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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1905)
THEi OREGOII SUITOAV JOURNAL. JP03TL7.::D. C'JI.DAY HORNING, OCTC . J . X. 1CC3. t 9 1 ( WW &mirA m IAp ik- Also 1111 VESSELS TO SIIOl'J FLAGS Henry Villard Unidentified for "' Three 'Days Off Mouth of River, t ' NEGLIGENCE CAUSES GREAT INCONVENIENCE Shipper! Art Conaldering AiUtlng v Enactment of a 'Law and Weather Bnreau la WillinC to Atsiat fa Et7 Powible Way. .-.'' . Tlrtna no flag br which ah eould b Mentlfled th American ' ahip Hanry Villard spent thra daya oft tha mouth f tha river thla waek In plain vtaw of tha weather, atatlon at North .Head waitlna for an opportunity' to croae the bar. Tha name of tha craft waa not known until aha reached Aatorta, yea terday afternoon. The local weather bureau has often requeated eblpmaatera when approachlna the mouth of the. Columbia .river to fly flaaa from their veaaele so that tha observer at North Bead may be able to decipher tha name of their vea ; ae and forward tha Information to Aa ; torta and Portland. If thla plan were carried out It would prove of treat value to tha ahlppere.; . . - The HenrJt Villard came from Hono lulu In ballast and spent six weeks on tha trip. Bhe la. under charter to carry a cargo of lumber from Portland to Ma nila, When slanted Thursday It waa , presumed aha was the three-masted hlp Henry Moody, now due from the Bay City. Had tha aklppar taken the trouble to raise a signal, tha observer at North Head would have been In a pol tlon to report her name immediately. Tha captain did not even hoist a flag before crossing tha bar. , . Shippers are seriously thinking of agitating the enactment-of a law mak ing It compulsory for the aea captains to carry flaaa by which they can be Iden tified. , .. ..... ...... , WILL START WORK TUESDAY. 3, M. Bebers Is Oonfldaat Se Cam Sals tka Maaianlta ia Tire Baya, J. II. Roberta, who has been awarded the contract for ratalng the lighthouse tatutor Mansanlta. sunk a wek at In a collision with tba dredge Columbia at a point near Westport, said but night that ha waa getting a wrecking outfit together and would be ready to etart work by Tueaday. Mr. Roberts Is con. fldent that ha wilt be able to float the veasal In five da yr Mima. Ha will have It or so men employed on tha Joh. -and they will camp on tha -mind until tha work has been com d. If necesaary, a night and day t will be kept at work. Tha plan . place a barge on each side of the r, running heavy chains under th it of the hull of tha sunken vessel. Is a tide of about five feet In that r. and aha will be gradually J toward the shore during blah LXirlug about three tMea tiif - V..: - "i . ft " ' . '' : I Awarded the -STUDEBAKER BROSv CO. northwest 330-336 East Morrison, Street, Portland, Oregon contractor la in hops that tie will have the vessel safely on the beach, where aba can be patched temporarily to per mit her being tawed to the government moo ring's opposite 8t" Johns. It Is believed that tha Columbia river lightship will also have to be moved by meana of a wrecking outfit. - A report laat night atatad that aha la leaklngjand that all efforta to pull her out into dee water have failed. The hawser con necting her with a tugboat parted yes terday afternoon, and aha la In worse ahapa than aver. Pumps will have to be procured to keep her free of water . When tha lightship went ashore sev ers! years ago Mr. Roberta aucceeded in floating her after a number of othe contractors had given up tha-- Job. It he ia successful In raising the Mansan lta it la probable that he will be en gaged . to take tha lightship out to deep water. . NICOMEDIA SAILS. Xavee Tokohaaa Trtday With a Van -, '- f Carre ef rrelgM. . Officials of tha Portland Asiatic Steamship compsny received 'a cable gram yesterday afternoon stating that tba oriental liner Nlcomedla sailed from Yokohama on Friday for Portland with a full cargo of freight The brief mes sage gave tha information that 1.100.000 pounds of the cargo; will be shipped from here to points in tha Interior. By making an average paaaage tba steamer should arrive by October SO. The Aragonla. of tha same Una, la due at San Francisco today from tha far east -On this trip she came by way of Honolulu and tha Bay City to aaslst tha Pacific Mall liners In taking care of the big amount of trafflo which has been turned over to them during .the past few months. After discharging a portion of her cargo at San Francisco the Aragonla Will sail for Portland and should reach here In less than a week. From the appearance of things, the Portland Aalatlo Steamship cpmpany will not dispatch mora than one steamer to the orient this month, whereaa it waa given out a few weeks ago that tha line would send three vessels across tha Pa. clflo in October. The Nlcomedla Is late almoat a waek and cannot possibly get here In time to discharge her cargo and load for the outward trip before the first week in November. i , The third steamer which the company expected to load In October Is the Brit ish steamship Croydon, which haa not been heard from since she wss char tered nearly five weeks ago. The laat advices from her were to the effect that she sailed from Ocean Island, one of the group In the south Pacific, on August 20 for San Francisco -with a cargo of freight... There are no cable connections with the Island and It is now believed that the report was either a mistake or that the ateamar haa met with an aocldent Had she sailed on the date mentioned aha should have ar rived the latter part of September. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. A.' B. Wollaber. local weather fore caster, left yesterday to Inspeot, the storm warning atatlons at Grays Har bor and on Puget Sound, and to see that they are put in good condition for the winter. An anemometer will be Installed t Port Towneend for measuring the velocity of the wind. Steamer Mascot of, the Kemnt Una made a special trip to Lewis river last night, leaving her at midnight, to take the people home who had been attend ing the fair from that point. She will return to Portland today. . Two gangs of longshoremen will be' employed today loading tha German ship Bllbek In order to get her out of the way aiut make a berth at the dock for By tho Levis 4 r ilfeiiF Ml Mis W Miefe Road Wagons. Top Buggies, Surreyo. Broufihamo, Landauo, . Wagoneteo. Delivery Wagons, Farm Wagons, Spe cial Farm Wagon Miniature ' Farm Wagona, Dump Wagons, Two-Horse Sprinkling Wagons, Harness, Harness . : ' Accessories ' - --: the British steamship Knight Errant. " Laden with 1.600 tona of grain and SOO.000 feet of lumber, the steamer Mel ville Dollar sailed, laat night for San Francisco. The steamer Eureka will aall for-the same port today with 1,(00 tone of Wheat. Schooner Tam CShanter cleared for the Bay City yeaterday afternoon, with 100,000 feet of lumber. , . LAST EXCURSION TRIP. Sciagraph Xereaftec Will Carry as : sengwra and Trela-ht oa Astoria Baa, Today ' the steamer Telegraph will make her laat trip between Portland and Astoria, as an excursion boat this sea son. . Tomorrow she will be taken down to the plant of the Willamette Iron and Steel works and -converted into an oil burner. It will take about five days to complete the job, after which aha will be placed in service between her and tha city by the aea as a freight and passenger bflat, atopplng at the follow ing landings: Kalama. Rainier, Stella, Oak Point, , Cathlamet, tJkamokawa, Brookfleld and Pillar Rock. Notwith standing the large number of atope she will make, the management of tha Una safe aha will complete tha round trip every 1 day. When - coal haa been dla cardjd for oil fuel It ia believed the steamer will develop greater speed, al though aha la now claaaed aa the faatest sternwheeler of. her slsa In the world. DEFENDS HIS ART. Cook ef tha Brlaeaa Battles With Kate , Bseaase Bis Meals Were Derided. Laden with a cargo of Portland's best vintage, the dapper little cook on the French bark Brlseau returned to the ves sel yesterday afternoon with a chip on hie shoulder and blood in hie eye. He had a grudge of long standing agalnat a number of the Bailors and insisted on making a settlement then and there, i The mate endeavored to pacify -him, but he demanded blood. He planted hla flat squarely between the eyes of the first officer! and the battle was on. The -men fought savagely for almost a quarter of an hour. . No aooner would the other. ' sailors . get - them separated than they would renew hostilities. . V Had not Captain Qulllo appeared audi denly' on the soene from a visit up to town the-fight might have gone on In definitely. . He . hailed Harbormaster Ben Blglin.' who waa passing. Ths cook was placed under arrest and escorted to the city jail. . i MARINE NOTES. .'Astoria, Oct. 14. Condition of tha bar at -p. m., moderate; wind west; weather cloudy, t Arrived down at 4 a. m. and sailed at jioon Steamer Colum bia, for Baa Francisco. Arrived down during the night and aalled at 10:20 a. m. Steamer Bee, for San Francisco, Ar rived down at S:40 a. m. and Bailed at neon ptramer ' Alliance, for Coos Bay and Eureka. Left "P at f :S0 a. ra. Schooner Beulah. Arrived at 10:10 a. m- Steamer Asuncion, from- San Fran cisco. Arrived at 1:10 p. m. American ahlp Henry Villard, from Honolulu.-' San Franclaoo, Oct. 14. Arrived at I a. m. Rteamer Roanoke, from Portland and way ports, for Port Los Angeles. Hailed at 11:10 a. m. Steamer Costa Rica, for Portland. Arrived Steamer Redondo, from Portland, i- "-- St. Helena. Oct. 14. Passed at 4:11 P. m. Schooner Beulah, . , Tou're just spoiling the baby," ret monstrated the young mother, i- .1 "That must ha a mistake.' reirponded the new grandfather. "Everybody else says the baby la spoiling me." Chicago Tribune, , , "TIKE QOW) TAL and Clark Centennial Exposition GOLD MEDAL for OFFICIALS HELPED HORSE THIEVES County Officers and Banker Inrv plicated in Letter Found . ' on Horse Rustler! - ROBBER KILLED IN DUEL WITH INSPECTOR Organized Gang Helped Desperadoes Dispose of Animals Stock Grow . era Jubilant Over Thousand Head gtolen in Montana. , (Special Dispatch to The tarsal.) Helena, Mont, Oct. 14. A . special from Williamson aays that sensational developments are bourly expected aa the result of an exposure brought about through a duel between Stock Inspector Oeorge Hall and a horse rustler In Val ley oounty, Montana. Involved In the affair are bank, government and coun ty officials, and with, a number of men working on the case the end Is believed to be close at band., ' ' On the body of the bandit were found letters, one of which It le charged waa from the cashier of a local bank, urging him to -hurry up with the horses, as an opportunity waa offered to dispose of them. The cashier haa been arrest ed and bound over to the district court A government official as well aa sev eral eounty officials are aald to have acted aa agents in disposing of the horses. '' h " - Officers of the stock growers', asso ciation assert that - more than 1.000 horses Have been stolen and parceled out among small landholders , In both Montana and North Dakota. Tha government official under sus picion admits that he aold the horses, but that he was acting merely as an Innocent agent. Strict secrecy Is maintained concern ing the affair and no names have been given out Meantime Judge Tattan haa ordered that Inspector Hall be tried for murder for the killing of the' rustler, that he may have official exoneration. Because of their influence and coop eration, the membere of the band,-It la alleged, have been enabled to conduct operations for a number of years unin terruptedly. ..'v. HEINZE BUYS CONTROL OF BUTTE SAVINGS BANK 1 y ' ' - (SptcUt Dispatch te The JenrsaM Butte, Oct 14. F. Aug. Hernsa and M. S. Larger, a young millionaire of this city, today bought a controlling inter eat In the State Savings bank, purchas ing practically - the entire holdings of -Thomas M. Hodgena, cashier- and founder of the institution., Tha price la said to be 1100,000. New' officers were elected as follows: "M. 8. Largey, presi dent; S. V- Kemper, vice-president' and K. P.. Chapln, recently of Massachusetts, cashier. Mr. Hodgena will remain a dl-! M.ln. mrtA r.t.ln amiill mnn n t .f StOCk.'. y . - .'- J Being the Best WALLA VALLATO EHTERTAIII PORTLAND MERCHANTS Commercial Clubs Appoint Com-'.- mittees and Arrange for Coming Guests.' - ' faeeetal Dtsaateh to The JoaraaLl - Walla Walla. Wash,,- Oct It. At a meeting of the Commercial clubs last night plans were made to receive and entertain Portland merchants on their arrival in Walla Walla next Thursday. The visitors will txs met at the depot by a reception committee and escorted to the Walla Walla club, where a . recep tion will be tendered them. It la ar ranged to have a- number of addreaaea by prominent business inen and Sena tor Ankeny. Following the reception the guests will be taken to the Hotel Dacrea where a luncheon will be served. A drive to interesting pointa about the city will complete tne program. Che following committees have been named: Reception Senator Levi An keny, Mayor Gilbert Hunt State Sena tor Fred M. Pauly, Fred Clarke. Joseph MoCabe, Miles C. Moore, C. F. Tan De water, Harry - B. Strong, Herbert' A. Gardner, Fred W. Kaaer, . O. Bridges, M. H. Pay-ton, Frank 8. Dement Frank W. Paine, Wi ' P: - Hooper, Jr.. John Smith, Ben C. Holt Jr., W. P. Winana, B. F. Culp, Robert K. Allen. J. L. Elam, Eugene Norton, P. C. Holland. I L. Tallman and Oscar Drumbeller. Re freshments W. J. Honeycutt J A. Levy and John H. McDonald. ' - - . - ; Ho, for Astoria. ! . Swift eteamer Telegraph leaves Alder street dock 7:S0 a. m. dally except Fri day. Returning leavea Astoria J p. m., arriving Portland 8:30 p. m. Sundays leaves Portland S a, m., Astoria 1:10 pv m. . Arriving. Portland p. m. , . v." I , Whist and Dancing. ' The Order of Modern Foresters . will give a whist social and dancing party In its hall In the Ablngton building Monday evening. " '' , 4 ' scaup 'sraoxAusT , Attention! Gray, falling halt-, dan druff and diseased scalps treated. Shampooing, manicuring, chiropody and face wash. T " "' -.1 - mm. m. r. nn ' Room 11 Ruasel Building.,' UtM Fourth St Phone Pacific- t. 1 Exhibit of Its LE PALAIS ROYAL : ' ) 1 375 WASHINGTON STREET v'a V 1" Th Nw Cxclutive Ladies' Furnishing Goods Hih-Grada Merchcn4is at Morjercta Prices. ' OUR MnXaTaiXY DZPAILTsMENT Is the Icrsett hi the dty. Tha Workmanship b the Dest end ocr . V' PRICES Albt RIGHT. TAILOR-MADE SUITS We carry a complete Una of Tailor-Made Suite and .Gowns in all the new cloths, ailka, nets, etc; the latest etylea. A BARGAIN While their laat a ' Beautiful Gray .Suit, lone coat- satin-lined.-very neatly made, pleated elrirt; worth $25.00. Special price - . $17.50 H RAINCOATS We have them in many qualities; all good styles, and prices to ( - ' V "suit alL r " . - a.t LADIES' JACKETS AND COATS Our assortment is " good, our styles are the latest, and our -prices are moderate. Call and -examine foods and prices. , See our Coata at $12.50 SATEEN PETTICOATS Special-Price Sale . MonJaythe best value ever offered . in the . dty at- , v - v'. , . 98c M. S. Kind .t II SILK PETTICOATS We have a urg-e aaaortment p select from; all tha leading col ors and qualities. When In want of Silk Petticoats, yon ahould not tail is looking over our Mock. . Wa have them from 150.00 down to $5.95 ' SPECIAL SKIRT SALE ' A B&rgain Counter ". i v ' -, .. ', "'" ' -' -V A lot of about 100 Ladles and Misses' Skirts at greatly reduced prices; all good styles and colors; mostly manufacturers' -aamples; ; kiTta worth up to $7X0, at A$4J5AA . LADIES WAISTS Our Waist Department ia stock ed with a . good assortment of Silk, Mohair, Albatross, Flannel .Waists and of the latest novel ties. .Ask. to sea our -leader at V:$2.95":Jr Underwear, Hosiery, 0 1 o v e , Corsets, etc., at popular prices. Shop DECKER i-V J