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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
vv THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY 'EVENING. GCTQSI23 i:, i::J. ii r-7 i .Crrjcn jDiinial JU- ... an i -1 - Catered at th aoetofflc af Parthuid. Oregoa. tar uaa porta Uua through th (Mil aa Baouad Poalajr fa loci copies: For sa B. 10 or IJ . pes paper, Larni: HUN W teats; ta a pasas. mia ' i ' : Pdlfm-tel Room .v. U";7r.'. Mala 360 fcueUaea QttU ..Mala at 1 FOETtSB ADTEBTrSIBO BjrPBISXBTATTTB. , Vreeland-Benjarotn Bprelxl AdrertteVng Agency. 150 Naaaaa lUMt, Nw York; Tribune B11V .;. r tag, uncage. - x ; ' ; . - " -: : y. f ' ' nucurnoi batis. Th Pally Journal, with Sunday. W'-'I S The Dally Jowmal, 1 year S :. Tha Dally Journal, with Snndsy. Baaa tha. J Tha Dally Jotrm.1. aaontha..... : Tha Belly Journal, with Sunday, 3 naenthB. 1 J Tha n.llr Jnarnal a month Tha Italic Journal, with Sunday, 1 njnntb.. ,. elude . Tha Dally, aar werk. dellrei-ed. amnday ax . . copied ... . .10 v -v, Tama by Mai ' , " -Tha Daily Journal with Suaday.'l raa...n IS 'oarael. 1 year, ....... J Tha Dell Joaraal. with Sunday. moatb. J " Tha DallT Joaraal mnHb. ! t, with Pnttdsy. t mouth. V0 1, I moo tha... " "J; I. with Sunday. I Baatk.. . . itatiy J nana i Tha Delta Journal, . Th rt.n. t t Tha Dalle Journal 1 menth...... ?? 4 Tha Sunday Journal 1 year J J . Tha Sunday JoaraaL monthn.. - Tha Saml-Weekly JenrnaL " Tha Seml-Weeklr Jonrn.l to 13 Pa" ' ', -. aarh Ian. Uloatratrd. fall Biarhat ra- , i port I aaar I-" Rrailttaaraa abonld ba laada hT orafta. oatal . antaa. riarats ardara and anal! aaamata art . cwBtabla . la 1 and t erat aoataaa ataapa. . P. . a itl. Portland. Owa - - vnu-m vuu jut ii roinre. ' Tha Jaaraal cam ha foond aa a la at tha fAflnwInc plaraa: BOIHR. IDAHO H. Callrr Oa.) W. B. Ut lntrra. ' , CHICAQrt-Pa.tofna Raw oapaay; IT Daar- born, atrrat. - . Drsvia. COIlBADO I. BU. iiitaaoth and fnrtta atrx-ta. KANSAS CITY -Taa How Hawa cnapaar. -MINNeApoUS-M. J. KaTiaaash. 60 BoBta v Third atrt. ' BW T08K rTTT Brantana'a. Tnlna aimara. OMAHA Millard Rotr! am at and: Maatk fttatkmarv anmtany. lAna yarnoai atraat. tAI-T tAKK CITT Kanroa Hotrl nawa at and i " Btrmt Rroa . 4S Waat Haennd atrart. arath. , BT. louis Philip Rnadar. did Locvat atraar, K. T. Jrtt. n 01t atrart. . BAN rtANnsrO W. B. Ardlnc. Palaaa Hatal 1 v nawa aland and lona Market atroet: 0ld ! V amlth Broa.. SWI Bnttar atraat and Balnt .. Fraaria hot!: -Teata? B Oraar. frrrr build ' faw: N. Wbaatlar. aaorahl nawa ataad. eor ' nr Marfcat and Karny atraata. KATTLI lUlotrr Graad nawa ataadr W. U. hanka. Bntrl Rrattl nawa ataad BrcKANK. WA8UINGT0N John WV Orabaa a Cn. - TArOMA. WA'HIXOTOB CanrrtI Bawd eaaa t nanr: TTotal Tamma nawa atand. . TfTORU. BRITI8R COMJbtBlA Ytctarla B"k w aitattnnara WEATHER REPORT. Tha dlatarhaac yaatarday aaar Manitoba baa , nlnd with anothar ana whh'b daraloprd erar aoalhra Artanna. and tha two haaa nmaad a tmurh of w pr.aaura rilrtxlln from tha npoar lakaa aonthwaat to Nw Maxlra, wltb ita rantar la nortbarn Triaa. lllah nrraaura araaa amipy tha north Pacific and aouth Atlautla at aim, raanaatlaaly. Thaaa rondltlona kaT ra- atiltad n oinh anola waatbar in Oragnal. Waata lntoa. Idaho and waatam alontana. Tlw tarn nratnra kaaa rlaan In Tazaaf Oklahoma, Kan a. Arkanaaa. Mlaaonrl. Illlnola and Iowa. Tha rainfall baa ban lhrht and conflnad to a , rw amall anawara n tha lowar laka raalon s Naw Eoaiaad atataa. aonthdaatarn Montana, tba vtniaowttr Tall and Waahracton roaat. ., Tha north PaiHflr talari mamtt ara will rmrr aaaf and rauaa fair wratbrr In thla ,dla- ' " iriir.1 .no. raraniir. wiin riaina ivmnaT--atnraa Saturday, prwadad by froat tonight. AUCTION SALES. V Y rIUAT. Ortohrr 11. to a: m- 40 Morrtaon .., at., auction aalf otnaw and arroad-hand for ,. altnr. mnprlalny bona farnlahlnira of arary 4 irwTfiiHia. j.nraa a ramitnra mora, part bonaafnrnlahara. MARRIAGE LICENSES. : John J..ITarf. 4l;.Kbacc Ina XIarka. 38. Iiataaa J. IhiBrnllla, Albany, Oregon. 87; Jan v B. Han. .14. , , . Byron amaley. 88: Cecelia llltnlrwnrth, 23. torca Rrtandaoa. 83: Alfhllda Carhmn, Vi. 'j "Jena . Jeuae. 40; Krlrtln Horenaen. 30. Rdward C 4'aMtnrlL Win lock, Waaiilufton, 87; ' Mary Rorcnaon. M. ' Arthnr A. Inland. Latonrall F alia, . Orraon. 32: Amber F. rUinlta. 80. . i - Rarnhard Oeha, 34: Matilda Nrairebauer. 18. Weddtnar Card. W. rj. Smith A Co.. Waak fnaton bldf.. cor. F north aad Waahlnftoa at. BIRTHS. BMKRVOmtber T. ta Mr. and Mr. Char lea W. F.roery. 448 Herenth atraat, daughter. BAVIiB Oct otter 8. to Mr, and Mra. Charle C. Raylor. 1080 Kaat Morrlaoa atraat. a daaabter. RMITH October . an Mr. and Mr. Charlca F. . Hmlth. tWT York atraat. a ana. WKTI.BOct otter 8. to Mr. and Mra. Jamaa i Well. 10d Macadam atraat, aon. , BKt'KKR fietoher 7. to Mr. and Mr. Petar Becker, ara Hallack atreat. a ann. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. ,-1.INK October 18, T lolet Unk, Portatnonth. diphtheria. - RIIATTO octobar II. Floyd Sbatto, 1M8 - Er " eter atraat. diphtheria. DEATHS. TW K Mra. Mary E. Tack, ayad 86 yearm. 4 mnntha and 89 4 ara. beloved wife of O. A. 7ZL-!t,Zt tau "Wac,, 7Wl Iron atraat. f ictttber 18. ; , A.NTttNIHOM IJIlUn Marl Antonlaon. aaeo 6 : yaara. at Hoath Mount Tabor; cauaa, dlph, ,- thtrla. Ialarntent Multnomah cemetery. ' RA!i2!',TA- . . 8d 83. year. HABKINHOctohar 13. laahrll Hark Ina. a red - 7 year. ftOf vhibla atraat; eanaa, heart far" B"r"1 Bt Monut Calrary ntma-.vCRAMF-r-tobei -IX OtiataT t. Oamar. acad 0.. 8 yeara, 108 Twalfth atraat; canae, heart v dlaeaae. Burial at R I Tear lew cemetery. BIVIBTir.T- CXICETZKT. Rlngl yarea 810. Family lota 870 ta 81 000 Th only emtry In Portland which per." pcf-ially maintain, and rare for Iota.- far foil fciformatltm apply to W. K Macfcenale. War center bwek. ally. W. M. Ladd. pre. lent a Vf J""- ' fnitcral dlractora and nraZ. , "" ana jn.fliana afreet.. ... -- ' ...... , tvifuoouo Ham a. Imnnlnar. Mt-r.ntee Ollbanrh. nnderUker and emhalmera: amlrn In erery detail SeaeoUt and Plna. Mala 430. Lady aaalatant. . , Tha Rdward llolmaa I'mlertaklnc company funeral -director and aanhalmera. 220 Third at. Pbona 607. . . 1 nlr0 Fnnaral wraatha and nt flower a apedalty t Roaa City Oreenbonae. Tweatyacand and F.aat Mortiaoa; oppoalta cemetery, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. Mct'raken company to 1. Ltintlaren. pared laad lota 8, II. 12. blork 8. ' Renbardt Park K. C. Coal and baaband t B. F. M. Tact''' " " MOrk trxl,tnr . M. A. Ba'rtoa" aiid' wife to' k'.'Y.' iim'n. lot II. block . Ceatar addition .... F- Berwick and wlfa to ft. Anderaon. RAO sno SCO , aaat H mta T and a. Mock 88, Alblna Ilony.teaa aextition . 1.800 K. Palmer tn M. WIlDelm. Ma 8 and 4, block 87 Iteliwaoa W. B. Fill ta Lv P. Tbomaa. lot 6. koa block tm. cltr 40,ono w, I,, raimer ta r M. KetiywtcK, aaat V, tot 18. block Q. Redwood ........ no K. L. Palmer ta K. u. nowic, waat - I, lot IS. block Q. Rellaond ... ,100 A Harold to Vadlr land company, tola It 12 and 1. block I. FalrAeld... , Ta'b ta H. R. .. lot 7. block 3. (-inaerdal Eitanaton ; K. Mataheh. and wife to B. Oobt t w. tmt 88, block 8. .Penlnautor ad t iita . . . . , ...... .-J. .... . ......... . ,. Itotllaa to ft l''rck, bit 3. block t V t emitter' addition I . V.ra-a and wife to W. F. Rehcllan v iM-a pareel land oarthweat corner lot a. t- IJ, IrorbaUd addltW an i S.6O0 1,2) 'REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. L. A. Harlow and wlft to A. Fox. kt I. block W. rirat adttlttaa ta Xnm. dale W. U Hall and wlta if , Tlmai, lata , T, hkK-k I. Truatdafc II. W. Trarltt to J. Landlan,. narral laad block 1 Ahrad'a adilliloa Kadtr land roniiany t K. A. Hall, lota . II. bl-k J. Brllwond W. E. Tbomaa and wlf to W. BwWood ward and L. t'. Clark, 83 1-8 f't bit and T. bkirk 41, Caurk'a addi tion 1.000 too so 8,130 too H. Hmltk ta J.- Tag, k 21. hlurK a, AlWna J. Rrrdra and wlf to J. O. Ktaarna and -wlf. parral and hadnnlaa at Baaa Lin road. aortk 11 lrt. aat 6U . tart, auutk ta utr county roau.. meat to brtunl(. auction 32, towa ahln 1 north, raiiK 8 aat ......... 600 180 J. Hmldt -aatata to l. MwlDrk, lot B. bkx-k an. itciiwoon aoaiiBia , J. A. Pattlt a K. K. Pettlt. lot 1, ; block In. HunuralO ............ - - B. H. Ilrnrlkaon and wlf to A. H!nca- an t aU, lot , 1, niora addition ......I. , T60 400 S. A. Unwnliic t P. T. or. lot , block 1, atimiiTiaion nrowa a irn .... Point Vlw Krai Katata cotnpaDjr to tt 1 W. Rarna. lota I, 1 8 and 4. Work, 3. Point Vlaw 400 0. Arrldaoa lad wlf to Bamnai iar. lota 1 and I. Arrioaon euDaiiiaioB y m i la Worth fit. JohnM 600 0. Araldaon to Barak lnr,. Kit a, aaaaa uratvin . 0 Arrtoaoo to Mary Lrar, lot . aama "location ................ t,. D. Tbomaa and wlf to A. ",n,r at aL, nndiaiara ..'. . 80.000 Bant lay Realty enmpany to Vy?"T. 8aTlna jruat comoaoj. """'.--T lota B nd 8, btocji 24. Conch a addition W. rraaar and wlfk to Bacunty tt Trnat conpanyi ton l, a. di rA'a arfilltlon. 1 ...... i .. 10 B. B. Byan at al. tolRjatlay Balt Jon. pany, Bnmnnra at-.. -- -block Sill. Cooch'a addition 10 Rbarltf to J. Undar. aat "'- waat V arcttoo a. rownnnip J. ranee 1 wat. aaaapt 8 acrra ......... 80 B. E. Wlntara to O. A. I tot T. block 14. Rnnnyalda addition.. B. E. Wlntara to B. C. Bohl. lot 8, black 14, Bnnnyald '-'1 "J.': i U "award and wlfo to M . W. Tyler and W. M. Raward to il. W. Tylr ami wlfa. aaat H K 1 ano Dor 'a-- .tand 'dlO iu um Ihmif.w and aba tract to raal aatata from tba Tit la Oaaraataa B Traat aonv pany. 840 waaninfton airear. cararr. Wc have ample funds to loan In liny , amount on im proved business and ; resi dence property in Portland and vicinity atlowest rates of interest. - ; Potiy Trust Ccr.?any of Oregon 109 ThW St. PbotiB Main 453 LOANS W havt ample funds to loan in any amount oa improved business and residence property in Portland and - vicinity at lowest rates. : ' mill WBTTmBD. ' . AVBSTKACTB milHID. The Title Guarantee y & Trust Co; ' ' o WaunmroTOV mr. f (Corner Second at) ; PORTLAND, OREQON NOTICE, B0TICX OF SALS OF B0BDS. It otic t hereby 1rea that tba hoard of director or the Mood Klrar Irrlcatloa Dlatrlct la Waaco county, Oraann, will aell tba bond of aard dlatrlct In tba aaa of f 00,000 on Taea. day. tba 84th day at Octobar. 10U6. at tha boar of 18 a'clork a. m., at the office of aatd board. at tha realdanca of J. H. Shoemakar la aald dlatrlct, and that araled propoaala (or aald bonda will ba racatrad by aald board at aald plac for- tb pnrchaae of aald bonda antll tha day and boar a bur. mentioned, at which tlma tb board ehall ppaa tba propoaala and award tba porrbaaa of tha bonda to tba hi beat bld- apenalble bidder, tba board laaeiTlng tba right to reject any and all bid., blda to ba accom panied by a certified check for 10 par cent of tha amount at tba bonda, for which tb bid la aubmltted. Bald bond (ball ba payable In money of tb Celled State. I 10 ari-lea, aa follow, to-wlt: At tb aiplratloa of elerea year, fir par cent af tha whole number of aald bonda; at tba expiration of twelr yaara. all per cent; at tba riDlratlon'tif thirteen year, aerea per cent: at the expiration at fourteen yaara. eight par cant; at tha eiptratlnn of fifteen year, nine per cant) ft tha expiration of etxteea yaara, tea per cent; at tba expiration of eerenteea yaara, elerea per cant; at tba expiration of eighteen year, thirteen per cant; at tba expira tion af nineteen year, flfteea par cant; at tba eiDlratlon of twenty year, elxtcen par cant: aad ahall bear Intrrrat at the rat of all per cent per annum, payable eefni-aanually, oa the nrac any or January ana juiy oi earn rear. The principal aad In tercet ahall ba payable at tha place dealgnatee) In the bond and bidder ara glren tha option of baring aald bonda paya ble at Portland. In tha abate of Oregon, or In (he city of New. York. In the atata of New l or, and mh nonaa wui oa laeuea in eccttra nr. with the election of tb encceeefnl bidder. Raid bonda ahall be each of tha denomination of bo lean ra.a kind and not mora than 8.VM. and ahall ba nerotl.Dl in rorm ana con none, for the lntereat ahall ba attached ta each boot (Igned by the aeerctary. ' ltatea ar noon ttirvr, urvgon uit irie any of September. 1B0S. J. H. SnOEMAKER. " ', - Secretary, BRAI.KD propoaala addraaaed ta the Laarla and 1 l. l-l CnMlttM, rwnmlHliM will ba reeelTcd at the offlc af the eommleetoa .In the Oregen building nntll 12 o'clock noon, Monday. - October 18. 10)16. for tha purchaae of any of the following bnlldlnga now oa the Lewi and Clark rxnoaltlo grnnnda.belongtiif to the atata of Oregon: group, Inclurilna flra atatlon. nollca dcnarlment. Ad- tlon bnlldlng pmpert colonede and entrance: fneehtn Rihlblta building, Agrlcul toral bnlldlng. Oriental and Educational bnlld lng. Machinery. F.lectrlctty- and Tran.portatloa bnlldlng, Andltnrlum, , Mining bolldlng and Oregon ntata tmiming. . flpeclflcatlona and Infanaatloa for pr na nce t Ire Mddera, alaa blank forma fur blda, ran be obtained anna anpllcalloa at tba-accre- , tary'e office I tha Oregon bttlldlag an and . altar aatiirnay, th ski tnatant.. - EDMOND C OILTKEH. Secretary, BOT1CK TO .CKRKITOKS In the , aetata c.f Edward H. Tvuitiori, neceaa.n. notice I ( hereby glrea by the anderalgned execntrlx if tba eatata of Rdward R. Wbltlorb. de- reaaad. to tha creditor of and all neraona baring rlalma aa.lnat th aald decaaaed. t axhlbtt them with the naceaaary Tonchera within aU meathe after the flrat pahllcatttm hf -thla notice lo aald exeratrlx at her r dene at 22 4 Raeond at reel. In tha city of Portland, la th county af Multnomah, and , atate of Ore ana. IHtted and flrat publication af thla notice, iter oner a, item. ANNIR R. WIIITI.OCK. txecatrix of tb Eatata of Edward R. Whltlork l"Rea B Hchttehel. Attoroeyt for Eatata, Orago C1U. ttIa- L)AIIS FUNERAL NOTICES. .'RAMWM lu tUlacKy, October 18. lituo. Uoataf . Cramer, a natlr of tiarwany, acad J yeaxa, 6 luuntlia and IT daya. ruaaral frtHM : bla lata rcaldwore. 108 Twalfth atraat. Mat. arday. itrtohar 14, at 10 a, as. . Morale al OLt.S At Pacific llrora. California, Roland B.. ann f Mr., and Mra. iiun " tin. ana ranilana of Mr. and Mra. William Klladaat and tlr. and Mra. Hotoart Ulrn, aaad yaara. 1 ai.aitha ami 18 daya. Fnnaral nttra tatar. WIUUIN t'rlpiMla and aualntac) are ra aoactfHlly lntltad to at lead tha fnaaral aerr- b-aa of tba lata llanry U. Wllaoa, whb-h will be bald at tha family aaalnane. 10T Monro atraat. at I a a. today. Intarmaat Loo rT cemetery . JIAKhlNH Mra. laahella Harktna. ra from lb -reawenc or ii" oant, hiaihla atraat, Hatauday aanln at 6:.MI o'clock, thane to tb cathedral, at o clock, rrtenda rraueetfnlly biTltd. Bait taka t'lty and Wbellu. Wt VlrglnU, paper ptoaaa fAKWEM-ln thla city, October 1J, inos, at tha raalilrnr or nia aon, r. n. '"" (MM Fonrtb atraat. Ion' t'arloa Farwall. a-d aH yaara. Frlanda and acuualntanoa ara ra. apartfullv hirlted to attend tba funeral arr Icaa. wuk will be hald at Flnlay'a chapel at 8 p. at. loday., Jntenaanl Lona Fir came. GI'IMNRf" At MayTllI. Ore iron. Octobar 10, iwon. Homer Miiiwirn unianraa, .rm IP aon of Mr. and Mra. O, B. Oalaneaa. and nephew of MINI and Chrla flnlancan of IU Mllllama arena. Fniiernl arlce will tak Elac at 8 p. m. today at Dunnlna. Me. nte Ollbanirh'a rhaii; (teyealh and Find atraat. Intartnent will b In Lone Fir cam etary. Friend Inrltad. " DEATH NOTICES. BRANNON In thla alty. October 11 lOOS, A. B. Brannon. Fnnaral notlc later. ALLEN In Ran Franclaco. California. Octobar II. 1P05. Wiley n. Allen. or apopwxy. Fnnaral from raaldanc In 8aa Frajiclaco, Sat nlayi October 14. MEETING NOTICES. Ml LTNOMAH CAMP. No. TT. W: O. W.. mart tonight la lu ball. Eaat Sixth, ar Eaat Alder. All Tl.ltlng Mlgbbon cordially welcomed. -U. 0. WII.K1NS, C C. J. W. WOO0WOBTH. Clark. MULTNOMAH Typographical Cnlon. No. oS n pedal meeting auuoay. wwun . Audlturlnm ball; taaat. LOST AND FOUND. LORT Black, corly-halrad cocker .paatel pup. while atreax oa nreaai, aga a Mra. E. E. MacLeod. 440 Etorcntb t. . LOUT Aa I. O. O. F. charm, F. L. T. In enamel ' on each aide; rawara K rawrnea w office. . . loRT A -handkerchief rontalnlnf 8." Re ward of fl ir ratornea tjtnc oi jwhumi hotel. ---x- LORT Two female tbullterrlera. an brtndla. ana white. tit reward i at 413 Morrlaoa, at. TAKKN up. llrer and white' pointer bllen. Owner addreaa II. Ringbone, nox xa, my. HELP WANTED MALE. THERB 1 a fin opening for a good ahoomaker and harneaa repairer In in towa ox nniu Salmon. Waeb.s none but a reliable maa need apply Addreaa J. C Maclnoea, White Saa moa. Weak. .J MEN and boy wanted to earn $5 day. after two month' Instruction; poaiiiou aruaraniero. roTo Rroa. Co. Plumbing School. New York. Cincinnati, 0., St. Loufa. Mo. (Free cat- logue-1 - - WANTKD Two young men to learn tb da- tectlra bualneaa; a gooa opporiunny. p-tu 5. while learning. Addreaa P. O. boa T. Pbona Main Ml 8. WANTED Clark and window -dreeeere to atndy abow-eard writing at- x. ". v. , achooli peraonal in a tract Ion.. Apply -far par. tlcnlara. WANTED Competent atlckermea for aaah and door factory: goon wage, eieany w. ' dreaa Tn WTiaaler-Oagood Co., Tacoma. Waah lngtoa. - ' - as. pt-nu i'rT aal.r to reliable men In Uuaranty conip.ay. 12Vb Serentb. room 8. entatoj. towae. atrocricno wvm , - WANTRIr -A few good aaleamen; axelualTa ter ritory; la a gooa eitj nn. i.imiwimi afternoon. 818 Chamber of Commerce. WANTF.O experienced waiter and 3 bna boy for Retnrciay. Appiy ny iw o. ' mlnlatratlon Baataurant, fair ground.. WANTEO-Walter. capable of taking charge - dlnln.-room: alaa bootblack. Apply . the Terminal bona. Alblna. BOY wanted at F. H. Wagnnr'a, 412 DarU. ta leara the glaaaberellng trade! muat b from 18 to 20 year or age.. . WANTED CanTaaaera for lnatalmant-boeif; ataady ab: 1 day and eammlaalona. , K 41, care journal. WANTED A good apprentice to tears trad, about Id yaara of age. Lewi and Lewla, 807 Madlaoa. sit li'l-rnnjl wanted. 83 to 35 per day aalary, or coromiaaioB. tan ai room a una - Portland. uaw wanted for brickyard, lnantre Llnnton road below fair ground. Portland Brick A Tile Co. WANTKD Flret-elaaaf aaleamen la Portland and country; big wage. McKay bldg. COYNB BROS. CO.. New York. Cincinnati, Rt. Lout. Will tnmi.n piomtter mmm l amiR, BR1IMIR carnentera. 82.75 par day. W. T, Phlllpa Employment Co., 27 N. Racoad at. BOYR wanted to wrap enap. Lackel, King Cake floap ttt.. MS Mooa ar. TRVNK MAKER wanted at Portland Trunk enmpany, iniro at i-inr. WANTED A ffrat-daa cpatnukar at OrUwold'a. 181 Sixth at. . A. H. BOY wanted at W. 11. McMonlc', cor. Pin and Front at. i CARPENTRB wanted at F. 27 Stark at. E. . Tanderkoof'a, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED WO glrla to make trreralm ' and ablrta; Inetroetloo glrea to Inaxperlenead. Apply Ken.tedter Broa., Standard Factory No. S. corner X...I -jayinr nno uraaa ara. WANTED 4 experienced waltrenac for Ratnr day. good wage. Admlnlatratlon Reatanrant, fair ground. Apply by pbW Fair 8. TRI'RT WORTHY. nergetlc women to trarel ' and organla for Vlarl enmpany. Call or addreaa room 23, Lewla bldg. .inra l t -ltF' AOICNCT. 84SU Waahlne. too at., cor. Serentb. npatatr. Fboa Mala 2V2. Female balp wanted. m-ANTRD At one, a few good aaleamen and d-monatratore. Call Saturday afternoon 818 Chamber of Com mere. WANTKD A good want hand at 430 Morrtwm at. Apply at one. Mra. B. A. Ebcrhardt, 4190 Mornaoa t. PORTLAND Rawing School, glrla do an aawlaf whll learning. 271 Va Morrlaoa, room C. WANTED A nice woman to take bom a email family weaning, run Kaai nt.r bl UIRI. 812. for general houeework, 8 . o-'.l Kearney at. to 3. wage WANTED Office girl, good writer-. $4 a wek 122 lir.nd are., room 8. - MALE AND FEMALE HELP. TUB demand for competent bookkeeper and ataaographrra la greater than th auppiy. from Anguet 1. 1004. to Angnat 1. 1808. we placed 2"7 la good aoaltlona; bad eallg (or mora tbaa 800; our graduate, ara ALL employed w will aaalat yon to a lo when competent! enroll now; dey or alaht. Beboke-Walker Rualnea College, Staarn blk.v blxth aad aiorriaoa t. WANTED At ance, a v hrlgbt, eeecgerla. pr. eentenia m.a or woman, a gnoa talker, t take np an attrerttre propmltlo. laqulr 788 Cham bat of CaauBaraa, 9 ..', . MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTKD Flrat-rlaaa miliar In country dour- Ing-wlll; 1 gret-rlaea coo( lu city, wage 17 wevk: 3 dttmtlva; 1 chambermaid; I w a Itreea ; 2t laborer.,- 10 teauiatera; 8 Jape lo dig potatoee, Portland Employment euav naay. 2u6k Morrlaoa at., room 1. SALESPEOPLE wanted to aell proOtahla good.; large eummlaaloo, K. M. I'lummar. lao inuo. WANTED Immediately, 8 mea or aroawa to da eaaraaalng. Call up Kaat bjt; gooa propoaitioa. HELP wanted aad eur-nlled, mala or female. U an till A 8 BR W 1 J lit.kla.a.Aat aB i ATtaaaa .eLalRl BB. Vf. VnAakB. wVHUauSa.VH a a. Ta. jr -tj-aiaai. SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE. Vol Nil man. riser traced In bookkeeping. aaleamanablp and collection., wanto a poal lion ok tviirui, writ .nnwnnni wtta .iw tewa and tha people. ' N 47, rare Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTKDPtwltlon aa boaarkeeper br mld- dla-aged lady; country preferred. Addreaa room 22. Oabora hotel. Eaat Portland. Oregon. YOl NO lady wlabe cbanc to leara photography or jyai retoncning. - at u. care journal. WANTED TO RENT. WB'want daalrald bonaaa and flat, all pacta or tba. city; nay nigo cmaa cnenta waiting; rant, collected, property cared for. TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. ' . 348 Stark St. Pbona Mala 1878, MODERN bona, d to room., fnrhlahed or nnfurnlabed. m desirable locality; weat aide rrerred: permanat; atata terma. Addreaa 48, JoaraaL .... WANTED To rent farm, IS er 30 acree, near city; nnnaa ana Mra. M. u. Morgan, HIU Mllwankla at. WANTED REAL ESTATE.' WANTED To lnreat 210.000 In good tncome- ne.rlng waat aio property-; only owner, who want ready nth and moat aell need aaawer; glra full particular. . Addreee B 42, JournaL WANTED Hon aa and Int. either oa eaat at weat aid of rtrar; will pay eaah If price la right; agent need not anawer. . Addfaaa D 84. car JoaraaL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. 2d K. Sacond at. Pbona Mala 1538. JAPANKHICCHINEHFI EMPLOYMENT OFFICB, Henry Tabara, SbT BTeratt at. Fhoea Pa cific 840. . . - PACIFIC Coaat Emp. Co. Bailable employment agent. i.i m at. t-aone aaaia oat a. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrao- tora; help free -ta empnyar. 818 Morrlaoa. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 Morrlaoa at.; aupitiie men for ail kino or wor. - WANTED FINANCIAL. tub Continental company. Fuwactal Aaatita. i Pbna Mam 343 'Rtark St. 1878. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEB the Lewla aad Clark fair at ho ma; eead 40c la atampa tor nanaaom photo book, nearly SOU ehntoa of fair. THiftft techea. Waatera Vlaw Book Co., Port laud. Bos 304. FAINTINO. apr.ylng and whltawaahln tree. oaaement, oarna, oocaa, etc.; urgaat gaaouaa apraytng outfit oa tha coaat. M. O. Morgaa Co., 870 Mllwaukla at. . Phoa Eaat 2617. GERMAN leaaoa wanted, -8 time a weak: an hour can ba arranged which will not Interfere ' wltb other ; work. Apply 80. Dckam, any arternoon. - x. WX don't want big hargalna. bat willing to nay hlgbcat price lor hotel, reatanrant and houee hokl furniture; H'a up to yon now. Ring up lain dim. ORCHESTRA. S plecaa, want engagement erenlnga, Suadaya; mnale for all ocaalon rery bla. 40 Lacretia at. Tel. Mala Bsoa. HIOHE8T ca.h price paid for bottle and Junk of crery dearrlntion. Portland (lottle supply lat ova cor in r- u i mi i u . r-non nan atvt, HI0HR8T prcea paid for furniture and other bonaehold good la large or. amall lota. Drop card to w. T.wamieaon, aiu nixta at. WANTED Second-hand 1-noraa wagon In good order; alao alagle harneaa; muat be cbaap. - B 41. rare JournaL WANTED Home for bla keeping, beat of car taken; only I noura work eacn day. f boo Front S048. . HI0HE8T price paid. Men' old clothing, aboea. Uncle Jo, ou -inva at. rnona t a cine o. WANTED On mala 8rat-claaa railroad ticket to Lna Angela. .Telephone Main ZIZI. WANTED Small roll-top dcaki aire prlc and alaa. Addreee B oo, car journal. WANTED A aecond-baad range. Phoa Padfl B35, or addreaa nxa uwoecc at. BOOKS tamght. cold and exchanged at tb Old boob a tore. xv xumniu ex. PIANO wanted for atorag and boat of .can; ...II ,o Wul Ph. F. J. BTDEB. printer. Beoud aad Waah lngtoa . at. t;noD aaaia 00.10. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO.t FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. LA ROE top floor for teaee, Morrlaon at., poatofflcN lTator; aultabla for ftloa. dreea M 41, car Journal. Ad- FOB BENT Part of bnalneea office, lnclnd- 111 BWe vi iriTaiv i U" w , uuu., II. U V, ic. 145 Third at., room 1. OFFICE-ROOMS Good nough ebmtor. bide. Apply HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. , . TURE FOR SALE. FOB beat raaulta on FCBN7TTJBB."' Wbather to buy or aril, ring- up Mala 8S6B. , . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS,. . 311 Flrat at. A RIO If taken at once; 0-room modern bnaae, newly furnlahed: Ideal aa bualneaa ion. xno e-terentn at. ri'RNITl RB and piano of 7 room, for aalo, . bonaa for rant. 82tt. Phon Main 8M6. . 4 ttair.K hniii itt-e. FOR SALE Fnrnltnr of 1 J-room rooming none, aotar; a.' rent., nai rrnni at. . , FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB KINO 800 Jefferaon at..- new balldlnar, handaomaly furnlahed. with a rery modern convenience j .11 outalde room, ' with beat, gaa or electric light., porcelain hatha; ratea Bue, 78e aad $1; apaclal rata by tb week or aaaia. THB HAMANN. 18B N. lath., cor. Hoyt Newly furalahrd room., 81.IM np; annr.nlrnt location, ' IB mlnatea' walk lo fair ground.; Morrlwia eaf at anion depot direct to kaaa. pboaa 8470. KINO'S HEIGHTS Deeir.hl netrhhorhood. near Rt. Helen a Hall; nicely furnlahed room for one or two, with prtrat family; parma- neat omerrcw . ton Mam at. MARQIIAM HOt SB. 14BA 8tb Bonaia a aalta ec elngle; bonaekeaplng momai gaa atera. aaca. lacuif ugaia; xraanettu ouciiaa. FINELY rnlahed parlor, with Piano, gaa, heat and pnorie. gn per ntonta ror 21. 742 vanghn, mr.. i wenty-iairo. jaaa any ran- .ear..' THB ALDER. 48 Alder, nicely fnralehed rnoma, permanent or tranBient;- quiet, coo yea lent, central location. IfJIHIt. tlttn7 rtetwni. ramtttaitot , i ii. if or en anlta; modern coorenlencea; baarment cheap; t nAi m.ik MICEI.Y furnlahed front room, wltb bath, near I, .tar, go per month. 847 Borthwlck at. FI'RNtSHKD rnoma. 81.2.1 to 13 Ter' weak; ball block iron car. aw irrma au FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CLEAN, airy froat room-la Chrlatlaa-family. W Ea7 StOO.'" 7". ""V W- 'l'U FRONT parlor for peBtlemaa of raflaameat wha wtanaa luoaa , Br ta att of city, 881 Ereratt at. TH B 0AI,,2?N,,,,H "W f-rn-kwd II J. - twifawQi, , pricaa ran- aonable. , CHEAPEST and beat located ronaia la PorUaad, " " w wy. uitoi.a. airai ana Aiaer at. BOOMS In beautiful nrieata hot it.w nn Main t. Phon Eaat 1106. Ft'KNIHHED moma for rant U eery cheap i " - . uhui" uatrm turriai. at. . THB GRAND, 48 H N. Third at. Room for Vi.oo par week and ap. . MODERN, coxy room, permanent, walking dle- tait.-. mi to narnei. at. ': FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR BENT 100x100 aortbeaet corner of Third and Madlaoa eta. for praeent occupancy (It, ery atahlcl or otberwtee. Apply to Eatata of D. P. TbompaoB. be.-7 first at. ' STUART atatlon. Moant Scott ear 8 Urge room., outouiiainge, moa.rn; partiaa WIthoat , children; furniture for eat, .Call ta Belle. - aaa. Fourth and Salmon. NEW 7 -room colonial corner houaa; gam, elec tricity, porcelain piumning. ccmeut -tube, lawn, ronae. 742 Kaat CUntoa. Woodatock. W.rerly ear. ' NEW 9-room bona and quarter brack. Hancock and Eaat Twenty-aixtn ate, gST.oO. B. Al. Lombard, 614 Chamber of Oommerc. FOR RENT e-room modern dwelling, 813 Can- tenrtein are., aey aaat ooor, io. wuuata Danbolm. 226 Falling bldg.. city. FOR RENT New Broom cottage; attic aad haaement. au ataet sixtcentk at. Pboat Kaat 7. FOR RENT 1 new aoaeee, eaat aide, atrletly moaera, gin, 2z.ou, pxa. t'nooa Atr. uarung. FIVE-ROOM cottage and bath. 818 rent. 874 corner Urant and Front; take S ear aouth. WERT SIDE, near. 8 goad hnaea-t88 to 80. Apply 449 Third at., Ibranooa. FOR RENT New modern txMtage. , Pboaa Raat 2S78. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Furnlahed housekeeping roam la beat dtick block oa aaat aide; gaa rangoa, hath, etc. no transient.; prlc modar.ta. Log. a tlk.. 108H Union ara., corner Beat Aider.- Pbona Unloa 8288. AT 02. cor. Rerrnteenth and F lander, ale boueekeeptng-rovMje ea anlta ar elngle: bar partlea wltboat children. Pbona Main 49S8. t VNFI RMRHEJ) houaekeeplng-rooroa at 70 Kaat Y.mblll at., near Twentieth. . phone Eaat 1408. . - TWO furnlahed hoaMekeeplng-rooma; private; nn children; . reaaonable; car Una. - Phoa 447. - . -. - " .- TWO coxy room, beat, light, bath : appropriate 2 glrla or man and wire; 1. 43 Third at. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS room and board for perm neat people, as.ou ana azo per moot a; tapi hoard 4 per week. A.tor hoaaa. 7t aad Madlaoa eta. Tel. Mala S2S1.. BOOMS wltb board for permanent tenants, reaaonable: xlrat-claaa feota aooklDg. 281 Blxth at. 820 FOB room and board, on or twa; rater- enr. 4H Eaat Ninth at., N. BUSINESS CHANCES. L1FR OPPORTUNITY Bualneaa man organis ing company on la quarta clalma needs money ground floor prlc, lue; 600 to 6.0U0 abarea; guarantee against toea: poaltlTcly no atock - eold leea than 81 after organUatloa. - Ad dreaa s 67, Journal. i CANDY STORE, WELL LOCATED WITH LIT- 1NO ROOM, ran be had at low rent br deatrable party; location oa eaat aide oppo alte tb Alblna echnolbonae. Part leu Ura; call orrice, oil uommeTCMi bmsck. . , WB bar a splendid opportunity for energetic maa 'of name mesne in music and stationery bnalneea In a thriving town. Addreaa who le as la department, Eller PI. no Houaa, office 861 Waahingtoa at. FOR SALE OR LEASE Blackamlth location, lot 60x136, bouse, shop and tools; prlc 8000; laa 8 years at 830 per month, with privilege of ntiying ounng lit. ox araaa, at. xorx.r, laovlt. rt a.uiitston. FOB SALB On account of slckneaa, ale, eleaa, money-making baalneaa oa east aide; aula - from 618 to las per day; prlc 11,400, ae will atiuaa, aat wwww whiwu. w obi, ana aOUrBBI, MILLINRRY- store, aid eetabllahed firm, doing a good baalneaa; wish to retire at once; prlc 8600. Addreaa Mrs. 0. B. Nichols, 243 rt oecuwt. B. aiuanr, uregoa, A PAY1N0 drag atore fnr sale, la growing towa of 4.OU0, la weatara Waahlngton; alckaeaa the reaaon for aalluag. Sea Mr. Blsrklstona at .Wiwutai-A r-larke A C. elte - mam a i r v w cIm..wi.i -11 tva BiAunt ' ' - "I.. ...i.. winv .uuy , owner learlng cltr; good opening for good maa ana Dig moaey. nurnsioa at. RIIIU Wit l.w - w . -. u ... n .11 rntfr arty H lntereat In firat-clam retail grocery i k . C.l nn. IB 11-tl IIU Bir". I . . . . . . ... .K. HHUJ., Hawthorn and Grand .yea. 160 HEAD well bred Oregon rang boree for aaie; Tree xtterBmriit ran.ti, apaenuia op portunity for amall Inrestment, , Call or .1.. t. 9ni UcKar blda. $3,000 A good bualneaa opportunity for a young man In a wboleaale ahoa bualneaa. Dou't anawar anleaa you ara a person of means. N 47. car journal. . $160 TAKES IT Light mannfactarlag baalneaa; no competition; can ba worked at borne; estab lished trail, rare cnanc. Adaraaa N 60, care journal. FOR SALB Fine Una of millinery and ladle' furnlahlng good, hi lira Iowa of 1,600; ex cellent opportunity; no competition. K 42, car journal. FOR SALE Stock of general march and la la good location; sale from $800 to $1,000 par moalB. Aaoreaa uurm box a. Tangent, Or, BOOMINO-HOU8KS If yon are contemplating a rooming-bouH and hare tha rash, ere me flrat. . a cn .it. vw umi,t7 . i , car aournei ESTABLISHED reatanrant oa Fifth at., near Wailngton, clearing $16 to $26 per day th . year around. K 47, Journal. ' WHEN loaklna' for a location, either ett aa connrry. call oa the North waat Laad Co, 388 Morrlaoa at., room six. 22.100 ROOMING bona af 80 moma for sale mita, aell on account of Boor ha. th . .4.1. in a. mm tnonii. i Journal. FOR BAtE Reetaurant and lunch counter la connection, ta. . tjoo,- prop.. I no. wnHaaAe. nr..nn. - CHEAP Neat candy store, good bualnees;, atx llrlng rooma" lo aonncctloa. Inquire 828 rirai ax. - a in at ui-ytTi mi 1 1 7 in uni ptieinvsai B.B i kelp and capital. Addreee-0 M.ianre Joaraal. FOB SALE Stick hotel, 68 rooma, good form, tare, epleadld leaaal la PorUaad. t 48, JoaraaL $ror) Tea-room hotisa for aale, with fumlttrrc, Jn ina aearx ox city, mat v. n .2. Journal. FOR SALS Oooo-paying ret.ornt, rant gll.oo, witn water, ana awex atnrrlaoB at. TNTESTI0ATE For a amall amount at aapl . tal, large return. 208 McKay bldg. FOB SALB OR RENT A 'good rsatauraat la a fine location. 4ia Morriaoo at. . WHO IS M. O. M0R0AN CO. I 'FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A 8-STORY brick bnlldlng. 100x100, on aide; will nar 8 her cant net an l.-tfl (BIO price 86.000; raa (Ira tar ma. Jkddreas B in, car. jour aai. t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. '; . ' ACBB TRACTS! 0CB SPECIALTY IS ACBB . TBACTSI ' Fon-alsad atraata, water ta aach cf. TEBMS $10 PER ACBB CASS ' $10 PKB ACBB fBH MONTH. Tea ga to the acre on tha aama jar, Ciy. tha aama 6e fare the lot maa pay. Tb t maa la your neighbor, but k la ra atrlcted In majority' af Ueturea that aaakt true au bur baa bom. . , - : AcC. CHURCHILL A CtX, I 1 ' M. . Uo Brooad at. IX) VT nay any mora high rant, but buy .one of New s-rrom modern house, hall, rloaet, pantry. balh. hut and cold water, piped ror gaa, c .' nient haaement: larg t 60x106 feet; 8 blocks car line; SI STlO. lerma. - New 6-room mot lent cotta, walking dletaoee. eaat I4e:centnt basement, gaa. us in. paniry. rluaeta, arc.: air lawn: lot 60x100 feet! g beautiful bona fur only $2,830, term; that to . kn,.i. .. .. New ruouern 8-ranra cottar. Hawthorn ar.: cloaeu. bath, pantry, larg porenae, wool abed, etc.; $K8uO, $j0 down, $16 par month; name aa rant. s ORKOON ARSOCIATBD EXCHAN0B. IttuVi Fourth at., room 88. . ' Seranth and Irrtng are., lOOilOO. Ullsan at., bet. Sixth sad Serentb ate., full lot; prlc eery res aon .hie, easy terma. . ' Serentb at., bet. Clay and Columbia, ful lot. 2 hou ara; tneoaM ua per mtaiia. . New flats oa Nob Hill, close In, pay 10 per cent art; low rente. Houaa and 88 lota oa St. John car I lna: a enap. I bare a - number of other good properties. which I raa ettbmlt to intending nuyei. LOUIS SALOMON. Phon Buck 1862. 11H ' First St. . $1,060 BARGAIN I $1,060 BARGAIN I -' 6-room saodera cottage, full basement, lot ' 60x10. fine lawn, ehade tree and ahrubbery. Twentieth at, Tlbbett a addition; part ca.h. b. la ace $12 per month; will rent f. 818 pn month: If you wnt a cheap home, loTeetl gate that plac. 404 Baat Morrlaoa at. WANTED Oct la Uo If yoa ar Interested In wheat land and go wlta aa ana ee it. then get our prices and terms snd In a few yeare yoa will owa a good wheat ranch. for further Information rail oa r addreee NORTHWEST LAND fOMPASY. - -388 Morrlaon at. Boom 211. Portland. Oregon. BIO SNAP 6-room cottage, 1 hit 40x100 each; lOO- feet to eerllne; range, oea nearooru et. eome other furniture; all got- for 8700 If taken- by Monday noon; $100 Ca.h, $10 pat aouth gats thla. . , . DUBOIS SHERWOOD, . . 306 H Mortiaoa at, room 8. ' t A SPECULATION 7 -room house, anfnrnlahed. S good lota. chicken-Bonae. ctnaw to r r tlon. . 6e fare: prlc $380: terma. O. R. Addltnn, Lenta, Oregon. Tak Moant Scott car, 6e. i . BEW modern T-room realdenca on Mt. Scott car Hue. 20 ailnntre- noe rrom rortianu; ioi 83x100. fin lawn and fruit tree, fur $1,760, at your own terma, or may trade for laad. Add rem O 48, care JournaL . FOB SALE T6xl00-foot lot on Eaat SeTentoentk and Coocb; will sell lor at.fcto ii who in ne.i few daya; face eaat; well worth $1,400; will sell part of lot If desired. Address V, 48, ear Journal. -.. FOB SAI.r: One ale new 8-room cottage, on blork from school; pne ai.uw; iao mc large lot oa East Ninth at. . Be owner al 864 East Tweutn at., or ran up ataax sin. A MODERN 7 -room bona oa Thlrtyaecnnd ana iitn.m, voir ,w, - -" s - - - terma; bona baa been bnllt 7 mohtba. Ad dreaa B ad. care JournaL f' FOR SALE Cheap, S or S acre ImnroTcd land -op Xntn ana avnttt. ate., mm. rvtiam. ii oa . premier. W. M. Dry dan, wnr; tak Irtrlngtoa oar.. . .-- FOB SALB At great eaeriSc, S lot, - select location, t county roada and carllne. Phone Eaat 8036. Addreaa 411 Eaat Thirty-fourth at FOB-' SALB at a bargain. BMder 7 -room boa aa Eaat Taylor, cloa la; terma to salt pan ha ear Apply F 42. care JoaraaL , FOR SALB Modern tuburban eottags. do to ear line, fin location, ground 100x1 Uu, 0. W. P. Townalta Ca., 14 Irat at , ton FvRMS. small tracts and lots: bargains oa O. WJP. electric Hoc. O. R. Addlroa, Lenta, Orrgoa. Take Mount Scott car.- Be.. 6 ACRES, mile from O. W. P. electric llae; no grarel and eaay to clew; $66, rery easy terma. Addreaa B 67, care Journal. $760 WILL bay good high kit -doss la oa Eaat Taylor at: for aale by owner. Norgard - Petteraon, tallora, 268 Yamhill at. WAGNER A PETTY, 202 Commercial blk., bar eome of tb beat oaye m me city, at before baying and be caartnrsd. LOTS 10 aad 11. block O. Portsmouth Tills - Bxtended addition to Portland, $260. . Ad dreaa Boa 102, Arleta, Oregon. $360 PEB acre; St acres lersl land near Irv . Ington, and within 8 mile at Morrlaoa at shrldge. P 46, Journal offlc. $678 BUYS now 4 room cottar. 8 lot. 3 block, aouth of Stew art' a station, Mt. Scott - car Ho. W. N. Ford. $1.860 New 6-room cottage and 3 larg lot en earner Srand are. and Sharer at . Sea owner. 804 S barer Bt WB betid houaa.; eaay aaonthly payments; lots furnlahed If desired. 613 Commercial bldg. Mala 1840. SELLWOOD Iota. $8 dowa aad 86 a aaoathi from $78 ta $200. 8 11 wood Townslte Oa. Phon East 4704. ' 6-ROOM cottage, bath, hot and eold water, full lot. 8t.2"Oj 1100 dowa, balance to suit . Pbuo Eaat 676. FOR SALB cheap. 3 lots Thirty-second and East Stark; make your aw a term. - Owner, phon Eaat 3400. FOB BALE 8-room hou a on car line with . acre fruit ban, ate. Inquire 361 Ba Sixth st 1 ' 8-ROOM houaa, fnll lot. modern, $2,000; $200 down, balance 820 per awou, Phon Kaat ' 678. . ' , 7-ROOM colonial bouse, $2,600; $600 down, balanc aaay- Bonthly Dayuent. Pben Eaat ' 676. MODERN 6-room bona. $2,100: $300 dowa and $16 per month. Phone Kaat 676. , FOB BALE 7-reom house. Sixth and Alberta am.. Highland, call ap Dowa $900 4-room bona with bath. Inquire at place. . 630 Eaat 8Tntenth atn south. MODERN 6-room cottage. $1,300; $100 down, $10 per month. Photic Raat 676. FOR SALE FARMS. A REAL RAROAIN 40 acree of rich atrsw berry, Tegetahl and fruit laad only 64 mils ' rrom town ' ni nnite naimon. on main road: 20 acre In cultivation, balance eecond. growth timber, eaay to clear; orchard of ' 2IM Bearing rruit iraea, annnnanca nr water, laree barn, amall house: thla nrooert com. mand a beautiful Tlew of Bond rlref and Mount Hood aad will stake a magnificent ' borne. Price only $76 per acre; terma,$2,0O0 . eaah, balance to Butt. v . . WHITS SALMON LAND CO., White Salmon. Washington. - ' COOS COUNTY BARGAINS. - ; 440 acre timber and coal. $8 per Acre. . nil acre timber, 17 per acre. ' 120 acre, Yamhill county. $T par acre. 1 loo acre. Lane county, timber, $8 per acre. 20 acre at Wllboit Springe. - . Property for aale and exchange. Inqutr SOS Fourth St.- IF yow want a chicken ranch, here It bi:.L $ acre land 700 feet from electric Una, 10 car . rarer barn laxXO, chicken bnuaea for rhlrkene: i acre sil reneed with S-ftatt nlcket fence. Iota of bulMlnas. all runt it nr. nlano: S fin cow a, 3 doaea chicken: goes at Aatireaa it 00. car of Journal, FRER gorerament farm land, jaat opened to settlement; lerei raney land, no atone -r timber; water and anil flrat-rlaaa. Room a Ijibh bldg., cor. Second Bad Waahrngton, FREE LAND IN OREOON under the "Carey lrrtgallo Act Deed direct from atata. Write today. Booklet aad map fr. B, B. Cook A. Co.. m wJdas it. Portia ad, 0(7 i.C.. SSI wJdec t., FOR SALE FARMS. 3.000 ACRES la aouthcra Oregon I 800 la eultl. TaiKm; v gooa nouae. 4 barns, all renoed i ana crcweteitcea ; nne piece ror etorg ranch, or can ba cut np Into Borers 1 rancbe to good; price 1 12 per acrt. w04 Kaat Morrlaoa St. - ... - . A FKW tu-acr lota of flrat-rlaaa fruit land la tha heart of tha great Hund Hirer apple aud atrsw berry belt at leea than actual Tela; tie.r town. Addreaa Mr. M. B. Potter, I load . Hirer, or Frank McFarland, 80S Steern bldg., -. Pta-tland. - ..., FARM In Lincoln Bounty; S acre fully cleared. 20 elashed. burned and seeded . - amall hones, , targe oara. an ror foou; win , traoa fur , - miBtry - gnicery ana pay-. ru.u aitierenc. Dubnta A Sherwood, 206H Mtwriann. room 8. $3,760 BUYS a $4,600 farm af 188 aarea. 8. room Bona, barn, good water, 1H mile . from war bouse. ll mile to school; $1,008 , eaah. balanc 8 year' time. F. J. M.hoaay, Takoa, Waah. , . . 88 ACRES rlrh aoll, shout 80 acre la eultU ration, an renoea, atreem or 11 nag water, rid roada. near city, rural mall, good School. 43, ears Journal. FOB SALB 10 acres good land,' new kawa, chicken yard and aheda: school; church, depot handy 1 $600. 0. V., Sand tone. Suer ' wood, Oregon. . RANCH 6.000 acraa, 400 cattle, etc.. $.V),000 . -want town property, $6,000 to $7,000. J. ' nnooer, jr., Helena, Montana. FOR SALE TIMBER: DO yoa want ttmberl I awn 160, worth $8,000, which I will eell for $4,600; an aba, lutely aafe iBTeetmenL D 88. car JoaraaL FOB SALB Twe homeatead ' relinquishment claim; a.eond growth: will sell ebeap. N. P. Nlslaon, Hotel Boelapfala. j FOB SALB A timber rl.lm la soatheaat part of Marina county. tll Depot aalooa. core- waur ana cuiumoia ax. CERTIFIED" acrlB. say aim price. W. a. UoweU, 888 Chamber at Cos.. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber claims aad eoip epply to 8(b) Commercial blk. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. A SNAP FOB BOMB ONE IjiUy Urine la Lnd Angelas will aell Pianola, In fins condition, Including month' library aubacrlptloa at Ellera Plan . boua, for 6137.60, or half price; amat ba eaah. Addreaa Box 4.10, care poetofSee. AUTOMORILKS A Whit ateamar la order and ready to go right at bard work, at - Krlly'a. 214 Second at., Portland, for $6nO this offer will not he food a'ter th 16th. FOR SALE Set arenery complete, 14 plac.; 1 baaa dram, 1 snare drum, 1 6-burner, blue. . flame oil store. 1 inorlng picture machine, eleraoptlcou. Call Gay Pare oa TralL SEWING MACHINES We bare a faw ataad.rd aewlng machine, allgbtly marred; also ae. ond-hand macblne of all makes from $$ up. H. D. Jonaa. 2f Yamhill at . ' BILLIARD AND POOL Ublra So raat a Sat aale ea eaay payments. SUB BBUKBWICK-BALKB 0OU.ENDBB 00 40 Third at., PorUaad. ONE 3-burner gaa arc Itghti ana 3-hnrner gaa store with piping: alao abelrlng and ooantat aultabla for fruit, cigar ' or confectionery. - 143 North Sixth at. FOR SALE One complete Bet t scenery, 14 . foot; 1 baas dram, 1 snsr drum; also 1 6 borner blue-aama ollstora. Call Gay Parse, tba TralL ' AT doalng-eat price, aeTcral sample- gaaolln nglucs, marine ' and atatlonary; writ fug : - price, etc Beiereea Machinery Cow, Port. : ' land. Or , . e FOR SALE Almost new Kimball aprlgbt la : walnut; coat $6I0; going to Alaaka; make ma t offer for It Caa he aeaa at 860 Alder at FOR SALE Almost new ' Kimball aprlgbt la walnut; coat $600; going ta Ala.ka; make aaa ' offer for tt. Can ba aaea at 860 Alder at , WE print year earn oa SO calling earda, prorate alaa snd styhx, 25c; 260 baalneaa card. $U Browa A Schmal. 320, Flrat Portland. Or. LA BO EST stock af liottlea m northwaat; filled promptly. Portland Bottle Supply Caw, 801 North Eighteenth at. . Mat 3288. - LAUNCH fnr Bale, rengtb 88 feet. 10-H. P. a gin, large carrying capacity; prlc Tar cheap. Addreaa JH 66. aare JoaraaL FOR SALE Certificate of scholarship I a leading bualneaa college to ba sold at 8 die count Addreaa N 60, car JourasL- 8-ROOM acow house, with or without fumlttira, for aale cheap; alao woodabed. L. 8. Win ter, 7H First t. PORTABLE locnamtrr boiler and angina, 4 horsepower. C. H. .Plggott's law ofSee, 4 Mulkey bldg. FOR SALE 18-ft. launch, speed T miles. In. oulrs I-amberaoa'B landing, aaat end of Madl soa brldg. $16 RAMBLFB, good sa new, with coaster brake and eushloa frame, belL ate. Call 228 13th at. L'PRinilT plane fot Phone Scott 8611. arcane. . aale cheap, good a new, Raatdeace, tool Mlchlgaa WANTED To sell sa aprlgbt cheap. Room 221 Qoodoough , bldg., orar Jonrnal office. . $400 UPRIGHT piano to $k8. aaed S month.; organ $2u 341 H First aad Mala, apaulra. A LARGE atock oa sale it bargain prices. Call and look them rer. 870 Flrat st. BUFF Orpington chicken for aale. cheap, la quire 804 SeUwoed at., PortUnd. 30 LBS. dry granulated sugar (or $1. Sugar King. Tha TWO Cipher Incubators for sals. 1362. Phon Bast HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOB SALE Horace and vehicles; special; Bee na at once far a bargain In eemnd-band rig. ' Tomllnaoa A Casslday. 1211 Washington. , CHEAP Express wagon and boree. . Inquire 330 Jefferson at, net Flrat and Second ata. HORSES of all klnda for aale at rery reason, able prices. Inquire 230 Jeffenm. TO EXCHANGE. WILL exchange restaurant, aln $2,000, extra good, -for farm or city property. Address B 69, cars Journal. - . WANT to elchang cylinder record for other record. Bdlsoa phonograph. . Call 230 ' Clay St. ' PERSONAL, BB MEN! " V, P. (Vital-Power) tablets will reef or to yoa tha an. p. rim and Tlgor ef manhood; If yoa ar lacking la the power of Tltallty, Ita lnea reanltlng from Indlacretlon and etc, send for s box of these tablata and be con Tlnced of their merit By mell la plala pkg.. il. Tb Armatrong Tablet Co., la., SM ..lama blk., Detroit. Mick. DETECTIVE agenda Confidential Inreatlga. tlon.-, reports made on any Individual baalneaa - or property; hooka experted; heat city refer. . enra; charge, reaaonabici correapondeaee so. Ilrlted. Oregan DetectlTe Serrlce, offices 814-818 Columbia bldg., M Washing to St., " Pertland. . Phone Main 6616. . - EDISON p nonos raphe and records at factory prlc, oellTered enywhere on receipt of fnll amount of retail price; largeet stock of Kill. - sun records weat of th Rockies; send for clr ocular. .Peter Barlgalupl, whole.. la snd r. tall. '786 Mlttalon at., San Franrlaco. MMB. ANNA LUt'KBY, prlnHpal of the A marl. , can Beauty Parlor., fa now located at 6.10 Taylor at.: cure all scalp dlaeaae and poal. tlrely grow hair or na charge; Invigorating - cabinet bath glrea for to car of rheam. ' Item or himbago. - IF Backing a congenial Ufa companion, tola tha Interstate Introducing Society, and meet rra-reanond with reanlahle realdenta f thla aecthm, many waaltty. Th October Recleter. and) Morrlaua ata.. j ,