c: -daxlv ;-;:.::al, ror,TLAi:D, 77.iday z.'z::u;g, octoz: ix -.. - ' """ asssssessssassea 1 1 1 1 ! sTssasaawgaxawgemssm '' sa '.Q. DAY'S: C3mwhit Cstter ,Ton Rutins ,n Cstisr f.txrkct tnd Prices -Are FractionalSy Higher ten Front Street Today. k:a OUTSIDE CUTTER IS Fancy Creamery Is Showing Rise of-Two and a Half Cents on Front 6treet HOP MARKET HAS, A, '.'.. . MUDDLED FEELING 'Onions sn4 Potatoes Slightly Up on ' Account, of Temporary Scarcity-- ' Chickens Clean Up Better on Ac- . count of Smaller Stocks. rroot Street, Oct. 18. Ths priori sal feature .of the Portland wholesale market, today ara I . . Front slrest butter higher. . ' . , . , - j Hop markat all in a muddls. ; i ' Musts elsan up at tbs prlc. . ' . 1 ' Claraa urn'oat of market. -- Onloa nwrkst rsngtiig higher. ' - . IV ts toes ara bald stlffer. . ; Whest and' Sour both Arm. " v Bwset potatoes trifla tower. 1 u Smaller receipts Id ehk-kens. Kggs remain firm at tba prlc. , , .. Near nkia prices ara asmed. , '). Tomato; products ruling algbs. Hld market la quoted firmer. - .; ; ; Peaches ara blgner with scarcity. ' 0 ', . .Butter Higher aa Treat Street. With ' decrsast In tba arrlrala tba but, ' ter markat la showing a 'frartloasny Improred : ten today and prices ara practically He higher along' front street, tba top for fane eutslds creamery being llited at (0 per pound. C11 eresmer butter ta likewise firm, bat aa yet ; adraneea are quoted In tba pries, the - top remaining fit oarr the blgb points for ut-ef. tows cresmsry. Country store butter la not coming very fast. Tbero ta a demand for tba , heat eture product In tba city bat off grade nd a welcome,- In tba aeoth at good nhua! ttond-alaed shipments of eaetera butter ara ex' pertrd la thla .market within tba next fee; day. California marketa snow a good tone ( for batter and the - volume of srrlrsla from tbsre, la- tils market ta rery small.. ' ' '' ' i Xgg Barks Is rim. V '-) The 'egg nerkrt la held Tory firm today; ' Receipts are abowlng neither a decrease or aa ' Increase. Tba trade ta fairly well supplied '.at -the price quoted. Eastern egga ara at bet '. tar quality and aatea are batter. " . . " . Poultry Olaana Up Better.'.- . : Poultry show a tendency to clean ap a trifle better today. Receipts yesterday afternoon and today were not ao beary and thla helped : the tone, although no changes -were made la the price. Tarkeya ara hardly coming at all, but tba high pricea which rnled a week or Id daya ago baa soared the large retailers and they do not eara to buy. r' . Hop bUrkst All la a Muddle.',. " All la a muddle In tba nop market. Sam , dealers claim tbst tha price ta higher, while othsrs asy there Ire no ordera area at the low pricea new ruling. A bull leader makes the .assertion, fast h Is offering. 18H for choice hope and cannot eeeur them. While" a beet nnerator Bars ha can boy all be wanta at 120 ADUAnCED r--BH In order to make tba markat clear U It readerr a prominent grower ana aesiei authorises . The Journal for two -ears to af lei loo bales. of choice bops for sale at 18H per . tmnnri. Tae eooda sra ta be- choice, eusnt - He Sruteerf-. he - rliatneBraateri nartlen - The line ef the growsr-daalor hi withheld from " pobtldttlM -so as- to keep lm tram any pubtla : CDOtrsTersr. . iv -?:-v 4. - - : '-' - i Seme small sales of nop bar bean reported . daring th past few days, but they were mainly at pricea that baed ruled 'during the prerloa s week. "-Dealers are a salt In saying that no :' new ordera are being race! red for nope, present sales .. being solely for abort account. The , wide range la prices between thla market and Kew York oontinue and this Is eas of ths f ' msln reasons why Oregon growers are not af. . fering their bops mora freely at present. Prim to choice Kew York hops are quoted in that -market at- ZO122c per pmmd. ... There ara 9 " - charges, sommlsslona ' sod freight, betwef a - thla city and tba buyer ta -Kew York. As 'J Oregon hops ? ara . conceded to be of choicer quality .than any oilier place in tba country-, "or tba world, growers belter they abould re. ; re7 more money. Or a basis of New fork ' prices bops' would be aelllng at lTtjlfto Jft -pousd, Portlssd. .... - - . , , . :. Olama Ara' On af Harnett -h. Tbrre'le now a great scarcity of clams la tha local ash markets. Wholesalers sttrlbut the sbertsge to eerera weathrr eTf tba coasti SaUnon receipts from the Columbia ara only s' fair, while drmsnd Is good. -r ' Slightly larger receipts are shown fa halibut. l Kew maista Prises Ara Vamad. - Portland Jobbers sra now naming their new ,-raisin prices. As wss told la The Journal In a prerloas liana, these amines ara from mBes 'per pound higher than laet year'a figures Ths saw list Includes: Loose Muscatels, crown. THc; S-erown. 8d 4 -crown, Hc: am bleached Sultanas, THe; London layers, S-crownj f 1 per host of 30 lbs; seeded fancy. Is. lnef . . choice la, lOci fancy 12-os., 14c; choloa la-os., 'osiona'and Potatoes Are Higher. . Both' the '-onloa ami the potato marketa art i algber. - There la a good mcsl demand for- both - products and i null shipping call for the latter. On secouat of ths rains potatoes hare : bees somewhat scarce the psat few dsys sad Clcea tare been stiffened. . Tba outside, can a hardly begua. . - -.- ' The f lowing qnotatlbna sr paid by retailers along Front street for choice quality In ronnd - Iota. - Prodncers' price ara ao specified: Orala. Tien aad VaaA. - ' WHS AT New club, 72c; Bed Russian, 8c bhieetern, T8c; TsUey. TSc. , - . BARLST Feed. t-2l.5oQ2200; rolled, I2S.S0 ' 28.00; brewing, 122.500 28.00. . - CORN Whole, 827.00; .cracked. 828.00. par ' ton. ' ' ' . RTK-41.68 PW wt. V OATS Producers' prica No. 1 white, $23.60 C24CKI; gray. 23.00. - ' ' FLOUR New, eaatsra Oregon patents, $.; Stralghta, 88.60(33.00; export. .$8.8008.89: tal. ley, 83 (W: grabam. K f3-S0; rye, 60s, $5.00; ibskea, 82.75. r- MILLBTi'FFS Bran, $18.00 psr ton mid dllngs, $2(5.00: aborts, eouutry, $20.00; city, $1B 00; crop. $18.00. " ' BAT Producers' price Timothy, Wnismetts alley, fancy, 11.00018.00; ordlnsry, $T.00sl i 00; eaetera Oregon, $14.00118.00; ' mtxed. 8S.B020.00; rloerr. 89 00810.00; grain. $S.601 I t.00; cheat, $8.0088.60. - i Butter. Xgga and Pesltry. . BUTTER City creamery, best. 88V4 second grade, 80e; autslds fancy, 2714030c; T ordlnsry, 87 He;- store, 184117c. No. 1 fresh Oregon, csndled. STiO S8c; cold storage end ssatern, 840200. . CHRG8B New Full cream, twin. l'4fjlc; Young America, 14Hl6c; Cheddar, 14. , UAilE Jackrabblta, 88 pa do. POULTRY Chickens, 12c , Pr. l , fancy bens, 12c per lb; roosters, old. t-Hc ?er lb; fryers, ltl2Hc ntr Ib broilers. 12'd 2a per lb; ducks, 14Ul&c per lb; gesse, a r los per H; turkeys,.-lc per lb; drssssd, 17c per lb; squsbs, $3.6008.00 per do. .'.Hops, Wesl sad Hides. - ;- 'Horsionn Oregon, ' choice. ' lfl2e; FRIDAY PRICES IN : THE WHEAT MARKET ' .'' ;.:'' reo. ' 'May.' X Chicago ....,.$ ,6B ( .$4B 4 4 New Tork..... ,0H. ..... sflnneapolla ... .81 H Liverpool ..... (a loftd $ i TJuluth .81B ..... , Kanaaa City... .1 - ..... St. Louts' .$$B , .. ,.. Milwaukee ... .854 .19 Ban Franclaoo. 1.17 1.11HB ; ,. 'X a March. December barley.. JOURNAL'S DAILY ; - TIPS TO SHIPPERS e 444de4 ..... . .j. . "Poultry Demand baa been 4 4 poor on chickens, with a fair da. 4 4 mand (or geasa, ducka and large 4 4 turkeys. Rscolptn of chicken 4 d have ben pretty large, and tha s 4 fact that-moat of tha buyera ara ' 4 4 vary well aupplied, haa had av. d 4 poor effect on the market. There ' 4 4 ; la a pretty fair demand at thla 4 4 time for turkey It they are d pretty good and of large alee. d 4 When the "klllsrs' bav their 4 d - pens full they will not buy at 4 any price that la all there la 4 to the proposition. "Tom JTsr- 4 rell of Everdtngj eV Farrell. . d 4 d e d e 444dd4q X Wsshlnrtoa, 11c: 104 crop, " 12c foe choice j 11 ft til 2o. for primes and mediums. WOO!, 1805 clip,. valley, coarse to medium, SSP" - iJ7l aaatara Oregon, a"-" KV."!B.Trnl'. . ; -.1 BHEKl'HKINH Bhearlns. jowaue earn; snort wool, 85 240c each; medium wool, &0j7So sscb; wis WWII. I0CVS1.UU SSCO. ' - r- . TALLOW Prima, per lb, SMQtc; No. 8 aad fresae, $2Uo. CHITTlsI BARKH3e Vt lbc- . HIDES Dry, No. 1, Id lbs snd up, 16HO 1TH per lb; dry kip. No, 1, 6 to 15 lbs, 14c; dry eslf. No. 1, under 6 lbs. 18c; salted hides, atesra. sound. SO lbs snd srer, lOHiUo; sows, 8HtiVie: state snd balls, sound, 7c; kip, W to 80 lbs, i)c; calf, sound, under 15 lbs, lie, green, unaaltfd, la less; culls, le per lb less; boreehldes, sslted, each, $1.2flf 1.76; dry, each. $1.0001.601 eolt bide. XSOSoe; goat skins, common, each, 103162 Angora, . ach, Sct $1.00. . ' . Fruits ' and - TegeUhles. 'f ' POTATOES Beat Oregon, 8oe sacks ear lota, MO70C sack: ordlnsry, 0ue; swssts, $1.8d ack, 881503.29 crate. - ONIONS New Oregon yellow Danrera, (1.00 01.86; rsr lots, $l.0tt; garlic, fig 10c per lb. FRESH rHUlTS Apples. Oregon, $1.00O1.60 fancy, $1.78(82 00; cralspples, 81 .60; or suges, new nsrel, 88 .SO; Ists Val enclss. $4.7Sft(l.z5: bananas. 6a lbl lemons, choice, 88.605.T8 per box; fancy, 4.00 per box; ; limes, Mexican, $1.86 psr 100; pineapples. $4.00 per dot; pescbss. fancy, vOr2$i; ordinary, di)tTBc: plums. 78cCll. 00 per crate: cantaloupes, 7Sci3$l per crate: weter melons, $1.00 per crate; grapes, Oregoa, 60Q7oc; Concords. 6s. 17v,c: . 10a. SOQSnc bsskst; Osllfornls, T6ce$l.60; pears, $1.J601JJ0 per bnx; Winter Nellls. - $1.25 per box; pome granates . $1.TR per box; tangerines. $1.75. VEOETAnLES Turnips, new. 81.00 ner a ark: enrrots, 1.00 per ssrk; beets, . $l.00i 1.25 psr sscb; Oregon radishes, 26 psr doa; i.u per sscn; uregea r cabbage, Oregon, 1.0 peppers, b per lb: It parsnips, $1.0001.80; a oo per ewt; green local tomatoes. 8Se: atrlne h.ia J4tfrX.-f canllUower, 78c tj $1.00 doa; rbabsrb. per lbl borssrsdlsb, 10c per lb: artichokes, 40j 60s per doa; bead . lettsce. 60e per dos; green- onions, per doa: aplnach, 8c psr lb; green com, 75c per sack; pea a, 8e psr lb: cucumbers. Toe psr ssrkt celery, local, 60QT6c per dos; eggplant. $1.60 per crate; pumpkins, JH! cranberries, Cspe Ood, $8.60 per bbl; Coos Bay snd Tillamook, $7.00. DRIED FRUITS Apples, an pora red, Tl per id; apricots, inue per lb; sacks. He per lb less; pescbea. 8Q12e per lb; pears, per lb; prunes, Itallaa, 84He per lb; French, 8V404Heper ft; figs. Csufornts blsck. 6lHc -per lb; California whits, psr lb; plums, pitted, per 5b r dstes. guides, ee per lb; fsrds. $1.60 per IB-lb bog. . , , Ofsosjlss. Vats, Xtov- . CnOAR Sack basis Cabs.' 80.50; powdered. $.1.35; fruit grsnnlated, $5 29: dry grsnulsted. $5.26; Conf. A, $6.8ft; .beet grsnulsted, $5.15; antra 0, $4.75; golden C $4.65; D yellow, $4.66; bbla, 10c; H bhla. 16c; boxes 80c sdesncs on sack basis, leas 25c per ewt for esah, 16 days; maple. 14016e per lb. nun s r-en per crate. ... COFFEE Packare brands. $16 TB. ' : V PALT Coarse Hslf ground. 100s, per ton, tsnie. asiry, nns, ii.oo; inos, fto.Ts; lm ported Liverpool. 60s. $17.00; 100s. (18.60: 224s. (18.00: extrs line. bhla. 3s, Ss, . 10s, $4 506 BO; Julk. 820 lbs. $4.0036.00; sacks; so. dSiasfic. , . . ' ' SALT 0rse Hsff irround."' 100s, per ton,' st.oo; oo, 'psr ton. 7.po;. Liverpool, romp rocg, $18.50 per ton: 60-lb rock. $7.00; 100s. 88.75. - AboTS prices apply ta sales of leas tbsn esr lots. Car lots at special prices sab)ect ta aucruations.t GRAIN BAOR Calcutta. TUa. ' . RICE Imperial Jsnaa. No. 1. 6c: He. t. SUe: New Orlesas bead. e; Ajax, 44c; Cre ole. Dae, .. . - , - . - , - BEANS RmsII white. 404Vc: lam whits. $3.15; pink. Set baron, ac; Llmaa, 6l Hexicsa rsoa, f- - j, NltTS Pssants, larabov, 80$H pet- b: Vlrsrnls, 8Q10e per lb; roeated. ; coma nut. SOfleOo per dos; walsnta, 1515V4 per lb; pine nuts, 10)12He per lb; hickory nub. 10c per io; cneewurs, esarern. idbioc per id; xfrssii nuts. 14c per lb; filberts. 14015c per lb; fancy pecans. 16144tl8Sc; slmonda. 13Cl7e per lb. ' ; Saints. Coal Oils, It. . ROPE Pure Manila, lsc: standard, lKte: sissl. lOKc; Hal brand steal. . COAL OIL Pearl sr Astral Cases, 20He pet gsl; . wster white. Iron bhls. 15c per gsl; wooden, 18e ner gsl; headlight, 170-deg., esses, f?A(NfB -dig.'' eases, , 140 :" per ' gsl; Iron bhls, 18c per gsl. . BENZINE AS-deg. cases. Be' per gal; troa bbla. 18Hc per gal, . , TCRPKNTlXFl In cxaes, P9c per gal; wooden bbla. orv- per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 1 per lb; 600-lb kts. 8c per lb: less lots, 8He per lb. . WIRE N AILS Present bsae at 170. LIN8EET OIL Purs raw. la (-bbl lots, 54e 1-hnl lot. 66c; esses. 00c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, esses. 62c per gsl; 8-bbl lots. 58c; 1-bhl lot. 67s per gal; ground cake, car lota. $20.00 per ton; less than ear lota, $30.00 psr ton., , Meets. Fish aad Prorialoos. FRE8B MEAT Front street Beef steers, (Ode per lb; block, 7Sc par lb: peck ers, T07H per lb; bulls, dtrnc per ft; cows, 6 Sfloc per lb; reel, extra, 7lc per lb; ordl. nary. Te per U; poor, 6c per lb; mutton, fancy, 7t7He per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack floral) hams. 10 to 14 lbs. 14c per lb; 14 to 16 lbs, 18ie per lb; brrskfast bacon, 18O10c per ft; picnic. per lb; regular short elssrs, in smoksd, 11 per lb: amoked, lie per lb; clear backs, ansmoksd. 10 per lb: smoked. dive per lb; Union butts. 10 to 18 lbs, an. smoksd, ae per id: smoaeo. we per id: wear bellies, unemoked. lie per lb; smoksd. ltd psr lb: shoulders. 6 He per LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s, ll4e per lb: Ss, liTae per lb; 601b tins, 11H Pt lb; stesm rendered, 10s, 10 e per lb; 6s, 10c Per lb. ' "" .JAciiaKu BALiSlti-HJonimDiB mw, l-io rsua, 1.80; 3-lb tslls. 8175; fancy 1-lb flats, l.PO; i-m rsnry nata. gi.in; ranry l-io oran. ex. roi lsska tails, pink. 85 O 00c: red, (1.50; nominal tstall. (2.0O. FISH Rock- cod, Te per lb; Sounders, 6 per ft: bailout, 7 He per R; crane. $1.60 per dos; striped baas-, l2Ho per lb; estash, 8e psr lb; salmon, slleersldes, as per lb: bluebaeks, Oc per st: herring. 6c psr lb; soles, 8c per lb; ahrlmoa. 10c rjar lb: nereh. 5c ner lb: blsck cod, Tc per lb; stlrer smelt. Te per lb; lobsters. wei rresa mackerel, so per io; erswosa. zo per do. - , ' OTBTERS Sboalwatsr bay. per gal. $4.50; psr sack., $8.78. . CLAMS llard-abelL aar box. 82.00: rasot clsms, $2.00 psr box. ' COTTON FUTURES ARE THREE TO FIVE DOWN New York, Oct. 18. Cotton futures' closed ( to S points lower, the tone being ha rely steeds. Official qnotsttorj by Orerbsck. Btsrr cook company; January ........ February March ......'.., April ,1,.. ....... May. July nctnner Norembee- ,.,..,. December -. trrsrpssl Cotton Klghsr, Lleerpool. Oct. IS. Cotton , futures closed qntt, 1 point higher. , i. GILBERTSON IS BUYING MUCH HOPS AT AURORA (Special Trhrpatch to Th Journal., Inmrs. Or.. Oct. 18. M. H. Ollhertsna. . bar. mg sgent for I'hhnsna Co. ef New Tori, has been a eery hears purchase of bops during the osst few days around 1841124C. It Is sstd bla purchseea yesterday alone amounted te aooui..ouu Detee.. i -, ' ' StorlinsT Sates, , Ktm York. Oct. 18. Sterling rates: bssund. Open. High. Low. Clns. ... (U MM 81 SN2i4 .... rKJ ,1 ...Wnn 1014 Bo inuieiis ...lnna, jooT Haul looaotoa ...loon hot inos iot)7uos ...lorn inao mm ymZin PM . and - 850 PMKtftt , pHOWHIt 87T UK ' 87, 78fi74 ' 1 85.664e.e6t 90 days. U.0a4SeJS, . FEEDING OUT IVIIE.H Pit Traders Relieve Bull pilqus Is Selling Some of the tons Stuff in Chicago Market. CLOSING INDICATES i VERY TIRED FEELING Trading Dwindles . Down to Small Baals Primary . ' Caah ' Markets ! Show Slowing Down Eagler Ton In Corn-Ltrtts ricin In Osrs. i - " FRIIJAT'8 WHKAT hfASKET.' t ' Gloss Close Fri. Tbur. Loss Close Fri. Tssr Ago Dae..:....'.. May........ Juii... 8 S 4 - .oa 1.10V4 a ' .ooii ...... . .8nB XI Chicago, Oct. IS. Logan Bryan aay. To day's markat started strong and for some time after tba opening maintained a firm tone, but the impress loo of the pit- at the ekass essms to be that a leading ekteator aoncara was esnr tlously feeding wheat o tba hard spots. The close of tbs msrfcet seemed to fcadleste a. tired feeling. -The trade la wheat dwindled down to a small volume. Primary marketa foe., cash showed sm slowing down and addsd to the tired-feeling prs railing ta the spsculstlee mar ket. No change seems In evidence ss yet. The pit element continues suspicious of tbs bull leader's Intentions, and are closely watching bla movements. They ere quick to detect any selling from tbst source and equally quick to Jleteet any buying. ,- .., . Xaaier Tone la Cera.' ' ' Aa easier feeling prevailed In the corn mar ket, due largely to the esslng off In cask prices, but declines la futures ware not st all sxtsndsd. A little halt or setback would not be st sll alarming. It would not necsssarily mesa that condition bad at all changed, except In a speculative way, and that only temporarily. Underlying factors ara still a strong feature. Tbs rscnt activity in the oats market wss not In evidence today, price losing a- small fraction. Th export demand holds out much encouragement , for future bullish activity la Ibis maxssi. Prarurlons bad sa irregular aay, out on -cog Ml) It wss what might be called a strong who market. Activity corns by spurts only, but the packers apparently have'- the situation la control. , ......... Official quotations by Overbeck, Btarr st Cook company WHSAT. . r: Open. High. .tow. Close. Dee, ..,() s jin .8f.aB .8iVB stsy;,.... July,.... Oct...... Old Dec. New Dec. May.,... Oct...... , Dee a Mar..... July..... .874 4 .83' CORN. sa .51 4 a s2b 444.B .44B ,2B .61 s .44 OATS. as .44 4' -48 .80 M , , .8014 '- .81 . Mt . ..80 .38H MBKS POBK. pet...... 15.68 Jsn..,...-18.47 16.77 18.66 15.75 15.75 18-nS T.25 -"7:80 as 1X47 . LARD. ;'S 7.26 T.SS Oct.., Nov.. Ieo.. .. T. .. 7.117 T.85 T.27 Jaa..... 6.87 5 ' tJSt if8? SHORT RIBS. 8.80 8.80 S.SS e.60 .! a.ao .s a sa " and Oet..... Jan...... May..... .85 8.88 aad J0HX8' OOmS ESTTaUTE. ' Chicago, Oct.' IS. Jones' corn crop, estimate: New England ami north Atlantic acreage, a.iiuf, 000; yield, B8.876.0U0 buabels;' south acreage, 84.80e.UO0; yield, 621,907,000 bushels. Central and sou thereat, B8.W3,000 seres; yield, 1.SO0, 622,000 bushels. Other weetem, 2U8.000 scree snd A.7M.000 bushels. Total acreage, 80,. 8W1.000; yield, 8.621.887,000 buabels. Tus pamphlet say a: "It Is ths common opinion of leadere la the corn trade 'tbst the government bss overestimated com yields for three. or four yea re. notably la 1B04. It may be ssld fairly thst sa equivalent of 125.000,000 busbsls. of tba govemmsntesttmsta Is doe to the use of too high sa acrsage." . . nVXXAXT SEAIsT atOTmsTT. Chicago, Oct Mc Primary receipts ;, ,' , Todsy. ,, Tsar Age Bush. i.8n7.0no 877,000 HUSO. - 1,847,000 411,000 Wheat Corn Hhiomsnts: , -- Wheat 418.000 87 g. 000 Corn eud.000 484.000 Clearances: Wheat. 1WI.0O0 bushels; com, 40, 000 buabeU; oats, -486,000 busbsls; flour, 28, 000 aarrsls. . ... . .... . . . cxioaoo osanr cam lots. Chicago, Oct.-. 18. Oral i ear lota: : Cars. Orsde. Est. Wheat 88 11 - K7 Corn , .11 , 47 - Z12 Osrs , ..805 ' 51 8K6 Wheat cars todsyt Mirmespoini ns. uainta 88. Tssr ago: M In nee polls 718. Dulntb 178. Chicago sa. air rm ax cibco ssanr masket. Ran Franc ieoo. Oct. 16. Official cloae, morn ing session: . , -, wnaai. .y Ooeu. Hlrh. ' Low, Close. 1S7 1.13 A December.. ...$1.884 81884 (l.ST BABLCI. Decsmbsr..... 11114B t ' , . CSICAOO PACK WHEAT. Chics go, Oct. IS. Cash wheat: ' " : Bid. Ask. No. I red.... I -7 $ No. 8 red .85 , . JI7 No. 8 hard.... . .88 , .M6 No. ( bard .,.... ...... - ,8rt No. 1 northern.;............... .88 - .80 No. I northern .85 , .87 No. S spring .' M ., M AsaEaTTnri, seats svvimrTS. . Chlcsgoi". Oct. 18. Argentina shipment: . , Todsy Year Age Bush. '.'-Rush. Wheat ;..'..., dod.OOO ' 7S2.0Of) Cera- . ssi.ooe s,8eo,oo eTIW TORE COFFEE atAEXEt., Keen Tork, Oct, 18. Ooffse futures closed stesdy. 10 to 16 points lower. Ofnrlsl onotstions: , . r -Bld. Ask.l Bid. Ask. January ...(7.10 $7.16 Jply $7 60 $7.68 February .. t.io r.ao Nauguer .....i.oo i m March 7 85 T.8i Reptersher .. f .6 T.TO April 7.80 T.400ctober ..... 4.86 685 May ....... T.40 T.46 November ... 6 80 T.00 lune T.46 T.501 Dscsmber .. t.00 7.06 ' .-" rsreiga Coffee Markets. " - u.m rw is. Coffee onebsnsed to W down: Bsmburg declined It la a holiday a Brsslb ' - Ifsw Tsrk Caah Cofee. Kew ' Tork. Oct. 18. CaeS coffee: No. Rio, 8ci No. 4 Santos. 9e. : -. , - '. ' WALL STSEET SOSSIS. Kew york, Oct. 18. The Wall Street Journal re: ladlesttnue point to sn lucres ee la the Norfolk dividend. Stocks sr freely offered hi the losa crowd, with the exception ef St. Peel. Illinois Central and Weetem I'nloa. Oood Judge think there will be no developments hi Paclfle Mall antll after Southern Pacific gets a divi dend. The Umdon settlement psased oft with out snowing weeksees. lesiy one none wss helped ever. Wisconsin twntrsi snows sarnmgs equal to 4-44 per cent en preferred storak. neventeesi rnsos ror ne "" wws vwww hw ae aeer.ee gross Inrrsse of (.18 per cent: 18 Industrials advanced .18 per cent: 90 sctlvs rails sdvsneed .OS psr rent. Ths bank gained from the sabtreaeary etnee Friday $!!&, ooo. FOETLASD BARE STATSatEST. LEAOERS Clearaige Aslaacsa , ........,$T1, 81941 v.e..svia..aeeeeveee lFi,S8 T( stock mm is UP If VALUE Opening of Trading Show a Firm Tons and Advances Ara General Throughout List. INTERESTS FIGHTING FOR ' WISCONSIN CENTRAL Both Common snd Preferred1 Issus ;. Have Good Riae Today Canadian ' Pacific Is -Again s ' Leader Prac- .a tlcally No Losses Shown, Anaconda '..,,, ADTANCE8. Norfolk N. X. Csntral .... Pennsylvania ...... Pacific stall ....... ' People's Uss ...... Pressed Steel Car.,, Republic Steel ... do preferred. ... 8. F., ltd pfd Southern Psclflo -Texas A Psclne ..a IT; S. Rubber ..... Western Vuioa ... Wsbssh ........ i. do preferred.'.,.. Reading .......... Rock leland do pre f erred. ., Southern Ry ...... Tynncsses Cost ... Union Paclnc...... U. B. Steel ....... do preferred..... Wisconsin Central, do preferred..... AmslgsmsUd .... V Atchison Sugsr C Smeltsr ., Car A Foundry ... S Brooklyn ....;.! C Bsltlmurs ........ 4 Colorado Fuel St., Paul. ......... lZ 0. A N. W t, 8 Chesapeake ....... Canadian is Colo. Southern Denver 1 I Oreet W eaters ... U Kris ., do preferred..., Illinois Central ... 'U Louisville 1 Metropolitan a, Mexican Central... V "'i? do ' preferred .. ,. V sUaaourt Pacified, lL North Aaierlcsa ,. a Wall Brrset, New Tork, Oct IS Pvsrythlng wsa bullish at tbs opening ef the stock market, thla tone eontlnulug through tha day. All Issues prsctlcally show sa auvance. Wisconsin Central wss sgsla sn sctlvs festurs on sreount of ths fight fur eontrot. Durlug the day tha price advanced 1 and 1 points for tbs com mon and preferred, respectively, ' Canadian Pacific waa alao a bull feature, with a rtss ef 1 for tbs day. OfdcUl quotations by Overbeck, Starr Cook eompsny : il 11$ DESCEIFTION. t Anaconds Mining Co.., Am. LocomoUvs Amsl. Copper Co.,,... Atchison, com.....,.., . do preferred......... Am. Car a Foundry, llHIH8 IS se 87H (8 IMtU. 87 V . . .......... w-ts m. Sugsr, eons........l:iw w urvierreo 140 U 1XUU Am, Smelt, coo. i VIJX I188M I1S7 V, BsltllBAra A ll'hln iao. 118 71V 112. lis" Brooklyn Rspld Tranalt. i-naiuan racirie, com. Chicago A Alton, com.. do preferred C. A O. W., com. ...... cbi., wa. a st. p..- mii172Vs 17154 . .. 91 21 U 1784 216 !" 21 8 W v. . w., com....... Chesspesks A Ohio 58V. 40(4 8NS. 66 torn, ruei ex iron, com Ookl. Southern, com 464 - do second preferred. . . 48 ifeiawere a) uodson.. 220 4H5 uei., l.scx. et -wss..... D. A B. com....... a prsrsrrsu. ........ Erie, com do second preferred... do first - nre'erred SOU 48 Si 73 Illinois Central , S8 Louisville a Nashville.. Met. St. Ry ... Manhattan Ry. Met- Kocnvttlea. . . . so. 24 Vi Msxlcan Central Ry,... Minn., St. P. Ste. M. oo preierreo. ......... Missouri Paetrie 109 hi. K. A T.. com. 811 s ao preferred New York Central.. .... Northeen P.iriA Jit Norfolk A Waaler a, com. North Amerlcsn. ....... N. Y.. Ont. a West.... Pennsylvsnia Ry ,.. P. 0.. L. A C. Co...... Pressed Steel Car. com. do Href erred 143H 108 14814 14854 108 iioau ASK 4fl.' 46. '471 6H iflti Paclfle Mail Steam, Co.. aiesaing, com. id i. 121a 1120. do 8d preferred....... An let mfMnJ Ren. Iron A Steel, 'mi. 2454 da preferred '.. 8454 stoca isisna, com,..-.... dn peaf el re.1 sz6 78 4 86, wis" 8a Southern Ry., som.....' do preferred. . Southern Pacific........ St. L. A S. V., 2d pfd.. nt. samts a B. w.. sou. do nref erred ... Texss a Psclne L. (tea I A ImO 85$ T.. St. U A W com... do nrefarred . TJnloa Psclne, - com ...... 1824 1814 V. B. stunner, com,,,,. do neeferred. - . . . . V KtA 61 hi n ai U. a. Steel Co., com.... 8744 oo preterrea... Erie. 84 pfd............ 104W I1IMV4 yv laconain centrsl, com. - do oref erred . ... 81 214 83 2154 Western Union Tele.... Wabash, com...,..,..,. do preferred 41 Boch Island. Deeferred ' evfl.n1 per sent. : . - Total sales for day. 897.400 shares. Cgll mooef, a per cent. , .. - sajt ntAsoaoo iooax, (tocmv- stain sfVaiwaTSSM, Act 1ft nfftsslesl sLa e.BHvesHi, mast Vltl,l VJU(8Jt tttA Ask. 4854 V.'i','. at Cootrt. Onti Wtr.., ,;;.,,. 4H Rnrlna- Vaillav VUtmr AinL - w sr awessee sesraeae Uutual Electric... ,.1 ' 8. r. ss Klsctrie 844 Olsnt Powder 77 Hawaiian Oornmerclsl. ....... ....... 84 Hoooses Sugsr loH Hutchinson Sugsr...., 154 Mskswsll Sugsr............ 84 Onomen Sugar. ... ............ ...... 8X P..he. U.e . 7i,4 so 1H 154 Alaska PsCkers' .!..... V04 61 i Psclne Stares Telephone... .,'..... 104 106 Lsurornia wins .. 4 54 rsctnc (joaatnorax ln2V4 Callfornut Pralt Csnners"! S . BOSTOS OOSrSB STOCKS. Boston, Oct. 18. OfOctsl elossl . . ttia. Bid. ..(107.60.' .. 20.50 .. . 1.25 .. 104.no .. 8.00 .. 128.00 .. 8.00 .. 8.1. M .. 8.76 .. 10.87V4 .. 118.50 , AdVenture ...( 8.25 Osceola ... Stlsntle ., (7.25 4.1 26 Parrot ,,,, Fhnenlg ,,, Qulncr Aliases ...... Bingham . ,.. 81. 2A t el. Aria... Elm 10(I.124 Khann 8. ST 4 1 Tamarack l.tn Trlnltr .. 27 ;l754ll nlted ... Orsnb .,... tfresn ...... Old Dnsalnluo. xn.sT-e; victoria Mobswk 6N.00 Winona Cslnmst ..... Vpier Rsnge. Centennisl .,, Dale West.,.. 6W1.00 72.21 8.83 14.25 14.25 (.60 WolTsrlne ,, rtah I'. S. (lining Royal North Butte. 44.60 87.25 , 84.25 68.00 . Michigan .... Maas COYSTOCaT. sUatnCO STOOXS. Bid. Bid. Bnlllon ........( .8S Belcher 26 Saeags ..,'.( 11 Potnsl 13 Cnlon Con 47 Tellow iackat...' .23 i. Con. CaL.Ta ... 1.44 Ophlr 6.87H tuairoonia ..... .en Mrxlcaa 1.06 Rxrbeoaer ...... .62 Hsie a Borcros. l.l'i hadee , . .23 4 iourploa .12 CHICAOO LOCAX, STOCKS. Cbleage, Oct. 18. Local starkly ma. Bid. Blseolt 64 Caa ...r 11 do reef erred.... Tl do arersrrsa ...111 Boxbosrd ...... 2 Carbon . . . . ... . .... 61 do pref.rreel... 13t4 Ma. Match A)..14ni4 do preferred....! 16 Quaker Oats ..... II Swire A Co o7H ,aa sreierrea. ., Xool ....... Mil If you saw them 9C lien's S3 Hits THE LEE Alwayi the Bert Other Hats $1 JO to $2.50 Nokby Capa 3Sc to $1.00 H XstssUsbsd UTS, OUR PAIIEI1TS OUR BEST ADYOGiTK Tboaasnds ia Portland and all eeer tbs northwest can tssUfg-te eut grsst aad aa ssssuyara GONORRHOEA Hsp b 'attended wit the grarsst eeaplles ttons If' neglected er lroproperlf treated. V bare a a paclfle treatment which earae snlckly, ssfslj aad pslnlssslr. -., . SYPHILIS Ts another acquires dlsssss, the raesges ef which when fully derelopsd - Be pen can eesrribs. Wben It shows by skla srspttons er by sores in moath e throat Its horrore are already begun. We safely and tbor enghlp cure pea and ae Mineral pole ins are employed. , - i . VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE We treat nd cars, ant br the old sorglcsl procedure, but by a painless method solely our own. We likewise will cure yon and ease roe the suffering sssoeiated with Vsrroos Debility, Lost hfsahsod. Im potency, Spsrmatsrrhosn, Ssoturnsl Kmlsslons, Prs. mature Deal ins. Loss sf Memory, Energy and Ambition In th briefest time It ran be dons aad wa Insure yon a safe aad poaitiTe cure. - OoAaultation and examination free. Write for aymptoaa blank and book If yea eaaast eslL Otflcs Hours: S a. sa. to S ( av Sat aaa, 10 to il - ' .. ST. LOUIS ., Medical and Surgical ; DISPENSARY Cor. Ilul Yavmkm wUt ttlf8ai. Otv HOGS PLENTIFUL WHILE A DULL TONE RULES Receipts at Stockyards Are Increased- Absence of Cattle Helps Ton of Markets Portland t'nloa Stockyards. Oct. !(. Lire stock receipts: Hugs.- cattle. en. Today 4AT . ... U7 week ago ,4ie . nil preTloua week 168 818 l.nns Month ae :..2M 88 l.ORS Hogs ara eery mncn in enaenc in tne yarua today, the srrlrala being quits Beery, rsckers' demand continues s trifle dull. Since the de cline of I5e reported exclnslTely la The Journal yesterday there haa b'an no rbasrs In eslues. Csttls are scarce and for fancy atorka the market will do some better. Sheep and oalvee good- . .' ..: ' .. .. ' tnnciai price roe urea iocs : HoesBret esstsrn Oregon. 85.7BG8 001 blockers snd Chilis fsts, 8S.tWU8.8u; stocksr snd feeders. (4.80. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers. 88.29: llsbt snd medium steers. 88.00: light eows. $8.0002.80; stocksrs aad fseders, (2.2802.00; bulla. 81.ro. Bbeee Wethers. S14rt mixed sheep, 8c; straight awes, 84JS4r; spring lambs, 44!4e. Lalrea uooa real, 100 to xtw pouaoa, suowc: rough beary, (t8V4c - ZASTSSX BOOS STZASr. Chicago, Oct. la Lleeatock receipts: . Hogs. r. Csttls. . Sheen. rhicegn ..I8,iaa) , - 4 ooo . lS.flftO Kaossa City ......... 1 " s.ixai , e.ooa Omaha 6.0HO 1.800 8 01 10 Hogs Opened stesdy with S.XuO left veer; receipts s year ago were Sn.OOO. Prices: Mixed, r.K).70; good. 8o.36WS.70;, rough, (4.80( 18; light. 85 104J8.&0. sttle Ktesoy. , . , . - , Sheep Strong. - ' ' H;. tOSOTAH MCTTTJIS TOCatS. Sin Praadseo. Oct. 18. Toaopab stscks, of. trial close, morning asssloa: . . mo. i Die. Montana ......(8.n2rmmMa Mt....( .184 Uldwar ....... 1.4b llurnh ......... ,78 MrNsmsra ..... .87 Uumixl E. .21 Belmont 1.40 jslsck Butt ... .18 North Btsr .4T silree rira .ef tourer rm ..... , .4)7 Kloldea Anchor... .88 .10 ISar A O'Brien.. .. .88 lOhlo Tonopsh... ,S7 Gold Mountain.. Jim Butler .... Neesds (A) .isvr. null rrog..,. .go Ton. r.. (A),.. (.l24intsmondflel ... .87A 4 neo i op Uoldfleld .so .07 Home fsah Boy ScllDse .08 .le) Sandetorm ..... Sandstorm XX. .4.1A ,0 .04 .18 .Id adams National Bank... Honswa ...... Deaee ...M.a aileer ......... Atlanta ........ Dtxls .......... Ssndsll '.It boskss atnxia sxyost, $U laals. Oet, II alodera aUUse stjt MM fd' Treated fpS Cbtg you would think they cost at least $10 Rain i Coats, Suits, $7.45 to $25.00 Overcoats. $6.50 to $25.00 WATGHES FREE With Boys' Suits and Overcoats If Not Right WELCH Makes MORRISON ) t?X,vittttZv t ' cHC. NEWCASTLE NUT. NEWCASTLE LUMP AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN. ; PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN ' LOW PRICES ON OTHER COALS f Jrst Prize Gold Vedal awardci by Lewis Clark Centennial Expoiliioa THE PACIFIC COAST CO. . . CHAS. H. GLEIM Agent 249 Washington St . ' 4 Telephones 229 and 237 OVERBECK, STARR S COOKE CO .'''' ;v - V'.' ..-- f Members -Chicago Board of Trade.- ' . ' OBAXJT, nOTZfaOaTS, OOTTOST, STOCKS eUTO BOSJ9S. -' ' lOi Third Street, McKay Bulldlna. Portland. Or.. . ' Wat BO A STaUCTXT OOatlaTSaUOaT MVWmwm. Continuous Markets by Private Wlra. ; Quick Service. - REFERETCES Ladi 4 TUton, bankers, and United State National Bank of Portland. IT DIDIN'T HURT A BIT te srkat fhsy ear c sr matbods ef eorsg deatsl work. We e woe for people from est et tne eft euleklg. as sessd esy aslag. BTsrrtalaa ap to data. Open srsalags aad Sunders. Mala fftaw. . . WISE BROS.; Dentists Tea falUaa. ear. SaM aad Waaaxagtaa. BS. T. . WISS. SOWsTZPTO, XOSXTJrS Si OO. Eatabllahed 18(.) . , v T ASTO STOCK BB0KZSS. Boom 4, Orouad Floor, cvakbbb or oosoaonoa. No Pain No Pain ,, NICE TEETH Wa are tha dlscorerers and orlp-lnst-ora of the only reliable and scientific ay stem of Palnleea Dentlatry. We. ex tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen year. Our work Is the beat, our pricea the lowest corr al stent with flrst-clase work. EXAM INATION FREES. Our platea ara unde tectable from tha natural teeth aad ara guaranteed to At SILLING) . ......... .AOs,' YSa and S1.0O OLD CROWNS ,..,.aoo BRIDGE WORK SS.00 FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. . .SS.00 Over for bauds raatO S e'eloek erealaa-a. - . , . Boston Painless Dentists SSlV. SCorrlaoa Otnk Mate IMak nan ervesvaBass. xtATMnsj a . a k m M a v. m St., m day, (:( a. m. to 1I:(0 p. m. eres eettnnfe west a larg are ef t w'tt Wheat twit, seeding ts set eoenpi"w, e to -e sne-if eeodl-ws or ts a d - a sj t e. r-t ts tae V ar ' . (h ' at e ,'- ' ' 1 t . ' ' I TEETH $10 to $22.5 It Right V . UNDEKV.EA3 50c to $1.50 Gsrment Ken's Cloves 35c to s?L53 Coz7J&rSr The Coal to Day AND Hov to Dura It Is the all absorbing economic question ' of the house owner. A trial of any of the following brands will solve it speedily ..'and tr rr sr,'ctir??, -7:. BsyBsy' A Wide-Awakc Bisildrr Knows that ha can save money on all klnda of builders' and house hard ware by purchasing here. Our goods ara high grade and embrace all the lateat Ideas and newest inventions, and you can ret better goods at lower pricea than at any afore In Portland. Avery O. Co. at Tsizsui sr bit sua asn r .3 TBET For good." "-a f Leweet r -- r- ML W. A. Wise, ajsssssssssssjss V i