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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1905)
THE OREGON CUIIDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. SUNDAY IJORNINO, CCTOSSH 13. l.:X fr ,'7 - l J Jf I . am r awtared at the paetofftea ef Portlaad. fe traaswortataaa through tM alia M taut tar dagte eeptee: Fee e S. at 1 MM Muse. 1 eeati 1 ta 10 him. S oean. aa a, iaeat s imi . TZIXFilUllaV ; rtaHal kenuaaM terlal Knn ...Mat 358 ::.iuia VUo.. ' rono ADnmrnnra represent atitx. .Vreehud-Beaiamla Special UialMM loO Naasae atreet. New York; TrlbuM Bull " aaa. Leucage. . tnacmmo xatxm. -' ' " Tbiws ky Oarrter. The Deny YoarnaL wltb Sunday, I jeer The DelfV Jonraal 1 Mar I in srs The Dally Journal, with Sunday. BaeutM. B 78 The Datly Journal mouthe..... f The Jally Joaraal wlta Sunday. I asoatbe. I The Dallr Joaraal S months ? Ths Dallr JoaraaL with Sundae. 1 mosta.. .a The Dally. Bar week. doUrered. Sunday In .eluded ................ .... ....... a Dally, par week, deUrered. Bandar eeptrd ....4.....,,.., 'V hna. W Matt. The Dafty Journal with Sunday, 1 ysar...T -J" Tha Dally Journal 1 rear Ths Dally Journal with Sunday. BeMusS." S.JS The Dally Journal montbe J- The Dally Joaraal. wltk Sunday. BaMths. ISO Tba Dally Joaraal. asoutM ...... ! urn ueuy Joaraal. with Sunday. 1 mamim.. . Tka Dalle lonenal. 1 anlk ... -60 Tba Sundae Joaraal, 1 yaar.. ....... 2? a 8uda JoaraaL 41 moatka MB ' - Tka Bemt-Weakly JaanaL Tka Saajl-Wacklr Joaraal, to II Mrea - nM. ,. nM aMea-at raw port 1 yeer..t m ? - Kaadttaaraa abmld ka K ar rara. poaoi Mtaa, axprm araVra jiad amatl aaxaata ara aeaptabl la 1 aa4 1 cant poataa-a atai t . TXXJ0VmAI P. O. Bos 11. FarMaad. Orttaoa. nvnxa mat Tomro. - Tka Joaraal cam ka foaad ea aala at tba followlBt plaeaat - BOtgR. IDAHO H. taDar Oa.1 W. K. Mo Intyra. CHICAGO Poatofffek Maws coapaayt IT! Daav DKNTFB. OOtOKADO-A Hack. Uztaaata aad CorHa atresia. KA N'SAS CITY Tib Hay Ifaira eompaar. J.INNSAPOU8 M. J. Karauoxh. M Soaik Tklnl atraot i JHtW TOB K nTT BraBtaao, Tnloa aqnaf. OMAHA Millard Rotrl aawa ataadh Mraaatk fltatioaary rnmTwny. 1MW Paraaai atraat. ALT LAKH CITT Konroa Rol aawa ataad: . Barrow Rroa.. 4S Wift atcantl atrart. aoata. T. LOUTS PhOlp Rardrr. t lAtcvit atraat; M. T. Jrtt. n Ollra atraat. BAN rBANCISCO W. K. Ardlna. -Pa1aa rTntri I aaara ataad and lona. klirkrt atmat: "ld : amltk Broa.. ZSO Bat tor atraat and Mint , fraarta hotel: foatar 4k Oraar. rarry build in a; N. WhaatloT. aiorabl artra ataad, aor '.i. narVarkat and Kraroay atrarta. KATTLB Katnlrr Oraad aawa ataad; W. I Shanka. Hotitl fttla nnra ataad. POKAKX. WA8HINQT0N Joba W. Orahaal TAOOMA. WAITHIMOTOW Crntnil Kawa 'aoav panr: ffotal Tiroma aawa ataad. TICTOBIA. BRITISH COUTMBIA Tletarla Book A Stationary WEATHER REPdRT. Tka biitk ariaauia yaatarday arar tha aorth Parlfte atataa BMTad rapidly Inhud aad araa rrplacad by a low pnawua araa that haa raaaad rata to fall hi waatara Oraaxpa. Waahlnftoa and tiartbara Id" bo. Tha tamparatara kaa rlaaa to aitraaM aortbara 'allfomla. nortbara Narada and aoutbaaatara Idaho and fallaa la Dortbeaatrrn Wahln(toa. Tba Indlraltooa ara for rata la thla dlatrlet Snaday. It will ba warmar la nortli Matara Waahwctoa aad aaalara Oragoo. , . OhaanUoH ap ta S p. ai Maxlmaai tampar atara. M datrraa: at In Imam . tanparatnra. 49 atraaa: rWor rradlac at II a. ai., 4.1 fort: rtiancv hi paat 24 boora, 0.1 foot; total pro. rtpltatloa, S p. m. ta p. a., 0.0T larta; total prarlplUtloa alnca Saptambar 1. 1U0S. 4.M Inrhaa: normal awarlnltatlon alnra aVntamk i 1800. I SO Incbaa: airaaa, tM tncbaa; total arnil poaolbla aaaablaa Oetabar U, 1S0O, 11 houra! d ailaotaa. . . ...... ..if"?! "m- W- 8- Smith A-fV. Wssb Inetoe bldg.. ear. Fourth aad Waehlagtoa ata. BIRTHS. S SMITH October . to Mr. aad Mrs. a r. Smith. 6X7 York atreet a em. r BAYLOR October 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles a Ksrlor, low MorrleM atreet, a dangbter. EMB BY October T. ta Mr. aad Mrs. CharlM r W. Miami. 44S Serenth street, a dengbter. uvxBTirw (maim, ' Single grerea lift. Fsailly lots 70 ta ll.OOO. The only aecseterr la Portlaad which per - Pctully maintains aad earea for Iota. For full InforaaatlM apply to W. R. Mackeatie. Wor eeatar bleak, elty.- W. M. tadd. rHdeat. "J. P. Flnbry Sob. funeral directors and embalBwra, corner Third sad Madlaoa streets. OfSee of county cucuaat. , TalephoM Mala S. DumlBg. MrKatee ' Gilbaogb. aadertakera aad emhe lasers: raonera la arary datalL Serenth aad Plan. Mala 430. Lady aaeletaat. The Edward Bolasaa Cadertaklaa; eoaapaay. fnasrel dlreetors aad stabalaMra. 220 Third s. PhoM SOT . " traaral wreaths and eat Sowers a apeelalty St Rose City Greenhouse. Ttrmty aacoud sad Kaat Morrlaaa. appoalte ceawtery. Set pear laauisuia sad abstracts o real m ,. aetata from the Title GaaraatM A Trust aaav f . ra7 aw nBHiujiaj arreav. -;J . NOTICE. Nonci or sau or bonsb. Kotles la haraby glrea that tba hoard at tractora ef the Hood Rlrsr Irrlgatloa DUtrlet ta Waaoe county. Oregoa. will aell tM bonds erf Mid district la the eaaa ef $40,000 ea Tsee d;y. the 34th day ef October, loos, et tM hoar e 10 e'eleck a. m.. at the office of eaM board, at the realdeaM at J. a Kb or maker la Mid dtatriet, aad that sealed proposals for aeld eoada win ha race I red by said hoard at eald plsoa for tba purehaae of eaid hoada Bnrll the ad aou, sbore aseutVaned. at which time the board -hall epeu tM propose la and award . the purehaM ef the baeda to tM highest bid- eponalble bidder, tM Merd referring tM right ; to reject aay and all bide, hide to ba aeeoot Mated by a eertlfled check for 10 per cent ef ''" na at the boada tor which tM hid Is wrvmsltwa. e-i!ll t?4 ,5?".b "FahW in money of the t nlted Ststea. la 10 aeries, aa followa, to-wlt: IPlr.,Uo alerea yeara, fire per aunt f tM whole Bumber ef said bonds; at the exptratloa of twelve yeara. etx per eent: at the exptrettaa of thlrteea years. aeTta par cent: be exptratloaaf foortee. years, slihtpi, eead; at tM eiph-attou of fifteen years, bIm war eeat; at tba axplrattoa of sltteea years, tea per eeat; at tM expiration of eereateea Feara. alerea per cent; at tba explraUoa a? elgfateta years, thlrteea per eeat; at tba eanlra ; tloa ef alaeteea yeara. fifteen per eeat; at the eiplratlos of twenty years, sixteen par cent; aad ahaB War latereet at tM rate of six per eeat per annum, payable eenrl-ennuallr, oa the first day ef Janaary aad Jnly .of each year. TM principal aad laterast ahall M payable at tha place designated la tM bonds and bidders are glrea tba optloa ef baring eald bonda tsers ble at Portland. In tM state of Oregoa. or In the dty of New York. Ib the state ef New York, and aeld boada will M leased la accord, aawa with the electloa of tM eueeeaofal bidders. Ssld boride shall be sack of the denomination ef aot leae thaa tloO and 'aot man thaa fnno, aad shall M aegntlsble la form and coo pons, for tM latereet shall ha attached to each Mad algned by tbe eeeretery. Dated at Hood Rlrer, Oregoa, this 19th day at September, 1B0S. J. B. SHOEMAKER. Secretary. ' IE1UD aeoooaals addraaaed ta tM Lrerla and Clark Centennial Expnaltloa Cnmmlaalon will M raceieed'At tbe office of the commission la tM Oresoa building until IS o'clock boob, .Moaday, October Id, 190S. for the parehaae of aay of tbe following Mlldlnge bow oa the Lewta aad Clark expos I tloa gronnds be Win sing to tM ateta of Oregoa! Administration group, lacludlaa fire etatloa. Police department. Ad. mlclatratloa building proper, eoloMde aad eatraace: foreign Exhlblta bonding. AgrW-nl-tarsi building. Oriental aad EdeeatloMl Mild Ina Maehlaerr. Electricity aad Tranapnrtatloa building, Audi tort nm. Mining Mil ding aad Oraeoa State Mlldlng. t rincatloM and Infnratatloa -for araa. pac.iea Mddera, also blank forma far hide, e-a M ebtalaed apoa appllealloa at tM sears -t'js efnee la tM uregoa Buuaing sa aaa a r satnrney. in sua inernnt. EDMOND C. GILTNBR. Secretary. DZATlt NOTICES." awtarday. October 14. at S p. at., a. 1 tnla Wetaeuaeo, died at the real, --a ef her daughter, Mrs. Ilsns Ladarlg. , , iaaiaalppl are., after a abort llli paeaKuia. ranerai notice, later. FUNERAL NOTICES. GUN-Tka fuaoral aarrleaa et Bolaad Oloa, lU-yaar-old aoa of Kaiau rleldnor and Hush , (ilan. will ba bald at realdaaoa. lUot ; Thlrtlath aad Buraalda au., at a p. at., Sua; MEETING NOTICES. CI'REKA Uoaacll Ka. S04. K. aad U of .. I for frca paaaafa to Ha mom bora chartarad -car to trara lac ana Aiaar t p. m. jnuraoay, wri. 19, to attaad Oragna City coaafUa taMtalla- tloa. Eorrka aonncll wlU puy wulat Maaoay, Ort. Id, aftar todt. LOST AND POUND. LOKT Oa Kaat Oak bat. Twalfth at. aad I ntoa ara.. at an tntpa ara. bat. Oak aad Irrlni iu. aarakipa onatalnlna aawlna ai rhbta paparaj flader return ta Jilncar nawtnf MacniDa ua., av wuiau ara.; rawara. . LOST Black. orly-katrad carkar apaaM pap. whlta atrrak oa braaat. aga 4 ami tba; laward, Ura. Bl K lmlA AAU tbMlk . T LOST Twa fanala balltarriara. ana brtadla. oaa whlta. Got raward at 411 Morrlaoa at. HELP WANTED MALE. HANSRX'S EMPLOYMENT OFTICB. Brad ehakmaa, MO and hoard, (array party. eau tnia morning early; rocc loraaua and powderuiaa, ao and board; hamnermaa. tt ti, fraa fara a tunnal haaimaraMB. rrra tara; an bibmb and rlgUI of way ck-arrra, fX 35. fraa farar 6a) laborara and rook man, aw railroad work, kaacera lregua. 92.26 up, fraa fara. 10 brtdra nrpantara, SS. fraa fara. Blparta, Waahanton. ta Lawhuaav Idaha. l.Oi W Mm Now railroad work. SO aillra. dry U-wtntor Job. fraa fara from Portlaad: aoa a boot tula. Woodsman. aawnlU banda, fanaara, ttaaiakara. wondi-boppera, , carpantar helpers; pkgr of work. , HANSEN'S KV1PL0TMENT OFFICE. , - M North Saeoad at. WANTED 4 am with kanwladga of mala to work country and amall towa trada In OragoB aad Waahlogtoa; want only awa who ara not afraid of 'work; racord-braakrra or "kaa-braM" maad aot apply; aalary and eommlaaloe; rafaraacaa aad hood raqalrad. Addraaa 50. cart JonraaW . SOS AND SERVICES Or TOUNO MAN takaa or nc poaltloa; oM-aatanuabaa Mainaaa; ln aaataMnt accnrd; will pay ITfi par month and roBimlaatnnaT axparKan anuaramarr IT ConuDarclal bldg. ' SALESMAN Good Biaa ta flU Oragoa neaacy; oon tract balanca thla yaar aad nact If aalaa Mtiafartory: coBiailMlona aad $M waakly.for aipaaan. W. 8. Fmlay Caw, 63-M Esc U1 ate.. CarTBlaad, ObJa. . ? THESE ta a Am Moraine for good ahoamakar and bararaa rapalrar la tha towa at White BalBMB, Waah.r mm Dot a reliable maa Bead apply. Addraaa J. C. Marlaaaa. Walt Mai moo. Waah. MEN and boya waated ta earn $5 day.-aftar twa Btonthe' Inatroctkm; poaltloa goaraBtred. Cora Broa. Co. PlomMng Schools, New York. Cincinnati, a, SI Loals. Mo. (Free eela logae.) WANTED Maa enm patent ta Manege naehlae. aaop; good Interior town; anraniTapropaauaai for right party; beat . rrferenoea regolred. Addraaa 48. care JooruL ENERGETIC workers erery where to dhrtrlbata clrmlars. Sam plea and aarerBSing Bauer; good pay; do caaraaalBf.' CooparatlTa Adrer tlalnc Co.. New York. -' I WANTED Twa yoang men , ta Vtara tha de tertlM basloaas; a goea appertauty; psia while learning. Addraaa P. 0. bog 1. PboM Mala MlS. SALERMElf to sail fsmons Trinidad ASPHALT HOOF AND IRON FAINT; geoa eommiaaioa. Pacific DlstrlMttBf Co., Sit Sacramento at., Saa Fraadeoa. ' MEN wanted everywhere, tack algM. dhrtrlbata rtrcalars. aamplea, etc.; - permanent ocei po tion; mod pay. . American L'aloa, Pontine "bldg. Chicago. t t WANTED Clerks aad wladow-dnaaars to study ebow-enrd writing at T. M. C. A, Bight achool; personal lmttroctloa. Apply for par- ticulara. WANTED Competent atlckanaea for aash aad door factory: gooa wagea. awany m. drees Tbe, Wore ler-Oegood Co, Tseoota, Waah Ingtoa. . ' STRONG boys to work lath mill: M others mm appiy; e'." onyj pay """'V'- JIlII Oregea-WaahlBctoa Lnmber Co.. Sooth I'ort- ' la iad. 88 PERMANENT Mlary aa reliable men in ontaloe tOWBe. ' amencaB ami jwbm aa Guaranty company. 127 tt Serenth. room a. WANTED Three or tout mea to enlder cum. Inqnlra at Karden-a rxninit, agricuiiurai oiug., Fair grounds. See Mr. Bennett. - . ED. EILKB WANTED. Be la a hlaclkmlth. Communicate with flaaeta. SS North Seeoad at. - WANTED Caaraaaera for tnatallraent bowse; . . . l . . . J . a a. i ii a. . B . 1 ears Journal. WANTED Solicitors. SS ta 16 per day; aalary or rommlMIOB. - uu at rooaa a, udm Biog., Portland. . -- WANTED General Sgeat; csnTsanera ta erery county; to fw per aay. avooei a, hhi First st- BOT esa eara part ef tulttpa la bnatneoa col lege, MaltMBtaa BuaiaeM jmuiuio, uo Sixth at. WANTED rVrat-clMa aalaamen la Portland and country; bio wagea. sua aicaay Biog. BELIARI-B Germaa maa- waste bouse cleaning or garaea wore 07 turn uay. rsoss asnui xuio. COYNE BROS. CO.. New Turk, Cincinnati. St. IjOUbS. WUI lUnillU pioawi, in. mmi wir, ED. EII.KE, blaekamith. wanted. Write Hen- sal Employment viikw. am noria Mcoaa ec BRIDGB carpenters. $216 per day. W. T. ... . . . . -I 1 ,i. qV M ' - - m WANTED Maa to reams garbage for .tha rains of ssme; no pay. via aaimoa at. THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO, BOSH Morrlaoa at. ram raeitie avsp. WANTED Slgnpalnter, at - ooce. . laqnlra Terminal Houaa, eu a. not I at. GOOD advertising mea waated. Apply Moaday S a. aa. zuzta rtecoaa ei. WANTED Honest, stesdy boy to drlrs grocsTT wegoa. . Call SM First at ' Bt'SHELMAN waated U prese and repair. ' 4M Washington et. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANHKN'S LADIES' AGENCY. .Main tmi Wanted, Monday, ebambermalda, waitresses. boose cooks, saeoad giria for many . new nlacea. Don't miss Monday, rain or shine. HANSEN'S LAD1E8' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. S4SV Washington St., cor. BermUi. npataira. WANTED Three bright lady eollritora wining to In rest f.1 for opportanlty to aatabllsh per manent, profitable bnalneaa. For particnlars pboM Monday Scott 0867. WANTED Girls tor hand and asarblne sew lag; experienced help preferred. PboM Pa cific 4fd, Ritchie UrwM, SS4 Washing. toa at. ...... WANTED Neat, respectable woman gadef SO aa housekeeper, wldower'a family. 230 V4 YsmhlU. PboM Mala S41S. . TBrSTWORTHY. energetic women to trarel and org anlas for Vlarl company. Call or addraaa room zs, Lswla bldg. . 7 HANSEN'S LA.1IES' AGENCY, S4SV4 Washing ton St., ear. Serenth. upstairs. Phoas Mala SuM. Female kelp wsnted. WANTF.A-'A healthy girl from S ta S years old; a Sood home; for adoption If satlafae- tory. B SI, JoutmL STENOGRAPHER. 417 Fen toa blk. small wages aad good opportunity lor eatalde work. SCHOOLGIRL to work for hoard; good borne. PboM Eeat Sodd. 17 East IMurteeaU at. PORTLAND Sewing School, gtrla do ears sewata wklle leeralng. 371 H Morrlaoa, room O. WANTED A willing girt to assist In general . bones work aad cooking. (21 sixth St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A goad walat hand at dSOH Morrlaua at. Apply at eca.-Alra. a. A. Kbarbaxdt. H MurriaoB at. : f MALE AND FEMALE HELP. tki for s patent bookkeepers aad c ...uanharo t oraator thaa tba aaonlv. aooi A n.ll.1 1. IWM. n HIBl . 10U. WO DLBGOa diT la (ood poaltlona; bad calls (or asora thaa S00; our greduatee ara ALL eutployed; we i will aeaiet you ta poaltloa, whaa eompetaati enroll afcw; day or night. Behnka-Walkar Boslaeaa CoUege,' sma aaa Morrlaaa ata. WANTED Lady or gen tlema a ta rraeel for fcoeoe of ea'Viaj cliil Mwry e lo lo aal a week end ell eapeneee, paid weekly. Ad- sfms. with SUB1D, O. W. KsUsgg, gaaersl dsUrary. Woman I" wwma -- naoafaeturlng company; salary SM ta U0 tw moatk. paid weekly; ePaeaa adeaaeed. AdOrroa Wlta aiamp, a. n. amoasw, a-orueae urcioa. nsnir.lfiaii7 a B aw- i aa II a - - A- .a. pnairion; aoiary w t.vv vja drsM with stamp, girlng bbbm. atrMt and humbetv O. W. Kellogg, geaeral dell eery. WANTED At sace, aj bright, eaergerta, pra seatabU aaa or woritaa, a sood talker, ta take ap aa attrsctlre prapoaKioa. laquira Tea UMBDar ai uomaaeroa. a a. an. BARN extra aalary without lose -of time or pa. -i.i at .U..l ailAaeea A 40, ears of JoaraaL ' ' WANTED A ladr with gray habrr good Doat tun. light work aad good salary. - Apply U42 East Mala St. . : SALESPEOPLE wasted ta Mil praStabla goods; large commission. , B. M. j-lemmar, aw Third. WANTED Immedlstrly. S maa or women ta da eaarasalng. Call ap Ease bsii goea propemuoa. HELP waated and enrplled, Bala or faaaala. B. . DHUg, WOVk WaaaiDgtoa aa. uulw om WA NTED Competent girl for geaeral boaaa- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED By elderly man. reliable aad re sponsible, a poaltloa IB some ngat Mpaciiy, day or sight; SO years' experience la genera 1 merchandise; At references ; wagea Mt M mark sa object as to hare employment. Ad draaa K. C 47T Beat Eleventh at., south, city. TOl'NO man, experienced la bookkeeping. aaleamanabtp aaa coiieettomi. wania a posi tion ef worth; well, acquainted with tM towa and tba people. N 47. eara JoarnaL SITUATIONS WANTED-jPEMALE Bit LIABLE untneumbared middle-aged woman I Amerk-an), retmeo.. capanie 01 saamau u hoaaawork aad Mwlng. deslree position' sa bouae keeper for widower or taraltd; rafer- Cell aaa vuponi at, mmn ai, a WANTED Poaltloa sa housekeeper by said- oieegea uay; coaniry pcricn. , . . . . I B.. fW..I.I roosa ax, lavors miw. saw v SITUATION WANTED Capable middle-aged woman aa nounrawper in wiwww. w 230 Vt Yamhill. Phone Mala MIS. SITUATION WANTED Capable, raapeetabla roung woman, boy s, nouMBeeper wiowwer. 130 4 TamhlU. PboM Mala 6413. EXPERIENCED draaamaker alree sewing, eitber at e PboM Eaet 4SS0. - ar by tM day. TOL'NO lady wishes chance to lean photography ar juat rstoncniog.' n. aa. euro aonruna. EXPERIENCED woman wanta work by tM day . u . l Ii l. B1.A 107IL c ' ua aour, dec par pan . mwww - WANTED Day work ef any kind by middle- m w a Miu egea rronian. rsnw wiwm awr. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB. FOB MEN. M N. Second at PboM Mala IBM. JAPANE8RH1NE8B EMPLOYMENT OTPICH, Henry Tanara, SOT Brarett at. PboM Pa- elfle S40.I ' PACIFIC Coeat Bmp. Co. Reliable employment agenta. 12H N. id at. Phone Mala 670. PIONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contra e tore; MIp free to employers. SIS Morrlaoa. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. Ill Morrlaoa at.; anppllea mea for all kinds of work. WANTED AGENTS. ' f-- n in 1 "a. t Ii -ii li i a l - r -T l an. am WANTED AGENTS Ta aell ermoM by tha DerlL' tba faatcat-aelllng book on tbe market; 46 per cent commission; outfit tree. W. B. Taylor Co..1 Portland, Oregon. - AGENTS ran easily make 10 a day selling ear Wold Window Lettere. Novelty Signs and Changeable Signs: catalogue free. SoQIraa Co., 406 W. Vaa Burea at, Chicago, IU. AGENTS wanted to aell -nursery stock; aew and complete outfit furnished free; eaah weekly. Capital City Nonary company, . Salem, Oregoa. . AGENTS wanted for oar Mendartp"! It aewe. It rlrets; and ear 'Tanner'e Standby," B toola In me. Foots Co), 87 BaacMt St., Loa Aa gelea, CaL ' WANTED TO RENT. WB want desirable hoaeee and fists, all parts of tM city; hare high class clients waiting; rents collected, property eared for. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. IAS Stark St. . i" PttoM Mala ISiS. FURNISHED cottage la good aelghhorhood. pref erably ob weet aide; part leu permanent; want eouietbtng neat, clean and eomfortsble; rea sonable: refereacM till you tire. Address A 1, cere Journal. . WANTED To rent, tn fsrorsble locations, a fnrnlsbed brmse of 10 or 12 noma and ea unfurnished bouse of 7 or S rooms. Hartman, Thompson A Powers, room S Chamber of Commerce.' WANTED By married couple, modern cottage of 6 or 6 rooma. furnished or unfurnished; will rent for one year It anltable; must M reasonable. Addreea A SO, Joarnal. - WANTED A amall bouae of S or d rooma: prefer woodshed and amall ruble wltbla S Billea limit. Address A 64. Journal office. MAN and wife want S well-heated roetne, eloaa In, with or without Mard. Addreaa, with price and data lie. T 66, cars JoarnaL t . ' WANTED To rent farm, 18 or 90 acne, aear city; bouae and barn. M. Q, Morgan, K70 Mllwaukle at. TWO ar three fornlahed hooaekeeplng rooma, west aide preferred. A 6d, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To tneeet 110.000 In good Income . bearing weet elde property) only owners who . want ready casn ana muni sou ueea answer glra full partlrulare. Addreaa B 42, JoarnaL WILL pay eaah for a barge la la Improved H block or leas Mtweea Duraalde and Main, . Serenth and Fourteenth ata.; owners (Irs exact locaUoa. Addreaa A 60, JoarnaL WANTED House aad lot, either oa Mat at waat aide of rlrer; will per eaah If price la rlghtt agenta need aot aaewer. Addreaa O 64, care Journal. WANTKD Imrrrered dty property rained from , $6,0110 to $10,000; pay half cash, balance $300 to $400 monthly. J. J. Jeaolnga, SS2Vb WMblngtoa at. , . WANTED From I to S acres, with small bouae, ea carllne, outside the city limits; atata lore, tloa aad eaah price. Addreaa O. F, 103J Corbett at. . 1 I WANT S -or -10 seres suitable for truce gardenings awl M reasonable and aear Port land. Addreaa, with particulars, S 68, care JoaraaL WANTED Cottage of S or S moms, modern Itnproretneata, sot too far from city belli 'atata rent. Addraaa T 61, Joanial. , LIST year property with M. Our motto: Qnlrh aalea. abort pronta. Royal Real Batata ' company, 197 H First at, room TS-1 5 WANTED Te lease, on ahara, large hop raacb. avu arnatv, aaurranaa Ba, WANTED REAL ESTATE. TO hoy or lease tnr S yeara, 1 to 10 aerea with Muse, aear car Una; sir full paxUcalara. a ov, cure u iwrau. WANTED A d or a-room hoaaa flat. -! Johnaoa at., city. Bl'lLDINO lota for cask la say part of tha . ctty; state price aaa wcatwa. Aaareee ea. a our as L. IF you hare good lot ar amall honse for sals. aena run aeacriptioa to a. ox, . ouraal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEB tM Lewis sad Clark fair at home j aead sue in siaau sor aa auaocne poote BOOB, Marly S00 ehotoe af fair. 7l4x6M Inebaa, Waatara View Book Co., Portland. Boa SM. PAINTING, aprsylng aad whJtswsahlag treea. Maenaenia. osraa, oocua, ere, 7 largaat (uoum apraylag eutflt m tbe ooest. M. G. Morgai ve, rra auemia at. raoae hust SdlT. WB don't waat big hargalaa. bat willing to pay nianeex' n iibo iw oovei, reeiauraac aaa noaM hold furulturei It'e Bp t JM bow. Ring ap axaia ova. ntruriTii a plecee, waats earnings. Beads ys reasonaDle. 44 Lucre lis at. TaL Mala a&OS. HIGHEST cash price 11M for bottlee and tank or erery nescription. rnruaea uottie supply Co, swl North lghtewBth. Phone Mala Xttto. AN experienced teacMr of Germaa would Ilka uplle: maoua. BOri clsaa ef three luced rataa. . Addraaa B ea. JoaraaL WANTED To boy a bedroom set: Iron heat. iuii aiM, oureau ana eommooe, wltb eprtage; sw urn cneep. e,qarssa ai 00. Journal Office. axfnsra-OTi ula - a! 1. . mwm nmv ea 1 IU II I LUT BH OXBOC oi or amsu BOW. JMrop mw w . a. aaaumoo, siv OIXXB ax. WANTED Small child to board:' food home. iifi". oumarr .1.. aare. au aa. MCUeOb 1 blocks from Piedmont carbarn. , WANTED To exchange ales real dance mupeilj mi w iwi hivts star u gJrTS la rNv aano. a- 04, care Journal. BESP0N8IBLB pereoa will stnra pUao for ose same Toeal Dr set lea: cart sea. hairiiiM mu Addraaa B SS. care Joarnal. , , WANTED Piano for soaee good Dialog stock about to pay dlrldenda; tBTMtlgate thla. Ad draaa T 4d, eara JouraaL WANTED Second -haed 1 horse wagoa la good car. Journal " " HAVE TOU A SMALL BUSINESS you want ta meii vjuicar oea as; we mtb a payer. S17 Commercial bid;. . WANTED Ta hoy funltnra ef Bxedtnm-eterd nmaa. came IB, 9JU IO S90a Addraas T 47. Journal. WANTED Young sua Ma' party ef four to room, two ta room. rhoM Lntoa S80, room 16. . : , . WANTED By maa and wife, tickets to Baa Pranclaeai. - - a aa - i 1 wj VMV IWHIi j. W ANTE DSecond hand dellrery ar order wagoa. n. m. awaaos, BOX laUTSSaB SU - WANTED Small rail-top deek; glra pries aad WANTED A seeoad-haad range, fbaas PaeUe oao, ar aaareas aza corMtt St. . BOOKS bought, sold and eichaaged at tha WANTED A bone to work for keep; fh-at-elaas vmrm awurai aoa Bireraft ax. WANTBD-' Second-hand store ahalrlng aad fls- wm. rsws UUSOB OOao. S . F. J. BTDEB, printer. Second and WaahlagtM as s-noxas main aoau. i -1 WHO IB M. O. MORGAN CO.! FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. Corner of Alder aad Park. A few choice rooms la thla well-known house (an aew M secured st reasonable rates. Thla hotel la ateaaj heated and electric Ughted and It Is dowa towa It la centraL FrM porcelain baths, hot aad cold water. Only a few rooms left la this desirable houss. ; 8B0H -Alder st. THB KINO SOS Jeffersoa St., .aew- balldtug. wauu.if . iwawam, Wlia usury BBOOerB conrenlence: all outside rooma, with Mat. gas or electric llguta. porcelain bathe; rate 60c, 7Se and $1; epeclal ratea by tM week or moatk. THB HAMANN. 1SS N. ISth, ear. Hoyt Nearly iwueui. imww, fi.uw ni, oourenieas loeatlrus, 16 mlnutea walk to fair grounds: Morrlaoa ear at union depot direct to bouae. PboM S47a KING'S HEIGHTS Desirable Mlghborbaad. for om or two, wltb prlrate fsailly 1 Mrmav aeot preferred. 738 Mala at. . t TO S rooma fornlahed ar an furnished; sleep- I"a mn-r,rT-inl,W,w, 1 DIOCBS BOTth of Piedmont Junctlou, block waat Wllllama ara. S 66, eara JoutmL i 127 LOWNSDALB ST. TM Colombia, fnrnlehed oouaeaeupinB rooana iroaa flu per BMntb Op gsa rangM free: pbooe and porcelain Mth. MARQfTAM HODSE. 1V, sta Rooma ea salts or NURw, sma-BnpiD rooana; gee etoree. hath, electrte Ughta; trsnaleuta aollclted. GOOD board and rooma IV, blocks aorth ef riromonx juncrion, j niocK weet of Wll llama are. Addraaa B 6d. care JoarnaL . FURNISHED rooma, euttable for 9 or mora Kntiemen: also eingie rooms: I block from tel Portlasat, Inquire 1S2 Serenth at. FINELY furnished parlor, with piano, gsa, beat mtA Jim. B 1 1 m, awwtk ftn U 914 1 v. cor. Twenty-tbh-d. Take aay fair ear. FOR RENT Large front room, aleely furnished ; doom ana mio; rent aa per moatk. PMus Scott 62J6. 80 Mlaalaalppl are. , TWO eleea. well-lighted rooma, furnished or uaiuruiaswu, w suit Kennom, xor llgnt IHHIBB keeping. 181 Grand are. aorth; FURNISHED room by month; gaa, bath,- plana, parior, it llano xieignTB caruna, tOO-It. aaa ratloB. Pbooe Mala 4S83. B ALDER, 436 Alder, aleely furnlehed rooma, permanent ar trsnaleut; quiet, aaa r en lent, central location. FOR BENT Fornlahed room, all conrenleacea, goon tocaiion; nica aeaie lor young lady. ID quire 040. Williams are. . , NICELY fornlahed large front now), saltahle ror ooa or two; permanent, reasonable. 170 Vi Tenth, swar Menrlaon. B BOOMS, fnrntabed or anfnrnlahed; pleaaant ana nesirsniej ciosu IB; uaiB ana poOM. 410 Fourth. Weet S44. v ; LARGE Many rooma, reasonable; single or ea suite; aaoaern conrenleacea; basement cMep; close In. 241 -Sixth. , TO prlrate family, s furnlehed house ta Sne iocs i ion. inquire petWMa u aad 1 o'clock at 620 Krerott at. - CLEAN, airy front i Christian family. Eighth st. South. aulteble for a. PboM Eaet MOO. FOR BUNT 1 rooms furnished for fight bouae- aseping, piu par monia. aa nut Mrenlh st. North. - , , , , S LARGE airy fnrnlsMd rooms la prlrate bnoM. a to - I..L.H.. i. . . . . . a, uirmuius nui, yuwae miM WaiST. rhOM last S036. - . . .. FRONT parlor for gentleman of refinement wM wianes room aear im eaatar of dtr. sal Ererett St. THB GLADSTONE SU1. Sarler at., farahthed enema; aaoar aew mansgameni pncM ra aoaahle. ciri E A PEST and beat located rooms la Pnrflaad. $1 week aad ap. Oilman, First and Alder sta. The Hendereoa. WIH Alder Elegantly furnished rooms 'for permanent and transient roomera. FURNISHED room la BMdera .Soma, with breakfast; gentle maa only. Pbooe Kaat Sis. NICELY. fnrnlabed front mom, with Mth. aaar L Mr, $5 per aaonth. S47 Bortawlrh St. BOMB well fnrniabed rooma, steam beat, gaa, Mth aad phooe. S4 North Sixteenth st. rrRNISHED rooma. $1.2ft fo $2 per week; kalf black from ear. 4bS Irrlng at, , FURNISHE& ROOMSTpR RENT rUBNISlUD rooms for rent st ee M prloaa. laqulre 681 Vi Morrlaoa at. - BOOMS, wltk keeping prlrllstes. So taat ta ladlea. T S(, care Journal. . THB GRAND, 4614 N. Third atea, $1.T par week and ap. rrRNISHED room ta rent. -arelephoae, gaa, heat. Mth. MODERN cosy rooma, permaaent, walk lag dla- taaca. 4o9 Morrlaoa at. COST toaatlfal home: aa ether $10. PboM Mala aabs, . MODERN, rosy room, permanent, walk tag dh tance. 4oa Morrlaoa at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB RENT Furnished housekeeping rooma la oeei pries otoca m wmw mini . s'. Loaaa blk, 10SH Ualoa are, earner Baal auger, repass tswa aws. - -v FURNISHED : or onfarnlsked houaakeeplng rooma reasons dm. sua aaai biximbib, aeeoaa bouae north from corner take Warerl-Wood atock car. S UNFUBNISHED hBBsikMpmg rooms la era prlrate boms; yarn, ita bioob pa car. S FURNISHED honeskaeptag rooma, prlrate family; Mtb. gaa and poena, lai ubspb ara, coraer Fremont. FURNISHED kouaskseptng rooma. single aad en mite, first aad aeeooa . floors; ensep. 429 Sixth st. THB MITCHELL, Flandsre aad Mrentb Reoma, hooMkerplBg and tranaleal; eonranlsati pneas reaaonaDia. UNFURNISHED bouae keeping-rooms at T0 taat YamhlU at, aear Twaatleth. - Bbou East East 140S. QUIET location, bouae keeplag apartmeata. $8 to $12. Dlckaoa, Ualrereltr Park. PboM Scott 1206. TWO fornlahed housekeeping -rooms: prlrate! bo children: reasonable; earllae. PhoM aaar. j TWO enay rooma. Mat, light. MthJ appropriate S glrai or max) ana win; fie. ut mire ax. 484 BAST MORRISON - ST. Nicely fwalahed hoasekeeplng-rooma rar lamiiy ox twa. THREE raralabed hooaekeeplng rooms. M af phone, fp per aMBta. aaa mtooib ex. . FURNISHED light hoMekeeplng-reoea; Mth. pboM; m cbiiarea. use tjiay. TWO forntabed housekeeping . rooms, Mooat Tabor. cMap. aoott laaz. . NEATLY furnish sd boosekeeplaa; r our taenia at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LARGB airy un furnlehed roams ta prlrate boose, $12, tncludlng Mth. pbooe sad water. Phone Beat - ; ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS rooms aad board fur paraaaeat rpie, S22-M) aaa zo per Bontat table sward par week. As tor beaea, (u aad Madlaoa ata. TaL MalaS2U. . . WANTED Three mere board era; home eoektng. home-like place, prlrate family. - BS7 Sxtt Lincoln at, Mt. Oraad aad L'aloa area. BOOMS with board for permanent tensats. reaaouaoia; Drai-ciaas aoma t"","gi ssi Sixth Bt, - e $20 FOB room' and board, ana or - twa; refer ence. s sMxat ninta at, n. FOR RENT HOUSES. OWNERS AND AGENTS will fled It to tbetr adrantaga to list their recant eon see sm flats wltk dor Fraa Rental department. Oar raoant bona directory has become a recog nised Institution Ib Portlaad. haadreds st . tenanta Ming .weekly placed la eultable quarxera. we maaa ao enargv waaxersr sad ewners abonld take adrantaga af thla eerriee br canine- at our rental deDartment and fining la aa "Information Blank." If Sm bare a recant house, pboM tM par calara aad leers the met to na. We won't allow It to remain long Idle. - B. B. EDWARDS, HOUSIFURNISHBB, Tree BenUl Department. US to 11 First St. - RENT A . HOCSB FROM US. $30 Stylish, up-to-date B-room ' cottage, swnsr B. Eighth and- Couch. -1S Nice new 6-roora hoasa, 48B B. STth, Bear Cllntoa. $16 Nice T-rooxa cottage. 1S8 B. S7th. $12 50 Furnish ed B-room cottage, B. 4Stb, Bear Stark. $12 Nice 4-rooa cottage, furnlaned tor Ught aoaaexMping, tjenter anaitioa. S Neat little poultry raacb, 4 -room cottage. ea wonaaroca arer THB DLNN LAWRENCB COMPANY, . 14li First st. - IB room fnrniabed boardtsg-hoaM. rent $40, prtca B8O0; B-mo casn will handle this, balance per month. This ta a paying souse and win be Mtter after the fair la over thaa It Is aew. II. B. Edwards' ranUl dept.. 185 1st St. FOB BENT 100x100 nortbeaat coraer et Thh-d ana Madlaoa ate. for nrsasnt uccuoancr iitr- ery etehlel or otMrwlM. Apply ta Batata ef D. I". TbompaM, no. t nrat ex. . FOB BENT Houses and Bsts,. aU psrta pf IH city. - ni-nini oepsrinienx TUB CONTINENTAL. COMPANY, . 243 Stark, at. STUART station. Meant Scott car 4 large rooma. Mtbullilloga, aieaerai pertiee witMat children; rnrnitore roe mm. csu im ateue vaa, Fourth and Salmon. T-BOOM boom; electricity, Mth, basement. porches;- beautifully located sad rus Mlghbor hood; walking distance, between cor llnee; $28. 10 East 151b. NEW modern T-tbotb hnaee. all late Improve. menta. Bad Twenty-rtttn at, next to viuimny, en M car Una. Addreaa 634 Flanders St. PboM Mala &707. . S-ROOM house, 100x100: bath, basement, abed for horse; nesr coinmbia anirersity; rent Bis; St. JohM car. - Gut Newts ana, CBirsralty Park. . . - i LARGB Broom bouae, partly fnrniabed. eloaa In. eaat side; desirable location. IHO Eeat Sixteenth. . Only permanent tenants wsated. NEW T-mom bouse, with bathroom and full basement, near north Aimna car osrns; gig per month. Address n at, cars oi journal. NBW room house and quarter block, ijtxneock and Eaat Twenty-sixth ata, ao.ou. it, M. Lombard, 614 Cbember ef Commerce. FOB BENT S-room modern dwelling, $12 Oaa- t en beta are.; key next ooor; sis. . William Denbolm, 226 Falling bldg, city. BOOMS, woodshed, sera ef land for gardes and eblckena. Bon to nerenta ana Grant sta., $8 per month. 40S Pat ton mad. FOR RENT 'New B-room cottage; attic and basement, a SO But Sixteenth at. Phone But $7. FOB BENT S new hoaaes, eart aide, strictly . modern, SIS, $22.60, $26. . PhoM Dr. Darling. MODERN S-room bouae, excellent neighbor hood; $26.- Inqnlra Moaday, 63 East Serenth,, 6-ROOM modern cottage. Urge yard, good rr palr. IH block to car, $15. SO. T, 43. Joaraal. WE8T SIDE,- near. S good houses, $36 to $40. Apply 440 Third St., fomwona." T-BOOM booae, corner B. 18th aad Ankeny. Call Bp pboM Scott 6270. FOR R F S T New modern -eottsgs. Pmm Eeet 8S7S, ' FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Highly Imprnred . 2B-acre place, all fenced aad Ib cultlrstlpo, rick soil. Mat S-raonV honae, good barns and ,other build ' Inge, choice fruit, st railway station, 10 miles out; s rerr cnnrenlent suburhen home. '- .. TUB DUNN-LA WRRNC'B COMPANY, . jshi rirsx ex, FOR RENT FLATS. T ROOMS Window shades, cbsn.lellera, gas , range; aplendld loeatloa. ' 649 But tJUssa st. FOR RENT OFFICE .ROOMS. FOB BENT Desk and room la good loeatloa I aaa rurBieoew vuiisa wu..., . -I suoabla. with chance to make from $100 to f - S'auV .Mtk MunnladMi! hone but laaltlmStB . I . I - T aa Jiawail. FOB BENT Pert-et boslaeaa ofBce. Includ ing Mk of prlrate btnee; phoas, light, ate. 146H Third at, room 1. ARCHITECT caa tnd desirable loeatloa.; sbMp mat aad bualnaaa ssaia lance j re tare nee re- cjulrod. Addreaa I u, eara .ournai.- t 0FFICB-R0OM8 Ooodaoagk bldg. v Apply elerator. j HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. H0CSB tor rwt sad furniture to rale; tart S-room ehouae, re ata for BHD, iMtading , furalturs end plane , of good omUi alltl 1 and sumoat new,- snuu; oa waat woo. Wand, 1411, First at. 11 FOB resalta aa - "FURNTTTJBB." Whether to bay ar eell. ring Bp Mshx I PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. Sll First St. A BIO bargain If taken at once: B-room madarn Bouae. newly rumisaea; loeai , aa e names propoaltkom. stw Eierwta at. Fl'RNITUBB sad PlaM of T I house for rent, $20. PboM blocks from poatoffloe. S64S, d FOB SALE Furniture 6 rooms. Iifiot cbeen renr. xx cnerry st, piocu aarta steel ariaga. . Fl'RNITURB ef S-roem ap-te-data ,Oat. Sm nerento ex. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Hocme. T scna bottom, about S blab. iv oruan land, email family orchard 1 mils oat urosoa xiiy. aonrsai a pa, rfourui. BUSINESS CHANCES. iiajiiaj aw. M-BOOlf hotel clearing $Sn0 per asoath. Io cs tea Bixta aear waaoingua: prwa aaty aa,iuv fi,vw eaaa, M lance terms. Cigar stars as WaaMngton, good loeatloa. ' Salooa for 8M that Is a bargata.' CaTl and aaa m; we caa locate fob ta s food westkaa. ... "' ' SMITH BROS. - -' aw a ' a USM Sixth st, cor. Waah. Phoas Mats 4090. uaiNEaa rniKrt - A largs store Mlldlng wits n ring-rooms adjoining and a number af aloeplDg -reoma a bore and d lota In aa fbw a business loea tloa any maa would waat for a. geaeral merchandise store; price oaly $1,960; tertua. A snap. - - DUBOIS w SnERWOOD, - "-:,:'.-. 206H Morrlaoa at. ,-. FOR S ALB SI .000 will bay an satabUebed, prominent, well-paring restaurant. If pur. coaeea Miore tne zisx utt-i xxus i. s Lewis end Clark renture, but a asooey-msk-lug, established bualnaaa: earner must aell on account of Ulneaa; fall Inreetlgatlon de- Blred; ao agents. Address r eok ears aoarnai. PARTIES wanting land or buslnees openings In any - part 01 Oregoa, or homes feeds la Flathead Indian reaerratloa or esstern Ore gon, wilt do well to Mil , apoa me before deciding deSaltely; M matter what yea waat. It. will pay roe to call. SOS Goodnough bldg. BLACRSMITH-ntiw ening goua winna paax 12 yeara, full supplr of tools, auaatlty ef lroa sad coal, dwslllng-bouse. Merlng fruit trees, chlckea-hoase, 3 passenger -boats, ear , eerriee each day, S minntae' walk to Mch place; ell par saw xaaea soon, appiy k TMmpaoa Foatar, Ridge field, Waahlngtoa. WANTED m 1V . ' v , Soma good roomlng-Bousae for esah enasnmara; BAma aond huslnesa onenlnf a for small caplul; a seed aaloon which $760 will handle. t . H. W. MILLER. SOS Goodnough. - BOOMING -HOUSE B rooms with gsa. Mth, attic- baaenwnt. etc., rent $40, good furniture, lea as, lVt blacks -WAshlngtoa St., clOM la. 7 OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGB, , . 1S6H Fourth at. Boom 8S. . LIFE OPPORTUNITY Buslneaa man ergsala Im enmnane eat IS atiirts elalma nee da ctioner: - ground Sour price. 10c: 600 to 6.000 ah area; guarantee agalut lose; posltlrely m stock sold lees thaa $1 after organise tloa. Ad dress B 6T, care Joaraal. EXCEPTIONAL epportanlty Inrestment for man capable managing up-to-date machlM-ahop; , good Interior town; $.o ta $A,Vf0 needed; will stand rigid Inreetlgatlon. Addreaa S 48, rare JoarnaL, for personal interview member Bra. CANDY STORB. WELL LOCATED WITH LIV ING ROOM, can M bad at low rent by a desirable party; location oa Met elde oppo site tM Alblne orbonl house. Particulars, call office, 617 Commerclsl block. A FEW DOLLARS will start a proopermai mail-order buslneaa; we furnish catalogues ,' snd ererythlng neceeaery; by our eaay method failure Impossible. MUburn-Blrka. 63S Desrborn at, Chicago. FOB SALE Oa account of atckaeea, alee, clean, money-maklnr bulneaa oa Mat aide; aalee ! from $1B te $3$ per day: price $1,400, or will ' tn ro Ice i m agents waated. O 59. Tha Joaraal. MILLINERY store, old established firm, doing a good business; wish to retire at race; price $600. Addreaa Mrs. O. E. Nichols, 243 West Second st., Albany, Oregon. CIGAR store on thickly traeeled buslneaa street, reer room; will bear cloae Inspection; trade satisfactory! suitable for men or woman; $860. Inquire 143H First st, room S. DO. YOU WANT A LITTLE BUSINESS that pars welll Here you s email amount af cash ? Bee ns-rws can place you. Boms big enepe. SIT Commercial bldg. ISO HEAD well tired Oregon range horses for Hie; 'ree goeernment range; a splendid op portunity for amall Inrestment. . Call or write to sol McKay bldg. ... . 12-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVENIENCES, nicely furnlehed, paying well; will aell tor eaah or trade for other ernperty. What hare yon 7 S17 Commerclsl bldg. FURNISHED office m beet location In the elty te s lawyer; will exchange met for eerrlcea ; a good opportunity for a young lawyer with reference. T 48, Journal. WANTED A goad real estate hMtler sad so licitor with lesdlng real estate firm) good opportunity for right man: m capital re- quired. T 80, JoarnaL . E, 10-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVENIENCES, nicely furnished, doing good bualnaaa; heart ' of city; cheap for cub; good boy. BIT Com mercial bldg. : FOR SALBe-FtM I me ef millinery and ladles' . furnishing goods la lies towa of 1,600; ex cellent opportunity; M eom petition. K-dS, care JoarnaL WANTED Partner with email capital; a good money-making proposition; partner who- ran furnish deakroota preferred. Address 63, Mrs JoarnaL ' GREATEST rap M earth la a $1,000 restart- rant lor giwu; eompeiieo ta lea re city st enre. tome early Monday to rosea B, 14514 First st. 3B ROOMS, beat location la city I ftM furniture. low mat, good lease; look at It ana yos will buy u stirs. - Address T 62, Joaraal, , JOURNAL "Want Ad" Rates UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION , ' , FiveCoibpaJiae s ad takes for teas thaa IBs per Sap. irea words, as a rale, eoastltats a Una, bat Mch Um ta aharged ragardlaaa af tha number of words. WAiavtT- RATI T tnaarrleea '(tMladrag om Sunday lane) M 0ZMX9 pee Um MONTHLY BATB (melsdlag tautda awusa) $1.M per itee per aaeatk. ADTI1TTSXWT.NT8 . awl he ta Journal kuslneee etsea by IS e'eleek araok days and ky Id e'eleek Saturday area lag fat - tM Sunday Issus, to saeuz alssslUsa rlae), OtsplsF patas glrea apoa spfUaataaa at . tha aftea. . THE J0URNiL BRANCH OFFICES -ipmWmi ; WTfl be recelred at regular amra-orSee Mtaa, - Following te a list eC aether! aed a rents, who win forward year advertise. ami la Uses tor publlcatJea te IM aaxt BMMI , ... x . . . . , . ? 'boitk warn. ' . . ' B. Jl. Preetoa, Amgglat. Taeslf-Chxrd and Tharmaa etreeta. Nab, Hill Pharmacy, SSS wUsaa Btrset. a.,. i . 1 . ., . . . A W . 11. pkarmaelat. BlxtaaatH aad Marshali atreets. larsnaii atreets. u . m . Aa Waahlngtoa atraeta. boittx inn. . ' B. r. Jobm Co, draggtata, Fmam asm OlttM atraeta. . Cottel Dra eoapaay, nrat, sad uTtraat atraeta. . a aoiaa atyeriey. 1 dUMlat, dOO J street, earaar Tsatm. . . Bettmaa a Pharaacy. tkwaar BUtt aad HarHan. areata i riammer Drag aotnpany. Saw xmira BA1 "KB. W. S. larre, drurglst. serai aad Beat Bornalde atreet. Nichols at Tbompeoa. US aarncr Alblne erases. Jaaeke Drag company. sax vraaa areeuee. W. a Cable, druggist. arenoe . aad . AaxtrabM onaga. B, A. Wtlaoa. IBS OraBd a' sMiax aiofTisoe, eoraas Staph. . BUwBXABBw - r. 1. Clark, druggist. 100S Bsrtfe a Tense. - VnXBiJJS. f. Bt Warth, pMrmactat. SSS BK00ZXTV. -. ' . Brooklyn Pharmacy sompany, PeweB aaa) Mllwaukia strsets. - , - ABXXTA OBXtVOV. ' Arlsto Pharmacy. More sad Foster atrssta. SZlLWOOS, . metock's Pkarmscr. 648 TJtaatUla ars- aua, soraar But .Thirteenth atraat. BUSINESS CHANCES. $400 BUYS Brst ttlasa rests araat, beet Mm tloa la dty, or $200 half Interest. l7m First at. Boom tyk. ' FOB BALB CHEAP Third lntereet teal aetata, business; baring etty. Cell B te 13, 321 Vk Morrlaea, ear. First st, roam S. 300 ROOMING hoaeee end 30 hotels tag Mia at about half the former uklng prlea. J. J. Jcnalngs, SS3M Waahlngtoa at. $250 RELIABLE PARTNER wanteds wlU pay $20 to $S0 per week; beet -paying besinaaa la elty. 817 Comaaerelal bldg. - E8TABLI8HBD reatauraat sa -Fifth' at, aaar . Waehlagtoa, clearing $15 to $26 pea dap tba year around. A 48, JoaraaL 5 WHEN look tag tor a loeatloa, eJther etty er country, nil aa tM North asset Land 0a, Baa Morrlaoa at, rooaa 311 . r 1 - FOB BALB Restaurant aad tuach eounter la eonnectloB, $800. , B. Cook, prop, lade peadenoa, Oregon, v .. . C0MPLETB waroamakar'a stock sad tools la llrely towa-tor Mia. Inquire ef F. Bllhary, Buy toa. Oregoa. A GOOD bwlaess fas Mia or trade for prop erty or lend sear dty. Addraaa 84 7 Tjaloa srs, aorth. , ' - I DOCTOR caa occupy a furnished ofnee aad hare half tha recalpta. Addreaa S 41. sare JoarnaL . , FT1R SALE Roomlng-bouse, two blacks from tths Portland hotel, ar will trada for land. SOS Salmeau-. - FINS opportunity la wtabltabed boeiasaoi kelp aad MpltaL Addraaa 0 64, eara Job FOB SALE Brick hotel, SB mouse, good tare, splendid ksawe; U Portland. V 48, J. INVESTIGATE For a email amount ef taL large returns, sot McKar bldg. apt. FOR SALE 3-chalr Mrber-ebop, at Lents, Ore' goa.- PrlM $126. , , . WHO IS If. O. MORGAN St CO.T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S0MR SNAPS S-room modern residence. Marly aear, ta good condi tloa, 1st - 60x120, But Eighteenth and Ash. Broom new home, modern snd ossraolaxit. Beat Fifteenth and Taylor. , S-room residence, eery, sightly. Beat tWeea. teenth and Morrlaoa. Choice corner krt, Bast flftoeata sad Main Streets. ' ' Very cheap, lot But Eighteenth tad Alder Street a. - Bargalm la Hanson's Saeoad addition. 1 C. W.-PALLETT, S04 Featoa bldg. FOB BALE $1,780 ' A tract of land on Spring st, 100x160 feet - In alae; location affording excellent rlew; worth mora moMyi we can sell for cash at thla price. PORTLAND TBrST COMPANY Or OREGON. 108 Third St. F0B BALB New S-room house, all awdera Im prorementa, with barn, at Irrtngton; for rale oa your own termer owner staring , elty; a poaltlre snap; look thla np. A 4, Joarnal. FOB SALB-.?- . ' ' rnll Kit BMr wrvrwwu mx., w km bwti truiimaif brlnflnff Infloai of 10 per eat Mtf ft kwaitom PORTLAND TRUKT fXJMPANT OF 0BB00X Kw AVrw AUiiu re - OTTO A CROCKETT, .- S46H Washington; phooe Black 3871, ' T-aoom modern house oa carllne, lot llOtUOO, $2,100; $300 esah. balance eaay terms. ' 7 -room house, lot ItWxlOO, on MtllM, $1,100 May paymenfa. 6 room house, ales little borne, lot 100x100, 31,500; euy terms. . g room cottage oa Weat Bids, tot 36x100, $1,150; hslf cub. .' . ' ... And sersrsl other good propositions tn honsM Md Iota in Irrlngtaa Park. .Fara along tM Willamette Rlrer ralley. FOB BALB $1,800 PORTLAND HEIGHTS-. The eery flnest building Vt oa Spring st.. ksrlng aa aheolately uoobetmcted rlew at both city snd mountains. Why go ou the helghU and mlae the rlewt.- Hu newly lid pro red atreet, cement sidewalk, and wa esa adrance money for building. P0HTLAND TRUST COMPANY Of OREGON. . i iuw intra at. - - . , S-ROOM mw snd strictly modern eottsgs, Bon. nrein, ei.t") eio" sown, oa lance gis per month: sn elegant toauv B. nu Sarlaad A Co, 1M 4th Bt, T' , " seraar BoDaday raaaa. mm v-'.'V