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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
THE OREGON D..ILY JOURNAL', r PORTLAND," :;.:::::a, ocrcrzn ::, 1. m in ; UlSf DAY Preparations Completed for . Fitting Observance of Clo i r 'n4? f Exposition. ; ' MANY STUDENTS ANO i TEACHERS TO ATTEND - - n r rv . ' Children Under ., Twelve Years Old , Will Be Admitted Freer-Late Cert Provided for Suburbaaitee-Attend ance Expected to Be Heavy. ' UT90XAX. TOaAM TOM TO--.) ' KOEMW.1 ... I to !: ft- m. Admlnlstra! 4 tlon band, rolonado of Admlnls- 4 4' tratlon building- 4 10:10 a. m. to It m.Admlnia- A "tretion band. Gray boulevard. :-' 11 mj ni Alrahtp flight ; , It m. Japenree dr 11 rework.' J:l p. m. The Ellery Royal O-, Italian band, bandatsnd. Oray 4' boulerard. "' .' . . m. AlrehlD night - - t:l p. m. Hurdling by Port land Hunt " club, ' Government plaaa. . - . 7:10 p.m. The Ellery . Royal Italian band. bandstand,- dray - - :! p. m.- Dress parade by .. Portland organlsstlons of Oregon National Guard and review by 4 President Goode. - -10:J0 p. m. fireworks. , 11 p. m. 'Special grand eon d eert by the Ellery Royal Italian 4. , band, bandatand. Gray boulevard. . - 11:10 p. m. Cloalnr exercises, nr bandatand. -Gray boulerard. - 1 midnight Lights extin guished and "tap" sounded. ; O, Mammoth bouquet of rockets and 1 4) 4 bombs. Explosion of warships 4 :and submarine mines. Bet piece. d "Goodnight." in nreworka "Auld lng Sayne" by the Ellery Royal ' lUllaa band.' .- .., -f ' . e 'AU preparations for fitting obserr ance of closing day at the fair , have been completed. - Nothing Is heard dis cussed among officials and employes ac cept the features outlined for -tomorrow's celebration, which will mark the and of the greatest exhibition aver bald west ot the Rookies. 'Tomorrow will be known as Officers' and. Stockholders' day. Railroad Men's day and Press day. All teachers and. public- school? pupils of Multnomah county, exclusive of the city- of Port land; all teachers and pupils of the schools of Yamhill, Pork and Clackamas counties and of Vancouver, Washington, are to be admitted .free. " School super intendents am) members of boards of education will be. present at a special I ate to 'vouch for them aa they are ad mitted,' All other children under 11 years of age, no matter whether they attend school or not. or where they live, will also be admitted free tomor- that everybody will take advantage of the opportunity, especially In view of arrangements, made to provide -cars .for everybody remaining to witness the closing exorcises at midnight.- - Aeronaut Lincoln Beachey will make three flights in the airship City of Port land tomorrow, the first at 11 o'clock in the morning, the second at I o'clock and the last at 4- o'clock in the after noon. All the airship apparatus will be parked for shipment and sent oast as soon after Saturday as possible,' as Captain Baldwin and Mr. - Beachey in tend showing easterners what has been accomplished in aeronautics on the P- clflo eoasf. . A ' The closing exercises will be held at the Gray boulevard bandstand At 11:1 O CIocK. Taps win do HiinaH ai raia nlgnt and the lights will be extln guished. - The final feature will be (he blowing up of Moro fort and the battle shins on Guild's lake and the playing of "Auld Lang Byne" by the pand. LONG PROGRAM FOR ' LAST DAY AT FAIR ' mayor iame mm ikiucu ah pruciamauon iWl.rlng a half holiday tomoirnwjind urging every one to go to the fair. An attendance of- from If ,ee - to if expected by. the management, even though the weather should prove unpro pltlous. A this will be the last day on which the fair can be seen it Is believed Tb order of the day at the fair to morrow will - be as follows I D. an. Gates open. ( p. m. Exhibition buildings, Govern ment buildings and Trail open. , t to 14:10 a. m. -Concert by Do Cap- rlo's Administration-band, grand colon nade, near Administration building. 10 to 11 a. in concert or united States artillery band. Government ter race. . ' 10 a. m. to 11' ra. Free blograpb ax- hlblilons. Government building. 1 a. ' m. Airship flight by. Lincoln Beachey in Captain Baldwin's ''City of Portland," exposition aerodrome. 11 a, m. Illustrated travelogue on panoramic Colorado by Gilbert MoClurg, Government building. 1 to t p. -m. Free blograpb exhibi tions. Government building. i-l p. m. Illustrated lecture on Alaska, Government building. 1 to I p. m. Free blogTapn exhibition, California building. I tn I n. m. Frsa hi orranh aahlbi. tlon, Wyoming booth. Agricultural build ing.-- 10:10 a. m. to II m. Concert by De Caprio's - Administration, band. Gray's boulevard bandstand. 1 to n. m. Free blosrabh exhibi tion, Nebraska Booth, Agriculture bulldf 1:10 P. m. United BUtes liresarlng drill. Guild's lake." ' 1:10 p. m. Grand concert by the El lery Royal Italian, band. Gray's boule vard bandstand. .... 1 to i p. m. Farewell concert by De Caprio's Administration band. Transpor tation Jjandstand. ; . p. m. iiiustratea . lecture on tne American navy .by Barry fiulkley. Gov ernment building. - -' p. m. Illustrated lecture - on Irri gation, Government building.- , 1:10 p. an. Lecture on the Panama canal. Government building. 1:10 p. m- Timber-testing, exhibit. Government Forestry building. 4 p. m. Special airship flight by Lin coln Beachey In Captain Baldwin's "City of Portland," exposition aerodrome. - 4:10 p. m. . Hurdling by Portland Hunt club. Government plaaa.-' 1:10 to 4:10 p. m. Farewell concert by. United States artillery band. Govern ment terrace.- ' i p. ra. United States ' trumpeters sound the signal to drop colors, all flags' on Government , buildings hauled down aa artillery band plays the "Star Span gled Banner," and Government building closes forever1. - ' -y-r --; ' p. m. Exhibit buildings, except For eign and Oriental buildings, close. ,-7:10 n, m. Grand concert by the El lery Royal Italian band, Gray's boule vard bandstand. ' 10 p. m. Foreign and Oriental build bags close. 19:10 p. m. Grand "Goode Night" dis play of 'fireworks arioTblowIng tip Of Slx t warsmpeyGutM s 11 p. m. to 11:11 a. m. Grand farewell concert by the - Ellery Royal Itallas band. Gray's boulevard bandatand. .la. m. Gates close and Trail closea MOTDER CASE OF FAIL SWTS JUST OPEN If you're, a hard case to fit or suit come in and' let'e swap experience. . TDISIS AN BIPORTANT STORE V v;To consider when you want something in clothing;. -This season we want .every -one interested in good clothing to see what splendid garments we are showing for fall. ' ' - OUR .115 SUITS AND OVERCOATS Are beauties and art in a class, by themselves. Come around early as fh-st comers get the best selection. ' ' 7 y '-'Outfittmn to Mkm4Boyi'-:',. 15 and 168 Third Street, Near Morrison imm 1J. MIIJei reneeN. r1T'l An ' rvv w - kniinM m-m XJ. m,eVAW WMAaaw -.-.- wwT J v " 7- T" , J O W JlwVW V , ing satisfaction than you can possibly secure elsewhere j 1 Sill I 1 a wr rATTrnt TrtJ rtTTTmn diAKii . iuu ino ouiio iT It I Made in the very Utest styles, m fancy and conserv ti II I vtive Ptterns Serges, Cassimeres Thibets, Fancy if, . v and; black Unfinished Worsteds. r $8.50 to $18.00 Youths' Overcoats AGES 12 TO 20.: 'y . ; $4.45 to $15.00 Air Gun Free with Boys' Suit or Overcoat BOYS1-SUITS ;. c . AGES 3 TO 16. ;,v.-V In Norfolk, Double Breasted. "Buddy Tucker" and Buster Brown styles. Brown, Light and . ' Dark Slue Serge and fancy Worsteds. , $3.45 to $6.85 Boys' Overcoats '.. ACES S TO . Zn UtMt pattern, and miterUlt. $3.50 to $10.00 Tarns in All Shades 50 Cents to $1.56- r m T BOYS' CAPS Auto, Norfolk, Tourist and Eton. 50 Cents to $1.50 0 We carry a full line of Boys NegU- gee. Golf and Dress Shirts'. -;50 Cents to $1.00 ; Complete line of Boys' Underwear. 25c, 50 c, 75c aiid$1.00 'y v" ' Per . garment. :.. , . FAY HOSE SWEATERS I ALL SIZES. For Boys, and Children, in all color. w . . ' Light Weight . ' Cotton . ; . . . . , , . i.'.ZHf Heavy Weight : " . Cotton , . . . ; . ,30f' " ' Medium Weight ! Wool ....K. ........ 50e 75c to $300 BOVS' HOSE All Fait BUclc. i r We-carry at all times a full line of . Boys,: .; ... : rriTrrwr a osr a. ar . wool, , . ....;, .... .iasei to 404 v r urnisning vioods ; Sam Boys' and Youths' Raincoats All Sizes RELIABLE CLOTHIERS Co. CORNER THIRD: AND MORRISON STREETS Rosenblatt G, PEIifJIT FRAIICE-TO PUNISH CASTRO Judge Calhoun Recommends That Republic Be Allowed to Chastise yenezuela. AMERICA WILL TAKE INDEPENDENT ACTION United Statei Refutes to Unite With Foreiyt PowersAgainst South American : Country Castro sumes Conciliatory Attitude. As- (Joarn.l Specltl Serrlce.)' New York, Oct. II. A special to the Herald from Wsshlnston ssrs: The fact that Judge Calhoun reoommended to the administration that the United dtates allow France to proceed to use forcible and other measures to make rood the claims of the French Cable company In Venesuela Is practically ad mitted In official circles. It Is equally a fact that in some manner the news of this ' recommendation was csbled to. Venesuela, which Is believed to be the cause of the more conciliatory attitude assumed by Castro In the last two days. None of the parties to ths conference yesterday would admit that anything had been done tn the premises, but It Is known that Frsnce Is anxious to have the United States take parallel action, based upon the claims of the New York, and Ifermudes company, and that Am bassador Jusserand has been Informed that the United States will not unite with France or any other country In action against Venesuela.; Secretary .Root and M. Jusserand, the French ambassador, discussed the Vene zuelan situation yesterdeyv OLD AGE DISCUSSED ' ' BY LONDON VEGEJAR1ANS ' ' (Journal Special servke.t ' ' London, Orb- It. -The . London Vege tarian association mst here today at Memorial hall, to consider the question of when eld age begins ' with man. Nearly 100 men between $0 and 0, who are still engaged In literary, medical, ag ricultural and other work, are In at tendance and will discuss the question from their own Individual standpoint, while prominent physicians will . treat the subject from the purely objective standpoint of science. Find Btaar Fossils. (Josraal Special Serrlce.) Youngstown. Ohio. Oct. II. While excavating for the Oarfleld sewer, many Interesting finds were made during the last few days. The workmen struck- a stratum of soft shale, which frequently contains carboniferous deposits. Among the fossils foend were many carbonised remains ef ferns and other plants of ths Carboniferous period and Some remark ably well-preserved specimens of leflj. dodendra, tree ferns', and slglllarla, eharacterisUo of the carboniferous period. ' --' ' SCIENTISTS EXAMINE INELESSlEQTAXQES (Joaraai Speea Servlee.T Great Falls, Mont., Oct II. Scientists and agriculturists are highly Interested lriths disoorery by IX D. Darst of a new method of growing , potatoes, which le as remarkable ae any of the achieve ments of the "wlsard" Burbank. A number -of scientists and represents Uvea of agricultural societies - are her at present to Investigate and test . Mr. Darst s ' discovery. His experiments have been conducted in a box eight feet square. In the bottom of the box Mr.' Darst has placed a layer of a certain preparation of which he hae the secret, to the depth of three Inches. On top ef that layer a number- of potatoes are planted. .Then cornea another layer of the secret preparation, then another layer of potatoes, and so on until the box le full. Mr. Darst asserts that the box may be built to elmost any height, with layer after layer of potatoes and the preparation, without affecting the producing power of his composition. He also asserts that by his method he can" raise potatoes for the market in any climate at any time of the year. Everybody's liable to itching piles. Rich and Door, old and young terrible the torture they suffer. Only one sure cure. dohi ointment. Absolutely snfe; can't full. For the Last Days of the f IP Assorted -Souvenir. ; Postal Cards x Including colored panorama S : of the fair, -y . , Special 20c I Mailed to any address upon S receipt of the price. " Z '. -i THE l J. K. GILL CO. I Booksellers and ' - 8utionef s. ' ;;v - ? THIRD AND ALDER ' ? Crut ThJcJi it Little Prices MERCHANTS ARE ' LOSING SOMETHING THERE ARB; thousands of homes In and around Portland owned by Germane, . . The Germane are a frugal people, thinking mors of the care of their families .than of anything; else. It is natural that. they should be good and generous 1 , buyers of everything that goes to clothe, feed and adorn the body and furnish and equip the home. . . , -". - - '- '-- - , They are a class of home-owners. They are prosperous, honest and progressiva. The Portland merchant who does not secure some- of their custom is losing some thing that he cannot afford to lose, and which is easy to get. THE NACHRICHTEN, the leading home German newspaper published here,' reaches practically ALL of ' (these Germans, and they ALL read it from beginning to end each week.. Now, the Portland merchant MAY secure the, attention of SOME of these Germans through ' .. advertisements in the - English newspapers, but he is SURE to reach ALL of these ';"--" t Gennsns with an advertisement in the NACHRICHTEN. . j - T-'.:.:' i MANY Germans cannot read English, but they ALL can read German.' The ' .. DIRECT, sure way to reach ALL the Germans Is to advertise In the NACHRICH. V . - V TEN, which is read by the 30,000 Germans hereabout. Our rates are very moderate. , A trial ad. will convince you. Phone us, and we will call. Main 1418, . j ..' ' " ' 7. y: '( 7 ' ' ' ' ' . v The GERM AN PUiBLISHINQ CO. ' . . .. y"-, ' a. Pie' KBLLBRa e, Manasr ' ... J , 4 TO THE SEA AND RETURN WILL COST $3 ON THE wmw. mmwm , And the passenger may come home' the same day and have an hour and a half in Astoria , in which to transact business or visit friends. IT IS A 200-MILE RIDE ON ONE OF THE FASTEST STEAMERS IN THE WORLD FOR 300 CENTS. ' - - ' ' ' .,',":."'.'.' :' , - ,u " 'Jv-' ; " ' . The Telegraph is - a modern steamboat upper and lower cabin splendidly furnisned serves" - - meals fit for a king. Time to Astoria 5 to IV hours. '' - DOCK FOOT QF ; ALDER tSTREET . ; j ROUND TRIP-EVERY DAY BUT FRIDAY. .Boat leaves at 7;30 m."m Sunday 8 a. Returning leaves Astoria at 2 p. arriving In Portland at 8:30 p. ml PHONE MAIN 565. v 1 ' . '. . . . - ; ':'!".:"'' :! . ,. T"