t::z or.zcou daily jouhiial; portlaiid,1 ioiday iuvsmino. ticrozn is, iscj. vAv-rs' e PERSONAL. BR MPN . - r. P. (Tltal-Power) tablet will factor to '- yoa the nip, vim and rigor ef manhood; If yea are lacking 10 in power ok vitality, in lose resulting from ludlecrstloae and tmim. seed fur Tios of these tablet) and ba eoo vlaesd at their merit. Ur mall la plala pkf .. - ' 11. Th Armstroag TibW Cm, la., IM TaUBU DIB., Detroit, mica, - DIcTBOTITB saeneles Confldenttsl lavestlge. tloue; report made ea ear Individual- hualnea or property; boob xparta; oral city retee cbm! ehsraes rvesouae!? : eorresDondaBee so licited. Oregon Detective Service, of tleaa S14-81S Columbia bldg.. 383 Wusblngtoa at ' Portland. I'boae Main "MIS. EDIrlOB phonographs and record at factory price, delivered anywhere on receipt of foil amount of ratall price: largest stork of Edt- aofi records waat of tbe Rocklee: aaud for elr- eulsrs. Peter Baelgalupl, wholeeale and .ra tall. in Mission st.. Ban rraoeiaao. DISEASES ef women a apeciaity; maternity eaeee given epeclal attention, private hospital ' accommodation; profeeeloaal lad aaraaa la attendVince; consultation fraa. X-Radlua Institute and Sanitarium, Third and Aider, entrance zoa aioer at. REPINED wktnw wtabaa to or beclielor, 48 to ba, of ref Inemont and , en ana; an trenger in city, 'of good appear ance, ago 48. accustomed to tba good things ' of tbla world, fond of tltaatraa and good . lima a oe, ,uaraai. MME. ANNA LtTCKBY. prtacipal at tba Amort raa Beauty Parkira. la Bow lor a tod at 8.10 Taylor at.; euree all acelp dlaeaare and posi tively grow hair or uo ,-harge; tavuturailiig cam net oetns given nr i no euro ox returns. tlam or lumbago. -e IF seeking a eougeulal Ufa compoaloa. Join tba Inloratalo Introducing Society, and meet ur . correspond with reputable residents of tbla eecttim. many wealthy. Tba October Refleter, ..'' 10 cento. Suite 34, Ruasell bldg.. cor. Poarth and Morrison ata. i'boae racine axa. . WO -DRUGS, bo operation; Prof, Dana ah est sons tny aaa magnetic trea - poor flaah, rcllaroa aopprtaaad aad maanatla traatmaat, radoM onrniy irroa OfOea, tot . aiantioo. cooaoitatloB fraa. . Coodnoagk bldg. wam , utr t a i - . woman aad cfalldroa; any weight or autorlai . to order, til Commerrlal alb. Pboae Mala awts. Baa ear exhibit, Maoarastarea bUlg blk. SI. ; M ANLT rigor raatored by Or. Roberta' Nerve Globe lea. One moatb'a traatmaat, Ml aaoalba, Voj arot aecaraly aaaled by mal1. Agenta. waadard. Clarke Ca.. Portlaad, or. BOOK11 Rare they are! Deeameroa. "Haa. t,RMma" 'A lint Vaaiaki n HI1M Tweaty Teara a Faker." "Porbldd'a Prolt." (Oa each; Uata free. A, aVkmala, M Pirat ft. BADE Ttire la an end-to all thtnga.' I tlmee feel aa tboagb there Berer will be a termination of that affair, i rind eolaee la - you, aa do not foraake. . a. . CARRIE Do Bet know why yon're waited area I hie long. Aeenredly yoa moat know that It i agreeable, fto why not that Thnredayt await aoma wora. ai. . . WAHTtn T anmfae with til Me mhanhti Ing a boateeea oaraat to year loteanil aad fna ieial .lnlereet lareatlgata.. Adaraai 41. care JoaraaL ( - TAKK -WOTlCgJ If poor - edaprtnga - Beed tightening or fag In tba crater, don't throw inorn away i raa noaae tnrm aooa aa new, I'honf Mala tZUa. . . . . . LADIES Toe anoear to roe re mo near. more all wrinkle, hare akin Ilka eeleet by atlna Orrgoa Crape tkla read. Pboae - Eaat MoT. . t. ... DP.. ATWOOD. 1 Rnaael bldg., 1BH Poortb at. remale dlaeaaea and conllnemenia; open Wed. and Bat. erenbia.' Oooaaltatloa fraa. MEN! W0VEW1 Barmoad'f pllkt poaltlealf . care narrouaaeaa a ea aa an or Tiiaiirj; ai, a Ptammar Drag Cow 300 Third. boxea VS. MAT RICE Rare not forgotten. Reet eaay. There are tblnxa that cannot tie aald In print. ; When yoa aea me I will eiplala.- MARIE. VITfl preeecd while too wait. SOe. tadlea' . a trie preaaed BOc. Gilbert, 100H RlxU C. ' Bext to tbe Quelle. Pboae Clay too. GINRENO, It'a a money-maker Plant now; Erlcellat for aeed and planta oa appllcatloa. i. W. Klbler, Tacooia, Waeh. LILLIAN R. CRAM Chtropodlat. maBlcartaf aad ehampoolng. Parlor 424 Abtagtoa bto ' Portland, Ur. Black 3S8I. WANTED Td adopt Infant, 1 to 10 daya old; no quretlno aahed; CTorythlng prlrate. Ad dreee f, I. care JoaraaL . . n. . . . PET Waaa't there at all. AH Ilea. Ext. telling on that ataff for hat own pnrpoaaa. Only and ror ynnra. B. N. PRITATR borne for the mentally Infirm near the city. Addreaa P 48. ear of JnaraaL TVP.K!fm BATHfC Itno Oregonlaa bid.; teat , all eight, ladle all day. Mala 183. ' FREa mtte corn, bunion and wart rare, win L. Dean, dept. E. Tannten. Maaa. DR. FLETCHKR'8 chiropody narlnra, 1 AHaky - bldg., office practic. Red ItOd. BXPERIRNCED dreaamaker win make engage, mrnta la famllloa. IToton (44. ASSAYERS. . MONTANA Aaaay office and tottlof work. IN Morrleon at. ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art Olaaa Work a Plain and ana mfntal glaae. JSfiVi Taylor. Phone Red ). ATTORNEYS. ' OREGOON LAW CtMXBOTION CO.. 417 rn , ton bkx-k. Collertlona made thronghoat the . ITnrted Hlatee; hankraptcy mattera a apedaltri . had tcnanta ejected; rente collected aad gen eral law bnelneaa; notary pahllc. A. H. TANNER, attorney. rommerrlal blk., Hecnnd aad Waahlngton ala. Phone Mala M3. B. T. TAOfl ART. attorney and ooattaellar at la, did Chamber of Commerce bldg. - H. r. Pt'RI.BIOH. , lawyer. 122 Grand aT ART EMPORIUM. TR LATERT IAD" flO bny a pen aad Ink V aketch of yonraelf from photo or life, ray King. KM Raleigh at.. Boar tftth. M. far. BICYCLE DEALERS. fllv RAMBLER bicycle la flrat-claea condl- tlrai, with maater brake and eoahloa frame. . M Thirteenth et. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. . BIRKENWAI.D frt., S04-80d Ererett L lrreet hntchere' anpply hoaea on the enaet. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. V M0WE. DAVM A K 11,11AM. loa-lll flecoad at. fllaak book mannfacturerat egenta for aoaea mprneed Looee-Leef ledger; aee tba.aew Eureka leaf, the beat ea tbe market. ' ' COLLECTION AGENCY. DftF.H anybody ow yoa any atoaeyt Wa enl-hH-t bad debta of all kind from It ap. 121 Grand are., roam IX Cat tbla eat. . COLLECTION, ... . eoorlwlf jr. I - . ; bad bill oar 1 9 Tr- BATII3 TURKISH, rapor and pooga hatha 1 a ear car for raeumatlam, aorrooanoaa, lumoaoo, vw., by electricity,-a' robbing and ma-tlaJo roung Udy pporawr. KoV tort, U. uoara rrum jv a. w w Mist EN0U8H aire medicated bath; eloo cure rheumatlam by locUlclty. 15 1 Blxtli, Bear Aloor. noma 24, xo. - YOUNG tadlea aieaa maaeage, tab aad eapur hatha. 110H fourth, eor. Waahlagtoa 'at. CLEANING ANDDYEINO. ' UP-TO-NOW CLRANING ' PRE88INO COM. . panr gull araaaad. 0e; panto, 10a, Pboae recitae aee, oev eea e Portland Steam Cleaning Dyalac Work; prae - tleal batter la eoooectloo. 211 1th. CUy TO. CLOTHE! rmaned aad preaa'd II per month. Ualque Tailoring Co., 84T' waaningtoa at. B. W. TT'RNEB, profeaaMaal dyer aad eiaaaar. tot Jefferaoa ft. Phono Main goia. CAFES. THE orriCB ZMI Waahlagtoo at. Pbaae Mala TTl. aamael vigaeaax. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DATENPOBT BROS. General aommtoatoa air. chant; fralt and produce: aooalgaaieata lid mo; prompt retvna. . aov prow o. IP yoa wan to get good rotom for poat arodoee. ablp to ua; par hlgbeat prtc tot gg L a. b. P. Miller A Co. LENftCH BROS., commie km marchanta, v floor, feed, bay aad prod nee, 363 to 260 Front at. Phone Mala zow. ' VERDING PARR ILL. produce and aommb loa mereaut. law ro au, rtvu.au. ur. Phone Main 1T4. CHIROPRACTIC. POSITIVELY locating; and renaorlnf the caeae or dlaeae.' ' nr.. a.ra oogan, xoeraau an Phone Mala 04. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. htrgeet pUat , oa the eoaat, Lnrlng aad Harding it., tele phone Eact 380 Carpota eleanea, rentteo, aewed mnA laM; both ataam and la toot com. preaaed air procem; renoTatlag mttnaaf aad leetaera a apeciaity. SANITARY carnet clean Ina. anatloa aad earn' preeaed air combined: earpeta cleaned oa float wiuoax ramerat. r man fcoe. aaai sow. CARPETS cleaned oa tbe floor: we re tee i daat. Pboae CUy ML free deaaOBatratJoa. J. HUNTER Steam carpet aad amttree ' cleaner. MO Jeffenoa. PboM Mala 314. COAL AND WOOD. KING OOAL CO. 8ol agent for the famoua - Diamond coal; try It and yoa will anreye bny U. Wyoming aad Waahlnxton bona coal. Virginia and Waahlngtoai aniltutng coala: fait - weignt guarantee. Tat. main lazn, aw 1 SUphena, manager. . - CHURCH LEY BROS, bar remored from toot DarU at. to 43t Kearney at., near 11th; U aow tba largest woodyara la tba city, carry, lag aU kind of wood and coal Mala 631. GREGORY MORRIS, enccaeeor to Cain j McKaaa, dealer la wood and coal at low eat - prlcoat aatlafactloa guaranteed. Car.' TewU aad irrlng. Phone Mala 4STS. WESTERN Peed Foe Co., oa front, between Gllaaa and Hoyt. dealer la all klnfla of house coala aad blackamlta coala, I' boo Mala 1018. AtBINA rCKL CO Dlr la eordweod. eoal aad greea and dry alabwood. R. B. and AW blue are., blocka eaat af ferry. Kaat OT. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealer to eoal. curd wood aad dry alabwood. Phone Kaat 434. BOXWOOD and planer trimming. Standard wooa uo. rnona aael ssia. root aiaai rx OREGON FUEL CO. til klade et coal Phone Mala at. - tot Alder at. KIRK HOOVER. Ill Water, atv. wood aad ceeX piutaA liattt anaai i FOR RALa 1,000 eordf fir wood. Pboae, Eaat 20TB. CHIROPODISTS. IT poor fort are oat af order, g ta Dr. W or ley Benjamin. Sarenth and Stark, the foot ape ciallat. Phone Black BIX. I CIOARS AND TOBACCO: E8RKRO-OUNIT CO. DUtrlbatora of FINB CIGARS. Pertlaad. Oregoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST TTIB great Egyptian palmlat and reader can iu yoa the peat, preaent and rntnre with out aaklng quaatloa; oe money paid In ad vance; if yoa are not aliened" the. reeding will be free of charge. 3 North Third at. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmlat. card reader; I glee recta reliable ana impor tant an all affair of real life. Reading too. 8 8 Tenth at., near Oak. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery end glanware. PraeL aiexeie at Co.. too to ion rirtn. cor. atari at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, carpenter, botldera; re Kinna and Joooina-: ator ana ornce nxcaret nt. Shop tnt Colnmhl. Mala 8T. DANCING. WOOOWARD'S danrlng achoal of the Wee tern Academy or aiuaie, mnnoay ana .inoreoay. Mpectatora Incited. Leaeona 50c. Dancing t to 11. Cor. Second and Mocrlann. DETECTIVES. " DETECTIVB or aeeret aerrlce worki gtrlctly confidential; dlfrirnlt cat aMIeltod. Room 14. Waahlagtoa bldg. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR C.E.BROWN. D.T.S .D.C.M Dog. Hon bo. pltal. WT Bnrnald. moo! MineQBo:aetftao DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS.-wool or wish allk, mad for Il.BJ; ihlrtwalat aula, ea.ou. aaa aeun Mar. at. Pboae Eaat 8281. DRESSMAKER will make a tow more n- gafrmeBt la famine, rnoae inloa 4. DRESSMAKING Styfetly a to date) tateat do- eigne. wo cwy at. DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, oentlet, 834 Marqnam bklg., sixth and Morrleoa. Pbon Mam itoo. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, tot Stark aL. Pertlaad. U. K. for t' err Ulna la the electrical Ilea. PboM lala 18N8. PACtPIO. ELECTRIC CO. Enrlneera. eontrac tore, repairer, electric wiring, supplies, e First, eor. stark. Mala tea. R. H. Tata. Bagr. THE Electrical Appliance Cow, 400 Warttagtna at. raone Mm m. , l -n iw t aassaaea i n i i PI FRENCH BAKERIES. THE only place to Portland to get Preach bread. rierrera Mariie.,"i bixu as, amiiy oeiir ery. Pboae) Green 60S. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON rarnltare Maeefectartng Compaay laoaracrarera. or inrsiiur nor le traoa. Portland. Or. . . ITRN1TIIRR Baaanfsrtarlng and aneclal order. U Raeeaahy'a fern I tor factory. 870 Front at. GROCERS. WADRAMS CO.. wtrtlb4Ml ti-sra, .vrf d.A. a,. - i- eliaai rw gia, 1 .... i - H e1 'W 'leetna aad Jewdace 8eee4 . 1 i,aeat eta.. Partlaad. Or.) FURNACC3. s BOTNTON warm-ab? fnrnacaa aara f"oL J. C Bayer Pornace Co.. tod tecond. Mala eai HARDTAS3. Portland Hardware Co. ' eolielto eoaortnatty qoot price, lot lit at., eor. Alder, eaala 188. HOTELS. HOTEL Peadlatoa, Poodle too. W.A. Brewa. amgr. HOTEL Partlaad. Amecieaa plaa; 88, tt pa dap. HOTEL St. George.' Pood la too I Madias BELVEDERE; Earonen planth aad Alder INSURANCE. ISAAC Ik WHITE. Ore taaareac. SOS Dekaaj LAMBERT, WHITMEB CO. Fir toaaraaea and real atat offlcea 10T-10S Bbarlock bldg. Mala 1008; dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Eaat AWL IAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer1 liability aad In. oi nana l accident aarety eoaa au Pbon 4TJ tut McKay bldg. - H. P. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire Inaoraat 44! Sherlock bide. Oregon Pboae Clay t. JEWELRY. JEWELRY aad watch ea of all ktade fold oa eaay payment. L Gerurta Bona, the Homefnralaoer. i ' i 11 ' 1 ' 1 i i LOCKSMITH. I. H. RICHARDSON, expert lock and kermnlth; general repairing; eestlroa braxlng; aU work guaranteed, tod poarth at. Pboae Hood 1182. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lockiaUth and . bicycle repairing. , tan Stark, vay Clay 83tj night pBone. Main Saan. . LADDER LADDERS Painter xtenaloa-laddefa, paper. baagera treat loa; -Are and roof ladder; plaatorera' and farm ladder; aea catalogue. Phone Eaat TOO. - Port laud Ladder Co., 641 ' Rhine et., eaat aide. B. W. Hay ward, prop. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN -Oa Improved city property or tar baOdlng purpose. Any amount oa from S to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loaa after one year. Loan a ap- Kneed (ram plana and nooey advanced aa tiding progreeeee; axaTtgaga takes ap aad replaced. . FRED B. STRONG. Financial Agent, . 243 Stark 8 1 reet. THE STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employ, wage -earner, raa get ea hi aott, without mortgage Month. H Month. Week. 180.00 Repay to as tl8.BS or t0.d or 88.88 128 00 Repay to aa I ,S or 83. SS or tt.08 1 18.00 Repay to us i 4.00 or $3.00 a 1.00 210 McKay bldg. MONEY to loaa, ealarled people, toamatora, ate, without eecarlty; eaay payments: large ' bualneae In 4 principal cltle. Tolmaa, 22i Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala 6487. pel eecarlty; apodal (1101108 to chattel mart. fa gee; note bought. C. W. Pallet, 8044 enton bldg., 84 Sixth at. . . HIGHLY roe portable place where ladle aad ireata caa borrow money ea dlamonde and eweh-y. Collateral Loaa Baak, 28 Waah ngtoa at." Phone Black Tl. CHATTEL loana la s mounts ranging from SS to $5,000; roomlag-boaae a apeciaity. New Era Loaa A Treat Co., SOS Ablngtoa bldg. WB mk all bind af loans oa good aacarlty at loweat rata; pedal tteaOon glva to ' chattel aoana. Ut Morrison a. - - MONEY to man la enme of from $8,000 to go.ooo; ternm to rait u Dorr rr. 8O0-10. Commercial blk. MONEY to loan la Urge or email ammrata ea food eecarlty: loweat ratss. William . Beck, SOT railing bldg. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY telaey loan from three to six mootas; eonnaeotlsl. MONEY to loan en Clackamae county landa. B. F. aad F. B. Blley. tot Chamber ef Cons- LOWE8T rate oa furniture and piano, era Loaa Co., 440 Sherlock bldg. Clap TO LOA Hums to salt on chattel security. B. A. Frame, 614 The Marqnam. MONEY TO LOAN SOT Com: lal block. MUSICAL. VIOLIN, guitar and mandolin, oil and w'atct Montavllla. . Phone Union 36ST. . PIANO, violin, etrtng and wind Instruments. Prnfeeaor Edwin A. Smith, B64 Tweirta. Main 4708. . V LEHtiONS SOe; piano, guitar, bn)o, mandnltn. violin, airs, aiartra, in nrai, cor. aiaia. Z 1 af MUSIC STUDIO. 80S MORRISON STREET. PIANO tuning. 82; perfect work fuaraatoed. c w. Jocaaoa. pnone Maia ivii. MAGNETIC HEALING. " MRS. L H. HART treat all diseases, etomeck trouble, aervousars and functional weakaeae. Coneultatlon free. Z0t Park, cor. Jefferson. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX NORTHRUP. 418-lt-lT Dekam bldg.. Third and Waahlngton ata. . rboae Mala 840. Examinations free. DRS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, dot Macleay bldg. Cloy via, avea. at. xioi. vonsuusiiosi rree. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and me chanic clothing; anion made, neastadesr Br-os Dftanufarturere, Portland, Or. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS." P. E. BEACH A CO. Th Pioneer Paint Oa.; wlndow-glasa.' aad glaslng. MO rirat at. rboae 18H4, v . ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second tad Taylor Wall paper, paint, ell at market prices; iree delivery. BASMrRSEN CO Jobber, paint, ell, f la. nab and door. Second ana isrior. PLUMBERS. DONNBRBERO A BADEMACHER. eaattorf plumber. 84 Fourth at. Bota paoaee.- FOX CO., senltary plumber, 281 Second, bet. Mela and Salmon. Oregoa Pboae Mala ami. PRINTING. ANDPRSON DUN1WAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing, bis ok book. 1'nea ataia Ji. 1 Alder at. RUBBER STAMPS. r. S. STAMP WORKS, I4S Aider, phone Mala TIO; rabher aum, seals, stencil, baggsg. trad cherkst send for catalogue Ne. St. sssssaaaTassii m iirgnm ROOFING. TIN ROOrtNO, gntterlng. repairing and general jootiing. i. Lostn, gig ierrereoa n. SECOND-HAND . GOODS. I AM th man wb pJ tba klgbeat eaati arte rnr wcood-band furniture and noaeeaoio fnnda. 'Klein. Atoms P, O., Boa 413. Edward S, OOODB'S Purnltare Hnewe Rig ben price peld for semnd band Turaltar.- 218 Beooad at. Pboae Padte 483. O bur nsrd Cssh riirnllnre Store. VMv, Pirat at. STREET-PAVINO. rABREN Comtroctloa C.. street paving, Ida walk and erasBwalka. Tie Oregoalss bids. OUce SoS Worcestet hlav ROFZ. PORTLAND COlDaOl CO.. ad Moexkrap eat.. Portland. K. SHOWCASE3 AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES f vary deoerlptloa; baak, bar ad ator txturea made to order. Tbe Lata Maaofactnrlng Co.. Portland. SPIRITUALISTS. MIZPAH. gifted medium, four wsy ef telling year Ufa; develop la circle. S2m PtrM . room 18. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD 8I0NS, window lettarlng. clock baaners, canomlcnl eltctrle ' fans aad algaa ef all : kinds mad oulckly. Poster gt Klelaar, FUU aad Evarett. Phone Bxebaage 8A. ' SAFES. DIBBOLD Maaraabes safes! fir aad barglar. jut aaa pmma worai " epiaidi renalra. . . Mrs. aa lunra as. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN .TOWELS DAILY' -Comb, brush, soap, $1 pr month. Lawrenca Dm.' Towel Sepply Co., Fourth, and Conch. Pboae d3S. TALKINO MACHINES. GIBSON CO., MS Waablaftoa at. Complete stork of Columbia fraphophone and record. TRANSFER AND .HAULING. r SAFES, pianos and furniture move, packed ready for ehlpplug aad shipped; aU work guaranteed; large, t-atory, brick Are -proof warenenss tor atoraga. Oftoa 13S First L C M. Olsea. Phone Mala 64T. a 0. PICK. efBce SS First at., between Stark and Oak ata., phone 808; piano aad furaltnre moved aad packed for shipping; earn median brick warehouse. Front and Clay ata. - , STOSAGB. moving, parking and htpplag; . loweat rates guaranteed ; It will aave you money to cell ap Mala 604, Otoeee 161 . Flrt ft. -. , OREGON TRANSFER CO.. ltd North SUta. Pboae Mala OS. Heavy hsallng and atoraga. SEB Boa M. Plummer about storage; Ire proof I out rates. M3 Third t. Phona Mala 202. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY X. 300 H Wash Ington efc Phone Mala MX. VICLINS. J. A. WESCO. vtolla-makcr and renarrert work tret class. 35 Russel bldg., 4th and Morrleoa. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-18S et. bet, Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. y DOtTLABD TRtrBT COatPAJTY Of 0aM00 I . Tbe Oldest Treat Company la Orrgoa. ... RESOURCES OVER 81,260,000. General banking bnalneaa eondncted. Baring dpoalt received. Tim certiorate leaned, 8 to d par cent; special certlflcatea (not aadsr $800). ti4 to 4 per cent on snort calL Call for book ef "ILLUSTRATIONS." v Phone Mala 488. lot Third t BENT. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK .Vloe-Preoldeat B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. 0. GOLTKA...........Amltant Secretary u HTTTJ) STATIS NATIONAL BANK Of FOITUID. OREOOBT. MORTHWXIT COR. THIRD AND OAK BTB. , Trassaota a asnarai seaxing jrasmas. . DRAFTS IH8UKD Available In All Citlsa. of th United State aad Europe, Hongkong and Manila. OOLLICTIOBt BLADE OK FAVORABLE TEBKS Presides t. I. C A1NRW0RTH v. n W SI. iTtn Vlre-Presldant.......,......R. LEA BARNES Csshler B. W. BCHMKKnV Assistant Cashier.... A. M. WRIGHT Assistant CaaMer W. A. HOLT riRST VATI0VAI. BANst r OP POHTI.AN9. OREOOsT. '" Dealgnaiad Depositorp and Pinandal Agent ef the Ualted Bute. President .'. ...A. U MH.M Caahler ..J. W. ftEWKIRK Assatsnt Cashier W. C. AI.VORD Second Assistant Cashier B. P. STEVENS letter of Credit Iaaued Avsllshl la Europe ' and th Eastern States. Sight Bxcbsnge and Telegraphic Tranafera Md on ww i ore, nnstosi. nirarw, bi. axejis, St. Paul, Omaha. Baa Fram-leco and th nrlnrioal point In tbe Nortbweat. Slcht and time bill draws la enm ta milt on Loadon. Paris, Berlin, rrsnkfort-lo-the-Msln. Hongkonw. Toknbama. Copeahagea. Cbristlsnla.i Stockholm, St. . Ptrburf , hios cew, Enrich. Honolulu. collection atsa oa rvoroi larma. LASS TIL TON, BANKERS. . . . (Zatahllahed la 1I8S.) Traaaacta a Oaaaral Banking Butlnees. : Collections made at all point on favorable terms. Latter of credit issued Tillable la Enron and all points la tba United State. Slrht Exchange and Telemnblc Tranafer fold oa New York, Washington. Chicago, St mmiIs, Denver, tioiana, nan rr an Cisco and llontsna and British Columbia. Exrhaaoe sold aa uonooa. pans, Berlin. Prank fort, Hongkong, . Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. M' EKCKANTS NATIONAt BANK, POBTLABS. OBIOON. 3. FRANK WATSON.... President K. I DrRHAM.,..............TIc-preinent R. W. HOYT Csahler GEOROR W. HOTT Asslstsnt Csshler Transact a General Banking Bhumesa. Disfts and letters at Credit leaned Available to All Part ot th World. Collactioas a Bpeclaltr. SZCTTRITT SATTNOS TRUST OOatTANT. SM atorriaoa St., Pertlaad. Or. Transact a Oaaaral Banking Basiaeaa, SATIBOS DEPARTMENT. tafereat Allowed oa Time end Savlnga Deposits. Act aa Troote tor Estate. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available la All Parts af the World. C. T. ADAMS.. i.. Pveeldent L. A. LEWIS.... ..i..... . .First Tlra-Prealdent A. L. MILLS Second Tlco-Prealilent R. O. JUR1TZ ...Secret err OEa F. BlUS ELL AsslsUat BeercUrp M0BRIB BROS. Ut rirat tt.t Partlaad, Or. Offer Ollt-Edge Tnveatmenl la Municipal and Railroad Bnude. writs or tsii. HI CONTININTAL COMPART. .) Flnaaalal Agenta. ' " j 24S Blarh at. . Pbon Main 1STS. MORtQAQB LOANS 0a Pertlaad Baal Xstets at Lowest Rat. Titles In cured. A Ultra eta ruralshad. TITLE SUA RABTEE TRUST CO. Ste, Waahlagtoa t. Per, teoond. i $1.00 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish ' Bath the sight, eJl for L King's Baths 8 areata and Wi mate Its. rnnaa and lart-eat ealae at the etqr. ..e,eeCJj IFYCJ VIS:i TO A-V0.T1SE 1 IN NEW8PAPETIC AITTWIICstS AT ANYTUUI v Can ea ee Write . ' e.c cue's Dmim nxal t4 SsUwotTie) Street . i mA.PI nUNCISOO, CALIP. 4 ltwCtCvc:wd)ctctSwrwCi TEOXIILIHO FOR IIEl'I SCHOOL Andrew Carnegie Plans to Build ; World's Greatest Tech nical institution. SEVEN THOUSAND PUPILS ' APPLY FOR ADMISSION Only One of th Great. Group of ' Buildings Arranged for Now Com pleted Tuition Is Twenty Dollars, Books, Tools and Materials Free. " (Journal Special atovka.) Pltttburr, Oct. It. Andrew Car. ntfld's School of Thnolory opened for buatneaa today launched an axlucatlonal enterprise which th wraat ateel mag nate propoaea - shall bi ultimately the t-reateat of Ita kind In the world. Over 7.000 youns men and women from ovary part of th dvlllsad floba mad appll vatlon for admlttanoe aa atudanta. Only on of the great aroup of buUd, In fa . planned haa been, completed and ha total expenditures to- data assra sat 11.009,000. Carnegie haa agreed to five $10,000,000 for the buildings alone and as much more as may be needed. . After th alftlnc process, l.Tlt appli cants war eligible as atudanta, and b cauaa of tba. limited accommodations to Start with, only 110 wer aoceptad.- Tultlbn will be $20, Camesle Inalatina on this nominal sum because he did not wlah students to feel that thay war at tending a charity inatltutlon. .' AU books, tools and materials will bo furnished frea. - ' aVook Over Tow atoais, (Special Dlapatch t The Jooraar.) ' ' Forest Grove. Or., Oct. It. Andrew Qraydon, J. E. Gardner, chief enfineer; J. T. Gardiner - and others connected with , th - Or iron Traction company, were in the city Sunday,' bavins oom frora Portland over the route surveyed for the company's electrlo Una. Mr. Gardner holds a controlling Interest In the company and haa large interests In California. It appears that the road la definitely to be built, but probably not thia fall: Preferred. Stock Canned (roods. . Allen at Lewie' Best Brand. -, AT THE THEATRES. "The Tenderfoot" at the Marquam. Beginning tonight at tbe Marqnam Grand theatre, Oscar L. Figmaa and ' Buth White, to gs tiler with a company of 60 people, will play aa engagement of three nlghto with a (pedal plica matinee Wednesday, presenting the tune ful western mimical comedy success, "Th Tenderfoot" "The Tenderfoot" map be said to ba one ef tbe beat ef tho present crop ef BMaical eomedie. Oeear L. Flgmae baa made a great aueeeo of the rol ef Professor Psttlboos. Ruth Whit plan the part of Marioa, the' heiress to coewlderable property, and alnga aa delightfully as vr. - ; ' Seatt( SelUnf for "Ben Hur.- . 4 Seat are sow ealllng for tba Klaw A Kr langer roBpany (Inc.) atapaadoa product Ion of General Lear Wallaa e great drama, "Boa Hur,M which coma to th Marquam lraad the atre beginning next Thursday night, October IS, and continuing up te and including Wednes day night, October S3, with matinee Saturday and Wedneeday. . The magultade of "Ben Hut" la not realised bi once witnessing a performance. Ita Im mensity and grandeur Is appreciated after a second and third visit. - The memory of It ta those who have aeen- It must always b a eourr of mingled wonder and pleasure. "Sheridan" at the Belasco. The Belasco stork company will give Ita first prseeutatloe of Paul Potter' romantic drama, "Sheridan." thla evening, with White Whit tlesey la the title role. There raa be bo qne. tlaa that the production will be a sensation. The play glveo the member of tbe, erganhm tioa unnsosl opportunities and haa aiet with splendid sac esse wherever preeeated. VAUDEVILLE AlpD STOCK. : Santell at the Grand. The greet Ssntell, th tronget man la the world, la th feature tbe Grand offer this wees, Stirling wita soooy a matinee. xne w la Moats, the lamooa acroaatie auartot, are a the progrsm. Snabrattee who tng aad dance are the Allen alstera. . Beeale Tanner-1 hlU will b board la potwlar annga. Wlagate, i tba trick bone eololat, offers a decided novelty, snd Fred Purbitnn will render "Keep a Cosy Corner In Toot Heart for Me." Oa the orandl- scope the management will present "The Trol ley Hide." ' I m t The Star's BUL Coartrtaht and Lee, la a big eoeaedy sketch. provide the headline act at tba Star thai week, beginning with the msttnee thai afterooon. Ida Baaaell will be beard la (onga and l tor lee; aaa and Roger have a eomie operetta ; Powers and Freed have a comedy mualral act) Harry Clinton Sawyer baa returned with character Impersonations; Franklin Confer, sing ing "Weald TonP' tba latest Illustrated bal lad, and the Btaroeeope flashing l "Aranim Nlghtt," eomplet the big bill. ,7 "A Prisoner of War," Undoubtedly the coming .week at the Lyric wtll prove a proStable one, aa thai patrons of the f,vrle theerr are nartlel to war dramaa and tba attrarttoa m "A PrlMoer ef War.'' Th plsy will be well mounted. Dully ma tine at I M p. si. and per forma oree every evealug at T:tO aad S p. aa. A IN We treat eueoaaafully alt private Bar. roue end chronlo disease of meni ala blood, atoroach. heart, liver, kidney and , throat troublea. We cure BTPHIUIB i without mercury) to atay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pala, la It days. We stop drains, night loaaes and ' spermatorrhea by a . new method In a weak. We caa restore the aeiual vigor , of any man under IS by anoana of local treatment peculiar to eureelvea. W Cure Gonorrhoea ' A In a Week V The doctors' of thai tnatitnte era all regular aradoatasv ,have bed many ynf experlenco, have bean known in-' Portland for It yoara. have a reputatloaf to maintain, and will uadertak no no eaeel eted. t caae waT oneulta unleaa certalo euro aaa be effected. We gaarantue a cure la every a andertaka or charge no fee. Co , t ion frwe. Letter confidential I nt mo tive booh ron MAvN snaiied free it plain wrapper We sure the eroret eaaee af pQee t ' tlon. Cure guaranteed. If Fee eaaaot aall at efftoe, wr" eeeaftiL t ' Omoe hours. te I snd t te 8. DR. W. NO" 4 ' Otaeea la Tea Kb ttatOL t - -TRANSPORTATION. a I TNC COetPOStTABIX WAV- ' City TWket Oftoa, US Third St., Vaeaa ett, 2 0VEKUK3 tmATs'S DAILY 2 The Blpa aad tha raet BColL BVUaTSXD BXBTIOse VP-TO-DATB QTJWssataTT-- OOVBTSOVm -WXrOTataW- LEAVB :10 a.m. ll:4p.m. 1:11 p. mT Vroaa ' INwUaad TiaBeabtla ABRIVK 7:00 a. m. '. 4:60 p. m. Tla Bpokane (O. st. ft BT. oe.) t:0oa. m. OMAT tTOKTaCBaUg BTXAXBaTXr OO. , . . Sailing From Brattle -: .. laXBTaTslSOTA. WOT. . . V w.w wae.vcOf ma. ew for Japan .and China Porta and Manila. BfXPrOBT TT7BBBT aTtTBsTA, ' ' ' (Japan Mall Bteamahlp Company) ' 'aV B. KA1ADAWA IfAST "' '' Balls from Seattle for Japan, China end all Asiatic Ports About Oct. t. . For tickets, rates, berth reservations, etc., call on or address m. Dioxsoar, c p. a t. a. c. a EE WO The Great Chinese Doctor Formerly located t tBt Aide at., eeraag Third, Has ? Moved Te the terra bnildlna at S. B. et First and Morrleoa ta. ' EntrsBce rtrtt Street Sr. O. Oe We, the rsat Chhaass Beater, m well kaewa and fsmoa thronghoat th D. B. baeaass kla wonderfal and marvelooe cars have bee h. raided broadcast throughout tht ktagth aad breadth of thla eoaatry. He treett ay ssd all dlssaaea with power fnl Chinee roota, aerbs, buds, harks and vegetable thai are entirely unknown to medical eeteoea la this country, and through the aee ef these harmless remedies hs guarantee te cure catarrh, asthma, long trouble, rtanmatlam, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidney. feml trouble and all privet tlsr ise TTi la fa moos dorter curse without th aid ef the knife, without using ooisooa or drugs. Hundrsda of teetlmonlsls ea la r an auoss. Call aad a him. Charges medsrst. . . TOBoTTLTATIOB FRU. PaHenta aat ef the M writs for Man asm circular. iDceeav w eteauv, uurw mm a Bee We Chiasee ttadieiae Os ltln 1st St, ear. M arris on. Pertlaad, Or. ratase msanoa an immui; a TAN C0HTLAND. The aatnolahlng mystic ilia occult wander et two contincnta. . Seven year of continuous rk fa Portland and a eltealagB of thousands place a man la a position that so just criticism can disturb. Reading reduced this week. Call today bring thla ait. . tt.oe lite rxaszsto ii.ee. Are yoa bi. doubt shoot en Investment4 R sj domestic trouble? Are yoa about ta take a Journey? Hare you enemies yoa do not know aad friend whom yoa doubt I Don't mlstak nam and number Vaa Cortland. SU8)i Wash ington etreet. . O SPICES o yC0FFEE aTEv DAinr.opovDin, ClrCETCeDawVin ' ' ltTriiIO, OtTZQON. y WEEK pry I ) er f i ' 3 Trains to (he Est Dsily "Throagh Pnlhaaa ataodard aad taarlat ataam mg-care dally U Oaaahs. C hies re, 8peh t tourist aleeplagara dally to Kassss C'l sbraagh Pailmaa tee rial sleenlsg-eaea (parsi a llr oadactsd weekly te Chicago, SerusuaS oairear (seem tree) te Oae Best eiaup. DBIOW DBPOT. . Lsavaa. Ami yes. CH1CA GO-FO RTLABU spbciau . 8-rta.aa. 1 43 p. ah. ear the East tla Moat- Dally. . Dally. lagtoa. ! ' ' SPOKAIfB Pi tta. . '- . -. i For BssterB Waablag fen. Walla WaUa. Law 8:18 S, BL SM a, SV mton, Coeu d'Alea Dally. , laUy. ... aad Oreat Martbara . . point. . ATLANTIC BXPBBSS. 8 18 a. a. t:18 a. a. Far the Bast via Bant. Dally. Dally. ,. . Ingtoa. Columbia Rfrar Divhnoa. rOR ASTORIA ssd way awruBiA aad way I, connecting with for (J was ad i Beaeajstmr. Bse-Ash-st dock. 8:00 a. B. Dally. r-' , Stlwp About trfal a. i Mortk nl? ax. Soaday. Sa tarda. leem, Aset. MM a. at TamktU Breer Reats. fOB DATTON. Oragoal vi,r aaa xamaill river TrfsJa. BA. Dailv. ea. tuoday T:naav Eiata, etmre. Rath sod doe. Ash-et. dock. 4 water pecmlttiag.) saamaaay. nake River Beat. FOB LBWISTOlt, Ida., and way-nolnt from Blparla, Waah.. tsars, pokaa aad LawUtoa. 3:40 a. m.. 4 :00 p. ss. Moadsy Wedneeday , Saturday . or anon ar rival Trala No, 4. Sun Tnea. Thnr. TtCKBT OFFICE. Third aad Wsahlaghas, team la CRAIO, Oeaeral Pease agar Ageat, EAST SOUTH CRIOR OTBBLAItD RXPRBSa. T raise, for Salem. Rose- bora, BMat, Ashland. Sacra S:4ra.m. Oedea. Baa Pram '. SB, eleee Storktoa, Loa Aa gales, BI Paso, New Or-1 era us saw iae t Moralag trata aeH sects at Woodbwra dally eiceat Soaday S:tOa.a. with trala for Mt-tn AageL S 1 1 v s r t e e.1 BrowBSVUIe. Iltllp field, WeadllaB and Matron. -I Eugene passenger na- neete at Weodoara oritaj t.'OO a. m. trSSa. aa. 4:Ma. a. Mt. Aagsl aad sin toa local CorvalU pai SrSeavBa, t:Saa, 111 .80 p. Ba. ananasa v For eat Orov Hiu aa p. erisllv. IIDsilv mmmmmt B4.e. - Fertlssj 0eas Suherhaa Barvlec aad invauosk ' Beoot foot ef Jeffersea street. ' Lear Portia a dally for Oasrage f :S a. f .e.u, .ik a - en a-aa- vaa. lo-HI; llr.lt m. Dsliy (eicept Suuilay). S:S0, 8 JO, t:Sa. 0:8 a. m. Sunday only, B 00 s. m. . Keturaing rrom uewego, "rriT. S"-- ; .aa . . i.aa a ot A tut a sa e-aa. t-al 11:10 p. m., lI Rfl'a. m. Dally (eaeead Samday). OS. T:JS. 80, 11:48 a. Sa. Bnaday only. iavea rrom asm depot for PaDa aad fete. mediate polnte dally 8:0 p. ah, Arase Pes-. Tl.,0:SUJ-WM--t f Urn eperstea dally to Moamouth and Atrtto, eeu- nectlng WllB oouToem reow iiaiiii at DaTlaa and Iadepoadeoea. m . Im. Portland tsj . - v . SOO K-,ae BR; f lOloet . aml" I le'V-i,'"" iJll PSPOT. : I Aerivsa, , I rare aio, nimiraie ill a. aasa V TtCBSC TO awe, FJ"- 7 Is pa a. China. Honolulu aad Aeetrslls. City Ticket Ordce corner Third aad Waasw tneron etreets. Pboae Mate Til c w. sTntorm, a. x cmaiaj. city xioaws suresii. TIME CARD OF TRAINS DAILY, tmiOB DBPOT. Tt Bo esteem ' Purh-st see Clty-St. Lauht 8 se rial ta CBeheU. Cen tral la, Olympaa. Orsya 8:88 a. a. JB,av rJaroor, acuta aeaa. coma. Beset le. apoase. Lewtetoa. Butte. Btll- tnr. Denver. Omasa, Kansas City. St- lamas sad aaatheaet. North Coast Limited, electric lighted, tor Ta coma. Seattle, Spokaae. Butta. Mlnneapolla, 8L Psal aad the Kaat. Paget Soaad Limited, tar Cbahalia. Cos trails. t:08 p. at JSB.I tesa b ss. 1 aroma I snip. Twin CM Taeoma. SratUs, swl aane, Helena. Butte. Xellowatooo Thrk. sMua. 11:43 a. a. JSB.Sh, aes polls, st. real aad tna a ST. A. D. CSA ALTOS Asaasrsnt, Oeaeral Paeaeager sua Morrleoa St.. one. 4 Partlaad. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca Leevse. TJBIOM DSPOT. Arrive. S4ma.a. For Maygara Rsmlev, 11 : a. ba. Dally. nstaksnl. WMtporl Dally, Cllftoa, Astoria, War reatoB, . Flaval, Flam Brand. Fort Stsvena, Cearhart Park, Seaside, Astoria aad Sssshara. " mMtm. ' tgpree dally. t- . . at, Daily. IIDeily. Aatoria aTiprasa. J. 0. MA TO. SL P. and P. A.. Aev-Tla. Oe. C A. STBWABT, Cammeretal Agent tot Street. Facae Ms, tut. ALfASrCA fast ad popi-t-AS erAr-:r I ea k'- t a. aa. ' f" IS, r , r , I , i .