THE OREGON SUNDAY : JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER ' 8. 1SC3. .'f If LL-U i CHELAfJ TO BRIUG : CAR OF FRUIT Wenatchee and All - of ; County . Making Big Preparations for Week at Fair., BIG PROGRAM OF , ' ' MUSIC AND ADDRESSES Reduced ... . Rates oil .Railroads and Sleeping t;ar Will Bring Large Crowd ' on Excursions That Will Leave for Exposition October 9. ' Snerial DUnatrfc to Tea Jeereal.r .Wenatchee. Wash.. Oct. 7. Wenatchee and all Chelan county are ."making ar : rengementa to make Chelan county week at the Lewis and' Clark fatr one of tk hlaenst weeka of the eBtlre fair. Chelan, Cashmere. Leavenworth and thai ret of the smaller settlements or me county are showing a great Interest In 'the preparations, that are -being made, and as each settlement of any note, will liave It own separate day at the fair each la strivinx to outdo the other. , The eounty as a whole has contributed I a carload f fruit which will be dls-1 Itributed free at the county booth. The I greatest part of the fruit shipment Is composed of the larxe apples.of thle sec ! tVBi and It. la thought will be aa blx tan advertlaement of the county aa could i be devised. . '.. jilra. Frank Reeves, wife of a former ? prosecuting attorney or me county, is the Chelan county hostess. ' una nas se lected a staff 'of assistants from each I town In the county, who will assist her I la her duties at the fair. The railroads have made a reduction! In the rates to the fair, a rare of fie Tha eleeper fara has' been re-1 duced, end awing to the concessions I that have been- made a larxe number I from the county Will leave on the -ex cursion .leaving here Monday night and arrtvlnx In Portland Tuesday noon. ' iTha followlnx la the program that baa been arranxed for the weeks . TuHdiT. October 10. Is Chelan day: . fyenatchee day la Wednesday, there will be musto by tha Wenatchee .band, solos I i from Wenatchee vocalists and a. reoep. I lion in ine pariora 01 tne niiainpun atata building by the Chelae f'in hostess ; October II will be Cashmere I :' day: October IS will be Leavenworth and Peshastln-'day, the programa fori . which will be similar to the previous 'days. of tha week.-- Saturday will be 'Chelan County day, the biggest day of I J the week. There will be a larxe musical ' program and addresses will be made by the various mayors of the towns of the . eounty. . . . ': DEATH IS VICTOR IN RACE THROUGH TWO STATES . (gperlal Dtspateh by Leased Wire to The Joeraal) Chicago, Oct 7. Haat . tralna and : , speedy horses combined In a grim race j . through two states agalnat fast ap proaching death today." For 10 hours of I light and darkness a man held tha dying ? ' ' form' of his mother In his aching arms. On a flying train he held er. In a wild' li-tnlle midnight ride on a Jolting - farmer's wagon, the woman's head was , 'pillowed against the Jars by his shoul ; 1er, hla tired anna shielding her frail form. And then. : when the goal was , all but reached and life seemed certain victor tba race was won by death. I -.- The mother was Johanna Gossan " years of age,- who had been bitten by a mad dog. The man was Ferdinand Arodt, her aon-la-law. The race was from Fox. Wisconsin, to Chicago, where atanda the Pasteur Institute, the only 'i hope e gainst rabies. .-, The story came out at the Inquest em station as she waa about to be taken jtp the hospital in a cab. r v-.. LAWS0N ASKS GOVERNOR v , ' TO AID POLICYHOLDERS i' eBwaseMaaisBSBaMiiiiaa ' , ! ' Spadal Ptopateb to The Jonrnal.) Helena, Mont., Oct 7. Governor Jos eph K. Toole today received a meaaage j from Thomas W. Lawson.l of Boston, 'asking him to serve on a committee to I select directors for the three New York jlltm Insurance companies now being ln--1 veatlgated in that city, whose purpose I shall be to -obtain -full restitution and punisnmeni oi wrongooers. uovernor Toole has not as yet determined upon any action he may take in the matter, he not haying had time to consider it at all. owing to the great demanda upon his , time because of the Influx of vis itors at hla office and residence during the state fair now being held. He there fore did not feel Inclined to discuss the subject at all for the present at least PAY BACK MONEY OR GET OUT OF MISSOURI J (Special Dlipttrh by Lrated wlr. to Tb 1 oaraai) ! Jefferson City, Oct. 7. State Insurance H j Superintendent Vandlver today wrote to if- pr"l,Jnt McCall of the New Tork Life j (demanding that the funds appropriated , , to the Republican campaign be returned i . 4. III. KnK.a k n 1 .1 . . . Koin-r-iiuiueii ana mat an entire i t Aew set of officers be elected to print rnl I f J Missouri. Ha be shut out of AN OPINION OF THE JOURNAL AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM ARLETA LAND CO. AND VERNON 1 .TJ H. L. CHAPIN iV -;''..''.." . REAL ESTATE 'J .' " 1 . 240 Stark 8treet, Portland, Oregon ' . :. " , ; : "i- ' ... , ;v:, ' ,. Editor of Oregon Journal Dear Sir:. I am pleased. to state that I made six. sales in Ina Park from my "ad.", ina single issue of your valuable paper, and "have many more deals pending from the same "ad." Of course the splendid ., , offer I am making contributes largely to these sales; but I am more than pleased ' ui shj many 01 your rcaaeri are among the progressive home-loving and home getting citizen, of our great city.. . s; H.X. CHAPIN, 246 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. - . " II I II 1 I I 4 Cl- 2t I I I ii i i i'.... ;ir. ii ii I I , t . I II ; 1 .ft;. VI l... - ' ' . I ..... i - i -;. i ii 1 -S - . . B HI ii ' ; i i . -: i i II if , V il , II I - 'ii I I I II 1 , .. .,..,'J'ii IB IS I J . II II I : " i I I i ' i iii. 11 M II II ii .? ii i V i I'll --aiW i JAtt. l ...-.-. aavsAaMstjaMKty .. .7"' . . , . John D. Rockefeller in His New .Wig and His New Golf Suit With the Huge Pockets That Have Set the Paragra'phers to Grinning.' MOTHER ANO RICHES 6REET 1NG FISHE Frank Coodliffe Reaches Port to Find Life of Easa and Luxury - Awaiting, Him. (Special Ilapatch by Leaaea Wire to The Journal) San Francisco, Oct. 7. Tha safe ar rival of the cod fisher. City of Papeete, at thla port today was tha signal for rejoicing .in many homes, but It la prob able that there Is not one who haa greater cause for being happy than the mother of Frank Ooodllfte. a fisherman. She came all the way from England to greet htm and tell him the glad tidings that a life of ease and luxury is opened to him- if he would only give up the sea. He Is a sailor and the men on the City of Papeete Touch for hla extraordinary ability... They feel, however, that bis love for the Sea is so great that wealth will not prevent him from following the -calling he haa adopted. - His mother un doubtedly haa a similar feeling, as' she did not leave him out of her sight onco after they landed on the wharf. For daya she has been waiting here for news of the vessel and. wh.eotheyessel dropped anchor In the harbor- she was the first to clamber aboard. ' Frank Ooodliffe arrived here from New York" on the ship Atlas and signed on the City of Papeete as a fisherman.- The veasel had hardly passed out of the har bor on a six months cruise to Okhotsk sea, than word came from England that thr why..Rmit nf ftnnrfllffa m,mm q. neatly desired. A relative had died and a 'Vast fortune was' left Ooodliffe.' Un RMH- leas a steamer was chartered to follow the codflaher, nothing could be dona until her return . to this port. This was com municated to England and about a month ago .Mra. Ooodliffe arrived in thla city where she has been patiently " waiting for her son's return. Ootidllffe Is yuum and on tha cruise made htmself popular with the men on the veasel.. He braved the elements In the cold -with the rest and when he left his comrades on the wharf he waa heard to say that ha would surely sea them again. , ARE NOW TELEPHONING FROM LONDON TO ROME ! (Journal Special aVrrlee.) ' London, Oct 7. Telephonio communi catlonv has ' been' established . between London and Rome, a distance of 1,100 miles. ' This has been accomplished by the aid of the Invention of Professor Majorama of a new. microphone. While conversation between the two cities is not yet eaay, in tha tests made by the catlon haa been established and dis jointed ' words have been heard. The Inventor hopea by Improvements to make conversation between tha Roman and English capitals aa easy as between the various suburban exchanges of Lon. don. . , . ; .' Oaptala Sank Kaff TO. (BpMlal Dispatch hi Leased Wire to The Jooraal) Sayvllla, I I., Oct. 7. Captain Hank Haff. the famous yacht skipper, who has been in poor health for soma time, ia reported to be worae at his home in Isllp. There is some talk - of perform ing an operation on the sick man, who la thought'to be suffering from" a cancer of the stomach. . Everybody have a "day.' who deserves cannot .4 Phones : Office Main 345 Res. East 1337 . 3URB . uuuuu It is always pleasant out there - Select alot Today Better select a lot today and have t held for you. Each day as people go out ; and see Vernon they appreciate our tale of profit to be made there. It is the most beautiful laving tract on the whole peninsula. Improved with graded Streets, sidewalks and city waterA These con ditions coupled with popular prices and easy terms make Vernon truly "a sure thing." 85 Lots t Every one a splendid value ft. "There is a reason why" VERNON-CRESOFLinE PENINSUIA PIATEAU Near to the City; Yet In Healfii Lots now $90 to The great industries planned on the peninsula will double values there in the next year. Come out today and see for yourssl - ' " Take a Vernon car Second and Washington it goes right to the heart. . ' v Moore tovestaient Co. lsi sine STREET RAILROAD SNAPS On account of enlargement of the O. R. N. Cbs machine shops in Albitfa a large demand for houses ex ists in that locality. - Having two blocks beautifully situated on the hill between the shops and the city, and having money to advance for build ing, we can offer special inducements n those wishing to secure a home, or "I to build houses to rent. Money in " rested here, because of extremely low cost of lots, yields easily iz per cent net. Ask to see maps of this prop ert at our office. .' . nn .fr.TncTrAMDir.v fitfiZtFiftr1 Than Surrounding rUK I LAI w into I tumrAiu vi urluvu 109 THIRD SRTEET. $ inn Nob Hill Int.-Marshall, between IUWith and 20th. $7 enn Corner Washington St.. Income f ,JUU4z.5o great future value. JOI tuxiuv, aown'wwn; in come 176; 100 feet from Mor rison. tie nnft 100xl00, North )I0,UVU south of Olisan 10th street, ;'! houses; Income $85. $30,000 net $35,000 RAvlAA flav,ntti at.! guaran teed lease ; pay a per cent 100x100, Washington St.; in come over 11 per cent net. Near Morrison, brick build in throuah from First to First St. Front $28,o50; snap; good revenue producer. E. J. DALY m FAILING BUILDING- TEDDY Gentleman of the White House Making Leaders of Party Wild With Rage. (Special Dispatch by Leased. Wire to The Jooraal) Washington, Oct. T. President Roosevelt haa taken occasion to make a direct slap at Senator Foraker for tha latter" s belligerent attitude regard ing rate legislation by congress and for his defiant speeches in Ohio. Foraker is to apeak In Philadelphia In behalf of tha Republican "ring" can didates on October 11. Invitations were extended by tha organisation to several members of the cablneV - These told the president of the mat ter. The president announced himself as against the "ring", ana is auegea to have aaaerted that TForaker was .not assuring Republican success In state elections by such speaking In behalf of the ring." - The breach between the president and the senator Is very wide and it. la all because of the letter's famous Ohio speech, which Secretary Taft In a few days wilt reply to for the president on the stump. The president ror a long time haa wished to show his dislike for tha . Buckeye senator's brand of poli tics, but the opportunity has not tilth erto been given him. He wlahed also to have it known that he favors Mayor Weaver of Philadelphia In his -fight against the ring. Altogether, the ."gentleman ' at the White House," as he is termed by' the FOR SUPPORTING RING g 1 OR3 Come - Good walks, no mud, magnificent view no matter how cloudy . the day. , : VERNON IS PUSHING AHEAD Utile "Syndicates" Many little "syndicates or" neighborhood ; clubs are being formed to buy half and whole blocks in a bunchy Additional profit is assured Such .chibs, and a very unusual 'offer is made them at the stort by the company. Go out today with' a few of your friends and ask the men on the grounds about these new . propositions. They fre money-makers for the man of small means. . : at $250 on Sale and a profit-maker to the cjear-sighted man or woman who gets you should secure a contract today. Full View of Mountains, Rivera and Wealth and Happiness Are $400. Inside Realty Investments Goqd Monday, Oct. 9th, ;. Only GREAT, BARGAINS TO BONAFIDE BUYERS Prices Quoted Below 25. Per Cent Property Sold For. i 937,500 yA block, Burnside St. ; business property. 935,000 block on Burnside. $30,000 A 10 per cent invest ment, close to Sixth street. $17,000 W block, warehouse property, on Everett street. $16,000 Ji block, warehouse property. .: $8,000 Good business corner, 50x100. V. $7,50050x100, near terminal . fTOiinfle.. ' " Act tomorrow. These prices will be positively withdrawn . Tuesday.' ' oldschmidt Agency Roorqs 5-6, 253 Washington St. L OTS fllS a 100 a day la EVELYN These bargalna can't be beat anywra Every lot a ana p. Take Mt Scott car at lat and Alder ata. and rlda to Evelyn. 21 minutes from city, fare sc. Every convenience In Evelyn; best wa ter, best car service, etc Come out Sunday or weekday and be Convinced. . E. ALFORDSON OmOll MTXJ.TM STATIOir. disgruntled Republlcsns. Is making the leaders of the party cross-eyed by the things that ha Is doing agalnat thelt Interests, wishes and advice. . . BOY HURT IN WRECK OF LOGGING TRAIN Wilbur Earls, aged 14, waa brought to the Qood Samaritan hospital, last night, injured In a logging train wreck ') v 1.; 15no(2 Cut To '. Today ! :r:' and Beautiful Valleys. There I 71 GREAT POSSIBILITIES Await the young people today. Twenty years ago your fathers purchased Portland property and it has doubled in value several times. Greater opportunities pre sent themselves now, whereby a few dollars invested in Real Estate . will yield large returns within a very few years. It is a fact without a doubt that Port land cannot avoid being a center of great commercial activities and the suburban property of to day will be the city homes of to morrow. Do this 1 Select some property now, as close in as con sistent with your means, . and buy it. Buy it at once, even though you can spare only a small amount of money. From $50 to $100 will secure a valuable lot. Our property list is varied and good; suited. to every purse. You can absolutely rely upon in formation coming from our insti tution. Let one of our officers talk over your plans for invest ment with you. PORTUNHTRUSUOMPANY OF OREGON . lot Third Street. BENJ. t. COHEN...., H. L. PITTW'K A. . NHIHOIJ)... ...... B. LBB PAOBT. Vhons Main 453. President Vice-President ..Second Vlce-Praeldetit ......... i.... Secretary J. O. GOLTRA , , lAaalatant Secretary Ml,'-, .Sacoea Awltaat liiwurr KARL A. MILLER. GEORGE EOTE8.... I E. CARTER B: i. ALT8TOCK... .Vaahler .General Representatlre ....Real Estate Officer i... Aadltor ST. JOHNS The great manufacturinf center and site of the rreat WEYERHAUSER LUMBER CO. Property will never be cheaper: Here arc few of the chances left aa investment: . A fine block, riverviewv. . , . .'.f 2,S0O Two good 6-room houses, grounds 100x138 feet 2.800 A few rood lots atf 200 each, 5.00 cash, balance $5,00 monthly. The only lota with alley, in center of city ,..,..f350 w. H. kinq; ST. JOHNSOREGON. at Oak Point ' He Is expected to die. Earls was working for the Oak Point Lumber company and was on one of its trains, which ran away down a heavy grade. The other members of tha crew Jumped, but Earle remained on the car, in which fc was riding, until the train pUed up at the bottom of tba grade. MY IS A I - 1 Auction Ms , ? By J. P. Wilson, .' Auctioneer., .1 V ' ', MONDAY, TOMORROW At Salesroom, 180 First Street, v.-'--;'- at 10 a. m. . :l This sale comprises oak, ash "and maple bedroom furniture: BRUSSELS. Wool and Tapestry CARPETS; Foltflng and Mantel beds; Steel Bed Couches;' White Enamel Iron Beds, with brass trimmings; HAIR. Felt and Combina-' tlon Mattresses; a wellasaorted lot of Rockers, Chairs, Tables, etc.; Pictures, Le.ce Curtains, Dressern, Commodes and Bedroom Sets; Toilet Ware. Bed Linen, Pillows, etc. Complete kitchen out flte. Dishes, Utensils; STEEL RANGE, Cook Stoves and a variety of fine HEATINU STOVES, sto. TUESDAY'S SALE On the premises, 875 Irving -r street, corner of " Eighteenth street, at .10. 'm,'";--v -;,i.r' ' In' accordance.' with the owners In- .. structlons we will sell at public auc tion all the furnishings ,of their neat cottage, compNslna;. in part, uphol stered Parlor - Chairs, Rockers, ' etc.;' " BRASS BRIC-A-BRAC CABINET, with onyx alabs; walnut Dining-room Suite, Extension Table, Chairs and Sideboard; ' walnut Bedroom Sets, Carpets, Rugs. ; etc.; Center Stands. Sewing Machine, Lace Curtains; Haviland China, Dishes, Brlc-a-Brac, -Vases; Combination Book case end Desk; Chiffonier, Hall Sean -Brussels Carpets, Hull Tree; kitchen ' equipments, Gaa Stove. Utensils, Dishes and. complete housekeeping', outfit. WEDNESDAY'S SALE Furniture. Goods, Wares Chattels,, from Storage Ware ' house, to" be aold at Salesrooms, .180 First Street, at 10 a. to Satisfy Lien Claimant. ' , Comprising Bruaeela Car pet Si-1 Liaaies uicyoie, Heoroom r urniture, Dressers,. Commodes, Springs, .Mat tresses, Tablea, Chalra, Lawn -Mower. Rockers, Mattings, Metal Bed Couches, Mantel' and "Twlne-Foldtna- Beds. Bedi- dlng, Kitchen outfits and miacellaneoua. inciuaing cook eiovee, seating stoves, etc if THURSDAY'S SALE At 665 East Stark Street, corner Eighteenth, atiO a. m. Ad ministrator's Sale. The Estate of M. E. .Niblette, by Order R. A; Wilson, Executor. . Comprising rattan and upholstered Rockers and Chnlra, BRUSSELS Cur pets, Rugs, SEWING MACHINE, In valid Chair. Portieres. Extension Dining-room Table, Sideboard, Chalra. Vaaea, Chlnaware, Brlc-a-Urao. Plot urea. Lace Curtains. Couch,-Chiffonier, Wan- . tel Clock, books, Bitver spoons snd Cut lerv: Bedroom Sets. Sorlnaa and Mat tresses, Gas Plate, kitchen.- requisites. FRIDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 a. m. -Furniture, Furnish- ing Goods, Carpets, Heating' Stoves, Etc. - 4 his sale comprises housekeeping outfits, parlor, dining-room and bedroom furniture: alao the closing of 300 PA I Ft SHOES, 75 Boys' Coats and Vests, i0 POUNDS ROAST COFFEE and a mia cellaneoua lot of other merchandise. Get tba habit.' rhoae Mala IMS and sell yonr furnishings, eta, for cash to 9. T. WTLBOST, AaoUoaeer. Portland Auction Rooms A. 6CHUBACH, Prop'r. . , Auction Sales , At.211 First Street, Tomorrow at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. The wonderful Increase In our busU ness. being Jammed to the doors with HOUSEFL'RNISHINGS of every de scription, compels ua to hold TWO AUC TION SALES tomorrow from 10 a. m. until 12 m., and from 2 to 6 p. m. Any article will be offered for aale when re quested, as everything Is here TO BO SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. Visit our salesrooms at 111 First street and see the great assortment of FURNI TURE and other extras, such aa solid oak Roll-Top and Flat-Top Office Desks, Statuary from the exhibition; aubjecta, LEWIS and CLARK busts and other noted men; ONE CASE NEW LACE CURTAINS: ONE CASE NEW WIN DOW SHADES. Come and see the fur nituresome fine DAVENPORTS, BED ROOM SUITES. CHIFFONIERS. LA DIES' DESKS. ODD DRESSERS, MAN TEL BEDS,. METAL BEDS, and almost everything In the furniture line. Come tomorrow and get your choice. . Sales prompUy at 10 a, m. and 3 p. m. . C. L. FORD, Auctioneer, r Auction Sale At 211 First Street, Tuesday next at 2 p. m., the ' Dry Goods Stock Must Be Sold Out. Every Item munt be Bold. LADIES' and nrirnra iTVtiDntVir A T mvtA sit idtf ' ti "'" Unit 1 O V. A J-i Miit-m aw w vaaw a h - nitihlngs Included will be put up at AUCTION In quantities, to be sold at any price, without Kraituvis. imni miss this LAST CHANCE at this Dry Goods stock. Bale at 2 p. m. SHARP. r JtVt Aucuunfir, Auction Sales Housefurnishings, etc., at 211 - .."-First, Street.' . : ' Wednesday, next at 2 p. rn. Friday next at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. ' Business people don't guess, but come to 211 First street and And out for yourselves what we have for eale at auction and how much money -you can . save. Bales commence promptly on time at 111 First street. Phone Main 65. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION The Entire Stock Of abbamsj rvBimrirma sroma at 4M MOUISOV STKHSTr must and will be ' ' . , ; SOLD AT AUCTION " rraSOAT, OOTOBB9 10, 10 A. SC. "'.'." ' ." a'''"'-. .1.