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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
211 DAILY FRIDAY , LCTU. BIO DBUOS. as onrsMoa: Prof.' Dvma give te ;tly and mngoeuc tnatnmt, renoce your i niimit suppr as a bmjv urn Blsr . , '"onsuitstlun Ira. Out UuoaawugB I . WINONA -KILLS eeamiea boelery fw man women and children; anv weight w material to order. Sll Conimeres-bB-. Phoae Mil v 4N85. M our exhibit, Huuietinn Plug., , . Bik. : - MANLY vigor teetered by Dr. Boberte' Nerv uionuiea. una raootne treatment, m; i snoots, a, 8T; eent aecuraly sealed by mat', . jk Woodard. Clarke A Co Portland, Or, VISIT PORTLAND lOe brings Nachrluhten. German weekly, till Jan- in; 1, lPOg, Kstahilshad IS years. Ger. - But a Pub. Co.. 802 H Second It.. Portland, Or. LOST power restored by tha mat Dr. Lorens NwTi Tools Tablata; Zoo par box, ', II boira for 11.36. Wrlla or rail at kysaell's raarmaey, TH Momsoa, Oat. lat and So. B00K8I Rara they arai "DeoameBou,'V "Rap. tamaron," "A Hot Tamala." "Kenny HllL" "Twanlf Tear a rakar." "rbldleB rrult." aua aacni uta tree. A. Bcnmai. aaa nrat at. 'WANTED To confer wltk tboaa OMtemplat- Inf a business eour to your personal aad '.. nnaidal Intsrsat to InveeUgst. Address i 48, eara Journal. TAKB). NOTICB If year bedBDrimre tightening or sag la tba eentar, dun't throw j them iwif I ran. maka them good aa new. ; roue nam cua. .i I 0 ROW, boy and aall ginseng! H cr worth. (30.000; big book that tell all about H, peet p.ld 25 ran fa. B. T. Atwell, 00 Latter, Kan- aaa i;iiy, o. LADI IS Too appear .SO years younger. re - move all wrinkles, bar akin lka velvet , bf aainav Oregon Grapa Ikla Food. Phoae A DB. ATWOOD. Id- Rnaael bids-.. lflSU Ponrth at. Female dtaaaaaa and confinements; open vea. ana . Bat. evening. Coaeultaticn fraa. rOK SALE Alrnost aear Kimball upright In walnut I coat 8000: going to Alaska; make ma . an oirrr ror it. uan do seen at 8&0 Aider at. MENI WOMEN) Baymond's pills positively euro aervouaneea and lark of "Vitality; 81, 4 hoxee S3- Pkwimer Drag Co.. 300 Third. SADIE It la beyonf-nie; I cannot Imagine why yon fall to wrlta or adrlaa aa to raralpt of ni 7 loittv; ohm worawouia do waicomo. aiel. GKORGB L- If yon nrafrr Mnokana. I will ar , ranga to go; want to ba agraeable, and prora mat wnat aara aiwaya aaia la traa. aiay H. SUITS pmaed whtla too wait. toe. Ladlaa aklrta preaaad BOr. Cllbrrt, 10 Blzta aC. nasi to aa vtutua. - rnoaa vuy auo. OINHBNO, It'a Bonay-makar Plant now; priori lat for aaad aad planta am applleatlanj. B. W. Klblar, Taroma. Waah.- ' ULLIAN B. CRAM Ohlropodlat. maalewlng .aad ahanpoolng. Parlor 42d Abtaiatua bldg rortiana, or . tuacg xaoo. WANTKD To adopt Infant, 1 to 10 daya.old; ; no qurationa askra; evarytning pnrata. Ad' draaa P 1, rara JonrnaL WANTKD A partner wltb $200; ran maka waivy paca. in at nwnw. Aaoreea m .uu. journal. -c MISS BERTHA MARTIN Baom mug. Bumping and (Ina awadlawarkl leaaon . giran. v TROr.' N. A. NI8BETII. Bwadlah maaaeur; all - klnda of hatha; aclontlfle traatmanla. 411 Mor. PKITATfj hoote for tha maotally Infirm naar tna city. Aoaraaa r , eara oy joornai. TI RKI8H BATHg, S00 Oregonlan bid.; ganto an nignt, laaiea an aay. Main iwan. . PREB aampla eorn. bonloa and wart car. B4 . win L. Doan, drpt, B. Tauntoa, Maaa. DR. rLETTREB'S chiropody narlora. lid AUaky oing.. omea praetica. Kaa two. LI I J.I AN Yoa ara needed badly; don't Inae any ' iinwt Doaineaa neeoa yon. wiuii KXPERIENCKD draaamaker will maka aagaga Bents In fsmlllea. Union M4. ASSAYERS. MONTANA Assay offlct and teatlng works, lie Morrison at. - 1 - . i ,. I,,. , ,. , .. ART GLASS. PORTTKD Art Olaaa Works Plslo and or- menial rises. Taylor. Phone Red x3. ATTORNEYS. ORKGOON LAW A OOI.I.FXrnflW CO., 4IT Fen ftvn blork. Collertlona aiade tbroujrhoot tha I nlted Htsrea; bankruptry mattara a aperialtyl . Iad tenanta ejected; rent a roller tad aad gen. - aral law ha si Dees; notary pooue. B. T TAOOART. attorney aad pnouallor at law. 416 Chamber of Commerce hldg. - M. P. BIBLKIGH. lawyer. 121 Grand ara., , East Portland. - ART EMPORIUM. TnB LATEST PAD"- btiya a pen and Ink sketch of yourself from photo or life. Pay King. M Raleigh at., near 2Sth. M. car. BICYCLE DEALERS. $1.1 RAMHLER bicycle ka ' flrat-cktaa condl - tlon, with roaster braka and cnabton frama. S-JS Thirteenth at. - BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. B. B1RKENWALD CO.. 8O4-S08 Braratt sL ttrgeet botchers' enpply bonne oa tha coaat. BATHS MASSAGE. TVRKIKH, trapor and sponga hatha; a sura ear for rheumatism, nerroasneaa, lumbago, ate, by electricity, band robbing and magnetism; young lady operator. 2tVt Stark, parlor 21. Hours from 10 a. m. to II p. as. CQLLECTIOISf AGENCY. DOES anybody owa yon any money t Wa eol - lect bad debta of all klnda from ft Bp. 122 ' Orand ara., room IX Cot thla out. CAFES. TRH OrriCB 2W WashlagtoB at.. Pbosa Mala 771. Samuel Vlgnaaux. r- i , . , 'mi BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWK, DAVIS A KILHAM. 100-111 Second at. . Blank book mannfacturera; agenta for Jones ) Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see tha saw Eureka leaf, tha beat aa tha market. r COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS. Oene-at commission aaer. ; chants; fruit and producer conatgnmeuta aa llclted; praapt retarua. 150 Front at. - IT yoa I want to get good return fr I ica, ship to oa: pay highest prior f. a, b. P. Miller i Co. prod oca. for ' gga LEmtCH BROS., conmlaaton marchanta, floor, ; ) feed, hay and produce, 22 to 2o Front at. I'hoiie Main 2."W. BVBRDINO tt FARRELL. praduca and eommhv loo. merchants, 140 Frost St., Portland. Or. Phone Msla 1T0. - CLEANING AND DYEING. UP-TO-NOW CLE NINO PRE88INO COM peny Unite pressed. BOei pant. . IS. Phono Paclflo 284. tag Ankeny at. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works; prae- tlral hatter-In eonoectlod. 211 4th. Clay T04. CLOTHKB cleaned and preeaed II par month. t'ntiue Tailoring t)o., 14T Washington at. H. W. TfBNEB, arofeaaloaal dyar and claanatv 60ft lefferana at. those Main B1. carpet.cleaninq.v- - STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plaat on the coaat, taring and Harding ara., t'le phoaa East SNO (Vrp'ta cleaned, refitted, eewed and laid; both steam and lateet com- pressed atr proceaa: raaorntlag mattreaaaa aad feathers a apedalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, anrtton and com preeaed air combined; ear;eta cleaned on floor without raraoral. Mala A034. ' Kaat 2W4, . CARPETS cleaned on tba floor! wa raise aa duet. Pbons Clay 131. fraa demountratioa. I. flt'NTEn atesm carpet and anst treat (Manar. goo Jerrereon, rbona Main 114. M. .. a amdi. 1 f V ' Ma COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO. Sola 'agenta for tha fainoos Diamond coal; try It and yoa will aiwaya buy . It. Wyoming and Waahlngton house coala. Virginia and Waahlngton aiultblng coala: full weignt guaraataed. Tel. aiaia kai. a. u. -Stephana, manager. ' . CnORCHLBY BR08. bare ramerad from foot Dayla at. to 42 Kearney at., near 11th: It Bow tha largeat woodyard In tna dty, carry. ing ail a mas or ssooq ana eoai. mam aux. GREOORY MORRIS, saeeeeeora to Cala McKnna, dealers In wood and coal at mweet prlcre; aatlafsctloB guaranteed. Cor. Tawtb aaa irring. rnona aiain onio... WESTERN Feed A Fnel Co.. on Front, betweea Ullssa and lloyt, dealera' la all klnda of house coala and blacksmith ess la. I'booe Mala 1018, ..... . At RiNi riTicr, m. Dealera In cord wood, coe and greeu and dry alabwood. B. U. aad Al blna are.. 1 blocka east of ferry. Eaat 5T4. STEEL BR1DOB FUEL CO. Dealera In coaL . card wood and dry alabwaod. .Phona Eaat 424. BOXWOOD and planar trlmmtnge. Standard . wooa uo. rnona ft-ssi aaia. aooa awi rioo. OREOON FUEL CO. All klnda of coal aad wood. SOI Alder at,, pnona atanr oa.- KIRK" HOOVER. HI Water at. wood aad eoal Phooa Mala daw. ' FOR 8ALB 8,000 corda fir wood. Phooa Baal B&T0. . CHIROPODISTS. IF your feet ara oot of order, go to Dr. Worlay z Benjamin. Seventh and Stark, tba foot ape- cutlet, rnona Biacg via. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KSRKBO-OUNST CO. .... Distributors of ' PINB CIGARS. Portland, Oregon. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST TUB great Egyptian palm tat and reader can , tell yon tha past, present and future with. ; out aaklng aneationa; no money peltf la ad- - vance; If yoa are not astlsflrd the reading ' win oa xree oi cnaxga. xw norMl xuiro MILUB LEB Gifted child from birth, bow to Portland and will give teat read lacs for the; . four manners of reeding; locates mining and . Bidden treaeuree. Boom V. ZMVa giraL MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmist, card reader: I alva facta reliable and 4moor tant oa all affairs of real Ufa, , Baadlaga 600, 68 Seventh at.. Bear Oak. CARPENTERS AND . BUILDERS. AUTHORS At WOOD, carpenters, builders: re pairing and Jobbing: store and office ftxtnrea pom, nnop anaj ixnumoia. main oar. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery, and glassware. Prael, Hegele A co ioo to lus rtrtn. aoc. Btara at. CHIROPRACTIC CtllQCB aad ac Ian title adjustment of too haaiaa machine, it. Eva nogan, m nan ar. TV dXncing WOODWARD'S dancing school of tha W cetera Academy of Music, Monday and Thursday. Spectatora Invited. . Leaeone 60c Dancing Mi;, DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE or aecret service worki atrlctly confldentlsft difficult caaea-r apllclted. Boom 14, waaningion oiag. DOG "AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB.C.E.RROWN.D.V.S..D.C.M Dear. Horse hna. pltal. 28T Bnrnalda. Phonea: Maln40g:aatgB3B DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, made for 11.20; shirtwaist aula, aaa saal star at. Phana Eaat 82S1. . ' - DRESSMAKER will maka a - few mora ea- gagementa la feuiillre. Phono Lnlaa 044. DRESSMAKING Strictly p to dats; Uteat da- alms. 4H0 day at. DENTISTS. N MEY CHURCHMAN, dentist, 124 Marauan) bldg Sixth and Morrison . rnona Mam liou. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, go Btarg at., r-omana. . v. b.. iot everything la tha alectxlcsl Una. , Phone Mala 18bS. . t . PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Engineer, eontrae- . tor, repairers, electric wiring, euppuea. va - First, cor. Stsrk. Mala See. B. B. Tata. mgr. THB Electrical Appliance Co., 4M Waahlngton r. rnona aiain awe. , FRENCH. BAKERIES. THB only place In Portland to get French bread. Barrer as Mayiie, trr Biitn at. vaiiy oeuv ary. - Phone Oreea SOS. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-air furnacea save fueL J. C. Bayer Furnaoa Co.. 2M Second. Main 401. GROCERS. WADHAMS CO., wboleaal grocera. raeturera and commission mercaaata. aad Oak sts. Fourth ALLEN 4V LEWIS, commission aad produce mar. ensure, rront and nara are., rortianq, ur. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co, aollclta opportunity Is quota price. 188 1st St., cor. Alder. Msltt MUM. FURNITURE FACTORIES. ORBaotf Furnltar Maaufactortng Oosagaay aianuxactarer oi turnltur lot ,ue (rao. Portland, Or. . . , FCBNITTTRB mannfsrtnrlng and eperlal order. U Bavanaky' furniture factory. 170 Front at. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendleton, Pendleton. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portlsni Amarlcaa pis a; $3. IS par day. HOTEL St. Oeonra. Pendleton; leading hotel. BELVEDERE; Earopean plant 4th and Aider are. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE, fire Insurance. 00 DekBB) bids, LAMBBRT, WHITMER CO. Fire Insurance and real eaiaie; eincea urr-io nnerioca niog. Mala 1008( dept. 404 Eaat Alder. Eaat 4ttl. Ji8. Met. WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual accident surety sonde oi ail etnas. I'booe 4T. Sol McKay bldg. H. F. BABTEIJI COMPANY Fire Inanraaea, g saarweg aiog. uregoa raoaa viay ojes. JSWELT.Y. IBWELBT and watche of all klnda Bold on assy payment. I. Gerurta 4b Bona, to Homefiirnleker. r Loacs::ini. I. n. RICHAB ON, eioert ssck kevmlth: general repair".; caauraa 'braaiH; all work guaranteed. ud Fourth St. Phone Seed 1782. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert hjHremlth and bicycle repairing, tun Htark.lay Clay 822; night phone. Main ! LADDERS. LADDERS Painter axtenrdoa-laddem, papec . hangers' treaties; Bra and roof ladder; fleeter!-' and farm ladders! sea catalogue, 'hone Eaat 7V0. Portland Ladder Co., 64T Rhine at., eaat aid.. B. W. Hay ward, prop. MONEY TO LOAN. . MONBX TO LOAN rW I m nmnl ltv imnwtv or fee nurnnua . An. ibmhiiI IH ' from I to li years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of Inea after one year. I-oans aa - proved froaa plana and money advanced aa bolldlug progresses; awrtgage takes ap aad ' replaced. FBED H. STRONO, FinaacUI Ageat. - 242 Stark Street. i THB BTAB LOAN CO. 'Any salaried employ, wage-earaer, aaa gat on Me note, without mortgage Month. H Month. Week. ffW.OO Repay to na 111 M or td.n or SS.M i-.ts.00 Repay to aa i S.6S or or l.6S (10.00 Bepay to aa i 4.00 or 2.00. or $1.00 210 McKay bldg. MONEY to loea. salaried people, tea maters, ate., without aacurlty; . easy payment; largeat bualoesa In 411 principal cltle. Tolmaa. 221 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala 467. ' MONEY to Inea oa real, personal and collateral . aacurlty;. special attention to chattel anort ' gagea; notes bought. C W. PaUet. S044 : renton Bldg., be BixtB at. HIGHLY respectable piece where ladlaa and genta can borrow money oa diamonds -end v-weiry. collateral uoaa Baaa, a rraan' Ingtoa at. . Phone Block 11. . CHATTEL loea In' arooanta ranging from $28 to 18,000; roomlngr houses a apectalty. New Era ixien Trust vq hub a.oingu niog. Wfl maka all klnda .of waao on good aecorlty at lowest rates; special attention' glrea to chattel loana. IBS Morrieoa u MONBY to loan la sums ef from (1,000 to bo.ouo; terme to eult too Borrower, jaanasa - auv-to, vommerciai out. MONBY to loan la large er email amounta oa good aecnrity; lowest raiea. ... , aiuua : u Back, aoi Faiung oiog. - THB CBE8CENT LOAN COMPANY Salary . loan from three to els month; coafldsatlal. ,217 Oregonlan. - MONEY an loan aa rlaeksmea eountr land. E. F. aad P. B. Riley. SOS Chamber of Com merce. . PORTLAND REAL ESTATB LOANS, S and - par cent. Was. Den holm, x railing oiag, LOWEST rate oa furniture and planoo. Feet- era Loaa ue., e Bnarwca nsog. uiay sua. TO LOAN Soma to suit on chattel Becurity, B. A. Frame, Bid The Marquam. MUSICAL. COVBTNEY'B Music Store. 90 Fifth Good sheet muslo 10c; guitars, mandoline 1-1 less tha a ; nsusl price; . Columbia record zoc. VIOLIN, gutter and mandolin, oil and water : color leaaon. Studio,' 621 Hlbhara street, Montavllla. Phona Union 28D7. PIANO, " viol tn. attin and -wind - Inetromaota Profenor Edwin A. Smith, 254 Twelfth. Main eitu. . . - . LESSONS, plane 60c, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martla, 241H Pint. cor. Main. MCBI0 STUDIO; SOS MOBBIS0N STREET.' PIANO toning. S3: perfect 'work guaraataed. u. w. Jounaoa. roooe stain iuu. MAGNETIC HEALING. MRS. L. H. HART treat a all dleaeeea, atomach trouble, aervouaaeee and ru actional weakneaa. Conaultatloa free. 20 Park, cor. Jefferson. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB B0AD OVERALLS and aac chanlcs clothing; anion made. Neaatadter Broa., manuracturera, fort la no, ur. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX at NORTH BUP. 416-lo-lT Deknm bldg.. Third Bad Waahlngton at. Pboae Mala 848. Examlaatloa free. DBS. OTIS MABEL AKIN, 401 Macleay bldg. Clay 778. Baa. M. 2161. Consultation free. PAINTS OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH St CO. The Pioneer Patnt Co.; wlndow-glaa and glaxlng. 139 First at. Phona 1834. . ' ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor Wail paper, paint, U at market prices; fro gelivery. - -m t - - BA8MUSSBN A CO. Jobber.- palnta. oil, glaae, aaah and door. Second and Taylor. PLUMBERS. DONNKRBEBO at RADEMACHER, aaaltary plumber, 84 Fourth at. Both phone. FOX A) CO., sanitary plnmbera. 231 Second, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon r-Boaa ataia avui. PRINTING. ANDERSON St DUNIWAT COMPANY, printing. lltaograpnlng. Dlsnk Dooca, roooe ataia II. Hm Alder at. ' RUBBER STAMPS. P. S. STAMP W0BKS, 24 Alder, phone Mala 710: rubber etampa, see la, atenrlia. Baggage, trade checks; aend for catalogaa No. 26. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing and general , joobing. s. Lost II, gig jerreraon at. ROPE. PORTLAND COBDAOB CO.- and Nerthrnp eta., Portland, or. ' SIGN-PAINTERS. ..--.-i -jeei. . pi "e- i .i mm OOLD SIGNS, Window lettering, cloth banner. economical eitcrrie- xana ana eigne ei an kind nude ,ulrkly. Footer Klelsar, Fifth and Everett, Phone Exchenga 66. SPIRITUALISTS. LOEXT aeieao dfr adfan A Hnlrirnallat. metllnm and heeler. The inwledared leader. Marvelone eurea. Bna v vbeumatla and etubbora dlaeaaea. Your 'antage to eonault ma. Room 10, 224 tat MIBVAH. gifted medium, four way of telling your lite; oeveiop la circle. rim mi., room 18. ' 'J SECOND-HAND GOODS. I AM the man who pay the hlgheat cash price . for aecood-hand lurnltnro ana . noueenoia eoode. Addresa P. O. Bos 412. Edward S3. llela. ' OOODB'S Furniture Hons Hlgheat price paid for aecond-hand furniture. lie Bcoona . ex. Phone PadSe 403. TO bay or eell eecond hand furniture. Call at Herd Cash Furniture Stove, twotj Flret at. SAFES. DIBB0LD Maaganeae aafeet ftr and borglar- procf work) Jau ana prison wore; mem epened; repair. J. B. Parte, en Third ex. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very deacrlptlon; bank, bar and store flxturee mane to order, ine banae Manufactniing Co., Portland. TALKING MACHINES. GIBSON CO.. S4S Wsahtngroaf at. Complete stock ef Columbia eapaophoaei aad record. eTRsiT-rAV:::a WARBKB vConatrnctlon Co., street paving, aide walk and croaawaik. Tid Oragoolaa buig. TUB Trinidad Asphalt Pa slug Co. of Fori OfAce aa Worceetar blk. TOWEL SUPPLY.. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap, $1 par month. Lawrence Broa.' Towel Supply Co.. Fourthv and Coach. ' Phone 42B TRANSFER AND HAULINQ. SAFES, plaaoe aad iarnltura movet,' packed ready for ablpplnf and ehlpped; all work guaranteed; large, S-etory. brick, ore -proof : warehouse for storage. Office 12S First St. C M. Olaaa. Phooa Mala 647, - 0, O. PICK, efAce SS First at., between Stark - aad Oak at., phone Met; plana and furniture aaoved aad packed for ahtpplng; commodleu brick wareaeaaa. Float ana Clay eta. OREGON TBANSFEB CO., 1S4 North Sixth. Phoae Mala SB. Heavy hauling and atorage. SKH Boas M. Plnmmer aboat atorage: Sre proof ; cat rate. 262 Third at. Phone Mala 292. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 200). Was. Ingtoa at. Phone Mela 082. VICLINS. . J. A. WE8CO. violin-maker and repairer work Orat class. 25 Rnaael bldg., 4th and Marrleoa. . ' -i - ;: WALLPAPER. ':'':' MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-1M Second at,, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. POXTLAXD TBTTST O0MPABT OP OBEOOB. I The Oldaat Trust Company la Oregon. RESOUHCKS 0VEB 1.000,000. - . ' ... r - General banking business eondacted. Bevtng deposit received.. Time eertlueatee taaued. 3 to 4 per cent; epeelal cert ill ca tea (not nnder 600). 8(4 to 4 per cent on abort call. Call for book of ILLI'STBATIONS.M . -Phone Mala 46. 100 Third it. BENJ. I. COHHN... President H. L. PITTOCK ...Vice-President B. LEB PAGET... .'... Secretary I. O. GOLTRA... Aaalataat Secretary u BTTXO STATES XATTONAL BANK i . or nTT AW TL OBEOOB. V0BTKWZST COB. THJBD ABS OAK STS. . Traaaacta a General Banking Buelaeaa. DBAFTS IBSUErT Available In All title of the ratted State . and, Europe, Hongkong and Manila. ; 00UXCTI0BI MADE 0B F AV0BABLK TEBMS Presld-nt.... ,.e....,.J. C AINSWOBTH Vice-President , .W. B. AYER Vlce-Prealdent. ......R. LEA BARNES Cashier B. W. BCHMKKB Assistant Cashier... A. M. WBIOHT AaaUUnt Casta lsr , W. A. HOLT CTJMT NATIONAL BANK I OF PORTLAND. 0XE0O. Designated Depository end Financial Agent at - the United State. Preaident.......... A. L. MILLS Caahier ........J. W. NEWKIRK Assaitsnt Caahier........ W. 0. ALVOKD Second Asslstsnt Caahier. ....B. F. STEVENS Letter ef Credit laaued AvalUble la Europe and the Eastern State. - Sight Exchange end "Telegraphic Transfer old on Nw York. Boston. Chicago, St. Leala, St. PsuL Omaha, San Frandace aad the principal point in the Northwest. Sight and time Mil drawn tn aoma to enlt oa London. Parts, Berlin, , Frank fort-In-the-Maln. Hongkong. -Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrtatlaala, Stockholm, St, Petersburg, Mo-, cow, Enrich. Honolulu. ' Collaetloaa Made oa Favorable Term. LAOS TTXTON, BANKERS. - (Eatahllaaed la IMS.) Traaaaeta a 0arai Banking Buainaae, r-ollwflnn. aaade aft all nolnta an favorahle terms. Letters ef credit laaued available ln Europe and all polBta la the United state. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trsnsfer old oa New York, Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco aad Montane and Brltlah Columbia. Exchange Bold on London, Parle. Berlin. Frankfort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. ' MERCHANTS' NATIONAL i BANK. III PORTLAND. OBXOOV. J. FRANK WATSON. Preetdent n. x. a,;nri ABB. .a............ .V Hie imin.DC R. W. HOYT Cashier GEOROB W. HOYT AaeUtant Caahier Traaaaeta a Oaanal Banking Busineaa. Drefta and Lettrre ef Credit Issued Available . to All Parte of the World. Collection a Specialty. SEOTBJTY SAVTBOS TB0ST OOhtPABT. SSS Kovrfawa St.r-Pertlaad, Or. Traaaaeta a Oenaral Banking Bsalass. SAVTBOS SEPABTMEBT, Interest Allowed on Time and Saving Depoalta. Acta aa Trustee for- Estates. Draft and Letter of Credit AvalUble In. All Part of th World. a P. ADAMS. President L. A. LEWIS Pint Vice-President A. L. MILLS ...Second Vice-President R. O. JCRITZ Secretarv GEO. P. RI1S8ELL Aaalatant Seeratary M 0BXIB BB0S. 1M lint St., ParUaad, Or. Offer OIH-Kdge Investmenrs la MnnlHpal aad Ballroed Bond. Writ er CU. JKB 00BTIBEHTAL COUP AST. - noancial Agents. 1 MS Stark at - - Phone Mala 1B7S. MORTQAQB LOANS 0a Portlaad Baal Estate at Leweet Bate. Titlaa Insured. Abatraota ruralshad. , TITLE OUABABTEE TBTST CO. See Washington St., Cor. Seaond. : BIG ENROLLMENT AT - WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY (Special Dispatch to The JooraaL) i Willamette University, Salem, Or., Oct.. II. This Is the second week, since all of the departments of the university have, been having regular classes, and J 07 students have registered in the lib eral' arts and normal departments. Sixty have registered In the medical depart ment., Including these three depart ments, alao the departments of law, oratory and mualc, mora than 400 have registered for this year s work. Willam ette has never known a year In which she has had such a prosperous outlook. The new medical building Is faat be coming completed. The masons are lay ing the brick for the fourth story, and wlth a couple of weeks of nice weather the masonry will be finished. The normal department is larger than it baa ever been, having IT students. The courae Is the same as at the state normal, and those taking ' the course teaoh .amimber of hours each week in the grade from t to 8. . .. . i i . i i aw. iii . ,ii ; AMALGAMATED WINS DECISION OVER HEINZET (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Helena, Mont. Oct. 11. The supreme court . has denied the application vf or a. rehearing in the case of Hlckey against the Anaconda company. ' This Is the action for possession of the Nipper mine in Butte, one of the moat valuable properties in that city, which was re cently decided against Helnse and In favor of the Amalgamated Interests. rfound Trip Daily to Astoria. Kxcumlon steamer Telegraph makes round trips dally (except Friday). De parts from Aider street dock 7:10 s. m. lrmi ASTortB t. tn." Arriving Portland 1:10 p. m. -, Sundays leaves Portland a. m. Arrives Portland t p. tn. , forged Sonool Warrants. , (Jonrnal Special Service.! North Yakima. Waah... Oct. 18. Charged with forging district warrant a. W. R. Latidler, school director of Trip- penlah, pleaded guilty today. - The amount of the peculations is expected to be about I1Z.000. Tlaii't nafW to ha a rlav without Dr. I IHrllia. ' ,1 VI, ,11 III. Never can tell what -moment an acci dent is going to happen. . mu hoed f:iu:::3 . c:i $55A r::::Tij Express Employe Who Disap peared With Hundred Thou-' sand Received Low Wages. ' (Joaraal SpecUl Service.) ' Plttsbur. - Oct. 11. Investigation of tha recent Adams ex proa g ' robbery, whan a K. Cunllffe, tha money dark, disappeared with 1101.009, has brought to light tha fact that this Clark, though handling perhaps $1,000,000 yearly-, was paid only t SB a month salary and was under only 1 1.000 bonds. , Fred Cunllffe. a brother and fallow clerk of tha mlanlng man. ftaa) obtairfed a leave of abnenoa to asaiat In finding his brother. . Fred offered bla tealgna. tlon to tha expreaa company, but it was not accepted. . , ; Tha express company has sent broad, eaat several thousand circulars, contain. Ing tha picture and deacrlptlon of Cun llffe, . and alao his signature, A "suit able reward" is offered, but tha amount Is not specified. ; Ths. poatoff lea Authorities ara said to be Impeding the search for tba missing man by holding up his man, which- tha police and expreaa people believe con Ulna valuable clues. ; ' vjHo, for Astoria; Swift steamer Telegraph leaves Aider street dock 7:30 a. m. dally except Fri day. Returning leavea -.Astoria I p. m., arriving Portland :S0 p. m. Sundays leaves Portland a. m., Astoria 1:10 p, m. Arriving Portland p. m. . . " AT THE THEATRES. "The Tenderfoot" Next Monday., One of the biggest attracrtoo to be aeea in thla city the entire eaaeoa wiU be the bill at the Marquam Grand theatre next Monday, Tues day and Wednesday nlgnto, October IS, IT aad 18, with a special price matinee Wedneaday, when Blchard t arla'a and II. L. Hearts' great western operatic comedy success, ' 'Tba Tender, foot,' with Oecar L. rigmaa'and Bath White will be heard. The eaat la a atrong one, and tha chorus eomewbat noted for it beauty. Tn; e Baker's Show. The engagement of the world f among burleeque QBeen. May Howard, la rapidly drawing to a eloae at the Baker. It la aafe to predict that thla clever organisation could remain In Portland for another week If not compelled to go to Ban Francisco, where the company la bonked to open Monday, next. Thr' are tnree remaining per formancoa tonight., tomorrow matinee and to night...,' , : - ''Uncle Josh" Matinee. "Tade Josh Perkins" opened last Sunday to two houaea that taxed the ntmoet capacity of the Empire theatre, and while thla condition ha not existed all week, anoeually large crow da have been attending, which la pretty good Indication that the theatre-goers like thla attraction. Tha nsusl Saturday matinee will be given tomorrow. . m . mi , "Star Show Girls." ! ' ' The Star Snow Girls te said to be the showiest presentation of the period, fairly daaallng 1b Its regal Immensity, and casting It shadow ever all competitor by the excellence of It bur lesone feature and th superiority ef Ite head line vaudeville acta. Thla attraction will be aeea at the Baker theatre starting with the Sunday matinee, October IS. - -- Florence Roberta' Matinee Tomorrow Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 3:13 o'clock Ploreae "Roberta and her excellent company will present Paul Armstrong lateet play, "Ann L Mont," st th Marqnam Grand theatre, on Morrison . street betwaeu Sixth and Seventh atreeta. Special prlcae will prevail. The lest performance will be gtvea tomorrow (Saturday) Bight. ' . . -.. ,' ; . . ! At the Belasco. The Belaertt theatre stock company Is support ing White Whittlesey this week as th star cf "The Fortune of the King," a romantic drama which) has taken the tows by etorm and added a large anmber of pat roue to the Belasco list. Next week's bill will be "Sheridan." Florence Roberts Tonight Florence Roberto In "Aha La Mont" will be the attraction at the Maronam Grand theatre tonight at Still o'clock. The Marquam Grand theatre la located on Morrison street between Sixth aad Seventh atreeta. Beata are bow sell ing. . , . v -Honest Hearts" One of the moat notable dramatic organisations of th sea sou. Kllmt and Uaaxolo'a company, headed by Alma Hears, will play "Hnneet Hearts" at the Empire theatre all next week. starting with th Sunday matinee. . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. ; "Under Two Flags." Nightly the bona Is parked at th Lyric theatre to ee "Under Two Flags.". A' com plete p rod or t km I glrea of this famous dram. The play contains many thrilling altuattou and la well written and cleverly constructed Vaudeville at the Star. Alice Shaw, the celebrated whlstlar, prove a strong drawing card at tha Star and crowded boose arethe rule. The vol tone are graceful acrobats. Huntress, a anectarular dancer, doe aa attractive act. Collins snd La Bella have a new elogdsnce. The Beanvala trio. Including a real Indian actreea, present a strong dramatic (ketch. V( , At the Grand. Tomorrow Prlneeso Chiqntta rlnaee her engage ment at the Grand. Everyone has heard of Chlqnlta, for she is the smallest woman In the world. The La Tall brotnere ere Bana-rn-nano he la mere. The banjo kin as, the gua-apmnlng Turk, th eomedlana. mnaidana. Illustrated pto rare and th reet provide a caearrai entertain ment at the Grand. IN" A WEEK - .. ' ' ' " --- v .;';.' f'"' . We treat raeceaarfullp an prlvafe !er toub and ehronlo diseases of men: also) blood, stomaoh, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay eared tor ever. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, in 11 days. We stop drains, night loaaes and spermatorrhea bp s. new method In a week. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under te bp means ot local treatment peculiar to ourselves. - e W Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The dnotore of this institute are an regular - graduatea. have- bad - many yaarr) erperlenoe, nave been known In Portland for li pears, have a reputatlos to maintain, and will undertake no case Bnleaa Certain qure can be effected. We guarantee a cure In evarp eaae we andertake or charge no fee. Conaulta "tlon free. Let Mr confidential Inatruc tlve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free ,la Plain wrapper. We euro the worst cages of piles la 'lion. j cur ffuftrtfitM- . , If tou cannot call at omeo write for voeetlon blank, Boms treatmaat aae fUL Office hours. to I and t to . tund ajra and hoUdara 10 te I. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS C: CO. Offices la Van Nop Hotgl. it Tiad C treat. Corner rtaa. FortUiw, C. TRANSPORTATION. ft' Jl.v.' tut r-nsavnarTABL: WAV. City Ticket Of See, lit Third St., Phoae SB. 2 OVERIAKD TKAlTs'S DAILY 7 Tae Flr aad the) Paart MaO, . ' nPTaBBTDID SBmTICB UP-TO-SeAVTM BQTJIWICingT OOVBTBO TJS BBfJPiOTBB LKAVK l:S0a,m. U:Bp. m. 4:15 p.m. Trom Portland TU Seattle ARRIVE 7:00 a. m. ;S0 p. m. Tla Spokane f a K. Bj BT. OO.I g;00 a. m. OB4IAT BTOmTXZmBT STVAlttI CO. Bailing mini nms ' S. S. METjrirXBOTA, new. s. ; S. S. DAKOTA, X0. 10. , For Japan and China Ports and "Manila. buppost tttbxbt tstbbta - (Japan Mall Bteamablp Company) ' S. S. XAVAOAWA HAJSTX . Sails from Seattle for Japan, China and all Aatatln Ports About Oct. 24. For tickets, rate, berth reaervatlona, to,, call on or add reaa - . , ' : X. SI0X80V, CP. T. A. ' -. . - , '- Portland, -Or. . o spices. (q tvhhtr, flrv.3tn.vcr: CmrtsrSrrtRh.Casoi CL0SSETGDZYEI15 ) POfTTLAHD, OeaX0OM. C. a EE WO The Great Chinese Doctor rormerly located el tSS Alder .sL, earner aTbtrd, Has Moved To the targe Brick ImIIAIii. a B of VUrrt aad Morrises at. , ltrsBoa rirat Street Or. 0. Oee Wa, the Oreat Chlsaa Doetev, I wall known and famoaa throo shoot the C. B. because bla wonderful and marvelous ears have bees heralded broadcast throachoat th length and breadth of thla evontry. Be trestl any aad all diseases with powerful Chinese roots. Herbs, Unas, parka . ana vegetanse inai ar entirely Bnknowao Bdlcal aceenee la this country, and through tba Baa ef these harmless remedies Be guarantee to cure caiarra. bbiubsb, lung troublsa, rfaeumatlsm, nervosa ness, atomaca, Hver, kidney, female troublsa and all private eABei ", -y f This famons doctor euro without th eld of th knlf. without Bring poison or drug. Hundreds nf tee tl moulale en Si at bla efscea. Call and ae him. Charge moderate. OOBCTLTATIOV rBtS. v Patients out of the dty write for blank and circular. Inclose s stamp. Address The a Oee Wo Chine Medicine Co.. 16s 1st St, ear. Merrieea, Portland, Or. Plaeae aaentaoa WERM 10 A 5URB VTH3N3 ALL FOR $1.00 Turkish Bath and good bed ftay tba night, aa for n. King's Baths Serenth and Wast, ingtoa Sts, tineas sad Urgeet BSths Bstheelty. two, or three treatments, without opera- US $1.00 i aZ.- '-'.-r'.ewT ' V-i i UDaT 3Tralfls to the Esst D.'y C Through pullataa ataadarg and taartst sle ng-eara eally to Omaha. C Blear. Bpeh ( toarlat sleeping-cars gall to avaaea Co -4 through Pallmaa toarlat eleenlng-care (pe ally conducted! weahiy to Caleage. .4 ebalreara (aeaht fraa) to the Bast dar. DNIOH DBPOT. Leavea. Arrlvea. CBIOAOO-POBTXAMU Pirtii :TSa.av Dally. . . B.I Dairy. rr the Bast via Baat- . ingtoa. . SPOKAr1B PLTBB. Por Baatsra Washing too. w.ii. nr.ii. , -Z. :18 b. I Dally. IstoB. Coear dAlsne Dally. aaa wreat ' Berthera polata, . - ATLaSTT-Tr BTPBauia S-lp.a. Dally. Tnsi Peg the East via Uaat- ingtoa. ColaaiMa Blear lMvlaloa, POB ASTOBIA aad wayl Bointa, aonaectlng wits armr. roe Irara-a mmA smb. av Dallr. Aboat aa. Snndap. Satnrdsy. 104)0 p. at. :00 a. I Mortb Beach, etmr. Bae4 aaas. AaBet, ahicfc. TamkUl Brear Boat. rnn rtavrnsi City aad Taaahlll rlveej Tsao a. Be, TSBwBV r""i aanra, atara aaa Dally. Dally. aaoooe. aaa ar, aoc (Water permitting. awnday. Snake Blvar Beata. POB LBWISTON. Ida.. S:eO a. m., or a dob ar- 4 :00 p. a. Monday Wedneaday Saturday and way polata froa Blparla, Waah tmr. Spokane aad Lewlstoa. tHval Trala No. 4. Sub Tuee, Thar. TICKBT OPPICB. Third and WaaalBgtaa. Texe ' -t - - t'vrB Main TIA a a .TV,'IN6EB- at' Agess, A. I CBAIO, Oeneral Paaaengar Ageat. EASTvu SOUTH Leavea. DrttOSJ PBPOT. OTBBLAND EXPBESS. Tratna, for Salem, floss burg, . Aahland. Sacra mento, Ogdea, Baa Praa ctaeo, Stockton, Loa Aa- S:9a.a. i.hs, sii rsae. new us ees na ana tna naat. Morning train Beeta at Woodbara dally except Saaday SJ0a. bl with trala tor Mt. Anget, Sltvettea. Sa.Ba Brownsville, Mil field. Waadllag aac Matron. - Buaena Paassssar eea SMa. m. T:B0 a. m. Beets at Woodbara with 10:S Mt. Angel and BU too loeaL Oorvallla Sheridaa t M p. I S:SS a. i 111 :0O p. 1 :B0 p. a l!10:4lip.i Forest Qrov paaaengar. IIDaily eaeept Bnndsp. ' PartlasA-Oesrag SuVtrrWa ftarvtoe sad Taaxhfll v. " Dlalalaa. , Depot foot ef lefferaoa etreet. Leave Portland dally for Oswego T:M a. avf U:BO, 1:05. 4:00, B:S0. 8:85: T.: :10 11:S p. m. Dally (except Sunday), 8:30, 4:80, S:Be. 10:89 a. m. Sunday only, 0:00 a. m. Betenrlng from Oswego, arrive Portland da" . r 1 1 s:au a. aa. i:oo, emo, v.w. .w, 11:10 p. m., U:o0 a. m. Daily (except Sunday), . 6:2ft. T:Z5, 9:80, 11:S a. as, Snnday oaiy. Lee res from name depot for DaBaa aad toesa. mediate point daily 8:00 B. m. Arrive Per land 10:io f.m. rlmM XB IDFiTeBlieJreoBiiw.w -' eperatae dally to Meameeth aad AlrMe, er-. aectlng with Sonthern PadSe eompaay'a tnasat . ,. , T i il, First -class far from Portlaad Ite Seevsmewaa nd San Prandace $20, bertha H; 'd eS far $18, sacond-claas bartk II RO- Tickets to Eastern point srvl rn repel aBBJ lapsn. CMna. Bonololo and Australia. . City Ticket Office corner Third aad WSsBa tagtna atwtaPhoaa Mala Tit . City Tloket Ageat, TIME CARD OF: TRAINS. DAILT. UNION PBPCrX, X Depart. I Arrive, TeUosretone Parh-Kaa- mm . rit.-Ht. LonUi 8 De dal for Cbeballa. CeaJ trails. Olympla. Ovava Harbor. Scnth Bead. Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Lesrlaton. Batta, Blll- 8:80 a. Ba, BKMB.S, 4:10 b. Ba. 449 B. BW Ing. Denver. Onjaka Ksnaae City. St. Laaia and eoatbenat. Korth Coaat Limited, electric lighted, for Ta roma. Seattle, Spokan, Bolts. Minneapolis, SU Paal and the Beat. Pnget Sonnd Limited, for Chehalla. Centrslla. T a com a aad Seattle only. .,- ' Twin City Exneaaa. for TKM a. BV 10Mb, i Tacoma. Seattle, Spe- asns, neiena, Butte, Yellows tons Thrt, al la nes polls, st, Paal aad the Eaat. , 11:41 p. nv IMhS, A. D. CHARCTOM. Aaalataat Oeneral Paeeeager Age SO Morrlaoa at., eor. ThtrA ' Portland. OragoB. Astoria & Columbia j River -Railroad Co. iafil 1 W aTye-j I Arrlvea. Leave. PNIOW DBPOT. Arrlvea. SrOO a. bj. Per Maygera. Balale. 11 :M a. SV Dell. . Clatskanla. Waetport, Dally, Cllftoa, . Astoria, War- , . rentoa, riaval, Baa Biond, Port Btevena, '.;'- . Gear hart Park, Seaside. Astoria aad eeeaaere, m J ' "V Bxpraea Aall.-.' - S-ss a. av 7:00b, sa, .... Dellv. IIDaily. ' AtWftrpreeB, . . a. v. si 1U a P. and P. A Aawla. Or. C. A. STXWABT, Cominerclal Ageat. SS Ajdst . street. Phone Mala Sod. 1AL.ASICA PAST A !D POPrtArl STBAMSHIP Lsave Seattle S a. at. rrrrrBsoB," ottoib b, ss, D0LPH1B." OCTOBAA 18, 88. CALLIXO AT KtTrWfKA. JTMBAtT, DO"' ' HAINES, SKAflWAT. Crmneets P. A t. 7 routs for AlllB. iMveoe, . Nobm, eta. POB ALL SOCT""TrSr A rOaUA. Call ' fe . "Trto" "Indlaa t...l . ." Preeh . ( i., . rt f" c