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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
THE 0RH20N DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAI,!;, w.M.IHR" OCTOSrr. t - we. . ' ' IT dpmvedq ii May' Place Sand . and Gravel Taken From Channel Under 'If- Docks, If Owners Consent. SCHEME WOULD BE v ! H '?. , GOOD ALL AROUND A- "Materiel Deposited on River Bank ; Washes Back Into Channel Under New Plan Danger From Fire in Docks Would Be Lessened. , ' Plana have been set on foot by the ''Port of Portland ' commMon to mak ' the' 'river channel in the harbor better ' . than It ever has been. If the dock ' owners -will allow the rravel and aaml taken from the river bed to be dpo ' ited underneath, the dock the harbor will be deepened and widened from the sawmills above' the bridge to a point : below the Portland Flourln .mills. t It developed at the meeting- of the com mission yesterday afternoon , that the , . material - removed in prevloue seasons from the channel and depoalted on the river banks, eventually washed back lntj me stream, i . - By placlnr bulkhead In front of the docks, it waa arguea, ine -na ami travel could be held under the .wharves and would five no ' further trouble. Were thla plan carried out. It was de clared that It would materially, enhance the value of the dock for with bulk heads n front of them the danger by fire would be greatly lessened and in surance rates reduced. r Commissioner Alnaworlh agreed,' at the I request of other membera of the board: to explain the matter fully te the dockownera and urge them' to work hand In hand wit the Port of Portland commission for the improvement of the harbor. A letter from -T. B. Wilcox read at the milnrlndlcated that he did, not look with favor on the propo sition of plat-ma" dredged material under the docks. It waa the general sentiment of the members of the board, however, that- he would alter his views when the subject waa presented to hint more In detail. ',:: '' Clirk Maher was Instructed to notlf r the several transportation companies not to run their boats by the drydock and the dredges at full speed, as the waves created have threatened to do consider, able "damage.- No particular craft was mentioned. . but It waa presumed that reference was hsd to the Bailey Gatsert, the Charles -R.- Sencer,wth Telephone and. the Telegraph, credited with belriff the greyhounds Jf tha Willamette aq I Columbia. - . . ' - '" A communication received from Major 8. W. Roessler atated that the slab wood fuel being used on the dredge Co lumbia la of a cheap grade and much of it has tor be thrown overboard. . Offi cers of the boat sent in written report that the wood produces ample steam and gives satisfaction.- . . . . In the absence of President fiwigert, Vice-President Tease acted as chairman of the meeting. .The matter of filling I the vacancy in the prealdency of tb board was but touched tipon. 'President I Swlgert will not iretarn for a year and. according to the state law, his successor should be elected when he absents .him self from three successive meeting Two sessions have been held sine ht left .' - ';-' DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE mmvt Giiiis BIGPLHOTS A BIG, FINE WEDDING Marine Iron Worka With Hun dred Worker Wilt Build . " at Once. '. ;' Walter R Taylor and Miss Mabel K. Mathews of this city' were married at the residence of Mr. and. Mrs. C. W. Trudgeon In ..Aberdeen, Washington, Monday night . Tha engagement of the young people waa announced' two weeks ago and tbelr friends anticipated a pub lic wedding. In order to escape xrom such an ordeal the young couple, with the consent of the brides parents. auletly left Portland for Aberdeen last Monday.- and were aa quietly married the same evening by Justice Fox of that city. .""' ' Mrs. Taylor is well known in tnii city. She-has been engaged as teacher In the Vancouver (Washington) 'school tha past year. Mr. Taylor Is manager of W. R. Taylor Co., book ; pub lishersof this city. . WILLAMETTE COMPANY HAS I PURCHASED GOOD SITE Waterfront Property Grows So Val uable . ThatT-jOnly Important Con cerns Can Locate There More Of fers Than Then la Room. Be Tom Snow- Tacsaf ' ' When jyou go to tha Lewis and ClarJl exposition dont fall to visit tha Mellln' Food booth in tna Agricultural puuainx. Hundreds of life-like pictures of real Melltn's Food babies - Perhaps there an some there with" whom you are ac quainted. There are to special pictures of particular intereat; ask about them. Tou will be interested. ; Preferred Stock Ceanes woods. Alien Lewis" Best Brand. 3C (CKiflii ' INSOLVENT 109 Sixth St, Bet Washington and Stark Worth of the very choicest and' most select of Fall Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Trous ers, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Shirts and- a general stock. of Choice Furnishing i ' v; "vf Goods. ' - ' ' . M n . WEAKENS Of Ml : . AIPPAIREL A Discount of 41 Per Gent from Regular Prices - As these premises must be vacated by November 1; this exceptionally fine stock will be disposed of at probably the Greatest Sacrifice ever made on such desirable styles and qualities. " v . J - , IMPORTANT NOTICE- J W. Bell, trustee, and C Moser, deputy district attorney, . have re leased this stock sinde 10 a. rru October 12, 1905. All claims or bills against said stock from said time and until November 1, 1905, will be paid by C. C. SHAFER, Adjuster, 109 Sixth Street. t asaBBsjipBaBSBBBBBisaBM as M asasBSBBBSBBBBBBwai BMieaaBi-aSBaeaesBBBBSBBiaBBSBBBaaw m bsbbbi aBsssa si Open . Saturday Evening Until 9:45 P. M. i : ; ; ; ' ' : ;- " WANTED 12 HIGH CLASS SALESMEN LIBERAL SALARY TO COMPETENT PEOPLE. v : Tae east aide office of Toe loanial Is In th I atar at I. M. C. Miller. 9K1 Kaat Morrlaua ireM. Trtriibone Eaat JcTo. .. The wheels of Industry vill soon set .i to St. Johns s, louder hum than they. have before. Next to Portland the towa will, be the largest manufacturing cen ter In the state, and in certain lines of Industry it will' have planta superior to anything tna metropolis has. One, of the big things that Is already secured and that will be installed with in the next few weeks Is the Marine Iron Workau now of Portland. The present lease of the company In this city expires in four weeks and before that time a new building must be under way at St. Johns and ready for tha In stallation of the machinery. The plant will be Increased -in slse and to accom modate it the management .- has pur chased four acrea of walerfreTit prop erty on the site or the old Rankin saw mill. A building 110 feet long by SO feet. wide will be erected at first ana new machinery will be placed In sev eral departments to keep up with the increase in tha firm's business, which could not be handled In the old factory because of a lack of room. When the factory - gets well started nearly - 109 men will be employed and all sorts ot shin and boiler work will be handled. The Willamette Steel and Iron Works. which probably will come -to St. Johns, haa made a definite offer to the rlty council and board of trade, and If this offer Is accepted another large foundry and machine shop will be built In the town before the close, of-the year. The company' already has purchased a site and expects to use It, but Just how great a plant will be erected depends to a considerable extent on the council; which has been asked to vacate certain streets through the site and Is finding some difficulty In doing so, as the streets to the. river are generally va cated already and many believe that too few outlets now remain. ' t Not a week passes, according , to the I councilman and heads of the board of trade, that some enterprise does not submit offers to locate In the place., but so valuable haa the waterfront oroo- erty become, and so numerous are the Industries seeking entry that only the big cencerns are given encouragement WOULD FORCE COMPANY. aefasal of Souther Paotfto to Baud . ' Depot Arouses Business Mas. If the Southern Pacific company does not agree to build a passenger and freight depot on the east side, the busi ness men. through the commercial or ganisations of the east side, will en deavor to force the demand so stronrl on the 'officials of the company that nothing but an assent can be given. The committee appointed by tha East Blda Improvement association some months ago to take up with the Southern Pa- cirto company the building of an ade quate depot near the river on the east side has been informed that at present me company cannot grant this request and that the matter cannot be consld. ered at this time. The business men of the wholesale dis trict, and the central east side generally. are not content with thin refusal, and I are going after the company In a dif ferent way. A mass meeting of the cltlsens will be called next week and the support of the taxpayers In general se- I cured for the efforts of the men making the ngnt. Arterwards steps will . be taken to see whether the company has la valid claim on the streets that have been ao widely vacated to Its use on the I east aide. If the company has no suck right, they will bring pressure to bear that .will ouat It from theae public rights of way until more considerate treatment Is given the petition for a depot, " .. ' . , . NOT WHAT HE SEEMED. a Joke Humble swede Unas. Imi of Taaa Passengers Tb ought. The speed with which grins and smiles J were wiped from half a dosen faces on la St. Johns car yesterday morning was something that -put to blush the efforts of the oft-mentioned orators who cause weeps and giggles to come at will. The cause of it all was a stolid Swede; bur dened with an ax. a stumphook,a small oilcan and a much-wrapped bundle. H endeavored to catch a car as It whirled about a etirve on Second street, an! when the bundle slid across the plat form, the can hopped from his 'grasp and jigged under tne conductors feet. and the man -himself tangled his feet In the axhandle end sat down hard on the top atep, there were smiles. "I tank him be funny, ehT" said the Bwede.'alowly gathering himself and his belongings together. ' The crowd as sented, v. "I tank him be a preety gude choke on you fallers ef he ban gone off," so. llloqulsed the victim of the laughter; "yah, i tank nim te preety gude wan. "If what went off V asked the conduo- .tor. . - . "Meester man, I tank powder In Mm caA go off preety gude, and I tank hint denlmeet blow cars up maybe; yah, 4 tank ao," A silence that could be felt descended as the speaker tenderly wrapped up hlil bundle, concealing again two black dy namite sticks. LEFT WITHOUT PASTOR. Tragi Death of Mrs. Adams Smbav . ' raeses SeUwooc Baptists. Br the tragic death of Mrs. Phoebe 3. Adama, white leading a prayer meeting at the Bel I wood Baptist church Septem ber IT, the congregation haa been left without a pastor. There are at present! 4e members - of the church in the Bethany congregation at Sellwood. and under the , leadership of Mrs Adama plans had been prepared for - the pur. I chase or erection of a building and the purchase of a site. For the time these plana will be left In statu quo and the membera are bending their energies to secure a pastor, several candidates have been considered and In a. few weeks It la probable that a regular preacher will take the charge and continue tha work begun by Mrs.; Adanfs. At present city pantors are holding services for the con : 'f f : ' 'ff ; '; f ' ' fAW'f'-if f : Vf:A : ' M GIVEN AWAY ' ' ' t f . :.''. -:-:', M-"',''! "'' .' j, ",,'".''"-,''.' v. - '.'. : ; v ', ' v' ' ' ., -,"''.'."' .. . 1 ,,' v ; : . ., . : '.. ...,.,,.,.,',.;.!', ;. '':.rf; - ' ' !', ,.', i .'.' ' ', 1 v! : .- I I With all purchases of FIVE DOLLARS or over in our BOYS' and fM Wf YOUTHS' departments--MOTHERS will find these foot: blilijpants ''esffM-i savers of other clothes Only 600 pairs in the-lot WH EN YOU: SEE; IT IN. OUR -AD. IT'S SO V t. ' MOVER 3d& OAK Notice to ief lib We great railroad auction sale of unclaimed freight bought by us at one-half price paid by other merchants for goods, is now . going on at t If you need Clothing, Men's Fur nishing Goods or Shoes,, get our prices before you buy. We'll save you money. We are too busy to write ah advertisement giving pnees in detail 172 Third Street f ' gregation. - - , ).,. i , -A