TIIS OEI&OII DAILY' JOUHIIAi; PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, 0T0BE3 4, lrCX i- 9 ee e ee4)ee eeeee) f)ee S4 e TODAY'S Just as Tha ; Journal Hap Predicted, , tht Poultry Market Has Taken a Very Bad Drop and Prices Are Quoted Very Weak. .'V ' MARKETS 1 POULTRY OECLIIIE VERY SUDDEO . - -' ' Cuts Announced Iij, .Yesterday's Journal Were but Begin- ! ; ntng of Slump. ; EGGS SLIGHTLY' UP WITH RECEIPTS SMALL , f First Car' of Cape Cod Cranberries f in for th. Season Small Veal Sells l ' . " ae k I a ' 4V . Mr revsT kim . lars, wmr linn vn, rB bb,wj araawwe ereeawy - tvy .Situation, Duller Hogs Firm. iroof llml, Oct. 4 The Drlsrlpal fMtvw M th Portlasd'whslaaale jutkMi tudae are: I Poultry Hump la very great, - ' Egg Mil vp with scarcity. J Small ml Kill at top. Block' hogs aro la demand. , V ' ( Ca Capo 0ot eraaberrtr la. " Bisected esre of baaaaaa arclra,. Slight reeettoa la wheat prleoa. Fiour la arm; oriental ie smsia, r Hop sttastlsa duller than vr. - . Tomatoes go to piece la msrket, ' - i Ptacnee arrlTa la bad shsp. 1 altry Slamp Is wrest. f fn (Well do la poultry told la Tba Journal ytrdy waa but th beginning of tba dows 'ward movmnt of prleoa. Today srrtvsls Jwer heavier tbaa ever, a forks earning froia all direction a. Every aiureos-wagoa waa Sllad Wt.W 1 h. . , , w . fbuyere bar bee out of tba aaarkat for aoTcral dare, but wrra trying- to get tba ablppora to ,iuti tost wnv was iuu a MTr ihbin. - A baa boaa told by Tba Journal, tbalr only purpose In doing tbla waa to secure very heavy : .arrivala aad altar stopping baying allow Am xuarket to break from uodar. A eoaeldarabl wnmbsr of mopa of ehlokriia waa Best to th ttrtbra fit Ira yeeterdar aftaraooa at UttU 18Se, but eiace then prion hsva dropped dowa aa low aa life with tba vary top of tba market ,H hlghsr tbaa tbat aowuat. With tba eta nip in chicken there waa a murk weaker feeling In turkey and prices tbaa lld ff very rapidly With tire blrda quoted but fair at 18jia per Jxxind, area the Buraa being coaaldorad aa " aits!. - i rf Market la Raliag Highs, tv For atrletly freak ranch egg higher prices tare ruling today. Ibe grneral trade aerurlng S8 for fancy atorka. Meet of the 'ealr of .ordinary raacb aaoda want around T Vaa. colpla . are' T'ry light, but tba low piirea oa aaatera atorka due to tba beartor - arrlTala ft tbat grade jaake It axceedlufly dlfflcult to make murk of aa advance in local foooa. tiow ; rr, ua markri u arm at fna new yauiea. t Small Teat Sella at tba Tap, r . There la a deeaaDd for email fancy eal la IH aroaiiren nirnu ana vv oncm mm' tlnue to rule, for larger etae tba asarbat la - abowtag aauaual bearlneae wttb aricee eoaw. What lower. Beat block boga are ending a idemaad around top valuta, while packere are a , trlna dull. - -Beat mattoa la Sudlnf evaala with jrlca anebanged. . ! . ' - j tah. arrlTala aro aoaiewbal better oa account of tba better ataga of the rlTer, but era be are alow to coom, on acount of tba atormy waatber off tba eoaat. - ' . i .. .... Cape Cod OraaVfrrlea Airlra. The flrat car of cranbtrrleo of tha eaaaoa ; to, a ante fe -tba tMrtlaad market aamo la- tbla morning and waa unloaded oa the afreet. Stocka barrel. Local cranbcrrlrd' from tooe Bay are Ha -Utr. "aopply blxb oualUy 'Scad claaaj ai tbtiurt tba brrrlea era ratbrv a malt: Prlcca pat uulte ao high oa-tbla) account. .,i Zba expected ara of banaaaa arrlTed la tba city tbla awrniac aad war -anlaaded during Iks a Analltw mat M OiM H ftMOUal ff tile long delay la paaaage. 1 . -'. Tnoatw prlcea bar again reached for . tb -BBttoat and todty onotatlona era ranging aa ww aa SO per box wltb tba very boat prlca recrtred but 10c higher. Moat of tba Be ratal aUTtrala are laellaad ta be cracked. Peaebea hare -reached tht aad of the Ben eon aad preaeat arrlTala are aot of boat quality Prtcee, bowerer, era Tery good. Recelpta of kuckleberrlea are now Tery heary and la ardor to nore atorka dealera ware forced to make aome eonraeeloaa ta tba price. A beUrr Una of apple waa ebowa along rtont treat .today tbaa for any time tbla aeaeea. beraaud tacellant at good value. drape ara aot -of aucb good quality aa ac count of tk geaeral ralna all along Ua, eoaat. Price remalaa about anchanged. -t To 111 preaeat baerratkma It doe aot look aa. It eeetera brawara knew tbat tba Jactflc roaat waa a grower of hops. Tboee that bare 'Veen award of tbla fart Beam to be aaaaewbat aatray la their oplnlona of -tba quality of the gooda here, for tba blgbcst price they are of fering at. Portland ara practically 6e lowet tbaa aaatera aaluos. It la conceded by - all who bar area aaanplee' of Oregon hope that .a Terr large per ceat of tbla year'a growth will ataragg better quality tbaa any other boaa la tba world. A few order ara la the market at He per pound Bqth for aew and old. but wry few growers ara Tta willing to talk at three value. Tba following quotation are tboaa paid along Front afreet bf the retail trade for choice quality la rouad lot. Preducerf prtcee ara bo speclSed: rank, near aad read. WHEAT Now club, Tic: Red Roaalaa, 67c ; blueafem. Ties valley, TlJ7e. BAR LIT read. Ilil.HnoMtoui rallad: XXM 021.00: brewing, 22.Boai.0a , COKN Whole, B'l.uo; aracaea, aza.w par toe. ' m v r. l (so aer awt. OATS Producer' price Ko. t White, $23.80 ran ooi . gray. z.uuiv.uu. v PLOUB New, eaatera Oregon patent, S4.S0; Straight, gs.autia.ooi eaporia, .2o; valley. e.aoi grtnaaa, m ao.ew, wjm, eve, ao.w lea. ti TB. .. . MILL8TUFTS Braa. $18.00 Bar tea: anld- dllnga, 82B.00: aborts, touatry, gx( alty, i klA 6o: croo. 118.00. HAT Producer' fine Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, gll.OAQ 18.00; ordinary, $7.001 B OO; eaatera j Oregon, $14.004115.60; mlte-l. ' $8 BOes.OO; clover, tS OOQ 10.00 ( grata, Ba.ao S 001 cbeat, BB.ooajBju. , .,-; .. Batter, Sgga aad Poultry. aCTTRrl FAT Sweet, 81e; soar. Sbt. '' -i;TTEIl City f creamery, beat.. 82',c; Second grade. 80r; outalde fancy. S7HQ2HvJ ordinary, X602TMc; .atora, 14Q1TC. KOll -tio. t freab Oregon candled, STHQ Utr; cold Mora g and aateriJ12Scr' CHKESR New Pull cream, twin. IHCltei Tonne America. 14V(,t71(lc: cbeddar. lac : OAME Jackrabhlt. $8 per doa. POlXfRt' Chlrkena, 18c per "th; fancy bene, lie ' per lb; rooatere, old. Bc rer lb) fryers. 12il34 nr Ih; broiler. I2i 2H per lb; ducka, 14tlic per lb; geeae, Pat Hie par Ih; turktya, 18c per lb; greened, SUc per lb; aquaba. $2.603.0O per do. . , --'r-Hop, WaoT-aad Hides, HOPS 1008 Oregon. 12c; Wsablngtoa, lOQIlct ISO crop. 12 tor choice, II Hit 13c lorprinivB ana meaiBme. WUOI-lu ellp. Her. saaraa t aaodlam. tHiH 18622c. . ' So, Sett 27 eaatera IMugM, MOHAIR Nominal S0O81. ' SHEEPSKINS Sbeartag. lPOte WEDNESDAY PRICES IN ' THE WHEAT MARKET f e e) e e e 4 e e - - - ' ... ;-- ' ; ' : nee....1 Mr. 1 4 Chicago ......$ .84HA $ .86HA d St. Louie .8IA ..... d Keneae rity, , , 76A 4 i Liverpool $s $Hd (e$4d ee mw xorn.,.,. ,sg4 . Minneapolis ,8048 Duluth TTHR Milwaukee 81 HB Bait Francisco. l.tt , s 4 , y t-t-t44 JOURNAL'S DAILY T TIS TO SHIPPERS e e v e e $ eye e Had the country shippers ae- d ceptej general advice given them d . during the past week.br ao e there would not have been that. e d slump In poultry announced - In d d 'Tha- Journal yeaterday end to- d e day. ... Now that the market. Ja d ' broken - It la generally -believed . e that ahlppera will "break their d nacka- to atlll farther slaf price! e by aendlns In ail the poultry d e they . can aecure. - Turkeys - are d d now fcn the aame boat aa chick- d d ena. The future of the market - a .,la very much in doubt. - ' e e 80080c I atedlam wee. 80jcoe; ha$ hOrnl On eeck . TAIOW Prima, per mi' 4481 Ba-'S sad CHITTIM BABK 2MOS aer A. ' BIDKS Dry bldea. k, t 1 ba aad aa, l01H per lb; dry klp.,b. b w II ana, lc; dry ealf. be. i, saqor S aa. tsejlSat dry aaltad bMoa, steers, sound. SO roe aa eeea- HJ Ma; ao ta SO lb. S8Me: aaoer ex gja and aowa. 808HCI atass aa4 ball. 'aewne. aUJe; klp, IS to 80 Ma, : aeuBd, 10 a 14 lbs, SO Met ealf. aoaad. soder 10 Iba ISfedjlio; graaa laaaalted). 1 per tb least Bale, le p lal boraebloea. salted, each. . 1.16: dry. each. 8I.00O1 80s salt bides, each. S3)aOei goat shlas, ammoa. each. lOT.lbsl eVagare. ullb wool as, eecK tBcO$- rraiU sad Tagatablaa. POTATOant at Drum. asa7ae: ear lota. Oe sack; ordinary, 40uo0i sweet, Ss sacks, 8iie crates. j. " " ' onions New Oregon yellow Dangers, boc car lot, bop; garlic, BijlOo oar lb, SBH PBUITS Apulaa, Oregon. i.uji.ov, r. a.fta?l.UO: arekenulaa. 81.001 arangea. lata Valencia, $4-76410.22; banauaa. M par Ih; lemon, choice, to.SOU3.Ttl per boa; fancy, $0.00 Bar boti ii " u.iie. 11.28 P r0; pineapple. $4.00 par due; peeebee. WKKSOc; ordinary, 0t7Se; pluma, 7 3e tit 100 tm craia; cautaioupaa, 1M par sialon. 60c per cwt; e-rapea. Oregon, SOtaiSc; Concord. 5a. I74fci20e: 10a. SoaiaSe baaket: California. T5cl fro box; poara. Bartlrtt. $I.2S Ul.oo box; Wluter Nellla. 81. box; blackher. Mes. SScttfl.oo; eaaabaa. $2.uoe2.80 dos; treeh prune ( j per lb; pomegranate, $1.28 per box. VKUCTABLKS Turnip, aww, $l.uu M aarfc; carrot. .uo per aark; beeta, ll.OOC) -28 pa aeck: Oregna radlrhes. 2o par 4a; cabbage. , Orogoa, 81.0001.28 per cwt; greea -pappera. 6 per lb; local tomato. J0t0c; paranlpa. -$1.0oqrl.2S; string beass. eiulirlower, 7fett$1.00 dos; rhubarb, par lb; boraaradlab, loc lb; artichoke. 401 8"w Pr do; head lettuce. 80t per doa; greea onions, ( ) per dos; spinach, 8a per lb; greea corn. Toe per eack; pea. 8 per lb; cucumber. Toe per sack; celery, local, 78 86c par das; ee plant. per crate; Sampklna. 114c; rranherrlea.. Cape Cod, $ per bl; Coo Bay and Tillamook, $. URIEU IkUllsAoi.lea.afaooratad.1fiM per lb: aprleota, . SViuloe per lbs eack. Ua oar lb lee: peaebea. 8112 per lb: paara. for Ibt prone. Itallaa. kVaOtUa ner rbt freneh, 8UCI4HC Bar Ih: flea. California black. leffM per Ibt California white. per lb: uiuma. pitted. aer lb: data ear Ibt tarda. $1.80 oar lS-rb boa. ' Orooaria. Bat. Btav B TO A 11 Bark baata Cube. $ Ms-owdersd, $8.86; fruit granulated, $6.28; dry graaau $5.26; Coaf. A. $6.80; beet graaulated. 11a lea, 8.18S extre C. St.Ur anldea C-.S4.Soi D sallow. $4.68; bbla. 10c; fc bblav 2De boxes 80 advaac each - hen!. Ma k Bar w far eaas, 18 uara- oiaple. Itctlae DOT lb. H0NltK-$3 tr crate. - OOrrSB Ficlu brand. 818.T8. SALT gin balea, 2a. Ha. 4a. a. 10. $1.00; labia, dairy. 80. 811.00: 100a. 8lo.7B: Im ported LIvarnaoL DO. ait.Oui lotaa. 818.30; s2ta. 814.00; extra fin, bbla. ta.aa.IOa. 84.otXtfi.Mj balk, 12 lbs. UMCbi. aaaaa. out. nsasee. HALT Qieeea H.lt mrtmmA tOrW $7.00: fiOa, a-r ton. $7.80t l.leroool en me rock. $1.M aer toer 80-tb rock. $7.0t: imaw aa.TB. . A bora prlcaa apply to sake of tnm tbaa car a vat topi ai, saarwi aricss BBujasx tlnrtnatlonal. 1 1 s A i M tial nL,. eix Bivv-imperial Japan, no. - 1.- act it, a. 8; New Orleaaa bead. SVrt Alex, 4t Or. ei. o-. , BEAN Rmell ! IKlUbrM white. SUc: sink. Iltailtti bay. Wa: Urns. : aietican rone. . NUTS l"vnita. 7Ut tombee. BI4e r lb: raw. eellO oar fb; raaateo. 1 eoeuaBUt. naSOt per doss walauta. 14016 par lbi pi a nnra. louiiHe aer Ih: lilrknry ante. 10a per i'j: rt-eetnnt. eutem. ln01o per lb; Braall nata. 18 pr lb; n Iberia, 14016 ' par a; tacy saraaa. liaise: ai-Moda. isaiB ear ta. f Palata, Ooal Ou. Xts. BOPB Para Uaalla. 14r- aMadareL HIAai tiul. 10ie: 111 bread alaaL . - COAL OIL Pearl or AatraL Caaea, SSH eer sai: water -wnii. troa ooi. to nag sal a. 18 Bar sal: beadllabt, 170-do. aaaaa 22Ve ser sal. OA So LIN R dea. cases. S3 Be ali kna bbla, 2rle per gal: atora. aaaaa. 24fe pa gals iron ntia. in per tai. BENZ1NB es-des. vraaaa. 29 Bar gals troa bb!. 1HU.C rer gel. TbKPEHTl.NB la ' esses, tig par' gal; woode bbla. kmc war gel. whits Liiu ioa iota, ie per IB I POO-ID la. nc per id: iaa ma, bhc par id. WlhK NAIt.a Praarnt baee et 8X70. LIKBEEO OIL Per raw. In 8-bhl Iota. B4e 1-hhl lot. 65c: rate. 60c ner gal! aeaulne kettle boiled, caaea, 82e par gal; 8-bbl Iota, 66c; 1-bbl lot, 67c per gal; ground cke, car lots, $20.00 per toe leaa tnaa car iota, w.uu per ton. teste, rtaa aad Fravlaloae. PRBRH MEAT Pront afreet Boaf $Oee per lb; pork, b'iock, 8o per lb; pack- vie, ew vmr iwi w, viawe per u COW, 6V40S per lb; veal, extra, 8c per Ih; ordinary, Tc per lb; poor. Be par lb; mutton, faacy. - IIAMB. BACON. ETO. Portland Back ( local! ham. 10 to 14 lb. 14 per lb; 14 to Id .be. ia par lb: 18 to 80 lt. IS4a per Ihi corral. Bo per lb; breskfsst bacon. ISOlBSie par ih; picnic, be per lb( regalar alnwt clear, ua amoked. 11 pa lb; eaoked, 12 per lb: dear back, anemoxea. iu lb; amoked. Ilk per en; vnm ,w w . m anenioBetl. a ser ibi araoev ev rer iui viear rtinee. bb aaiokad. lis ear Ibt smoksdV 12 per lb aboul- LOCAL LA SO Kettle leaf,1 10a, 114 . a,.. ... BAIL w. 114 per 11 He per lb. lb; 6a, 10, id, ea, a. 7 r" u , uvid un, eteam rendervd, . 10. , 104 par aar lb. CANNPin gAf.MON alntnhte rteee t.n. 81.80; t-lb tall. $2.70; f.ocy, 1-lb fiata, $i "ItOi Ullb 'fancy fUta, I.l(f; fancy l ib avala. $2.I6i A leak a talla. Mob. aotleOc: red. aiJkorL.Tr!..! Ss. tail. 82.00. . ri8ll Hock cod. T ser lb; flounders, 6 sat lb: halibut. -6He par lb; crab. StoOpeTduii etrlpMl baaa, 1214c per lhj retah; He per lb; UWH, eiii raiw-e, prr in; DlUeDacfcS. 6 per lb; herring. 6e per lb; ante. Be omr lb: brimpa. 10c par lb; perch. Be per lb; black rod, Tc per lb; allrer smalt. Tc wwr lb; lobetere. I6e; fre. mackerel. Be per lb; era Bah, 6 OYRTERS rlhoalwster bay.' par eaL $2.S8i per eack. $3.78. ' CLAMS Hard anon, Bee hex. $2.00; raaot tbat, 82.00 par box. COTTON FUTURES SIX -TO SEVEN POINTS UP KW York. Oct. d.Cottoa firnteee .1 A a pmni nigner. T. A. Mclnfyre a Co. oar: The cotton market fluctuated within harrow limit and tbla comparative dullness after yes terday's enonnon trsdlna aeemed uw. Plainly tb sold-ont ron.lltlrm of the marker Irsde la In a waiting mood to see what tba government report wlirdo, and the big break In prices her during tb bat few dare will have tba effect of Ind.clng planter, to Zll tbV!, cotton, and If the southern aHt market ran be enetalned above the parity of th ontkei in ner jina lat New Orleana. It will become nor teat 'of endurance between the producer nd coruniaier ss reaarda the JL. T. prlcea." . 7 v Offlrlal rmntatlona hv Oveekeeh e.. . Open. High.' Low.' T1o. January .... ..loid ..1085 . .1'WI ..I0H.4 ..1041 ..1IM4 renrnary . . . March April Mar ....... lon7"lo:tii i(7.,w -104 If 12 1 rut ft 1.1 1047 -ins 04UiiMI iom lone lonay.M 1044 1044 v 1044111 loni pat , ipnoiftoj June October .! an.l November join nn toinefll December v, rr.lmo -1f2- jeop- 10242J HOPS AKB ASAHDOSED. mnnty hppaTowers had to abamlon aevsral acrea or nTe mi e'--oum i nnm, rnea ny the rain. J. II. I nomeowrr ivti anrnii live acrea snplcke.1 Peavey rlma. perbana more, and a half n..J others abandoned a email patch here and theaW Taken aa a whole, the lane ceante r.... a. severs! bssdred bales leYger thta Isst year.' Star line Sate. - ffeer- Tork. Oct. 4. fVerllng r 48840; SO dsys, 4i.87ie.- Oct. 4 Sterling rale: Demaad, IIEl'J VOIiil DUVIi FOR EUROPE v -.- i Parie Order lor Vyheat Being Filled by Metropoli Dealers' Price. Slid Off. ; CORN MAkKET EASED OFF A FRACTION TODAY Slow Volume of Business Is Reported in Chicsgo Pit Trifling in Osts Is Slow Provision Msrket Is Irreg- ' uisr. ' - :: . . WEDSESDArS WHEAT at A BEET. . ' t . 1 Close Cloae Loss Close Wed. Tuee. Wed. Tear AgB May.......... .bfittA .66A ,.00'. Til. Chicago. "Oct. 4 Ie A, awy rttelpr 0f wheat war weU under a -year ff. 0, W,,B e Mlnneaoolla aieesage auilng that New York waa buying wheat for faru, made up almoat entirely tb new tbat would In any way affect valuea. The market waa, however, dull and weak, th prir rang corer-n-.fh, e. with a aet loaa.ef Me ta v, for Iha day. The atttfnA or uuiine tor oocerna bimiIuaim ail .k -, i , , . T"? tafat churne up the market, leaving tba ..7ii .w V. An apport, . however. mwwwm in tTwean. Cera Karhat fraatiaa Off, in cora market mhJ mtt mn e.. ander a elow volume of baa la. Condition In this msrket ara mnch ttw 1. r?J'i!b Wlln Bovr popularly oaltrrod to - wuii a rag una r corn, eonrh-airiig tba largo abort Interact, reel. e.. . ...ii .. n'W .pretnlum. but tb trad la " i"riHe a alow. 0U Trade Stew. OatS Crete -In... .1.- , r "a'uree. nent Intent aeema agalnat ibe activity msru only Blow Th, proTt.loo market had aa Irregular tread out oa tne whoi aa eaaler ton. Packera were I..', wnmi niti trade developed w" 'Vac'v of aralplng natnr. -Of8rtl quotation by Overtwck, Starr Cook WHBAT. Anofi. tfllsvh t -- Tmb. -iu- fWm em k " a . , at 1" - - ' . -'" TVpS.$B ffWH a , blsy MV,W4MtZ .MHA i '-r- CORK. get., j. ..j;f ,1X .4 Kew Dae. 431 464 A 4fll Old Dee. .444 - .444 any..... t.l .Wt. OATS. Oct... t7'4 .I7H itee. .. .27' M.y... Jul... .a MESS PORK. Oct..,,t 14.80 Jaa. .... 12.60 14.87 V, . 14.80 -12.82V4 12.80 LAKO. T.lTft T.20 . T10 T.20 T.12H iTTH .eB0 ' . S.T7H" SHORT RIBS. 50 8 60 8 60 4.46 S 48 4.42S4 Oct Nov.".... Iee I-ltHA T.IOA B77A 1 ann 10.. . . . Oct. Jan. S.80 S.42V.A nouiT eiAnr iiotzkxtt. Whea t ... . . . Oora ........ ,.l,47.oon .-x,e,2.ooo . soa,uui - eta),ooo Kb I omenta: Wheat aeaflOA . Ml.000 Corn 647.000 SA2.000 Clearance) Wheat. o4.0O0 buabel: flour. 27.on barrel; oata, 118.000 buabets; cora. iv.ow . Bueneis, CHICA00 CASK WHEAT. ' Chicago, Oct. 4. Cash wheat: , Bid. Aak No. S red No. S red No. S hard No. S bard.... No. 1 northern. .864 S .Ml '. '.83 2 . .81 H. ,rHfa .85 .as No. 2 norther. No. S spring..., .86 r .87 N .TS Ml N CHICAOO ORATJf CAR LOTS. Cblrsgo, Oct. 4. Or car lots: Cars Orada Eat. 104 Wheat 88 1 aa 41 Corn IPS 66 IPS Oata 814 61 $1$ 12d 147 LITXRPOOL SEAOf HARXXT. Uverponl. Oct. 4. Cloae: Wheat run, ber. na 84d, anebanged; March, oa SHd. a. cbanged. Corn pecemner, 4s d, lid up: January, a ana, no "Pi etarcn, a u, Ma Bp. .. BEST SHEEP ARE QUOTED SLIGHTLY HIGHER t Fancy East of Mountain . Cattle Art Firm but Light Stuff la Not Wanted. Portland Union Btockrarda. ' Oct, 4. Llra- stork receipt: Hogs CaUls Today 48 Week aro..... a aa Sbaer, P.17 207 1.404 Previous weak. ............. ..224 , 8K Month ago -. po 800 beat abeoo are o noted verv firm et iuaiu. rnere l good ton ruling la fancy eaat of no mountain cattle, out light and balf-fat tuff ta not being aooght. Hog remain very Weak With advtcea of heevv arrival h-thu.. few dara. Llxht veal calvea cell at the . . . ' ara not wantea. iamb kr only felr. . . - official price for llveatnrk: Hun Beat eaafern Oreeon. .88.00: blnrkera anu t,nmn lata, ao.uu: aioc vera, ana reedere $4.50. . ...... . Cattle Beat eaatem Oreroa steer, $2.2.1; light- and stcdlum steers, $2VO0; llaht mti. $1,110 2 00: storkers snd feeders, $2.2602.60; Rheep Wether. 8U8Ue: ail red ahaen. IUr Straight -ewe. StaHr: enrrnx lamb. 4T4Wc. , nine ,wq reel, imf to etlU BOUnoa. SaXhUC! rough besvy, 81334c. - SASTXEsT KOOS XIORZR.' Chicago, Oct. 4. Livestock receipts; . I Tloea. Cattle. ' Sheen Chicago , , ...w.l.i,.,2o.onn 23.0(10 6.000 naneaa tuyJ s.vno 13000 socio Oman $.000 $.800 ' 4.8(10 logs opened steady, be higher. Reeelnia Ver aro. were 1.1 mm. Prlceai Mired ks mi 8.75; good. $9 S04JS.TO; - rough, $4.0003.20; light. '86.nnriB.so. . cattle meady. Sheep Strong. (J . . ROSTOV COPTIB STOCKS. Boatnn. Oct, 4. OfHrlal copper cloae: Adventure $ .ne I Maae $ 11 no Atlantic 25 27t4l))enla ... inT.on 2B.no ... I.oo ... loe.nn ri .I2I4 A llouea ...... Bingham ns.sufci carrot 81.00 Phoenix . 100 124 Qtllncy .. SAn.no . Khannoa . 7200 Tamarack Cel. A Aria... Calumet . -. Copper Range, Centennial ., ISX Oil 27.76 ITrlnlt rrlnltv 23 nlted 84.no Paly West 14.00 V UL1X, Ornby 7.76 IWInona 1o.no ' flreena ...... H Tl,i Wolverine ... 2flT8 irtab ....'... 87 50 IT. S. Mlnng. UK. on Old Dominion. Mohawk .k... 4fl 78 87.25 22M Michigan .... I4.no 1 novel Taaa. Copper, 84.00 I North Butt.-.-. SS.2J r- YORTLAsTO RA2TK STATE hflaTT, Clearlna -.. , 1 . . .$P1 1 .MS.Orl BaUaese 116,462.30 4B .4114 . .4 a. : .42B 27 U .27 HN 271, .27B S- .B 2!4 .20A 14.80B 12. 80 A SUGAR 'REFIUING ISrSTROfJG In Company", WithZ Smelter Is- uee It Makes a; Good Ad- vance in New York: MONEY RATES RISE QUITE FAST TODAY Csnsdlsn- Psclflc, Xoulsville, Illinois CentrsI, St Psul snd Reiding Among Those That Show Decline in Value. ; ' IeOSSES.. . .... VILouliTlll ...... A Katy ..... MlMourt Padfte Amalgamated Atcbiaoa .... Colo. Kael ... St, Paul .... C. A N. W .. Cbeeaneaka . I Hi Norfolk Preaaed Steal Car.. Readln Hep. Steal, pfd ... Rock lalaod Rock 11 n pfd,.,. Tans, Coal . . ., Vnlo PaHAe ..... IT. S. Steal ........ V. S. Steal pfd ... U. 8, Uubber Canadlaa .... 14 Colo. South Colo. Soatb, Sd p. Denver Southera By "ootbera Pactfle .. e.riv, 4n pia u tlllnol Central I.. 1 AOyANCES. Sugar . Sualtar ... . TiiRaltl Oeovtr. pfd ....... Smelter, trtd ..... U Mexican Central .. . u Pacific Mall Tex A PaclA ... u Wsbssh. pfd 1 Erie , Kety. pfd Preaaed Steel, pfd.. Leather, pfd Waa tern I'nlon .... Wan StrMt Nw "York. Oct. 4 Honey rate were wild today end fluctuated aa high at 74 per coat. This caused s general break la the suck market- and moat of th Hat la lower. Sugar Hennlne aa well - imui, tmiiia bua wer an exception, b9tb proving quits strong, sugar was tba leader of the market and mad aa advsncs df polut. St. PSul wsa tba weak feature and cloaed with a lose of IH point. Csoadlaa Pacific fell of 14 points, while Loolanu lost IH of yasterdsy' value. Rssdlng was weak but active and loat IH polnta. - Steal atocka weaker and down. Official quotation by Over beck, Starr a Cooks company: : DESCRIPTION. Ansconds Mining Co... Auial. Copper - Co Atcblson. eom.-.r.".T..T do preferred Am. Car a Foundry, e do preferred...; Am. Sugar, eom....... Am. Smelt., com do preferred , 125 m boh 105 88 j 100 12S 1244 8C 104 H 87H 100 12JH bO", " SeH 104H boh 106 UN 4 1004 Bl 100 142 1414 128 14H4 Ml 4 12H 12W Baltimore a Ob.lo, com. do preferred..... Brooklyn Kapld Transit. 114 114H 174 4 1UH 113H "72 it 17$ tm lanaaiaa i-acinc, con Chi. a Alton, eoss.iv, -do n referred 174 W 87H C. a'O. W., com..... TS 214 21 4 214 1M4 214 IK14 Chi., Mil. a St. P.... 182. 1N8 V. m N. w com Chicsgo Terminal By... Chesapeake A Obi Colo. Fuel a Iron, com. Colo. Sou t hern,, com..., 217 217 2164 17 M4 4 2D 444 tuv. IT 69 47 204 444 17 6W 44 284 17 67 441 4 44 do second preferred . . . do ffrat nreteeeeH SBjiLsaH 24 Delaware A Hudwm..... Z1S 455 Del., I .ark. a Wee..... I. a B. O.. com 8641 854 85 4 H54 M4 404 ae - preferred. .1 snail ana. Erie. com. I 604 . 40 do second preferred... 7H TV 78 do flrat nreferred I mil! aitL aixt. 74 81 H Til 1 1 ' 1. ' ! ,iiie,ie unirai lNZta 1KZ. lSl 111 Loulavllla a Naebvlll.llU(,il.vNil.4U 1644 Met. St. By. ...Ill4ll274ll24ll2ft4 ..,.,,,. a rj ion 4 1 inn. I IW u Mexican Central By 1 24 2541 244 Minn.. St. P. a St. M.I1S8 188 138 do nreferred .1 I ltu4 Z4', 1M Mloonurt ParlfJc.'i lion lifwuilfwv; 1424 M. k. a T.. com I 84 8441 8.14 Sl4l 4 8.1 H do preferred. ... .....J ra4 Mi 4 crw lira vencrai. . . . Northern Parirte 1.M 4 1MHIt504llM)H 20h 211 204 210 Norfolk a Western, com do preferred Nortk Amerlcaa BB 'as" 65U 8H 864 Bl H PS N. T., Out. A West... Penneylvsnls Rv P. O.. L. A 0. Co 544 644 1444 140 145 Presed Steel Car, eom do preferred Paclflc Mall Steam. Co., Reading, - com ia-14 414 07 H 454 404 BOH WH4 454 4541 4 40 I244I124H 1224 1224 do 2d preferred....... do lat nrefereed 100 inn 004 m B8 93 . 25 06 44 81 874 100 Rep. Iron a Steel, com. , do preferred.: Rock leland. coat do nreferred. 3 844 B44 8444 So 4 874 244 244 P4 844 B4 534 804 Southern Ry., com , do preferred Son t hern Pacific do preferred St. L. a S. P., 2d pfd. do lat preferred St. L. a S. W., com... V Brwfpr pprf ...... no H7 serx 100 PB4 004 70 7nn 87 4 HBVUlBH 1111 110V Tl Tl 70 an 4 234 81 84 82 854 84 82 ftH 884 81. 85 (4I Teiss a Pacific Tesneeae Coal a Iron.. 8S m 88 St. u a W., com.. 684 L'nloa Paclflc. 184H 1844 !1SH do preferred..: 1.1.1 wt 1 pn 1 ps 124' 124l 1x4 C. 8. Leather, com do preferred , 0. S. Rnbber. com 124 105 1106 1104, 1o4 554 58 544 do nreferred 1124U12H !W4l 80 112 a 4 l64 27 404 U. S. Steel Co., rem.. 112 do nreferred 105V'in5H 1054 Wheel. A L. E.. com.. I7H 18 114 do 2d preferred do lat nreferred 27H 41 404 Wtamnaln CentrsI, com. do preferred . Western l'nloa Tel.... Wahaah. com 80 5P4 pan fit 214 424 2241 22 HI 48 do preferred. Total ealea for day, 828.100 ahare. Csll money cloaed T per cent. ., , tohopah immra stocxs. SB ' Francisco. Oct. 4.-Tononah ateeke et Bw-iai morning aeeetoa; Rid. , Bid. .$ .20 . .75 . .24 . .18 .4 . Montana $2,724 1.60 .40 . 1.40 . .81 Colombia Mt. Jumbo Jumbo Rvfea Rlark Butts Mldwsy ' :, MrNamara Belmont . , North Star silver Pick r -wr ........ . Oold MonnalsR' .op Reaeue .07 tlolden Anchor., Rar A O'Brien.. .Sd ,nd .84 -.22 .20 .na r. .in llm But - lOohle Tewoa. Nevada 18410. Bull Pro.... Ton. Ilteoeloa. B.doa InUmondfteld Red Ton .88 llxne Star .. ftoldfleht .1.., Bandatnrm , .. Sandstorm. Kx no. innimr ,BnAch Boy ..... .07 Itrllnae .04 Watlnnal Bank... .15 Inenrer .i .12 Ipilrer .19-' (Atlanta ., . 1 , Adam ...... Mohawk .... IX tie Kendall ., . . . SAB TXABCiaCO LOCAL BTOCKS. . San rnctace. Oct. 4. OfBclsl flo, morning Contra Coats Water .'......, Boring Taller Water ., Mutual Electric San Frsrle Gas A Electric Giant Powder ..-....(.'. Hawaiian Commercial ...... Honokea Sugar Hutchlneon Sugar ..... Maknwell Sugar . Onomea Sngar Panhn Suear Aliak Parker' Oceanic Stratnahlp .... Prd 5c Btatea Telephone California Wine-.....,. Psclflc Coaat Borax .... sax oorrti mam New Tork. Oct. 4. Coffee future cloaed aa. rhanaed to 10 point hitter. "' - Bid. Art I Bid. Aak. .$7 80 $7 85 . 7 85 T on livnarrrr- Sf X" vnUulT Pebrnary .. T.80- 7.85! Auanat . i Mrcb T.!8 T 4ni Hepiember T to T 46' October ... T 7t T.75 8 P5 t on T .nn t 05 A or II M.v , T 45 Jf .5nl Noremher . Jus TS9 f .401 Deceabte T.10 t.U Bid. Aak. 404 - fW 4 . 40 154 184 84 84 4 ,..... ... T8H 84S . .,, ....r.... 15H ' '.H'..'.'." 84H 854 y -4 "44 28 . 21'i 5P4 an 44 S ' C. Id 4 rr- 85 ..V..,.J62H ofllie . Situation; '-' t - Is what the wife do who prac tice econortiy, 'by buying the best food products at Port land'! Greatest Grocery. The best fobd ' products : are sold here at the same price you pay for inferior, shelf-worn gro ceries at some stores. People find they can. get better , va riety, better, fresher goods here for less money than anywhere else that's why we are . al ways busy. -Your'money back if you' don't think so. - Four deliveries daily north and south of Washington-' street. F. Dresser & Co. PORTLAND'S GREATEST GROCERY Seventh esnd WsshiriR-toa Sts. East Fifteenth and Broadway. Seaside, Oregon. - Elesnor Robson Tonight at M arqnam. Beg Inning tonight at the Msrqnsm Orsnd tba atrt, on Morrlaoa strcst eetwaea Sixth aad Seventh, the charming and International star. Elesnor Bobson. will begnt aa engagement of four nights snd two matinee. Tonight aad vary night tbla week larael ZangwIU'a aaturaJ eomadr. "Maralr Mary Ana." will be the offer ing, likewise at tb. matinee Saturday. Friday afternoon, - October a at 8 'rlork. Robert Browning' Ittersry drsm. "Is a, Balcony," Will be preeented. Seat a sea wow sslltag for the entire engagement. w : - Mbnv Eleanor . Robaoa fut cm mU proml nence br ber fin nerformtnc bl "Artaona." Pbs bl sa English gtrL having been born ra latnchlre 38 rear ago. Her mother kt Mra. Madge Carr Cooke, wh will be remembered by theatre-goer member of Miss Amelia Blngbsm's rompiny sad who Is playing the title role In "Mrs. Wlggs of th Cabbage rates this aeaaon. Ber grudaaother, too. wss ss sctress ones wsU known- oa the English stage "In Old Kentucky" Cominf. ; Th popular and always welcome drama of soutbsra life, "In Old Kentucky, - win as pre vented at tba Marquam Urand theatre ntt Monday, Tueaday and Wednesday Big tit, no lo ner B. 10- nd 11, with a awtlne Wdasdsy. Tb charm of tba play lie In It perpetual freabnee and vigor.- It heart tnteraat at aim Dl and direct. Ita scenle at tract Irene ansi not depend upon sny paastng Tad, sad Its amat thrllllna acene baa for Ita foondatlo tbat aaoat ttlrrlns wjaleat, tbs bsrss race. Ttiee la noth ing temporal or fading la tn wnow piay. tb sdrsnc aal of eeal will opes Beit Friday mofnmg at 10 clock. " Belasco Show Draws. "Th Charity Ball." which draw another large aadlence laat evening, baa undoubtedly added new la uee la to tn. company' reputation. Tbe ante bill will bSjbon all week. Beg mn tag Monday nett Whit Whittlesey will be ibs atork atar for eight weeks, supported by 1 Belssro company. - Empire Bill Draws. The plot aad atnry of "On th Brldg at Mid night." Kllmt and Oasolo's trhtmph of rngrna ity and play construction, art among th clever est and moat Interesting oa tb ataga. A bMsJ mother aeeka ber kidnaped eulld end meat wttb experience that would overwhelm anybody but urb s mother. Tb child 1 sa Important part that fumtahee much of tbs Interest. Tb play wae aa Instantaneous success In Chicago, where th scene r laid and th famous brldg M located. Tbla attrsctloa te playing to crowded bouare at tbs Empire theatre tbla week. A regular aa tine will bs gives Saturday. Next Week's Shows at Baker. Who smoagat tbs srmy of amawemeat lovers is sot heard of ths May Howard Blue Ira I eitravaganxa company? Mum Howard kss sl- wsys had s flrat -c la aa ahow with a sears or rs of pretty, fascinating girl, clever come dian and refined apeclaltiea. That seasoa sh present the beet show la bar career. Two extremely funny piece nr. produced, entitled Wll Fl Fl" and "Ths Bounder." Tbs Msy Howard eompeny will be tb attraction sett week at th. Baker theatre. atsrtlBaT wltk tb usual Sunday matinee. "Uncle Josh Perkins " In presenting th celebrated comedy dram. I'nrl Josh Perklne." to th amusement loving public It to unnecessary te make sn elaborate introduction. "Unci Josh rertlns' Is s plsy of psstorsl purity and lntenee Interest, mtrodae- lng 14 dletlnrt and tru rural character type. Th engagement In this city Is for on week. atartlng next Sunday matinee, at tba Empire theatre. ' Good Bill at the Stsr. I.a Mont's eockstoo ctrens, which bead a splendid bill at tb Stsr, ta making a decided hit wltb the audience. Tbs bird are well trained snd perform s timber of clever trick Tb Roysl trio bsvs food voices, fred Blltna does s gymnastic turn oa a ladder suspended In midair. Lottie Weet By mood, tb Irish oounteea, kt entertaining rs Bong ssd storfs. rranklla Confer Binge s new song and tb Suroxcop shows bitareethig plctnres. . The Grand's Show. ' - Tli re bounding Cordon, aerobe fa, srs th beadllnars at tb flrand thhi week, and tbev bav i novel ct wbtrh at filled with setloa Herbert, the mlnatrel monologlat, la another hit, snd Mabel Howard, was pnaaes on of th. purest voire aver beard ber la vaude ville, . provide one of th eeneatlrmo of tlte program. In every respect tb Uraad has sa attractive bill tble week. -Virginia of Virginia." Virginia of Virginia" la bronouocsd to be absolutely th. beat play that baa bees Dro- duced by th l yric itork rompany etne. lie In- uguratlon. Tb play la roraanr of tb civil war and has to do wltb the at rife bet ween the north snd south. Much heart tatereet b) at tached to th. romance, ss well ss sn abundance of refined comedy. Tb custom of Introducing apeclaltiea between th act to still followed at tb Lyric. . . . , Baker Crowded ' Again. The Sam never rompaay of musics! bur. leaquera la Sleeting wltb the enccess of prevtoua etlrerllnna of thl character alnrs hnrleeq.ia waa Inaugurated st ths.Bsker theatre. Un utht th theatre was unusually crowded, owln to the stormy we t her, wnk-h drove s nomhei of ths fslr . visitors to tbkt popular- plavhoue. Th Sam Ilever eompeny will be th attraction tn Baker all week. Including Saturday .Jerry Blmpeoa Dying. ' (Journal. Special Srrvlr. ) Wichita, Kap.. Oct. 4. The condition of eg-Congreaaman Jerry Slmoaon la critical. Ii waa brought-here yretsrdav AT THE THEATRES. ---r. , . - ' t from Roawell. New Mrklcn. and pieced in a hospital, whers it Is reported he-Is not expected to live, . , - , , ,-r- - r. v . --' -.. V " ' - -V.' ( Dr. W. Norton DavU. I ALL NERVOUS, PKIVAlt UlbtAbtb vr ftltN ' Through our wast exparienee ae epectallstg -ire are able to make a full ' and sarly cure In these troubles In the majority of Inataneea where the ordinary practitioner fall a to relieve, STOMACH. HEART. LIVER. KIDNTST, BLADDER, THROAT AND . NERVE TROUBLE- are Tery quickly, relieved and a permanant eur) mede In all ctirabla caaea. We frankly tell yoa If your caa ta tivaurmblaw we will bavt no person's money eaoept for beneflta yaeelved. . ; ; Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. i - . L-L , . t . mrm an ftaMeClaUon of mlnnt ph yic!an, Ttrinct luritoni t4 t ' ' ' sua las II aad as ala. a IW.. Jk 11 a k 1 1 h. i 4J rk dfHA 4l.a, yrmut.ti - wa.a. wuuue.u. vm K"" va as saB zoat aid They will accept no caa for treatment exoapt certain that they Caa efTsct a cure, nor will they make any eharsre in caee of failure. T Dr. W. Norton Cavle V Co. are undoubtedly the greatest author! tloa oa in the TTnited Statee. Thy are the founder of the only system of treat- ment which will cure spsrmatorrhoo. impotency and other forme of sax- X usi wsaknaaa. wim any aagtw or crUlnty. - Tbla la a eyetem 01 noma traatment whloh locally atlrpulaU th proetate gland. " A almllar method la now employed by nearly vry specialist of note la America. .-' Tn maAsoaT . why wssk men? are frequently not cured 1 because the troubla Is eora-f ? Heated -with "dleeaeee of th prostate gland " or with "urethral obatraoV Ion," Our. treatment cur where othere faiL . . ' .. Oa-reiirtm snae. made of raedloatsd "oocos, batter.-whlen dleeolvea peadlly at the temnara-' ture of th body. Thl easily paeaaa the smallest obatruotlon without pain. It heale the Inflammation end removes the congestion and ew4V T Ins. Tne remedy reeahea the wakned -samlnal ducta,H heeus them and T , stops unnatural d ralna. In moat caaea Internal medicine la reaulred also. . The "crayon" la only uad In eomplleatad caaea. The patient places It -without any trouble at night by ntaans of ''-''"-' which is made of hard rubber and la almllar to a pyrin gw. Thua, wttheut any trouble whatever, the heallnf procssa s-oea on while you aleep. Thla la also the meet Success ful method known of treating- 'Tie-" qnent and Painful Urination of Men.". . We nreeorlbe for each Individual case, train manr dlrfisrant formnlaa ria crayons. If you hava uad a almllar treatment, do not be dlacouragex ' 4 -befora you -have consulted ua : , at A pereonal Interview Is desirable, but if yoa cannot call, write na. X giving your ymptomi In full. T our norna-treatment-te eueeeeerui, even in compile fa caeee. - Btrlct-- x est confidence obaarvod. Plain envelop used in all corraspondsnce. In T tnicurt Dooi xor man sent rree. aacureiy eeaieo. Wl VAJaAJTTasXJ A OURS TJ RTSRT OACS WI VsTOXBTAXOi OB ..... ORAsai vo nn. -.. -. OORTBtn TATZOXT TMMX, , .'.'''- Ali eorreepondenoe la Sacredly confldentbaj. " '- " '. -.'' - O flics houra B a, ta. to S p, ra.- and 7 to 8. Sundays and Bolldaya. IS a, m. to II ra,- DR. V. NORTON DAVIS & CO. I Offlce. in Vaajaoy Hotel. BSH Third 8t Corner Pine. r Portland. Or. .' I fiVnDnBrifT atOTznOsTa, oorroan rtocbtsj arts ' Bona. 1B2 Third Street, McKay BuiMlna, Portland. Or. . " BO A TmiCTX.T Continuous Markets by Private Wire. - Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd 4 Tllton, bankers, and United States National Bank of Portland. Established 178. . 001 Miitnis odhci moans Tbaansads ta 1 Portia ad sad sB evsr th laatify t sag grt an aa Berth wast caa example sueeaae. . f . GONORRHCEA May be attended with the graveat sompnes. tlos If aeglected r Improperly treated. We have a perl fie treatment which aura sickly, safsly sd peJxdeasly. A SYPHILIS Is another seoulred dfseeee. ths rvgas t wblcb whs fully dteiopd so pea ess daserlbs. Whsa It Sbw by Bkla arupttos e by ore ka mU or tbrost Ita horrore r already bogus. Ws safaly aad tear, eaghly ear you aad ae mlssa-sl Bibuss srs saploysd. VaAJHCOCELE and HYDROCELE W treat and ear, not by th aid gargteal procedure, but by s aataleee method solely own. We llkewte will car yen and the suffering sasoetatad with Ramaa Debility, Lest btankeed, ImfOBSsey. Bpermatvrrbeea, Beetaraal Ematsleas, Bve. Blta leeailia, aa aa as einj, aaen AmbltUa In the bete feat time It caa bs doa aad ws I near ye s ssfs sad positive cur. CoAssltstloa and examination free. Write for symptom kUsk ssd book- If yoa eslt ' ' ' OfSes Boarat B a. sv B p. sx. Saa says, 10 U IS. ST. LOUIS Midlcat and Surgical DISPENSARY Oer. Sd aad TaaaklU gta, 7srtUa4. Os. BuHdlng- Trwranita. K. C. lioack. dwelling oa Kllllnseworth sveaas between UarBeld snd Mallory: l2bo. J. ft. Hewitt, bars ea Beat Waahlngtoa be twee a Eaat Twelfth aad Esst Thirteenth; Sftu. Prank Brown, dwelling sa Milton strsat la tk Uenrge Marsbsll tract; ". AeeoHated Oil company, pumphsa. la Alhlaa frontln tba . R. a N. track. SSnn. aad a wharf aad other., Improvement la th aa BM vicinity, Bi.siu; total. i.uu. A. L. Albertsna, dwelling oa DeFsaw aad rUk etreeta; gl.OOO. , A.- R. Trogen. dwelling ea Cllstoa aad Raat Sevestemtb atreet; BX4U0. ' Bnwir Peawsfba, -.sjf. Jack Ponseree. dwelling st IBS Fourth st: 40. - . Mrs. I,. Wards, dwelllns s. 4BT Colsmbls tlieet. Sag. 1 : : rrt Ooff Karkaia. Have. Oct. 4 Coffee fsturea advanrwd IS: Hamburg anchanged. HI receipts lA.nno begs, market firm, prlcaa IB higher; Baste BO.OUW hsgs, aarxti first. ; .. . . : " TsW Terk Citb 0ffM. Kw Vork. Oct. 4 th coffee: . Rs. T Rl, 8e( Ks. 4 Saatos, Btke. L ' i. BLOOD, SKIN AND j (sa tsu, wsMuutusu tu avr maaEi yrs, , i anrMxoAS sinini 01 .A OaVaTOaT y ' ... . f JJ . f AmiOATOR Ome-roarta kttatV . a db Anni'D -, 1.' Members Chicago Board of. Trade. -. .. ' . . - -... OOROCZS8ZOB ansnrsa m ocx. .. (Eeubllshed lift.) WIUT ABB aTTOtTC BBO: Boom 4, Oroud Ploor, CTasrsiBm or cicitsavOB. TTrTi OBOBBXOBA. OIBBT, BTrBBOOBlaB, TABXOOOBZJn, OOB, want every man afflicted - with ' tba above dleeaeee to honeatly lnvaajtrgate our apeclal eyetem of treatment.. We ln vite in particular all wbar have treated elsewhere without eucceea, . all whoea case hava been abandoned by f rally phyelclan and so-called . eaVBOXAaVe nxi BBTS)," all whoea troubles have beea . aggravated and made woree by the use of BRX.T. rasa BAarnaa, tbiax TaVBATxCRxTTR and so-called aVPalCJXr XOS. We will explaia to yow why such treatment haa failed ta cure you. and will demonstrate to your eatfre aatie- faction that we een cure yoa aafely, quickly, and permanently. ' Oar eounaal will eost nothing, and we will do by pen aa we would wish you to do by ua if our caaea were revereed. Write for eur home treatment if you cannot eaU, The DR. LI EBIG STAFF Booms S aad T, Wiaeaegrbea BsaM, Sd Bnxw, SHkrtlaad, Oa. - BetabUshed Xart. C. OEE VO The Great Chinese Doctor tr8 Aid SL, Tblrd. Has Moved T fh larss brlcB building si S B. sarsa et glrrt ad Mwrtsss sts, . - . , KatratBC UH rirst Strwst Sr. a wee Ws, tbe Ohrssss Dee, kt well ksowa sad fimoss tbiwabeat tb V. , A beea as hi woaderfut aad ervko aaea ka. keen heralded kens desst threat tml Iragtk aad breadth .f thla eosatry,). ' Bay sad sll dlaeaae wits- sowuvfHl f, a rowt. beeta. buds, bsrk snd eeseteBt t 1 - tie! snkawws to wed leal areaae M t 4 cauBtry. sad through tk ae ef tbe. Baa - ee -remedlr be grntee to ear catarrh, e - kaag trouble. rkamtlm. aerv4aa a, , It..., kidinr. fasxsa trsebepy s-a 3 - 1 41er.ee Tht af th fcalre. wltbont eeleg P- nwdreda of veetunoalaki en I Call ssd ae kta Cbrre m " ewBTriTATi,f 1 Patlests set ef Iba o v . ad circular. Inrbwe a Be W OhfaMse . St as 1 Is is per flSBSe BStlBl . , t