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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
c zzu daily ,j :aL, rcTLAirr. rr.:DAY i;v:;i::g, octoi 12. nzs. -7 BAUGAIIJS FOR BETTER , Stationery XUU-Fim Floors v Fine High-Gride Japanese Twilled Linen Writing" Paper, In I -pound ' . packages, 120 sheets of white paper to package.. Special at.. ..I9? . Carter's Writing Fluid, in large sise 4-ounce bottles; our 10c value. Special at, ,the Dottle . . . , . , ..... . .-, ,Y, ... . .... .,. ,, ,...'..,. Crushed Bond Writing Tablets, note size, white paper, rued, for , ink; our 12c value. Special, each... ........................... Tf ClOA.Gr nooon eject c? onioaQo . . mi i j in ii. ,- ,-- ., ,. iia.1 ii i ,l ' . r , END-OF-WEKK JOTTINGS AND SATURDAY ' SUGGESTIONS FOR SHOPPERS J - CtO Pad. Watches Cleaned, and crrci-L . i for One Year for 75 Cento New Mainapringa, 75c. All Other Repairing of Jewelry - 1 Cx 3 at Proportionately Modest Prices. First FloorKaar Lar-s Llttar. SOLE SELLING AGENTS IN OREGON FOR THE ' -r-:- , WORLD FAMOUS , BONNET ET jCiES' SILKS : -THE KIND THAT GRANDMA WORE EXTRMrBIWAR Y ffi SALES OF AUTUMN MERCHANDISE SATURDAY: TDTT AT? TTVT TVyTTTVTT PLEASE, THIS IS THE . "DAYLIGHT STORE- THAT 4JAfa mXjtlA CLOSES SATUKUAY- AS ON ALL PAYS AT 6 P. M IN ORDER TO GET' THE BEST RESULTS FROM WEEK-END SHOPPING IT MUST BE DONE ON SATURDAY BEFORE ; 6 P. M. AFTER THAT, THIS PORTLAND'SGREATEST. FOREMOST STORE, IS CLOSED. Such wonderful values as are listed below examples of thousands that are scattered thickly thro' every section, on every floor of this great store should bring thousands of visitors to the city to combine. economy shopping with a farewell visit to the exposition, as well as to form a powerful attraction to our own thrifty home-folk who have the myriad wants of a long winter season to fill in wearables ' and usables. Latest Arrivals - - AT PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND FOREMOST APPAREL STORES. . J V' " . ' . ' Grand Salons Second Floor. . : : Scores of Smartly Tailored Raincoats Are In! A host of new ar rivala in W o m e n's smart Three-Quarter : Lengt,h COATS in the latest fancy tnia tures, and NEW RAINCOATS in .very newest models and tailoring, effects. A matchless line, un . rivaled by any shown -' west of Chicago. A wide price range 01O.OO to 028.50 I SMART NEW TAILORED SUITS. , . - In Tailored Suite we ., show the largest as sortments west of Chicago. Consequent upon immense pur chases, we are en- abled to make the -lowest prices named by any house on the coast. The Long Coated Suit has the rail over the jauntier Shnrl tonle r n or jacket styles, which are to be seen in all the new season's. favorite color ings, strapped, stitched and diversely trimmed according to the best taste dictates. Also an1 immense and varied assortment of those long, grace ful fftted-coat Suits, Redingotes, Eton g and Jacket Suits all finMavor in fashion's eyes. These smart costumes are being shown, in 'various shades of gray, blue, red, tan, green, brown,, purple and black. .."Mannish styles attract many swell dressers, paddocks and boxy . . r'm m effects are popular. The price range is wide 012.6O to 0175 Among Other new arrivals are-very handsome Lingerie Waists.. Priced. modestly at; .v.'.. ......... .;:.'.. .....V.....08.5Oto 028.5O Pretty Colored Waists, in brilliantines, mercerised etamines, fancy veil- ings'and bewitching plaids.- Pricea range fronts . .01.0. to'f 0O.OO, "Lafgert linrof Net Watstg-ever shown' by an one house '" "in the-city.-. . . . r. t, i.'. ...... ..r. .075 to 038.BO Beautiful Silk Waists, in all the wanted and dainty colorings, embracing blues, pinks, navys, black, etc., in chiffon taffetas, peatl r , de cygnes and crepes. ...v;";. M to f48.50 Immense lines of Handsome Silk Petticoats, in best taffeta andall the newest favorite colorings.. ;.................... ,;.5.00 to 45.00 Silk Petticoats with embroidered and shirred flounces are much favored by smart dressers. These from. I. ...... ...fl2.50 to fSS.OO Elegant costumes for opera, theatre or dinner wear...? 3S.OO to S2SO The "Princess"! Gowns hold favor in Fashiondom with the majority of wearers.-- Rich evening. wraps,.......' ,....... 22.50. to fl45 piW fir ' A GREAT SALB Or ' Men's Hosiery and Other uFbdnsn Should throng the Haberdiaheria : tomorrow the man's "shopping day." MEN S 1 6c HOBB 15c. Men's Fancy Tan Cotton . Hott) overshot whit llsla effect; seam less; regular value J Sc. Special. the pair 15 BOT8- SWEATERS Sc. ' Boys Brownie Worrited Sweaters, In plain red and black, with pur ple or yellow strtpea; regular : value 11. ti. Special at. each..95e r MEN'S 76c NIOHT ROBES 49c. A line of Men's Extra, Good Quality Outing Flannel Night . Robes, aatln-faced neck and filled seams, made very long and full;. regular value 7 Sc. Special, each. .. .494. I MEN'S tOe UNDERWEAR Sto. Men's Heavy Weight Cotton Ribbed , Shirts and Drawers. In flesh col-. " or; regular value SOc. ' Special, the garment 35t MEN'S 200 LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS 10c. . Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, In " white, with H and H-lnch hems; ' regular value too. Special, , ; each . ....10 MEN'S t5c HOSE llo. . Men's Plain Black Cotton Hose, high - .spliced Aheel, double sols, good weight; our beat I So 'value. . Spe cial, the pair........ y.lSl v MEN'S 11.00 OXFORD GOLF -8HIRTS 89c ' Men's Good Heavy Weight Oxford ; Golf Shirts. In black and white effects, with 1 pair cuffs; the beat 11.00 value. Special, , each ....59 The Best Umbrellas in .Town are Here , At Any Price You Want to " Pay .60 up to 925.00 . BLACK COTTON OR SEROB UM- i BR ELLAS. ; -. -In email alsea, at , each. ..i.r.60 FINB BLACK PIECE DTED TAF- ' FETA COVERED UMBRELLAS. Priced at, each. ..01.50 and 92. OO HANDSOME SERGE UMBRELLAS. For ladles or gentlemen. Priced at each ... . . . .. .92.50 and 93.00 LADIES' UMBRELLAS. In every quality and style, "Priced at. each, . ' , from .... 9 1.00 up to 925.00 ' ' FOLDING UMBRELLAS. Suitable for traveling; can be folded . and pecked In sult case. ' . 3 A GREAT SALE OF BEAUTIFUL J EMBROIDERIES - ON 'f -.'I' x ir-. SATURDAY. :- --;,. ; ..... -. , : ? Unmatchablc; EnibroideryValues ; , Strongly Reinforced " ''''' -:V -; First' Floor. We have added a matchless-. ' , '.' array pf Beautiful Embroid- . ' ' erics X6 those remaining from .. y ' - the, past week'a sale and shall oflVr thousands of yards for , Saturday selling at unprece dented bargain prices. Read detail: We have placed on our counters a great selection of Fine and Medium Em-' broideries of all descriptions, .' suitable for trimming shirt- . waists, underwear, etc. Every' piece in the showing is worth almost double what you will pay for it'. We have divided these Embroideries into two great lots, as follows LOT NO. 1 Stripe of 4tf yards eachPriced at, the strip..,., ......... 45e Stripa 6f 6J jrard each Priced at, the strip . , . . ....... . , . . 5e LOT NO. 2 Strips of 4K yards each Priced at, theA8trip.,..,i..VOe Stripa of tyi yards each Priced at, the strip . 1 .. . ; f 1.30 A Remarkable Coterie of Matchless Values in Silks and Dress Stuffs Fifth Street Annex First Floor Rare Bargains in Sil.ks ara1Sm Portland's greatest and best Silk Store offers its pa trons more of . those- unusual . q u a 1 i t y-bar-gains that have helped to make . it famous. The price story is magnetic. The sale lasts thro' Saturday-r-but, remember,, earlv hunters generally bag the plumpest pheasants. . .Come early for the plums. ; , r . - '24-Inch All-Pure Silk Crepe de Chine; this popular all-silk fabric in all evening and atreet shades; un- equaled value at the regular price of 85c. Special for Saturday only, yard.. . '.. ......... .68e 19-Inch All-Pure Silk Peau de Soie, "black only," f very rich, high finish and durable; regular " $1.00 yard quality. Special only, the yard ...... T3e Imported Novelty Plaid Silks in a large assortment . of color combinations; unequaled value at $1.00 the yard. Special for Saturday only, the yard ...... .....76 VVorth-While Savings for Dress Goods Buyers ; F l , EXCEPTIONAL a s n 1 o n -z induce- 1 . MENTS FOR ...lil WOMEN TO fill fibTies IXJ8? - HERE : TOMORROW. Values sure to throng -the Dress Goods Stores very moment of "opea time" Saturday. 23S0 yards of New Novelty Suitings,' every new color and -weave in the assortment; our regular - tmmatchable $1.25 grade. Special for Satur day only, the yard.;. 89 Regular 50c values in Mixed Tweeds, Heather Suit ings, Novelty Plaids; in an endless color as ' sortxnent. Special for Saturday only, the yard. 30e) 1 BLACK DRESS GOODS : :; DEPARTMENT ' Our regular $1.50 grade of Henriettas, Prunellas, " Panamas,' Venetians, Mohairs, Voiles, Crepe de Paris, and Poplin de Chine, all warranted ? fast dyes. Special for Saturday only, yard.. 1.10 SATURDAY'S TIMELT BARGAINS .... IN WOMEN'S ,,,V, Knit Underwear andT ; Hosiery "",.:'; .'FIRST FLOOR. SHOPS. UNDERWEAR : Perhaps our 'euggeetlon may-re-' ritlnd you of a DESIRE you have for " Under we t or Hosiery then . an other" euggeetlon good Underwear and Hosiery la going to be cheaper - here tomorrow. - The - two auggea ' tlona with the one desire, well shaken, should be for a RESULT .your' presence-here Saturday ae buyer, j We'll:-, expect yai. . First . Floor. '. . . WOMEN'S, 6c.VE8T8 AND PANTS ... - , . 56c. ;. White - Wool-PUlted Vests and Pants, medium weight. Jeraeyp ribbed, long-sleeve Vests, ankle length Pants; regular value S6c Special, each . .............. .55 WOMEN'S 11.10 UNION SUITS . .' .. ... . . . Fine - All-Wool White Union Suits, half-open front, extra Bilk-trimmed, long-aleeve. ankle-length; regular value 11.50. Special, the suit 91.88 ; WOMEN'8 $3.B0 UNION SUITS 12.41. Heavy Weight Natural' Wool' "Mun slng" Union . Suits. .- half open front, open across bust: regular -value 11.60. Special at, the . suit 1.. 92.49 . WOMEN 8 11. SO VESTS AND PANTS Sic. A broken line Of Women's Fine Win ter Weight "Cashmere Ribbed Vesta and Pants, In blue, gray and white; regular value 11. SO. Spe cial, each ...............,..98e ' -HOSIERY WOMEN'S 16c HOSE I So. Black Fleece-Lined Cotton Hose. . seamless, good winter weight; regular value ISe. Special. the pair .25 WOMEN'S SOo HOSE SSc. Fine Black Lisle, All-Lace and Lace Ankle Hose, double sole, spliced t heel; regular value SOo. Special, the pair ...35 ' BOYS" 18c H0SB 17c, Boys' Black Cotton Hose, double . . and fine ribbed. - winter weight, seamless; Tegular value SSc. Special, the pair....... 174 ' Housekeepers Helps AMONG i THE SATURDAY 8PE-. CIAL8 IN THE "HOUSEHOLD -' EXCHANGE" THIRD FLOOR. Autumn brides and experienced housewives will find many price advantages- here tomorrow among the ; China stocks, the Olass and Silver ware, Brlc-a-Brao and Kitchen Find ings. Speelal for Saturday. DECORATED CHINA SALAD SETS 7-plece Salad Set;,regular value 11. '" Special, the set. ......... ... 80 7-plece Salad Set;, regular .value 11. - Special, the set ...91.60 1 15.00 DECORATED CHAMBER --,r . ' 8ET8 14.00.-. . v . In faney shapes, full gold,, with neat , decorations of pink roses; regu lar value 15.00. Special, the set -...04.00 .' CUSPIDORS. Decorated Earthenware Cuspidors. ' v Special at. each. ............ 154 .Mottled Earthernware Cjjsptdora. Special at, each . . . ........ 20 - Decorated China (Cuspidors. . ' , Special at. each .35 Decorated Tall English Parlor Cus pidors; regular value $1.80. ' Special, each .."..i,; .01.25 ; Decorated Tall English Parlor Cus pidors; regular value $1.00. "Special; each 91.50 WILLOW CLOTHES BA8KET8. , , Oval shspe; regular value 0c Speslal. each ............. .48 Oval shape; regular value ,7,0c. Special, eaeh ..........'....56 Oval shape; regular value 10c. Special, each . 65 11.00 NICKEL-Pt.ATED POLISH- , . INO IRONS Tie. Bet of 'three Irons, with stand and holder; regular value Id. 00. Special, set ...TO ART POTTERY. - Just received, a choice line, of hew Art Pottery in new shapes and fin- ' Ishes. See them. , - " ' Need a New Pair of Gloves '' "for Sunday ? Suggestions as to choosing THE TWO-CLASP "MONARCH."" With Paris points and pique sewing. ' In black, white end all leading ' colors 92.00 OUR DENT'S "OLOVE8. , Need no recommends- ' tlon...........91.5Q and 92.00 OUR TWO-CLASP "DERBY Is the best alt aound glove to be . Jad,plque seWedj... , . ,.. 91.SO -OUR THRafi-WLASP--ESKAT. la the best dressy glove made, be- ing manufactured of the finest. . quality French kid. It fits per . fectly and wears well. In white, blsck afldjafrtolora. Price, V the pair Jl.SO- 1. OUR "MAGNET." Is a two-clasp glove, overseam , sewed, and la the beet glove in the world at ...... 91.00 . We show a full line of BLACK 1 REYNIER SUEDE OLOVES at 91.75 , . MOCHA OLOVES. In one and. two-clasp - styles, for street wear, very - durable. In , black, gray and tan. 'Prices....... .91.25 and 91.50 A Sale of Domestics and Every-day Dress Stuffs TOWELS AND LINENS AT LESS THAN USUAL PRICES " ' .FOR SATURDAY. Flrat Floor. fl.S DAMASK TABLECLOTH8, tic. . Fancy Drawn Work ' and Figured ' Damask Tablecloths, sine S4xl. . large asortment of choice' pat terns; regular $1.60. Special . .............. ...08 .1 $1.25. TABLE DAMASK, $1.00. . A line of Richardson's fine Satin-' Finish Table Damask, pretty patterne to select from; regular value $1.15." . Special, the . yard . 01.OO . BLEACHED TABLE LINEN. 54e. Satin Damask" BleacheoT Table' ' A . Linen, 61 lnchee wide. Special at, the yard ............. .54 HUCK TOWELS, lie. Full Bleached Huck Towels.' large . else, fancy Jacquard borders. Special at, each 18e " FLANNELETTES. 10c. - Thousands of yards of new Fall Flannelettes, In handsome floral, -' Persian and fancy striped effect. Special at. the yard 10 11 He DRESS GINGHAMS, 10c. , New Fall Dress Ginghams, in light, ; medium and dark colors, stripes, ' checks, plaids and fancy raised ef- . fects; regular It He. Special, ' yard .10 LINEN HUCK TOWELS, 10c,. Good ' else Linen Huck Towels, ' hemmed with fancy border. Spe . ,clal at, each .....10 BATH TOWELS, 11 He. ' Heavy Cream Bath Towels, made of . double-twisted yarn, else- 20x41. -; flpecla each 12H ,J BLEACHED TOWELING. 10c. ' All-Linen Heavy Barnaley Bleached Toweling. Special at. the yard .....10 DINNER NAPKINS, $1.10. . Large ' else 1 Dinner Napkins,. In .choice patterns, only SO dnsen. Special, dosen ..-93.60 . II He PERCALES. I0e. . , Fancy Dress Percalee, in new Fall styles. It inches wide; regular II Ho. Special, yard ......10 NEW FALL AND WINTER FLAN- I , NELS. For bath and lounging robes and . fancy wrapper, also 'Eiderdown Flannel, Embroidered Flannel. Trl- " cot Flannels in pis In end fancy ef : : fects, end Flannels for children's .. coats In white Angors,' very Myl- lah and serviceable. -Unshrinkable ' Scotch Flannels and new Plaide In all the various elans. - - The Great Sale of Lace Curtains Continues - BUT LAST OPPORTUNITY COMES . SATURDAY TO BUY AT THESE PRICE8. (.4 ' - Fourth Floor. ' Special Prices on Curtains -..; and Rugs ; ' They are accumulations of small lots from our immense stocks. We - need not tell vou that such values ' are , seldom obtainable, nor that .' these will be snapped up In a day or two at these' bargain prices. - Some 'are broken lines, others slightly mussed from handling; S7 styles to seleet from, 'including Rehaln'sance and Brussels ' effects and corded Arabians In one to five-pair lots: - "the pair '. ... - . Regular $1.00 values.' Special at, the pair .65 Regular. J1.I0 values. 8peclal at, the pair .95 Regular $100 values. Special at, the pair ......01.35 Regulsr $3.50 values.,. Special at, the pair .01.65 Regular $1.00 values. Special at, the pair .91.95 Regular $1.50 values. Special at, the pair ..........92.35 Regular $4.00 values. Special at, the pair . S2.S5 . Regular $4.60 values.. Special at. the pair 92.95 Regular $6.50 Values. Special at. the pair 93.65 Regular $1.00 values. Special at, , the pair ....03.85 , Regular $7.00 values. Special at, the pair 94.50 Regular $1.00 values. Special at, the pair 05.25 Regular $10.50 values. Special at. the pair ..06.75 SMYRNA RUGS. 'All-wool, double-faced Smyrna Rugs. Special values for one week only , Slse x ; regular value $11.00. Special . 09.75 Slse 7Hxl0H; regular value 111.60. Special . 014.85 Slse ill; regular value 124.00. Special . ....... .......9I9.OO Buy ' Last Chance Saturday to Fair Souvenirs at Half-Price WINDING UP THE EXPOSITION SALES! PRETTY JEWELRY ; PIECES AND LEATHER ' NOVELTIES FOR . HALF! The mere announcement should fill the aisles in front of the Sou venir counters in the Annex. Every ' one visitor and denlsen alike 'Wants a memento of the Fair as a keepsake and an heirloom. Yeare . from now theae trinkets will be priceless! Think . how . your dill- , dren'e children wilt value them. - We cut valuee in two for pricea tomor rowbut these souvenirs and me mentoes of the atart of a newer, , bigger, better Portland in 1106 will double and treble and quadruple in value with the years to come. . Read what the souvenir man says.' Sale In the JEWELRY AND LEATHER GOODS SHOPS SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIR8T FLOOR, ' SOUVENIRS AT HALF PtflCE. The ' remainder of our Souvenirs will b placed on sale tomorrow at half, price. ". Everybody wanta and ahould have a Souvenir of the Iwls and Clark Fair. Pretty SpoonS,. Book Marks, Fobs,-Bag ". Tags, Thimbles. - Rings, 8tlck Pins, Hat Plna, Brooches, Trays, Match Safes, etc.. to, select from. Special for Saturday only. at p.-uu nxam. SOUVENIRS IN LEATHER GOODS AT HALF PRICE. , A' lot of Souvenir Purees, Card Cases, Pocket Mirrors, v. Match Safes, etc, made of best quality Vienna. 'calf leather, with richly , embossed designs ef the Govern- . ment and other Lewis and Clark Fair buildings. Special S?"'-v . only ...... AUr 1 RADIANT AUTUMN MlkLMBRY "Bijou Salona" Annex Second Floor. S3.50 Exquisite $5.00 Trimmed Hats A1tho the OLDS. WORTMAN & KING Hats are everywhere accepted by fashion judges as the highest standard in Millinery. Art, we . are greatly elated by the tremendous sue-v cess they have scored this season Our. styles have met the heartiest ap proval of . the most critical dressers among Exposition visitors and home folk. .It is not strange this ahould be so, for there is a stunning elegance and quiet refinement composite to this store s styles that appeal to good dressers. We add the anire of aneria.1 S IScP values often to the feast of arvle. To- JfxTjJ &Afjt '" morrow we shall place on safe in the e . 'Yr.. lr S : ..o:; ci. -vin i i bans 6V fine Chenille braids and silk velvet.' trimmed with pretty feathers in fancy effects and ornaments. Another charm NO TWO ALIKE! Every Hat a splendid $5.00 value. Special for Saturday only at, a choice fori....... 03.5O .aV The American Manual Training, ; ; School Voting Contest ' . : : v - ' ' ' , y ... . . . ........ President Dwight once said that every child should begin his educa tion by selecting the right sort of-parinta. After" that, we are snre he will agree with us, the Manual Training School should become a factor. The voting is at its height for the Free Scholarship! to be awarded by this house,-. Result of balloting at 10 a. m. today. Names of Leading Ten Contestants in the American Manual Training School Voting Conteat Withstanding of Each at 10 a. m. Today.' ' ROBERT HOLMES,' Harrison....,.............,'....... WRIGHT BROWN, Clinton Kelly.. ............... TRUMAN" COOK, Fading 7. . . . . ,". . . . .; V. . i . GEORGE SLATER, Ladd.. ......... .:.'...;V..:..;;....'. ROLAND MALM, Harrison..;.. ... ..... ...... .... ..... JAMES WINSTON, Harrison... SIDNEY CRUMM, North Central.. ........... MARION OGDEN. Ockley Oreen.......;...;...i..T.... JOHN WILH ELM Couch ........... . .. . . . , HENRY 1IAWKI NS, Dsvis. . r. ....... ..... ....... Scattering ............................................. T. TOTAL '29JX2 ....... 2740 ....... 2638 ...24J7 ....... 17,000 ...... lifti ..V.,-i 1S430 4 1481 ...i... 32,162 ........i.,.V..............Vi..,..;222,037 Saturday's Seasonable Footwear Bare: ains IN THE "FAIR-WAY SHOE STORE. : Sixth Street Annex First Floor.. Bargains in the 'Shoe Stores are not unusual occurrences, but SUCH bargains as these we've arranged for our Saturday patrons are 'of the unusual sort. A little better, in -fact, than we are always capable of arranging for our patrons .and this store's customers always expect bet ter here than elsewhere. In that we never disappoint. These Shoes for women and chil dren are rare values, indeed, Special Saturday. Misses' and Children's Glazed Kid Lace Shoes, with patent leather tips and inlaid patent leather lace piece. ...Best selected stock only is used in the manufacture of these shoes; and the! solea are of the best of sole leather. The Misses' Shoes are made with very low heels; the child's with spring heels. ,' ' !; Misses' sixes 11 to 2, our $2.00 value Special at, the pair... ...01.20 Children's sixes 8V to 11, our $1.75 value Special at, the pair. ...01.10 Sires 6 to 8, our $1.50 value Special at, the pair.. ............... .01.00 "',' r LADIES' $2J0 SHOES $1.79 ' , Ladies' Glazed Kid Lace Boots with , patent, tips, Military heels, arched instep; in all sizes and widths; I stylish well-made shoe; our . $2.50 value. .Special for Saturday's selling at, the pair. ....,; ..01.T0 Women's Bargains for Saturday in the v Wardrobe Shops : J , Annex Second Floor. . ' 1 S7c FOR SCOTT'S HIP FORM AND " " BUSTLE WORTH 50c. - Scott'l Hip Form and Bustle are -light in weight, reversible, ventilated and insure per feet figure. May be worn either over or tinder the corset Come in drab, white or Mack, in five sizes;.our 50c value. Special at LADirr pvrrr! r : W02T1I U'' Ladies' .retticoats rf sateen, mat V flounce ' i dust r-' ; f r