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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
al, ronxLAriD,; : r.iDAY i:vz::i::a. octci 13, AJ..A.J j mm- vc::c5 1 ' ToirioaT'i Ajrpiamrn. Maraaas Grand.... ......"Am La Moat- lie la k.,-.,..m..vV.."T fortanre oft Kl pin. . . . . "i'Dw ;v V.mnlM fcrie ...... .."Under Two riafe Or. a VeaeaTtlle : The Arnold shows, which havs been tourin the northWMt British posses slons all uramer, have returned to win- i ter In Portland. " Mr. Arnold says that VjiutMuoa he will so but with full fledied old-time one-ring circus a. bt show with only one ring-. lie eaye trie: , thousand of vtsltors to the Lewis end - Clark exposition returned to the eaat by way of the Canadian Pacific, and that large numbers declared- their intention '. : of aettlina- In the region tributary to - that road. Every one of the hundred '.." with whom he conversed, Mr.' Arnold aave eras areatlr Dleased with the position, and scores wIU return to the west , to make Oregon and Washington , tbelr homes., , ; "Unlversaltam, True and False- Is the - subject f the sermon to. be-delivered by Dr. Stephen 8. Wise at o'clock ' . this evening at .Temple Beth Israel, In the course of the tabernacle festival . service. The sermon will deal with' the .' . exclusion of the Unitarians from the ...national church federation. -The Buc . eoth. or- the feast of tabernacles, la I : barveat celebration following close aftel - the-day of atonement. At the service a tabernacle Is built on the sltar by the - sltar guild .-in remembrance of the an cient custom of the Jews of building a . ' tabernacle outside their ,-. houses. In which they would live for a week. This Is the Jewish season of rejoicing and "; thanksgiving. , ,' . j If you ever thought of painting, get '-your paints now from - the fire saU ' 'stock of the'Tlmms eV Cress company, 145' Flrat street, near ' Alder. These ' paints, varnishes and brushes were in : the fire' of Friday., evening,' October . . ' and the packages are so soiled- that no retailer would bur them to sell stain. j so Messrs. Tlmms 4 Cress will sell them -off themselves at very much Jess thar. the cost of manufacture. .The contents are. not In the least hurt, and It will pay ' to buy the goods and hold them for future use, they are being sold so '. ( very cheap. -.' : ' ' v Miss Katie O. Held became an Amer lean cltlsen yesterday, being the seconl .' woman to take out naturalisation paper . during the past four years, Miss Held was born In Australia In 1187. - Her V father, Hans Hald. took out his cltlsen's papers early In the week. He was' born . In -Denmark and moved to Australia to .. take up a homestead, but In order to get ' title to this property he had- to be come a cltlsen of that colony. Tiring of the . dry summers and sand storm .1 of England's greatest island colony, Hald ; ' moved to Oregon. .. . -. .... .,, , .tW;,' ' While John Anderson and wife, who reside seven miles eaat of Portland on ' the flection Line road were coming Into the city this morning a. colt driven by ' Mr. Anderson became frightened at an ' automobile at East Morrison snd First streets. In the runaway that followed - Mrs. Anderson wss thrown out of the ve ,: hlcle and quite painfully though' not ' seriously injured. The buggy was Over- ' turned .completely, .with. Mr. Andersor . beneath It. , Some men caught the horse. ... Anderson's face was badly cut up. "IV ' Goldsmith " Co. have Just" aolf"To1 "local capitalists the half block bounded . by Everett and Eleventh and Twelfth streets, for $25,000. Since the property -wee purehseed there -have, been several , applicants to erect a 'warehouse, and an ... Important building enterprise will result - at and early date. ; - . - : . . '. t r i. The historical tribe 'evangelist, ft "Bevlngton Wllber, now In the Oriental ' building, fair grounds, has been Invited f by many of the Portland people to re main after, the fair and teach her histor ical discoveries of the tribes. - Notice , of time and place will be given later. ' The regular business meeting of the ', Travelers' Aid association will be held at the Y. W. C. A. parlor Saturday at 7:46 p. m. A large attendance la de- ' '" sired to discuss the question of ' the future of the association. . " At Richards', Sunday, October 18, ' will be served in the mam dining' . hall, from i to 1:10 p. m. a full course French dinner with wine. 11 per cover. String orchestra music Richards hotel, ' Park and Alder streets. Special rate on O. W. p.; Tomorrow one fare for the ' round trip from aresham. Boring. Eagle Creek, Eats rada. Casadero and points between to Portland, sroount closing day Lewis and Clark exposition. '.' - - i i ' . ' ' , " . 1 Tourists, as wen as city people, finan cially etnbsrrasaed, will find -the Port land Loan Office, 74 Third streets the aafest and most reliable plaoe to trana- . set their business. Rates reasonable, " First series of dances given by Com- pany B at the Armory hall, starts Frl ' day evening, October .11, ltOl. A good time la looked to, aa a number of In i vltatlona are out. - . Dr. H. A. 8turdevant, formerly of The Dalles, la now with Wise Bros st rooms 111-11. The Failing, Third and Washington streets.' Phon Main 102. W. C. Holman is selling -off his en tire .. stock 'of fire-damaged buggies, wagons, carriages and farming Imple ments at 110, lis and 114 Front street ; Watches and diamonds tl down and lOo per week. Goods delivered on first payment .Xmas la coming. Metxgar 'at Co., Jewelers, opticians, lit Sixth. Iff. C. Lord, engineer on the trmtol States torpedo-boat destroyer Paul Jon has filed an. application for a position as engineer on the flreboat George H Williams. The applicant states that he ; has had . 11 years'- experience around r Removal Special 1 . NO. 1. - ' SHIR.TS REGULAR $1J0. S ' REMOVAL. PRICE $1.15 Thig lyeek Only. Iltwctt, trtUsy Q Co. y.-i - . iiiiiBiinu, . y ' S48 Washington Strmtt . MAS gsArp TZXAXKS, DllirtliiilULtiildl IIOjlD ; ; Stockholders Meet - to Effect ; J final Transfer of Portland'' Consolidated. ... CAPITALISTS CIVE . . . A ; . .J OUT NO PLANS YET Reports of ' Extsnsion jol ' Linei Through Wfflamcttt '.VaUey N9t . Confirmed O. P. Paxton Has Sold " His Salem Stock. ; ' ' i'.-.. .' . . , ' .' , ? A meeting of the stockholders of the Portland - Consolidated 'Railway com pany ie., being held this afternoon to effect he final transfer of the property or the corporation to the eastern pur chasers, the banking houses of E. W. Clark eY Co. of Philadelphia and J- W. Sellgmsn st Co. of New York. The di rectors will meet tomorrow. . An, enormous mass of papers snd tn ventoriee, statistics of former operation, deeds and .mortgages rnust be gone over Itnd meetings by the officials of the present corporation and Inspection .of the properties by the visiting capitalists must be crowded Into the few days they are here. - Several days will elapse before the new owners will be ready to make any announcement of plana. The business of reorganisation Is only well begun," said Mr. Paxton, "and several days will pass before this work will be completed. . Quits naturally,' the Incompleteness of the plana precludes the possibility of 'saying anything at this time regarding the nature of the transactions that are taking place ot the . exact status of the corporation's management in the future." E. W. Clank,- Jr of the Philadelphia banking houee, snd Frederick Strauss of ths New -York firm of the Bailsman , have not yet Inspected the property In which they -will hereafter center consld erabls of their ' Interest. - ' Joseph - 8. Clark and' Percy Clark, who also are here, visited Portland several months ao, when the sale of the railway com pany was effected, and at that - time made a thorough Inspection of the streetcar lines. , Before departing for th Mit ' tli nrwt.nt ' n.rlv w41 1 rl Ha over the entire system and return east with a complete knowledge of the con dition of tha property and its needs aa to Improvements and extensions. Reports that the Consolidated com pany Is to construct electric lines through. the Willamette valley are not confirmed by the officials or the -visit lng capitalists. From another source It was learned that O. F.- Paxton;- of -counsel for. the Consolidated, owned" some stock InTthe Salem company that controls the street car and lighting service of that city, and that he sold It not long ago. ' Mr. paxton said that he had disposed or his holdings In the Salem company entirely, but was not Informed as to who were the purchasers. ' It Is. thought that' the reports of contemplated ex tensions through the Willamette valley anose through the Paxton sale of the Salem stock. ---.. engines as fireman, oiler and engtneet. Officers of the Paul Jones highly rec ommend, him. j . . Oregon State band danoe every Satur day evening, Burkhard hall. Eaat Burn- side between Union and Grand avenues Orchestra of 11 pieces. Professor Rlnglera physical culture school and dancing academy, SDl Alder street. - Class and private Instruction. Fat people reduced. . We clean and press your clothes and ahlne your ahoea for $1.00 per month. Unique .Tailoring Co., 147 Washington, Main tl. : Any watches cleaned, $1.00: main spring, $1.00; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger 4V Co, ill Sixth street Launches for torpedo-boat destroyer at Merrill a boathouae, north eld Morri son bridge. ... " , - Removal notices as you like them Foster ft Klelser. phone Ex. 66. Flits' s U males are the beat. . PORTLAND'S FOREMOST' WILL GO TO LEWIST0N Portland's business men seem desir ous of making the excursion , to, , Lewis ton, Wednesday, en mssse. Assistant General Passenger Agent McMurray of the O. ft. A.N. said this morning that ths entire list would be published Tues day, when It will be complete. The gov ernor, the mayor and other prominent officials will be In the parry. The O.. R. fc . has sent out special letters to. agents along the route, and the bustneses men of the cities where stops are. to be made will be Informed of the time of the train's arrival. The country press' has been Interested. The sentiment of, the excursion. "We are coming to call bn you, friends; we're hoping to see you all." la reciprocated, and .many enthusiastic gatherings are assured. Both Walla Walla and Lewis- ton will receive the business men in fraternal spirit. PI anos From the moderate priced Instruments to those that ths greatest artists use for their concert work, you find them' all at Meyers. My new method of doing business enables . me to make prlcea such aa you cannot duplicate even' In the east. Pianos selling at other places for $1S0 go here for $138. and. the best $000 piano" sella for $380. Ample capi tal enables me to- give terms to suit everybody. A. W. Meyer, 74 Sixth street. near Oak. Free School Domestic Science. We hsve secured the services of' Mrs. Berths Haffner to give a free course of lectures at our store In cooking snd kitchen furnishing. These lectures will be given dally at 1:10 p. m. Every one Is cordially Invited. Honeyman Hard ware company. Ask Mr. Market Man ; What to have for Sunday's dinner, or read the market and grocery page In The Journal .tonight, there are many good things advertised there.' This may mean much to your comfort and happiness to the famuy.. Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and fteettle races. Take Sell- wood and Oregon City cara at First and Aider. CAPT. A 0. Eiiri..w,J die$ at Ei::iTY-Tyo Captain A. B. Rrannon, aged tl years, died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Portland sanitarium at Mount Tabor, after an Illness of four months Funeral services will take plaoe from Hoiman's undertaking parlors at-1- o'clock- tomor row afternoon. Captain Brannon was s prominent fig ure In ths history of early Portland, be ing a pioneer of the early fifties. He bad followed ths general rush to call fomia from hla home in Georgia, and there was In the mining, business, to gether with Dr. Hawthorne, .who gave hla Mamm n 1 la avtrittlAn On the east- side. They came together to Port- iana ana sir. tsmonon joinea u nr.i volunteer firemen's ' association. He was captain of the police force also and was connected with the department con tinuously on regular or special duty till 1 years ago. Since his retirement Cap tain Brannon ltved at Long Beach till his Illness broucht him . to.- Portland again. He was a prominent-Red Man. . Three daughters, ten grandohUdren and one sreat-srandchlld .survive him. His daughters are Mrs. J. IX McKlnnon of Portland, Mrs- Unl Kadderly of Ala. meda. California.' and Mrs. l nomas u. Carroll of Chicago. ,,) .-' . .. - Articles of Xnoorporasloa POod. Articles of Incorporation for tha Stan. ley-Smith Lumber company hve been filed In the county clerk's office. F. 8. Stanley, R. Bmlth . and F. W. Mulkey be In the Incorporators. The capital stock is 1100.000. , divided Into 1.000 shares.', j ' ' " ' srM. ' Marquam Grand Theatre October 19 to 25 ViTA LMTINEES SATURDAY csi WEDNESDAY Kbw k Erlanger Co, (Inc.) Prodactloa WW SEATSAIE STARTS T0"0HROW AT 11 0'CIOCX PEIOBB $X.M, $1, $1.0, $1, Tte end We, ' ... No seats laid aside. ' " ' Ke" telephone order, takes. -. - ' ' lfall orders wttk reailnaaee 11M after rri lar sale lopena. Marquam Grand Theatre stonday. Tseadayr WedBeaday, eights. October 10, IT, IS. Bpectal-Prlre Matinee Wednraosy, : Toe1 Daaklag Westera Opera tie Coetedr, "The Tenderfoot'' ; OSCAE L. riOaUl BCTH- WBITB Compear ef Blxty-tve. . -. KTSNIKO PRICK Lower am. except lest s row,; last s rows, naiener, - flrat t rowa, $1.00; aeeoad t rows, Tfta; laat rows. . SOe. - Gallary, ate and S6c. Boxes snd loe. 110.00. MATIN EB PRJCES lroo.. $1.00. rar qoet eirele. TOe. Balcony, fee sad sue. . -"Gallery. 2Se aad'toe. . SIATt KOW gtXUMO. ' I . , Claremoot Tavero Finest Roadhoute in ths West. famous1 for Maryland Chicken . SPECIAL Northern Pacific Puget Sound Limited leaving Portland daily at 4:30 p. m. ator at Claremont. Returning (tame train) leavea Claremont at 10. -45 p. ra. Marquam Grand Theatre Tonight :! e'Clnrk, SeMal-Prtee Vattsee imsorrow. i.t i-prinrnawcv ie . sxa-row Klgtat. " int. jonit cost ankocmcks FLORENCE ROBERTS : Wlta Max rigmaa and New Xerk Oeeissay la "Ann LaMont" - By Faal Arsi.tronf, Aatbor et .THE HEIR TO THE HOOKAH." -, A Eamptnoa'a J'mdactlna ef a Notable Play. r.TeoIng -Prlree We, 3S, (Mie, TV, 1. tl.M. Matlaae rrlcea z6c, Se, BOe. T8e aad $1.00. BEATS NOW SELLING. ? Belasco Theatre maiP-.u fwarteeath sod Waahlagtoe Straets, ' . BKLARCO MATER. Propiletora, K 1. PRICE, ueneral Manasar. B U. BACKETT. Kealdent Manager. i T0NIOHT AT 1:18 MATINEE TOMORROW. WHITE "m bifm-l WHITTLESEY " With the B EI, A SCO THEATRE STOCK CO.. risaajnitUB iw isisj m i tarsi rorfWB "The Fortunes of a KlagM Harkett'a flneeeairal Rmnaotie OamMe. Erse., 2&c to Tfte; Mate, Sat., Sua., Sfw to BOe. Nett Week WHITE WHITTT.E8ET Is SHERIDAN: OR. THS MAID OF BATH." LYRIC, THEATRE Keating and Flood Mgre. . ' Week BtarUag Maaaay, Oeteeer 0, - . "Under Two Flags- A arasiatlaatloa ef Oaloa's fasvies Bevel The play that nade Blaarbe Bates faianea - anmiaaioa ie; wwiwi aaata, sue. - RECREATION VAEX Oaraer Taagka sat Tweety-reartk PORTLAND VS. OAKLAND ADMISSION, tie. - ' OOTOBER It. IS. 14. It. ORANDST A N l, Me. CHILDREN, IV. Boi tlrketi ant r.wn.t aeata oa -eels at Baa nrrie.. iMIIy. 1:18; flaaoar, 2:S. DANCING Danrtns st Moast Tabor ealllea vnrt aarar- dr nlskt. Prta walu gleea. Hall keateS. MauBtraua's Oruaaeua. OeaU Ke, laalfe free. V7: - fl wwu s- ) 'V -4:.:: :; I' 0 f if k m In m AND IF YOU DO NOT THEN COME HERE AND WOULD CAUSE YQU TO ROBE YOURSELVES ; IN Mcn'sSiillsl .". X . T '. .- ' : . Elegatitlr tailored all wool III Butts for men, at ............ yfl.0.60 Nobby all wool Men'a 110 . . tuila ..f 8.TB Stylish, - fashionable all wool III . Suits for -'men .,k ...9T.BO -Dandy 111 Suits, all wool, at the unbelievable bargain of, eaoh.S6.00 111.10 Suits, good enough for busi ness purposes' ............. S5.10 ' ' ' ' ' ALWAYS Tim E LEADER The Best $3 HAT In the World DAUE1X THEATRE , OSBOOK TBBATRI CO., I.roEtg. OEO. I- Biltl. UANAOeab ' Pkeee Mala 1S0T. ' ' YAMHILL AND THIRD gTRERTS. TRB HOME OP Mt'SICAI, HI KI.KHyl.'E. TON1UHT A5D AU, THIS WEEK. -Regalar Matinee Salnrdar 1 Betora te Itnrleaqn After t Tears, MAT HOWaJID Qoeea of Ma.leal Ettraeacanse . Is "Ta BxfraTafaniae, "Klla Tl TV sa4 "Tke leutot." PRU'ES Bnalae. Me. ' Mr. Or an4 TSe. MaiMl.r snl Hatnnlar atatlneea, Ae. SAe, XSe aad Bne. WeAneaaa? aialliwe, XV te aaj aeat. KIIT WKRK ."Tha Btar saawslrla." THE GRAND rmnrozta cinuvrr. la tell aaoTHiaa. . . AAB- HADJ TESSIK. . MABKLET AVD KIAUS. , ' ". ' , B0BUTSOM AMD ROBEkTIO. 1 ' TREB 0rWTOll. 1 THE ORAMDlSCOrE. ' B.seral nlirim I fir; i,n,4 wtuf, Kte. Pall BMtlaeM. )Oe te aay aeat earept sniee. Una aeata, ate. Isadaja, eaoUaiwea I as te 10 M Bt'SV ; SELLING iaat 20? .Ptrci-StlKX-Tay 5RIRE OUR MISFORTUNE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. - ' ; ; Tea et a $35 Oveiccd d C!0.50 Toa Get a SIS Overco. at (6.00 Yea Gd a $31 Overcest at 50.75 Yon Gela $12.9 bvceaf at $5. 10 Tea Gel a $25 Overeest at 57.50 Too Get a $19 Overcest at $3.90 v V Tea Get aa $8 Overcoat at $2.95 V DO YOU BELIEVE IT? Come to our store,' tee the good LOOK AT THEM EXAMINE ; THEM you men and youth of Portland, and YOU WILL TELLr- US ' WITH YOUR .OWN LIPS THAT YOU NEVER EXPECTED TO SEE MEN'S GARMENTS SOLD AT SUCH LITTLE PRICES. I THIS Htf SALE DAS AITDST THE EEARK CF TCE UICIIaNTS But it has mightily "pleased the fellows who had to buy. We have made these hearts glad t There is no growling on that side of the house!', Glee and gladness is in every breast!,. ' i " . '.. rEST IS PBAISD BT ALL WCO TRADE tVITD E3U t They say he is "square!" They KNOW he is. There is no fakery about his store. He is "upy-and-up" with all who buy his goods, and that-fashion will always win. He is a man among men, and because the insurance com panies paid him so large a sum $23,517.35 he is not hurting his pocket book to any great extent in providing THESE MARVELOUS BAR GAINS for every man. , ... -i . - t " Consult Thete Prices . ' . Men's Trousers kind at ...T5 The 11.10 kind for worklngmen, now 50 " Ths 11.19 "values, not damaa-eS ex- oept by amoke . ... -1.28 All our 14, 14.10, II and II Men's Trousers Firs Sals pries, . only ........ ....... .fl.OS ODD8 AND ENDS ; Craveaettes, worth 111, now $3.99 lOo to- 11.10 Straw Hats, 29i li to 11.10 Hats. T9l lo Box. 441 ISO Handkerchiefs, 44; President Suspenders, 194: lie Ties, 4; II to 11.10 Shirts, T4; tOo. Golf Bfclrta, 29. wmm The Best $3 HAT In the World LEADING HATTER Empire Theatre'srrarS' UlLTOir W. SEAMAN. Masager. . TOMOHT AND A IX THIS WEEK. Renlar Matlaee Saturday. 1:15 p. a. H. H. graaea PraseaM tha Bit aa Show, "UNCLE JOSH PERKINS" PnalllTelr the larceat aad beat - pnxtaetton tvar ila thla ham flax. . Watch (or Big parade t tha Hajaaiil Band. PRICES Teniae. Be, SBe sad tOei Matlaeav. loe, loe aad sae. - Neat Attraettoa KHmt GaeanlAs- NaS Cenaedr eaceaaa, "HONEST HEABT8." . THE STAR ALICS tNAW. TKB BlAtTVAIS TUO. THE VOLTONt. COIXIXt AND LA BELLI. . HTTSTRIaS. TBANXLIN OONFTt. . ' - THE IAROSCOrE. Oeeeral almtaatna lue; reaereet aeata. f ' Pallr SiatlnMi, iie t any aeat eaeept V Bns aeata, W. - asears, eaetlaoaee t.J W:U B. SL Illl BUY, NO INDUCEMENT' COULD BE OFFERED THAT THE LATEST GARMENTS AND THE LATEST STYLES. lien's and Women's Shoes Regular II and 1110 values, heals Just dampened by -water...., . 904 It and values, not dlseernibiy damaged ... . . . . . . . . . . . .... f l.OO Regular 11.10 and II values,' only shoe boxes soiled by water and amoks 91.10 Misses', slightly damaged, regular It values 91.14 . Children's, regular 11.10 values, damaged by smoke only. t. . .904 Women's spring heels, regular 11. to values .45 Infants - Shoes, regular Tlo val. nes .-404 Boys' Shoes. ' regular II values, boxes only damaged by firs... 98 12 Yeors South 1 Year Korlh The most luccessful business on the comer of First ' and Yamhill has been carried on by JOHN DELLAR for the last 12 years, worked up to a reputation of straight, hon est, legitimate dealing. The .Increase of business has out grown its space. . So it was branched out about one year ago to the corner of -Third . and Davis. The consumers appreciate JOHN DElA LAR'S method of business good quality, low prices and one price to alL We carry the latest style of Men's and Boys' Clothing, a general line of Shoes, good assort ment of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets ' and . Comforters. Great Auction S ale Of Chinese and Japanese CURIOS The fair trade being about over, we have concluded to dis pose of our entire atock of hi ch elate Imported Good, consist ing of Fine Silverware; Cloia onne, Satsuma. Ivory Carvings, New Braaa, Silk and Satin Em broideries, Kimonoa, Screens, Decorated Porcelain Tea Seta, Matting, etc. ' ? Sale commences at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. daily. Andrew Kan & Co. S7 Korrlaos. Street, Between , ' Vomrta as4 rtm. Flae BohemUa . ; Garnet Jcvclry ' Asstrlaa antteaj, fevetxa Bailoxaa, KxyesttaeBj. , , TtsT si KOtAormm. LTM'.Z II. COLL r: rr" r- W; 207 FIRST S! II j BET. TAYLOR Mil ill. Misses' Sandals and Leather, regu lar 11.10 values Fire Bale prloe.e&S) Black afcd Tan Boys' Bboes, values up to II.'.. ...... ..r.v......9i.ia Children's all leather Bandala, reg ular valuea . ........ ...5Q Misses' and Children's Whits Can vas Oxfords; reg. values. 89e) Men's Shoes, damaged . by water, regular 11.10 and II values Firs Bale price .'... ...79s) Men's Box Calf, Vict Bluchsr snd Bals,, t.!0 and It values, now t 9t.'lB Men's Box Calf and VIot Blucher and Bala., and- 4 values; not noticeably damaged; now. ...9I.B6 AND SALMON LAUGH AT THE THESE Oregon showers have no terror for the ' person carrying, an "Eastern umbrella. Ladies, gentlemen and children have been provided for in this ex tensive showing.1 Some ex cellent values in this depart ment. Cash or credit the price is the same. mg Term, per ' M O week.......;....C5VLr NOW that the fair la over, you . who have . stayed at home all sum mer; will want to make a little journey., somewhere. Better make a visit to otir trunk department. This is the season and the place where v a dollar goes a long way. fy. I y O Terms, per week. .tVl EASTEBE v. Ol)iI::', c Tke ttara T'T MM TKHJRIIIvS 4 -