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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1905)
;eo'ui.v....da T--i 7, ,r r r-... M . ' -1 frn GOOD EVEI1IHG - THE WEATHER. ' , " Fair - tonicht; .warmer; Thursday . cloudiness, probably showers; cooler; . southerly winds. . , , Journal Circulation r VOL. IV. NO. 183. VAHDERL1P AS 'i Vice-President of Rockefeller's 1 Bank Talk Conservatism Be- V ' fore National Bankers' , ',. .. Association.' SECRETARY SHAW FAVORS SHIP SUBSIDY MEASURE President Swinney Declares That In surance Investigation Has Revealed , " the Most Disgraceful Betrayals of J- 4 Trust and Placed America in a Bad Light. --r:yr r - ' (Joeraal Special Serrtca.) - Washington. Oct! 11. The list en- l nual convention of the American Bank' ra' association opened -her this; morn' Ins at the new National theatre with ; about 4,009 membera responding the ! roll calL The session was opened by , " I President, E. F.' Swinney,- president -of : ' the First National bank of Kansas City, ' Missouri. Btahop Henry J. Satterlee delivered the opening prayer. 'After the roll call Hon. Henry B. F. MacFarlfutd, .i prealdent of the board of commlseionere - ,' of the District of Columbia, welcomed .'the bankers on behalf of the city. He ' . i was followed by Mr. John Joy Ed son, . prealdent of the Bankers' association. District of Columbia; who welcomed the l members In behalf of the bankers of the . ; District of Columbia; ".Several other i welcoming addresses were delivered, to , whiclt Prealdent Shrlnney responded. . ' . The aenaatlon of the day was the speech by Frank. A. Vanderllp,' vlce ' - president of the National City bank,' and -v former assistant secretary of. the treaa " ury, who predicted a pulQ,j Ha aejd. In f-pert:;: ,..,,'-.; S .rhr -a "Should a stock market speculation c:- wSUrt-Xrom tb. jresthiU level, oil JEH1 . " j prices -rn tha- face of the extraordinary demand for capital and money which crops and bunlness -alike ar anaklnc . .'the raMit inl-he be temporary -disaster. ' In a tratherlnK like this, Jeremiah sonra ' are not pleasant, bat there ere aonss that might be suns which would not be oat of harmony with true conditions ', Never was there a better time to preach ' conservatism; never, perhaps, waa . It eaaier to be carried away by aoras of the obvioua features of prosperity, and ', to forget soma of the dancers which i-will be ejulte as potent In shaping the ' ultimate reault It is no time for prudence to be caat to the w1nda;rno ; time for speculative commitments which will yield dlaaater If a temporary reserve came; . no time for lazneas In any of the forms of business prudence , snd conservatism. .. . A feature-of t.ia meeting waS an ad dreas by Secretary of the Treasury Shaw urging that something "be done to in ) - crease the merchant marine. He aald, -iln part:, . ' i Secretary Shaw's Address. - ' ' "A time Is coming when the United -States will need new markets. The ' world may come for our farm products and the , raw products of our mines In our .own ships, bat it won't come in our own ships for the finished products of our factories. I em aware - that thla is not a popular -'time, but I wish to call your attention . to the need for a dlscuaaion-of this long after thla meeting baa closed. "The completion of the Panama canal will make a lino of equal dlatanco from the eastern to the western shore of the Pacific and we will get the worth of the money spent on-the canal If we place ourselves In a position to. get our share of the use of the canal. "Not until the railroads were eneour ' aged by government aid were they built or did commerce of this country mul- - tlply. Likewise until the merchant ma ' rine is encouraged by International com. merce It will not Increaae In the pro portion necesaary to ' maintain our equality with . that of other natione. - Poaaibly some will say: 'Why should I care particularly for the American manufacturer? That la hie buHlneas, not ours." - e. "Yea but ho' one class of American peo ple ever prospered except when all pros pered. The United States owns the Philippines, which plus the Panama ea- ' pal, plus the merchant marine would In sure to the American, people mors than the present IS per cent of the thousand millions. of trsde washed by the PacMo. Our foreign commerce Is not as large as it waa.40 yeara ago. i We carry la our own ships on sn average leee than one third of Mho tonnage carried 4t x years ago." . , ; . - . - . . ' kresidea Swlnney's Address. President Swinney In bis annual ad dress" attributed bank failures of -the ; preaent year to the granting of exeesolve i loans tb' unsound Induatrlal enterprises, lie regarded the preaent national bank law aa Inadequate and Rldgely gavs the administration's view of "frensled finance," as Exposed by ths Insurance Investigation,, snd said that the lnvea ttcatloh revealed ths most disgraceful betrayal of trust that placed American financiers On trial, before the country '. snd ths world. , After President Swinney had-dell V- - ered his snntfal address Secretary James It. Branch of New York and Treasurer Ralph Van Vechten of Chlcaso aub rnltted their annual reporU. Then the , reports of the auditing committee, the executive council and the committees on protection, currency,-uniform laws, . bureau of education, cipher code and In tematlonal form. of money order were read and discussed. William B. , .HId-ely of Wnahlng- ton.' eontroller of ' the , currency, de livered ' a snort -addraaev... immediately (Contlnu1 on i Tmo.y t tH I '-i- ; , v . I , r1 -I ' . x t ' ' s . Joseph SHASHES STATUES OF ANGELS BECAUSE liiilsEiisicRiTicisEo; Celebrated Sculptor finds Controversy Between Church and Art Circles as to Whether Heavenly Host is Male or Female ' v :;; V I.?. -Sensation In St. John's pathe'dral. V.v1 (Jnarnal Special ferries.) . " Kew Yoxk. Oat. 11. Are angels male for female? Should th'ey fbe'i-ipreaentied" in the strength and glory of the- mas cuUne;, braut j,'4nd. jfrace,ofths feminine? - - ..'.-' . ' ' ,' ' ' ' These questions have caused a bit ter war to rage for the, last 'two weeks' 'between religious and artistic circlea Churchmen luslat that the .greater angels tnust lCinriy fbe'irtaJea, that the namea of Oabriel, Michael, etc. show the sex--to "be fnaerultneu -Artiste on the other 'hand contend that in angeffa the; symbol , of ..truth andi purity, and can 'bear-be -repressnfed-'by tlia 4 female formi . ,'-.' ' ;.. i ... Ths controversy; started ' over ' the angel of annunciation and the angel of renunciation executed foe the cathedral orSst. John-, ths IMvlne by J. puntscn MotheBorglum a eelebratexl sculptp who portrayed them aa female forma No sooner .were the angels placed In their niches thsn the war began. So bitter, became the controversy that Moths- Borglunr resolved to end 'It, and yesterday went to the. cathedral and. de stroyed them, ' abaolutely - reducing to a scattered ,mas of debris. ths .figures which he and "- other artists believed truthful, artistic, religious snd poetic embodiments of the biblical Idea of an gela. . Mothe-Borglum spoke of the remark? able controversy and the ensuing smash- TAFT IS DISPLEASED . WITH SHOUTS' Serious Friction Develops in the - Administration Machinery ; . . of the Canal. .'-' (Jeoraal SperlaT Swrlw.) . Washington. Oct. 1 J. Serious friction has developed, in, the administrative ma chinery of ths Panama canaL Secretary Taf t's laconic announcement that he la going to the Isthmus "to look things over in a few days- has -a. burden .of meaning In weight which Is not oppareht In words. It probably means ths trim ming of Chairman T. P. Shonta. When ths secreUry meets Chairman Shonta of the oanal commission, there will be plain words. . Taft Is displeased St ths wsy the. chairman la conducting matters. Taft doss not like the way Shonta Is said to have of Ignoring ths war department and -going .direct to ths prealdent with all Panama mattera. -The secretary heard the reporta on his re turn of Shonta' doing snd did a. little Investigating ' for himself and haa an nounced hie Intention of., starting for Panama. . . Y Taft disapproves of several; contracts Shonta 'let . without , advertising aad further said that ths chairman of the commlaaton has give Some" contracts to persons not 4he Iowe bidders. Ths outcome, of the '-discussion Of -the mat ters at Issue waited with- Interest, and In some offlclsl circles with con Trn. I ., .' -- , . ' ; PORTLAND? OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING,, OCTOBER V .. -. 4 : 3: Ramsey,. Jr-. . Ing incident with some feeling. ' He re .erred -to the' .."Pedaatio discussion." andTsaid that hedestrbyed , the statues in order to put a stop to the discussion. CpntlnulngJhe'aald::' '; . . v - ' '"1'aro' absolutaly Astounded' that any clergyman could . stand In the pres ence of-S! or- 40 ' -images of af purely religious snd spiritual character and see nothing in them but ths sex." ; J , ! "MotHe-BdrgTuHt first. came. into prom lnehce as'aa artist when aa apalnter he I depleted the wild f life of -the west In itm Mir uiiieiira. . nfvu m protege ot the late Iceland Stanford, who gave him his Orsficmmrsslon and' sent .him " to Europe. .Many -of. his California paint Inga ckn bat seen at the university mu seum.' :.,--'- . v -'v.. j.-. v., - At this - time Mothe-Borglum, who Is the son of Dr.' Borglum of Omaha, was plain John O.-Borglum. When a fsw yearn .ago a- younger 'brother.-- Solon Borglum, began to attract attention In the artlstlo world, John forbtd him to use ,the. name of Borglum which John was making Zantous. -. Solon Inaiated on the right to use hie own name, and John O. Borghim' drdpped his surname snd became known aa John Guntaen, undef whloh title ha worked for years. Find ing that he was losing the reputation gained by former work, dona nnder the name of Borglum, he became J. Ountsen Mothe-Borglum, though where the Moths cams from haa always pussled his friends-end the public DIAMOND NECKTIE SETS A THEATRE CROWD WILD Bejeweled Youth Ejected From " London' Theatre Because of V Excitement He Creates. ; (Jnaraal Special Service.! ' -London. Oct. U.-VThe appearance of an unknown- young man, believed to be an American, wearing a diamond neck tie at the opening of the Empire theatre laat night greeted a scene never par alleled in a stall of the west end thea tre, which resulted. in his removal from ths building. ' , The tie was a resplendent affair, made In the shape of 's- conventional bow, but composed of large white dia monds. ' Otherwise ths young man was a walking diamond mine. Ills hands were covered with Jewels and his cuff links,' ihlrt studs snd" waistcoat wars sll biasing with stones. ' Hundreds of persons followed him about the. promenade. He finally took refuge In a box seat near the exit.' There some humorist tnade a speech on rare Jewels, while others asked permission to touch the.' nerktle. . i 'I ' . ,i Finally the men ' marched In Indian file past t'hs Tooth, making obelaanoea These people destroyed the attraction of the stage.? and, order waa' not restored untir the yonrlg tnan had. been ejected,; ' ,' Sweden to Jaatlfy Treaty. . ., , , . (Jonnwl Special Service.) ' , Stockholm, Oct. , 11-When. the. Riks dag meets on' October 13, It la now ap parent, that ths unanimous ratification of ths treaty ot Karlstad will follow. . GOULD ELECTS DIRECTORS! Six Men Allotted to the Bond ...holders of the Wabash Rail- , ." road Seated by Pres.-, . , ent M anagehfieht. . ". , ' RAILROAD EXPOSURES , ? v . TO EQUAL INSURANCE :'t ; r. Joseph Ramsey, Jr, - to'. Continue Fight Against Gould and Startling Revelations , of Modem Railroad , ...... i , ,.. , ..... . . , . , . Management s - Promised Irreg ularities in Letting Contracts. :..,.J (Journal Special flervlea. - Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 11. The Gould fac tion of , the bondholders . this morning elected - six , directors of the Wabash Railroad company. . ; The nominations made yesterday - are- displaced and sub stituted for them are t the following, who were ehosen: - Thomas M. Hubbard, B. T.-t Jeff ery, John T. Terrey,. Wlnalow Pierce. Robert M. Galloway and Edgar T. Walls. i : . . -- Mr. Ramaey this morning reiterated his statement that he would Immediately begin a contest In. court with ths object of exposing the managements of ths railroads, .raising the question whether railroada 'are aa all other' "corporate properties, and are to bo managed 'and controlled for' ths benefit of the con trolling interests .or; for ths .benefit ot all stockholders., . l,..-. ..4 , ' ' ' Bamaeya Oaargea. Mr. Ramaey alleges that the Wabash la eparatad- to benefit the other Oould llaea -laf-which : thar Ocmlds-hsvs' larger Interests than they -have in ths Wabash, and cites the competition ef'the Mis souri. Pacific aa an example.. He says that sines the Wabash has been domi nated,, by-r the Mieeoc'ti JtaaiX a -has lost the- trafflo and friendly reJatlona of the Reck Island, SanU fa, Union Pa cific and Kansas City Southern. Mr.- Ramsey charge, that .against his Judgment Snd protest -as prealdent of the-Wabash and of the terminal line of Pittsburg there haa-been ' extrava gance and Irregularities in the placing of contracts, delays resulting in the loss of thousands of dollars snd generally a condition of demoralisation In the man agement ' Contracts wer let without competition on ' builders ' specifications. ' Contests Ckmld'a Claims. .'''.' -,'At ths night session Ramsey's attQf" neys ; submitted sffldavlts covering about' tl.OOO.OOO of bonds and took the position that po tnan should ,bs allowed to vote stock unless hs was ths actual owner at the time of the meeting. In the affidavits presented by Ramaey's at-1 torneys ths affiants declare themselves actual owners of stock that stood In others' names on ths stock list at the ttnre the books wer cloaed prior to the election. The proxies for this stock had been given to Mr: Oould and Mr. Ramsey had also been given proxies by persons calling themaelves the pres ent owners. Among thee proxies was ona for 1154,000 from J. W, Hennlng Co. of Mew York and one from Jsmea R,, Keens for 1211,000. HUNGARIAN DEADLOCK CONTINUED TEN WEEKS - (Joaraal Ipedal Senlee.l t Budapest, Oct. 11. With but slim chsnces for an agreement the crown snd the coalitionists have 10 weeks to further negotiate, thla state of affairs having been brought , about by the proroguing of ths Hungarian diet yes terday until December It. The coal I tlon submitted to the poatponement with denunciation of the government snd will play a waiting game, trusting that when th pressing need of money for soldiers becomes unbearable, the klng-emperor may Become mors conciliatory. . GREAT NORTHERN RAISES CASH FOR IMPROVEMENTS ' (Jnaraal Special Servta.) New Tork. Oct. 11. That ths Great Northern railroad la preparing to make new extenalona and acquire new proper ties where neceaaary to protect Itself Is maae evident by the announcement that an Issue of S60.0OO shares of stock amounting to f 2s.000.000 will be offered to stockholder at par.- SC0TTY CANNOT RACE v WITH E. H. HARRIMAN -1 . ? , i ' (Joerasi Special Service. Los Angelea, Oct. 11. The Santa Fe refuaes to give Walter Scott; the Death Valley miner, a special train to race with K. H. Ilarrlma to Chicago. " ' tawooa's Bsagaaar Weds."' . .-' " (Joerael BpwUI B-rflre.) , Boston, Oct. 11. Th wedding of Miss Gladys Lawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomae W. I.awon, and . Evan Blalno 8tanwood of th Boaton News company took plaoe at 'Dream wold. where - Mr. fcawson has . his beautiful summer home. -The members of. both families and many Invited guests st tended the, ceremony.. , 'Castro s Mollify Trass. , f -- m a . . m jL . Psrls. . Oct. 11. Prealdent Has trn la making - desperate, attempts to resume friendly intercourse, wlh .M.tTslgnv, the French .charge rie affaires but the Isjter, acting on Instruction, declines to meet th friendly sdvanc of Caatro until tharleter withdraws his previous offensive sctlon, . . ....... 11, 1905. SIXTEEN 1 PAGES, CHIEF OF POLICE CSIVEU IVIDE POWER BY CIVIL SERVICE BOARD He May Reduce All Officers but Captains to the Ranks or Pro- - mote .Them at His Pleasure anv Other Sweeo-. tn4'vInk'thae Hereafter the' chief of ' polios . wUl have authority to promote or reduce In rank any member of the polio depart ment at his pleasure, excepting captains snd matrone. Thla was mad possible by ohanges In the rules, governing th city employes sdopted by the municipal civil aervice commission today.. The powsr-thua accorded to ths chief of police . will enable him to promote man from the ranka to tb position ot . sergeant or detective, 'or reduce a sergeant or detective to th. ranka "All auch promotions or reductions must be reported commission, stating th caua. of such sctlon. It is argued that this will give ths chief mors authority to enforce discipline among ' th men and will give him a free hand In select ing the best men 111 ths department lor the detecUve.forc. j,, . , " . -.' More. Tower for Officials. ., 1 Ths changes in the rule have also affected other departments in the same manner snd' will give the administrative, heads muoh - latitude in Blurting em ployes from .one position to another as they deem' beat for -the -good of. the service. The old rules- ' which ... ha va guided 4hA -commission alnce its organisation- soon .after., ths. sdoptlon of the new city charter were, found to hinder th official from obtaining ths beat re aults from the. men .In the departments and for months the commission has been working on, a set of new rules which they bejlevs' will' provs mora success ful than the pld. , . Under' the' old rules ther wer' I classes of employes In the municipal service, snd sftar. an employ waa ono appointed to A position ha oould not be promoted, so, matter how ef Sclent ha may hav been, ;untll he passed another examination. . - CARBOLIC ACID IS GIVEN 170:.1AII BY MISTAKE Daughter. Causes Death of Her . Aged Mother at Walla ' V' ,. ; Walla. : ' ' (Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Watta- Walla. Wash., Oot 11. Mis taking the contents of two bottles sit ting aids 'by side, Mrs. Jennie Winn gav her mother. Mrs.- J. A. Tsylor. a fatal dos of carbollo acid at o'clock laat night. Mrs. Taylor died In great agony at 1 o'clock thla morning. Mrs. Winn Is prostrated over the accident Mrs. Taylor waa th wife of Judge J. A. .Taylor, one of Watla Walla' oldest snd most respected pioneers. She had been an Invalid for yeara and. Mrs. Winn waa waiting on her. Mrs. Taylor waa 10 years of age. The carbolic acid was used for a disinfectant and aat he aide the bottle of medicine. The fu neral will be held tomorrow afternoon. JUDGE TUCKER WIRES : REQUESTED RESIGNATION (Jeoraal Special lerrice.) . ' I Tucson. Aria, Oct. 11. Judge E. A. Tucker, associate Justice of tb sApsm court, who la holding court, in Boloirran- vtlle. has Wired tils resignation at the request of the prealdent following an Investigation of the charge that Tu-kr had located his headquartera at Qlohe for a ronalderatlon. While the charges war' auatalned. Tucker is allowed to resign. ,. ,. r. - ,. t Yesterday Was PRICE TWO WHAT ARE HIS CHANCES? Th new roles hav reduced ths num ber of claaaes to 41. whtch-greatly aim' pllfies th classification and reduces the amount ot work which has been accu mulated. .--.'" '., Town of Chief Za Oreai. ', The most radical change were made In '.the '.police department. Formerly ther wer nln claasea, .now there are three. Detectives, sergeants, patrolmen, drivers. Jaljer guards, harbor- masters and deputy harbor masters . sll corns under one head and applicant for the positions must take the same examina tions. When, one appointed to any of the position under this class th chief has authority to shift them from one position to another In thls. claaa aa he desires. -If a detective falls to perform the 'duties to the sstisf action of ' the chief, .the lattSr can, reduce' th- former to-the ranks and 'assign him 'to s beat or glva him the position aa Jailer. If ha vdeairea a 'patrolman or1 Jailer 'or naroor maater and .assign him' to 'duty aa-a- detedtiv he will be at liberty to do BOi -n "-T . ;- Captains will not b' required to have the-sam- quallflcattona as a patrolman and . may, bo - choaen - outalde -of' th dee partment. Th qualifications -to b re quired of an spplioant Sor th position of . captain ar a good .moral character, physlqus and experience. .The latter will carry considerable weight ' I - Th greatest change in the classifica tion of firemen, is that the chief mar shift ths captalna. and lieutenants aa ha deems advisable. Changes . of a llke character were made In all the depart ments. - in classifications under the new rules ar as follows': " i . Division A. polic service Claaa . t (Continued on Page Two.) BARNES MURDER TRIAL IS THE END More Than! Score of Witnesses ' Clve Testimony Damaging t ...t to. Defendant. , " . (Special Dispatch- to The Joernal.) ' Roaeburg. Or., i Oct.-11. Th testi mony was all In In- the Barnes murder case. this morning.. Deputy District At torney Wllliama for - the . prosecution mad the opening address to the jury thia forenoon and two attorneys will apoak for the deenee thla "afternoon. The closing address for the prosecution will be mad by District Attorney Brown. Th case will probably reach the Jury late thla afternoon.- Thirty nine witnesses were called by th prose cution. They Identified th purse, nug get snd ring found on Barnes ss the former property of Graham, th mur dered man, and also Identified th hat and belt found In a stump near the scene of the "Murder. A kalfs found, in the charred remains where th body was burned snd Graham's revolver found under Barnea' cabin. . Other wltneiuma had seen Barnea aesr the seen shortly before the murder "l anppoaed to hav been committed. , Th defense called but three wtlneasca. start ateM for Warder. V ' '- - , (lenreal Speetal 8rto. - t Chios , Oct, ll, Oliver B. Mart w 1 1 to the grand Jury without . t -r'e Jury at Its conclusion " the deth of 10-yeer-. t ifi 1 -rt la ch"" " . rt ) i t ' CENTS. Vt?lFSil " - . GLEASBN ISTlVAin OF THE Attomey Makes' Humorous Plea' to Have Case Postponed So iTiV-iHe : Can 'Attend Fair, f: PALNOTIC FRANKNESS 0 FAILS OF ITS REWARD Clcason Family Wfll Spend Threw ' Days at' Exposition.' but Attorney ' Probably Will Not Accompany 7 Them, in Spite of Protests.'. v . ; ': Attorney - Jamea ' Gleason has long been known among his friends as th Mark Twain of h Multnomah county bar. This morning, aay th friends, hs clearly proved himself entitled to this honor. a;'-'. - "Tour honor," Mr. Gleaaon began this morning,' addressing his remarks to Presiding. Judge Fraser, -"the ease of ths stat against H. C. , Jordan and O. F, .Jordan, charged with falsifying th records of a , private .corporation. r . down ..on - the docket -to b triad -to morrow and. Friday.. I appear aa their attorney, but. if your honor please,. X would Ilk to go to ths fair during th next' three .days with my family. You, know I can try a lawsuit moat any time. out mere ar only three more days ot th 'fair left, and my family want me to go with them."- , . . . Judge Fraser waa amased at this frank excuse for th postponing of two Important cases. "Nowi you see. contlnned th at tor. ney, "If I waa up her In tb court room during th next few daya I could ; not accompany th family to th fair. And th management also would miss m If I do not attend th exposition.' Judge rraxer amlled. Many attorney present laughed aloud." We had two months' vacation during the summer," suggested the Judge. - v "Oh. well' I know." replied Qleasori, "but your honor knows that everr on. should go to th fair during the laat ' few days, especially my family. And then. S. C Spencer, who Is attorney for th state, will no doubt want to be lurk ing around th peac conference tomor row. One I told Judge Bhattuck that I wanted him to postpone a case for me so I could go to a horse race. He said that in order to encourage other at torneys to tell tb truth when they . wished a ess put vr, h would con sent that I go." The Gleason family wilt attend the exposition during the next three days, but aa 8. C. Spencer wishes that th cases be tried ss soon aa possible. ' tb head of th family may net b able t accompany them.. . i i , i . SAY STANDARD OIL IS . V PRACTICAL MONOPOLY " - fjwsmai Special SnW.) Chicago, Oct. 11. Arguments to ths demurrer filed by tb peckers were re sumed this morning.. During a discus sion of th definition of the word nupoly, the. court asked If there Is In business an Illustration of practical mo nopoly. The parkera' attorneys replied that the Standard OH company was nne. Judge Humphrey elo '-e --r-neys of both si. f '- Ing fault with t - , sides took ' rulings. C BAR 'J