c:cc; daily jcu :ax; rcTtAKD. tiiuhcday cveiiinq, octoi: 12, kzs. A SNAP "OK BOar 8,05 - Lady llf Ing la l Angele ' will Mil Pianola. In Am coo. 'Mn. loellltig St - month' llbcry ubecriicia at tuwf Plan house, tor f liJT.iw,' or nan arm; ran oa nab. Address Box .4 SO, car poster ace. AUTOMOBILES A Whits lUinif 1a-- good svoor ana rssay xo go rigm ai nera wore, mi Kelly's, 244 Seoaad at., Portland, for $.')&; :hla offer wUl not ba good after th 10th. thla FOB SALB Hat ceery complete. 14 ft; i baa drum. 1 nar drum, 1 4 bursar, blse- flame all etov. 1 UJOTlng plctara maehlue. atereoptleoB. Call Oay Paraa on Trail. JEWINO MACHINIsft Wa aara a few ataadard wing machine, (lightly marrad: alao aae-and-hand machine of all Basra from 12 an. V. O. Jonea. 2ta) Yamhill at. BILLIARD AND FOOL table for rant ar far file on ay payment. US BBUNSWICK-BALKB COIXKMDBB OO, 40 Third at., Portland. , - ("OR RALE One eocaplete art of scenery, 14 .,. foot; 1 baaa dram, 1 aoara drum; alao 1 4 - burner blue-asm olletov. Call Oay Paraa, th Tralj. AT closing-out prlcee, verl aampla gasoline engines, marlu and tattonary; writ (or firicea. ate. BaUraoa Machinery Co.. Port and. Or. s rO BALK Almost new Klrohell upright la . walnut; eoat louo; going to Alaska; mama ma ' offer for It. Can lis sssn al 890 Aldar at. FOB 8AXE Almost anr Kimball aprlght la .; walnut; coat 5o0; going to Alaska; maka Bt , offer, (or It. Can ba aaa at 860 Alder at. !WB prlat roar aajn oa M ealllnir cards, prom alia and atria, SBejXiO bnalnaaa ear dm, U Brown A Bcbmale. 229 Flrat. Portland. Or. ON B irood wood-sawing machine tn flrat-claaa condition; will U on eaay terms; pele tiki. US Water at.. Phono Mala 46M. LARGEST at or o( bottle aorthwaat; ardar ' filled promptly. Portlaad Bottle Supply Oa., Ml North Bighteatb ah Mala rink. FORTABLB locomotlr boiler and aagln, 4 horaepower. C. . H. . Plggott'S law sfSce. 4 klulkey bldg. FOB BALK 18-ft. launch, apead T mile. In. quire Lamberaoa'a landing, aaat and of Madi son bridge. fin KAMBLKR. good a a new, --with coaster brake and -cushion frame, bell, etc Call 228 " 13th at. WANTED To aell an upright - aboweaa cheap. Boom 221 Oooduouf U bldg., ever Journal office. BOOKLOVER8 AD the latest $1.60 books at j 88 cenU at Ewlng'a Book Store. 287 Halmon. roR BALK Natloaal cash register, good order, cheap; alao large showcase. 14T first at. NEW $.173 aprlgbt Plane 1145. Weber ITS. organ- 2o. 241 First and Main,, upsts Ira. OVBTER counter and shelrtng and cupboards; fine outfit, cheap, 2t8 gourth at. A LA ROB stock oa sale at bargain price. Call aad look thcoa orer. (TO Flrat at. BCrP Orpington chicken for aale, cheap. In quire 804 Sellwood at., Portland. ,12.000 BOXES of fancy winter apple for eel bj Horn Fruit Co.. Cots. Or. PIR8T-CLAK8 coffee era. nearly asw, for aale Cheap. Inquire 203 Third St. .'. FARMEHH 8htp your pot store to Boggea A ('.. 141 Front at. AT 412 Mnrrtaoa at., pull terrier Dapples for aale cheap. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. MATCH team of haye.. 4 rears old. I.) lbs. each, and pair of blacks, 1.0H0 lbs. each, f and 10 eesrs old. All broke aad gentle. Phon East 1382. . TO EXCHANGE. ' : WANT to exchange cylinder record for other , records. Edison phonograph. Call 230 flag at. ' PERSONAL. BE MENI ' . . . P. . CTUaJ-Powari tablet . erW reetor t ... yoa the aaap. elm aad vigor of manhood; If to are lacking la the power of eitalltr. Ita loaa reaaltlng front Indlecretlona and aaeaaaea. end for box of these tablet aad be eo- einced of their merit. By mall In plain pkg., ' II. The Armstrong Tablet Co.. loev (W4 ' Tolana blk., Detroit. Mich. - DETKCTI VB agenda Confidential Ineeatlga ' tloas; reports mad e any Indlrtdaal baalaeaa Or property; -book ex par ted; beet city refer- once; char fee reasonable) correspondence so licited. Oregon Detective Berrtos, office - 114-311 Columbia bldg-. MS Waablngtasj at., Portlaad. Paoaa Mala MIA. MME. ANNA H ( KEY. prlnHpal of the Amert - ran Beaaty Parlors, la new located at M4 Taylor at.; cures all scalp dlseaaee and poal tlrely grows hslr or no chars:; lnTig,ratlng cabinet hsihs glTea.'for U car of rhesma- tlsm or lumbago. . ir seek Ins; a congenial life companion. Jota tbs Inlerslste Introducing flnrlety. and meet . correspond with reputable resldenta of thla . section, putty wealthy. The October Begieter, 10 cents. Bulta 24, Bnaaill bidg., cor. Fourth and Morrlaoa ata. . MO DBUOS, no operatloaa; Prof. Dnaa glee osteopathy and magnetle treatment, rwincoa " yonr flesh, relleeea euppnsasd monthly bree nlarttlea. Conanltatloa free. Offloa, MI " Goodnongb bMg. WINONA MILLS seamless hosiery for aea, women and children; any weight or material to order.' Ill Commercial blk. Phone Mala 4X6. Be Mr exhibit. Manufactures bldg., ' but. 21. MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Beberta Mere G loonies. One month' treatment. II; I Boathe, IS ; aent securely aealed by nail. Agents, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. PortUad. Or. VISIT PORTLAND 10c : bring Naehrtchten. Oermsa weekly, till Jsa aary 1. 1P0S. Eetahllahed IS yesra. Oer ' aaa Pub. Co., Som Second at., Portlaad, Or. LOST power restored by the great Dr. Loreas s Nerve Tonic Tablets; 28c per bns, bores for Ir.SS. Writs or call at KrsseU a. Pharmacy, trt Morrhwa, bet. let and. 2d. BOOKSI Hers they are: "Decamero," "Rep tamero." "A Hot Tamele." "rsnny Hllj. ' "Twenty Tear a Faker." "Forbldde mj.n - SO each; Beta free. A. Bcbmsle. 2 First it. COMPANION to go deer hunting; one who la Immnne from buck feverr will start Oct. 22; hare eerured good guide. Address u. W. - Hswn. Troy Laundry Co ' ' ' WANTED To confer with those wrtemplat " Ing business enures) to yonr personal ssd fins icla Interest to Inrsstlgsts. Addreas 4S, car JonrnaL ''- TAKaV NOTICE If your bedaprlngs need tightening er sag la the center, don't throw ' them away I can makantnem toed a new. 1 hues Msln 2208. , I GROW, buy and aell ginseng: H sere worth SAO.OnO; big bonk. that telle all about It. post 4ald S cents. B. T. AtwslL BOO Us tor. Kan. aaa City. Mo. LADIES Yo appear 20 year yoeeger. re. more all wrinkle, bar ahla Hka velvet by art tic Oregon Craps Bkla Food. - Pbos Beat 127. " ' DR. ATWOOD, Id Rnaael bldg., 1MH Fourth . st. - Female diseases and eonnnements; opea .. Wed. and (at. evenings. Conanltatloa free. .FOR BALK Almost new Kimball upright la waliwitf enet 4400 1 gulng to A la ski; make ma an offer for It. Can ba seen at 300 Alder at. MENI . cors WOMEN I Raymond' pill positively narvouese aad lack of vitality) II, i te I. Plnmmr Drag Co.. 240 Third. hoi SADIE It 1 beyond BM) I cannot Imagine why - yoa fall to write or advise aa to receipt f my letter; anm word would ba welcome. Mel. GK0 ROE U If yon prefer Spokane. I will ar- rang to go; want to be agreeable, and penr 'that what I hava always aald la trae. May B. IIJITB whlla vow wait. BOe. La alee' skirts pressed Sue. eilbert, 10H Sllth at, next t the Quells. Phene Clay SOS. GINHKNO,- H'a many-oiakr Plaat anw Brlcellat for ased and plants oa application, i. W. Klblar, Tseoma. Waahi LILLIAN R. CRAM Thlrorodlst. manjcerttig and shsmpoolng. Parlor 424 Ablagtoa blug Portlaad. Or. Black 2MB. . WANTED To adopt nant, I to 10 dara 1d; t no question asketl; every thins private. Ad dress P 1, car Journal. IP going to Aahtand, Oregon, or Bear there, better confer with H. A. Holmes, room 4ul Oregnnlaa bldg. .- PR'rVJ. A. NISRETH. Swedish masseur) all kinds of natha; scteaUfl treaimeaia. Ail Met- PERSONAL. WANTED A partner with : nunvr dki lit ww wvw.m. - Journal. 1 MISS BERTHA MARTIN Room 111 Alleky bldg. BUmplof and (Is aeedleworki laaaos given. ' j r PRIVATB bom for the mentally Infirm near . the city. Address P 45, ears of JoumaL TURKISH BATHS, SO0 Oregonlan bldg.) feat all night, ladlea aU day. Mala 1139. FREB aampl com, bunlos and wart car. E4 aria L. Daaa.. dept. B. Tauutoa. Maae. . DR. FLKTCHKB'S chiropody parlors. IIS AUaky - bld.. sfflcs practice. Bed 1908. - . LIuAaN Too are aeeded badly) don't loss any ( time; bualneea aeeda yoa. WILLIE. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will eaahs sogasw menta in families, union sea. ASSAYERS. MONTANA Aaaay o flics aad testing works. 18S Morrison at. ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art fllaee Works IMsin and orna mratal glaaa. 286 H Taylor. Phone Red 20O2. ATTORNEYS. 0REUOON LAW A COLLECTION CO., 41T Fea - ton block. Collections made throughout the United Htates; bankruptcy matters a epeclalty; bad tenants ejected; rent collected and gen eral law business; notary public. B. T T AGO ART, attorney and eouossllor at law. 41S Chamber of Commerce bldg. H. F. BURLEIOH, lawyer. 122 Grand are., East Portland. - - - ART EMPORIUM. "THE LATEST FAD"-S0 bay a pea aad tab aketcb of yourself from photo or life. Fey King. S2S Raleigh St.. aear 25th.. M. car. BICYCLE DEALERS. 15 RAMBLER bicycle In , flrat-claaa eondl- Tion, witn coaster erase in miwiuw 2iS Thirteenth st. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIRKEN WALD CO.. B04-808 Everett at. Largest butchers' supply, bones-) the coast. BATHS MASSAGE. TURKISH. Tspor and apongs hatha; a ears cur for rhenmatlsm, nervousneaa, lumbago, etc., by electricity, hand rubbing and magnetism; ' yonn lsdy operator. ZtfKfe Stark, parlor 21. Hoar from 10 . m. to 11 p. m. THB SNOWDEN. BATHS Lady attsadaata. vuk Aider at., inn ana Tnpor oeuss, siein .aad electricity. Phone Mala 6985. .. . - . MISS ENQL18H.xpert chlronodlat, give BMdl- catea hatha, aJao electric ana magnetic ireav ments. 145H SUtb', reoens 114-25. -. . COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody owe yoa any lect bad debts of all kind money t Wa cot from II ap. 122 Grand ave. room 12. Cut thla eat. CAFES. THE 0FFICB 2M WssMagtoa at. Phone Mala TTL. Samuel V I gees B a. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS KILHAM. 1 OS-111 Beeoad St. Blaak book Bannfacturara; agent for Joaee Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; see the w ' Eureka leef. the beat ea the market. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS. Genera commlastoa aaar. : chaata; fruit and produce) ooalgomeata Ucited) prompt return. 150 Front St. IT yoa waat tat to get good retara for yoa ship to oa; pay highest arks for b. P. Miller A Co. - - prooor, i egga (. e. LENSCH BROS., commlaainn Berrhanta. flour. reed, bay and produce, JJ to jm i roai sr. Pbons Main 29MI. BVBRDINO FABRELL. arodac and eocamle aloa merchants, 140 Front at.. Portlaad. Or. Phone Mala 179. . CLEANINO AND DYEIN0. UP-TO-NOW CLEANINO PRE8SINO COM pany Suit pre seed. 50c; paata, ISO. . Pboa Pacific 284. 34 Aakeny at. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Worts; prac tlcsl hstjer In connection. 211 4th. Clay 704. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed It per month. L'niqus Tailoring Co.. 84T Waahlngtoa at. - H, W. TT'BNER, professions! dyer aad cleaner. BOB Jefferson at. Phone Main IMS. CARPET-CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant on the coast, Lorlng ana nsraing sis., i.ie phone Esst 2"0 Csrpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid! both ateam and Is test com peer sed air process : renovating mattress and feather a epeclalty. SANITARY Carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed air couimnen; carncia cieanea on w without removal. Mala 54. East 2A04. CARPETS cleaned on the floor; w rate a dust, phon Clay 131, free deaoe(ratloD. I. HUNTER Steam carpet . and mattrea Cleaner. BBO Jefferson. I'nons aiain J is. COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO. Sols aganta for the famous Diamond coal: try It and you will aiwaya buy It. Wyoming and Waehtngtoa bouse coals, Virginia and Washington smithing coo la; fall weight guaranteed. Tel. Mala 1425. A. L. Bteniiene, maaager., CHL'RCHLET BROS, hare removed from toot levia at. to 4 Kesrnev at., near lit: B bow the largest woodyard la th city, carry. Ing all kinds of wood and coaL Mala SSI. GREGORY MORRIS, sacceeaora to Cala McKnn. dealers la wood aad coal at Inweet prices: satisfaction guaranteed. Cor. TeSth aad Irving, rhona Mala 4.TB. WESTERN Feed A Fuel Co., an Front, between Ollssu and Hoyt, dealers la all kinds of house coal and blacksmith coal. Phon Mala Mil. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la cordwood. eoal and green and dre alahwood. R.' B- and aU blua are., 2 blocka east of ferry. Baat 174. STEEL B8IDOB FUEL CO. Dealer I reel, sordwood ssd dry alahwood. Pbons Baat 434. BOXWOOD and planer trlhimlnga, Standard . Wood Co. Phon Baat 2315. Foot Eaat Pin. 0RROON FUEL CO All binds of coal aad . wood. SOS Alder St. Pboa Msta SB. KIRK HOOVER. Ill Water at.. Pbons Mala 4S0S, chiropodists: IF yonr fret are oat ef order, go te Dr. W or ley Benlsmin. Seventh aad Stark, th foot -specie list. Phone Black SIS, -. CIQAr.3 AND TC-ACC0. EBBKHO-OUNST CO. I 1 DUUlhutor of J , FINB CIGARS. Portland." Ore goo. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MILLIB LKB Gifted ehlld from blrthv bow la PurUand and will give teat reading for 28ei four uannera ot reading; locates mining and . hidden treasures. Boom 8. 2241 First. MADAMS JOHNSTON CUlrvoyaat, palmist, card reader) I give facta reliable and Impor. tant oa all affairs of real Ufa. Bsadinga hoe, 48 Seventh at., near Oak. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, ear pea tees, builders l re pairing and Jobbing; stors and office fixture built. Shop 208 Columbia. Mala B2BT. - CARPENTER Jobbing, boos bonding and wrecking. Box R 58. care Journal. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, 1VHOLE8ALR trwkmrj intf tclmmwmr: PrtvU I 1. av sUK a. au M..I. . - flwasael- arw aEie-BTS-tW K tO., AUU lO ItffJ mill. WW. wa. CHIROPRACTIC VN1QCR and aclentlftc adjustment of th hnmaa machine. Dr. Bva Hogan. 2nd Hall at. DANCING.1 WOODWARD'S dancing erbooi of th Wtra Academy ef Music, Monday and Thursday. Spectators Invited. Lessons SOe. Dancing 8 to 11. A DETECTIVES. DETECT! VB or secret sevrlcs work; strictly confidential; difficult cases eoilcitsd. Boom 14. Washington bldg. ' D00 AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR n K rrdwm n T a D C M Doe. Horse bo. pltal. 287 Burnslde. Phones: Malne7)88:Eaat2f3S DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash sdlk. aud for 11.25; shirtwatat suite. 13.50. 481 East Mar at. Phon Eaat S231. DRESSMAKER wtll Bake a few mors- a - gagemeat -la families, Pboa Union 544. DR ESSMA K I NO Strictly ap ts dates late de signs. so lay ax. DENTISTS. MKT CHURCHMAN, dentist. S24 Maraoam bldg.. Sixth ana nomaon. mow maia iiov. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, SOS Stark at., Portland. 0. K. for . everything la th electrical Una, Pboa . Mala 13.'- PACIFIO ELBCTBIO CO. Engineer, oontrae tora.' repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 Flrat, cor. Stark. Mala 458. R. H. Tats. aagr. THB Electrical Appliance) Go., 480 Wasblagtoa .at. Phon Mala 4HM4. 1 , FRENCH BAKERIES. THB only place la Portland to get French bread, Berrero A May lie. eOT Sixth at. Dally deliv ery, phone Greea 80S. FURNACES. BOYNTON wana-atr furnace save fuel. J. a Beyer Fumece -Co.. 258 Second. Mala 461. GROCERS. WADHAMS A Wholsaal grocer, suss, facturera adh cosamlasiue. Barchante. Foarth and Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission aad produce mer chaata. Front and Davis ats.. Portland. Or. HARDWARE. Pertlasd Hardware Co. oHelt opportunity ts a note prices. 188 lat at., cor. Alder. Msln 1834. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Fmrnltar Mannfactartng Company . Mannfactarer ef tucaitar for the trsd. PortUad, Or. FURNITURE manafscrurtng and (perlal ordera. U Ba-eensky's furolror (setorr. 370 Front at. HOTELS. HOTEL Pendlstoa, Psadleton. W.A. Brown, aagr. HOTEL PortUad, Aaisrleaa plea) IS, 5 per day. HOTEL It. Oeorg. Peadlatoa; ksadlag botat. BELVEDERE) European plan: 4th and Alder are. INSURANCE. - ISAAC L, WHITE, fir Insuraaca. SOO Dakanj bldg. . . . LAMBERT, WHITMER A CO. Fir lnou ranee aad real eatate; office 1AT-10S Sherlock bldg. ' Mala 1008) dept. 404 East Alder. Baat 4L JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers" liability and ta- diTtduai accident aarety Dono ex u aiaas. Phone 4T. 802 McKay bldg. H. V. B A RTELS COM PA N T Fir Insursw 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phone Clay 628. LOCKSMITH. 1. H. RICHARDSON. xtrt lock and keyamKh) general repairing: cast Iron braalng; all work ' guaranteed. 80S Fourth at. Phon Hood 1782. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith and bicycle repairing. 2J) Stark. Day phase, Clsy BM; night phone. Main SMB. MONEY1 TO LOAN. 1 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for banding purposes. Any amount oa from I to 10 yen re' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Lnso p x roved from plans and money advssesd ss building progresses; aiortgaga taken ap aad ' replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. , 242 Stark Street. x THB STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employ, wire -earner, caa get da hi note, without mortgage Month. H Month. ' Week. 00 Repay to a 313.81 or 18.65 or 88.38 00 Hepsy to a 8.85 or 88.88 or 81.85 00 Repay to as I 4.00 or 13.00 or $1, 1.00 210 McKay bldg. . ' MONEY to loan, salaried people, teameter. t business In 48 principal cities. Tolmaa. Xtt Ablngtoa bldg. Phono Mala 4487. MONEY to Inaa on real, persons 1 and collateral security; spsclsl attention to. chattel mort- rlgee; nnies oongni. 1.. rt. rwrm ewrv entoa bldg., 84 Sixth at. . HIGHLY raepectahl place where ladle and !enia caa borrow money on diamonds and e.welry. ' Collateral Loaa - Baak, 268 Waah ngtoa st. Phon Black 71. CHATTEL loan la (mount ranging froal 125 to 15.000; roomlna-bouaea a epeclalty. New Era Loaa A Truat Co., 208 Ablngtoa bldg. WB aake all kind ef loaa oa good security at loweat rats) special attention glvsa to chattel toaoa. 181 eMorrleo st. MONEY to loan In sums of from $3,000 to 1.000; terms to suit tag aVIO. Commercial blk. . MONEY to loaa la Urge or. small amoonta oa good ecur1ty; lowest raise. William G, V Beck. SOT Falling bldg. ' WANTED To loan HO.Ono; ssst side property Preferred: some of 11,000, 8 per aent I years, sll 107H Third at. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loans from three to six months; oofldeatlal. 817 Orsgoalsa. MONEY to loss on Claekamae county land. B. F. aad F. B. Blley, BUS Chamber g Coav PORTLAND REAL RSTATB LOANS. B and S per cent. Wa. Den holm, . 225 Falling bldg. LOWEST rate aa farnltnr and pi one. Eaat era Leaa Ca.. 448 Sherlock bklg. Clay S28. TO lOAN Sums to enlt oa chattel sscurlty, S. A. Fraasa, 114 Th Mart) nam. -, LADDERS. LADDERS Painter' extenaloa-laddeta, as per -, baagera' 1 trestles; Srs snd rsot ladders) rlsaterers' and farm ladders: aea catalogue, 'hone Eaat 70. Portland Leeder Co..' MT Rhlns St.. eaat aide. B. Vf. liaywasd. prop. MUSICAL. COUBTNBY'B Muale Store, 80 Fifth Good sheet Buato 10c; gultara. mandollna 1-8 lea than usual price; Columbia record 25. VIOLIN, guitar and mandolin, oil and watig eolur leaaoa. Studio, Ul Blbbard atreet, Montevllla. Phon Union 25T. PIANO, violin, string and wind Insrraaienta. Profeaaor Edwin A. Smith, S54 Twelfth. Main 47US. LESSONS Sue, guitar, benje, Btadolla, vlolla. Mr. Martin. 241V4 Flrat, cor. Mala. MUSIC STUDIO. 883 MOUBJBON STREET. PIANO tuning. 82; perfect work guaraateed. tt W Johnaoapaoas Mala m- ' MAGNETIC HEALING. . MRS. L. H. HART treats all diseases, stomach trouble, nervousneaa and functional weahaeaa, - Consultation free. 2H04 Park, sor. Jsffersoa. OVERALLS. BOSSyOF THB ROAD OVERALLS and aw e h1i lea" clothing; anion made. Nesstadter Bros., aunafactursrs, Portlaad, Or. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADtX A N0RTHBUP. 415-18-1T Dekaa bldg.. Third and Waahlagtoa ata. Pboa Mala 848. Examinations ires. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN. 408 MeeWey bldg. Clay 778. Res. M. 21B1. Ooosnltatlos free. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. I wlndow-glaa and glaalog. US lira St. Phone 1334. BBNEST MILLER A CO., Second and Taylor Wall paper, pslat, oil at narkst prteaa; fre aeuvsry. ..-.. RASMUSSEN A CO Jobber, paint, ell. glaaa, easb aad door. Second and Taylor. PLUMBERS. DONNBBBEBG A BADEMACHEB, ssaltary plombsra. 84 Foarth st. Both FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers, 281 Beeoad. bet. Mala and BalBoa. Oregoa Phon Mala 2001. PRINTING. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank books. Pboa Mala 17, 208 Alder at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. B. STAMP W0BKS, 248 Aldar, phone Mela T10 rubber a tamps, see Is. stencils, baggage, trad cheeks; send for catalogue Ho. 25. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repelling snd general jobbing. 1. Loot II. 212 Jefferson at. ROPE. PORTLAND OOBDAGB CO.- and Northrop ate.. PortUad. Or. SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth baaaar. economical electric fan and sign f all klnda made quickly. Foster A Klslser, Fifth and Everett- Phon Exchange 56. SPIRITUALISTS. LOETTA Spiritualist, Bcdlum and heeler. Th canowieogea leaaer. sisrveious curs. Bps clslty rheumstls aad atubbora dtassaea. Your sdvsategs ts sooaalt ats. Boem 10, 224H let M1ZPAH. gifted msdlarn, fear ways of telling your lira; asvaiop la circle. zz4j rim au. - room in. STREET-PAVING. WABREN Osaatractloa Co., street paving, aid, walha and roaawalka. T1S Orsgonlaa bldg. THE Trinidad Aaphalt Paving C. at Portland. Offlc 64 Worcester blk. SECOND-HAND GOODS. I AM the Bsa who pay th highest cash price xor eeeona-nana lurutur ana noaacaoia goods. Address P. O. Boa 413. Edward g. OOODE'S Farnltnr House Highest Price paid rw aecona-nana rnrnitar. ni aecoaa at. I' hone Pacta 481. TO bay or toll second hand furniture. Call at Hard Cash Farnltnr Store, 280 Flrat at. SAFES. DIEBOLD Maagaaee safest fire aad barglsr proci worx: jsu aaa pnsoa wort: loexoat speasd; rspalrs. J. E. Davie. 68 Third at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of very deeerlptlon; beak, bar ana store nxtare mtae to order, xas uai Manufectarlng Co., Portland. TALKING MACHINES. GIBSON CO.. 848 Waahlagtoa st- Complete atock ef Columbia grsphophooes aad records. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DULY Comb, brush, soap. i par montn. - utwrenc vroa.' Towel supply Co., Fourth aad Coach. Phon 428. TRANSFER "AND HAULING. SAFES, pianos and furniture moved, parked reaoy lor snipping and snipped; all work guaranteed) large, I story, brick. 8 re -proof warehouse for etorage- Of See 128 Flrat' at. 0. M. Oleen. Phon Mala 64T. C O. PICK, office SS Flrat at., between Stark no oaa ata., pnon owe.; pianos and rnrnitar Bmved and packed for eblpplng; commodious brick warehouse, Front and Clay ats. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. rnone Mala a. .Heavy naaiing aaa etorage. SEE Ross M. Plnmmer about stars gs; Sreproofl eni rstes. sag Thira sr. rnooe Main aia. POST BPBCIAL DELIVERY No. (OOVfc Wash- ingToa at. rnone Main sax. VIOLINS. J. A. WESCOi violin-maker and repairer; work nrsi Class, zn Hueeel bldg., 4th ana Morrlsoa. WALLPAPER. M0BGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-186 Beeoad ex.. per. lamnill ana Tsyior. fortlsaa. FINANCIAL. D0RTLABD TXTST C0MFABY OF OREGON. I - The Oldeet Trust Company In Oregoa. RESOURCES OVER. 11,000,000. - . General banking boslnsea soodnctsd. Saving depoalt recelred. Tim certificate teased, I to d per cant) pee1l ecrtineats (sot aader $500), IU to 4 per esst on short call. Call for book f "ILLI 8TRATIONS." rnone Mala 4s. ios Third it. BENJ. I. COHEN. President IL L. PITTtM'K. ,,. Vice-President B. LIB PAGET. Secretary J. O. G0LTBA Assistant Secretary u BtTXO STATES NATIONAL BANE OT PORTLAND. OREOOaT. B0RTHWXS1 COB. THIRD AND 0A ITS. Tra Blasts a weaersl Bashing Bwilaaa. u DRAFTS I8SIED Available In All Cities of th raited State ad Europe, Hongkong aad Ma alls. COLtECTIOBS MADX 0B FAVOEABtE TERMS President J. 0. AINSW0RTH VcePreslnnt .W. B. AYEIt Vlrw-Prsatdest R. ISA BARNrs Cashier ...R. W. SC1IMKKR Aeslatant Cashier..... .A. M. WRIGHT AastaUat Cashier.. W. A. HOLT FINANCIAL. 'wSBsw2kam riXST NATIONAL BANK I .OF PORTLAND, 0XV0. Deslguated Depository aad Financial Agaat ef lbs (.'sited Stats. 1 Prealdeat.,...r....:..... A. L. MILLS Caahler..." W. I.EWKIRK Aaslstant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second AssUtsnt Cashier. .....B. P. STEVENS Letter el Credit Issued Available la Europe aad th Baetevn States. - Sight ' Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer Sold oa New York. Boston. Chicago, Bt, LouU, St. Past, Omaha. San Francl.ro snd th principal points In the Northwest. Sight and time blDs draws la sums to suit oa London. Paris. Berlin. Frsnkfort-la-ths-Maln. Hongkong, Yokohama,- Copenhagen. Chrlatlania. Stork holm, St. . Petersburg, Mos cow, Enrich. Honolulu. - Collections Mads sw. Favorable Term. LASS A TLLTOM. BANKERS. (Eetabllahed ta ISIS.) Traaaaet a Gsasrei Banking Bsslasas. Collectione Bade at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued a Tellable la Europe and all points la the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer (old oa New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Des.ee, Omsha. Baa Francisco aad Montana and British Columbia. Exchange ' sold oa London, Paris, Berlta. Franhforf, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu.' . M1 EBOKAXTI' NATIONAL BANK, POBTLAXS. OBEOOal. J. FRANK WATHUN President K. u .DURHAM. .......... .....Vlee-rreatdeat R. W. HOYT Caahler GEORGB W. HOYT I AssUtsnt. Caahler Transacts a General Banking Bnslnns, Dtt and Latter of Credit Issued Arallabl to All Parte ef tb World. Collection a Specialty. SXCUXITT SAVTBOS A TX08T COMPAXT. 88 Merrlaaa St.. Portland, Or. . Transects a Geaeral Bankiag Bualnsaa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest AHuwed on Tims snd Savings DepoattaV Acts ss Trustee for Estates. . Draft and Letters of Credit Avaltebl la All Parte of tea World. F. ADAVISi ....President A. LEWIS , '.First Vice-President A. L. MILLS....'. Ssooad Vlca-Prealdent R. O. JUBITE . . .. .Secretary GEO. X. BUBSELtV Aaalateat Secretary M OBJUS BROS. ill lint St., Pertlsad. Or. ' Offer Ont-Bdge Inveatant la Municipal aad -. Railroad Bond. Write or Call. p COBTIXEJITAL COMPABT. ' liunclal Agents. 243 Stark at. Phon Mala 1878. MORTGAQB LOANS Oa Portlaad Real Estate at Lewest Batoa. . Titles Insured. Abstracts rnrniabad. TITLE erjABAXTZE A TRUST 00. ' 848 Waahlngtea-.St., Oar. Seoesd. BIG GAIN IN f.:Er.:BERSHIP DURING LAST YEAR- Oregon State Baptist Convert . tion Closes Annual Session -at Eugene Today. (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Eugene, Or., Oct. 12; Tb Oregon Btata Baptist convention will clog Its sessions this vnlng. Teatrdajr's ses sions., war pretty well taken up with reports of the different' departmants of work. .The report of the oorreapondlng acrts.ry, Leonard W. Riley, was very ncou raging. He aald that in Oregon during the year SI mlaslonariea had been appointed and that 70 churches and outstatlons were being; supplied by these. -In the churches 184 baptisms wr reported. Th report stated that .there lrer now 111 churches In the stat. The reported 1,874 baptisms. This number, taken with the other ad' dlttons, make total sain o .2,011 for thla year, but there have been som losses, which bring; the net gain dowp to 1,162. Th total membership in Ore gon la now I. IS I. New churcbea bay been organised At Hood River, Madras, Echo, Eagle Point, University Park and At, Johns. Four . new churches have been dedicated, while five new paron--l This morning sesalon opened At t o'clock and th last addrea of th con. ventlon will be delivered this evening by Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher of Port land, who will speak on "on of tb Lost Graces." '. . I. . . . , m - XQlsd By TrAlm, (Speclal Dispatch to Tb Journal.) Hunt's Junction, - Waah.. Oct. 11. While walking along th railroad track eaat of thla place lat Tuesday night. LjOU Tock, Chines section band, was struck by the W. A C. R. passenger train from Walla Walla and Instantly killed. Repeated - soundlnga of th whiatl failed to rouse tn Chinaman from A reverie. Tock - was returning from a visit with friends At Wallula when killed.- . "JsswessMsassss) - Dn. GUUIl'S BL003 1 NERVE TONIC A TABLET TO TAXB AT MBAXj TTMB, Aetlaa a Si Slead god Her It raptee Mis 188 at Dlseaa, Ovarwork ar DtaaisaUae. . F talm flM and StrasftAf set fmt j, T gem MyAuto frost dag Ceeee, f Oreaf Asrve For, Te I asprev ts f Stop Wrr Ip. ' Ueit MaoMgSesa, rStpgisgytTarA Ttrasteer Aitl. T Our gSssy V asses, fa gssieee tesr lee to, Tt Urnkt 8Mn Clear, It Cur PmaMssra, SwawMawdOosstBfo -SOLO ST DRUGGISTS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT I Of PICE,7.AB0X;SB0XE$2, ML SOBAjrZO OO, rtnLADBLPHlA. PA. ! SU:.E' CURE FOR-PILES! 1 in a rues laeBrodaeesao use aaolsture aad seas itahln wall aa Blind, Bleeding se Protruding dos itohlna and hlssdii JaratdruggrateeirsBBt h: or see. l ny asaiL Treattss rrss-Wrtts about roar esse. Da. BuaAMO, Plill.da.. Ia IN;AiME E K W treat snoeeeafally all prirat r)r vous and dhronie dlaeaaes of man; also . blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wseur SYPHILIS (without mereury) to stay etired for ever, r We remove STRICTURE, with out operation or pain, in II days, We stop dralna, night loaaes and spermatorrhea by a new method in week. W can restore th sexual vigor fof any man under 60 by means of local ' treatment peculiar to ourselves. W Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week .. Th doctors, of this Inatlttit ar Btl fwguiar graduates, have had many ysanr experience, nave dm a Known in Portland fof IS years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undartak no ease an! certain eure can b RetetL W rusrante a ear In every caa Wi undertake or charge no fee. Conaulta. tloa free. Letters rneifldentlaJ. Inatrae tlv BOKFOR MCN mailed free ta plgln wrapper. W eur th wvirst ease ef piles la tloti. Cur guaraatead. Jfwoti stunot oall at otpo. writ for Offlo hour. IUI and T to sV Sund ay and bolldays, II t 11 DR. W;v NORTON DAVIS Cz CO. Offloss to TsA Itoy Hot. IS Xl'iti t - C t Ka. tot':- C 7 TRANSPORTATION. J TNC COSirOrTTASIX WAV. City Tlshet Oflee, 122 Third St., Taess 188. 2 OVERUND TZmS DAllt 2 TB ITyev and th Vswt sAsJJU rUBTOZD HBTXOXf - tn-TO-SATB BQTJTjnCTaTT COTSSTBOTJS BaaVasOTBBW LEAVE 180 a, m. From. ' Vortlaoid , Tla Seattle ARRIVE 7:00 a. m. 11:41p.m. :I0 p. m. :Kp.m.- YiaSpokftae 1:00 A m. tO. 24. SJ BT. Qs.) OXvXcAT sTOBTXCBXOI TKAsfisTT OO. " Balling From Seattle I. . atmnTBBOTA, Sow. s. 8L SAKtrVA Ilea. IS. For 'Japan snd China Porta and Manila. BmrOBT TTJBXBT StSTBalA (Japan Hall Bteamahlp Company) -SL SL KABASAWA XCABTJ ' Salla from Seattle for Japan, China and all Aalatlo Porta About Oct. 24. For tickets, rales, berth reservations. ete call on or address BT. BI0XSOXT, C P. T. Av . : Portland, Or. ATTXXTIOXt TAB 00XTLAXD. Tb satonlshtng mystic, the occult wonder of two continents. . Sevaa yesra of eoatteaeas work ta Portland and s clientage of thousands places a ma a ta a position that no joet critic laia caa dleturb. Beedlnga redaoed thl week. Call today bring thla ad. t site Ktie aue sue Due sue do m Are yoa to doabt ahoat aa biveetmratr Bsv yoa a domestic trouble f Are yoa about te tax a fonrnerT nave TOO nfaiee roa an sox kbow nd frtende whom yoa doabt 1 Don't mtatahe nam and number Van voruaaa, amn waaa- tagtca street. ., ' . , CLAIRVOYANT B20THEB WILLIAM, the (taker Proohet IT IS Jl'ST AS CHXAP TO SEB THB BEST. ABlliV VB4W- IXAnusi Lbsisrvian.., A . LOW fCB. I do hereby olemnly agree and goaraat ta taahe no charge 11 I nil 10 can row mj ns. ...II e wam m-mI. .n-mU. a. etwals. proxoisv W IT, I ww . --, wife or sweetheart Is true or fs tee: tell yoa now a gain ue tove ex see ewe re. wot mwi even though mile away: bow to ueesrd la basis, speculation. Iswsuits; bow to amarry th on of your choice; bow ro regain your youth, health and vitality. Bonaovee evil In. J.1.1. kaklta UMtM ' 813H Waehtngtoa at.. or. f stats. Scott's Ssntal-Pepsla Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Vor Tnesmnstio orOstarrtof ka Kl.rtrier MS a ifiesessa a.ie eye. SO OtJSS B0 fAT. Cure quickly aaa perMaany tn oret cases sf Siesios aiesi d view, no atelier ot bow agetaadla. Ahselately armless. Sold hv dnanist. 'rloa II OS. ar b tnalL Boat pal a, p., g bos, sx-'s. TKESAHTAL-PEP-im far Sals by WsssArtt Olarke Oss Evory Vcman xaiuxiatoa ana snooja gsow MAjrVTLVknTawXrV I The new VaMi ayro . tmiet. laws-Jsrrmt. llsat Ml eat Most convenieni. , s. other, hut send stamp fog Illustrated booh eal,s. ft full nsrnoulara and directions tn. valushl to ladle. Mtai ltL CO., at. BBS ST.. BBW KIRK. FOB SALS BT W00DABA. CXABZX A 00. t w r thre tree, tin en ta, wlUeat ersrw 9011001 blank. . Ilom trwataeal I mi Vl N :.l r-Tl i a 1 Mil vttu w.vm umm "VA.JsTiT? . tMKg aw -A, ns- tra::::cta-. ) U ) "JO 3 Trains to the Ecst D2y 5 Three Punxeaa etasderd sad asw4 a xag-r dally se Oflkaas, Chieaee, Se4 4 tourist aleeplog-ear dally te Aaaeaa C -I tbreogb PalWa tooriat alMolag-wrs ( ally ess1 or ted weekly 4 Cbseage. Beewi J , hatmr (aeate Ires) ts tb baa Aeu. 0B1OM DBPOT. cm ca oo- po rtLab o IParTit. 8:12 I Fey the Baat via Haa. Dally. ngtoa. SPOKANB rr.Tan For Bsstsra Waahlog . Walls Walla. Lew- S:t8 a, OaUy. 8re,Sai tatoa, Cog d'Alene ana ureal Bertaera ATLa irnr 8 18 a. I Daily. f :1S a. as. Vet the Bast via Baaa- xngtee. Oolaxshta Breer PtslsSsa, avruaiA aa way aetata, souxseetlaai with Ib 8a. DeJly. ex. Had. Abes . 1 S:o p.,av , fair, for II wee ssd worre- Beeea. at mr. slo, Aeh-et. doch. tlsavj Saturday. lOlOB B. XS Teas klU Btvea- Bee. rOB BATTOM City ead Tsashlll river pelata, gtmra. Bath aad fire) S. Sa Dally, sg. osaday, T'8a.Ba. Dally. ssTitsSaag, auMoe, Aaa-et. Seek (Water pera1ttlB. Saab Bres Xexcaa, FOB LBTTISTOFt 8:40 a. as.. or apoa ar rtTal Train 4KMB.SBS Monday WedasaSoS; Satarday 4 aad way peiats ,i Blparle, WSU Btl No. A Swa Toes, Thar. TICXBT omOB. Third aad W Bhewe ar.la ns ft . BTIN0EB, 01 ty flh A. I. CBAI0, Oaaacal EAST SOUTH cbiob paptrt. OVBBIAND BXFBBBS Tralaa. lor flalaaa. Bis I burg. Ashlaadr Sacrw-I BMsle, Ogdea, Saa rrsavll esses, Btathsaw. Lea Aa-I SisflhS. gsiss, a rss, ew wr-i wans an toe axes. Um.1.. SMm era ai woenern lly xest awxwtsyl SJOa. am, with trala sr , lat, Angel sllvarfea. BrowasvUle, Ssrfsg flald. WwdUag aad natroa. resefssaaagar S.-0ta,ax, T:80a.Sa. lit. Oorvain aa Sb I 4:80 a. aa. Shsrldas ssaasigs. Forest Orov psss.ngel S8 a. I 48 p.aa. Dally. N IIDally eseapt Seaday. Depot foe ef Jeffereea (trwet. Leave Portland dally for Oeweg tJS S. sst 12:88, 2:06. 4.-OS, 8:80. 8:88: T.481 10:11 llf p. bj.v Dally (except Soaday). SAOy d:SO, SAs. 1:2B A to. Sunday only. 8 00 a. aa. ReCaraing from Oewego. arrtv .fwtlssd day S:20 a. wTi 1:88. 1x4711. :. 1:84, S:hX 11:10 p. ., 12 M A am. Dally (except Baaeavi. 8:25. T:2B. S I0, 11:4 a. SV B-sAayy, ' iii fro- sax eVpot log Pallas asd Btediats point dally 8:08 a. Ba, Arttve twrw knd 10:10 a. at. ' . . Tbs lad. naaissu i afiiaaiaatb bteter Ida ewarata dally to MaaBesith slWh Beetlnw with Soatbera Pacta liiBmrw tra. at Palls and Indepewdene. . rtret-eUsa fsr frost Portland ts Saeraais. wIS. FTSaetsc 828. berths SB, g. far IIS, xcond-claae berth 82.80. Tickets te Baatsr Btste adS-B a Janae. CMna. Hwwlal aad Aoetralva. j City Ticket Oce corner third aa WwAV iTw BTTlIBBXs. .tU. .. Olty Tloket Ageai. . TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlandi DAJXT. 0M10BI MPOT. , TsUewvtoB Par-B,s as City -St. lee Jps ctsl tor Chehalls. Oes tralla, Olajcda. Qreys Barhor. Scth Bod. To- IMA 88, IMliB S1WB.SA IJSg. SA) ..'-, ' ;' "y t .i TxtSSsaB. and aoatbaas. 1 North Coast LlarlrsA electric lighted, tor 1M MB, seattss. apuoaa. Butts, bllnasspolla, St. Paul asd tbs Baat. Paget Soaad Uerftsd, for Chehalls. Oss tra lis. Tar aaa aad Baalist en It. . iw.Sk, Twin City Biiiiasa, fat Taesssa, See tils. Bp-1 ssas, nswna. aratte. TeUowaaoa ,Thrb. atle aeapolla. St. paal aad tb asst. UMBB. Bt, tsSV A. n. rSARLTOlt. .- Asatstaat Qsasrsl fas, agar A 2SS Morrlaea St.. ee-TlaarA, rorUaoA. Oleae. Astoria & Columbia ! River Railroad Co. I AJiliasj, 0m, Leave. PH10W DBBwT. Arrreea. SS a. sv For afaygsra. Balstsr. 11 :S8 , Sk. Dolly. Oa tehee, Weetport. Daily, Cllftea, Astoria, War- , i isatso, . rivt, Ba ,-. BMad. Fort Stsven. . . ; Oearhart Park. Seeaies, - Astoria aad Si si hare. " Xslwea sail. ' lSp, Ss, T8 p. ss. Dally. IIDally. Astoria Bxpra. 7 1. A HitA 0. F. ssd f. A Aswwts. 0. C A. 8TXWABT, Cnwwercisl Age-t, Assat StrA Paose kUka ALASKA . AST AND POPtrLAB BTBsJOntlw . LssveSestis.Ss.Sx. Txrrrtsow." ow,"tx o. ss, "POIPBJB." 0OT0aA Is, te. CALUB0 AX XBTfmKs". HAISsI, SKAOWAt. t. 1 P. A X- reeie Sat Iwl, A, s- Bone, eta, ros au. t:: z:.'i "' Call r- ' " ' ' - I .