The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 12, 1905, Image 6

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    tira oregon daily jdURNALV PORTLAND, 'Tiiur:DAY zvz::i::o. -c-zzzz.. i ; 1:::. "
'-:'V " l v "- 1 '
.t'ajor Domo of Mexican Ranch,
Wifs, Threw Children and '
Two Cowboy Killed.
Troops Patrol Roads' in. Day Time
:'and Armed Ranchers by Night-
Farmers Flocking Into the Cities
forSafcty. ;
" '.",.:.' - - . , .
- (Journal Special See-iee.).. '
Tucson, A rim, Oct-IS.-According to
advloes received by Governor Teebel
f Bonora. a band of Yaqut Indiana
butchered a whola family on -the EI
penaaco ranch, near ' Carbb, belonging
a Victor Agullar, a prominent land
owner of HerrooeUlo.
Bomualdq Ivopea, major domo of the
ranch, hla wife and three children ware
literally -cat to pleeca by the savages.
A cowboy named Crispin and hla son,
. who put ap a desperate fight, ..likewise
' mot death at the bands tf the redskins.
lopes was blind and carried a babe in
' Ills arms, but the Yaeuls slaughtered
them both.' One cowboy succeeded In
outriding the Indians and escaping to
the ranch- Norla del Verde. - -
A detachment of tha Thirteenth regi
ment has been sent to the scene of tha
outrage. Other ranchers in tha vicinity
have fled to the cities, - Ranchers at
Hermoaille have banded together and
. formed a night patrol. Regular troops
guard the roads In tha daytime.- -
- Tha paymaster of tha Twentieth reg-
' 1ment la mlaaing and is supposed to have
been waylaM by the Indians near Be
ta raoi, while minor depredations are re-
" pot red In many sections. J".
Sheriff Fowler of Bants Crui county
was adrlaed by telephone laat night
. that lS'Yaaut armed-with' rifles were
- seen near tha Montana mine, in south
ern Plraa county. Ranger W. I - Olds
and two deputy sheriffs left at midnight
.for Oro Blanco, where-they expect, the
'-deputy sheriff and rangers stationed
there to take the trail of the Indiana.
s:5,5oa eet upo;i result
Mjt B. Guggenheim of. Baltimore
Wagers Fortune With Philip V
; X . Schettick of New York, t
, . .
I ' T' 4Joaraal special rwevlre.)' " ' '
Philadelphia. Oct II. It. B. Oug
srenhetm of Baltimore and Philip Schet
tick of New York have placed a bet of
tfit.SOe against each other on tha cham
pionship baseball series. The money Is
placed in the aafe of the Hotel Walton
and the amount- will not be given until
the whole- series has been finished. ' '
Of tola amount f 19,60e depends on the
winner ef today's game. Guggenheim 4s
backing the Athletics, Schettick the Ol
; ants. ' ' The arrangement on which the
: money was placed was with the odd
, -favoring the Giants.' Today's game
stands f 20.800 to tll.SOO. - j -.
For- the series the money was placed
at S2S.S0S to f 22,000. Odds for the
" game stand at a little leas then IS to ,
while other odds are a trifle longer.
(RperUl Mspateh te The JoaraaM ' "
Wallowa, Or., Oct. 12. A splendid
cluster of ripe tomatoes, ten in number,
weighing (0 ounces, was grown by Matt
Stables on his homestead near Lovely,
seven miles from here. They were fully
l developed end grew on oaa main stem In
such a manner ' that- one in the center
was entirely hidden by the other nine,
which ranged from 11 to 14 Inches In
circumference end averaged six ounces
each.. . v ..
Mr. Stables raised other tomatoes
which weighed from - seven te ' nine
- puaoes each, besides ; peanuts, water
melons, cantaloupes, red -, peppers,
: peaches end many, other varletlee of
' fruit and vegetables, where but a few
' years ego It was thought nothing bet
- the hardiest could withstand the frost.
, The elevation of that' territory la nearlyi
4.000 feet above sea level.
And a long pull describes the pathway
f a woman afflicted with female weak
Bess unless the la. under the care of a
doctor who has had successful experience
In the treatment of such cases or else has
found the right remedy which can be
safely need Independently of the doctor.
Forty years ago. Dr. R. V. Pierce- taunJ
that women were being 'grossly- mal
treated mainly 'through Ignorance and
eareleMneea, and hs determined to devote
himself to study and research till he
found the real cause of their suffering
and a proper remedy for It.
H found it, and due, from Nature's
Laboratory, the earth, A at ure's remedies
for woman's weaknesses and ailments.
He found In Lady's Slipper root. Black
Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh
root and Golden Seal root, the required
ingredients. ' .
The remedial virtues of these he ex
tracted, combined and preserved by hla
own peculiar non-alcoholic, glyceric pro
cesses, and the compound is now known
the world over, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite
prescription, '
The wearing ef corsets too tight seemed
to bare brought on aa abdominal pressure,
weakening the ligaments and resulting In
displacement, whloh troubled me until I was
not tit to walk, and at times could hardly
nd. writes Mr. Beverly Mtgreevee, of 124
suiton "L. San Kreoclsrw. Cel. "A neighbor
sdvtaea me to try nr. inerca s rifonw rre-
:r niton. Berore uie srw ooiue was vm much better. Improvement went
"iJy on. and wit his four months I was
a new and well woman once more. . I
. vow perfectly well and strong, and
r grateful to you for your blessed
-y a boon te sick women. -.
"rest Doctor Book Free Send ti one-
stampe to Dr. R. V. Pleree, Buffalo.
H to cover mailing and be will send
a f--e copy of hit lOOS-page Common
; dlcal Adviser, pa per -covered.
r4 31 c tamps. k
. . re's rUeaant Pellets are the
. t i stfest laxativs for the at of
Montana May Have Special
Session If Attorney-General's
View Is Sustained. ! y
' (Speclel Dlspstrb la The Joaraal.)
Helena, Mont, Oct. lUState Treas
urer e. H. Rice baa refused to pay
three warrants drawn on the IftJXH
laaue of bonds for the State Normal
school. Hla refusal Is based upon an
opinion by Attorney-General Galen that
all bond iaauea for atate educational in
atitutlons are invalid. About $500,000
of these school bonds are held by bond-
houses In various parts of the country,
and tltt.000, Including the Normal
sohool Issue, by the state ltaelf. " -
Mandamus proceedings against the
state treasurer to compel the payment
will be Instituted at once, and thus 'this
matter will be determined by the su
preme -court.' x- ' ' it- . - '
Meantime, governor josepn K. Tooie,
former Governor B. F. White and others
have gone on record -in .opposition to
Attorney-General Galen," and declare
that tha legislature acted within Ite
rlghta in authorising the bond Issues.
Should the supreme court affirm At-.
torney-General Galen's, opinion, a ape
clal session of the 'legislature will be
necessary to remedy the situation. -
(Journal ejnart.t ant, t
Moscow. Russia. Oct . II. With art
tators openly preaching' a revolution,
and the extension of the strike to a
numoer of large furniture factories, the
situation In this city Is almost one of
complete anarchy. Bands of strikers
parade from- .shop te shop, calling end
forcing workmen. to Join them.. Numer
ous conflicts between rioters and police
occur, resulting quite often In Injuries
and death.-. . -.--,. ..--V ..- ...
"V. :
("peeial Dispatch te Tha tonal.) ... '
Corvallia, Or.. Oct. 12. At a meetlne
Tuesday night bids were opened for con
struction material for "the "mountain
water system of Corrallls. The matter
was referred to a committee composed
Of Messrs. Woodcock, Lease .and Engf
neer Miller. They will report at a ana.
clal meeting tonight. The I per cent
bonds, were readvertised end bids will
be opened October SO. '
Florence Roberts Tonight
Plareaca Boberts. support br sa exeslleat.
eanpaBy of -players, will present Paul Arm
strosg's latest saeress, "Asa la Mont," st
the Marooaa Grand theatre toale-ht st a:ts
'rlock, eua tinning rrlilar and Ssturdsy algtats.
wiia a spensi pnee metliwe Bsrardsy at Z:lt
e'eloek. "Ans La Mont," a pUy ia four acta.
la described ss s tale ef km, artists sad Bohe
mia. ' It W said te toetala aothlng cynical, -bat
Is prrairstra' Instead with tbs optimum whirs,
la part oC Paul Armstrong's srtfatle creed. The
rhsrscters are the real tyres of Bohenlsns' te
De ionna in tas greet Knglliih-spesklng eentera,
the locales ef the play being la Mew York,
londoa aad Bawstl. Seats sra sow selling for
taa aogageaieBt. - i(l .
' Advance Sals "Ths Tenderfoot" :
; "The Tenderfoot." that great opersttc eoea.
edy ef weatera UXe. by ItleksrS Carle, will be
the sttrsctloa at the. Marquess Orand taestre
next Meaner, Taeeaay aaV Wedaeeesy nights,
October 10. - IT an 19, with a special price
matinee Wednesday. The stars of "'The Teader-feotV-
sra Oscar h. Ptgmsa sod ftotb White,
two plsysrs who save sslned fame for their
work ia "The Bargomaster" and other big
anslcal productions. Tbs ehoraa ia aa ex.
tremely Ursa one, tha eompaay amnberlng
aearly TO people. The sale ef sests for this
sttrsetlon wilt opes toswriow (rrlday) morning
st 10 o'clock, i
Advance Sale for "Ben Hur."k
r "Bea Bur" ia eaqaestlonably the most at
tractlTe play ea the Amerlrsa stsge today. Its
series of IT seeaea present to the eye a feast
of maltlfarloos besuty sad variety, sli set to
s ympsoale accompaniment of Brace fill music.
The exciting epieodes make a moat abeorblng
plsy of Interest from the prelude to the final
curtain. . "Bea Bur" will be the ettracttoa st
the Marquam Orsad theatre October 10 to SS,
Inrlaslee, with auUnees Ssturdsy and Wednes
day. The adraace aak- o sests will opea sail
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. . -,
One of the Biggest
"The Star Show Glrla" are expected te arrive
Sunday morning to fill a week's encasement st
the Bsker theatre, starring with the aeaal Sue
day marine. This company Is ssld to present
s specislly anrana-ed proa-ramr la which or 1x1
aallty la tbs ieedlng feature. The aamee of
soma ef the beat knows performers with "The
Star Show Girls" are; Trnbrooke, Lambert
A Ce.. the Toreador Trio, Nolaa end White.
Carney aad Wagoaer, Day and Vestal and
Dsita aad V en ton. ,.,
'i; , Belasco's. Fine Show. .
To mis ths Belaace's product loa of "Tbs
Porruaea of the Kins." with White Whittlesey
la the leading role, la to deprlrs yourself of oae
of the rare treats ot the season, fhe company
la entertaining sadleaers that tax ths rapacity
of tbe boose olxbtlr, sad It Is freely admitted
that the popular young stsr bss never been seea
te batter advantage. "The Fortuneo of ths
King" rans until Bandar al(bt, lorlualr.
' - "Uncle Josh Perkins." 1
It la conceded by theatrical managers la gsa
era! that the plays that glee the best eatlefac
rJoa are those ef the pa at oral or rural kind,
eontalnlnc pstboa, srneatloa. climaxes sad cots.
ady. "L'scle Josh Perkins" bss sli these rs
oulrements, sad for that ressoa It Is crowding
tbe Empire theatre to tbe doors. . . .
"Honest Hearts" Coming. ,
"Too are my sugsr pie.' says Marty, the
Kentucky wild rose, la "Honest Besrts," and
thereby shows her Sore for tbs young govern
ment engineer employed near bar father's farm
ea tha picturesque Cumberland. JfvlT ia com
ing te tbe Empire theatre eesfweek, starting
with the usual Kondey matinee, at the bead
ef bar ewa company. .
Best Class of Amusement
"Mile. PI Pi" aad "The Boond-rs." two
Cleverly written burlettas. combined with a
aosd company mostly glrla ere prime factors
In tbs success of tbe May Reward Musical
Bitrseaganss. which Is crowding the Baker
theatre to tha doors this week. A regular
msttaee will be glren Ssturdsy. Ths last
lias ea Bsiurosy signi.
Vsudevills st the Star. '
The Stsr has a strong bill af vsudevills. with
Alice Sbsw, the rale bra ted wb taller, ss tbs
seedllne attraction. Collins sod 'La Belle are
Clever clog dancers. Hsntress. a globe dearer,
bss a Terr sttrsrtlee specialty. The Beee-rats
trie sra entertaining la "A Military Courtship."
Prank lis Confer sings a pretty song end the
BUroseope shows new., aad interesting pictures.
, ' At ths Orand. ; .- '
' Only a few daya more remain la which te
sea Chlantrs. tbs smsllnt woman Is ths world,
sow at tbe Orsad. The la Tell brothers are
tbs fines, bale seers that ksee vsppeared la
veudTtlle. The rest ef tbs proaram Is stroua
aad attractive sad tWad wit asvsltisa, ' .
moiiED gill: IS
.. . . , y '
Dixit Madows Plant Hat Bean
Greatly Improved by Addition;
-. ; of Stamps. ; .. ; '
Sumpter Valley Extension to Near
Quartsburg District Assured : by
Continuance of Rock Work on Line
During Wmter, v.
. (SpscUl dspatek to Tbe Joarasl.)
Comer, Or., .Oct It. Arrangements
are about nnlahed for resuming work st
tbe Improved ... anil enlarged' Dixie
Meadows mill, near here. The 11 stamps
tbst ware installed ere reedy and the
work of Manager Reete is now devoted
to getting the old rolls and auoh parts
of the oruahlng plant as ace adaptfd
snaped for tne new cruaning system, it
is the purpose to- use the rolls auxiliary
to ths stamps, end the two; breakers,
one a gyratory and the other a roll jaw,
will continue to give the ore Its pre
liminary crushing.
Dixie Meadows, one of the most prom
ising young mines of the esstern Ore
gon belt, has wallowed through experi
mental stages -of milling, end is be
lieved a have surs prospect of steady
production with theT new plant that Is
being finished. The--ore shoot that has
been opened to a vertical depth of more
than 169 feet is one, of the' largest ever
developed in Oregon, end has good aver
age values throughout, with shipping
streaks running alongside the milling
grades. This ore body hss been blocked
out end tha southern drift continues to
opea promising rock, so that the re
serve st the Dixie Meadows Is ' suf
ficient for a large plant. When the im
proved mill la la commission, saving ell
values and delivering a high-grade coo
oentrate for the emelter, the euccess as
sured doubtless will Induce the manage
ment to make further additions "to the
plant. -. ..:-.'. :' . ?
unpte Taney Will XeS Oontraot 4ox
aradlns; Seyomd Aastam Terminal.
:'" (SpscUl Dapstea te Tbs losmsLt '
' Prdirle City. Or., Oct. ll-Poaitlve
statement is made by a contractor that
a heavy piece of rock work on the line
of the extension of the Sumpter Valley
railway south of Austin is to be con
tinued during the winter.' The railroad
la being nnlahed to Austin, end it is
known that detailed surveys have been
made from this point to near Huckle
berry flat, on the summit of. the divide
between the middle end -main forke of
the John Day river, Proaecutlon of
rock - work during the winter satisfies
the people of this dlatriot that- the man
agement of the Sumpter Valley Intends
to enter the main' valley of the John
Day. next year, and ea route to the rich
agricultural diet rlct -will pass class to
the Standard, Dixie Meadows and other
producing mines- of Quartsburg, giving
them close market, tat ... their concen
trates. - , ; v
ottthera - Oieejua Timan Xsn aspee
Sarly Beeronstioa ef Work. .
tSpeeJel Dtenetch to Tbs JoarasLl '
Grants Pass, Or., Oct II. There have
been good rains in a part -ot this dis
trict, but the rainfall has not been suf
flclent to give the average placer
workers assurance or the early com
mencement of washing out gold. More
recent storms have been quite general,
and, higher peaks are white, which Is
one of the best Indications that any
water which msy start running in tha
streams- at this seaaon will continue
until heavy winter storms set In. Miners
believe that the placer season will be
much earlier than in former years, and
that the cleanup for the winter ot
lsOS-,01 will exceed that of the preceding
winter. .- - - ,
(SDSdsl Dlsnstch to The Janpnal '
. Seattle, Wash., Oct. It. Local cus
toms offlcera are running down a report
mat many japaneae have been brought
to this country Illegally on the steamer
Tremont. A number of Japanese who
came over on the vessel have been ar
reated and there , wlM be a wholesale
deportation. , . - !.-. ; -
In every life, some rain must fall.
Here are Cravenette Coats for short
snd tall. ;- .
Short pocket-book, will ap
preciate this lot of Raincoats
at 1 $14. The finest quality of
doth ever made up for the
price- s
' For $4 more we have satin
shoulder lining. t ' -.
For $6 more the dose fitting
rain-proof coat,, which has more
style than any garment a man
can wear. - . (
. OetflMers to Stem 'aad Boys.
IS and lew Third Street,
' areas sSxrrrlsoa. ' -
The Chicoo .
Painless; Dentists
303f, Washington St,-'-";
-Corner of Fifth St. Opp.Perldns
. , HoteL , (
Didift Hurt a Bit
We are giving special prices
on all work for the next 30 daya.
Remenber the Chicago Dental
Parlors have offices in all large
cities throughout the country.
Remember our practice is limit
ed to high-grade work only. .
Pine Set Teeth, 'Var
' ranted to fit or no
pay..........:... ....... $5.00
22k Gold Crowns $3.50
22k Bridge Work $3.50
Porcelain Crown $3.50
Fillings 50c
A 12-year protective guaran
tee with all work, r Come and
take advantage of our Fall re
ductions. Save your teeth and
your money. -. Open evenings
ana Sundays.
.. ... ,
-The Chicago
Dental Parlors
303 Wsshington Street,
- Corner of Fifth.
Tot tO - weeks, with opportunity to se
cure ISO suit at tl to SS0. Heetlnrs
every . Wednesday evening. , Investigate
P. A. OLOffl, 10 East Third street,
secured the $30 suit in the J. H. John
ston Suit club, 60s Washington street.
Wednesday evening, uoioDer u.
Council and Chief of Police De
clare an Injustice Has Been
;.- Done Them..
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.) '
Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 12. The elty
council and the chler or police of Yen.
conver are up in arms over ths state
ment made py General Constant Wit
llama in his annual report to the ef
fect (hat gambling is allowed in several
saloons of the city: General Williams
also sets forth in his report that the
tl saloons of the city are eltuated as
near the gates of the garrison as is
practical. . Vancouver is referred to in
the general's report ss sn example of
how saloons have sprung up around
army posts since the army canteen was
abolished. - While the chief, of police
and the councilman have nothing to
say either, zor or against the re-estab-
llahment of tha army canteen, they feel
that an Injuatlce has been dons them ss
public officials when such statements
-Zjt..x mutt
Ify head
was for tea
years see
end with
Ilka a die
ses Hars
need H a.1 r-
abait tas
sts and ksvs
part of si scalp.
sinek keslthler
tooKing." p.n.
Positively reaaevee standraaT, atnas
Aslr fslllns. brings bsrk TorHhfnl enlor te grr
hair, aided bvH AHiriaj A SOAP, heels.
stops Itrhlng, praantea one hair arnwth. Large
oe. nefcieearnrsiets-, -jasenotuuif wiuwui
g SllaV aUBt v, geif uaaatu Vs VI
rauo tisy ua. sig uature. t;at not ana sign uua
ed fnr tsc Cake
Take to anr of fotloirlne drataista and eet
SOe. bottle Bslrbeslth and 8A. cake Hsrflns
aoan. aoth for BUct or sent v phllo Bsy
Co., Newark, N. J., prepaid, for SOe. snd this
s4v. Free snap not gleen by dmsatsts wltfc
eat this eatlre Mr. aad SOe. tot Ualrhealta.
Ilte..., ........ i. ...... .
' Addroas..., ...j
woooavso, exABn 4. oo, ream
WMailurtogi Wf
i)l Per Week
Johnslon Suit Club
. SOI Washington StrceK
M v r
1 .r-. ."sf
thneei nnntalnad in Oeneral Williams
report are allowed to go before the
public . .
Cnlel or a"OIicsi ssinnan uniju. iu
there le any saloon in tne cuy wnrro
gambling 4a allowed. If there le gamb
ling going on, the chief states, It Is
not with his consent or knowledge, and
... le nnn. in in, aalnon. It
la expected that the matter wilt come up
at tne nexi meeting ox um wuiitm
'; T .t ll-rfll f If. t
Rerkalav. Cal Oct. . After having
been twice ehot, bis skull crushed with
a hammer and his pockets rifled Of
15,000, William B. Ellis, an Australian
sporting man, staggered into the Cali
fornia atsbles nesr ths university late
i.e. .v.ninr Kills siTi hla asaallants
were a man ana woman representing
themselves ae air, ana turn. p. w. Cur
tis, whose acquaintance no raiai in oya-
. & ..... 1 1 a K,t, whn iiTwin thele Sr.
h... itm. tha name of Rrtiah.
They Induced him to come nere, rentea
a -cottage where they Intended to mur
der and rob him. The essasslns fled.
leaving their effects. .
(Joaraal Special Service.).
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 1 J. Guarded by
polloemen, the Omaha councilmen were
forced te remain In the chamber lest
night and see a bill paased by the ma
jority providing for a 10-yeare oontraot
with the Omaha oae company to rur
nlab illuminating gas to the city. After
roll call Prealdant Zlmman aad Council
men Nicholson and O'Brien stsrted to
leave, but were forced to remain to keep
the quorum Intaou .
(Special Dlaoatca ite Tas Toarntt.)
Albany. Or.. Oct. JI. Superintendent
Q. U Tufts of the Antl-Baloon league
haa delivered addressee at Bhedd. where
the synod of the United Presbyterian
churoh is in session, and at Eugene be.
fore the Baptist convention. Tufts says
that ths organisation is preparing for a
systemstlo fight against the saloons in
the spring and that an effort will be
made to extend local prohibition. - .
r 1' eg
(Jooraal SoecUl Serrlos.1 -Raise
nt Or rvf 1l)K-
Mucker was shot by Ms companion,
koss jureeai .woe bus too k mm tor' a
Saturday, October 14, 9 lu m.,
Istelli GBk'B Co;
. :'', v'.;'
, 109 Sixth Street, Between ' Washington and Stark Streets,
will be sold to satisfy the demands of the creditors. The goods,
offered for sale will consist of the finest qualities. ' Wearers
of good clothes will have a rare opportunity to secure the
very choicest of Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Trousers, Silk
" .Vests, Stetson and Gordon and other brands of fine Hats and
! .high class furnishings at a discount of '"' ..
The Muck prices will remain Intact, deducting 41 per cent on '
sale of 11 goods. Sale lasts 15 days. Tbe entire stock must
be disposed of in that time as the store now occupied by the
insolvents' has been leased to other parties : beginning No
vember 1 and must be .vacated by that time. ;
Y C C. SHAFER, Manager of Creditors' Sale.
Wanted 12 moh-Oas Siheh
f Familiar with highest clase wearing appareL
AVfetfetable Preparadonfor As
similating iheFoodandBceuia
UnuSsoiisandBavTCl3of 4
Promotes DigcslionjChcerfuI
ness and Res to nlalns neither
OpiunxMorphine norKiDeiaL
eteateew '
Aperfecl Remedy forConsHna
non.SourStomach.Dioxrtioea Worms jCciivutsions , Feverish
nest and Loss or Sleep.
facsimile Signature of
deer while hunting In a canyon nesr
Durkee Monrtav. Oraae tinunit un tha
whan they returned Hueker had crawled
Into the undergrowth In hla delirium
snd could not be located. He was
finally found Tuesday with "both -feet
fro sen and almost dead, - He may re
ooVefv, .. ' -l
the Stock of . .
.. h.- .:.
... . x
For Infanta and Children.
Tho Kind You Have
; Always Bought
Bears the
CEO. M. STRONG, 163 West Park St.
PHfiTfl0PY,N(i Alttf INURGWG '
eteetderaee Tlewa, ranaral Work, alaeivs
. elsSaV SZedaJt SawaJoDlaar. lraaaiaa-.
. ' . II sea an
For Over
Thirty Years
VlM JeWWeWefS fMBBsWsasfsnpSt IwaaW VsMest eMflw .