .'. . f LOO Swell Evening Clovea in 12 and 16-button lengths; in suede (undressed) or- glace (dressed) and in black, white and all wanted evening shades.' Priced at, the pair, np from............. .fS.50 and fS.OO Women's Hosiery, Knit Underwear :; ; .' First Floor. . :-''' "'. 'v WOMEN'S tiJO VESTS AND PANTS $US. Fine White Cashmere Ribbed Medium-Weight Vests and Pants; regu lar value $1.50. Special, each ....... .51.25 ; WOMEN'S $Z50 VESTS AND PANTS $1.71. "Deimel Linen Mesh Vests and Pants; long, sleeve vests, ankle length pants;. regular value $2.50. Special, each.................. f 1.T8 WOMEN'S $5 00 UNION . SUITS $3.56. ''Deimel" Linen Mesh Union 'Suits; regular value $5.00. Special.the suit .............................93.56 WOMEN'S $1 50 UNION SUITS $1.10. Pure White Fleece-Lined Union Suits, fine ribbed, good winter weight; regular value $1.50. Special, the suit ...... ....5 1.19 WOMEN'S $175 SILK , HOSE $1.28. Black Silk Hose, medium weight, double sole, spliced heel and toe; regu lar value $175. Special, pair .......I ,..,...1.85 v, - WOMEN'S 35c COTTON HOSE 25c. " 'S Black Cotton Fleece-Lined Hose, full shaped, double sole, heel and toe: regular value 35c , Special, the pair............. 25e : CHILDREN'S 35c HOSE 22c. ? Children's Black Cashmere Hose, fine. ribbed, good winter, weight; regu lar value 35c Special, the pair............. .. ,..... Bargains in Jewelry Novelties and Leather Goods . f Firat FloerSixth Street Annex. N ', The largest, finest collection we have ever displayed well worth see ing! Cases filled with the rich gleam of gold, the sheen of silver, the glowing color of gems, fsshioned by artist fingers into " lovely . neck laces, dainty brooches, jeweled combs the many beautiful trinkets that women love to wear. We arc ready to show you the new, lovely fashions in imported jewelry. Most of it comes from Paris the exquisite "Paris Jewelry" that has captured the world of fashion, and which women of wealth wear frankly now in place of the more precious gems.' It isn't often you can find so large and choice an assortment of cuff links, scarf Jiins and studs ss we carry, and the nice part of it is they are priced so ow thst you wonder how we can sell them at such figures and give you atrong and well made goods. Well, we do H, and sell quantities of these nice goods. . If you need a new pair of links it is no trouble, to show you the line, and we guarantee we'll have your money and youll have the goods before you leave the store. Quite confident in our reason ing, you see. Special today. ; , ' , V ' BEAUTY PINS FOR 10c. ' Another lot of pretty Beauty Pins, handy and serviceable for cuffs, collars, waists, etc Good rolled gold plate and pretty designs. Special sale price, the pair., ............10e ' ' . 35c BACK COMBS FOR" 19c r' U Jeweled and mounted Back Combs in attractive designs; good 35c value. Special sale price, each..................... .1 "CHILDREN'S RING MESH PURSES 49c Children's Ring Mesh Purses, with chain handles; avery popular and stylish purse; our 75c value. . Special sale price, each. 'P 49f 35c BROOCHES FOR 19c . An assortment of Ladies' Gold-Filled Brooches; many new styles in the rose gold, finish; our 35c Value. Special sale price, esch ..ltf COIN AND CARD CASES FOR 69c , . .'.'r To mske room for new goods which are arriving -daily, we place on sale a lot of Ladies' Combination Coin and Card Cases in different leathers and a good assortment of colors. Values up to $1.39 will be included in the lot and vc offer them all at the special sale price of, each. ... ' FINE LEATHER BELTS FOR 39c. ' Ladies': Fine Leather Belts in odd sizes; values up to $1.35. Special sale price, each r '. r. . 9et APART from the full season exhibit of authoritative fashion pieces and fabrics that are sure to , interest conservative shoppers, the many special sales arranged for this week af ford money-saving opportunities not to be overlooked. These remarkable sales illustrate the immense resources of Portland's greatest store. Wanted cow--things that, quality for quality, cannot be matched outside this house anywhere in town. Sales that involve everyday necessities as well as luxurieseverything from the trifles in the notion shop to highest class model gowns and wraps. And mind you! every article is worthy the Olds, Wortrnan & King stamp, synonymous with complete satisfaction. And these values to those -published in the full page of yesterday's store tale, bring along both announcements or clip those paragraphs which interest most compare the printed word with what our publicity man saw when ho made the notes and youll be impressed with the ring of truth that fills this narrative. Read come stroll thro' shop if you please, and you'll . be delighted with the moments spent in 'Portland's foremost store, Underwear with Character AT PRICES EASY TO PAY ' - : Knitwear Shops First Floor. r We have lifted ourselves out of the ordinary class as sellersoXl Women's and Children's Undergarments, Said a -lady patron the other "day : "When a woman wants the latest and best in the garment liiie, she thinks only of your store, She does not consider for a moment - the competitive howl of 'cheap-cheap,' ' because experience has taught her that on only the ordinary and often the undesirable goods, for which she has no use, do these prices exist." ..' WOMEN'S "MERODE- COTTON VESTS, PANTS AND TIGHTS. Medium light weight; vests long, short or sleeveless; pants ankle or ; knee length. Price, the garment 50 Same as above in medium or heavy weieht. Priced at. the car men t i ....... . 65 ' Same in Union Suits. Priced at, the suit ....-...............$1.25 WOMEN'S "MERODE" PART, WOOL VESTS AND TIGHTS. White or natural. Medium or heavy weight; vests with long sleeves it Eants ankle length. Price, the garment ................... .,81.00 fnion Suits of the same. Price, the suit ...$1.75 : WOMEN'S MERINO VESTS AND PANTS:, Fine ribbed, eood winter weight; soft and fine; either white or natural. Price the garment. ...............85s? ; WOMEN'S "MERODE" ALL-WOOL VESTS AND TIGHTS. ': Extra silk trimmed, , either white or. natural. . Splendid value at, the garment.,..., ' WOMEN'S "MERODE" SILK AND VOOL VESTS AND TIGHTS. 'Good winter weight; in white or natural. Special value at, the garment............. Union Suits Same as above, in white only, rnced at, the suit. ' WOMEN'S SILK AND WOOL VESTS AND TIGHTS. ' Swiss ribbed, very soft and fine. In white, blue or pink. Price, the garment........ Union Suits Same as above.' Priced at, the suit ... WOMEN'S HEAVY WEIGHT LISLE UNION SUITS. Mercerized, in white, flesh or blue. A great value at, the "suit ...................... WOMEN'S MERINO VESTS AND TIGHTS. White Swiss ribbed. Splendid value at, the garment . . . ft : J 3sl e)sjs)vsw9w .$1.50 ; .81.75 . .$3.00 ' .81.75 J .?3.50 .83.00V .91.00 Men's Stylish Footwear Reduced ' Ye "Boote Shopoe" on Ye . -"Fair-Way." Sixth Street Annex First Floor. .If -this store had ' become famous for no other reason, it would be notable, for hav ing squeezed the extortion out of the Shoe business in Portland. Well aell you bet ter Shoes for less money than you'd be asked to pay . by any other Shoe atore on the Coast and guarantee newer, more correct style. We've the best Shoe man in the West we don't know his equaL in America and you - get-the benefit -of -expert Shoe-ology when you come . here.' ''; . v , V 0 , We believe every man who takes , the time to compare ' our styles . and prices with those offered by others, will find his best interests served . here. The man who puts his feet into a pair of these Shoes will buy tnem on the spot, and thank us for the opportunity. Tomorrow's saving chances for men' who've Shoes to buy MEN'S $4.00 AND $5.00 SHOES FOR $3.40. No. 102-Men's. Choice, Plump-Weight Vicl Kid Lace Shoes, with straight lasts;, a regular $5.00 value. Special at, the pair .....S3.40 No. 705 Men's Vici Kid Shoes, English Bluchtr pattern, with double soles on swing lasts; our regular $4.00 value,.. Special at, thepair.. 340 No. 701 Men's very best Patent Colt Shoes; paneBlucher lace style; very lstest design; our $5.00 value. Special tor two days only at, the pair ..: ..f.40 No. 703 Men's Velour Calf Shoes: Blucher style, Goodyear sewed, stout soles: "Waukenphast" lasts; our $5.00 value. Special for two days only tt, the pair. ,. f3.40 No. 704 Men's Vici Kid Lace Shoes; dull box kid tops, oak tanned soles, Blucher cut; our $5.00 rslue. Special for twe- days only at, the air .... . ., ..4...3.40 V ' Hosiery Women's and GhttdreiVs Full of Wear and Beauty Firat Floor. t Season after season a large majority of Portland's discriminating women have de pended and wisely on this store for the . filling of their needs in Hosiery. Among the, points of vantage which have con- tributed so largely to the splendid success ' of the Hosiery Shops and never so strong ly emphasized as jn our new autumn lines are the excellent values continually of fered, and the immense assortments of care fully selected lines direct from the makers only who give the strictest attention to the details of shapeliness as well aa to, finish and quality. A little detail of fine lines se lected from the great stocks: , ' WOMEN'S WORSTED HOSE. Seamless, plain or ribbed, in black. Price, the pair ..............r...-4j.4..,.....2Se WOMEN'S' BLACK CASHMERE" HOSEr Fine, medium weight; finished foot,1 double-sole. Special value at, the pair..., ,,................... .......BOe) ;..- .; ". ;...': same hose ' ' As above in fine ribbed Price, the pair. ...... .......BOe WOMEN'S CASHMERE HOSE ' In black, extra fine, full finishedJ-Priced-at; the ' pair... .T5e and $1.00 ' CHILDREN'S BLACK CASHMERE HOSE. Seamlen. splendid values at, the pair.. ..,.26et and Stte CHILDREN'S BLACK CASHMERE HOSE With finished foot, double knee, heel and toe: great values at, the pair ....40e 50 to TSe Names of Leading Teh v " Contestants T F In the American Manual Training School Voting Contest With, Standing of Each at 10 a. m. Today. . ' JAMES WINSTON, Harrison. ............. ......104,15$ ROBERT HOLMES. Harrison 32.939 TRUMAN COOK, Failing...., 30.063 WRICHT BROWN, Clinton Kelly 2S.982 GEORGE SLATER, Ladd.... 23,544 ROLAND MALM. Sunnyaide 17.412 SIDNEY CRUMM. North Central......... 16440 MARION OGDEN, Ockley Green........; 15.744 JOHN WILHELM, Couch . 10.072 HENRY HAWKINS, Davie t.S;3 Scattering 34.4U V TOTAL .3233 Br-r-r! Blankets and Comforters FirstFloor The delightfully cool October nights have already reminded yon of the sea eonableneaa of the blanket proposi tion. No such Blankets in the world as Oregon makes they're world famous and this store gets the pick of the best made in the common wealth. With the upward flight of prices on wooL Blankets have, of course, advanced with all other stores except this. We-bought the Blanketa we offer von today nearly a ''year' ago.' Hindsight tells us that our foresight stood us well In hand, for our prices today are much under thoae of other stores oa equal, qualities. Make ns prove it by a look around do it today. While you're in, look af Portieres and Couch Covers. A hint of the price range, Y ' ' TAPESTRY PORTIERES. ' Heavy Tapestry Portieres in all-4he-new 1905 styles, plain colors, ringed or corded; values at, per pair $5.00, $5.50, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 to .............f 13.00 -v ' : REP PORTIERES. -: .'.. Plain Rep Portieres with Gobelin border; values at per pair $6.00, $7.00, $7.50 to 10.50 . .. , . VELOUR PORTIERES. Fine Double-Faced Velour Portieres, in Oriental, floral and plain effects; values at. per pair... $40.00, $42.50, $45.00 to... fSO.OO "' , COUCH COVERS. ' Conch Covers; values at. each $1.50, $275, $3.00, $4.00, $4.S $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 to ......fas.oo ', '.BLANKETS.'' j . White Blankets values at, per pair $5.00, $6.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.00, $9.00,' $10.00 to ...... 325.00 All-Wool Gray Blankets; valuea at, per pair $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $7 JO. $8.00, $8.50, $9.00. $10.00 and ...f ll.OO REAL DOWNALZNE COMFORTERS. Light, fluffy and warm; values at, each $2.50, $3.00. $3.25,-$3.50 to f 4.0O Cotton filled Comforters; values at, each $1.25, $1.50, $1.65, $175 to f 3.50 Umbrellas, 50 Cents or $5.00, Which? Lots of Between Prices if Yon Don't Like Extremes. ' Our Umbrella stock is very full and complete. Umbrellas of every kind and description are here displayed for your choosing. ' . Children's Cotton Serge Umbrellas Priced at, each.... :.50e Ladies' Black Cotton Serge Umbrellas Priced at, each fl.OO LadieaV Gloria Umbrellas Priced at, each ....fl.50 Ladies' Taffeta Umbrellas Priced at, each.... fl.50 and f 1.75 Ladies' Fine Silk Umbrellas Priced at, each fSKs Black Cotton Gloria Umbrellas for Men Priced 'at, ea.l.OO and $1.50 Black TaffeU Umbrellas for Men Priced at, each up from f 1.T5 Fine Silk Umbrellas for Ladies or Men Priced at, each, up from..f 5.0O Gas and Electric Lamps Choice linea Gaa and Electric Stand Lamps, new Stands, and Shadea fancy electric Stand with figures new Electric Lamps with fancy colored shades Electric Candlesticks and Candelabraa. Gas reading Lamps, complete, decorated shades, burners, mantcla and hose already to attach.- ' - ; . : ";;,-.: ' -. -.--7-;"- - - - Regular $3.50 value -Special, each. .......... 99. 3 Regular $4.00 value Special, each.................. , .....fS.15 Regular $4.50 value Special, each $3.60 Regular $5.00 value Special, each S5.85 All Gas and Electric Lamps and trimminga at special reduced prices this week. ' ' - , Gas MantleaJ5c and 20c each, ' ' Skirts and Shawls Three Special Sales la the Annex Second Floor. Whatever appears under our name mar be depended upon. We aim to give you values just a little better than you expect, and then the matter of holding your trade will be simple for us. - 73c FOR LADIES' KNIT 8KIRTS WORTH $1X0. Ladies' Knit Underskirts of good quality, in plain and fancy colors; made with draw string at waist; our $1.00 value. Special sale price, each..T5e 49c FOR LADIES' 75c OUTINO SKIRTS. Ladies' Outing Flannel Skirts of fine quality in plain colors of bine and pink; knee length; our 75c value. Special sale price, each $2J0 WOOL SHAWLS FOR $1.89. j . Fine Wool Circular Shawls, in plain white or white with pink .or bine borders; our regular $2.50 value. Special sale price, each VALUES TO INTEREST THRIFTY HOUSEKEEPERS THAT AWAIT YOUR COMING AT THE. . . . Linen Sho -Aisles psC&D First omestic Floor Go to the Linen Department of any store and yon can safety stop .there and form your opinion of the whole establishment. - We can safely permit yon to judge this store by its Linens. Since the oldest house keeper hereabouts can remember, this store hss been noted for its Linens. If ever you find a hint of cotton in Linen bought here, yon would make us firm friends of yours by reporting same and returning the goods. This has been the watchword of thia store as long ago aa this atore had its beginning, snd never has there been a time when Linen buying could be better done here than thia week. v ' ,. . 12S TABLE LINEN $1.00. Richardson's Fine Satin Damask Table Linen, choice patterns to select from; regular $1.25. Special, the yard.... fl.OO ' LINEN HUCK TOWEL8 10c . Good size Linen Huck Towels with fancy borders. Special at, each. .lOf BLEACHED TOWELINO 10c. All Linen Heavy Barnsby Bleached Toweling. Special at, the yard..lO ' ' RUSSIA-TOWELING. 12c. All Linen Extra Heavy Russia Toweling. Special at, the yard....l$i f FLANNELETTES 10c YARD. ' , , Fine designs In new Velour Flannelettes, light and dark colore. Special at, the yard........ ......lf FLANNELETTES 10c YARD. Thousands of yards new Flannelettes in floral, Persian and fancy str- i effects., Special at, the yard t richXrdson's LiNr::-. . . " Just arrived New Fall shipment of Richs!-1-- . . t l , new designs for square and round tables, w; , r ' - , Hand-Embroidered Doilies, Trsrcloths. i . . round-thread Alt Linens in all widths sni (. drawn work. v ' Hndkrrchief Linens in all i. 'ZZZ THEM. , .