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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1905)
V : I 14 - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY - EVENING. OCTOBER .41. IZZX . t - JOURNAL ,"WantiAdw Rates . ,., , .1 - lit I . SI 1 u ti u 1 m I I 1 bim at tM Bostoffles st Porttaad. Oreswa. tor Ira sapor taUwa through Um avails a hMtf. Aw single ropiest FV J. 8 sr 11 I bag HP. I cent; IS to $0 pages, sratsi u v, gwav a easts. - Editorial Room................. Jf'JlES '. t Business OKloa...... ...klaia euv ' poehow AOTzsTtanro imztmiTM. I Vreelaad-Beujemla Special Advertlelng 1 1M Num.. .trl. ..- York: Tribune Build- Inf. Chicago. ': " , nrssomirnos batm. Tbs Tteny InruL wllh Auaday, 'I SJ ! vl " Journal. I year 'J. ; . 2 JournaL with Sunday. nxoetbe. J T v Jbe Delly JnerneL 8 month.. .,..,.....- ' "The Dally Jo real, wttk Bnnday. t axontbs. ! . The Dalle Jonrn.1. ft anonrh.. Ietlv Journal. month. Dally (Journal, with Bunder, 1 ewvefb.. " Dally, per wk. delivered. Sunday In nded .,.7. .7. ' ' 1 n. Tk. ' rlsnVd " Tk. Dally, per week, delivered. Sunday . eeptee ...,, 10 "7 'VWrull .iik . . . 4 ,,r IT 1 ,-4 The Dally JonrnaL 1 veer ? ?P ''; The Dally Journal, vtth Sunday. mosths. I? Ji '.-The Dally Journal, months..., J- .; Jb Dsl'y J oar Ml. with Sunday. swaths. 1.68 The Dellv InaruL months lew Tk. Ttnr Joara.l. wltk 81111A17. 1 ootb. -T. Jnimil 1 nmi.h '-Tk finaAtw Jn.l. 1 rr f" Jill ' TCk BilmIm laraL nntitk. JTkm 8cm.Wklr JanL t to 1 Vt ' - WAfe IH.ata.kul kMPtr.t P' port. I tut. ....1...... H.8? ; . KailttaBrMi ahonKI k intd It nra. poam , aotM. .Tpiws firdora anal amalt anwinra-ara cpUbl la 1 b4 trmt pmtmf aUaipa. f TSX I0VU1L , P. . Box Itl. Portland. Oro. .-; -ii 1 , , 1 '..nni tbi oroiiAE mat i romro. . Tk Joorn.1 m ka taoat oa Hk at tbt 1 "wllowltif pl.roa: . BOISK. IDAHO H. Sana Co.: W. B. Me Intrr. CHICAGO Poatofflca Haw company. JT Daar. ; hnrn ativrt. DeWKR. cniORADO J. Black, Stxtacntk p4 , Cnrtla atrtm. . - KANSAS riTT Tap Kay Knra eaaipaaT. : HlNNrAPOLlS-M. 4. Kanpaack. M toatk ThiM arrvct. KFW TOBK rrTT'l. rnlnp aoaara. - OMAHA Millard Hot.1 mrwa atand: MrfMtk Bt.tkuvrrT mmimaT. ln r.rnnn. atrrat. tAt.T LAKK CITT Krnroa Hotel Bwa ataad: Barrow Rnm . 4 Wm NiwwiTirl arrart. amitk. .1ST. tOUTg-kPklllp Rordrr. l fcaemat atraail i n. T. Jrtt. fl atrcat. .imam r wtjh ni lotr w. k. Armn, it"i J. Km atand and nnt Markrt atrart: Oold. I amitn una., Bottrr a tret and natnt PranHa kotrl; roatcr A Oraar. Tarry kulld Inn; S. Wkratlrr. nvirablr nrara ataod. eor. nrr Markrt and kTrarnr arrMta. I BRATTT.B Ralnlor Or ad nawn atand: W, It, hank. Hotel Pattlr nnra atand. iBrOKAME. WASHINGTON Joan W. Orabaai tv. .tAOOMA. WAmOTO Central Kawa'eoav panr: Tlotrl Taeoma orwa atand. -Ft-TORI A. .BRITISH rOM'MBIA Tlrtorla - Ftrtofc j Rratlotirr- mmiMnTi ' WEATHER REPORT. Tha wratern klh prmanra cxMitlnara tn alowly tdTanrr raalnard and It nmw otrnd front ntkora Idakn to lor Traa panhandle; tha ratm low praaanra arraa kara adranrrd to ' the knrr lake rridnai and Vlrflnla. rrapactlrclr. ' A new dHtarnaBr morrd rratrrdaT arm. KritUh Columhla and It la rvotral tbtn nan. I riff north ( Montana. Aa a rranlt of thra ticnodltltma modrratrlr bear, ralna har fa lira . In the loner lake redan nd In the middle, . eoath Atlantic - and eaat (vlf atatea. A .moderate eool ware . orruplea the Miaaiaalppl i-lalu.; The tenprratnrea la tka PacMe atatea jvontlann below normal aad fair weaikee Itiruea la thnt dlatrlrt. except In extreme aortk went Wahlnton. Where a light abower or ;irred lat nlsbt. ' ' ' Toe Indleattona are for fair weather Thnra ' dar eaat f the Caarade mountain and for Inrrcealo; rlnudlaeaa followed ttr ahowerx In ;etera fhrepon and weatern u aVaablncton. AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY. October 12. 10 a. a.., at 408 Morriaoa at., aacttna nale of new and eeeoad band for e It are. com pr lain ir knaae f retailor of erery deacrlpllon. Ahram'a Pornltvra Htora, tow- c plete honaefirmlahera. ARRIAGE LICENSES. : William. It. Dreanean, Kl(la, Orefon, 44: .)arJ"ee Krkley. 2. - - ' William H. Klnirerr, McMlnnrllle, Oreftm, IT; ( Katie M, Ktort. 2. ' , , ' Joel V, Howe, 73; Jeaanle Balrd. M. a, Henry fotter. M: Lena Wolf, 4U. - r Jamea G. MrVey. tl: Kllxabeth M. ftborey, 20. . tlrmer 1. Ualley, 26 1 Rhmle Heath. 20. 1- Ha Xr Bekrendeea, 84; . May . X. Kretmaa. Htepnea A. Hun. ST: Row I- Helnrlob. 24. - harle U MHer. 80; Annie M. . Klue. 40. Ilaeld K. Onff, Heppnar, Orefoa, 82; Barak . MK'nlkiaurk. 32. - SrH Andrrww, Bllxartoa, Oref oa, 02; Jennl : Holreraoa, 45. tieorpa -W. Bradley. Atkeof, .Oresaa, SO; :i(xa t:. Morriaoa. M. Harry Gordoo. 2A; Marl IT." 'Borkanan, SS. 1 - Martin MartiiaMa, 27: Alma BTeaaoa, 28. - ' Weddlmr Card.. - W. O. Bmltk A Co..-Waak-j. lawton bldg., car. Toartk aad Weahlnftoa Ma. BIRTHS.. klitKKIJkNLI October 1. to Mr. and Mra. Jew Morrund. KIT orta Nlntk atreet, a datuyhter. THOMPtKiN October 4. to , Mr. and Mra. a' Henry W. Tbompatm, 224 H llrat atreet, a arm. BKOMRERO October 10. to Mr. and Mr. Jacob Rmmherit, 2S3 tiibb atreet, a daughter. BROWN October 8, to Mr. and Mr. Ckarlra C. Rrowa of Woodlawa, A daagbter. ' LA POST A October S. to Mr- and Mra. Ntco llna Liorta. 700 Blamark atreet. a ana. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. 1 r 0'PONXr.M October 10. Mary O' Donor U, 700 w Kaat Taylor atreet, typhoid ferer. : ., BF.NxnX octoiHH- 10. Alberta and I'anl Benaoa. , I niTrntty rark. diphtheria. , AI.KKRktiN October f. Lola AMareou, 467 Eaat j Tarlor atreet. typbold fexer. DEATHS. , KAMl'BHER Octolier P. SUr Kamoaher. aced . 43 yenrt, 423V4 Klrat atrret; raoaa. cdnrer ' tvii lT? . If1 J' Talmud Torah cemetery. LhMLr.r In thl. Ht. Ortolier 10, 1U05. Mil. lillth Umley. ated 27 year. "CLArPEN At Mount Thor October 10. 1WW. Jacob Clanaaa, axed 01 rear., J month an.1 Ry lftAl, Oflolier V- 10J, w. M. Re. to. axed !W year ' B1 At 4.VI Waahlnaton atreet. Rlteaheth Held. ac-d 84 year. I , . BITIRTIEW CZMETZBT. lale traeea $10. Family Ma $70 to $t 000 The wily cemetery U Portland whlrk 'per . epetaally malntaliai aad care for lot, for full f iaforaMtton -apply tn W. R. Markenile. Wor. ' center blork. elty. W. M. taidd. prealdent. ' i. P. Klnloy A Son. funeral dlrectora and emhalmera, corn'T Third and Madlaon atreeta OfkV of county coroner. Trlepkoae Main $ franulnaT. MrBntee A Ollhengh, andertaker a on emnaimera: nonw. in erery detail. Mereath and Pine. Mala 4JH. . Lady aaal.taat. Tk. Edward flolmaa Cndertaklnf eompanr, funeral director and . emualmera. XJM Third pc Phone 60T raneral' wreath and eat flower epeeialty Mt luae City (areenbonae, TwentyJaecdnd and kat Miwrlaon, eppoalt cemetery. . , . . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. H. Wlinrert and wife t" KK. Tower, lota K U. kk'k 14. Mt. Tabor Villa Annex T. Keeal and wife I A. Cleeeland at. al.. aoartheejet U block 111. trroeer add... It. Hmltk tn 0. SiielpeL lot e 44, Ik, blork 1. t I J. tV. lllefloa and wife tn P. W. Aria, .milk V. kta II. 12, block 8, III. '. taorne'a -Plmt add t. A Harold b J. Roper, art 18. block I. Rneeellrttle aikl v A. 8. Ella) and wife ta A. P. Marae. kd 1. blork mra, inurk'a add. aad atber 25fa) SOW 400 2730 V IS -'. Rue to K. I. !ek; lot 8. block 8, . . -nralde. add s . ;....,...,.' V,. W hroam te B. f'ammhipa, lot 2, .. fnrk 2 Kenernod Park.............. an ISO H. M. fi'Rrlm. lot I, ktork V F .'.ofl l lare ., . a ... aoer el. al, ta A. 1 llnff , M . Mock , WUlaaatt -.led I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS:. - Helfbla add V..'. ............ t, W. iirlrkam and wife to A. Infehert- aea. kola t, 4. 6. Mork T. Manafleld. .. Unlreraliy Laad aaaipany to A- O. Tenv pla lota o, , bkMk T. Unlraralty A. Baaaet't Vo "u i' ' WrVdatrom.' lot J, blort 14. Mt. Tabor Villa , .. J.-W. Uraea to k. A.-Ureea. lot . block t. KllianVth Irxbif'a Hecond add 8. . Hatch and wife la M. Mala, lot II. D. fUiarer'a add Tlrland roaapan tn P. . Guilford, Iota . S, kkwk . Plrlaad.. Sam to tl. la. Kalljr. kU . T, block II, rkrlaad ' Sheriff to (Vllrf Endowment aaaorla- tlon. S.-PJ.TP. acre aactlaaa 31, Hi, townaklp 1 north, rani 1 eaat I. et. al. to J. Waaley, lata I, . block . Cblpman add............ 1250 &) - . 800 100 " 800 1400 1400 f ,-'U .1100 8600 0. How, to W. B. Wlag, aaadry Iota Howe add T. Hluckle anl wlf to R. . Johnaoa. and wife, lot Id. blork 61. Hellwood ISO Point Vl.w Heal Eat" ale company l K., w. jsimer, lota J to xo, pwca, xi, Point Vl.w 400 8am to J. K. Klmer, k)taSa, ti,-block VI. folnt . view .' . 200 2650 - t ' .V 1 -273 i ;i : ; 1 1 000 501 SOU0 82.600 88,000 iV 20,000 It a 1500 A, H. Tanner and wtf to M. J. O. KaIta. tut 11. Dam a,. AIDft oecona add . M. Lombard -and ' wlf to B. M. Peiker, ulurk J. Wild Ban add. and other property... Till Guarantee A. Truat company to B. M. Lombard, blork a 4, .Broadway atkL anil other nroneriy..t J.- A.HIrflna pad K. C. R I tan) a and wife, lota . 7. block v, luuaei Park Security Savior A Truat company to A. Ratty, oaat 1U feat tot 13. piocs 11, i. Irrlnr'a Flret add C. V. t'uoner and wlf to Security Sarlnra m 4 ruet company, mta a, .iu, oioca 91, irrmKioo ...' -t C H. Alllaoa et. al: to Mr. 1. J. Har- ' blaon. lot 1ft. Mock 1. rortamoara J. A. Haaeltlne. admlnlatrator. to W. C Haaeltlne. anillTMed oa Pair inter! weat SO feet lota 1, 2. aaat IN feet lot T. . blork 8. eUr "A-".V '. C. Haaeltlne and wlf . to P.-H.-Blytb. andlxlded one half of waat HQ feet lot 1. X block . city A. Haaeltlne and wlf to ariae, aama Batata of T. A. IMrta to K. . mbwo, lot . T, block H, Coach a add B. B. Lamaoa at. al. to A. C. Smith. a 8. Btnawaorer et. al. to U P. Brace, lot a. buck 6, Wlllameit rairra ana M. Tracy t A. C. Speacar, lot , block 88. Oooch'a add Rlrenrlew Ometery aaaoclatloa lo W. Tllmaa. lot, 41. aenion iw, ormeiery W. H. Monahaa to U. w. Barnea, lota S3 ta 37, block 3Z. Point view r. Bhawby. and wife ta 1. Hupbea, loU S. .4, block 123. Weat Irrhnytmi. .1 ... . A. Boaenbers ta K. C. Balllrant. part of aoutb H double block C, cite ... R. I,. Bewley aad wife to O. i. Wor- eeater, lota 13 to Irj, piori 11, nono. era Hill '800 150 450 " fTJ 1T1J tsoo 8am t M. M. Derr. lota St. 25, block 11. aamo add..... If. Kllllnsaworth et." al.' to Berortly Saxlnca A Traat company, truatea, AUxM) feet herlnnlnt at northeaat cor ner lot 1. block 3. Walnnt Park..... Jaeohe ta C. Jacob, amUrlded oo kalf of blork Bl. city, and other prop artr Portland Maaonlr Camatery company to Kritiaa rteneroieni noneiy. o yreaon, lota 14, a. aertlna 2............ H. Miller et. al. lo f. C. Neo. part eee- tlon 2. towmhlp 1 amin, raac a. eeet. and other Drooertr ' Same lb P. i. Madanla. SOxlOO feet Se- plnntnf In eoath line of I lay at reel 23U feet weat of weat Una of Twelfth. mat -- Home Telephone company to Title Onar- antee A irnai company, an properiy of company lo eaear payment at bond for $4,000,000) Get ronr 'tnaoranca .ana aaatracta a real at at from the Title flnaraatee A Traat 01 panyr 20 Waahlncto atreet. corner neeonq. . Bank which. . r protects the depos itors with asAets of over ' MILLION - DOLLARS Welcome the alnxl ' dollar of the poor ajiaa or woman. J oat aa mock a tka tkoaaaada of tk wealtny. Kend today for our free booklet coo lain luc fall axDlaiiatloa of oar plana for aaetnc money and th aafeat and moat coo ran lent awtboda of banklnx. We pay 8 par cant tntaraat, compounded eeml-ennually, on tha aarlnaa aeconnta of any amount from $1 upward, and 8 to 4 per cent on Special Orttfloatee of Depoalt. In auma of p.'wu or more, eccoraiuj in ina lima tna lunua are kit with n. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street.- ' Phone Ma'ln 458. REKJ. I. COHEg.. ....... 2 Prealdent H. lt PITTtK'K Tka-Prealdent B. USB PAOET.. .' Secretary 1. O. tiOLTRA. ............. AaaUtant SecraUry i?:L0ANS We hive Ample funds to loan in any amount on improved business ' and residence property in Portland and 1 vicinity at lowest rates.. , TITUS IBISUBBD. ABBT2LACTB riTBATXSUD. The Title - Guarantee & Trust Co. . 840 WABBmrOTOV BT. v (Corner Bacond at.) '. . : PORTLAND, OREQON , NOTICE. B0TICI OF BALI OF B0BD8. Notice ta hereby aire a that the board of director of the Hood Hirer Irrigation Dtetrlet In Waacn county. Orefon, will rll th .bond, of ld dlatrlrt la th aum of $00,000 on Tues day, the 24th day of October, luud, at the boor of 10 o'elork a. m., at the office of aald board, at the reeldence of J. H. 'Shoemaker la aald dtetrlet. and that aea led propoxate for aald bonda will be recited hp aald board at aald place for the porrkeae of aald bond ontll th day and boar a box. mentioned, at which time tbr hoard .ball ope a the propoxate and award the purrhaae of the bonda lo the hurheat hid. tponathle bidder, the board reaeretng the rtxht to reject any and all hide, hide to ha accom panied 7 a certified check for 10 per cent of I t nf the bonda for which th bid la auhmttted. Raid bond aha 11 be payable Id money of th Cnlted Htatee, la 10 aerie, follow, to-wit: AJ th expiration of eleven yeara, fire per cent 0,.,b. who1' nnmner of aald bonda; at tb expiration of twelre year, alt per cent: at the expiration of thirteen year, arxea per cent; at the expiration if foarteea year, eight pef cent; at the expiration of fifteen yeara, nine per eentj at tk expiration of all tee yeara, tea per cent; at the expiration of areenteea pear, eleven per cent; at th expiration of etKhteea year, thirteen per cent! at tkw expire, tlon of nineteen yera, fifteen per eeat; at th expiration of tweaty year, dxteea per cent! nd ahaU bear Intereat at tna rate of alt per STA Tr "num. payable eeml -annually, oa th Lnrt dy f January and July of each year. Th prlnHpat and Intereat ehall be payable at th place dealpnated In the bonda and bidder re plren the option nf karins eeld bondrpaya bte at Portland. In tbe at ate of Orepua. or In a city of Nuw Tork. la tke at ate of Hew Tork. aad aald bonda will be laaaed In accord ance wltk tk election of tk aarceeafiM bidden. Said, bonda .ball be each ef the denomination of net b-M than $lor) and not mor than Aval, anA aha II n nepotl.ble la form aad coupon, for the Inter. -at aa.ll b attached U each bond lined by tbe secretary. . -Iteted al Hood Hirer, Orepo, fbH lkth dar of Srpt.mber, 1808. I. H. B1I0EMAKER, ,. ., ecraUrr. . : - " v'-; NOTICE. SEALED pmaneale addreeaed Co the Lewta and ( lark Centennial Expoaltloa Commlealoa will be received at tne ornee 01 rna commlealoa In the Oreeok nulldlna nntU IS o'clock noon. Monday, October Id. lie "5. foe tha parekaae ; at aay of the followlnp; nolldlnca now an th Lewi and t iara expoaiiwa arounaa oemupinf to toe atate of Oregon; Administration group. Including fir tatioa. police department. Ad mlnlatralhin building proper, colon a 6 and entrance; foreign Exhlblta bnlldltar, AaTirul tural building. Oriental and Educational bnlld Ina. Mackln.ry. Electricity and Tranniortatloa building, Auditorium. Mining boll dins aad Oregoa mat nuuinng. Specinratntna and Information for area. . pecttve bidder, alao blaqk forma for Mda, - can be obtained anon aptdlcatloa at tka aecri. ' tary'a office la the Oregoa bulldlns a aad artr Barnrnay; in ana ineTanx. EDUtlND C. tilLTNER. Secretary. 8EALED BIDS will be received at the office of Ike echool clerk, city Ball, hub orlocc aa., on Priday, October 13. 108, for heating and ventilating tbe Irvtngton achool build ing. Plana and apeclnVatioaa can be eeea at the or pool ciert'a otnoo. Kara propoMi pnuat be acrumpanled by a certlQcd check for 10 per cent f tbe amount of earn. Tka erboul board reserve tb right ta reject any nd all bid. . T. I. JONKS. TUvblteet FUNERAL NOTICES. MA BTI V Friend and acquaintance are ra- pertruiiy Invited, 10 attend in rnnerai aar vlcea af Peter O. Martin, which will be held at St. franc le' cbarck, aornar Fa at Eiuik and Oak .atreeta, at a. na., IBnmoay, Oc tober 12. Interment St. Mary'a cemetery. LEMLEYwfa thl elty, October 10. 1H06. lira. V.ll.l. ImlAV UmmA VT M. VianAMI Will take place Thnreday, October 12. nt 8:44 a. m., from thinning. McBnte A Ollbangh'a cfaapet rlerenth and Pin ntreeta, thence t tn eatoearai, r 11 teenin ana nirsei. at 8 a. m. Interment Mount Calvary cam. . tery. Friend Invited. ... Ol'ISNESS At M.yvllle. Oregon. October 10. 100(1. Homer uubmen, ftged 4 yar. rnnersl notice later. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Oa I'nloa ana., October 10, between Stanton at. and Alnaworta ave., ao alli gator traveling-nag; rexaooabla toward will be pa 10 for Ita retura. . A. atanaay, van- aaningtoa. . REWARD LOST TICKETS . . Ticket Omaha to Loa Aagelea and retnrn; ticket nonncl! Bluffa 'to Oreeley,- lowm. Signed H. U. Moody. Retura to U. H. Moody, 80S Alder at. , LOST Oold chain aad locket with cola at tached bearing word "Mlipah"; reward. .. B. E. Ruber St. John. Oregon. . ' TAKEN op. llrer and white potater bltck. uwaer aaareaa xx. nitiarnouan, pox cy. LOST Watck fob. Initiate 8. P. I. aa back; reward, osa r.rby at. HELP WANTED MALE. THERE la a fine opening for a food shoemaker ana ,aarnea repairer in in town 01 nnii Balraoav Waah.; noa bat a reliable man need apply. Addreaa t, C Maclnaea, White Sal aaoa, Waak. .nr. : i MEN aad boya wanted to earn $0 day, after twa montba Inetruettoo; poaitloa guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing School. New York, Cincinnati. 0., Bt. Loula. Ma, (free caU logo.) T01.NO men to prepare for clerk In Portland poatortice; entrance exammaiiuai emrBiuw 1ft; application mnat b In rrlrtey. Be B. O. Heynen. 12 lreedea bids, 203Vk .Wxatilng-texr-at. GOOD en can alwaya find work with th O. Rv A N. Co.; an appucanta must tirai pane an examination before being eligible to po altkma. Woreeater Mdg., Third and Oak at. MAN aoder 46 to prepare for city letter' carrier 1 examination Novemner is; appiiraimn muxi be In Friday. Hee . O. Heynen, 12 .; Breedea bldg., VAU, Waablngtoo at. ANOTHER boy can earn half hie tuition In oar buelnea or shorthand eourae ny a lime ornee work earh day. Tha Mnltnooxah Boalneaa Inatltot.. 88 Sixth at., city. WANTED Twa young mra to learn tha de tective boelneea; a goo opportunity r rata while learning. - Addreaa P. p. bos 257. Pboaa Mala 6618. BELIABLB boya about 18 yeara af age who want to tie eomebody. Apply ar once 10 superintendent's of 0c Olds, . VTortman At King. WANTED Clerk and wlndow-di aata ta study show-card writing at x. ax. v. a. aigni acbool; peraoaai Instruction. Apply for par ticular. $75 PERMANENT eatery and axpeaaaa paid la- ..Li- A. tk. kI . nlMal Ml. Hankar. room 8. 127 Vp 7tk t., Portland. WANTED Practical dyer and cleaner. Eat Portland Dye Cleaning woraa, Ja wrana are. Oood pay to rignx varxy. WANTED A good apprentice to Irara trade. about 18 years 01 age. . iwis ana urwim, i7 Madlaon. ' nt iriTORB wanted. 89 to 88 ner dar aalary, or cernei lee Ion. 4JU at room a um owg.. roruana. WANTED CaBvuaera. 81 day and anmmkurion good man raa make 0 to fio aauy. u Journal. MKN wanted for brickyard. Inquire Linn ton road below fair grouooa. rorxiana nrica Tile Co. 1... WANTED At 102S Williams ave., a garbage. max ta remove old traah. Phone Scott 8481. COTNK BROS. CO.. New Tork, Cincinnati, St. Louie, will furnUB pinmoara on anon notice. BRITH1E carpenter. $2.7$ per day r. I'hlllne Empniymeni t-o.. zi 1 N, Second at. GOOD advert la tng enllrltor at once: good aalary to right man. Aaareaa h ob. journal. RODMEN, railroad aurvey, $40 to $48 and board. Haneen, an norm necona tn. OFFICB ROT. apply Journal editorial room net. o::m ana 1 tna evening. BOYS wanted ta wrap eoap. Lackel, Kmc Cake. Soap Co., twa 1100a ex. WANTED A flrat-ctaae eoatmaker at A. H. Ortswold a. lai Bixta at. WANTED A tailor: old and sew work. John Ollvero, 847 Tambiil. LABORERS wanted. FoarteSBth bat.. Wnehlnj ton and Bnrnalde. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 150 - girls make rrerall . and ahlrta; Inatrurtlona glvea tn Inexperienced. Broe... Standard Factory Apply Neuetadter Broe... ntannara ran No. 2. corner East Taylor and Grand ave. WANTED Immediately, good working-woman an housekeeper, wioower. eouniry. niyt Yamhill et. Phone Main 841. WANTED Flrat-elaa woman eook; mnat under- atand her buelnea a aad have references. Central hotel, St. Johns, Oregon. TRUSTWORTHY, energetic women to travel nd organise for Vlavl company. Call ar ; address room 23, Lewi bldg. HANSEN'S LAKES' AGENCY. 843M Waablng ton at., cor. Seventh, npatalra, Pkons Mala 20U2. Female kelp wanted. WANTED A good waist band at 420 W Morrla. . et. Apply kt once. Mrs. E. A. Ebsrnsrdl, 430Vt Morriaoa at. . WANTED Gray haired lady for eaey -poet tlon, good eatery. 1142 Beat Main at., Portland. PORTLAND Sewing School, glrla do own eewmg while learalng. 271 Vi. Worrleon, room C. APPRRNTII'ES wanted at tna Oriental Beauty Par lor. 302 .Morriaoa eU . UIRL for general booaework, 8 to 2, wagea $12. 051 Kearney at. GIRIJI wanted-! Western Mantle Vi., IS Front. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTF.D Immediately, 8 men or women In do eaavaaalng. Call ap Eaat 8871 good fa-oeoeltlaa. BELP wanted and supplied,' male or female. ., M. 0. VRAKB, 80S J Waahlngloa at. Clay 446. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THE demand for competent bookkeepers aad etooograpkrre la greater than he eubply. From Auguat 1. 1SU4, to Auru.t 1, 1800. we placed 27 la good poettlonat aad call for mor then ' 800; our graduate are ALL -employed; we will aaelat you ta a poaitloa wkea competent; enroll bow: day ar aleht. Bahnke-Walker Bualneee College. Stearns klk klxtk aad Morrlaua ata. - - . BARN addltmaal money without loaa af poet- lioa or time; on puonriiy; maei nave ex tee air Portland acquaintance: referencva re quired and sleep. Addreaa P 88, JournaL WANTED At one, a bright, energetic, pre- een table man or woman, a food talker, ta take ap aa attractive proportion, laoulr - Ill Ckamoer ox commerce, a a. ex. lALKlfrmil l-E wanicui 10 sen pvoeteiiie pmni a ' ' .1 alMnBu .mo e-Ki large cviiiiihi.'.i - wwwbi, www .huw. EXPERIENCED eoatmaker aad Jacket-maker wanieu ax joneeoa en. .. iiv nwoa ir. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MIDDLE-AO ED man. 15 yeer" experience aa hone to house canvaaaar. wieBs to Boar uC aom good propoaltiua; oorreapoodenc aoile- Ited. R 43, JournaL ' YOt Nil man of good - babtta dealrea ta work -foe board and roam wniie eiienaing nign Aourvae a. no, - wnwj.- lion a saieenian na innvry iws. er per- .1 1 . m.' -iuO MAN (841 Stranger, , good educatloa. willing, adaptable, - want honest . work of any - kind. P. 00, cars JournaL - ...... , XOL'NO flermaa rbemlat. Dr. Pbtl. wants ckem 1st altuatloa. Aaareaa u nu, journal. . STUDENT dealrea place to board and room. Addreaa R 40, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTELVFEMALE EXPERIENCED dreeamaker tha ex at - by tk day. a tree aewlng, either at boms Pbona Eaet 4680. EXPERIENCED lady stenographer want alt uatloa; 88 per week. B 47. ears sr journal. MIPHI.E AOEt -woman wants work of any kind. Phone- Mala S3S6. ' WANTED-UAGENTS. WANTBD Several agenta ta aell Elevated Clothe . Dyer. Apply EZft North Third, room 10. ' WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Fnrnlabad bonae for 8 montba or emger, www . uvw-, Wm.Mu, ', bar piano and opea grate: select neighbor bond: references: na children: nay 84&: eaxt- ern part lea. P 64. Journal. WB want dealrabla kouaeo and flare, an. part of tbe elty; aav aiga ciaea ciieaia waiting; recta collected, property cared for. . TUB CONTINENTAL COMPANT. . ' 248 Stark St. Pbona Mala 1878. MODERN bonee. 4 to 8 rooms, furntahsd or anrurnhibed, 1b desirable locality;, weat aid referred; permanent; atate terms, Addreia l 4A. Journal. : WANTED Ta rant farm, IB or 20 acre, near city: bonee aad ban. M. u. Morgan, piv Mtlwankte at. -, - WANTED-REAL ESTATE." WANTED Ta Invent SHI.00Q tn bearing weat aid, property; only owuoi whs want ready rank and mnat aell need a newer ; give full particular. Addreaa B 42. Journal, WANTED Houss sad lot; either sa ssst r west mas or rteer; win pay caan jr price I rtgkt: agent need not answer. Address D 84, care Journal. - ' WANTED To lea for farm of yeer. few seres oa car line; give full particular. Ad dress H 63, care Journal, i $10,008 TO Invest la cheap . Iota, any part af city; owaera ouy; eta ie pries sou - uesu ip tton. P 81, cars JournaL- -- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. FOR MKN. 28 N. Second at Pboaa Main 1528. JAPAN EHE-CHINESB EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Henry Tahara. 287 Everett at. Pbon fa- . clflc 840. v 1 . -,. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontrss. tors; balp tree to employers. 210 akornaoa. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 Morriaoa at. enppllea men for all kinds of worx. WANTED FINANCIAL. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY, rinxaclal Agents. 248 Stark St. Pboaa Mala 18T6. WANTED To borrow $1,000, 1 to 8 yeara, rrom private party; real sststs security, o u, care of Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8EB the Lewie and Clark fair at home; send 40e IB atatnpe cor Banaaome photo pone, nearly 2O0 nkotoa ef fair. THxAM Inches. Weatern View Book Co., Portland. Box 204. PAINTING, spraying aad whitewashing trees. basements, paras, oocks, etc.; largest gaaoun apraylag outfit oa tbe coast. M. O. Morgaa A Co., 870 Mllwaukle at. Pkdus Best 2817. WE don't want big bargains, bat willing to pay Mr heat nricee for aotei. restaurant ana house hold ftimltur; It's ap to yon bow. King up Plain out. ORCHESTRA. 8 Pieces, wnt engagement evening, loodaya; muaie roe an oeeaaiona very reaeonable. 48 Jjicretls at. TL Main 8508. HIGHEST price paid for furniture and. other bouse bold goons in large or eaten mi, urop card to W. T. Jamleeon, 810 Sixth at. HIOHEST prlcea paid. Men's old clothing, ehoee. Uncle Jos, oq 'inira at- rnons nana en. WANTK1) To buy 2 carloada of -fnrnltnre; must be cheap for casn. rnona MaiB.tuij.. WANTED A aecond-hand range. Phone Pacific ooo, or ainm. ov urwu . BOOKS' bought, sold and exchanged at tne Old Book stors, s x amniu ex. PIANO wanted for etorage and beet ef ears; lV ( 11,1,11 WU. .w www. .saw. F. J. BTDEB. printer, Second end Washington St. PkSS MIB 4430. , WANTED Lndy's railroad ticket to St. Leule. Telepuons Mala aiai. WHO IB M. O. MORGAN A CO. t I FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. LARGE top floor for lease, Morrleon st., aeu poatofflca: (levator: suitable for offices. Ad. drees M 41, cars Journal. FOR BENT Part of bnalneas office. Includ ing use nf private office ; pbone, light, .etc. 14SU Third at., room L J OFFICE- ROOMS Ooodnongh bldf. elevator. , Apply HOUSES : FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR beat result ea "FCBNItCRB. Whath-T to buy or aell, ring ap kfala t PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 Flret at. - FOR SAI.K Furniture nf 10-rooot houss, aew end modern; will sell all or a part. Call afternoon a Aid North Tweaty-Uilrd at. A RIG bargain If taken at sacs: 8-room modera bonee, newly furnlabed: lileal as bualneet pronoeltlon. 25.1 Eleventh St.- - FOR SALE The entire fiirnlahlnm of 10-roora hone, weat aide; house for rent. Adtliwui R 51,' Journal. i - FOR SAI-R w Farnltare of 12-room rooming souse, 3; $00 reaU $47 Front it. SBBiBII"fflraBraaafBI" FOR PENT STORES. 1 STORK, Flret Bear Oak, painted sad papered: - plenty i ll-ht. .. Harrington, OS Ftrac, near FOR BENT Beat location, 123 Slith at.. Best w nirppr vi nskoi nsv-tuaB. . FOR RENT FLATS. UN PUB NIMH ED flat ef 8 and 8 rooms, Overtoa , and Twentieth; gas. bath, foul stub; main a tea. Harrington, nyis, rust, near Oak. NEW, modern 5-room flat, fin location, sua block from car lino. ., Stat Eaat Twenty-fourth. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TUB EINI1 80S Jefferson et.. new butldliur. bandaomely. furnished, wltk ' every modara onvnlnc: all outalde neat, wltk beat, . aa or electric lights, porcelain bathe; rate euc, ion ana i; apeciai . rates Dy us week ' or montk. " - THr HAMANN; isb N. l?tk., cor, Hoyt Newly furnlahrd rooma, $1.50 ap; eoavenlent location, 18 ml-utae' walk to fair- ground: Morriaoa ear na aana uepot airoct to Boaaa. rkoaa 847a. KINU'S HEIGHTS Deetrabla neighborhood. near ai, neien a nan; aiceiy ruraiaBsa rones or iwo, wnn private iaaui1 perma- eeeviwy. m ue. journal. MABQUAM HOUSR. 14BH ti Room a aalta ' kalk, alec'trle Ugkta; traaslests nollcttedT THE DORMER, Thirteenth sad Jcffareoai Bio- ,. gani rooms; moasrn brick; .team heat. beta. " - - law. IMP, VWV, FINELY furnished parlor, with plans, ana, heat vww. ,n pv BKnia I or x. 4j vaugna. cor. Twenty-third. Take any fair car. JUST the place for fall- vtsltore; apodal rates w panic, or , a or s; oousekseplac roam y . www., uvu iu. jiiaan. FURNISHED room for rent with uas af kltch.n. l,T..r ?' .'71. una East awuvrawwH. roune B..BX eOO-X, - THR COSMOS, aad Morrteon; finely furnished Ina id outsrus rooans. at very resaonabls prices. A NICB newts to part lee wanting light, airy w'uaw, Kw-rninil m PM.IIII BU CaniST BOl OS- pot.-CaB -X Fourth at. 7 . THE ALDER, 438 Alder Nicely , ftrrnkihed Hon; balk and phone. CLEAN, airy front room la Chrtetlaa family. uiiaoa. iut- a. eus avan JEIgtltB at- South. Pbona East 8400.. - .... 887 TAYLOR ST. Nice new fnrntehed room. Pbon Mui 1427; T T""" VOPm' NICELY furnished noma ta private family:. LA ROB furnished front room oa streetcar tltie. eiv per monra, xurnaos Beat IPciiidsd. 824 East Morriaoa at. . A PRIVATB aptowa hotel. Tha Woodland. 285 oixin .i euiera is tness wiehlng tka bast st moderate rates. ., 287 JEFFERSON BT. Fins tight rooms, prettllv mrnienea. couvenlent to town, en direct car line to depot. HOMB comforts can be bad fa ear roe me. whlck erv nirviy xumienea. well ugBTSO. JXV. Columbia at. - " . v - . FBONT parlor (or ef reriuemeat wks wtebea room nsar tha center ef dtp. 881 BvereKK na. THE EARLE Mrs. Lou Earls. iris, prop, 201 W by Iks day, week intra at.) ruraianea or month. VERY deelrable roonva to partlea wanting a ajwja name, permensnx pari leu oeerraq. 898 Third at. THR GLADSTONE 813 Saeler at., furnlehed roouw: asder aew mxnagaaaeat; prlcea raa. eonable. FINELY fnrnlebed ronme by the day. week or month, permanent or transient. 223tt Third. PARTIES wanting a good noroe. with -nice bright room, can be found at 232 Fourth at. CHEAPEST and beat located rooaxe la Portland, $1 week aad a p. Oilman. Flret and Alder eta. NICELw furnlabed rooms by the day or week, to permanent or transient. 307 Vk Third at. SPLENDID furnlabed noma In atrletly private family; no children. Call at 2r Clay at. BOOMS, fine, light and airy, for rent by the day. week ar montk. 208 Salmon at. FLAT, furnished or snfurntahed: deelrable rooma; reasonable. B 40, care JournaL 84 SIXTH A ' fnrnlebed front room to pri vate family: permanent roomer only. FURNISHED rooma.' $1.23 to $2 per weak; half block from car, 488 Irving at. - BOOMS to beautiful private home: modern. 1000 Best Mala at. . Phone East 1108. NICELY furnlabed e Ingle rooma for rent, vary reaeonable. Inquire 327 Third at. NICELY -fomlehed rooma far rent hi private . family. Call 287 Columbia at. . , THR PALM 1884 Third at., finely furnlabed - rooma by the day or week. THB GRAND, 48 H N. Third it. Rooaia tot men. $1.50 per waak and a p. ... 544 SIXTH BT. Furnished room ta private family at reaeonable rental. TWO airy and well ventilated cheap. 802 Fourth at. rooma for rent FRONT parlor-room for reat Salmon at. - permanently. 4S2 FOR RENT HOUSES. H. B. EDWARDS. . . v- Houaefurnlaber. , - RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of all kinds and la sll parts ef tha city Hated with us. W bare the moat complete directory or vacant houeee In town, and If yon contemplate moving. It will pay you to eur rental department. Ws are ur to buv a place for yen. Following is ' a partial list: WEST SIDE. - - 8-raom kouee. basement and attic ..$10.00 2 room, bath, gee. central. 14.00 ?-room bonne, enltable for 2 fatnlllee.... 15.00 rooma, gag.. 15.00 4 rooma, central location. Eleventh at... 15.00 8-room house, bath, gaa 1.1 5- room flat, aew, bath, gaa 20 n-rnora bonee. bath, gaa. Second at...... 2S.00 7 rooms, bath, gas. good location. ....... 23.00 6- room flat, new, modern, Twelfth st... 80.00 A room flat, new, modern. Market at.... 82. Ml 5-room flat, new, modern, Clay et MOO 7- room house, aew, modern, Madisoa at. . ," 83.00 8- rnom bonee, new, bath, gaa. Fourth at. 40.00 IS-room bona, aew, both, electricity. .. 40.00 EAST SIDE &raom . brmse. Harrison at.........,.... ft. (10 T-room bonne. MontavUla 10.00 8 rnema, good condition. Grand ave. ...,.10.00 8-room bouee, hath, new 18. M 7 - room bouee. both, electricity 18.00 5-room cottage, good condition 13.(K) 8 moms, new, bath, gas. Twelfth at..... 15.00 8 rooms. new. bath, gaa ....... 8- mora bonee, bath, good condition. ....... 17.IK1 A mom bonee, bath, gag. new,,....,;,,, lft.oo B-room flat, 'hew, bath, gas.....,,,...;, SO.iiO A room house, new, . both, gaa. ,, 20.00 d-mma kouee, new, bath. Hawthorne are. 20.00 T-room v bones, new, bath, gaa.... 22..VI T-rpnm bonae. new, bath, gaa, furnace.,. 25.00 - Note No Information regarding three bouee caa be glvea over phone. - II. B. EDWARDS, nouaefnrnlaber. . . . 185 to 101 Flret at. -j DESIRABLE home, 802 East Thirtieth at., t block eontk of Hawthorne -eve.- Modern .bonee, 10 rooms : hot water beating; large ' ground, beautiful views; fruit tree and ehruhbery; atable and outhooeee. Apply sa . pre ml aea or room 80S, Commercial hit. FOR RENT 100x100 north set corner of Third nd Madlaon ata. for present occupancy (liv ery stahlel or ntberwtee. Apply to BaUte af D. P. Thompson, No. T First et. STUART atatVta. ' Mount Scott car 8 large renrne. outbuilding, mod era; partlea arltbont eblldren; furniture for ssl. Call tke Bella- we, reuTTB ana Mines, NEW 8-mom boos and nartr block, Hancock and Eaat Twenty-elxtk eta, $37.AO. B. M. Ijmibard, 614 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR RRNTreom evvdcvn dwelling, 812 lan FOR RENT HOUSES. wstu w S-mm enrl.eal. ettiS Bad wvm nan 4-."-. - - . . b.u..,,. . bo Ea.t Hlxteenth at, .Phone Kant .81. . . FOB RENT 8 new bonee. east aide, atrletly Bxodara. $18. $22.80. $38. Pnoue Dr. Darling. WEST BIDB, near, 2 sood kauaea, $38 to $40. Apply 448 Third at., foranoona. . ' ONLY $20 A T-room kouee at 824 Sixth at-1 Inquire FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT Furnlaked kouaekeeplas rooma la best brick block oa seat side; gas ratgea, bath, etc.t bo transients; price moderate. Lor a a tlk., 1084 Union ara., suraer Bast -r Alder. raone ubmb m. L N D.' an 1 .... t II, w.. -- boueekeeplng rooma In aultes or alugla. fur Aim AM uaunaauwu m M.wUm .trw. partlea without cBiMisa. x-nonu aaaiu w riiRViHiiitn mm. for lurht kousekseeliig. nlie kwstloa; bath, ga and Vboue- .463 uiay at. . ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST-CLASS rooma aad board for permanent people, gxz.BW ana per monin; xenie Doers 4 par week. A.t. bouaa. IU pad Madisoa ata. TeL Mala 823L BOOMS with board for reasonable, drat-class Sixth . aent tenants. eooklBS. ti $20 FOR room and board, on ar twa; refer ence. 48 Eaat Ninth at., . - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. NICELY Improved 25-acre place, sll fenced snd la cultivation, good building, partly stocked Bad fnrnlahed, at station. 10 nil lee oat. $380. - TUB DUNN-LAWRENCB COMPANY. -14V First at. - FOR RENT Smell building suitable (or church or mtoaloa work, at 228 .Sixth. . Call at '811 Mala at.- STORB, enltable for reataufant or creamer, zm iTosny au Inqulr laavk tioiuaay -nve. flNB store building for rent, cor. Union ave. ana raumg at. inquire see reiimg .i . BUSINESS CH ANCE3. H. W. MILLER 208 Ooodnongh bldg., Portland. Oregon, offera the lnveetlng public a - few choice bargains, euch aa tbe following. Ha baa a larxe liat to aelect from. Farma la au parts of Oregon, na favorite .dis trict. Bualneee openlnga of all kind, both large Bad email. Stock- dry goods snd Clothing, close to Port land, bi voire. IS.UOO. General merekandlee stock, eastern Oregon, In voice about 812.000. One of tbe beet ealoons la tha .state for a money maker. Hotel and aakma combined ta food town; BO op poaitloa. - One of tbe beet farms ta eastern Oregoa' gra In growing belt, highly Improved; close Is rail road: mnat fas Bold reserdleaa sf value. . Boms choice patents, county rlgnta for aale cheap, or will take a reasonable royalty ea them from eond men. and timber dalma la eastern Oregon. Homeetesds tax. K la t bead Indian reeervatlon In Montana. Homastesds ka Crow Indian reeer- vattfw. h. Agent wanted In each county ta tbe atate for lbs Flathead Indian agency, aa nave seen appointed atate manager for the eame, paper and fall partleulare raa be bad bow by call ing at my office; thla la a anap If you have yonr homestead rlgata, and especially for aokllera aad sailors. CASH GROCERY, with well-selected salable atock; prontabie trade and urge uviog-room la rear; eery low rent; just tbe permanent Indoor bualneee you'll want for tbs rainy season; our net pries Is only $430. ... Horn Lend Co.. 146 First at " CANDY STORB, WELL LOCATED WITH UV- IN BOOM, raa no nau ai sow renx ny a deelrable party; location ea eaat aide op po et te the Alblna echool bonee. Particulars, call office, 817 ComaMrsial blork. WB have a apleadld epportnnlty for energetic men nf noma meana in muaie ana atationery beel nee In a thriving town. Addreaa whole sals department. Bllers Piano House, afflct 851 Washington at - GENERAL erehandlee atore In a thriving town, doing good bnalneas;' wish to aell oa account of health: atock will Invoice about $3,000 or $8,800. 714 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregoa. FOR RALB OB LRASB Blacksmltk location, lot 60x136, bonae. shop and tools; price $ono; lease : 8 years 'at $30 per month, with privilege of bnytng daring life of teas. A. Torkef, Xacolt, Washington FOR RALB Oa acceuat ef elckaess, are, a lea a, money -ma king bualneee oa aaet aide; sale from $18 to $38 per day; price $1,400, ar will In voice: aa ageata wanted. O 68. Tha Journal. MILLINERY store, eld establlehed arm. doing a good business; wish to retire at once; - price $300. Addreaa Mra. G. B. Nichols, 242 Vest Second nt., Albany, Oregoa. . WILL aell for cash or exchange far city prop erty H Interest ta flret -clam retail grocery and meat market. Call room 18, Heller bldg,, - Hawthorne sad Grand area. 180 HEAD well bred Oregon range horses for aale; free government range; a apleadld op portunity for small Investment. Call or write to 101 McKay bldg. $150 TAKER IT Light manufacturing business; no competition; can be worked at home; estab lished trade, rare chance. , Addreaa N 06, care Journal. , . - - " - - FOR SALB Fine line of millinery and ladles' fnrnlshms gooda In live town of 1,500; ex celleat opportunity;, bo competition. K 42, "care JourneLf FOB SALE Stock of general ssercbandlae la . good location; sales from $800 to $l,ooo per montk. Address Luck Bos A Tangent, Or. TELEPHONB exchange for sale; beet proposi tion ki the etet for small ay a tern: splendid .)... ..iMalMia. M 4M Jnflrn. I ESTABLISHED reetaurant oa Plftk'at.. near Waahlngtoa, clearing $18 to $23 per day the year around. K 47, Journal. . FOR aale cheap, third intereat real aetata bnei nese; leaving elty. Call 8 to 12, 221ft Ho- rlsoa, cor. First, room 8. WHEN looking for a locaftoa. sltker city or country, rail on ina novwweux aJxna ve., xus si room six. " FOR SALB Own try atore. general merchandise, gond location, convenient to . Portland. Ad dress B 48, Journal. 4,000 SHARES Bohemia mining atock at meri no; quick aale. Give name and addreaa. P 68, cars Journal. $2,100 ROOMING hones of 80 moms for sale; must aril oa account of poor health. . Addreaa N 41, car Journal. s FOR SALE Reetaurant aad much counter ta connection, $000, B. - Cook, prop,, Inde pendence, Oregoa. .- CHEAP Neat candy store, good business; alx living rooms la connection. Inqulr 828 First t. FINE opportunity In established business; peed help and capltaL Addreaa O 64. care Journal. FOB SALB Brick hotel, 88 rooma, good fund, tars, splendid kmsei la Pertland. T 4A JoUrsat $500 Tn-room hone for aale. with furniture, In the heart of city, rent $40. N 42. Joarnal. FOR BALE Good-paying ' reetaurant, - rent . $1$ 50, with water. $84 Eaat Morriaoa at FOR SALB OB BENT A good restaurant la a fine location. 412 Morriaoa at. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. t . ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 12-ROOM bouee for $8,250; worth $3,000 to the right man: 6 rooms down and 2 upatstr finished with hath, closet, etc. 8-foot base ment under entire bouse; hot-air furnace; cement walk around and fat front ef bouse; t blocks from car. . , .... HOHKA WOOD, 141 First St.. . 81,060- BARGAIN! $1,080 BARGAINI 5 -room modern cottage, fall beeement, Inl fix Kid. fine lawn, shade treea and. ahruuberr. Twentieth at,, Tlbhett'a addition; part cash, balance 612 per month; will rent for 816 net month; Ifl you Want a cheap home, loveetl fits thla Place. ' 404 Eaat Morriaoa ate- UNDER ANY CLASSIFICATION ' Five Cents per Line : Ns ad take for Ssaa thke IB per dxf. Seeea words, ss a rule, eoeatltute a lias, bat each Una la charged regardleea of th number of words. ' WEEXLT RATE T insertions (lneladrag eae aunoay uauaj au Uavaxa per una per weak. f OMTBXY BATE ftoolndbxg all aasnee) $1)4 per Una per msath. ASVIsnairwuirTS meet ka . fcx JesrraaJ kualnees etpea by 18 a'eleek-umak daya aad by 16, a'eleok Batn-uay ma bag fag - the 8. . 4 a y axaasv s aaeuxuv alaaaiAeatleav -Heptey gates glvea apaa asUaatMa at TrT THE JOURNAIr BRANCH OFFICES Win be " recereed at regular matn-efnot rates. Following to a tlet of satnerlas4 agents, wbe will forward year advartlae. aient la time for publics tlon la tha Bait -', .' .' ' jtobtk nrx.A .' K. A. Preatou, druggist. Twuuty-fklr aad Thorman streets. . Nob HlU Pharmacy. 680 Ttteaa street, corner Twenty -Arst. A. W. A Ilea, pharmadet, Stxteeath aad Marshall atreeta. - McCommoa'a PharskaeF, Blssteaath aad Waablng toa atreeta. .. aWVTaT B lyfji niB. F. Jones Caw, dxugglats, Frsat and Glbba atreeta. . Cottel Drat aompasy, FtraS aad Orsat atreeta. . Fablaa Byertey. dngflst, 400 Jafferaee traet. eat nar Tenth. , - - Bettmaa'a Pharmacy. soraer SUth and Barriaon atreeta. . Ptummer Drug eompaay, atx) Third street, corner Madisoa. ,'.' ,s- . xAjn warn. - '- W. B- Love, druggist, corner Oread avwaaa aad East Bornsids atreet. Nlekola Tkompsoa, 128 Ease a atrial earner Alblna avenue. . - Jancke Drug eompaay, autuat axAwtkeraa Bad Grand avaaaea. W. L Cable, drueetai:. eisaae xtofJada '"w aaei jxrrauee sowax, xassr bridge. R- A. Wlteoa, 182 Orand avenaa. B. W- Bali $85 Bast aeaath strest. earner Stephens el : XXOBXAjTS, r. . Clark, drugglet. 1008 North TjBlea veaae. - ' .. SDTIBYIXDB. , ' ' : -' '; J. aV, Wertk, pbarmxelat, 88 Balaxsat atreet. . . BBOOXtTsT. Brook Ira Pharmacy eompaay, INrwall and alllwaukle atreeta.. A.RLXTA ORXOOV. '. ' Arista Pharmacy. More aad lustsr atsueta, BrUWOOD, k. RJS TTMalln. mm- Sue, comer East Thirteenth afreet. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. , SNAPS THAT WILL ROLL CP WONDERFUL - - RESULTS. . - - - $3,800 Tery etyHeta. atrletly BHiderd. up to- oaie u-room resiiwace; a aweu place, close In, on west side. $4.200 Orand co Ion is I 6-room reeldence on Esst ' x-ievenin su, waixing aiatanc bualneee cen ter; it'n a dace you can't duplicate any where la the city for lees than $8,000; easy -terms. , $3.Wh3 For s Bice place ea If HI st,, west slua. i $2.230 Very bandeome 20-acre country place, rich aoll. all fenced and la cultivation, good ouiHimas, km t ana leea. , $3.0ik 5-acrs place 1 mile eaat ef end Mount . Tsbor carllne. 314 acres Marshall etrawher rie; aome ether berries. ,Thuv la- the piaoe you want. ' . $050 A beautiful hlghhnd eight, BOxtt lot on Corbet t t South Portland. $700 5-erre place In ak Orove; juat the place JOT pouirry re- parnjen. . . , - THB Pl'NN-LA WRENCB OO. ." 1481, First at. " ' ACBB TRACTS I r. ; OTJB SPECIALTY IS ACBB TBACTBI ' , Fall-staed atreeta. water to each acre. ' TERMS $10 PEB ACBB CAtm ' ' $10 PER . ACBB PEB MONTH. ". ; Tea go . to these seres ea ' the ease ear, CT the aama 8s fare tha lot man pars. Tbs t man la your neighbor, bat ' he Is re elected la majority of features that stake a true auburbaa home. ' . A. a CHURCHILL CO lw.Su ' -, 110 Second st. . NEW modern 6 room bouee. Urge corner mt, full besemeat, not quite completed, for $7W, one half eseb. New modera ft-room cottage, picket fence, wood fiber nlaeter, porcelain bathtub aad toilet, all for $1,000. easy term. New modera eVroora bouse, fall ' basement, hath and toilet, shade treea, picket fence, for $1,500, eeay terme. See tbe owner. Joe Nash. In the white bonae at Nashville addition, ae tha Mt. Scott car line. 5 ACRES, $023, la Little Home. 8 acre. $noo, near lnta Junction. T4 scree, 47. VI, near Lenta Junction.' ' 10 acres, $1,01)0, near Lents Junction. All of above tracts are on or near car Una aad quality of land 1 good. W. HOHEA WOOD, 141H First at. $2,000 CASH will buy a beautiful comer lot and B-room cottage. Bear tn oa eaat aide, or ' will take $1,000 caeh. $1,300 oa time, to en It purchaser: this property la In a fine reeldence locality and very cheap at priceoffered. Call at 234 East Sixteenth et., corner Main. FOR SAI.K T-room bonae. ground 80x100 feet: hot end cold water, basement, frnlt treea and .Sowers;, price- $1,700; $400 caeh, balance . monthly; In Willamette on St. John carllne. Addree O 48, care JournaL - NEW modern T-room residence on kft. Scoff car line, 23 minutes' ride from Portland; lot 88x100. fine lawa and fruit trees, for $l.T6n, . at your own terms, or may trade for lead. Addree 0 4a, car Joarnal. 10 ACRES on it. W. P.I 10c ear -fare, T miles from Portland; all In cultivation. 0-mom . elegant hones, all level, everything Srat clae and cheap, nir $2,500. H. W. Garland A Co., lB3tt Fourth at. FOR SALB 80 acres adojlnlng Mllwaukle ilelgbta addition: eulrable for platting: SO - acre under ealtlvation: A room bonea on traet; $150 per acre caeh will take 1L Ad- -''rest O 42. JournaL r FOR BALE 7-room bouee. ground 60x100 feet: hot and cold water: beeement; fruit treea and flowere; price $1,700; $400 cash, balance monthly; ta Willamette en St. Jobna ear Una. . Address O 43.' JournaL FOR SALE T6i100-foot tot oa Eaat Seventeenth aad Conch; will aell for $1,230 M'pjold la Beit few dayei facea east; well worr $1,400: will - era part of lot If deatredT" Addreaa K 48, cere Journal. T . ' ' FOR SALB One. Bice new 6-ronm cottage, cue . block from school; price $1,030; ; ale nice large lot on Eaat Ninth at. See owner at' . 864 Eaat Twelfth at., or call Bp East 81 A A MODERN T-ronur Wise oa Tblrty-eecomt and Division, only" $8,250; ran-give very eeay terme; hone has been built T moothe. Ad- . dreaa B 00. car Journal. A 3 STORY brick building. 100x100, on Eavt Me; will pay 8 per cent net en $.10,000; rrlce $2aoiv, caa give term. Address B 4, ear JouraaL NEW B-mora bouee) bath, laundry, cement basement and floor and walka, furnace, all complete. . modern,- la Upper Alblna; $2,000. phone I'nlon 3315. TWO ales building kwa, nxlo each, a corner Improved, ready for tmlldlnr: nice abade tree. . Inquire of owner, 1810 Wilbur at., Willam ette atallon.. TWO nice building lot a, box loo eerh. a corn Improved, ready fur building; alee shade trees. Inquire of owner, 1810 Wilbur At Wllilam ette elation. . FOR SALB at a bargain. BMdera T-reom bonee en Eeat Taylor, cliee la r terme to sail purchaser. 'Apply F 42.- care JoaanaL J MODERN B-mnna rat tare, $lor$toe Aowu. $10 per kaoutk. I'hime East 67B. rennein ave., per nexi now. eiu. nuuxia i Venholm, A FalUn bid.., city. 'v.. : . '.-