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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
m eg H p. n r w - - : i i i 7 i .... i .. . "A THIRD AIND BURNG1DE OTREETO EJ AJ ICThe Hub's Great Dozen and a Half Sale offers the best mqney-savins .MA 9 - chance of the season An un- ah d mot d.-1 . . t . ; , I tabic kind. A, mnsnctlo and tmptlns tlmo I matrnan rnisn av nr mx miik iiverams ana iwwnfttM at lino iin7Pn ann a Ha r un ars. to buyyour Paiiand winter dotm , , . ... - ...' . . . VISITORS- AND HOIE Is a Dozen and a Half Less Than 13? s:jG era OS USfiT 10 A I w m . . at A dozen and a half dollars buys the O choice of more than one thousand Fall styles of Sui single and double y kind that win when seen. Worsteds, Serges, Cheviots, Tweeds, K- Meltons; etc., worth up to $18.00 w tVilrfv RtvlQ JU For choice of two hundred styles of $10.00 and $12.00 Suits, Worsteds, Cheviots, Cas-' I simeres eta : Black, blue, gray .and fancy mixtures. They are real bargains- the Don't ever believe yem can surpass for quality and elegance the $17.50, $20.00, $20, $.oo ana $30.oot Suits sold by The Hub ' ::r'-: Ti , 7.1 1 - 1 0 A J The Dozen and a Half Overcoat Problem HERE' IT IS! I 2 Does up to $18.00 worth of buying in our Great Fall and Winter Overcoats and Cravenette stock, Box, Opera,' three-quarter length and full length Belt Overcoats and Cravenettes. There are colors,style and sizes to fit any mind or body to 50 bust - g , For $10 and $12 FaU and Winter Over- coats and Cravenettes, black, blue, gray, coverts, etc. Silk, Serge or Italian lined, : knee or long belt styles. A- grand selec tion of fashionable and reliable materials. OS C-Smt CO m ' Our $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 Over coats consist of Paletots, Operas, Box and Belt styles, in highest class materials, workmanship and styles A An American Crown TH Hat 'yjflL- EST or cce of 30 styles and Vdl colors, in soft and stiff Hats, black, brown, tan, pearl, etc. The qualities and styles you see around town up to $4 are in this special. ,- , .. ' It Is 3 to 3 in Your. Favor 984 f For Corduroy, Jeans, etc., $1.50 Pants. For choice of upward of 1,000 pairs of fine Worsteds and All Wool Cassimeres, Chev iots,; Serges, Clays, etc., worth to $5.00. 91.95 "For choice of . 500 pairs all kinds $3 Pants. 91.45 For 12 styles extra good $2.00 V Pants. . T ; There i a time for everything. This is shoe time. fft3 ijO We can't save you $2.00. but we will save yoa from "t 85c to $1.35 on any other store's prices on earth. Thibbett's and other $4.00 and $5.00 shoes in fall's choicest and best offerings. ?-.- ' 59c Rubber Goods For Best Quality Men's Rubbers. $7 05 Fr Best Qual- Cl QC For Best QuiU VyVity, knee length, Vity Hip $6 Rub $4.00 Rubber Boots, ber Boots. A Umbrellas .'30t ! For best quality 50c ' Umbrellas. .1 . For extra good natural handles $1.00 Umbrellas. 984 For metal trimmed na Vtural handles $1.50 Um-brellaK;-I ; . ' ' vv-'i f 1.48 For extra quality real r , fine $2.00 Umbrellas. ' f 1.08 For Gloria select nan dies $2.50- Umbrellas. ,4 248 ' For " non-breakable I Gloria $3 50 Umbrellas, f 3.00, f 3.50, f 4.00 and f S.OO are all a p e e i a 1 f- values, - . . v - r fV Shirts 3 For 50c Black and Fancy Working Shirts. 80e For Madras and Penang '. Golf or Negligee Shirts. 49 For 75c qualities all 5 kinds of Shirts. 6&V For latest style Shirts of all kinds. - r For , Penang, Satine, Madras and Wool $1.50 Shirts. , ; 131.30 Sample Oregon Mills $2.00 Wool Shirts, ; 1.60 For samples Oregon Mills $150 Wool Shirts. 32.39 For Oregon Mills , Wool Shirts worth rto $3.50. .--.., Men's Furnishings . This depsxtment will offer more genuine money-saving opportunities - than has ever been your good fortune to see in the . history of any one store in the city. , . .'.',. Sox 60 Will buy real Maco Black 10c Sox. . ... . ;' : 8e Will buy extra quality tan 15c Sox. , . . - y,4 Will buy 20c Merino or Cotton -Sox. n-v 19 Will buv 35c Merino, Wool or Cotton Sox. . ' 35 Buys Wool, Balbriggafl, Lisle or Merino 50c Sox. . Suspenders 12 For best quality 20c Suspenders. : ,.. 19 For Police and PresU ' dent style 35c Suspen- . ders. - ". '. 39 For Police, Sandow and French Web , 50c Suspenders. r Handkerchiefs 5 For 10c White or Red and Blue Bandana Handkerchiefs. .. 10-3 for 25 All kinds of 1 5c : Handkerchiefs, f , 12e For extra quality plain or fancy. 20c .Handkerchiefs. 20e For plain or fancy 35c Hand kerchiefs. i " 25f ' For Irish 2100 Pure Linen 40c Handkerchiefs. , Underwear Tqe moat extensive display of Cot ton, Merino and All Wool in fall and winter weights to be seen in this city. SOeVFor plsin weive half wool 50c .' Underwear. -.'. ..f;.-. 49e For fleece, Derby rib, Jersey top and Merino, 75c value. 69 For 10 styles of $1.00 Underwear. 98 For Derby rib and wool fleece . $1.50 value. . , ,. ' . f 1.89' For extra quality Silk Mixed - Balbriggan and Wool, $175 and $2.00 .value. . . . 31.98 'For choice of - eight styles . regular $2.50 value. 32.39 For 4 styles imp. Balbriggan $3.00 Underwear. Gloves 19 For regular 30c Muleskin or W00L 29e For regular 40c heavy or medium. ', ' 39 For , 50c and - 6Sc Gloves of all kinds. 49 For 75c qualities Corsan- Gloves. B94 Extra 1 quality Hog r akin or Semi-Dress ;" Gloves. ';. ; , ? T'':,',. 89 For Buck, Saranac, etc., $15 Gloves. : 1 nODERH APARTMENT HOUSE 1 III FILL I'M . ... 1 1 hi - - , - Edgar W.Xazarus Ssyt Thers.ii Muhr Demand for Such ' a Building at H Is Erecting. Edirar M. Lasarus has oommeneM cavHtlhc for Hhe brick bulldlnf which. Is ' to b rcted by hlmaalf and Paul Van Fridach at the corner of Waahlnftoit and Fourtnth straats. The building . will be three, atorfta hlh en Waahlns ton, but practically four en Fourteenth, and will have 111 rooma and five atorea. with dtnlnsr-room, kitchen knd ncea aarr service rooma. ' The upper floors are to be used aa an apartment houaa, but will ba no constructed that ther mar be arranged for. offices should buaineas require auch a chance.' The order of . treatment wilt be modern French, giving to the building- two sightly facades. The ground plan will be 100 square. "We Irjtend to build a thoroughly mod- CASTOR I A lor Iairuxti suid Clilirea, . Til Klnl Yea Ksn Aln C::;tt Blatnr of ff&Z&U em apartment' houaa, said Mr. Laaarus thla morning. "It will be among the beat, for Its else, and will baf Inlahed aa quickly as poaalble. The prbperty Will be let' to one tenant, who la well Informed In the management of apart ment houses. This type of a building seams to be In keen demand here, end will no doubt prove popular with th public of Portland. There la eager In quiry regarding It by people who hare given modern apartment houses , a thought." . ' Building permits have been Issued to J. U Carson, two dwellings at corner of Hawthorne avenue and Eeet Fortieth street, each to coat 11.008; C. I Lynn, dwelling on Sumner street, Watton addi tion. 1240; Swedish Lutheran church, basement for church building at corner of Irving and Nineteenth streets. I1.00; Joseph Bequest, laundry at corner ef East oak and East Sixth streets, 11.000; C Peddlcprd, dwelling' at corner of Ste phena and Eaat Eighth streets, 11.400: U E. Afkley, dwelling on York street between Kat Twenty-third and Baal Twenty-fourth streets, 11,000. Repair permits have been Issued to Fred T.' Merrill, store at corner of Sev enth and Oak atreeta. 11,100; 3. O. Ste phens, dwelling at Its Michigan avenue. (Special TMtaetcb te Te Jnaraet) .Pendleton, Orn Oct. 11. Mayor Mat lock has announced the appointment ef J. T.. Hlnkle and Robert Forster aa city eounctimen to nil tne vecanciee exist Ing on the board of aldermen. The former te from the fourth ward and will All the chair vacated by former Council- man W. J. Bewail, and the latter, who le front' the first wsrd, will tske the piece vacated by former Councilman Welter Wells. ... , r ?')- vp. ,.! . TELEPHOnE COMPANY WILL HOT SHOW ITS HAND Attorney Says Rival Corporation Would Attempt to Throw Ob " stactet in Way. ; ' The Home Telephone oompany . may be aaked by the city executive board to file complete plana of Ita proposed telephone lines and underground conduit system with the city auditor. At the meeting of the committee yes terday afternoon. Attorney A. Kin Wilson, representing the company, said that It might bring embarrassmant to tha "company te be forced te submit detailed plana of He construction work. aa all the plans would then be exposed to eompetltore and many obstacles would be thrown In the way of the new company. ' , .; . , Thla is not a contract between you and the executive board. It le acontract between ' your company and the people who voted the franchise to you," said the mayor, "and all we ean do In this matter la to eee that the terms of the eontract are earned out." It developed at the meeting that the Paelflo Statea Telephone dt Telegraph company and the Home Telephone. com pany were attempting to outde. each ether In their construction work, espe cially In regard to the location and height of poles. On Lerejoy etreet where one company erected poles the mat eompaay jmmeaieieiy souowea with its lines and placed them four feet higher, . The board may order the height of all telephone poles to be the eame. The queetlon regarding the filing of plana wee referred - to the executive board. and the committee requested At torney Wilson to be present at the neat meeting and explain the situation. FINAL PROGRAMS OF ELLERY'S BAND , The musical program by Ellery's band at the ralr tomorrow will be aa follows: 'Afternoon "March, "King Cotton" (Sousa); overture, "Light Cavalry" (Suppe): "Love'o Dream After the Ball" (Cabnlka): "Medley In F," paraphrase (Rubenstetn)s , "Bongs - 0f Scotland" (Godfrey), solos by Slgnorl peMitrls, Rlso, . Dec lino, Covone and-"Carancl; march, "Cleopatra" (Manolnelll): "Prince of Pllsen." selection (Luders), solo by Signer Palma; "Dance ef the Demon" (Hoist);.. "La Travlata." flnale Act I (Verdi), solos by Slgnorl Palm and Lioraonte. , Evening March, "KUery Band' (Fa rullo); overture, "William Tall" (Ros sini); clarinet solo, "Adagio and Taran tella" tCavallinl), Signor Declroo; av. alleria Ruatlcana." intermesso (Mae eagnl): "II Trovatore," grand selection (Verdi), solos by Slgnorl Palme,.- Lo rn on te and Rlso; "Invitation to the Dance" (Von Weber) i "La Boheme." grand finale Act t ' (Puccini), Slgnorl Palme,- DeMitrle, Lomonte end Rlso; "Love In Idleness" (Macbeth), eaden- sae by signor Dedmo; 'Xarmen," grand fantaale (Blset), solos by Slgnorl Palraa, Lomonte, Rlso and Raho. Final program at 11 p. ra. March, "Symphonic" (Orlando); overture. -zampa- (iieroidii "itanon LescauL Intermesso (Puccini); "Slavic Dance" (Dvorak) i sextet from "Lucia dl Lam- mermoor" (Donisettl), Slgnorl Palms, Flantamura, Lomonte, Rlso, Basils and Puttlfarro; "Auld Lang Syne." TELL YOUR FRIENDS t the Seat About low Oolomlst Bates r tke Vmloa Pasifle. Until October II very low ratee ere In effect from the east and middle weat to the Paelflo northweat via the Vrion Pa cific. Oregon Short Line and" Oregon Railroad St Navigation company. Ask or write your nearest O. R. N. agent for particulars, and tell your frlende of the rare opportunity te visit this sec tion. STATE REFUSES PAY TO ARCHITECT OF NORMALS i- ; .;. (8Dedel Mesateh to Tfca Jnorul.) Helena, Mont.. Oct. ll. Btate Treas urer J. H. Rice has refused the payment of .a tL,109 voucher against the State Normal school fund, -presented by C. 8. Hairs, the Helena architect, she Bra- pared the plena -for the buildings now being erected at Dillon. The treasurer based his action on Attorney-Oenerel Oalen'e recent opinion declaring Illegal the several bond laauee of the atate educational Institutions. It Is expected that mandamus proceed I nga will be In stltuted eoon to compel payrt. and thue-let the supreme eourt a .ir ' t the queetlon. Soecia Auction Tomnrrov ft THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY IN A LIFETIME ft TO FURNISH YOUR HOME WITH Oriental Gbods of h Jlarcst QuaHty We'll sell to the highest bidder, without reserve, all kind of Sattuma, Cloisonne, Silk Embroideriea, Bronze -and Ivories. : Large stock on hand from the fair exhibits. v Takie! Advantage of This Oppcrtcnllyl - We are" also agents for the Society of Japanese Art Ad mirers. In order to get rid of the exhibits at the fair, a society has been formed, Certificates of .membership in society for sale at this store. . Souvenir card free. i Can't be perfect health' v Mood. Burdock Blood T pure blood. Tonee and I... C r f- 1 .V