The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1905, Image 11

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- . . - .
Mayor , and Thrssv M amber of
v Council to Bs Chosen at
": - v 7 " ' Oregon City. ' : ;
Party Politics to B Eliminated From
Municipal Fight and no Convert-
tiona Will Be Held Prior to Day
. . of Contest ' . ., ' ; :'
" (Special Dispatch to Tk Joenul.l "
Oregon City, Oct. 14. The municipal
election that will De Held here Decern-
ber 4 la fast becotnlng the leading tople
: ui w ri3 1. vurnvr win LiKr-Blun con
vereatlon. A mayor and three members
of the council will be chosen.. There
trill be no primaries and no eonven
. tione, but a free-for-all race. It la
- understood that Deputy District Attor
ney C. Schuebel, who. la secretary and
acting chairman of the Republican
', party machine, favors a primary and
a siraignt party runt, Bo far, he
, atanda alone In thla . position. Mr.
Sdnuebel la a recent convert to the
party. - .'
It. haa not been the custom' In thla
city to bring- party politic Into munlc-
1 ipal rights. One year ago. it waa done.
; There were three eandldatea for mayor.
. Jamea U. Campbell, , who la , aald to
' represent the Matthews-Baker machine
' of Portland, waa the Republican nom
inee and waa badly defeated. " The
present mayor. Dr. E. A. Sommer, who
ran on an antl-franohlae - ticket,- ot
more votes than, the Republican nom
inee and the third candidate, Charles
' Albright, torether. All of the candl
dates happened 'to be Republicans. .
Br. fjoamasM STot Candidate.
. The election thla winter will be no
exception . to ' the . (eneral rule.- The
' votera do not desire to mis politics In
their city affairs. Dr. Sommer baa aald
. that he will not become a candidate. In
: fact, he will be absent from the city,
' having' In view an extensive trip to
Europe. The most prominent man men
tioned for the mayoralty la Dr. W. E.
Carll. If he consents to run, the office
may go to him by default He haa not
V -consented to become a candidate, how
ever, except conditionally. If the pres.
" ent, mayor atanda for re-election, Dr,
Carll will lake keen delight In being
ma opponent
Councilman William Sheaharv Harry
, Moody, W. H. Howell and others have
. been mentioned, not wltb their own con
aent, however.
One vacancy will occur In each, of
the three wards In 'the city, council;
- Rudolph Koerner,. M, . P. - Chapman and
C. M. Mason are the retiring membera.
In the Flrat ward. Mr. Koerner will
probably stand for re-election. No one
haa announced himself as a candidate,
. but It la probable that atrong preaaure
will be brought to bear on 1. Wallace
Cole tq have him consent to run as Mr.
- Koerner'S opponent.
" It- la aald that ' In the Second ward,
the. 'retiring councilman, M. P. Chap
' men, will again be a candidate. The
' most prominently mentioned 'fandfdate
In. this ward Js William. R, Logus.Eli
Mattock has also' been mentioned. J- V.
In- the third ward, the retiring mem
ber. Mr. Mason. a candidate.
Joseph N. Harrington . haa been men
tioned and a half dosen others are
spoken of. Thla ward takes very little
Interest In city affairs and usually
polls a light vote.
-aUmlaate ratty -oil ties.
Tbe mayor appoints the chief of po
llen ' and two other policemen. - The
present officers are: Charles R. Bums,
chief, and Ed Shaw and George Hanlon,
patrolmen. . The mayor also appoints
the. street superintendent, who at pres
ent la John Green, and the city prose
cutor. Franklin T. Griffiths fine the
last named office. . : .
The city elective offices, filled by
the council, are: City recorder, Walter
jA. Dimick, Incumbent, and the city
treasurer, F. 8. Meyers, Incumbent.
The council also appolnta the board of
water commissioners. There la no sal
ary attached to thla Job. .
Th present tndlcationa are that the
election will be hotly contested and the
- campaign will be a very Interesting one.
All. the candidates w... no doubt bo re
quired to expreaa their position on cer
tain local matters in no uncertain man
ner' before their names will be serious
ly considered. While party politics will,
toall Intents and purposes, be elimin
ated, feeling In regard ' to local Ques
tions will run high.
Yoca Cnrarcofi
than HAYNER, no matter how much you pay or where yon get it. We
have bees distilling whiskey (or 39 years. We have one of the moat modern
and beat equipped distilleries Jn the world. We know of nothing that
would improve our product.. Perfection is the distiller's art has been
reached in HAYNER WHISKEY, which goes direct from our distillery to
YOU, with all of ita original purity, etrength, richness and flavor. It doesn't
pass through the hands oi any dealer or middleman. to adulterate. .You
thus save the dealers' big profits. ' You buy at the distiller's price, at first
cost. Don't you see the economy In buying HAYNER WHISKEY, as well
as the certainty of getting absolutely pure whiskeyr .. ' j
UeHed State Senate, Waehlactoa. D. d
-t have need H ATNBK W HUSKY fee medicinal parpeeee In my family ead have
(Send It very eatlsteetory. 1 believe it he be a aameer-eae medicinal whiakr y."
I. . v 2J& timrtin, U. S. Senator (rem Virginia.
Bead as tbe above a'moawl aed we wffljMp
mm maraa to snow contents. Try tne wnitaey, nave year aoetm
every bottle If yen wish. If yen don't Bnd It ell rlfht. shin It bad
at OUR BXHSNBB sad yoar meaey will be protSpOr reloaded.
' mat Dm teirerr
Yen save meeev hv oraarlaa- M oaartt bv
in wen. get a meaa to joia yen. Tee esa asve enner ye or venrooav
tteaaeaiber we par the eaateas se fresrht efeargee.
'" Write ear nearest ofBoa and So S WOW. .1-, , - MS
CtSwWciaM. eLUajte,lel Devtae),0. AUatrtav.
DUtJnery.Troy.6. ' CsfsX ClOSSJIa, Mat la fa& . KstabUahed MM.
Founders Day Exercises Give
i ' ' " i
Way to Church Meeting-
at Forest Grove. ; : .v
Origin ol Day, Dates Back to Febru
ary Fifteenth, ElfhteenNtnety-Flve,
When Studenta Subscribed' More
Than Four Thousand Dollars.:
. fftMclal Dbnatra to Tbe Journal.!."
' Pad no University, Forest drove. Or.
Oct 14. On account 'of the meeting of
Churches, to be held In this city Octo
ber IT to It, Incluslverthe annual cele-
D ration oi rounoers- oay nas oeen poev
poned to October 15. . - -
- The first Founders' day celebration
at Paclflo university dates back to Febr
ruary 15, , ItOt, when" undergraduates
were aeea en the campus putting up
glaring posters announcing that All
atudenta are' requested to' come to the
mass meeting tbls evening In the col
lege chapel. . Faculty are positively not
allowed." ,-.-
This was at the time that Pearsons,
the Chicago millionaire, made a gift of
15.000 to the college If Its rrlenda would
raise 1100,000. The aim of the students
was to make a contribution worthy of
the student body nd thus show their
own deep interest toward the new work
undertaken - by Prealdent McClelland
the erection of the commodious college
building, wbleh is now, known as , the
Marah Memorial hall. ,
The enthusiasm which characterised
that gathering of college men and worn
en waa boundless. Each pledge of
money was greeted with the college
yells, and when 14,06s Waa reached the
atudenta roae and sang the college
hymn, "Three Cheers for T. A., and
P. U." "Before adjourning a motion waa
made that the day should be celebrated
each year by the atudenta, and ahould
be called -Studenta'' Day."
The raising of over 14,000 by students;
jaeat of whom were working their way
both through the academy and college,
Is without doubt the truest deraonstra.
tlon of loyalty that .P. U. atudenta have
ever shown. Thus each year the day is
celebrated with' added seal and enthus
The first anniversary- of Students'
day waa observed with fitting exercises.
But the following year, when the cata
logue appeared. It was noticed that
'Students' day" had -been superseded
by "Founders', day." Thla change waa
made by the, faculty because they
wished jk day bearing that name, and
felt two new holidays could,, not . be
granted. Assurance waa given, however,
that the day ahould still belong to the
studsnts for promoting their own Inter
ests. So this , year the day la to be
commemorated with an Interesting pro
Miss Frances Borenson, the president
of the senior class, will preside at the
celebration. Wlllard H. Wlrts will speak
in behalf of athletlos; Miss Irvln. the
editor of. tha Weekly Indeft.-wtU repre
sent tbe board or editors or tnat -pub
lication. Other speakers are Miss Far
rln, "The Work of the Christian Aaao-
olatlona"; W. R. " Rasmuaoen, "Bauma
Sigma": D. T. Alter. "Alpha Zeta"; Miss
handler. "The Phllomathean Society.
Besides these speeches . the ' different
classes' will Indulge In good-natured
badinage and will vie with one another
In making the greatest hit. Bongs and
Instrumental music will enliven the oc
casion. The Breeae, the humorous paper.
will appear on that day. But mueh of
the program, Ita more Important feat-
urea at least, are to be kept secret. The
senior class will probably wear raps
and gowns for the first time thla year.
- i .
, . lea of ertsf. . .
(Jeersal SrMlsl service.)
Chicago,. Oct. 14. A dispatch from
Peoria saya that. Calvin. C LJnea, for
tl years an official of the Peoria Na
tional bank, died there last night. He
had resigned; all connections with the
bank last January, but atlll owned stock
In the Institution. The Dougherty scan
dal preyed on his mind and Is said to
have caused his death.
' xajaied fen Sawmill.
- (Special Dispatch to The JnoraaL) .
Olympla. Wash., Oct. 14. O. Bouchard
was very seriously If not fatally Injured
yesterday while working at Mentsers
mill In Temlco. It Is thought that his
right arm must be amputated..
Buy Phpqip
.GO Gspnzoo
20 FnacieT
at a plant sealed ease, with
freight If roe eant nee ae
n mmmt f m
v v . - ' ' . f
piano exhibition also con
t1nue3baby grand 5
And upriqhts.
The Most Elaborate) of ff .500
, Styles as Wall as Instruments
" at $850, S600, $400 aod
Dowa to $15 Arc locladsd
Irnpromptu Recitals Dally.
Of all. forma of instrumental music
that of the orchestra is the nobleet and
best. Itself the aggregation of all the
accepted meana by which man had ever
expreaaed- himself In' music, tbe com
positions .written for It are amonr the
grandest efforta of human genius.
Any Blnzla inatruimant that in tha
liome nan be made to reproduce thla
muale with anything like orchestral ef
fect must, therefore, appeal to every
body who knows what good muslo is, or
haa any taste for it whatever. -
Such an Instrument la the Orches
trelle. . . '..-.
With' remarkable fidelity and with a
beauty and variety of tone coloring im
possible . to describe, it simulates the
various voices of the orchestral family.
If one la a musician, the Orchestrells
can be played with the keys the same
aa any ordinary manual Instrument, but
U can be played even better with the
Afollan Company'a perforated music
rolls, in which case no technical knowl
edge la neceaaary,. and only a short pe
riod of practice. v
During thla Exposition Orcheafrellea
will be shown "from the simplest forms,
costing 1160. throusrh a vast array of
choice Instruments In oak, mahogany
and fancy walnut .casings, at 1100, $000.
invw, iT&o, 8tu, ij.zoo. fi.hoo ana up
to. 1300. :.A ....... .. .
y 'A Few Specials 5 '.
We offer today a very fine mahogany
Aeolian, the regular 1459 style, with $2
worth of music, for I27S. This Is a dis
continued style, but atrlctly new, war-
ran tea, ana very nne. -
We have also a very 'elegant special
Style Aeollah In oak case, the S4S0
style, for f ZOO, accompanied also by 120
worm oi Aeolian grand music . -A
very fine IfOO style Colonial Aeo
lian, splendid combinations, - special
price today with 20 worth of Aeolian
grand rolls, StS.
Another very similar style, IttS, beau
tiful light mahogany case.
The above two instruments are exact
duplicates of tbe Instruments aold to
His Holiness. Pope Leo XIII. alao to the
late Queen Victoria, to Jean Do Resske
and to many other notables. .
A large numDer ot very nice little
Aeolian Orchestrelles, the new Princess
style. In mshogany case regular retail
price 1150, now 1115110 down and ti
a month (accompanied by fit worth of
Aeolian grand muslo rolls). Miss Helen
Ooold recently purchased one of these
Instruments at Aeolian Hall. New York.
and they are uaed extensively through
out the land. Just the thing for smsll
apartments, where beautiful quality of
tone is desired rather than great volume
and variety. ....... -
probably the blga-eat value in an Or-
Cheetrelle is. .the . beautiful .oak -cased
sample Instrument dlsDlaved 'In the west
winaow, sn instrument tnat snouia be
sold for 1650. and will co to the flrat
Orcheatrelle buyer who aeea It -at a
discount so large that we dare not pub-
linn it in print. .
Orchestrellee are -sold throughout tne
land under contract to maintain regu
larly established factory priaes, and It
is only on the rarest occasions that aucii
opportunities as tne aoove are pre
In thla collection win be found today
the beautiful style "O," the $400 Instru
ment; also the new style V, price II,-
600. and the "W,. price ii.ioo.
One of the famous style "F" solo Or
chestrelles came in Friday, but waa Im
mediately aold to a prominent home in
Idaho. A duplicate of this fine solo In
strument Is expected within the next
few days, price 11.600. and at that time
every single catalogue and several spe
cial styles or urcnestreues win oe dis
played at the Eilers salesrooms.
- Notabls Patrons Hsra
Among owners of fine and costly Or-
chestrelles, we tske pleasure In enumer
atrng the following prominent residents
or mis my ana state, via: u. a. Ailsay,
j.'M. Annur, f. tsuenner, Mrs. u. M
Foster. William H. Ladd. Charles Fl
Ladd. J. Wesley Ladd. W. P. Olds. Port
land Hots), Taooma Hotel, Oreen River
Hot Springs Hotel, Hot Lake Sani
tarium, George J. Turrell. Seattle. -
Impromptu Orcheatrelle and Pianola
recitals will be given dally during this
week at Ellera Piano House, 161 Wash
ington, corner Park (Eighth) street
Butte Has Another Female Biga
mist in the Person of Mrs.
Sarah Young
(Special IMtDstrk te The Joarntl.V
Butte. Mont Oct. 14. For the second
time within a month Butte has under
her Judicial wins an alleged woman
blcamlst. Tha case. Is not as remark
able or as full of sensational features aa
that of Mra. atelvllle-Northey, which has
attracted unlveraal attention, but la yet
In embryo. The latest woman who haa
entansled herself In the blcamlatlc web
la Mrs. Barah Younev 46 years of ace.
who was arrested late last nlfht. it is
llered she haa four husbands Ilvlns;.
She married her last husband, William
Young", July II, 104.
Mrs. Young did hot prove a model
wife and her husband accidentally dis
covered that she had a past He 4ooked
up' the records and found that she had
aought- about two weeks ago a divorce
from her prevlmie-husbsnd named Flh
ropp, but had been denied a decree.
Today he turned her over to the au
thorities for prosecution. .Young al
leges that his wife has threatened to
poison him or throw .vitriol in hla fae.
and that e haa lived In terror pr
several weeks. ' -
(Joeniel Spaeial Strvlce.)
Olympla, Wash Oct 14 The North
west Baptist convention thst hss been
In session here, completed Its work last
evening. The convention elected dele
gates te the first triennial Baptist con
vention of North America to be held In
Boston and passed resolutions to the
effect .thst coercion on the part of cap
ital or labor was a menace to national
peace end security. .
Kabert Xaraaae tsaaae.
(Special DhiMtra te The, Jnerael.!
Aberdeen. Wash.. Oct. 14. Hubert
Karehner waa taken to Monteeano' yes
terday, where hia'meTttal condition was
eiamlned into. Ha was declared Insane
and taken te Steilacoom for treatment.
t4t t e1
( I
Odd Fellowi Tcraple
First and Ald,er Sts.
X Telephone Msla iSs
My 1.C0
City Water
Graded - Streets
5c Fare
- OFFICE and
Main 345
Last Performance Florence Roberta.
The last performance ""of Florence
Roberta and her, excellent company of
players will be given tonight at the
Marquara Grand theatre, on Morrison
street between Sixth and Seventh streets,
when Paul Armstrong's greatest play,
"Ann La Mont," will be the bllL This
will be your last opportunity to see Mies
Roberts In her greatest character. Cur
tain at (:ll o'clock. ,
"Ben Hur" Scats Now Selling.
The advance aala of aeats for "Ben
Hur," the stupendous production which
the Klaw AV Erlanger company (Inc.)
present of General Lw Wallace's greet
drama, at the Marquam Grand theatre.
October It to IS, opened thla morning.
Ben Hur" created a aenaatlon In this
vicinity two years ago, and now with
the announcement that It ta to be pre
sented (or six nights (exclusive of Sun
day) at the Marquam Grand theatre,
starting Thursday, October. It. and
with matinee performances on Wednes
day and Saturday, new Interest la stim
ulated. All railroad llnea entering Fort
land are to make low excursion rates.
' 4 .
"The Tenderfoot" Next Monday.
Probably the wittiest operatic comedy
that la touring the country, aa well aa
one of the most tuneful, will be aeen
at the Marquam Grand theatre next
Monday, Tuesdsy, Wednesday nights.
October 1. 17. II. with a special price
matinee Wedneaday, when Richard
Carle and H. I Hearts'e great
success. "The Tenderfoot," will be tha
big attraction. Tha sale of seats for
this big musical production opened yes
terday "morning. The music of "The
Tenderfoot" la particularly swinging and
characteristic, while the scene of the
opera, Texas, makes It possible for the
management to furnish particularly
bright end attractlvs costumes. ..
The Fortunes of the King.".
Tfte last performances of "The For
tunes of the Kttig" will be given at the
Belasco theatre tomorrow sfternoon and
evening. Next week's bill Is "Sheri
dan," another1 romantic drams of fine
quality. j.
The Star Show Girls." ' k
All of the latest waits aong hits: the
moat fascinating. Intricate dances and
drills; charming chorus girls who can
alng, clever original comedy creations.
new and novel acta that thrill and en
tertain are promised by the management
of "The Star Bhow Girls." that will be
seen for one week at tha Baker theatre,
starting next Sunday matinee.
f- . ..Honest Hearts."
'Dad's Only Olrl." the dad In this In
stance being David Weathersby, an old
Kentucky farmer of fine character, la
the romantic role which Alma Hearn
FrlgMfnl SaSerlmg Believes.
Suffering frlahtfullv from the viru
lent poisons of undlaested food. C G.
Grayson, of tula. Miss., took Dr. King's
Nsw Life Pills, "with the result." he
writes, "that I was cured.'' ' All stomach
and. bowel dleordere glva way te their
tonic, laxative propertlee. tie at Skid
more Drug Co., Ill Third street; guaranteed,
Don't Think of Pure hating
Until You Have
3 Golo'o Original Hot
Blaot Ocaters
, Sold bjF us: We have no room1 In this adver-'
tisement to expatiate upon their merits, which
. are so many that no other stove was ever com
pared to them, but if you will call and see them,
or drop us a postal, we will let you know all
. about their score of excellencies. We are sell
ing more Hot Blast Hesters this' year than.we .
ever sold of all makes of stoves in sny year
'.' before. We have the Wilson Airtight Heater, too,
another , of America's celebrated Stoves, likewise
The Universal Family of Stoves
" -' and IUatsfJeai-;
v . WITH
So aL
Per M
TiSt Vernon Car, 2nd and
nlava In her new paatoral drama, "Hon
eat Hearts." Mies Hearn la coming to
tha Empire theatre next week, starting
with the usual Sunday matinee,, at tne
head of her own company. I :
"Uncle Josh Perkina.
The people that have attended the
Empire theatre thla week, where "Uncle
Joah Perkins" has been drawing large
crowds, have not complained of being
sleepy while witnessing this bright and
sparkling play. The last performance
will be given tonight .
May Howard for the Last Time.
With tha regular performance tonight
the engagement of tha burlesque queen.
May Howard, will end at tha Baker
theatre. The company la an excellent
one and haa been largely patronised
during the week. . ,
. l At the Grand. . ;
. Chlqulta, the smalleat woman In the
world, closes her engagement at the
Grand tomorrow. She la the feature
on an exceptionally atrong vaudeville
bill. There is not sn act In tha list
which la not either novel or Interest
Ing. . Continuoua performances tomor
row from f:ie to 10:45 p. m.
" The Show at the Star.
Alice Shaw, the celebrated whistler,
la an attractive drawing card 'at the
Star. Collins . and La Bell are very
clever clog dancera and alng pleasingly.
Huntraas la aeen In a spectacular dance.
Others on tha bill are: The Beauvala
trio. In a dramatic sketch; the Voltons,
acrobats; . Franklin Confer and the
1 "Under1 Two Flaga."
The last .opportunities to see "Under
Two Flaga" will be tonight and Sun
day. Thla play aa presented by (the
Lyric stock company has played to
more people than any attraction yet
produced at the popular hduse. Next
week, "A Prisoner oT War."
' (oerael Special grrrlee.)
Peoria, 111., Oct. 44. In Its final re
port yeaterday the grand jury returned
true bill against Oliver J. Bailey,
chairman of the finance committee of
tha Peoria school board, and severely
censures the entire board for "criminal
negligence" In administering the affairs
of the- city schools. Forty-three addi
tional Indictments for embesslement and
forgery were returned againat Dough
arty. .
. Saner see Baamagea.
(Heerlel nieeatra to The Jeoraal.)
Olympla, Wash., Oct. 14 In the ease
of Patrick J. Wood, e seaman, against
tha Glob Navigation company, tha su
preme court sustained the Judgment of
the lower court for tl.tot damages, the
court holding that the captain Is not
fellow servant of the sailor and that It
waa hla duty to warn tha seaman, who
waa suddenly placed In Sdsngerous posi
tion when the. course of the ship wss
changed while heavy sea wss running.
Wood had both legs broken la the acci
dent. . .
; .. r .
4 J
e "
a Heating Stove
I Have
80 Lots
in 18 Days
10 Cents a Day Will Get You
Home if You Act Promptly
$20 to $125
Washintcn, to East 25th Street
246 Stark Street
No Pain No Pain
We are tha discoverers and originat
ors ot the only reliable and sclentifle
system of Pslnless Dentistry. We ex
tract, crown, All and clean or treat teeth
abeolutely without pain and guarantee
all work for fifteen years. Our work
la the best, our prices the loweet con
sistent with flrst-claaa work. EXAM
INATION FREE. Our plates are unde
tectable from tha natural teeth and
are guaranteed to flu
Open for-
femslaese . matu S e'eleek
Boston Painless Dentists
sen, Morrison St, Opp- ateta a) Freak
ana rostomoe.
HOURS 1:19 a. rn. to I D. m. Sun
day. S:t0 a. m. to 11:19 p. m.
For modern dental work. ' World-re-
owned specialists. '
Lowest prloee consistent with flrtt-elsss
Oe to the ' ' ,
Open day and night, from
anUl ft aa. .
and goodlM. sat
the sight, sn far a.
King's Baths
SeveaU and Wese.
tagto Sts,
and largest
avtae etty. .
ktaasnanva ue tfmeie keew
-. . . a. eere- wrl
in -. r.
m enBBWBlBBBBB sn aaaa"- sat
sprciAL f
la;:i now
"Kvsrlastinf" C's
Birniri complete
lor 75 cents, ,
Closing out prices
on Glassware a ad
Dishes. -
Edged Tools and
Cutlery and Tinware
at lowest prices.
" ,
The Hard
ware Man
Rent Payer
Portland's leading residence sub
urb, offers such opportunities. ,
Built to your order and the money'
with which you are now buying
a rent receipt each month will pay
for it. That means you are prac
tically getting a home for noth
ing. . Dig up your rent receipts
and see how many times you
could have paid for a home of
your own with the money they
represent.,.-- t;
' Investigate .our building plan" and
. be convinced.
down, tl ner month.
Every k convenience . Jit FIR
LAND -a beet water, lt-tnlnute
electric car service (fare ic), beat
location, 20 minutes from city on
the Mount Scott electric railway.
Tske MOUNT 8COTT car at
First and Alder streets tomorrow
and visit. v
103 FaiUag BaildUg. .
, Fkome Main S1SS.
. (Open Evenings.) '
. Offloe, Flrland Station.
For Rent
Modern houee-of . I rooms, practically
new; a modern- Bridge at Beach range,
with hot water, attachments, for sale,
cheap. Inquire Dr. Krpper,.l West
Ninth t.. bet. 1 and 4 p. m. - '
fWaVWWWMWAAaVey rfWVMw.r.j
" IB A
s x es a-.
l.i i c '