.::al, rcTi;A::r. :u:.3ay ::cr.:;ir;or octc. 1:.. mm W toll ' k ii fr aroK' tbesmy u 1. J 0.J 1 a it itf n Ann . fib; 11 IL 5 . A profusion of extraordinary values in a general clearance sale ofone, two and three pair lots of face curtains, in a ' variety ofpretty designs, embracing twenty-two different styles, in white, cream and Arabian net': .Wc- have . displayed in our windows a portion of the matchless bargains which are combined in this sale. Telephone or C. O. D. orders will not be taken on any curtains contained in this sale, .: Positively no exchanges will be allowed on any of these curtains as listed below. ARABIAN CORDED CURTAINS. . . . . .... . . .. . ... .Regular price $2.(X-SPECIAL, pairr - 91.00 ARABIAN CLUNY CURTAINS ...... .7 , . . . .Regular price $2.5-SPECIAL, pair, 91.50 . ARABIAN CORDED CURTAINS ...... Z. Regular price $2.75 SPECIAL, pair, $1.50 ; ' SCOTCH NET CURTAINS .'. .. ..... ...... . . . . . .'. .Regular price $2.5V-SPECIAI-pafriV 91-50 ARABIAN CLUNY CURTAINS . '. . . .7,tVl. .7 .TV. . Regular price $2.50-SPECIAL, pair, ; 91.5t) ; -....l-V WHITE CLUNY CURTAINS . . i.. . . . . .............. Regular price $3.25 SPECIAL, pair, 91.50 WHITE CLUNY CURTAINS. . . . . . . . . .Regular price . $3.75 SPECIAL, pair. 9150 ; .ARABIAN CORDED CURTAINS. . . ; .... ... ...... ..Regular price $3.00 SPECIAL, pair,. 91.75 , r IVORY ROCOCO CIJKTA1N8. .............. .....;.Kegular price t s.ooSFCIAir pair, ; a.w SCOTCH NET CURTAINS. .. . . . . . , . ; . . . ...... . . .Regular price 1 $3.75 SPECIAL, pair, f, 93.25 IRISH POINT CURTAINS..... .......... ....j.;Regular price $4.75 SPECIAL, pair, '. 92.50 FRENCH NET CURTAINS. . . . J. . .... . . .. .V;. .. ..'. .Regular price ' $100 SPECIAL; pair ! 93.50 ROCOCO BRUSSELS CURTAINS . . . . . . . . i . i. ..Regular price $3.15 SPECIAL; pair,1 ; 93.715 'ARABIAN CORDED !CURTAINS.V,'....,V..V..... -.Regular price $6.50 SPECIAL, pair, - 93.00 J- ARABIAN CORDED CURTAINS. .... . . , . ..... . . . .Regular price $7.00 SPECIAL, pair ; 94.50 HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS. .Regular price $8.00 SPECIAL, pair 94.50 COLORED IRISH POINT CURTAINS Regular price $11.00 SPECIAL, pair, . 94.50 . FLAT BRAID ARABIAN CURTAINS. . 1. ......... . .Regular price $7.0O-PECIAL, pair. 94.75 WHITE BOBBINET CURTAINS........ ........... Regular price $8.00 SPECIAL, pair 95.00 COLORED IRISH POINT CURTAINS .V.. ... ... ... .Regular price $12.00 SPECIAL, pair 95.0O ARABIAN CLUNY CURTAINS';. . 71 , . . .V. . . . , .Regular .price $9.50 SPECIAL, pauv 95.50 HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS.............. Regular price $9.00 SPECIAL, pair 95.50 WHITE BATTENBURG CURTAINS. . . . . ........ .Regular price $13.00 SPECIAL, pair 96.50 BRUSSELS NET CURTAINS, . ... . i . . . . . . . ...... .Regular price $10.00 SPECIAL, pair 97.00 -FLAT BRAID ARABIAN CURTAINS Regular price $10.00 SPECIAL, pair 97.00, CORDED ARABIAN CURTAINS. ...........t....;,.feegular price $10.00 SPECIAL, pair 97.50 HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS;. .; . . .Regular price $65 SPECIAL, pairi .' 93.25 FLAT ARABIAN-CURTAINS. ....;. . .y. .Regular price $5.50 SPECIAL; pair, 93.50 FLAT ARABIAN CURTAINS. ;'. .'V; .'. . . . . .v. Regular price ; $6.00 SPECIAL, pair, 93.50 HAND MADE ARABIAN. FRENCH NET CURTAINS. BRUSSELS NET CURTAINS. FLAT BRAID ARABIAN CURTAINS . . . . . . .i . . Regular price $8 J85 SPECIAL, pair, ,: 945 -t. CURTAINS,. I......;... .Regular price $8.50 SPECIAL, pr,; 93.50 4 . ... . .-. , . v . .... . sv. Regular price $7.00 SPECIAL, pair, 93.50 . . . . .... ... . v. . : i i. .Regular price . $7.25 SPECIAL, pair, . 94XM r BRAID ARABIAN CURTAINS,. ...... , . . Regular price $8.25 SPECIAL, pair. sicc:: ficc3 Brussels . Arabion Frescii M Quay Scotch Kct tDsIIcnbiiro iriSQ Point CREAM IRISH POINT CURTAINS . . . . .V , . . ;f .Regular, price HAND -MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS . . . ... V; .Regular price V HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS. A.. VV.....V, Regular price . HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS . . .'. iV .J. Regular : price 'COLORED IRISH POINT CURTAINS.'. . . Regular price HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .Regular price HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS . . . . , . . . . .. . . . .Regular price HAND MADE ARABIAN CURTAINS ............... Regular price COLORED IRISH POINT CURTAINS. .............Regular price HAND MADE CALAIS CURTAINS. ........... T.... Regular price HAND M AD E ARABIAN CURTAINS. .Regular price BRUSSELS NET CURTAINS. ....................... .Regular price $is.oo-speciai; $14.00 SPECIAL, $15.00-SPECIAL, S17.50-SPECIAL, $35.00 SPECIAL, $17.00 SPECIAL, $18.00 SPECIAL. $20.00 SPECIAL, $37.50 SPECIAL, $25.00 SPECIAL, $25.00 SPECIAL, $35.00 SPECIAL, pair 98.00 pair $8.50 pair 98.50 pair 99.00 pair 910.00 pair 911.00 pair 912.00 pair 914.00 pair 915.00 pair 918.00 pair 920.00 pair 923.00 r ''Most attractive and up-to-date is the display of carpet patterns in this department ' Comprising none but the most artistic and attractive design of the season, this assort- ' ment of well selected floor coverings embraces the most re- s liable of all carpet manufacturers Our stock throughout , is almost entirely new, due to the fact of our extensive ' spring and summer business. . .The, handsome display of . Wiltons, Axminsters, Body Brussels and Tapestry Brus " sels" exceed in every respect the designs of other seasons. : . Extremely handsome are the new effects in Oriental and : floraf designs. In both large and small rugs ire shown well "I 'set and artistic1 patterns entirely new and artistic. Many patterns, in both carpets and rugs, are absolutely exclusive And suggest a number of new effects and color combinations not. shown In a majority of carpet displays.'' Including . sewing, laying and lining this most economically priced assortment of floor fabrics offers an extensive line for satisfactory selection. t ' . ' - ' I f .:. 7 ' " , 4 .. if AN ARTISTIC SHOWING OF BISSEITS BALL-BEARING CARPET SWEEPERS 4- . . ' Among our many new arrivals in this department are the new inlaid and printed linoleums. The inlaid wood effects in Imported linoleums present a perfect imitation, of parquet floors, and will give satisfactory wear for years. Printed linoleums and oilcloths in a variety of floral and other patterns. . ' " V' ; ' : :"'r:- CODGFS TlTEmFTU CEJTDRY ,FCm FL003 COVERIKGS In these most economical fabrics has been demon- , strated a most economical and durable floor covering. , Ex tremely sanitary, devoid of the odor usually observed in straw mattings, this modern and well woven carpet is made up in two ways half wool and half fiber, and all fiber. The designs and colorings in both carpets and rugs render them adaptable for almost any room. Of these modern and economically priced floor coverings we are' exclusive agents. . MimlYOOD AND COAL-MATM. ' i With satisfaction we make, the assertion that this is the most com plete array of modern, economical and handsome line of heaters ever shown in this city. Espedally so is our display of the modern Buck's "Hot Blast" Heater, in which is contained the true "Hot Blast" princi- V pie, so constructed that the draught (instead of entering beneath the fire, as in ordinary coal burners and forcing such elements as smoke and gas through the chimney without being consumed) enters the stove ' through the "Hot Blast" Ring above the fire, thus creating a draught above the fuel and "compelling these elements to be consumed as, fuel. In this way a saving of thirty-eight per cent is effected. These heaters are made in a variety of sixes suitable for any room. Our line of air- -tight heaters, well constructed throughout, covers an extensive and eco- nbmically priced assortment of sixes. , ' ' ; ' ' ' t An Tisnf nMTms-jbs- $3.75, $s.cd up to $20 EVERYTHING IN IB Essential as part of complete house-furnishing. -have spared no pains in this department to conform ' with the furnishing complete of the bedroom. In all ' grades of .blankets, in both wool and cotton, can be found everything as regards' color. Comforts In dainty silks, sateens and silkolines, filled with down and san itary cotton. Sheets and piUow cases of the first grade. Spreads in effective bedroom designs and col orings, with or without fringe. Our assortment of pillows, sanitary filled, covers everything in this line and are made up in pretty art tickings. Bolster rolls and bed sets for full sixe and three-quarter beds. Our prices in this department will bear comparison. ;tv: Knell's Slows and Ranczs J Uave Given ScUsfcellon F6r(kcrM,aCen8oFy V Dave Gvcn C::': 1VC7 Cvrx T-'' - '