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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, CCTOCEH .12, '; KCJ, 4 v. t CiiiEF LIKES lEl'J REGULATION Says Placing Detectives and - Patrolmen In Same Class Wilt ' ;r : Insure Discipline. SCARED ONES ALONE " . nn NOT LIICE RULE f i ; Examinations for Captains ; and Pa ' trolmen Will Be ,Held Soon 1: '' Letter Need Physique More Than ' Education' to Pat. .. ! '. ", :"--.''" V; "' ' ' :-.". ':; 'V t' -' "I heartily appror of th recent c- ' tlow of th municipal civil service com . mission In placing detective and pe - i trolmea In th mm claaa and giving- th V" chief the authority to select detective ' from the ranks without aa examination,' . i aid Chief of 'Folic Grftsraacher y- "; terday. ."It give the chief power to shift the pfflcar aa be deems best for ' ; tb service and It I th only way to secure discipline." iv.. ., ; Th bead of all th administrative ; departments of th city and city em , ; ploye generally - hav expressed their ' approval of th action of th commit ' slon tn simplifying, the classification 1; of employ and giving additional power ' ;! into th bands of the ehlefa There ar a number who object to !' th action of the board because they fear that they will lose their position. These men ar found chiefly In th po lice and engineering departments, where - j it 1 anticipated change will be mad. Th Brst examination . for. captains jot 'polio under th new rules will be held October ! Applicants win D re quired to be between 21 and 45 year of ag and to hav good health and expe rience in th sort of work for which Ithey ar .applying: - Examinations for patrolmen will be held th same day. Th scop of tn examinations for pa trolmen will be the same aa th last. (Phrslqu and athletic ability will count 70 per cent ' and ' educational qualifica tions 10. . ;. -. ,. r . j FOUR MISMATED ONES i$: -x GRANTED DIVORCES Two women and two men wjr grant led divorces this morning by Judge ; -Cleland. " ".'.": ' Frank. D. ; Van Meter was ' divorced , from Evelyn A. Van: Meter. They were married In Portland, March II, 1901. and ' ' Jt was alleged that Mrs. Van Meter de icerted her home February IT, 1(04, while 1 th couple were living , In Monterey, .''California.'''. V'-1 ',-, .. , . Mary M. West was. divorced from Ar . thur O. West, she alleging -drunken- ,. nesa and cruelty.: Married at Hills- bora, November IS, 1111, the couple soon ' after moved to England, where It is ' claimed that -West acquired th.-drink habit Nellie West, aged t years, teatl- , f led against her father. .. :. 4 ' Bessie Baumgarte was legally aepa- rated from William' Baumgarte.-' She , alleged that her husband was an habit ual drunkard. . They were married at - t Dell Rapids, South Dakota, "January 4, r fllll. . '; John M. Davis was divorced from Ella Davis. - They were married tn Spokane, Washington. .! . .., ' . . -Bum for OoaasasMlosx Stmco Chapman has brought suit against J. W. Fordnay fer $f .009 alleged to be du aa commission for th sal of timber lands in Humboldt county. ; California, two years ago. Th case 1 , i being tried before Judge Oeorg. It's Easy, So Easy ! : Costs Nothing tatry and you May - v Earn the Cecillan in an Evening's Effort. It's Worth theTry for th Salle of Trying. Hero is the Propositions . W:&: CONDITIONS:! '''C.'VTbers'srt"sreroJnseiy 175 advertiaers In Portland, exclusive of real estate and classified, using space in the local dailies. One hundred and sixty-four of these use The Journal soma time during each week. A few do riot. Send us "five reasons' why you think ten of these should use The Journal, at the c game time mailing each of them a copy. Make aura that the ten advertisers you select are Not advertising in The Journal If you are ; tn doubt about a name call up Main 500 and ask about in Also remember that the ten merchants yon select aa not advertising in The Journal MUST B? NEWSPAPER ADVERTISERS. Those who do , no newspaper advertising at all cannot be properly lilted in the ten. 1 The contest cloaca October 20. Your reasona will be turned over by The Journal to the judges, all entirely disinterelted parties with a knowledge of advertising. - ' v - . '. The Best List of Reasons According to the Judges Takes' the Cecilian ' '. '-r:-', ''., v" " ' The Cecilian ia a moat wonderful Instrument and Ihe more It ia studied the mora wonderful It be comes to the student We shall be pleased to have you call and study it at any time with an expert, who will gladly give any information he can and assist you to play the first selection, You will need no assistance thereafter. - . With the Cecilian you can at your will, with no previous knowledge of music, reproduce the great est masterpieces. . ..". -. - ; ';'.'' If you do' not understand how to get thia instrument In The Journal's Advertising Contest phone Main 500. . . . . ON EXHIBITION IN THE WINDOW OF THE . ' ; Manufacturer's Piano Co; 350 ALDER STREET $1.00 Pays It All Other Boats Chargp $1.50 Come with us and enjoy a delightful ride to the Cascade Locks and return on the . STEAM N'',"-;:':'':; ' V V CAPACITY 690 PASSBNOCRal ' ' . The fastest craft that sails these waters. All the romantic beauties of the Cascade Mountains are seen from the steamer's decks, and passengers are taken through the $2,000,000 Cascade Locks thst consumed IS years in building. Traveler! declare this to be THE MOST WONDERFUL STEAMBOAT TRIP . Dock Foot o1 Mk Street IS TO DH1E FOR; ACCIDEOT Captain of ; John McCraken, Which Towed Columbia Ad-( mits Dredge Had No Lights PORT OF PORTLAND MAY . HAVE TO STAND COST Evidence in Mansanita Disaster Case Shows That Lights of Small Tug .Were Concealed by Larger Craft and Relieve Mansanita Officers.' Captain Eugene Jlayden, master of the stosmer John McCraketV was ' held responalbl for th collision between th lighthouse tender Manxanita'and dredge Columbia at th investigation conducted this morning by United State Inspec tor Edwsrds and Fuller. , ThaJnqulry into th cause of th col lision closed after only two witnesses had been examined Captain Patrick Byrnes of th Mansanita and Captain Hayden of the John McCraken. which had th dredge In tow when the tender wss struck and sunk. Ths tatter testi fied that no lights were out on th Co lumbia, and admitted that this negli gence vii in violation of law. Th wit ness stated that he had lights on th MoCraken. It appears from th evidence Intro duced that th McCraken was made fast aft of amldshlp to ths Columbia and th nights she carried ' were back of th dredge and could not be seen by the of ficers of th Mansanita, which was com ing down stream. Captain Byrnes testi fied that th dredge was lying in such position as ,te hide the little steamer towing her. Th MoCraken is only feat long, while th dredge Is more than 100 feet In length. ' ' Nearly SO witnesses were on hand to testify.-. J. Couch Flanders was attor ney for the Port of Portland, which probably' will be forced to pay for rais ing th tender Mansanita and placing her In seaworthy condition. Bids foi raising th oraft will be opened thia aft ernoon and forwarded to Washington. DIRECTORS CHOSEN. T Stockholders of xClatskaals Traasporta- tloa Oosapany Orgaals. . ; At a meeting of the stockholders yes terday afternoon, the following were elected - directors of the Clatskanle Transportation company: Captain James tahavor. Captain O. W. Hosford, D. C. O'Reilley, ; ictor Degerstedt; , Fred Btuckmeyer and ' Allen Iwls. Next Monday officers of the company will be elected.'1 The boat which will be oper ated by the organisation between Port land and Clatskanle Is being built at th Portland shipyards and will be ready for service about January 1.' v ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Three vessels war supplied with cos last evening at the bunkers of the Pa cific Coaat Steamship company, th Mel ville Dollar taking on 160 ' tons, th Eureka 110 tons and th Coulsdon 1(0 tons.. .'.-' .The " steamer Homer, under charter to th San Francisco It Portland Steam ship company, will arrive on Sunday from the Bay city and will leave for the south on th following day. , , Th staamer Despatch left San Fran cisco this morning for Portland and. is expected to arrive on Monday. ' Tho British steamship Auchenblae reached port this afternoon from Toko- IN THIS WUKLU1 TeL Main 2960. TUG telfel! ff 1F(E(E The Market Basket rAm nHunt condition th house wife may take advantage of the slump In wholesale iouliry. prices, ncceipia fc.v. haeA remarkabls th v, " - 1 psat week and all markets ar ovrsup plted. This does not mean that retail ers are -giving chickens away, but they ar allowing their price' to take a small drop. . During th past few months there hss been an extraordinary oemand foi nnuitr Tha Mnoattlon has brought thousands of visitors to th city and many or ujes wspiea cniuu iimu ill,. Prloea boomed at various Intervals when dtmsnd became heaviest. Now that th exposition Is practically over there is a general reel ing that chickens ar too high to suit k. nnHiio !. .Retailers are aware of this and ar not encouraging high prices in the wnoiesaie maraeia. a or this reason they of late - hav been nnita anarlnslv and the result If that present (prices at retail ar about I cents a pourfd less tnan iormeny. It Is In the turkey market that th v.. .. i. mnst Interested at this time, for the holidays are fast approach ing. Up to this week there has been general acsrclty ; of turkeys, but the high, prices that ruled finally brought In heavy supplies.; Turkeys fhat sold st IS cents a pound a week ago In the wholesale markets are worth consider ably less today. Warm, dry weather Is . i. nMjfriui for the successful raising of turkeys and th production thia season, tnsrerore, vm oe wimwn sbly inoreased over, that of a year ago. The peach' season has practically closed. To the housewife It has been a disastrous one, ior supplies w small and prtcea high. However, poaches hams. She cam light and as soon as she gets a berth will begin loading flour and grain for Japan. 8h Is under char- a' nairAtir ftuinrie sb uo. tk. tnvhnai . Mervear r Queen went down to Westport this morning to take th schooner W. . W. Jewett, lumber laden, to sea. : The British ' ship Oarradai nas reached1 port from th mouth of th river and moored at th Banfteld dock to discharge ballast. Sh will soon be gin loading for th United tungaom. riiin Kltmen-will brln ths steam er Costa Rica to Portland for th San Francisco Portland Bteamanip com pany, in place of Captain Randall. OCEANO BACK IN DOCK. Ship Zik Badly and WtU Be Ons of Oosamissiom Another Week. . Ia,pm1 from the drvdock TtrHtlal, aju,mahln leaked so badly that It waa necessary for her to b put Daca in tne ooca mt further repairs. . Shs probably will oc a Krth there for another week. Three new steel plates had been put on in nun or xne "' "J Shipbuilding company and. It appears that th bolta.fcad not been fitted prop erly. At any rate water poured into th ship st th points wner tn doiis were placed. . "''', V MARINE NOTES. essssssss""Sses T- .. Astoria. Oct. II. Outside at T a. Ui three-masted ship. . ' -San Francisco, Oct. II. Sailed at 1 a.m., steamer uespaicn, jor mminu. Silled at I a. m.. steamer Cascade, for Portland. Arrived last nignt, scnooner Mabel Gala, from Portland. tori, net. 12. Arrived at 4 p. m.. steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. Left up at i:!0 p. m., British steamer Au chenblae. . ' . . SU Helens, Oct. II. Passed at s:i m., British steamer AucnenDiae. . a, Jntina-Paased at 11:60 a. m.. British steamer Auchenbla. Astoria, Oct- 11. Condition or tn oar :zzzsss l?ftc&tnZ were not th -only, scare article In the fruit line thia season. The lovers of aencioua nooa River strawberries will miss them this winter, for compara tively little of that famous fruit was brought to this city during ths year. It haa been a great, surprise t many of ths sastera visitors' to our exposi tion mat so many nice looking and taat ing strawberries hav been on display In th larger markets. . Strawberries could be obtained freely in the larser place around It cents ,a'box. They wer grown in Oregon, too. Today .the maraeis nave good supplies of local ber rles and some extra choice ones,: grown in th hothouses, ar on display from Good things ar promised within the next raw years. It has now been defl nltely settled that fresh fruits can be secured early In the summer while In their green state and successfully placed in cold "storage. A company has been organised in ons of the California cities to engage tn th freestng of peaches for winter consumption. Experiment . last yesr demonstrated th practicability ol this method, and this year th company stored fruit as a business. Th peaches are picked moderately green and - by freeilng ar kept' from ripening until taken off th ice. 'Think of what thai will mean. In the cold January days one may eat peach of as good quality as when freshly picked. U rapes can then be purchased any day In the yeac and there will be no cloaed season for strawberries. No more will oner hav to wslt for the opening of th cherry sesson to sstlsfy that longing - tadt held over from th 'previous season. Bartletf pears will tante fully as good as when first taken from the tree. at I a. m., moderate; wlnS light, east; westher clear. ' " , Anether Tlotory for "67 Tarlti.N Th housekeepers of Portland and the northwest will be pleased to know that the H. J. Helm company, 67 varieties of Pure Food Products, hay been awarded Gold Medals, the highest awards, at th.i Lewis snd Clark exposition for purity and." excellence. The ST varieties have received ft (Sold 'Medals and Highest Awards st various expositions. Including London, Paris snd Glasgow. H. J. Helna company's goods ar rec ognised aa th standards of . quality throughout th world. . , . No such thing as "summer complaint" where Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild strawberry la kept handy. Nature's remedy for looseliefl of the bowel a A LIST WORTH READING is this list of specials for Satur day's trade. You .will find these prices lower than you would ex pect, but we guarantee you per feet satisfaction in every item you buy: Can Star Condensed Cream, regular price. !5C per eosen cana. : ;; 20 Pounds rr' Dry Granulated Sugar, $1.00. ''''.'v f 25 . .y:'..,. . 41 - S packages deeded Raisins. ' Pound Best Shredded Cocoanut. ' 'si.oo - i : Gallon can Pur Ma pi Syrup. I pkga. IL-O. Buckwheat Flour. 30 , Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha cone. .. , 20 f :.':- Can Baker's or GhlrardelH's Cocoa. 35 -;' On pound Baker's Premlunf Chocolate. ' '. 5 - :. .. Pound Best Oloss Starch..' Fellows Oor. Washlagtoa and West rark Sta. JOHN'S MARKET Furnislaos More Restaurants Than any other market' in town. If you are in the restaurant busi ness come in and let us convince you that we can do you the most good. "We are in the meat busi ness like the fellowwho got in the mud. , If you , don't know how tht' was, come in and we will tell you. f JOHN'S MARKET 43 N. Sixth Street ' Phone 1954 Main.- ' WASHINGTON MARKET 1U firrt Street, kee. Stark sad Washbujwa. Pbeae Kaia It 10. Rolled Rnset Bef I e lt u4 u Prime Rib Hoesta eirkUa Bleaks . . . , Tvoderlola Steaks Parterboeae Steaks ..1R Ron nd Steaks I lbs. t Plata Strak, lbs tot ..... Las Muttoa 10e Ut Umb UH Muttoa Chops, I lb for r.X&a Lois ar Bib Chops boulder ol Muttoa .10 te 13t Mutton Rtew ,..e Pork Roaets ...lOe te 1IM, Pork (bops to Veal Roasts 7rr.....,.....lQe to 124 Teal Cbooa J. 10 te HVi gaaeare Meet, I lbs (or !A Ramhuravr. M tom fw, .SSa Rasar-Curad Rreakfaat Bacoa loo Swat Creamery ButUr. ............... ,..... preah funeb tf-. 0 Braad. 1 loarae tor ...................... ...ia Snsar-Otrr Has .HHa Boll Beef ae to o VagataNM ei an sine. CHRIS TAPPER, Prop. Telephone erder elr4 proaiotl, east ef Fellows Barnes f.":iict 6 Pacliing Co. :i '.J- j THE HOUSE THAT QUALITY BUILt y. EXCLUSIVE IW OUR Uiffi ' COUNTRY PRODUCE AS FRESH AND SWEET AS ! THOUGH YOU LIVED ON THE FARM. V . NEVER have we experienced such an influs of new businees aa Is coming in with the beginning of OCTOBER. " Our very special offers, as compared with prices you liave to pay at any other store,' together with our increased and improved delivery service, are bound to make trading here interesting to you.. Besides, onr atock is most complete, and the great abundance of good things we offer- makes your marketing delightful. '..V . : ' " t 105-107 THIRD ST. ; Phone Exchange 63 CI , Successor to M'KINNON GROCERY CO. 173 THIRD ST., Near Yamhill : . ; ; ; . l The "credit stores call us price-cutters. We believe in selling cheap for cash -and are doing business to suit our customers, not our competitors. A few specials: . , ...,., ': . r,.,. Granulated Sugar, 20 pounds. . . . 91.00 ' 5 Bars Fels NaptAVSoap....... 25 : 2 PackageS'TprceorMalta Vita.......... ....... 25 f , Postum or Eigprune Cereal, package...... ...... 20 Baker's Premium Chocolate, pound. ; , . .'. . .35 ' Bakers Cocoa, can. ,20 j" Schilling's Tea,. 1-pound package. ..55 ,; CITY GROCERY : 17S THIRD STREET : - PHONE MAIN" 1854 Chickens 13 CROCER1XS ti lbs: Sugar .SI.OO cans Deviled Ham. .25 Fancy Creamery Butter, roll. . . . . .B5 Raisins, 1 per package V, &(t I cans Cream ........25 11 bars Soap ..................... 2Se 10-Id. box Macaroni, Spaghetti or Vermicelli , 354 f cans Oysters. ................. .25) 1 sack good Flour. ....... .....91,00 PEOPLE'S MARKET AND GROCERY Sirs sad Taylor Sta. Faoa Stain 141S. . rr DellTery to All Parts ef th City. now sua In 2-Pie10c Packages I MXHRELLSOULE CO. 1 mm cvniil( urwvnnirvrrA 1111 . I I 1.11 I m McKINNON & SMITH CASH GROCERS Phone East 2S3 128 GRAND AVENUE ' East side people don't have to cross the bridge to get prices. Delivery, made to any part of the city.- ' . '. Fresh Ranch Eggs, doz. . . .30 Fancy Creamery. Butter. . . .55 IA pnands Best Sncsr 11.00 t-poana pall Beit Lard, BOc; 10 poDds....l.O0 1 eoand Bnrsl Basing Pawor eoe 1 pnand Brbllllns's Btklns Powder S3 1 sack good bard wheat Floor 11.00 Solid parked Tomatoes, per doses ...... SAe I-euae bottle Vanilla Kitraet ............ 1W lttnpe bottle Lemo Eltrirt ' 10c Tan .La-Foot Flypaper, 8 sheets for ...... oe Good Jars Coffe. 10c par poaBd, I pouads. V Good KnslUb Breakfast Ta Kw 1 poand Clnspowder Tee ., 2.V Haes Bros.' CaUnp. I bottle So 1 packsg Cora starch 6 ftpotck Oats in Best Java and Mora Coffee, per pound .. Se 1-ponod can Baked beans ft 8-noand eia Bakad Bess.... ...... ....... 10 Postam ...-i.rri-.............. ....,.'.'. S1" Good Bacoa IS Flf Prune Cereal - ne Beet Haras, per poand 1t White ssd Tellow Cora Heal. 10-lb sack.. Beat Bafo snd Tapioca, 10 posnds 36 1 poand best Cocoanut . Id Bottls Bloelns 6 I cans Orefon Orap Cream ,.M gnc t earn Primrose Cream IB Fence Table Sttop, per gslloa SOc Ollee Oil, qnart bottle 40 Large box Macaroni ft. I pints Cream See Central Marftet HONEST GOODS AT HON EST PRICES ; I And everything to be had in the Meat line, Poultry, (jame, ish and Oysters. Good - thinps the family love to eat. Phone in your order. ;j , KINDORF BROS. 130 Grand Ave. Phone East 412. Still We Lead Standard of the City Indorsed By AH Our ; Customers.-. Fine Roasts, Poultry, Game, Oys ters and Fish fresh every day. In fact your wants supplied with anything in the meat line. Charles Hacker 89 Grand Ave. Phone East 69 M "Cents Pound 10-lb. pall Lard. No. 1 Quality .-..fl. 10 1 lb. Llptons Tea ....05f MEATS! MEATS! Prim Roasts 9 Boiling Beef ....... ,44 Pot Roast S4 i lbs. Hamburger Steak 15) I lb.. Loo Sausag X.5c Mutton Legs 1,.... ........ 9 Plcnlo Hams ..................... .8 Cot tig Hams ..v.....9 MOST DELICIOUS P1ES,TS AND COOKIES. - i ' Try our Fancy Blond MOCHA flnd JAVA COFFEE , s rotnrss tom sum.- Call up MslnlHt' Prompt . . , , dellTerjr. -. , ; Best Oregon; V; Creamery Butter 60c Per Roll Concord Grapes 20 Basket Enterprise Creamery Co. 127 FIRST STREET ' ; Between Wash, and Alder ' Red Star Market Has the name and reputation for cleanliness, and it's a' matter of personal "pride with us to have every order first class in every particular. l: : v- ' '' L. A. RIEMANN, Jr. 243 North Seventeenth Street Phone Hood 578. ' ' I oir 1 STATE MARKET bStlll, Hami Go ',. at 8 Ctnti Bacon. IV. .. . .. .10 and 12 Corned Beef, lb. ...... ..V. . .4 One Special Article Every Satur day at Reduced Price. 221 First St., Cor. Salmon Czizczzzct to A. J. Fcrmtr wrjuiiu aits MAb cioois. m, SSS aaS sss TkltC Ow.aTaTnoa r L Prlos quoted below will saf you at - j- j s per cam; ' Beat Dry Granulated Can Surer' 100-lb. aack ,.1S II Iba. Beet . pry. Granulated Cane Sugar ; . .,' . 11.08 Beet Dry Granulated Sugar, sack., S. oo 1-16. can Royal Baking Powder. 4. .. 40o 1-lb. can Sohllllnga' Baking Powder.. loo 1-1D. DKB. Ann and Hammer Hoda. . . ia Sbradded Wheat Blsoult, pr pkg.,..10o t ids. eiean whit Rlc ,,,isa . II bar Royal Savon Soap .., 16o Hard Wheat Flour, per sack.. . . .. .11.00 Best Eastern Hams, par pound... i.l4o Plcnlo Kama, par pound lo Bhredded.Coooanut, per pound. .... .l&o l-lb. pall best Lard.., too iw-id pan pt utra 10-lb. pall beat Lard Beat Soft Wheat Via ird ,.11.00 r.rd ........ V.... . 11.10 Flour, per sack.. 11.00 Java and Mocha CoaTea (reaular I6. per pouna t lbs. broken Java and Mocha (equal to JOe)....., ...IS l eans Primrose Cream. ........... .Ho Tlaer Cream' (reeular lOe). ner can., la English Breakfaat Tea (reg. 26c). In. ISo Pine Gunpowder Tea (special), lb... ISo Scotch Oats, nor oka. .10 w nan Tar Soap, I bar lox ' Pel NaDhtha Hnan. Mr bar ... fia Postum Cereal, per pkg. .......... .I0o . Soda Crackera, 10-lb, bos. .. 00 ; ajan Bteriiisd Bait (Bbaser xop. per pacaag ...................... so . Ilitchen Drand 1 Parlor Match (1,(01 to pkg.), par dosen .To Lenox Brand Parlor Matches tlOO to ooz), per aosen ....... w., ...... .iao Rast Bid ' deliveries Tudavs and Friday. Woodlawn. North Albina and Pteximont, wdndays. raora acAXJr 403. ' ' 1. xrsmss. FRIEDMAN PACKING COMPANY Great Offering: W offer tomorrow ail meata at spe cial prices price to ault th. taste. Look at th prices and be convinced that you ar getting th best th market afford: . '; , , . - W quot a few prices, others In pro portion: ; -.' Boii Beef .... i,. ..,...;....... ,.;.4 Pot Roast ....................... ..5 Corn Beef , ft Rolled Roaat Beef , Ham Steak. I Iba ........15e Lamb Chops, I Iba. for..;. Pork Sausage, I' Iba. for:. Plain Steak. I Iba. for..... ,...25e ,...25e ......3 Breakfast Bacon ......... Lamb Stew Telephone Orders "Promptly Attended to. ' AU Oooda Delivered rr Ss Any ' ' ; Fart af th Otty.. '.. 1 raxoara KAiir 111. com. 1st Ajrs ooivuanza. BUTTER! BUTTER! ;-, wiouuu ajtb mmtaxu .:. . Oregon Creamery Butter 515c, 30c and &c On sack good Hard Wheat Flour,. fi.00 I pounds Seedless Raisin... ...... .8 Beet cleaned Currants, lb. ......... .104 Tomatoes, standards, t cans,. IS 1 can Bakad beana..... 5 Two l-lb. cana Hominy S8e) I can Corn. Peas or Btrlng Beans... S60 1 pkg. Postum or Fig Prun Cereal.. SOe Good Salmon. I rana ,..,.18 Toraatoea, Solid Pack 10 two l-lb pkga Gold Duet as 1 One l-lb. pkg. Armour's Washing ; Powder , ...IS Fels-Naptha Sosp 11 bars Royal Savon Soap. ...... r. .So I bar Babr Elephant Soap.,.. ......03 Nice dates lOo lb.; I lbs...,..., So . .v. ,iumj ................ 10-lb. pall pur iJird.,., ...S1.00 , v-iu, pan pure utrQtl 1 cans Primroe Cream Is 1 id. Kngnan Kreakraat Ta 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. ............. ..So Millar' Naptha Soap ....a Full 'line Flaerus Bros.' Mustard."' Cat sup, Chill Sauc. Mangoes, . etc. , Townsend Van Schoonhoven ior ram st. raosra Btanr lass. -Baa Sid Delivery TneMlay aad Frtaay. Jacob Rassi's Market Is where all economical house wives go for their good Sunday II dinners. A goo4 Roast of - Beef, II Pork, Lamb or Veal . is' always ?ood. A fresh dressed Chicken is, good. Try, me. Thone us your order. ; ; ''.''.'..' i'.'- 295 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. Corner Pettygrove St. Phone Main . BUTTER! BUTTER! '.' ,'.!'.; .'a . Our- -Otheri' ' ; ' '-: '.' .'" , Prices. " Prlcee, Beet creamery ........ .55c-l0o (te-70o Iialry butter . ......... 40c-46o . - Egg ..'. V.... I dos. 4lo , Ranoh egg ...lOo - ' Best sugar-cured hams., ,,,14o . . j Breakfast bacon ,...15o Ho Beat of tea. lb. ............ . too tOe-TIo Iard, l-lb. pail ....... .4lo-6lo tlo-IKo Chlekec ................IS Bprlag 7hMXas iso AU goods retailed at wholes! prices. La Grande Creamery V 264 Yamhill St. Good Reasons Why You Should Trada at. Cowan's Market You Get Bvarrthlnc Nice. ROAST BEEF ......... .....NICE Vtt.Tr" LAMB. CHOPS PORK CHOPS........ v.NICE POULTRY ...... . ...... ... N ICE FISH .v .NICE OYSTERS ......NICE STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. ..NICE v'v TRY US. 273 East Morrison, Near Union.' ' Fhone East 147. wasi siec. i. i .. I