A- ..THE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND. I IOIIDAY EVENING. CCTOEEXi 0.' UCJ. R EFER EE G R A E V IS IILTOW ThV Famous Prize Ring Official ); Pays a Visit to the City " f 1 I ' :; : ": . - of . Roses 1 '" ' HIS SUMMER CLOTHING 1 SK,A -UOT IN. STYLE HERE ' Sddi Spent ; Morning Seeking His .Trunk, as Local Wthr. 18 Not ,,in Harmony With'Duck Suits and ' Straw Hata--Hia Work in Ring. Eddie M. Oraiiey. garbed in .the same summer nit aad topped with the ' straw hat that he wore whan ha o fft ciated in the Britt-Nelson fight at " Col ma, Cal"nn. recently, la In town, : having arrived last evening from the . land of .oranges, bananas, prliering con ( testa and aunahlna.. Accompanying th . vtrll'a greateet referee ta Mrs. Orane ' who. will take to tha eights at tha ax position with her famous husband for a few daya. Afur a few days In the Rose City Mr. and Mra. Oraney will .tourney 'to the Puget aound"country. r Eddia waa about town .thla rooming looking" for hta trunk. Hta light sum mer suit looked -eve much, out ) of .place la Portland last, evening and early thla . morning, aa John Sullivan' a evening ' clothes and opera, "hat on the '.morning : of the opening of the -Lewis-and Clark , exposition. . Yet Eddie waa game -and . aaya that he' felt the altuatloa or the . Mount Hood aephyra aa keenly aa any native-aon from the-land of departing 1 eTay. He referred to -his suit as a "lem onade attire'' and to hta hat aaa' "Queen Charlotte lid. " Oraney'a attire ia famous no." He waa tha flrat man to effroiatVn-.the prlserlng" dressed la TUxwVt:. Jn 'all of the prominent content In which ha eerred he never ' imiaaed 'donning hie boiled . ahlrt and - Tuxedo broadcloths until tha ' Brltt. Nelson match, and -In this 'hevwaa se lected at. the last moment in., fact at the ringside giving hirtr no opportunity to change hla clothing to agree with hia original, custom. ... Blnce Oranejre inno- . vatlon In dressing for the occasion, the Tuxedo haa been copied "In every city 1n thla country where ring conteata are held. 'and even in, far off Australia the ; crack refereea are now wearing thla -' styla -dress . iu tha ring.'; ,v' " Xa Football, Too .' ' '. . ' Whether the, footbaH official will go thla ona "better by i appearing on tha gridiron In - evening clothea la a mat- , ter that ia atlll in the subjunctive mood and conjectural tense. - How tbe-hol-pollol and tha Intenaely partisan banala . would accept auch a styltah revolution la alao a matter of guesswork only, i i ., -Oraney certainly deaervea the title of klnr of refereea.-" In conjunction with . being a "king," he la alao a "prince" by divine right. He haa officiated in over 100 priaerlng conteata in vbls time and haa, yet to aee th time when one of his awards haa had the slightest taint - of unfairnesa attached to It," In "this great number of battles he haa given championship to- all of the preaent hold- : era f thla title -in America, today: Jef- ' frlea received the heavyweight award from. Oraney when he defeated Corbet t Fltaalmmona the middleweight when he 1 beat- hfunroe and . Oardlner.Oajha' the : lightweight - when Brltt fouled him. Toung Corbett th featherweight when he licked ' MoOovern. Nell - the. bantam championship when be whipped Forbes, Johnaon the colored heavyweight when McVey fell. before him, and. RodenbacH of New York the amateur heavyweight . championship' of th United Statea when he beat Sam Berger of th Olympic club ' at San Francisco. - i J -' . .' . All these men are at preaent th cham pion In tbatr respective laasea, whether retired or atlll following the ring. There . isn't a man living who baa followed the ring, either for sport, aa Graaey does, or a livelihood, a moat, who bears tha distinction bf conferring ao many chain- in of x7 Uewd The Sp mmmmfm ' ; y. ft",.,;.-....... , . . ' -'A ; :. . Suits, Raincoats a w viusyiuafiiayr. '7B CJ'07l7Mnf St. &etneen StarH AZlTiJMLZFWnCLOTHl plonshtp award ' as' thl ' citver 'Call fornlan, .,. 'i:' 1 . Ta WeaJtliy laekamita. Oraney.-, aa everybody knows. Is a blacksmith and a good one, at that He has had the contract for years for the shoeing of the city a horses la Ban Francisco, and la reputed to be wurtb a few thousand dollars. In politic h la a Pemocral, and is one of the strong- em want men in California a metropolis. He tblnka that Mayor Bchmits will be re-elected', becauee the people at large think 'IMimlU honeat. and nothing to the contrary has ever been proven against him. . . - - In speaking of the Frltt-Nelson fight Oraney nays that it waa a hummer and that the letter man won. In talking of M action in colling off all bets when he waa clioMen as referee, he atated that It waa the only fair thing to do, and' I'eplored the practice af betting" on any prixeftght. "Such betting en a price- fight should be stopped by law." says Oraney, "aa that. Is the one tiling that will bring the sport 1 Into disrepute faster than' uny tiring else." ' " . Oraney ja a great admlrf"df Tom Tracey, the local favorite, and to show his good will for Trai'Vy will go to Van couver Thursday evening tp witness tha Orcen-Kelly contest that is being pulled off under the auHplcea of Tracey' club. It may be thai Oraney Will referee the Contest.. V". - " ? . ? " '..-:..' If he should consent., and If he finds his trunk in time, Portlanders will have an opportunity of witnessing the great est-referee of the age In action in the prise ting.- ; ' ; ; PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. CLCBS. Osklaod I -cm Angeles . Seattle ....... t a .IUW .MO ,&I0 .4H .W .404 1 4 1-mrll.nd ill a o a id t Taconut ...... 10 31 7 ?H I ( 1 Lost . ;wsMi;e!ir7t.T.- 11T1 Biwashas wis Two. -,... (Special plapatrh to The Journal.) 8eattle.. Wash Oct. . Hall men celebrated closing day at Seattle by trouncing the leader In two - gamea. Charles "Overcoat; Shields pitched the first , victory and" Vlckere twirled tlh second gam.. Tha acorea: First nmt -- RaH. E. Seattle . . t 1 0 A 0 a 71 Onkland 000009 00 0 4 1 Batteries Shields and Blankenship? Iberg, Kchmidt and Byrne. -"flecmid game s t IL ILK. Seattle -.-i .-.?jTTi-TS 0 1 0 4 . Oakland lilOMI 0 S B Ratterles Vlckera and Frary; Blex rud and Byrne. Umpire HowletL - .. : eala Sxop m Conpla. fJoarnal goeelal Bervlee.t San Francisco. Oct . Th Angel drubbed th Seals in .two games yester day, batting like fiends In both conteata The acorea: ' ,-, ,-- Morning arame R. H. E. Loa Anaelea . . .4 1 1 1 0 0 S 10 1 Bun Francisco ..00040000 0 4 4 Batteries tMum and Eager; Henley and Wilson. '..;:. ' Afternoon gam K. H. K. Loa Angeles . . . 1 0 0 t 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 Sun Francisco . .1000000 0 S 12 1 Batteries Nagle and Eager; Hitt and Wilson. Umpire Davis. OREGON ELEVEN OFF ' - - FOR SUNNY SOUTH . ', -j- i ,' v ".. - ' v J (RpeH.i It0atca W Tha loaraal.) i t?nlverslty.of Oregon, Eugene, Oct -The t'nlverelty - of Oregon football team left for California this afternoon to v meet the teams of Berkeley and Stanford October It and October 17. The men leaving thla afternoon besides the coach, and Manager Btelwer were Hue and Spencer, center; Hammond and McKlnhey, right guard; Mullen, left guard; Earl, right tackle; Arnsplger, left tackle; Chandler, right end; Moores, left end; . Istouretta, . quarter: Frlssel, right half: Templeton. left half; Ker- ron. fullback, and Hurd. aub half. Thla year team averages If pounds to the man, a little heavier than the team of 04. It haa been aecicvpa tnat on a wet field Frlssel. the long-distance punter, will do tha kicking, while If tha field ia a dry - one Mullen, - th drop and place kicker, will do th stunt. iritif Progress the manufacture of ready-for-s e r y i c e clothing sticks out bf every stitch and seam Clothes of The Best Made in stead of good enough the. mark of made right instead of made quick, and the beauty of it all is, they sell at SlOtO $25 Topcoats Oak J EI2V VISITORS LOSE TO local mm Portland Bats Bill, Thomas All Over the Ocean of Mud k ' Y and Wins Easily. FERRY MAKES DEBUT i AND WINS HIS CAME Second Contest Is Interrupted in "Third Inning When, Tigers Have a Lead of Two Runs At. McLean, McHale and Others Hit tha Ball. Portland. 7. Taeoma I. 1 Butteries Ferry and McLean; Thom as and Hogan. . ' " ; ' 1 Portland took another game from Tacoma.. yesterday in a heavy batting contest, : Two gamea were on the after noon "card, but the rain was unkind In the third Inning of th second contest and. with the score I to I in favor of Tacoma, it waa called off. ' . Ferry pitched the first game for the locals. It being the big fellow's debut on the - local grounds.- and he made a good Impression on' the fans-. While he was toucher up "for elgh hits and gave four base's on balls, he neverthe less twirled a pretty game and showed all th sign of a f trsurate. man. . -- Thomas waa in the box for'the Tiger and his offerings were Just to the liking of such consistent batters as Ate, Mc Lean and McHale, Sweeney and Mitch all Joining In the attack with aeveral good drives apiece.-. In th fourth in ning, thre hits scored one run and in the fifth U quartet of hits scored aa many runs and It waa off with th "Weary Mlkea." : Portland mad on mora in th aev nth and then took things easy. In th sixth and seventh .Innings Ferry .waa found for two bits In each Inning that produced two runs, but he settled down snd the scoring waa over. Notwithstanding th bad weather a good-sized crowd witnessed th game. Th score follow: - ' . ' lMnrt Crasn. ' ' . .. ; . PORTLAND. ' . . rr rr, -- - - AaiUUfXiE. Ata, ..Ji.,m..tart4.'. a . 0 S 4 1 Van Buren, If. , 4 0 0 J O 0 Mitchell, lb. .61 2 0 1 0 Schiay. 2b. ......... 1 1 ISO McLean, c, ........... 6 S 2 t 3 0 McHale. cf ...?4 1 S 0 0 0 Sweeney. 3b. i 0 - S " 1 0 0 Cates, rf. . .'. 4 0 0 11 0 Ferry, p. 4 0 0 0 4 0 Total ... . . " . ..... Si 7 11 17 IS 1 : - . . TACOMA. ' ' . . AB. R 11 PO. A. E. woyie, rr. '. . ..4 0 0 1 0 Sheehan. lb. ......... I 2 Nnrdyke, lb. 14 Eagan, as. Mclatiighlin. Lynch, cf. , , Caaey, lb. ,. Hogan, c. .. Thomaa, p. . ToUl .T . If. 4 ....... II . I 8 27 14 1 SCORE BT INNINOS. Portland .'.0101401007 Hits . .........11 1 i 4 0 I 1,3 13 Tacoma 6 0 0 0 0 t 1 0 0 - 2 .Mlts.....,x 0 0 10. J 1 s SUMMARY.. t Struck out By Ferry, 4: by Thomaa. S. Haaea on balls Off Ferry, ; o Thomaa, 2. Two-base hits McLean. Ata, Nordyke. . First base on errors Portland, 1; Tacoma, 1. Double plays Ats to Schlafly to Mitchell; Mitchell to Ats to Mitchell; Thomas to Hogan to Nordyke. Left on bases Portland, 0; Tacoma, 12. Sacrifice hits McHale, Lynch. Hit by pitched balls Hchlnfly, MrlJiughltn, Doyle, Lynch, Sheehan. Pussed ball Hogan. Wild pitch Thomas. Time of game On hour and 10 minutes.-.- umpire McDonald. ' . Seoond Chun. PORTLAND. ' . " ' AB. R. It. PO. A. E. Ata. ss. .....,1 o-o o-l Van Buren, If. Mitchell, lb. . 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 Hchlnfly, 2b. MCLan, a. . McHale. cf. Sweeney, 3b. . Cates, rf. Essick, p. 'Totals . . 1 2 t TACOMA. . . ' - T . Aa R. H. PO. A. R Doyl. rf. ......... Sheehan, 8b, Nordyke, lb. ; Eagan, as. McLaughlin. . If. ... Lynch, cf. Casey, 2b. ......... Oraham. c F.meraon, p. ...... S I 11 0 0 0 1 10 0 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 Hogan, 10, Totala , .12 I 6 7 0 0 One out when gam waa called on account or rain. . ' . SCORE BT INNINOS. Portland 0 1 0 1 Hits 0 2 0 2 Tacoma,. .....,............. 2 1 I ' Hita . 1 . 2 8 f , SUMMARY. ', " Struck ' out-By Emerson, 1; by Es sick. 1. Base on balls Off Emerson. 1 Two-base hits McLaughlin, Doyle, Mc- Lean. Lrt on oases fnrtland, 3; Ta coma, 3. Htolen base McHale. Hit by pitched ball Mitchell. Time of game Thirty minutea. . Umpire McDonald. . WOMAN'S AMATEUR GOLF - CHAMPIONSHIP IS ON (Journal Special Service.) New York. Oct. 9. The contest for the women's amateur golf championship of the United States began this' morning on the links of the Morris County Golf club at Convent Station, N. J. The competition Is. open to all women ama teur golfers belonging to 'clubs which are members of the United Statea Oolf association and to such foreign player have been , invited by "th executive commute of the asaoolatlon. The contestants, bf whom there li quite a number, will flrat play 18 -holes. medal play. The nest 32 scores will then be taken and the contestants who make these scores will then compete in the 16-hnle match play. The winner will be awarded the Robert Cox cup and will alao receive a gold medHl, th runner-up silver-medal and the other anml-Otial- 1st will receive bronse medals. The nner will be the champion woman amateur of the year, th title now held by Miss Oeorglsna Hopp of ,the Brook lyn Oolf club, Bridgeport Conn. , SPORTING GOSSIP. : It I very amusing lo read the various View that are held and expressed by professed smateur managers and self styled authorities on athletics regarding the rulea governing professionals. Tho manager at tha. University of Washing ton atates that if football men receive money tor playing baseball during the atimmer, it should not act as a bar to their participating In college . football during th fall season. Such an Imprea- alon for an amateur to hold Is aa silly aa it Is Incorrect What ta sillier yet Is to read a labored dissertation on tha subject of pure- athletics by .one who receives hard cash., for managing and handling amateur snorts, and.. who re ceives gold medals for participating In th same athletlo conteata.- Such la amateur athletic professional consist ency. - : . v. '..", : ' . . ' " .".' ' ' . -1 . - .i To those who are astonished at the marvelous activity displayed by th Philadelphia American- 1 earns ball team, it Is only necessary to explain that the members of the team are not natives of th Quake city.-- , ' . - - A serious accident waa luckily avoided Thursday afternoon at Recreation park, says the San Francisco Bulletin, when Editi Householder snd Spencer collided in flight center in endeavoring to catch a fTy ball hit between the two fleldera. The two men came together with great force, and although Householder turned a . somersault and ' waa momentarily knocked out, ha had sufficient presence of mind to hold the sphere In tha air to show that he had caught It before It hit th ground. ; y ' ' ' San Francisco Bulletin: ' Householder Is proving a valuable member for th Seals. He Is hitting th ball regularly, but Thuraday he drove th ball over the right-field fence when Mire were on bases. Eddie Is all right, and ' hie friends Tar glad . to see htm' In a Seal uniform.' ,j : 1 How to Make Stays. T he component part of a corset I th whalebone.' There for, th first thing to do when you set out to make a corset ia to catch a whale. Whales do not bit very well at the foot of 'Alder street o It la auggeated that you buy a part of th Pacific ocean and do your fishing there. . After, you" have caught your whale, kill him and tow him ashore. You may need some help In this. When you feet lilra ashore, cut him up and take out the bone. After yon get the bones out, build a cor set around them. . v- .- - e , Oakland will com here" lemorfow to begin a week' aerlea with tha Portland Olants. The locals seem )o have re covered their batting eyes, and If they can pull th leaders down a few pegs It will help the pennant race somewhat WILLAMETTE JEAW IS HOME. FROM JOURNEY (Special Dispatch to Tbe JoaraaL) Wlllamett University, Salem. Or., Oct . The Willamette football team arrived home from Cullforhia thla morning on th S:30 train. The boy are all In good condition, and will' have two-days to rest - up before playing Whit worth of - Tacoma- The gam with Whltworth will ba played in Salem Wednesday. October 11. As this I the opening game for this aeaeon at Salem, a large attendance I expected. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost . P C. .105 48 - . . 84 .67 .S . 02 . .01 .001 .. 83 .09 .M7 . 7 44- .M . iS . .371 . 61 101 .331 . 48 104 - .811 New' York Pittsburg Chicago . . Philadelphia Cincinnati . , St. Louts . ., Boston -.- . . , Brooklyn . . , At Chlcag-o. ' "First gam Chicago . . St. Louis . .6 13 1 4 7 I Batteries Wicker and Kilns: Me Don a- Second gam-!-i aR...H. vnicago , St. Louis . ,'. .3 S 9 - Batteries Brown and O Nelll; Hoel sketter and Orady. Umpire Vohhslme - At OlaolaaaU. "' First gam . v R. H. E Cincinnati. .........3 1 Pittsburg . , 16 0 Batteries uveraii and Bchlei; Case and u Ih son. Second game . B, H. E. cmcinnair . . 4 9 I Pittsburg ,1 .6-1 Batteries Kwing.and street; Klnsell ana reus. umpir Kiem. . . r ' AMERICAN league; ' Won. ' ,-- 93 . i. 79 ... 7 ,.' 76 71 ,.64 .. 63 Lost PC. .621 Philadelphia Chicago ... . Detroit . . .. Boston . . . . Cleveland . . New York . Washington St Louis . ', .606 .614 .613 .411 .477 .424 .364 . . . 1 A St Louis. First game St Louis . . ..k... ........ Chicago . . -j. R. H. E. ...3 8 ...6 11 1 -Batteries Pelty and Spencer; Patter son and Sullivan. Second game' , ,X R. H E. St Louis . 3 8 Chlcnao 1 7 Batteries Powell and Sugden; Walsh and Hare - EUGENE BAPTIST CHURCH IS DEDICATED Rev. J. Whitcomb Brougher of ' Portland Delivers Morning ! . and Evening Sermons. (pedal Dispatch to Tbe Jonrsal.) Eugene, Or., Oct t. The remodeled Baptist church of Eugene waa dedicated resterday with sermons both .morning snd evening by- Rey. J. Whitcomb Brougher. pastor of tha Flrat Baptist church of Portland. . The services were largely attended by members of the church and townspeople In general. The aum of $1,000 was rslsed at tho morn ing service and a similar sum at the evening service with which to pay the Indebtedness on tha building. The work of remodeling the building wss done at a cost of about 62,600. The- main auditorium has been enlarged so that It now seats 400. A balcony has been built around three sides of tha audi tortum seating 600 more. The lecture room, seats 100, making a total seat Ing aapactty of 1.000. Bealdea these there are classrooms, pastor's study, ladles parlor, dressing-rooms, kitchen, boys' clubrooms, etc. - ' The church haa grown wonderfully during tha pastorate of Revj . O, C. , 1 I BlMdlnj, Weeping, UuttljiJ, ScaOn tlf its beMM most sill Wed. Ka ales e rest fnrt bonlos. Itrning. mois mmomim wum n WMtr wsteklng. There ta a Quick, posture Care ia GKINHEALTH -712 TREATMENT JJm OnUlnf at HarSwai Soap, mdlested, antlap tlrt Sklnbealth (olnt.), to kill bnmor germs, bal tbe skla aad stnp Itrhlof, s4 Sktahealtsi Tablets, to erpl tnmnt germs. sitt.il T I D K SJsO F M O T H K H relr on krl h a I b. tmtmrat with Hsrssa aoaw rnr immran'ir llkvlng sad qalrkly earing sll kinds ef diatrMs. In humor fraok infiary to eld ( for Waotl tjing the skla knd hair, snot king sit Irrltatloee and for aosny aallspslia Beta. Urn (flats. WOOSAJVB, t)l.a A) CO ream a Waskiaa-toa St. Dm TerribJa SkloScourMi Itchlnj. Burning; T " ,,' ":. i ." ' v.. :'. : '. v V . '.; - t .. . -- ." i !": -.-r . , ... .... . .. '. ....'.:' ' AMERICAN INN' - CASCADE Beat the "Beater" in yesterday's race! Figuratively spealting,vur boat "switched it tail," when food and ready, then daahed paat its opponent tike tha latter waa a little red wag-on plodding along the muddy thor oughfare on the river's bank. Indeed, it seems but reasonable to claim that4 THE TELEPHONE IS THE FASTEST STERN-WHEEL STEAMER ON THIS GREEN EARTH I She's a picture, too. ', t " ' ,., ..Brightest, Prettiest Steamer Entering This Port. .. .- ; .; DfiCk FOOt Of OBK StrCGt :Round trip dBV but FfWay leaving MUrn, ' . y ,n , CCt. : t 8:30 o'clock a. m. Sundays at 9 o'clock a. m. Cures all Kidney anld Bladlder Diseaseo Guaranieccf V WOODARD. CLARKE ft CO. AND's. G. SKIDMORE ft . CO. (ores Zstakllaked liri OUR PAmnTS 0U BEST ADVOaTCS ThaassBd la rortlsad aad an ever the aorthweet iiraa teaMfy le ear great sad aa eissipled sscrias. . . ' QONORRHCEA -rV' May be stteadad with the granst eeaipnea. tloos if agletrd ee Improparlr treated. We hava a spaclse treatmat whlak cans oulckls, asfsly and pslnlnealy. SY PHILia Is aaotbar aeqelreg dlssssa,. the ravages ef which whee folly emloped aa . pa ea sesrrlbe. Wbaa It shows by skla ereptloss or by seres la mouth or throat Its horrors sre already bagua. We' safely sad thse eairbly rare yoa aad as alaarai sols ass are emptoysd. -, .... ... . ., - . VARICOCELE AND ; ; HYDROCELE ' We treat sad core, ant by the old sarslesl sraecdare, tmt by e ralnlMS BMthod solaly oar owa. We llkawtoe will ears yoa asd aae yoa th saffortne assoelatod with Vortoas Debility, Lost Itaakood,.. Impotoaey. Sponaatmhooa, HoetarnaJ EmisaioBa, Fro. atatsra OooUbo, loss of Memory, Saergy aad AmhltJoa la the brlofost time It eon bo dose aad wo losare yea a safe and positive ears. ' Co.iaalt.tloo 'and eaaailnarJoa fros. Write tot syaipUMs b'aak sad book If yoa ess not "Offle Roars: S a. m. to S s. bm ska says. 10 to U. ST. LOUIS Medical and Surgical : DISPENSARY Cos. Si eas Taathtn -. trerttaad. Or. ?ToTHJ sV -SI No Pain No Pain NICE TEETH : Wo are tha discoverers snd originat ors of tha only reliable and scientific svstem of Painless Dentistry. Wa ex tract orown, fill and clean or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee all work for fifteen years. Our work Is the best, our prices the lowest Con sistent with first-class work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our platea are undo tec table from tha natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit FILLINGS . BOO, Tee) and f 100 OOLD CROWNS ................ .80.00 BRIDGE WORK fs.00 FULL BET NATURAL TEETH ... So.00 Ovea for baslaees toatU S 'look erening'S. Boston Painless Dentists StU, SCorrlsost-, Opp. Kelet m rraak ona rviwuHo, ' HOURS 1:10 a. m. to S p. m.. Sun day. 1:30 a. m. to 12:10 p. m. Wright He' cams here from Ogden, Utah, about a year and a half ago, and by hla active work and Indomitable perseverance has built up a congrega tion from a - handful of members to mora than a. hundred. Oeaeral Baadall ' Betlres, . : - (jooraal gportai Srfvic.) - ' 8t Louis, Mo., Oct .vAfter having seen 44 years' aervlca in the .United States army, Major-General Oeorge Mor ton Randall, commander of the northern division of tha army, has roar tied the age limit and will retire, to be sue reeded by Brigadler-Oeneral John F. Weston. o)a a SUUlos, . iJourrial Spoeul Mrrire.) New Tork. Oct . WUllam Hall. ar ralgned In the Harlem pollre court to day on a charge of robbery, confessed. that he had In tha last two years robbe-l mora than 40t f) ate, the net results of the Y rimes . committed aggregating 11,000.009. ' ' '. ,' Irealel .... I Building and furnishings sold 'Complete or eprmtely. Fur nishings sold in small or large quantities, including Bfedding, towels, tables, chairs, linen, etc. ; Prices never before equaled in Portland. Everything practically new. Sale begins Mon day, October 9, at Inn oh. Exposition grounds. . For full par ticulars inquire of MRS..J. T. McCREADY. Manager. : LOCKS and RETURN Ql.OO Grsndest Scenery on. the. American. Continent t ' ' ,.-- . uIcIm UilLLlLlrrlfL capacity 090 PAsskisaEiRs ; , NEWCASTLE NOT, AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN, PEACOClC-'-RCK!-SPRING LOW PRICES ON OTHER COALS v''. First Prize Gold Medal awarded by Lewis 4 Oark Centennial Exposition. THE PAG1FIG COAST CO. , CHAS. tt GLEIM, Agent . 1 r 249. Wasliington iS Telephone 229 and 237 ; SsfejlKsfeMsaMstisaWHVJsKaPnnKlKsa I ... '. , " ' '-t" ''7 i Xf Ik i I IT DIDNT HURT A: bit. ; Is am at they say of ear siethoeS of anns aoatol work. We do work tor people (real ent of the city olckly ha soold ssy delay. Bverrtblag e to ate . Opea evoaiaga aad aanaairs. hUla WISE BROS., Dentists .The rafllas, es. SJUrd aad Waaktagtaa. ' pm. t. . wiss. IIP. SOOTiMcE PIE Af j TWELVE MlMJnNOVxVfe.. ' . .7 X I J, 1 . tunvr aati tttat ONEWAS SATISTI .ifigW "sL'C PACKAGE5J ' , .... . v. mi The Goal toTlfly: -AND: How to Burn It "' '..; ."-,.,'' , ' ': ' is the all absorbing economic question of the house, owner. A trial of any of the following brands will solve it speedily and to your satisfaction. . - , ' v " '-'. " ..-'" - 'v ' NEWCASTLE LUMP Is the correct adjective to OurFallSuits, Overcoats and Raincoats It is not our fault if you neglect to pick your out fit while the varieties are? immense. You need not pay for it at once. You can pay a ' portion of amount at time of pur- chase and balance at ' $1.00 i Week RN. Fault 1 EA5TE Outfitting Co. The 3tor Where Your Credit Is dood 10th and Washington Sts. V' J cm. w. a. wisx. i, V r J