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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
- ft . , - -r- T a i:;.v Davv". FAIL Ui- foa: am Jiiiiv S Attornsvs Exoectsd to Conclude r - - -Arguments in Murder Case ' v Thle Afternoon. ' ATTORNEY FOR STATE : i PLAYS MARK ANTONY '? Holds Up, Bonando's Coat to Show That r$e pied Protecting Himself ; Ferrar Lauds Character ' of De '.'V fendant ' ' ''.. ''-- ',-.' . " Araumenta In .the cane -. of Loul -. Parana, charted with t,tha murder of Carle Bonando on tht evening of July 'T-fl, besan tliia morning. Th raaa will probably go to the Jury thla afternoon. Thle la tba eighth day of the trial, whtc'.i ' " baa bean before a Jury In. Judge Beara' ' court. The courtroom waa crowded. Former City Attorney J. M. Long, who v nu been aeaiatlng the. state, made tne , opening epeeeh to tba Jtir- He waa fol- lowed by Albert Ferarfa, ltadleg oounael for the- defendant. Ralph Moody will ;s alao argue for the defendant thla after noon. Tba closing apeech will . be made by Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney Hoaef. Like Antony, who, wbea he told of Caeaar'a murder, held up the bloody , toga. Mr. Long held up the coat worn by ; Bonando on-the fatal night and pointing to the bullet holee In Che garment aaldi '"Here are "where the bullets entered: . the hole show that Bonando threw up Ma hands to protect himself from the , ahota of Ferarla, whose heart waa wild for revenge. The defendant waa calm ', In hie every act. Never In tba history . of crime Inf Portland haa there been a ' ' thurder mora cooly committed than thla ' - one waa. ; Ferarla saw his former sweet- Jieert talking with Carlo Bonando and when he heard his rival say that he was , going down to her home, the murder In , his heart got the better of him. Ferarts eaya that. Bonando .threatened to kill '.him. It is easy enough for the do- fendant -to tell what a dead man said. 1 Honando haa gone to meet hla God. mur dered In cold blood by a man who had no other motive than that Carlo had ; .. won the heart of the girt Ferarla loved." ' Attorney Ferrarra opened hla remarks " with the statement, that Mr. Long had . dealt on the word "cold" ao much that ha had a chllL The attorney continued: . "Gentlemen, Carlo Bonando never had - a sweetheart: he eould not ' get- one; there la not a woman who would have ' gone with him. Tou all beard the char acter his countrymen, and neighbors , gave him. On the ether hand, na one attacked the character of FeVarle; you ' -6-could - have searched the local Italian v colony and the whole city of' Portland .' and you could not have found anything . against him...' Ha has the patience of a aalnt, but fearing that hla own Ufa waa . in danger he fired. , , . "Tou heard Henry and John Bonando , teattfy that on. July 21 they did not - have any wine In tbelr house. '-Then again you saw where their father had -. purchased SO gaJlona of wine iuat a faw ; days before Carlo died. Those boye - ,aald -they drank tea, for . supper . that , jtlghtTlook at them back there; do they i'Jook -aa If they had tea mouths. Tea .does not taste irood to- an- Italian, and those 4ioys perjured them selves on the - wttneaa-atand." ' . ...;V,- : .-, r:'1 BEN HUR ADVANCE SALE X OPEN TOMORROW ' Tomorrow (Saturday)-morning at ) o'clock the advance sale of aeata will ' open In the lobby- of the Marquam Orand theatre for General Lew Wal .'lace'a great drama, "Ben Hur." which ' will be tha attraction at the Marquam Orand theatre from October . 1 to XS, inclusive, with matineea Saturday and Wednesday.. '' .. . . ' "Ben Hur" Is a drama that can be ' aeen many tlmea with aver Increasing interest, so captivating ia Ita story. It ' translates Into tha ZOth century a frag ' men, of the romantic life- of - tha old world and treata of a period pregnnnt with aventa which have Influenced and shaped, to a great extent, tha entire subsequent history of tha human race. . It la also tha only distinctively - re : llgloua drama commended by all peo ' pie of whatever creed or persuasion, bringing home- to the auditor moat for cibly a stronger realisation Of tha ac ' tual presence on earth of tha Naaaran than anything else In all literature.. . Waata Manager Ousted, John Sourapaa la manager of a reataur ant at 4 North Second street, and 'Wil liam Aragnoat," one of tha owners, ob jects. Aragnost haa begun a ault In tha circuit court to have Sourapaa removed. Thomas Goleies and Louis Ellopoulea are the other ownera of tha place.. ' . Feast of Taeemaolea. .- ", Service of tha fesst of tabernacles ; will be held at tha Nevah Zedeck Talmud : ,Thora synagogue at Slath . and Hall , istreeta, commencing thla evening at o'clock. Rev. Ir. J. Shapo offlolatlng. $1 Down; SlaWeeli;1 Owners of the fundamental patents. Largest .Talking Machine Manufacturers . in. the world.. ' ':J Graf rix Paris 1900. DotiW Grand Prize St. Louis 1904. , : , GOLUMDIA Phonosrtph Co. 365-371 , Washington Street Next door to Star Theatre. Open Saturday everb! un- Fooii in Gr;l Three of Championship Baseball " ' Series Now Won by Na-: . tional League Team. ' ; GIANTS SCORE. ONLY ONCE ' - ATHLETICS HOT AT ALL bi !' Neither Side Scores in tht First Three Inninjts Only Run Is Made In " Fourth Bresnahan Hooted by Crowd. ; ,;'-f ':- ' . " W ' 1 : ' . y ':.' " ' :-. ' i ' -' : (Jowsar Special aarvlce.) . New Tork, Oct. II. An enormous erowd witnessed tha fourth champion ship baseball contest between the New Tora, league team and tha Philadelphia aaaoclatlon team. - The weather ' was fair but moat too cool for the specta tors who, however, greeted, tha players warmly. -The stands were all filled and many peopla were back of tha ropes when the game began. Rube WaddelT warmed up - with the other players, but only threw a alow ball and with apparent effort. The bat teries were: ' New Tork, Bresnahan and McQlnntty ; Philadelphia, - Plank " and Powera. ... ' " - C There waa vary, little batting on the results of today's game. Neither side scored in the first three Innings. . In the fourth Inning tha Olanta - scored one - to 'Philadelphia's nothing. Bresnahan made a ahow of himself on a called ball and the crowd hissed him. '''' The fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth' and ninth Innings were goose sgga for both tha Olanta and tha Athletics. . ' ' R. H. F. New York. . i f e Philadelphia 0 0 I 1 FUNERAL OF CIVIL WAR VETERAN AT REDLANDS . . gpeelal Dlamtek to Tee' learaaLI L Oregon City, Or., Oct II L. H. Hick man, aa octogenarian and a veteran of the civil war, waa burled thla morning at Redlanda. in thla county. The fu neral waa under the auspices 'of Meade poet,- O. A. R. A half dosen members of tha post went to tha funeral from Oregon City and there are a barf dosen more members resident at Redlanda. Mr. Hickman waa born In Virginia II years ago and at an early aga went to Indiana to live. Ha enlisted in the Eighty-seventh Indiana Infantry 'and served as a private for three years. Mr. Hickman died at hla homo at Red landa Wednesday- night. Old age and a general breaking down was the cauae. COLLINS WILLING TO v V ' WAIVE EXTRADITION (Special Dispatch to The Joomal.r" ' Victoria. B. C . Oct. II. Georra D. CoUlna. charged with perjury In Sen rranotseo, - wow Here pending tha hear ing or hla appeal, ia willing to Waive extradition and return to California. Application haa been made at Ottawa to stay proceedings here and allow him to go back. . Technicalities are Involved and the department of Justice at Ottawa will take no atepa in tha matter. -but there can be no -doubt that ha will re turn, waiving extradition. - -Collrne has shown lately hla readi ness to go back and take proceedings in San Francisco. It is believed here that he would be eventually extradited any way, and only expense would be involved by delay.- -- . BOY MURDERER IS ; FREED BY THE JURY (Special Dlapatrk to Taa ' Joeraal. ) " Helena. MonL. Oct. II. William Arm Ington, tha 11-year-old boy who ahotand killed, hla step-father. William Seta.- a ranchman living near Malta, several months ago, waa acquitted .of tha charge of murder by 'a Jury In the district court at Glasgow. . There was no dispute that tha bov ae- 5u red a '.gun and hunted up hla atep ather and killed him after they had had aome dirrerences, but the Jury ao quitted him presumably on the theory that he waa not old enough to be re sponsible and that ha had Jiad provoca tion. ktnaloale at Oregon Building Tomorrow. Although tba season haa been long and full of dutiea President Myers la determined that tha cloaing daya of the exposition ahall be as full of pleasure for hla gueata aa tha opening one. He haa accordingly arranged with Bllers Piano House for a grand final concert which will be given in tha morning at 11 o'clock. Following la tha program: Violin solo ; (a) "Traumerel" ."....Schumann (b) "Cradle Song" .Uauaer . . Mtaa Ada Wllliama. Baritone solo (a) "In After Tears".'. ........ .Dana (b) "Oh, Promise M"i ; . . . .DeKoven i . Mr. K. 8. Thomas.. Piano eolo ; :' i ' (a) Andanta : .." '" ) "Moonlight Sonata" . , (b) Allegro ) ...Beethoven ; Miss Berenice Fleming Holland. '.. Teat Tonr gadgmeat. . Milton J. Jonea. - proprietor of tha Oregon' market, 151 Fourth street, pur chased at the Lewla and Clark stock show two ll-month-old steers, - which ha baa dressed and are how on exhibi tion at his market. Mr. Jonea Invitee the public to see tha beef and guess on Ita weight Many who saw tha ateera two weeka ago estimated their weight. arid now thla gtvea you another oppor tunity to teat .your guessing, ability. Be aura you get your guede In. . . - Seek Fosaeaetoa of tot. ' Tha Northwest Improvement company haa begun a ault to obtain possession of lot . block 141. 1n Couch's addition of thla city. Tha property la In tha posse salon Of Bridget Neville. It la al leged that' several months ago S. R. BalkwIU . made an agreement to pur chase tha lot for 14.700. giving 110 as the first payment. Tha company claims to have purchased BalkwIU'a option and uses the possession of It - Baca Meet at Tke SsUea. , Siwrtal Dispstch te The Jearsal.) The Dalles-,' Oct. IS.-A three-daye race meeting la being held beret, opening yesterday afternoon with a email at tendance. ' Today -there ia a large attendance and much interest la being taken in the '"boccaroo eonteet - which will be putted off today. ..-. Prises a rre rating tSS ' have been - t e contest. - "neon UAiTinsn ARE POPULim Ssme Desim As the Custom Hade 8 hoes IaOTE THX m MaJmiiH I riAIDRESj "I1TE show many ex- elusive design in mannish shoes, in sev eral leathers.' This is patent ' colt, dull finish kid tops, lace or button .... FULL A LI 283-85 HORBISON.ST CONTRACTORS INSPECTING -CULDESAC ROUTE Bids for New Railroad to Grange .ville Will Be Let in Three Weeks. . ' (Special Dispatch to Tee Journal.) ' ' Lewlaton. Idaho, Oct. 13. The first contractora who will Inspect the route of -the Northern Pacific from Culdesae to Orangevllle are now going over the right of way. Tha party consisted of William A. Winters of the firm of Win ters. .Parsona at Boomer, and George 8. Deaks of the firm of Desks-ft Desks. Charles Erlckson of the firm of Krick son 4 Peterson waa also In the city but the Inspection of the - Culdesao Qrangevllle line will be made by En gineer H. A. Brandon, who Is directing tha work for Erlckson A Peterson on the Lewlnton-Rlparla line.'' Measra Winters and Deaka will drive from (CuIdeaaa to Orangevllle, and for the greater part of the way will be able to view the route of tha proposed road. : It ia understood the bids will be opened within tha next three weeke, aed It is expected the rook work will be commenced - In November. The plana for the Culdeaac-Grangeville line pro vide for Ita completion In tlms to handle thav-grain crop of the, upper country next year, and by atarttng the rock work early in tba winter the grade can be completed by next summer. - INJUNCTION CASE WILL BE HEARD NEXT TUESDAY (Special Dfapatra to The loaraal.) Oregon City, Oct. 13.- The celebrated Injunction case, restraining Councllmen M. P. Chapman, C M. Masom and M. Justin ' from .voting- on the franchise asked for by the Oregon Water Power A Railway company will come up for trial in tha circuit court of Clackamaa county Tuesday. October IT, at 2 o'clock, before Judge Arthur I- Fraser of Port land. Franklin T. Griffith, attorney for the defendants, yestsrday obtained from Judge Fraser an order eettlng tha case tor trial on that day. The matter will coma before the court on a motion to dissolve the injunction on the grounds that there ia no equity in the complaint, and that no ..undertaking haa been filed by tba plaintiff aa la required by law. Tha demurrer to the injunction, .giving aa grounds that causes were not given sufficient to constitute a suit, will be heard at tha aama time. EQUITABLE IS SUED FOR : . MONEY PAID ON POLICY ' (Journal Special Service.) - : ' . Chicago, Oct. 14. Attorney Edgar' L. Masters. . Clarence Darrow'a law part ner, today died ault to recover 11,000 from the Equitable Life Insurance so ciety, alleging that the company had refused to pay blm 1141 cash value for a $t.0"00 policy which had been running for aeven years. , The company relies upon a technicality In the contract, but offers to loan Maatera 1216 at a per cent Interest - -'.,':.- GRAND JURY PROBING GREEK SHOOTING AFFRAY ' (Special Dtspatcs te The Journal.) Roseburg. Or., Oct,- II. The grand Jury Is still Investigating tha Greek shooting of last Tuesday night, making a moat thorough examination. The cor oner's Jury accomplished little and failed to place tha responsibility for tha kill ing of Mrs. Peterseln. The Greek Inter preter waa arrested today by the aherift and fined by the J u at Ice of the peace 40 tor carrying a concealed weapon. Deputy sheriffs relieved the militia to day at noon In guarding the Greeks. . . Southern Pacific railway officials are alao Investigating the case. Stockholders to Meet. (gpertal Plapetrh te Tks Joernal) Klamath Falls, Or., Oct. II A special meeting bf tha stockholders of the Kla math Water Usera' association will be held at tha courthouse In this city No vember I. Tba object la to consider the ratification or rejection by an election to be held a proposed contract to be en tered Into- between tha United States and the assoclstlnn. 114 .- -L-J California Prtins Wafsrs Are made from the rraeb California fralt aaed all erer the land to eonl and rarrMa tha animaeb and. Isteetls. and to keep the artlTe. Tke ami deltaate laTalld eaa tea h.M'MfM fnr Dnnatloattoa. Inrtlseatfoa. and all Liver aafl Bowel troubles, wltboat fear of tHptnt er pats. Tker act geatly out surelr. (tlsinlate dlseXlMi snd ha.trs the paMase aad keorntloa of fned. r.n-taotns mm xu mnaj lOO Wafsrs 3fl Gent S. 0. Bkldmore B) Co., - Drarflsts, ISt Third at sole ageata tot roruaaa, urn. Wear U Per- ' . , feet , 03.50 stranflers - M jffl'm. H fW:' establish-;, i l PWeA llfl:" Moys' aM; YoMths' Appsuf d For school and for dress the greatest assortment of styles and fabrics We carry only the most reliable mi- - terials and authoritative fashions. " : : BASEMENT DEPARTMENT. SiiiU.... . . . . . ,f ai5 to 94.35 :v- main floor. , i! . -. SuitsM. . ... . . ...... ..... - : . . ?5.00 to . $12.50 MISSES' MAN -TAILORED SUITS AND , COATS The Chicago Painless Dentists lnyt Washington St, '.-' Corner of Fifth St Opp.Perldns ' HoteL Didn't Hurt a Bit We are giving special prices on all work for the next 30 days. Remember the Chicago Dental Parlors have offices in all large cities throughout the country. Remember our practice ia limit, ed to high-grade work only. . Fine Set Teeth, war , ranted to fit or no pay:.....:.;. ... ... ...$5.00 22k Gold Crowns $3.50 22k BridgeWork $3.50 Porcelain Crown $3.50 FllHjigs 50c A 12-year protective guaran tee with alT wqrk. . Come and take advantage of our Fall re , ductiona. . Save your teeth and your money. Open evenings and Sundays. - - The Chicago Dental Parlors . : Stay, Washington Street; ls , . Corner of Fifth. The Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest iMMMnlMMMMMMMMMMMM.MMMSSSMaSMMlMMMIMiltM $125 UMBRELLA STANDS -i Fr" 6 to 9 p. m. -V' ' ' .. " '.' . ' :" .. ': ' ' " :' '! ' (..-,'. - - . .-f - -. -. - . Made of bent oak, weathered finish, strong and durable, 93c V !1 r f 7 4ttt Overcoats Overcoat and Raincoat novelties not of the freaky ns: ture but extremely stylish and. becoming, i Our Youths Paddocks and Boys' Military Reefersare especially clever , BASEMENT DEPARTMENT. ' Overcoats. .". . . .93.50 to 9300 .. ! 'v . V " -1 , MAIN;' FLOOR. ; - :y' ' B 'vv ' r ' ; OvercoaU... . .... .... .e. $1.25 SPECIAL TOMORROW Library Seat in Golden Oak Library Seat in' A, .pretty a seat,- exactly ! like "1 cut. 1 up- holstered in genuine Spanish 'leather ina va- ' riety of colors. An odd . piece that will 'fit in : ' any room.:, , : , ". ' . . ';-- Regular Price , $2.50 I Day On Sale All (o) w ) Enjoy our com- v forlahh rooms. v piy. Free telephone etc. . ... .95.00 to" 920.00 PRETTY. V EFFECTS IN' NEW TAM . CSHANTERS Weathered OaX Y Jl oi . 1 i