THE OREGON DAILV- JQURNAU PORTLAND. EATUrjiAV- EVSMNO, CCTO"r.,H. U:S i ll IRVING DIES SUDDEULY yeeese' eee m a A eWCW We Is bach Mantte : "Price, 15 cents . 1 An exceDent mantle for ; die-price. - : Requires less gas, gives better light and lasts longer than any imitation rriantle. AFTER TI1EATRE PERFORfJAfJCE Greatest of English Actor Suf fere art Attack of Syncope ji. and Passes Away ,' " n WAS PLAYING SERIES OF r FAREWELL PERFORMANCES , If you want afoot! cheap mantle, this b the mantle In Last Public Addreu Said That the ) Sand of Hia Lift War Fast Run ning Out Speech Was a Pica for Munictpally-Owned Theatrea. to buy. - ,1 Cr ... , - . - . .. - .':' i ..... -:, , , .. . Y. ' . 1 til .: . .-' II .- . .- ' --. - v I- S ' J X 1 V ' i J . ' J V . V II , '(Joeraal Special KrrtM.) i " : . ; tendon. Ck-t. 14. John Henry Brod - rib. known to the world as Sir Henry ' Irvine, greatest of English actors and .famous . on two continents, died sud denly tast nitni. mi was pterins . encasement , at Bradford In a series of farewell performances In the prov inces. After last nisht's performance he returned to his apartments, where lie was seised with an attacs or syn cope, and although physicians were Im mediately summoned, be died without having; ottered a word.. - Only a few Intimate friends were " 'present, including Brara Stoker, who : had for rears been his manager. ' Sir Henry made his last appearance In Lon don In the JDrury Lena theatre last summer, when he was accorded an ova tlon each night that has. nerer been equaled In a playhouse. Last night he played the title role In his own stage .adaptation of Tennyson'a "Backet" OiT Wednesday, Irving- was enter tained at luncheon in the Bradford town halL at which he was presented by the mayor with an address from his admirers. In reply he said: Predicted Hi Death. ' i "The sands of my life are fast run ning out. but before I go 1 would like to see theatrea established and main tained by municipalities, because I be lieve that by this means the standard of the ' true drama, as distinguished from- miscellaneous entertainments, would be successfully upheld. '.'Money Is spent like water for all itihds of philanthropic and educational objects.' but who among your, ever tdreams of endowing the theatre? I am sure the time will come when you will regard the theatre as necessary to a liberal education and be prepared to consider any reasonable suggestions for' the extension- of Its legitimate In fluence. It may be that In years to come our countrymen will scarcely un derstand how in our times so potent an Instrument of good or 111 as the stage was left entirely outside the sphere of public administration." ... C .1 . Sir Henry Irving was born - In Kelnton. Somersetshire. February I, IMS. His name was John Henry Brod rtbb. Henry Irving being the name taken when he went on the stage. Sub-1 'sequently the name was legalised by 'the courts. When 4 years old the lad jwaa sent to Cornwall to- live with rela tives and remained there until 19 years of age, when he Joined his parents, who had removed to London. After some three years Of schooling In London he secured a position In the orflce of an 'East' India" merchant ' and pursued' a mercantile career "until he was between II and It years old. He. -bed at school and ss a clerk a' marked fondness for elocution and the stare. He became acquainted with Samuel Phelps, a noted actor' of his day. and made so. favorable alt' impression that he was offered an . engagement. While he decided to take vp the stage as a profession, much against the wishes of his parents, he thought it best to mske his first essay , In the provinces, which he did, appear ing at Sunderland, September t, 1161, In -the part of the Duke of Orleans in, Rlchelleu.'V;-' " ' ,' ' -S'wm First wjMragesaeBt. ' J ' f - He played . other . small parts dur ing this engagements but does not appear ta .have made ' any great sue ' cess. " Next season be secured an an- . gagement at the Theatre Royal, In Edin burgh! Here He remained for two and one half years, during which. time he played no less than 421 characters. His pay was SO shillings, little less than , 7.e" a week. While here he played with Charlotte Cushman. In lite Irving secured his first engagement in Lon don, when he played a minor part in a play called 3vy Hall, presented by the elder Augustus - Harris. The piece proved a failure, and seeing little proa- pect for success In London the young actor went back to Scotland, playing a season in Glasgow and then going to the Theatre Royal. In Manchester, where- he remained five years, playing THE UOHT OP OTHER DAYS. , Not very many years- ago alcohol wai used for lighting In combination with oiner nuiai unaer the name of "Cam phene," but It suf fered banishment because It was too , dangerous. -- Alcohol Is gener ally harmful when taken In the form ec medicine, espe cially to a dellcaU system. if. firwe-s sia- etui rehvUAimn Atif toirtbm-swvnihenwio- plan of treatment Is following after .Nature's plan. He uses natural remedies, that Is native medicinal roots, prepared by processes wrought out by the expenditure of much time and money, without the una of alco hol, and by skillful combination In the jaost exact proportions. -. Used as one of the active Ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, black caaaxTBABK specially exerts Its Infloenee tn eases of lung arid bronchial troubles, and thls'DiscovsBT" is, there fore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis, laryngitis, -chronic coughs, catarrh and kindred ailments. - i Th Nome of tha medicinal ingredients cf this world-famous remedy are! Golden Peal mot, Queen's root, s Stone root, ,llack Cherry bark. Blood root and Man- drake root. v .' "I have bad such a wonderful experience with r. Pierce1 s OoldeT Medk-al Discovery bt I do. not hesitate to recommend it, be i living I to be a woadsrful mediclae to build tne tiaraee of the syatesa. writes Mies .Leasts Brown, ecretary Esnereoa Literary ', ndi'lnn, 3S Kennaa Avenue. Appleton, . "Worry ana nervosa troubles bad rooi 'Hetely run-down my health and strsnavhi ad ae eneetlte. slept haaUy.and was In a . e of wervons ooUapea I .took twelve Je In all. and. ears week, knew that I u getting better and stronger, until In ally was ss well aad strong as I had ever been, r have te utoxmt falta and conSdence In bmh rise, end wish to thsak yon for my . Mian, which Is a sieaeing to anyone. !1 one-cent stamps to cover cost of x. yoa can get a free copy of the jo t "e Medical Adviser, paper net u-Vbotjnd for 1 stanipa. a 1 ... J. V. jPlerea, Rnffalo, X. YM , ' r-rV Pleasant Tellett should ba , t 'toMen Medical Disco vary - t a U- Urs Is required. Sir Henry Irving.' i! 10 parta It was here be first played with Edwin Booth. Irving gave no promise then or ruture greatneSa. In speaking on this point hs once said. "I found it difficult to make my way at all with the audlenoe and I believe the audience was to a cer tain extent right, I think there was no reason why I should make my way with them. I don't think X had learned enough. I think I was too raw.- ? rtrst Dramatis sTnoeaas. While at Manchester,'' however, he made a strong Impression on Dion Bou cicault. and when that noted actor ar ranged for the performance of his new play, "Hunted Down," at the St. James theatre, London," he made It a condition that Irving should be engaged and hs also was given the position of stage manager. He made his first positive success there, and this was perhaps the beginning ef a career .which placed him at the head of the dramatic profession tn Englsnd. - . ) After the season at 'the St. James Irving Joined the company - at the Queen's theatre. Long Acre, and while here played for the first time the pert of Petruchio. , It is worthy of note that on that occasion the part of Katharine was played by Miss Ellen Terry. This Was the first occasion these two players wlio were afterward to be so Insep arably coupled In English dramatic hls tory, hsd been In the same cast In lies Irving playsd a brief en ga ce ment at the Haymarket and afterward a more profitable one at the Drury Lans In Bouclcault's "Formosa." v . - Suoeees la ltoaaoa. -His first great London success wss made in "Uncle Dick's Darling," a play by H. J. Byron, founded on a Christmas story by Charles Dickens. In the cast were J. I. Toole and Adelaide Nellson. Irvlngs performance of a strongly ec centrlo character stamped him as s great character actor, and his suoces was accentuated by his performance as Dlgby Grant in Albery'a successful com edy, "The Two Roses," produced at th Vaudeville theatre. June 4. 1170. Col onel H. L. Bateman, the American mana ger, engaged Irving In 1171. to support his daughter, Isabella Bateman, at th Lyceum. While Irving made a deelded hit as Alfred Jingle in "Pickwick." th financial success of Colonel Bateman'S venture was so far fion) flattering thnt he decided to return- tb -America' and was anxious 'for-Irving' to come with him when the English actor Induced him to put on "The Belle.". This Was on No vember ai, 1171. ' The '. performance proved an Instantaneous and unequiv ocal triumph for Irving aa Mathlas and turned the fortunes of ths house. "Charles L" "Eugene Aram" and 'Riche lieu" followed with long runs. It was October tl. 1874, that Irving gave his first presentation of "Ha ml at" in -London. The evening was a continued tri umph, which reached a climax of enthu siasm that probably never has been' sffrpsssed In an English theatre, John Oxenford, dramatic critic of the Times. wrote: "The pit rose at Irving as they did at Edmund Keen." BeoosBsa a TsTsasgsr. Colonel Bateman died suddenly In 1176, and Mrs. Bateman for three years was nominally manager-of the theatre, though really Irving bore the brunt of tne management In 1S7I she retired, and Irving became manager in name aa well ha in fact Practlcaly his first step was the engagement of Miss Ellen Terry, and for a quarter of a century these two great players were together. . To tell of Irving' s triumphs would take too much space. - He was success ful from ths start, and quickly took a place at the very head of the British stage, both as an actor and manager, and he has. held it , . Irvine's first Am erics n tour was made In the season of 1S8S-S4. It was a tri umphal procession, and the seven Amer ican tours which have followed have duplicated the first. - Sir Henry Irving was knighted by Queen Victoria In 18l. He waa granted the degree of D. Lit. by both Cambridge and Dublin universities, and of LL. D. by Glasgow university. ..- twstora ta SUs Booeees. While Irvlng's success has of course been mainly due to his genius aa an ac tor, his abilities as . a stage manager. his prescience In selecting his companies and his power to get the best work out of his associates have also been import ant factors. Never before his time had the great English plays been so sumptu ously mounted, or with such historical accuracy and artistic completeness. In, uaiiers or stags iignting alone Irving gained effects that were previously un attained. i Of the1 actors who havs been at tlmee In Irvlng's company many have become successful stars. Among these many be mentioned William Terriss, George Al exander, Martin Harvey, Kyrle Bellew, Forbes Robertson, Julia Arthur ane Ethel Barrymore. RAILROADS RAN BY . INSURANCE GRAFTERS . Wesreal ftpeetat arrrfce.) IUaca, N.-T, Oct 14 In an addrsss before the undergraduates of Cornell uni versity on the subject of "Government Regulation of Railroad Rates," Judgs Martin A. Knapp. chairman of the Inter state commerce commission, expressed the fear that from ths fset that many of ths men who are. at the head of the big Insurance companies are also at the head of . the big railroad systems, there wss a possibility that the graft did not stop with ths Insurancs com panies, but extended to sll ths great railway systems. Sweden Aeoytg Treaty. , (Josraal Special Urrtm.y Stockholm, et 14. The government bill providing for the ratification of the Karlstad treaty waa unanimously adopted by both houses! of parliament Xesteroeiv - BetterWelsbaeh mantles at 20, 25, 30 and 35 cents. ' ImitatUMS ere Worthless aad ; ' Extra vagaat lUmembe all mantles are not Walibachj. The) genuine hat" this Shield of i Quality oa tha box. rtvs kinds. IS.2O.23.9O.33c. nana' For Sale by All DeaJers FREI W eaW a "WMmJk , paaei esaw. . h i away, seas! aad IRtt flaeweeeWe EVIDEKCE- SIR0::6, BUT COT Witness In Italian Murder Trial Gives Testimony That Causes Trouble for Saloonkeeper. An echo, of 'the Ferarls- murder trial was heard today- when-Deputy District Attorney Robert Galloway filed a com plaint against Ragnone Cssclato, keepers of a saloon at tha corner of Fourth and Sheridan streets, for selling liquor to minora Henry Bonando, tha 1 8-year-old brother of Carlo Bonando, who was killed by Louie Perarla July SI, testified , during the trial tnat on tne evening of July tl he apent a portion of his time In the saloon. 'On July SI Carlo and X went down to the saloon at the corner .of Fourth and Sheridan streets after we had eaten our . supper," testified Henry Bonando. We bought several glssses of beer. drank them and Carlo went out" Just before ha. had given the above testimony, young Bonando said that he was It years old. Galloway was In the courtroom at the time young Bonando was on the witness stand. As Soon as the boy told' of drinking beer'' in the saloon, the deputy district attorney took out his notebook and recorded the fact Not wishing to disturb the state's wit nssses until the trial was about over. Galloway said nothing to Bonando . re garding the matter until yesterday. During the psst few weeks numerous saloonmen have been fined for selling liquor to minora Presiding Judge Eraser heretofore has fined the liquor dealers $10, but haa warned them that If they are ever found guilty of a second offense the punishment will ba more severe. Both Were Killed. Xeopald" and "Keepon," the sweep- stsks first prise winning steers at the Lewis and Clark exposition, were slaughtered this week by the Pacifle States Packing Co. and have been sold by this company to Mr. Jones, of the Oregon Market where they will be on exhibition from the 18th to the Slst During this time Mr. Jones Invites the public to visit his market and Inspect the carcasses of these magnificent cattle. Besides offering the free ex hibit of thess cattls, Mr. Jones asks all who desire to do so to make a guess as to the amount of their dressed weight. I Cards will be furnished anv person desiring to make a guees, with blank spaces for your nsme, addresa and the amount or your, guess. - In fslrness to the general public. Mr.. Jones bars all meat and stock men-rom this contest For further particulars apply-to the Oregon Market, JHTourth street - HOTEL BERG SUFFERS , IN DISASTROUS FIRE Firemen, under the personal direction or Chier David Campbell, saved the Ho tel Berg, corner of Alder and Thirteenth streets, from destruction yesterday aft ernoon. For a while It was feared the structure would be s total loss. The fire originated In the fourth story from an unknown cause. The damage amounted to 15.000. There were 6S rooms in the hotel and all of. them were .occupied, although many of the guests were not in the building. The fire waa a most spectso ular one, the flames bursting from the four sides of the upper story. The fire men, plunged tn through widows from which the flames were leaping and were loudly cheered by tha thouaands who gathered. Chief of Police Orltsmacher hurried a squad of patrolmen and detectlvee to the scene, the latter atstlonlng them selves in the burning building to guard against any attempted larceny, while the patrolmen,- under Sergeant Hege- boom, kept the crowds back. The lawn of Rev. Edgar P. Hill, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, whose rest dence is opposite the hotel, wss badly trampled. Oat TTalom assessment ' " La Grande, Or.. Oct 14. On the, request-of many of Union county's rep resentative cltlsens ' and heaviest tax payers, the bosrd of equalisation has cut every assessment In LTilon county In two, msklng the assessable property tS.SeO.000 Inatesd of 111.000.009. Irving'. Buchu Wtieri Cnrm all Kidney 'Trimbles, step sals Is the seek, make kiss ef athuami ts the arise Isisaeslble, and aetaallr rebuild the ehrsnkea walls ef tbt KMnera. Thr eontala )net wkat la wanted ta resmre the SIsmw, seal the snre anet and strencthen the whole or... Tbey sever fall to bring relief wltbla s few bears and care te atay cares. aoM at S0e a boa by S. Skldaaore at Oe. Bru-rlata. lev raise sv, sale agent for rorUaae, Oa, 1 WTUSACS I f'M 1 f lactones kfi. Billiard Halls Bowling Alleys k r v . 7 ;?.-.--":'.'"'-'- ' " '.i. : 'Z., i v v7 v- ; - .-. . for any purpose where a bright strong clear and ECONOMICAL light m naedwd. Tha Humphrey GAS ARC LAMP Is next to sunlight In its Intensity and purity. And ifs tha Cheapest Light you' can use, because it bums almost as much AIR as It does CAS. .:: ;" :,.: ..-v. : .; .'" '".:A,--' " ' s.-'.- '- Where ECONOMY la practiced you find tht Humphrey Over 4,000 in Use in Portland Tha CAS COMPANY Ouarantaaa tvaty Lamp, and ra-utar I nspwctrona keep rt always at the Call us up and sea how JS MONEY. Or, better LESS I1MI Cures Chronic Constipation, Stimulation Without Irritation. Osnro Lazatire Fruit Syrup is a new : laxatire syrnp combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is Tery pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Fills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Lirer.or Bowels.. Constipation. ' ' Oanro Laxative Fruit Sjrup will posi tively cure Chronic, constipation as ft re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may giv,e tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. OUR "BOnBflDIEf GEO. M. STROriC, 163 West Park St. sxoLvsm oosmsout rKOToeaaiBxa PHOTO COPYING AND ENLARGING A SPECIALTY afteeUeaes Views, laaeral Wefk, Slask- Mfass, ao4i Beveieptaf, rramlaf. r r"vanyflL(ii.L0 aeSsWv Htm aetSavtMst. u4 fJk Ca I . S.W..I.S... mm Jmm II iS tf t Bnaim. mm 4. Ik I W Zl mtmwt a. PMtMit-TaMaaMaUa lew D 4 -sua.f &,Xm IWfe1r, kr e 3T" y JmkaaliMtHMnU.M ;f. - - "ljt Low tha Coet ts for. IrtstalJlng tha Qaa ARC LAMP. La am how you still call in and sea on in operation.- . - i c MB . TELEPHONE Pleasant LlonQfiDuo The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. Oanro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily ba seen ihat a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs Tail Prepared only by FOLIY CO., Chtoaso, III. COLD ANO nCCOMMCNDEO DY WOQDARD, CLARKE ft CO. ; AND S. O. SKIDMORE ft PALACB HOTEL Vfhsths. he ffoea r land sr sea. the traveler will And U a dellhtfal trip te an rraaoisotk where he eheuUt step at it the woria-iamea . PcfcccJIotel and enjor Its snanr attrae- Ilve features, for fuller nforwtatioa WTlte ta tha 'aiaee, aa waa w. e. nsaXiT at tha Portland Informa tion sad Booklae; Atjeaor, Hotel PortUad. noioM covnvd OAS ARO LAMP. EXCHANCE 26 to taHe and does not , Stomach and sicken. ORINO Laxative Fruit ' " . Mm a are not saustiea your money LSstemil No rrlatter what kind of , coal you burn wa sell It. We handle th4.prodaet at ail ths mines. Ws're not a punr concern. We'll ml a your eoall for you, too; If you like It that way. It's often better when mixed. , - Vulcan Cool Co. . . : can secure' MORE Ught iofi 1 J H . i'';l;J V " gripe or nauseate Liver Troublo can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc , : For Biliousness and Slcfc" ! 7 Headache. , Take Oanro Laxative Fruit Syruu. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and .7 acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion.' , Oitnro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the v system and clears - the complexion of ' pimples and blotches. Itis the best lax-; ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or , Ftefuse substitutes. Syrup and if you .ee a '' ' - J win oe reiunueu. COv We MKbt Tarn Out .Poor Printing It we set esnelTM about It, tmt we are . so est at practice ts that reepeet that we Im.aln. we would stake s reek failure of Uie )nb. We aus.rt that tht work would tea first-clan In aplt. of all ear effnrte. W ar. raSowned tot tae sseallesee ef ear printlDf. flftropolttin 3rrss 147 rXONT T, ' Tsl, Mais iifi Bet Morrison and Aldsr. "7