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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1905)
THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, OCTOCZH- 8. v , - i . : ; HAWAIIAN BACHELORS TO GREET "OREGON MAIDS DOTir SIDES SURE rr SAVE FUEL" "3AVE MONEY" "SAVE WORK" - i OF VICTORY 1 j 1 I: ii f ' 5 i .11 f 'X ' During the peat two daya thouaanda , et votes have been polled in The Jour nal's Hawaiiae trip oontest In the -.' First dlatrlct tha contest, la vigorous. ' Mlaa Madlgan Is la tha load, but Miss - Phllllpa and har (Hands are making a strong tight . A few yearly subscript . tlone would put Miss Phillips la tha coveted first place. Miss Wlntermantle la a strong third and following her very y . closaly Is Miss Baty. Throughout Port , land tha contest is attracting wlde- spread attention. -. This Is evident from the large number .of Individual votes - polled each day, for tha eandtdatea and their' friends ara clipping tha coupons from every- paper they can get. .. .- - . readlatoa vs. x Srende, ' -.' V Voting hrvery "active In tha Second, r - Third and fifth' districts. Eastern Ore- ; gon Intends to be. heard from with a largo vote. At present the contest be- twern Pendleton and La Grande Is at- traoting much attention. - Miss- Nash -of La Grande Is tha present leader, but very close to her le Miss Fletcher of Pendleton. The latter city haa four . -caadtdaUa.' while Le Grande has . two, and tha race between the two. cities V Is one of the features of tha "contest - Tha - Third " district Is showing re- : narkable results. The contest there seems to be between The Dallas and . Hood River. Each city haa two eandl- dates. At present Tha Dallas la In tha WHY SOUTHERN IS ill Wallis Nash Say Gradients and ;;.. Distancea favor; Corvalllt Eastern. ...... L ENGINE HAULS ONLY, Z j-2 SEVEN CARS ON GRADES Natural Route for Road to Develop . . Central Oregon Is by Way of Minto t Pass, Save Mr. Naah Colony Proa- pecta . Ara Bright.',! ' . ; - ' . 1" Extension of tha Corvalllg A Eastern road Into Central Oregon instead of lha Columbia Southern la advocated by Wal l's Nash, who claims that tha two gov E arning principles of railroad conatrue - tion, gradients and distances, argue for Ills proposition. ' Mr. Naah. who has made a study of ; tha aituatioa. lai interior Oregon, - aald last night that ha oould prove to tha ' featlsfactlon of any reasonable person , that tha best results would be attained by building tha Corvalle- dc Eastern rather than extending on to Bend as propoaed, the road now running south from Bigga to Bhanlko. 7 "The Corvallla y Eastern." said Mr. ' Nash, "utilises tha Mlnto pass through the Cascade range of -mountains, and by . this e)ute the governing or maximum amuta from tha western aids la only t4 per tent- From the summit eaatward the gradea are not mora than from 1 to 1H per cent, with almost absolutely level roadway for the major portion of the distaace-to tha Snake river aa the eastern terminus. "The maximum grades on tha O. K. aV ,1. lines through Eastern Oregon, lead ing from the same point on Snake river. ve a per cent and tha aame maximum , is shown on the Southern Paclfle in Southern Oregon. . "As to tha Columbia Southern, it la a remarkable fact that the gradea are heavier between Biggs on the Columbia river and In the Interior of tha state than they are by way of the route pro posed for the Corvallls Eastern's ex tension. An ordinary freight engine (hauls only seven loaded ears over tha Columbia Southern grades, f "Tha reason for this is that tha Voute of the road la across a succession of ridges that run from east to west and over which the Columbia Southera must pass if It be extended southward. ' . "From a dose study of the' topography of tha country, one must conclude that , the natural and economical route for a road which is to develop central Ore ' gon Is via tha Mlnto pasa, and the ex : tension of the Corvallla at Eastern Is the thing that will accomplish this the most efficiently." 4 . Sketching a' snap, Mr. Nash then . showed the depression In tha central part of tha state that was once ths bottom of the great Inland sea which Included . all of that region. Tracing the surveyed route of the Corvallls road through Mlnto pass from Idanha, It was shown that the .J vi m a ucLJtjrairM twas from I - ..i . . . : i leeaers norm ana soatn, agalnat the preeent possibilities of the O. R, tt N., -which can obtain local business only from the south aids. The route also leads close to the mining regions of eastern Oregon that have been developed. and could open up much more of the min eral belt by furnishing transportation without which development Is Impossi ble. Mr. Naah'e theory Is that the exten sion of the Oo rvalue road would glvs IMPRACTICAB - 1 1 T i i in Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip Honolulu, Hawaiian iaUada ..V"'-'. . -,; ..J . 1 ' ; , I rote for.... . Thla coupon must be voted on or before October 11,'ltOS. Priveway Leading Up to the Acting Governor Atkinson of Hawaii Portland absolute command of tha trade of central Oregon, whereas the extension of tha Columbia Southern would compel ths hauling of produce out and gooda la via a route that Involves- too heavy grades add too long distance. .He claims that the - route to Portland from- the Soaker river -would be SO or. 40 miles shorter than that followed by the O. R. N.. and that It la shorter than via the Columbia Southern, If extended. It ha been known for several months' that the promoters of -the Christian cooperative colony, which la planning to purchass aeveral hundred thousand acres of land in tha southeastern part of the atate, ara endeavoring to buy the Cor vallls road, and If thla be done. It will be extended through the central part of the atate. The negotiations -of the . cooperative company are now in progress, and an nouncements are looked for within e week ot the auccess of plans apong the eastern capitalists who have been In terested In the project -; In the event ot the Corvallla ; road being extended, a cutoff would be con structed leading, from tha eastern side of the Cascade mountains northward to Portland, shortening the dlstanee sut flolentlv to make It approximately an air line from the central part-of the atate to this city. , The vaat possibilities of the, project are understood when It is stated that of the 10. 00O square mllea of area in the atate of Oregon, M.OOO in the central por tion are without railway transportation. That region, thought In peat years by many to be a desert. Is possessed of latent resouroee which make It a poten tial empire teeming with millions and. sending forth Immense - quantities or foodstuffs every year. WATER PROBLEM STILL UNSOLVED IN ST. JOHNS At a mass meeting of the cltlsens of St Johns with the members of tha -city eoenoU laat night It was decided that the question of the advisability of ac quiring the water worka which furnish the water supply to the city, er eon structlng new water works, should be left to the discretion of ths olty council. Nearly every cltlsea of the city at tended the meeting. - H. Powers, manager and principal ewper of the present water plant ad dressed the gathering, aa did also Mayor King and others. All favored a water system which would furnish a bettsr quality as wejl as a greater quantity than that provided at present Mayor King aald that he would take the mat ter up with the city council and that he would make a thorough investigation and secure estimates of coats. It was the prevailing opinion, that tba council shotild float bonds to pay for the desired Improvements. . ; , EX-COUNCILMAN SCHWAB SERIOUSLY ILL IN EAST While returning from a trip through Europe R. II. Schwab of thla city be came suddenly 111 in' Chicago and Is now lying In a private asylum lq that city In a dangerous condition. He haa numbers of friends and relatives -here. ; He had been In Europe for five months and waa returning with Mrs. Schwab. They stopped at the .Palmar house In Chicago four weeks ago when he suddenly became 111. . Physicians pronounced -his ailment Brlght's disease and he was at once removed to a prl vate hospital. - His son, Edward Bchwab. left Friday night for Chicago. Reportajf hlLcon- dltlutl have caused aiarnv among his friends and relatives In Portland.. He haa been well known for years In thla city and waa a member of the city oounoit i or two terms. Xla Conclusion. " front ths Detroit Free Press. 'So your first flsneee threw vou over Do you think she ever regretted Itr Tm .beginning to think she did. 1 married immediately, and ' she nevat married at alL" wxzsnxnamxnaxsszxxmu 7 , RoyaL Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu. lead, bdt Hood River Is forging to the front Arlington la to also be reckoned with la this district and Miss Florence 'George, the candidate, front that etty, haa coma to tha front very rapidly and la developing much strength' arte la the rtftk. , Tha Fifth district was ona of tha first to take hold of tha contest and at no time haa the excitement In that dls. trlot ceased since tha first ballot was cast' Kalama, Kalao and Vancouver have 'been In the past 'reckoned close competitors, bat Home 'Valley la forg ing to the front ln remarkable shape. Miss Madge Barge, tha candidate from Horn Valley, haa mora ' than 11.000 votea and Vancouver and tha. other two towna will have to look aharp If they ara going to keep in tha lead. At Rose burg, In the Eighth district two candl. dates. Miss Edna, Parsley and Miss Dale Harmon, ara running a vary close race At praaant MUa Parsley la la tha lead. GAME RAIDED ON WOWS TIP, Police Finally Locate Gambling House They Have, Been AzJt Searching - Foiv- - BARRED MORE SECURELY THAN CHINESE JOINTS Entrance Xa . Through Long Line of Dark Paaaagee, and Exit, Similarly Provided for, Enable AU tha Play, era to Escape. Captain Moore snd 'Aotlng Deteotlve Evans raided a poker game In the rear of a row of buildings at 44 North Fourth street last night No arrests were made, aa the participants were warned of the 'approach of the police and made their aacape through a secret passagsway. ' The tables, chips, chairs and heavy, lron-sheathed doors were confiscated and taken to police head quarters. . ; .. For some time the police have re ceived reports that a poker game was being conducted on North Fourth atreet but prevloua efforts-to locate the gam Ing tablea proved futile. Yesterday afternoon a woman with a little child In her arms called on Captain Moore and told him that her husband waa fre quenting a gambling game In the north end and losing all his money over the tablea She aald that ha had lost $60 In the last week. She refused to give her name, but directed the offleere to the place. ' Patrolmen aaw men emerging from the place to which ahe dlreoted them and notified Captain Moore, who, with Policeman Evans, prepared f or a raid. It. was with difficulty that the police located the entrance to the gambling- rooms. . They , passed through a auooea slon of dark, narrow alleyways to the rear of the bulldlnga, where they found a room with a bolted and barred door. which they broke In. By the time the officers reached the gambling-room the Inmatea had, dl appeared through a secret door leading to the baaement and connected with the street half a block awey by alley. ways. . . I The room was lavishly fitted up. It contained two tablea and IS chairs and chips were scattered everwhere. Every thing Indicated that the occupants had mad a hasty exit Bignal wires lead lng Into the room from the outer door were discovered, as well as a chair where a lookout was stationed. Ths doors and everything In the room were taken to headquarters. The appa ratus had to be taken out- through tha saloon owned 'by Hill at Brown, by door which the proprletora atated had not been opened for weeks, : : "The . doors were bolted end barred stronger than thoss leading to any fan tan game in the city," aald Captain Moore. "The rooms were located In a place where the officers would never think of looking,' as they had the an pearance of storerooms for old Ju,nk." T THIRTY'YEAR-OLD BEAR IS KILLED IN COLORADO tSoeclal blsDatea by Leased Win te The Jooraan Montrose. Colo.. Oct. 7-J. If. Gill has returned from .aJmntlng trip with the I hide of probably ' tha largest sllver-tlp bear ever allied in this section. The animal was killed Sunday - by Oscar Lampman. The body wslghed 1,200 pounds. Nine men surrounded the bear In dense thicket and shot at It several times. Finally Lampman got off his horse to get a better shot at the bear. Mr. QUI. who was sbout SO feet away, called to him to- look out as the bear was charging. Lampman Jumped on hla horse as tha bear ran toward him and rose on lta hind feet Mr. lampman turned In hla aaddle and ahot the bear aquarely between the eyes when the animal waa not over six feet from his horse, which had pushed Its way Into the brush as far aa possible to avoid the bear. - r The bear fen dead et -the horse's feet. GUI was unabls to shoot for fear he would hit Lampman. The bear had been killing many cattle In, that section and Is believed te be ysars old. Be&afcn? atltosell Better. Senator John H. MltehalL who Sus tained eerlouar Injuries In a fall at tha docking of 'the Ocesno last week, and who la at tha Good Samaritan hoapltal, la reported much Improved. If no as lious complications set In he will be iufflclently recovered to leave the hos . . . ' but Miss Harmon is developing strength each day. Both young women are popu lar and their friends are working hard for their auccess. Grants Pass and Jacksonville also promise to be. factors in tha Eighth district, for the eandl datea from each of . these placee are forging to the front. . The Bachelors' Committee, ' Mall from Honolulu thla week assures a great welcome to The Journal's guesta Acting . on the auggeatlon of Acting-Governor Atkinson, that com mittee of eligible ' young men -be or ganised to plan the entertainments to be given The Journal's guests, the contest to select this committee haa -been started by the Hawaiian Advertiser. "A copy of the paper containing the coupon haa been received and the con test is iyw well under way. Judging from the newa contained In. the paper a plan la on foot to have Acting-Governor A tklneon. head thla oommlttae. WOULD END REIGN OF THE NIGHT General Electric Company May 7-Install Aro Ughtt : That 3 Burn Most of the Time. SYSTEM OF FINES DOES, -V NOT SUIT CORPORATION If Suitable Arrangement Can Bo Made a New Power House Will Be - Built and Modern Lampa Will Re t place Present Ones, . . ....... , , . - The Portland General El ee trio com pany la planning to lnatall a new plant at a coat of about $100,000 for lighting tha streets of tha city, providing a sat isfactory agreement can be' reached with the olty executive board. "The present system of street lighting Is unsatisfac tory, for the rsaaon - that lights fre quently go out making It disagreeable for the cltlsens and also the corpora tion, whloh la flnsd 10 oents for each "dark" . light reported to police head- quartera. . It haa been authoritatively stated that the corporation intends to replacs 'all the old llghte with a new make of ara lamps.whlch will reduce the outages to a minimum. President Ooode of the company has notified the light commit tee of tha executive board that he de sired to hold a conference with them on the proposition, and a meeting will be arranged for this week. It is said that tha old contract Is' un sausractory to the lighting company, The corporation has objected to the de duction of 60 cents by the city for each outage, reported by the police, but the executive board interprets the contract to mean that the fine ahall be Imposed. Since July 1 the monthly bUls of the company have been allowed leaa "the amount deducted for outages. Tha July bill was. paid,., but the oompany refused to accept tha warrant allowed for the August and September claim a, and they are still in tha hands of the city audi tor. . . 1 Unless some satisfactory agreement Is reached between the Portland General Eleotrlo oompany and the city, suit will be brought by the corporation' to collect for the full amount of the claim pre' ssnted. It Is probable. In view of the fact that the corporation's plan to install a new lighting system, that the old con tract will be rescinded and a new con tract entered Into with the company. which will end the present complice- tlone. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS j PLAN- GREAT REUNION Arrangements arbelng made by local Pytblana for the reception of the craud lodge officials at tha time of the eon ventlon here, commencing next Tuesday, the 10th Inst, and continuing through Wednesday, it la the regular annual convention of the Oregon domain . of Knights of Pythias, but on this occasion will be made especially Interesting owing to tne targe number or visitors from all parts of the coast and the east. A -pro. gram of especial interest Is being pre pared, which will brighten the days of the convention after business hss been. transacted Tne 'committee on Invlta tlon glvee 'sssvrance that Governors ChmbflatnandMgad. uf Oregon and Washington, respectively, will be In at tendance, snd that they will be greeted oy nunareaa or enia-nta The Dramatlo Order of the Knights of Khoraesan will Initiate a large number of tyros Tuesday evening. The class that has pledged Itself to brave desert sands already numbers a half hundred. and theTiumber will be tncreaaed before the time of Initiation arrives, in addi tion to the regularly credited representa tives of the Oregon domain there will be aeveral hundred Pythlana In tha city who - win be given en opportunity to participate in aome manner In the fes tivities and business of the-ordar. Tolapukeranto. . . From 'London Punch. We offer a prhca of 10s and Id for ths best rendering in Volapukeranto of the following epigram by the Russlsn tract Turnltoff supposed to be chsnted by a Moujlk nurse to her charge: Cumout offthl gard enmordi.. , Forth I nytls growl nold, O therwl syool katchl koffakt, ' Anper hapsyoor dethlo old. Tour conversation la remarkablv free from slang," said the obtrusive per son. "My dear sir." ' aald the athlete, who bee been through am a baseball player, not a snorting writer. George Gould and Joseph Ram ey, Jr., Eaoh Confident of 7 Controlling Wabiuh. CONTEST. RESEMBLES Y POLITICAL ELECTION Court Proceedinga Depended Upon by Former Employe to Ouat Ad - minlatration From Control Both Principals to Attend Stock Meeting. (Special Dtapateh r Leased Wire te The JoBraat) New York. Oct 7. When George J. Gould and Joseph Ramsey, Jr.. who aro fighting for tha control of the Wabaah railroad, closed up tbelr desks -todar both were sura they would be able to carry tha day at the annual meeting of the Wabash, which Is to be bold at Toledo Tuesday next. - - Mr. Ramsey bases his confidence on the fact that he haa received a large number of proxlea, aome of them having been ordered to be delivered to him by cable from 'European stockholders. He believe that his court proceedinga have ao tied up the. Wabash stock hold by the Missouri Paclflo and the Iron Mountain rail roads. that they wUl not be able to vote their atocka. Mr, Ramsey's lawyers applied today te the courta In Toledo te have a naw set of election. Inspectors appointed on the ground that those now In office were not qualified la either education or experience, - '.- Tha election will be a hot one and the movee of each of tba contestants resemble cloeely . those of a political election. Mr.-Ramaey admitted today that If for any reason he oould not elect a majority of ths board he could at least, by voting hla proxies, cumu latively, put In office a eufflolent num ber of directors to make things trouble some for the Gould administration for the next fiscal year.. Under the laws of Ohio If there are It directors It la possible te vote all one's stock er proxies It times over for one man. Instead of voting at once for 1 men. Mr. Ramsey and hla prin cipal friends town snough stock and con trol snough proxlea to elect at least three directors. ' "r -- Mr. Gould, through hla ettorneye. le fighting every etep taken by Mr. Ram aev In the courts, anil ha ttallama that lie haa hla former employe beaten. Mr. Gould and hla lieutenants will -attend the meeting In pereon and will leave for Toledo tomorrow. Mr. Ramaey will be accompanied by a number of adherents and attorneys. . Bishop CBetnr Oat of Baaga. Bishop O'Reilly, who le UI In St Vlnoenfs hospital with typhoid fever. le on the road to recovery. It waa re ported at the hospital laat night that the patient was out of danger, and that he would be able to leave hie room In a few daya ' The Chicago Painless Dentists 303 NWaahington St, Corner of Fifth St. Opp.PerUnt HoteL 4L Didn't Hurt a Bit -. , . We are giving apedal pricea on all work for the next 30 daya. Remember the Chicago Dental ParJore have of ficea in all large citiea throughout the country. Remember our practice ia limit- . ed to high-grade work only. Fine Set Teeth, war ranted to fit or no pqyiLJLL $5.00 22k Qold Crowns $3.50 22k BrldgeWork $3.50 "Porcelain Crown $3.50 Fll lings ....j..:..L...50c A 12-year protective gutran , tee with all work. Come and take advantage -of our Fall re ductions. Save your teeth and your . money. Open- evening! and Sundaya. . The Chicago Dental Parlors 303 Washington Street, Corner of Fifth. ) W. 5. WARD, LAWYER The Allskr. General praotloe. 'Pre. 1 bate and mortrase bualneas solicited, Hot Blast Heaters will hold fir SO hours', with no more) attention than la required to run a good hard ooal baee) burner, and will supply heat fpf ' rooms Tor from one to two hours r svery morning; from fust put In . ' ths night bsforaw - WILL SAVE A FULL THIRD OF THE : FUEL - as compared with lower draft stoves, tm slst upon your hot blast stovo having; a roomy air tight ash pit, and a balled ash pan saves a lot of worlc, and muss and look for ths above trade martc rengeg bia!co perfectly on tho! oven : rack as well as on the oven bottom, and with tRe least possible) . fuel, because the heat ia scientifically distributed around tha ' gjjsBsj,asW ECOKIY 1ND JiX is clean, odorless and so easy to manage. No fuel to litter up the kitchen, no grate to clean oat and no ashes to carry away. Always ready to ate at a moment's notice. And best of al, they are economical with gas.' They are equipped with the STAR BURNER which mixes air with the gas, making a combination fuel of one-third air and two thirds gas. We have them in all sizes from two burner plates to a complete range like one strewn in cut above,- JEWEL GAS RANGES Beautify Your Home , t . . Just rrow wo ins in -Baraa . Vsv . Gas or Electric whichever you can beat use we can eupply at pricea much below the usual pricel There are many odd. plecea you can' pick up that will greatly add to the beauty of your home. It'a an opportunity you can't well afford to mlaa. 1-.- ThcJotolarrclItCo. SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS PHONE MAIN 122. . 00 ; ; f UP urge square ovens. ; Jewel ovens are larger than ordinary ovens of . same number, because in the great - Jewel foundries, "Largest Storey Plant in the World," these three things are insisted upon: HONEST MEASUREMENTS FUEL ECONOMY FAIR PRICES Ve ism fsisreswl as Asa It ease J 1 i i as - v . w ess v sa,4 iv VS1IS StBSJ HSHeal mora about Jewel ''goodacat.' CLEfWNESS THE DABWIEST DOIJSIOTFE: - . , V ' !L'i". ' ''. ; . 4 : . ? "' y csa find bo fssll with a Jewel Gas Basst SAVE Zi FUEL are offering Fixtures 9 :xszk pital thla week. - waetimgron oiap Have U,0 to loan on easy term