OREGON ' DAILY TOURIlAi; PORTLAND, VVZD!HCDAY CVUJO, CZTCZT ,::.! !1 c Their Only Fear Is "That tha Rob ' berW Earaftd.-'at- Not Securing ' MoreWffl Slog Them to Get Even ' witn ine mgac T Tm virhwavman names were-the victims of cruel sarprlse at "1 o'clock this morning on the outskirts ' f 8 II wood. They held tip twoj motor- man of the Oregon Water Power com unr, thinking they had a pair of con ductor; 'whose pocket! they would find bulging with nickels. As it u they sevurva w wu nvw vuw uu - - from the other. R. R. Bachelor and C , B. . 8ufferata war the motorraen. They had put their care In the barn at Mtlwaokle for the night and atarted on foot for their homes In Sellwood, After walking 'for aome distance they discovered two men in the heary shade ImmedlatelyMn front of them. One of, thea held re volver i and leveled It as he cave , the usual. -e4mmand- The -hands went ap with speed and precision and while one of the robbers went through the pockets f the men. the other kept them cloaely covered with his pistol. At findlna only TO cents in alt the thugs expressed keen disguat-aad refused to take the watchea of the streetcar meh on the ground that they ' were 'theap. After- completing Hhelr work the pair disappeared in; the darkness. . - ... ' ' ,.. Bachelor and Bufferage do net relish their experience, but . consider them elves fortunate In escaping as easily as ttiar AiA - . . . ; "My great fear was that rd get slugged over the bead when- they found so little money on me," said Bufferage. "I don't mind the loss of the 4 cents; no, not for a minute." t v- t ' i Joe. ICuhnel qf 714 Umatilla avenue 'Iras-held up by' two men near the Wi Verlr golf links shortly after the experi ence, of the streetcar men bad been re ported. Doubtless the highwaymen were the arn In both cases. - They allowed Kuhnel to- depart after satisfying them selves that he had only a watch. ' As In the other ease, both men wore black maakat" 1 - : . i tarn I7KITE PUiBUE i rr niiirn iuiiu , LlLL LL blfUl AiiAf v r '' Y''Yf'VvtY V,r.: 7 '-.. "' aw No Pain No Pain lNICE TEETH We are the dlacoverera and orig1nat ore of the only reliable and . scientific system of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee work' lor mieen xeere. u le the best, our prices in iowwi con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates are unde tectable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit . ... , - FILLINGS ,..,.BOa, Too sad fl.00 GOLD CROWNS .......... i. V ... --00 bridge: work . ...et-oo PUI4, SET NATURAL TEETH... a.M Open - fat evening. atQ Boston Painless Dentists SSiy. Kotrlaoa -, pt Voter j Ttmk aad Poetomoo. " HOURS 149 a. m. to p. m. ' Sun day. l:to a,, m. to 11:19 p. m. Photocraph of Miaa Alice Rooterelt in Japanea Costume, Taken During Viait to the Connteao Oyama, Who la Shown ' on the Left .. ii , , . ti Vaccfne to Stop Ravages of Con- J tumption to Be Placed With-.. ' V ' ' (Joemat Sperial SerleJ . ' ' ?Kew Tork.- Oct' 11. Vaccine for. the cure, of tuberculoela, the dlsooyory of wnicn - was recently announced at tne International congresa at Paris by .Professor von Bearing, will T be brought 'within-the .reach of even, the poorest people In every part pf the world within a, year, according to the statement made by-Dr. E- Bischoff of the rm of C , Bischoff eV Ca, Professor von Behrings ' Ameloejt agents. Bischoff ' is satisfied that - the cure . of consumption has actually-been, discovered and denied that Ton Behrlng was holding back tba dis covery - for the sake of money- .to be !' gamed" from Ua exclusive bee. Bischoff aid further:, . . -, ' "Professor von Betmng told ms last spring that as hoped to have the new vaccina ready for - the publle next August. It -will be cheap and. any ; physician can reVdlly obuln it , Special i rates will be given phllanthroplo InstW tutlons and persons too poor to pay much. Probablv larse ouantitiaa will be made avaUable for the very poor with ' out compensation." ; - . u Round Trip Deify to Astoria. ; . ' Excursion' ,'steamr Telegraph makes round trips dally j(except Friday). Da. parts froni. Alder street dock, T:M a. m. XTom , Astoria; i p. m. ..Arriving Portland Sundays leaves Portland 1:19. P. I a. m.-,Arriaa Portland J, p. m. Csn't b perfect health- without pure blood. " BUrdook Blood Bitters makes pure blood. Tone, and Invigorates the whole system. - Our suits are good enough -1 for -you to go all around: ths world in, and they'll wear and hold their shape -' good enough to come home -in too. -.-You can't find 'a . better made suit at $15 in the .world. than we; offers ; you here. " " -.'V . t:cati kaicoats ' tniCOATJ $I0to$25 Hats, Shoes and Furnith ings a complete showing ' pf newest styles. . ....... t 4 :;ic:iCciOTHin30 sd oyg. . i at laa rairg F I GUARDS AD POLICE LUX Attempt ' of Newsboys to Sell Paper Unfavorable to Expo t sition Results In Trouble. - POLICE SAY GUARDS V EXCEEDED AUTHORITY Captain Stover Says That Triangular Plot Is Exposition , Property anJ Under Jurisdiction of Fair Officials Cuaxds Appeal to Chief of Police. Police and exposition, guard eolUded thla morning at the entrance to the fair grounds. During the altercation' the po lice threatened to arrest the guards If they did. not return InaMo' the grounds. Ap lmmeneeCTOwd was attracted ' ' The 'trouble was etsriea ny inree nwsboySi who were Belling a publica tion containing severe, atrlctu res on oer tain fair officials. 1 ; The exposition guards triad to prevent the boye-fronMcrylng-their wares and were acensed by the polios of exceeding the cause of the newsboys and said that ths guards were exceeding their- au thority In leaving the grounds to inter fere with them. The three newsvendors were Joseph MUstone, Julius Bader.and Robert Kullsch. - . A -number of officials who bad heard of what waa going on first endeavored to dissuade the beys- fTom selling the papers. , rinding they could not do so, the offteiale aotlfied ths ' exposition guard and Chief of Detectives Dona- baa and an assistant went to the en trance, but they. too. failed. In ths meantime Patrolmen R. L. Phillips and H. 8. Raney, attached to . the ypahur street station, appeared on the-scene. They cautioned ths guards not to mo lest the boys on penalty of themselves being ! arrested. -' A wordy wrangle en sued and Phllllpa went to the station to consult - Actlag Captain Slover. , The pollcemsn was informed by Cap tain Blover' that although It waa not fenced In, the triangular plot of ground In front of the. entrance to the grounds waa exposition property ' and that - tba boys, while on It, were under the Juris diction of the fair authorities. The boyt were notified of their rights by the police and afterward kept to the side walks. - Chief Donahae and his men eventu ally gave up the attempt to estop the sale of the papers ' and went to police headquarters . to. consult with Chief Grltttnscher. - . , .'. 5. .'. " . - ,; DOBS EXPRESS COMPANY OF ; $100,000 PACKAGE Edward C. Cunliffe, Clerk in - Pittsburg Office, Disappears With, Money."., (Joarael Special SrtVtte.V "i ' Pittsburg, Oct. 11. Edward O. Cun liffe, acting' money clerk for the Adams Expreee company In thla city and a package of currency amounting to 1100,- 009 have mysteriously disappeared and It ie supposed- that Cunliffe has ab sconded with the money. - The, money was in transit to bank at Cincinnati, and was received and receipted for by Cunliffe. who was acting for the regulsr clerk during the letter's Illness. Cunliffe receipted for the money Mon day. 'He returned lo his - home that evening, changed his -clothes, ' bid bis wife goodbye, saying he was going out for the evening. That was the last seen of . him. He Is about li years of age aad baa always borne a good reputation, PAT CROWE TO ANSWER ; . FOR KIDNAPING CRIME v . . tfeerael goeetat Berries.) Omaha. Oct. 11. When arraigned be fore Judge Berka In the polios court yestsrdy Pat. Crows . pleaded not guilty to shooting with Intent to klU Polleemsn Jackson. A big crowd was 'present. He wsa Immediately taken to Jell where he waa photographed and underwent the Rerttllton meesuremertt. A charge of highway robbery la eon Dec t ion with the Cudahy kidnaping will be filed today against him. He refuses to aee or. be In terviewed by the pubUe , , v ' . - i ;. ' . , i i"- .'..' i SECRECY 18 KEPI BY LAND BOARD i -k Session Behind -.. . Closed Holds Doors and Discusses Question '- - of Vital Interest, n - . for a Clever Woman With a small Income and ' artistic tastes there's no -cheaper or better method of house decoration than the application of a coat or two of ready mixed paint here and there. It la our thought that it will ba to- your benefit to see us about paint "the small oost of making woodwork look like new may be a matter of moment to you. . . .... ' Fisher, Thoraen Coe raosT ajts scosjusosT. REPORT OF ENGINEER ' NOT MADE IN FULL Reclamation Project - of Detchutea Irrigation ft Power Company Gone ' Over but Results of Meeting Not i Chren Out.'' : (gpsdal Dlspetek to The Joerasl.) , Salem,. Or., : Oct. ' 1 1. The atate . land board yesterday - beld - behind closed doors a meeting at which s Question ot viUl Interest to tba settlers ot eastern Oregon was ; cVlscussed. - The. meeting was primarily for ths purpose of hear ing the report from the state engineer as to the exact -conditions exletlng In the Bend country with' reference to the proposed reclamation project of :r the Deschutes Irrigation A Power company. The engineer, however, was 'not per mitted to make his report In full It seems, but answered questions . pro- puunava to mm cry us twsru. About a month ago the Deschutes compsny mads application to the state land board to have the atate eecure patent from the government to aome 77.000 acres of land In the , Deschutes valley. The stats land board passed the list of' lands to the state engineer for his certification that the land in ques tion has been reclaimed. The state en' glneer. returned the list with the sug gestion th,st the "board adopt rules, as provided by law, by which he should be governed In making his report. A meeting of tba board was soon held at which the president of the Irrigation company appeared and protested against the adoption of any rules. The board finally at that meeting Instructed the state engineer to go over the territory In question and report to the board the conditions as he found them.- Yesterday afternoon at 1:10 Was the time set for the hearing of this report. What was dons at the meeting ean only bo conjectured, aa the members of ths board will say little. , It la thought, however, that it waa net exactly a har mony convention.. The board la aald to nave complied with State Engineer Lewis' request in so far as to give him one rule by which ho Is to be governed. That is.' that one eublo foot of water a second In the ditch at the head gate for every 100 acres shall, be considered sufficient . to reclaim ths land. Acting ' upon thla nils ths engineer wss Instructed to go over, the original list presented by the company and designate what tracts have been reclaimed In accordance with the affidavit which he la required to sign. NEBRASKA LAND FRAUDS PROMISE A SENSATION (Joarael' apeelel Berries.) ' Omaha, Oct. -11 Oovernment agents are unearthing land frauds Inr Nebraska that promise to-be even greater than those of Oregon fend the- arrest In Port land of Prank Lambert is said to be but the beginning of a aeries of arrests that will Include many prominent man of this atate. The grand Jury will meet Nov ember It and nearly tOO ,wltneaaeg will be examined,- 'Many. Andlctmente are looked for. ' mmm teBaby ;n n n It w I l i in I rive bin hia MeUln'e Pood and ( he eleeps ' tu inorninf How many mothers can say thia ot their babies? ' " It your baby doee- 'not aleep well it , nay be that he la not properly fed. f A poorly nonriehed baby w a. poof aieeper. Mellin e rood babies are ood sleepers. Oar book the "Care e( Iniants," sent It e( charge. Is the glLT frk tcelved the Creai S-I-. ase laweettlea. St, temis. 104. Huh MtlXlN S FOOD Cp BOSTON. MASS, '., . . ;. -fc-i i: HelTU'a Pee reed, which Ue Me-teste : Art Fiiridhirc : Tebnidcchiring Co. C. A. WALKER. Mgr. . Manufacturers of SPKUL lEJlCNI m fClHrrUH .. ANsCaSiimWORt Vat - j BTfeetal Atleorttosv Oiven to Boyals Work.--- . -' . Fsderf ni WarcsasM ' T"T 404M-452 leyt Strttt,hrllaai,0es ' ' ;Phone5Maiii !. K. 'ANDREWS, Pree't ! l ' i sarsTsrararTra -warsBE-aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb bbbbw g - mm m r-ssswawaa u -. - . i i i - I f L d::.; -3. II M'..'. I I oTJ III rrrr A 'J; 1 v I AlBfO SITloijy r I i A I l I all m il , ';..-. ti, j .'-.-' .m I'-.-- li ' , - ,x it : unknown I - II i .; V- ' i rT7.: -.: - II - s - . .'V :.uii titHTS IS TOTAL LOOT : : 'hwayman Hold Up Motorman Instead of Conductors and ; I " Are Cadly Surprisad. r'PFdUNIOUS VICTIMS , MAKE NO RESISTANCE The JLzrczzt Variety of Clothing, Hoto, Shoes and Furnishing Goods Ever Shown In Oreoiv the BMKRiiP?-, mm of. uomm. dros. Now Is the Time - TO BUY PIANOS But before you make your seiec tion don't fail to see our line of HIGH, GRADES. ' We certainly have the best-lines to select from and know, that we can save-you money. ' You can buy a STEIN WAY for less than you are asked for many other makes which do not begin to rank with it. - . v; The A. B. Chase, Estey, Emerson, Starr, Heller and others 'we sell are all the best in their class. D UNDO RE PIANO CO. Steinway Dealers 233 WASHINGTON STREET WAREHOUSE CORNER GOES : FOR $13,000 Information. Bureau Opened for Those Interested In Opening , of Flathead Reservation. T. CNorthrup a Co. have aold for R.-F. Rail the- southwest corner of Thirteenth and Irving streets to D. W. Savage for 111.000. Mr. Savage eontemplatea ereotlng a large -ware house on which work probably will be commenced soon. The selling price for a euarUr In thla district is regarded low, especially In view of the sales made -thereabout .within the past two months.' Opening of the Flathead reservation In Montana la oausing unusual inter est ' among the- more migratory of the fandseekers. Thla tract, embracing about 1.604,000 acree, la to be opened to set tlement and the allotments will be made at Mlaaoula, Montana, In the manner of other great openings 01 reservations. Owing to the fact that many local per sons have been Inquiring regarding the prospects of getting a homestead in one of the five valleys of ths reservation. H. W. Miller has taken an agency for an Information bureau opened In Mis- soula,. whioh seeks to furnish full in formation to all intending aettlere re tarding, the topography of the land and general climatic conditions. ... .Building, permue nave oeen issued to: . A. Undsley dwelling on East Yam hill street between- East Thirty-seventh and East Thirty-eighth streets, $1,100; Ine A Hubbard,-dwelling on corner of Mill end Tenth streets, 4.000; C E. Brockmaa, dwelling on oorner of Bast Thirty-third and Division streets, 11,200; school district Wo. 1, school house at corner ot Eaat Fourteenth and Thompson streets, $4,000. . '. A repair permit has been granted to H. A." Btdner on dwelling at lite Cast Salmon etreet, ft &. - I V 0 w j-j. V v t ' eOa O'SiCt. ,exj-e5 f MAMNtlN $T vtk e sasaays , . 107-tOO tAST'XAOiepl'STflCCT' rug awoaft, '. :uto.rur gr mwi omce. V.. lOOS-tOO WASHIMOTON AV rgffMS NCT CAM -No csims oi diduciiont plhmid ttctfit by special agrtmtn( ' 4 S; Qreen Slns T fiti 11 tHv H Tt 4 TT :VortK of Mcfn'o and A(YV AC OlRTATi VA I I. TIP O A H 11 A-a it aTjDs, JL IL-et; . V TOX JI VJ( A-a The stock consists of goods from the very best makers of tailor made clothing In the United Sutes, Stetson Hats, Thibbett's Shoes and Wilson Bros.' makes in furnishing goods. . The - world's best and choicest are thrown at your feet for a mere trifle of their; real value, Suits, Overcoats -and , ' Cravenettes . f2.es For odd $7-00, 18.00 and $9.00 Suits. f S.90 For choice of 500 Suits and Overcoats, all colors, and sizes to 42 worth $10 to $12. f 6.00 For choice of 500 Suits, Overcoats and CraV- enettes,'fall or winter "weights; worth $15.00 and $20.00. " -'-v- - v -.---r-- -- - --- f9.00 For choice of over 500 Suits, Overcoats and - -- Crarenettes, all colors and sizes; worth to $5 li:eO For choice of nearly 500 fall and winter Suits,' Overcoats and Crarenettes; worth to $30.00. . , ' " - Children's Suits 8fls For all-wool, small size, to $3.00 Suits. J1.T& For small size, all-wool, to $5.00 Suit. , 9.39 For all-wool, sizes to 16, $5.00 Suits. ' 92.89 For extra fine all-wool to $6.50 Suits; sizes 3.89, For all aires Boys Suitsi i '.worth to $8.5a -.' Pants 6000 Pairs 59a For $1.50 grade Hickory Working; Pants, 99 f j-or corduroy,- worsiea ana cassunere rants. $2,50- f 1.8S Worsted, assimere, all-wool , . cheviots. tweeds; worth op to $4.50. . 39 For extra quality worsted, corduroy, casil- " mere, cheyiots, tailor-made, to $6 Pants. 09.89 Imported material, silk and Vool and union, worsted, up to $7 Pants. 03.89, 03.89 For French and English worsteds, , custom-made, by Holland Broa., to $10.00. Reefer Coats 89V 01-39, 01.89r0389 00.80; worth to $10. 15C iShirt Waists . , Star, Mother's Friend, -in white dress, -wool-arid fancy; worth to $2; broken lots; 300 to pick from. UNPARALLELED BARGAINS IN '.;.':.., '' Shirts. Hosiery, Un der wear, Gloves. Etc, v 28e For woof merino, extra 50e quality. 89 For black and blue fleece 67c Winter Under wear. .. ' -.. -- ' 49e) For fleece, rib and Jersey $r Winter-Under- '' wear. . - - v.v .- , " 39e For -three quarter wool, cheviot, knit 85c Un " derwear, -, ;''.'.,,,.' 98 f For full lines wool, derby, fleece and rib and - straight wool Underwear; worth to $2.50. Sweaters 491..For odda worth'to $k5a . 1' , 69 For odds, half woom worth to SiOO. Manhattan and Monarch . ; Shirts 89 For choice broken -size white dress, fancy-yer cale, madras, ate.; worth to $2. lCCOand 1 Darrjains In the different thinp that MEN AND BOYS WEAR, froni I collars n if eacn to tetson Mats, rnibett s Fum Mackintosh Coats, Rubbers, UmbrelUa, Rubber, Boots, Mv MMMMMMI tUMIMMMMIMtvMIMMIMMIMMt X (DM Mfl(0l To Astoria and Ocean On Beaches V The Day Boat Down the Columbia Leaves riafly from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. 1 Cafl up MAIN 613 M eeMeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee4eeM , 1, .THE SCENIC ROUTE OF AMERICA FASTEST BOAT IN AMERICA. CASCADE LOCKS AND RETURN $1.00 ; i .. ; . OPPOSITION BOAT CHARGES SL50. - . ' -'.'i . , STEAM EM J ' CAPACITY 090 PASBBNQERa ' Runs through the $2,000,000 Government Locks after passing through the heart of the Cascade Mountains, from which leap waterfalla (Multnomah, 800 feet) enchanting to behold, and affording grand views of dark canyons and glens and towering mountains the like of which may not be seen from the decks of any other steamboat in the United States. EVERY TOURIST SHOULD MAKE THIS TRIP. Dock FoQt of Oak Street d DUKE OF SAXE-C0BURQ WEDS PRINCESS VICTORIA : 1 V , . , (Jeamal SpeeUt SsrvUa.) Olueeksburg. Oct J I. Prince Charles Edward, Puke ' s Seie-Coburg end Ootha,- and Prlnoess Victoria Adolphs wen married toflajr. . ine emperor and empress were present end the British court was represented br Prince Arthur ot Conns light. Manv princes and mem. bare of the high' nobility from all ,perU of Germany were present - The groom la a nftphew of King Ed ward and the bride Is the eldest daugh ter of Duke Frederick of - Sohleswig- Holsteln-flonderburg-Olueoksburg Uleee of Impress Augusta yiotorla, Steamer Telegraph for Astoriai ' Round trip dally (except Frlday) leaves Alder street dock- 7:10 a, nv Re turning leaves Astoria I p. n. Arriving Portland :! p. m. Sundays leaves Port land I a. m. Arrlvee-Partland I a. m. Preferred eteek Oaaaed Ooods. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand, , ,. ' : Y