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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
. . ' ' rf , - .rf . , 'V- r i -.' -- ; - - - " -. ' . - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, CCTOSZn i:. 13 u : OUEGOtJ TIES WITH M STOPS GHL1E GREEN FALLS I0T0 FOOTLIGHTS III THE SECOOD" Coach-ShortV Men ? From Eu. After Oakland CrackfOut Four . Hits and Four Runa, the - Rough Work of Sailor :Kelly . Sends Chicago Lad : Down -Among Incandescent. . ' ' sasSaasjsasasaBBaBas-eB : - , BUD SMITH CALLS THE V , . CONTEST .A DRAW gene Show Berkeley a Few rff-Trick', in Football. M 1, Rain Pours Down. :j u MULLEN AND FRIESELL FERRY WAS BATTED FAR BY OAKLAND BATSMEN Crf MAKE FINE. SHQVyiNG .' . With but a Few Practice! the Web- "Doc" M6skiman , Contributed ' a Slashing Home Run. but It Went for Naught, as the Cods Were Good to the Giants Tha Score. , : . Preliminaries Were Fast and Inter eating, "the Second One. Resulting ; I footer! Manage to Hold Down the Seasoned Warrior Who Are Play in Sullivan's Knockout 'by "Kid" A ing lnder Coach Knibb'a Direction. - Hattan Large Crowd Present; rfCMORl rfrf;rf-.rf rf' V (fcswaal BpecUl twne.V.. '.' . ' Berkeley. Cat. tx-t. It. Onre more an 'Oregon eleven invaded the claaale pre- cWta, , where rears the I'nlverstty of ' rvtifnrni in all of lta a'tstellneaa, and played a tie match with tha unlveraitya '' strong team sending chagrin and disap pointment Into tha hearU of- tha blue r and gold rosters. A .week ago,' nearly. ' tha .Willamette team of 8alem played, a . " tie lima With Berkeley nd on tha heela ,',of that match to have another Oregon , eleven tie Berkeleyrla a source of con alderable satisfaction to .tha . followers of the pigskin In Oregon. '' ' . T-v. - XLAk-Mir f.llnvi itnnc bv the ' effective manner. In which 'Willamette ' brld them' down laatweek. mad a .de termined effort to croea the vial tors.' ; coal aide, but 'could not awoogipllBh the '"trick. Moo res of Oregon played a bril liant frame, training- almoat every -time ha. carried the bail.' Toward tha close .': .of the second half Moores came near giving the BerkeleVHea heart failure by skipping: around their left end for SI yards, -Sparry being the only man "be tween tim and, a touchdown. ,Prleaell. I whd played leu half for Oregon, proved f a great battering ram. and every time ha hit the California Una groans were ! "heart. !. "' if .:' '-' ' "" i : Oregon's work Improved In the second half, teamwork being more in evidence. . Mullen tried for a place kick toward "the close of the game, but, missed it by : a narrow margin. The game waa called With the ball: In the center of, the field tit Oregon's possess ion.-- The teams lined upas follows:' , '.,4 ..-!,-. 'v California. . - Position. , . Oregon. Coogan r.I K. R. Chandler Force Capt);..L. T. R. ,,....... .Earl Stern.... L. O. R. . . . ...M cKlnney ' j' Haffey .......... .C, ... .Hugh Spencer, , Grace. Foster. '..R, Q, L. ....... .Mullen : Richardson and . - . , ; - .i Stowe-. rf...R- T. Ii... .Arnapiger - Elliott R. E. L.........Moorea . Whitman ..Q. La touretta (Capt) . Oolcher. 1 .L, 11. K,.. ., . .Frleaell . 8nedlgar......R, H. L.....Templeton 8perrr .......... ..F Kerron r Umpire Pete Smith. ' . Refree Ueutenant T. W. Hammond. The Oregon men will witness . the .Stanford-Berkeley freshman, game to , morrow at Palo Alto; and' on Tuesday Oregon wli; tackle the Stanford varsity. jkAUiAN WILL PHILADELPHIA O'BRIEN Oakland 4, Portland ' One and one half 'Innings. - v . ' " ' Batterlea tberg and . Byrnes; Ferry and McLean. ' ' "i : . V. .' Some of these dark yet glorioua au tumn-tinted daya the 'Portland ball team will actualseflnlah a game at Recrea tion park, and then, and Hot until then. will the local fana be happy and content to puss away. The muddy scene In which many, a noble battle has beet fought resembled a "slough of despond" yesterday, and aa "Walt" remarked as ha pasaed by his "uncle's" private box. Thua far did I come laden -with my sins, but since gaslng upon your gentle countenance (meaning bta uncle's) I feel that, all will be well, as no matter whether wind blowa, sephyrs - waft. leaves fall or rain drops, you are Just the aame to me, and why should' the world csreT". ' ''.,"" The gods were exceedingly gracloua to Portland yesterday, for as soon aa Moaktman knocked a home run, making four In the first inning, the floodgates of heaven opened and the rain fell in torrents,- ending What looked aa If It were ' going to ' be an. uneven contest Here la the fragment of tha score, offi cial and otherwlae: , , . , . . . . PORTIiAKD. , ' k AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 10 1 1 0 . 0 TIs all very well to be pleasant. At a. as. Van Buren, If........." 1 0 Mitchell, lb. 10 9 t BchlaKy, 2b. I 9 1 Mcl-ean, c. .......... 1 1 McHale, cf. s,... . U U AAA Catea, rf. ............ 0 0 0 rerrxa p. v u ,v Totals t I 5 r. , OAKLAND. V " ' :- - i. -y- ' a r tt. tt tv van Haitran, cr. i x 1 o TM.aMa.. t Krunr. rf. DunTtMTy If. ...... .a 1 Mokima, lb. 1 AUX U. e e a A rimaA n w el . 1 Kictiaras. 3D. .....,. i o.i Rvrnaa -at 1 ' f s Iberg. p. i e i a ! a 1 11 1 1 a , o e . t e i - e 7 -"I A.B. 0 a ' a Totals. . .... t 4 4 i V fjearaal Ipedal Ssrrlca.) f1 Ban Francisco; Oct. -1J. -Billy "De laoey rausj really and truly hink that in Al ; KauRman he has a champion. He, haa signed for the, doughty ex Olympian an agreement to go 20 rounds with .Philadelphia" Jack O'Brien . at Woodward'a. under the auspices of Aleck Oreggalns, en October 2T. f- The- youngster and the experienced iQuakertown box'er . will encounter at catch weight - . ; - , ' . i Kauffman at ''present la In Los An geles, but 'as soon aa articles were ar ranged he wired his charge to come tip from the south and go into training. Delaney. arm install his man' In the Croll gymnasium at Alameda .' . O'Brien aaid he thought he would go threuejh-ths conditioning process ' at 8heenan's On' the Cliff House beach. i There was little of the usual bother snd fusa over making the match. De laney announced tie- was ready to take pen In hand and O'Brien aaid "Me, too." There . was some ' dlsouaslon about bualnesa arrangements and. an under-ataadlng- was reached that the 'referee .la to be named seven daya ahead of the jbattle. : .i ; . ,y; - -, ; .. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. CLt'BS. Oaklsml ! Us A .(.in ., : Sas Trasetsee . , S-.ttie , ' ! Pnrtlasa , TseoDis ...... tVt , 1 2 4 11 10 I ( .;iwiM;si2g8i 61 .10 to 4 T s S .679 .BOS .4M ", i Teotbail at Pores Orove. '. . :- pci.l tpatck to Tb. Joan..!.) : Porent Grove. Or., Oct. 1 The first gridiron scrimmage of the year will be seen hers tomorrow wh-n the Hill Mili tary academy eleven wIlL be pitted , against the 'varsity. Two out when -game waa called. ' ' SCORE BT INNINGS. Oakland , . .....................4 Hita ..i .,.,.4 Portland .. .0 Hita.. ............I I V--: SCMMART. '. Ftruck oat Br Ferry. I. Home run Moskiman. Left on bases Portland, t. .Passed ball McLean. Wild pitch Ferry. Time of game Thirty minUtea Umpire Rankin. " ' : .'"'Tie thus at tos Angelas.. ' 9 (loorsal IpeeUI !ervlce. ' Los Angeles, Oct IS. A 10-lnnlng match," to ,. waa .etopped on account of darkneas yeaterday. Tha Tigers scored four runs In the eighth, tlelng the score. "Baum and Emerson pitched splendid ball. The. score: ' 1 ' R ' H, E. Los Angeles...tOO14 1W V 1 Tacoma 0 0 1 1 4 ( 14 1 Batterlea Nagle, Baum and Eager; Emerson and Hogan. Umpire Perrlna Wlldaese Costs a'aaxaa, '. (Jonraal Sperui arrloe.) ' San Francisco. Oct. It. The Seals won out again In the last Inning -yesterday, when Jones and C Hall became wild and sent seven men to first on balls, allowing four men to cross the Plata ,The score; ' ' ,. ' . ' 1 R. H. B. Seattle . ." 0210 0 I jo 2 San Francisco , .9 0 0 0 0 4 4 1 Batteries Jones, Hall and Frary; Hltt and Wilson. Umpire Davis. ., ) - CORVAUIS STUDENTS r V FILLED WITH H0P.E (SpMlal Dl.patph to The Jfraraal.) ,' -CorvalliaT. Or., . Oct 12. Out on., the O. A. C football Held these nights the first team m hard at work practicing for the game of football tomorrow with Whit worth college of Tacoma, Wash ington. - Jhe practice on the local field now Is on algnal and formation work, with occasional line bucking with the second team. The O. A. C. schedule is full, snd besides the game on O. A. C. field tomorrow with Whltworth.' the fol lowing gamea are to be played by th local eleven this season t October. 21, at Corvallis, .Washington State college of Pullman; October 28, at Berkeley, University of' Cal tfornta 'November 'II, at Eugene, university of Oregon; Nov ember 24, at Corvallis, Willamette unl verslty; Thanksgiving day. November 20, at Seattle, University of Washing ton; December 9, the Multnomah Ath letio club, at Portland. . . But the man worth while,..-. Is the man who can amlla ' ' : When he gets a kick, In the vest. Tha fa what Dick' Greensaid last night at Vancouver when "Sailor" Kelly, after hitting, elbowing 'And wreatllng with him for II rounds, gave him a bump In the abdomei7 and Incidentally pushed him out ot Am ring and down among the footlights. The footlights were -Very appropriate,- aa the feet ef the boxers ware very, often mixed tip with v them. After thruetlng- Green through th pat riot lo ropes, Kelly was sent to Ms corner by "Bud" 8mlth and the fight was declared a draw. It was no more a draw than the Alblna "ferry. What Smith meant to call it was "no contest," but Inasmuch sa the mayor of LTancouver won't allow a referee to count the seconds on a nova a- wmsper, Smith became worried during the anx ious momenta'-when he' was pulling Green up out of the footlights snd yelled, "A draw." And mind you, the decision waa all right, with the excep. tion that "Bud" could have dlaquallf led Mr. Kelly several times for rough work. Green was the prettier boxer, waa faater than Kelly, and fought a-good 'fight; Kelly ruahed aa though he was engaged in a running fire battle off .Santiago and clinched Green as though he really loved, him. For a gore producer Kid Sharkey and Kid Corbett boxed ' four a draw. . Both men had more hair on their heads than the entire Multnomah football squad of last season, and that's why they only boxed a quartet.. i The only real knockout came In the second "prelim." A knockout was due and It came In the correct" place. Sul livan haa but one foot and a half a foot and Kid Hatten haa only eight fingers, yet they skirmished well." ' Hatten showed a bend that- would put the Grecian stoop to blush, and Sullivan dlaplayed great nlmbleneas in cavorting around on a foot and a half. In the fifth round, or the two minute and 20 second part of the - round, Hattefa smashed Sullivan in the Jaw and the Irishman fell to rise no more. He bumped his head pretty bard when he struck. ' . A good-sited crowd - witnessed , the bouts snd everybody .seemed - pleaaed with the furi. . at7 sw rrm a m w m 1 T "Xf n -, V. FT sum For Caby'o Dath. RESTORES v GRAY HAIR to Yoirtkfat Colon Had heaea tmabM ita eaadroff a Vef tlaie if. T-V"" " 50,,, Halrsslth I foaod tN eandrog re and ny balr. wbics was tw-thlMi ' 9a Waetlfr the skla. rV.nar the seals. anMT 172. " A? ?.'? r,tS4. lta pttnr. )hm hair. stf cfc.Ha,. t-.l. ass Irrttatlei. t " -' ZV!'J0,m?i'a-, ' i tke 4.11r.t. .kla pur. ana sweet, asptelally to JTll? S L.T,2 H" i'.,Loa,hJ5Le,,to, . CJinFirJA DOAP -In. pasrss wx. . Free Soap MuttifoJPVffl. SMkes .-aJlhr srslp. r-r skla aaa beaallfal balr. ., .v.. mL ,.v ' S". jTlf tfte. eskea.rflstr. Art tor Hsrfls.Soop irv aM1 'CZT n.' nlJrllT.T' 4 SalnhaaKS Tresiroeat, Te, aroamats , ana a 2e. eaks Barlna VMlAti ,-. iZTtZ a. M. I. Tele sotsiag wiumm us ras..,... ' ... i- rktet , CT. J44C&f i wX Foiiwir' 'iAisrtV'siwiT 'n.VV'n.Vlli." . .' H.rajia Soi a-SMr tw ayi JTOOSAU, CX.AK4 tt CO,, ronrtt sad Waahiagtoa, Rtsv FOLLOW ME CAPTURES THE SPOKANE DERBY v...., r. .. - - - (Jaaraat Special Strrlee.I . New Tork. Oct II. Belmont Park tace results: Mile Darkle won, Columbia Girl seel ond. Yorkshire Lad third; time. 1:40 t-i. Steeplechase, 'about two miles Del cante won. Fellaheen second. The Doctor third; time. 1:6 2-B. Five furlongs Cassandra won, Nos tromo second. Turkey Foot third; time, 1:02. ' Handicap, mile and a furlong Cedar atorme won. Merry Lark second,- Bedoula third; rime. 1:S2 1-1. Mile Red Knight won, Bryan second, Novenia third; time, lj 40. ' Mile Klamesha won, Israelite second, Monacedof third; time, 1:2 4-1. . ' . Vt Spokane. . - flpokano. Wash., Oct . It. SpoVane races: - 2:11 pace Ladyamlth won. Gold Ross second, Carlyle third; pvt time, Ijl, " Five furlongs, selling Sad Sam won, Claeela ' second, Eatella J. third; time, ve..-, v Four furlongs, selling Sir Christo pher won. Scorcher-second, Swift Queen thlrO;tlnie, 0:64. f .. .-Spokane Derby, mi 'and an eighth, purse 11.000 Follow - Me won. Salable second. Royalty third: time. !:((. . Six furlongs, selling Miss Raphael Won; 'Roeebud 'second, ' Golden Llghf third; time. ):tl. . f , Trotttaar ia Kentnoky. 1 1 " Uowrnal gDedal aervlee.l -, Lekthgton.; Ky.M Oct It. yesterday's trotung results were: J .t, 2:18 .class . trotting, unfinished from Monday, purse 21,000 The - President won third, - fourth- and fifth heats In 2:0K. 2:0K' And 2:114. Boreasells won second heat in 2:10ft. aPat T. won first heat fn 2:101,. ' ' The McDowell , 2:0. class trotting. value 13,000 A ngiola won .irst, secon and fourth heats in 1:00, 2:09 and 2:114. Red Lace won third heat in -t 1 Si .. . . ' - The Lexington, for t-year-olds. trot ting, valued at 12,000 Sflike won flrat and aecond heats and race In S:17H and 2:18.. 2:10 class trotting, purse 11,000 Gold Dust Maid won first, third and fourth heats In 2:114, 2:124 and 2:11ft. Main lend won second heat In 2:114. 2i0t class pacing, puree 21,200 Hasel Patch won first and aecond heats and race in 2:01 and 2:01ft. 2:20 claas trotting. The West, value 22,000 Albert C. won : tnree atralght heats In 2:18. 2:12ft and 2:12ft. 1:08 class pacing, first division, purse 11,000 toteln won three atralght heats in 2:07, 2:0(ft end.2:0Tft. . - 2:18 claaa pacing, purse $1,000 Oratt won three straight-heats in 2:11. 2.10 sna z:ie. POST SEASON RESULTS. At St. Ioals. fSsaaesja. R. H. B. .1 2 , 1 .1-4 2 and Grady, R. KB . .. , . i i National a , , ...... Americana ....... Batterlea McFarland Powell and Spencer. - - f At Ohleaco Americans'. ,,i , . Nationals . , t. 4 12 2 Batteries Altrnck and Urlf.rUtKl Reulbach, Brown and Kllng. Umplrea Johnstone and Connolly. , ' ' At atostosv1 , n. u w. Americans ............ , .... ,1 J 14 0 Nationals , . . . ... ...... , ,. .04 4 Batterlea Winter and Crlaer: FYaaer and Morsn., . Umolrea Kmalle and OLoughlln, , ' , -H r- .1, yV':' 1 ''.'..'... N' ':-"..'- '.'";.'!'-' , l; ." " ., ' .".'.. ' , '. ' '' ' .'-. 'J' 1 i 4 S , A ' The FIirure oti thoi Left In Our Picture Represents Last Season's Sack Suit the. t f V Vy -'"T- Yr . Other Two are Copies of 'v:f l:"vv':;:,' W . J . - J .4 i . ' ; 0m I CLOTIH1ES OF TOPAY. ' -. . ' ' . . . a v- . i WN-V.Ttnr TIT ftTTT rT? CVXrV T9 m..a i j?;,'t:: f, A SnOWtl in OUT unnVaiea rau line awii a jde wu a ur o iuo wuai yuu cue iiivi c iusui ; " V 1 weJcome to select here from the grandest stock of ready-for-service -' ' aJsLJ 1 1 aJJ. W Y JLilXWri l iwJ V. 1 Xm M-.A.' - ; IN THE "OREGON COUNTRY PRICED AT IWV-mk. l aV p -- OS- &f : Third St. iB eiritien Stark Oah j w J.J, .... ..." sin $20,000 Worth of Paints and Varnishes PACKAGES SOILED AND LABELS INJURED BT WATER AND SMOKE . In the Big Fire in' Our Store on October 6th . y HAVE BEEN REMOVED TO OUR NEW LOCATION, ' 145 First St. 'M and are now OFFERED FOR BALE AT A FRACTION OF THE ORIGI NAL COST OF MANUFACTURE. These paints and varnlshea. for all practical purpoaea, are little injured, yet. could not be sold to the trade to be retailed out again on account of the appearance of the packages, 'which so plainly evidence having passed through the' conflagration. ; HERE 18 A MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITY . TO SECURE - PAINTS '. . AND VARNISHES AT VERT LITTLE PRICES. : : . , ... The Timms Su Cress Co. SPORTING GOSSIP. For" the past three years a Portland young man has been chosen to lead the Stanford freshmen In the annual game with Berkeley. This year the honor haa fallen to John Holraan, formerly of the Hill military academy. Holman will play quarterback in the Intercollegiate tomorrow. . - . - - . ; a e . The second team of.plgskln kickera at the University of Oregon have elected "Billy" Woods to the position of cap tain for the coming year, and he la now busy arranging work and helping pre pare a schedule for gamea Mr.. Woods Is a member of the '08 class and balls from Astoria. - - ' The result of the football game at Berkeley yeaterday afternoon -between the California university and the Ore gon eleven waa received with great glee by the students at the Oregon instltu tion. for whlls they all had great faith In their team, yet It was with soms feeling- that the southern university would at least' score once on the northerners, during . the game. The result is more than satisfactory, and now football en thusiasts are. looking forward for the team to win from Stanford . on next Tuesday. CalStaln W. I. Fisher of Vernon county Is having things happen-to him nowa days. The other day a mouse ran up the earptaln's trouser leg," and in the aft ernoon of the same day a snake bit him ten miles from liquor Southwest (Mo.) Mall. , ,. , ... . . e e -,r How to make a .chimney: The' prin cipal thing about a chimney la the flue, or, .to apeak more strictly, the principal thing about the flue Is the chimney,- No chimney will ever work unless It has a flue in it.' . The flue, of course, is used for the transmission of the smoke, wMch, by the velocity of Its own ex uberance, propels--Itself - through the paasage of the chimney--(1. e the flue), from the narrow confines where if was generated by combuatlon, and Into the outer air, where it la absorbed in tha vaat fields of atmosphere. Henoe the Importance of the flue la easily appar ent. -The flrat thing to find la a hole In the alr. " Put bricks around' It and you have a flue. ' The walled-up hole, creat ing the flue, makes the chimney, so that really' you have nothing to do. , CORVALLIS TO BEGIN rf . ON NEW WATER SYSTEM v (gpertal pupates- to The Joornal.) . Corvallis, Or., Oct It. At a meeting held la at night tha committee appointed to straighten up the. bids that had been aubmltted for both material ' and con struction of the mountain water ayatam for Corvallis made lta report The con tract for wood pipe for the system waa awarded to the Washington Wood Pipe at Foundry company of Seattle; contract for tha required amount of steel pipe and hydrants was ' given to the - Crane company, and W. H. Mitchell of Seattle secured the contract for the construc tion work, all of which Is to be done, however, under the supervision of En gineer O. N. Miller, Allowing for M.f00 expense on tbe clearing and aecurlng of the right of way, the estimate' for the wood pipe system for qorvallls 'Is approximately $71,000. If steel pipe Is used for ths distribution throughout the city the system will cost about 184,800, , Preferred Stock Oanned Ooeds. Allan Lewis' Best Brand, v - 1 - rf; rfrf;.v II I II! ""Hi S!"";"..n - -!inil ii!!!!!:!::M,iHui!rs:lri;,;ii'i!p ";;!!IHiiimm5I?; IIIM" "V.K7, "I i.lf '!:; : : ill"' Ji - W H mi1- IIIUIMI iiKi't'i'iiii i''iEW C il "'hi Continuous Advance ' in Prices And the plethoric prosperity make DIAMONDS "'the safest of ill investments you -stmply can't. Jose, they will increase in value while you nave the ;! pleasure of wearing them. Buy them from us on- Easy . Payments ; ; ...... f J . ; , . . , Pay for them a Tittle each week or month, you , more than were you to pay casn, sna, est' than at anv iewelrv. store in the city. " We give you possession when making nrst payment.. -J" lliil;l:i' MarkBloch . . -. ". . .. .rr- 'ArW4r Nmar Oak PENDLETON INDIGNANT rf ." OVER STATE CENSUS ; Pendleton, Or., Oct. '18. There s a great deal of Indignation over the re sult of ths atate census-recently com pleted by the ssseaaor, ' which ahowa there ars 18.088 people in Umatilla county. Just 84 more than there were Ave years ago by. the federal eensus. Although the city and country . have Several thousand more people than .they had at that time. . J -, Assessor Strain (Ways that doubtless some wero'loet-from the fact that ths V-' - ', count had to be mads In precincts and ha also believes that in many Instances . parties ' holding homesteads refused to be counted, but neither of these reasons is satisfactory to the people. , 1 The per capita wealth of the county la estimated at something more than $1.8. the total wealth of the county footing up 8 JO, 000,000. - . -. , Steams? Telegraph for Astoria. Round trip' dally i. (except Friday). Leaves Alder street dock 7;I0 a, m. Re- -turning leaves Astoria t p. m. Arriving Portland 8:80 p. m. Sundays leaves Port land 8 a. m. Arrives Portland tin. . . v ,..-. I ,